ad en br Ro Gl oo k -wai u ku gi an ait W lls Fa R oa d Puk eow ar Cam t ree St d oa Ro ad al l e Av igh e l rn Fe ane tL gh i r B e s Co untry C Jam W a iuk u R o a d Mas ter s Kirk Street n oli Queen Str eet et d ay aS g vale R oa d ne La tream D r ive e l ac Gleami ng P r in a ro Aw W ns et tre Puk J e n ny Armstron g W ay Ki dd Hull Road u- o t Road oad Wa iuk R ku This map/plan is illustrative only and all information should be independently verified on site before taking any action.Copyright Auckland Council. Land Parcel Boundary information from LINZ (Crown Copyright Reserved). Whilst due care has been taken, Auckland Council gives no warranty as to the accuracy and completeness of any information on this map/plan and accepts no liability for any error, omission or use of the information. Height datum: Auckland 1946. Mis a tu Ko Towers Road St or ey R oa d a u a R oad Ce m et er y Ro ad Sp d oa a All ll S Ca m p be ne C m olo R bo Ro ad Ma g St re et ar tyn re St M Aven ue Kaiwaka Road La eti Dri ve rive lva le l lla aD V ill Victo ria e rg oa et Stre nce Fra Pacific Street d Be eo G Belgium Street l ue en le Grove Mellsop Av Va oa da Kent Street R ley Ke n e rov wa G ka Pl a c Ri pp d u Ra rive aD e rov rG e yR Roa d Karioitahi ll oo e an lliv su O’ ke ea Br ve ar n Co d oa Co w ing c Civic P la Court Street R ble a t s reet Co rn w ch e Me a i se R No rf en il Kitc h ener R oad d w Bo m Hamilton Drive Ma oa ts R gh Bri k ol Ha t Stree ve Dri R den How n T er ra ns O we eet enue n Av nu e Ro ad isto Warr Miro Place e Road View Kin g Str H Roa d l u b Lane ra d Pa to n e te r lay Pl ace rive Ma nda all D Lin a Pla c nd Place Rata Str eet iS t ve Mcc esp eare K a u ri Dri ve Ed ge wa Dri Riv e ta tR Sa nd spi e Ro ad iew Hyla ad e Ro Ba yv ive t Dr cours Race D riv ce Sha k Drive de ok et la ry P Cher oa d Wa itoa St re El s ie D rive ce r si Aw hit u ro Cre sce nt s H arbour Cre w Pla ce Pla Heron Da n ad Ro Sh an le y llb Mi oad oad gi Ran ce ae ar hia Re eR ea wh M O ad Ro eron R Proposed Draft Locally Approved Product Policy restrictions Unitary Plan Base Zone BUSINESS Health Centres 500m buffer LIGHT INDUSTRY Primary Schools 200m buffer Special Purpose RESIDENTIAL HEAVY INDUSTRY RURAL OPEN SPACE Waiuku Date: 8 October, 2014 COMMERCIAL Path: U:\CityWide\Geospatial\Information Services\Logit\C165746 Update of LAPP impact maps new buffers 8 Strategic Transport Corridor Ref Number: SD667580 (C165746) Published Name: Waiuku .pdf Intermediate & Secondary Schools 500m buffer CAU 2013 Deprivation Index Values 8-10 NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE 9 Road [i] 0 250 500 Scale: 1:15,000 @ A3 1,000 Metres MIXED USE 10 Auckland Council Boards Ro ad
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