Natation Yannick Agnel comme un poisson dans l`eau à Mulhouse

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Happy Birthday …
12/01 Mark Pelz
12/01 Roger Tjaden
12/01 Carrie Roth
12/01 Valeri Blackburn
12/02 Mariah Petersen
12/03 Roxanne Howell
12/04 Vicki DeMott
12/05 Angie Nickelson
12/06 Averi Shipman
12/07 Marilyn Learmont
12/07 Emily McMillan
12/08 Trevor Stieben
12/08 Danny Dedrick
12/08 Jessica Frischenmeyer
12/08 Katie McCune
12/09 Sydney Shipman
12/10 Jacque Curtis
12/10 Jennifer Hervert
12/10 Mateo Gowdy
12/11 Joselyn Carpenter
12/12 Bruce Learmont
12/12 Susan Carlisle
12/13 Alvin Hoelscher
12/13 George Rudy
12/13 Brad Oliver
12/13 Deirdre Gerberding
12/14 Taylor McMillen
12/14 Adrian McCune
12/15 Joyce Utt
12/15 Justin McMillen
12/16 Tristan Howland
12/19 Heidi Jolliffe
12/20 Ardena Matlack
12/20 Woody Stitt
12/22 Norma Richardson
12/22 Carla Butterfield
12/22 Mindy Evans
12/23 Eric Shipman
12/23 Aiden Shipman
12/24 Kevin Tjaden
12/24 Kacie Stitt
12/26 Betty Rich
12/27 Pam Roberts
12/27 Brooke Helten
12/28 Angela Brown
12/28 Matt Freeman
12/29 Nathan Carlson
1st - 6:00 p.m. - Food Bank, FLC**
7:00 p.m. - Boy Scouts, FH*
2nd - 12:00 p m - Ministerial Alliance mtg
5:30 p.m. - Girl Scouts, FH **
3rd - 3:00 p m - Kids of the Kingdom, FH*
5:30 p m - Fellowship Meal, FH*
7:15 p m - Choir practice, #5*
5th - 5th Quarter, FLC
7th - 6:00 p.m. - Youth Group, FH*
8th - 3-4:30 p.m - Brownie Girl Scouts, FH**
14th - 10:45 a.m. - All Church Brunch, FLC
3/4:00 p.m. - Vespers
4:30 p.m. - Soup Supper
6:30 p.m. - Caroling Party
15th - GSPS Caroling, Manor/ Village
6:00 p.m. - Food Bank, FLC**
16th - GSPS Caroling, Manor/ Village
17th - GSPS4s Christmas Party/ Programs, FLC
6:15 p.m. - Kids of the Kingdom program
18th - GSPS3s Christmas Party/ Programs, FLC
18th-19th - Girl Scout Lock-In, FLC
19th-20th - Boy Scout Lock-In, FLC
19th-Jan 4th - No School, GSPS, KC
21st - Cookie Walk
Meetings canceled
24th - 7 p.m. - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
24th-25th - Offices closed for holiday
*recurring each week
**recurring every other week
12/31 Nella Altman
12/31 Cameron Snyder
Happy Anniversary …
12/18/1965 Mike & Shirlyn Vulgamore
12/22/1995 Eric & Monica Weigandt
12/26/1992 Gary & Gail Truax
12/30/1960 Jack & Carol Bates
12/30/1974 Gary & Pat Tripp
12/29 Addison Brown
12/30 Jordan Freed
12/30 Zoey Skiles