Recharter Worksheet 2014 - Northern Ridge District

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2014 Northern Ridge District Recharter Checklist
Select your unit’s recharter person
Mark your calendar with November recharter days.
Log into Internet Advancement page to make sure you can (you’ll need ID
and Password which is included in the recharter packet)
Update your unit’s roster. – Leader email addresses are important.
Get leaders up to date on Youth Protection and Position Specific Training.
Start working on your REQUIRED Journey to Excellence (JTE) Score
 Contact your Chartering Organization Executive to get their
signature, the executive is the head of the organization (head
pastor, principle), not the Charter Org Rep for the unit.
Attend September 18th Roundtable
o Pick up recharter Packet and attend recharter/JTE training.
o Make recharter appointment with Julie Deaton – the unit will need to
select a recharter date and provide a contract person’s name and phone
number that will be attending recharter. Otherwise, each unit can email
Julie Deaton at [email protected]
October 15 or Before
o Finalize your roster and complete the Online Registration
o Get Charter Org Rep. Signature on the recharter packet
o Get your Unit Commissioner signature on JTE score sheet
November 1st or November 8th
o Attend recharter day and pay fees
November 1st Recharter location
o Rapid Learning Deployment, LLC 1775 Woodstock Road, Suite 300
Roswell, GA 30075. (1 mile west of the Super Target)
November 8th Recharter location
o Johns Creek United Methodist Church 11180 Medlock Bridge Road
Johns Creek, GA 30097. (Church entrance is on the left after you turn on
Bell Road from Medlock Bridge Road)
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NEW FOR 2014
All units will have to start the process from scratch if their recharter is not turned
and fully completed by November 19th 2014.
No incomplete recharter packets can be accepted. Units can reschedule an
appointment, if needed, before they leave recharter day.
Submit all new applications to Volunteer Service Center 1 week before logging
into internet advancement portal to see if the new people are on your list. Keep
copies of the receipt that the VCS give you when you turn in the applications. If
you do not see these people on your internet advancement list and have run out
of time for recharter – bring a copy of these applications and receipt to recharter
with you.
Online Rechartering report signed by the Chartering Organization Executive
3 signed blank checks to cover fees
Original Signed applications for any youth or adult being added on the first page
of the recharter package
Completed Journey to Excellence Scorecard
Leaders whose Current Youth Protection Training will expire before 12/31/2014
at the time of recharter will be DROPPED.
EVERY unit must submit a Journey To Excellence score sheet which needs your
Unit Commissioners signature.
If you lose your internet access code, contact your Unit Commissioner
The Internet recharter begins in October 1st and has an expiration date
Make an appointment with Unit Committee Chair, Charter Organization Executive
and Charter Organization Representative 1-2 weeks before you submit your
recharter paperwork to review the unit’s status and to get the necessary
Schedule a recharter appointment through Julie L Deaton
([email protected])
o Recharter Day is Sat November 1st and November 8th
o Rapid Learning Deployment, LLC 1775 Woodstock Road, Suite
300 Roswell, GA 30075. (1 mile west of the Super Target)
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Webelos Cross-overs to a Boy Scout troop should use the TRANSFER form
instead of registering them as new youth. Transfers are not processed at the
recharter event.
There is no fee for the Executive Officer (Institutional Head) but they need to be listed on
the recharter packet
Every unit sponsored by a given Charter Org should have the same Executive Officer
(IH) and the same Charter Org Rep (COR) for each unit
Charter Org Reps are the only leaders that can hold more than one position in a unit
o A COR can also be Committee Chair or a Committee Member but no other
Your unit needs a minimum of five paid youth
o If a Boy Scout in a Troop is also registering in a Venturing Crew, we suggest
getting him to pay in the Venture Crew and register as a Multiple in the Troop
Units other than Packs must have a minimum of five paid adults: Charter Org Rep (CR),
Unit Leader (SM, SK, EA or NL), Committee Chair (CC) and at least two Committee
Members (MC).
o Packs must have all of these, and at least one Den Leader (DL), one Tiger
Leader (TL), or one Webelos Leader (WL) if you have Webelos
Every adult application MUST HAVE the valid Social Security Number of the applicant
applying. Do NOT put in made up numbers – the application will be rejected
o If the SSN is not provided, it is the same as an unsigned application and the
entire unit’s charter will be held up
o If it comes back as invalid, it requires a huge time and amount of effort on the
part of you and the Council office to contact you and resolve it
Every Tiger Cub must have a Tiger Partner without exception
o Tiger Partners MUST provide a valid birthdate, no exceptions!
o Tiger Partners do not have to pay a fee unless they are also registering as a
member of the Pack leadership. If the Tiger partner agrees to become the Tiger
Leader or a member of your unit leadership, they must complete an Adult Leader
application, take youth protection training and pay the appropriate fees
Packs: remember to recharter your WebeIos – otherwise they can’t crossover to Boy
Geoff Barnes
Assistant Council Commissioner
Cell: (770) 329-7137
email: [email protected]
Donna Carr
AAC Program Center Manager
Office: (770) 956.5694
email: [email protected]
Wendy Nelson
Northern Ridge District Executive
Cell: (404) 376-8132
email: [email protected]