(Taraxacum syriacum Boiss.) D I S f Taraxacum syriacum o e v i h c r A * Email:[email protected] www.SID.ir (Taraxacum syriacum Boiss.) Taraxacum mongolicum Wei et al., 2008 T.syriacum Reeves and Baker, 2000; D I Taraxacum syriacum Boiss. Kramer, 2005 S f o e v i h A c r (Bohanno and Giudice, 2010) Moreno et al., 2000 Asteraceae Taraxacum Schutz et al., 2006 www.SID.ir Loading buffer Reynolds Hunt , 1990 et al., 2001 D I LA RGR RLAGR S f SPSS LWCA (One way Anova) P 0.05 o e LSD Excel v i h (RFW) c r (RGR) A Mn ULR SLA LMF Cd Fe Cu (RDW) (LA) Biotech (RLAGR) Phoienix986 (Bradford, 1976) RLAGR (SLA) rpm www.SID.ir (Taraxacum syriacum Boiss.) 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