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Programme Overview
LSE and the EY Scholarship Programme
The following LSE Master’s programmes are included in the EY Scholarship programme. More information about the courses,
together with information on how to apply, can be found on the LSE website at
and the online graduate prospectus at
MSc International
Health Policy
(One year)
MSc Health, Population
and Society
(One year)
MSc International Health
Policy (Health Economics)
(One year)
This programme explores the
interrelations between population,
development and health. It allows
students to develop methodological
skills used in population studies
and gives them the chance to
examine health and population
interactions and policy implications
in considerable depth.
These two MSc degrees offer
complementary skills.
In the MSc International Health
Policy, students analyse current and
emerging health care problems
and the range of health policies
being developed to meet them
internationally. The programme
gives the opportunity to examine
important health policy issues
through the application of basic
health policy and economic
principles. The MSc in International
Health Policy (Health Economics)
allows students to concentrate on
options geared to health economics
analysis. The wide range of options
offered means that for both degrees
a mix of policy and quantitative skills
can be gained.
MSc Development
(One year)
This programme approaches
key comparative statics (ie, the
distribution of wealth and poverty
across countries) and comparative
dynamics (ie, development as
contingent processes over time)
of international development
through the economic, political and
sociological analysis of institutions.
MSc African Development
(One year)
The African Development programme
aims to provide students with a
high quality academic introduction
to the study of politics, economic
development and economic policy in
Africa. The course employs political
economy approaches to understand
the variegated national trajectories
of African states, regionalism and
localism in politics and economics,
and the political and economic forces
that shape Africa’s insertion into to the
global economy
MSc Development Studies
(One year)
This programme aims to provide
students with a high quality academic
training in development studies, using
contemporary theory in the social
sciences to understand the processes,
policy and practice of development.
MSc Accounting,
Organisations and
(One year)
This programme provides the
opportunity to study at the
interface between accounting,
organisations and institutions from
a rigorous interdisciplinary social
science perspective.
MSc Public Policy and
(One year)
Examining major issues in
understanding public administration
and policy, students can obtain
the MSc with a specialised stream
in Comparative Public Policy
and Administration or Public
Management. Students choose one
specialisation to be noted on their
degree certificates.
MSc Public Management
and Governance
(One year)
The study of public management and
governance is centrally concerned
with developing, delivering, and
evaluating public policy programmes.
Publicly governed organisations play
crucial roles in conducting each of
these processes. For this reason, it
is important to understand how
to develop and assess public policy
programmes as well as how to
devise means for publicly-governed
organisations to make their
contribution to programme outcomes
and impact.
Why LSE?
EY Scholarship Programme
LSE offers a unique opportunity to study the social sciences in a university institution with a
worldwide academic reputation, while enjoying the cultural, social and recreational facilities
of one of the world’s most dynamic capital cities.
The heart of London
The character of LSE is inseparable from
its location. Situated in the heart of central
London, the School is located in one
of the most cosmopolitan cities in the
world. Only a short distance from Europe’s
financial, legal and cultural centres, LSE
stands at the crossroads of international
debate, fundamental to our identity
as an outward looking institution with
an active involvement in UK and world
affairs. LSE is stimulating, cosmopolitan
and very much a part of the “real world”.
These qualities derive from the variety
of its staff and students, from its active
academic and political concerns, and from
the easy interchange of ideas between
the School and the world outside –
Government, Parliament, the business and
financial institutions of the City, the Law
Courts and media are all on the School’s
doorstep. Each year, influential outside
speakers (national and international
politicians, business leaders, industrialists
and civil servants) as well as leading
academics from all around the world visit
the School to participate in teaching, to
give public lectures and to pursue their
own research. LSE is compact and full to
the brim with students and staff – this
contributes to the vitality and friendliness
of the place.
The student community
Students who choose LSE are intent
on experiencing an active and varied
programme. The structure of our degrees
emphasises the need for self-study and
rigorous intellectual skills where an
individual student’s opinion matters. The
student community at LSE is one of the
most internationally diverse in the world,
with students from over 145 countries
living and studying on campus. This mix
encourages a truly global and international
approach to intellectual discovery and
academic life at LSE, which cannot be
matched elsewhere. The total student
population at LSE is around 9,250 full-time
and 900 part-time, 59 per cent of whom
are studying at graduate level.
Research quality
The Research Assessment Exercise (RAE)
is a UK-wide assessment of research
excellence at universities undertaken by
the Higher Education Funding Councils
every five to seven years. The most recent
RAE took place in 2008 and the results
confirmed LSE’s position as a world leading
research university, with the School
topping or coming close to the top of a
number of rankings for research excellence.
Individual subject areas at LSE also head
national tables of excellence. LSE comes
top nationally by grade point average
in Economics, Law, Social Policy and
European Studies, with Anthropology
coming second. More information
about the RAE and individual subject
areas can be found at
LSE and Africa
The LSE African Initiative, launched
in 2009, seeks to reinvigorate research
relevant to Africa, particularly in the social
sciences. LSE is strengthening its links with
African scholars and society in a spirit
of mutual exchange and commonality,
bringing African expertise to the fore
and enhancing its visibility (and voice) in
academic and global contexts, as well
as further enhancing LSE’s capacity to
engage and collaborate with institutions
on the continent. There are four strands to
the LSE African Initiative:
LSE is delighted to be working with EY, the Saïd Business School Oxford and the Cambridge Judge Business School,
University of Cambridge to offer the EY Scholarships for students from Angola.
• Research through visiting fellowships
for African Scholars and collaborative
research funding
The EY Scholarships are available for
candidates from Angola to study on
one of ten Master’s programmes at
LSE. EY Scholarships are available on an
annual basis. The graduate programmes
together with a brief description of the
content can be found overleaf.
• Providing and facilitating support for
the emerging generation of African
leaders through a bespoke leadership
programme and targeted scholarships
• Enhancing the global visibility
of African expertise through the
prestigious Africa Talks series, the
African Initiative seminar series and
the Africa at LSE blog
• Partnerships and consortia with
African universities aimed at
strengthening research and PhD
training in Africa
Candidates must be Angolan residents
and meet the minimum requirements
for entry onto the Master’s programmes
listed. These include an undergraduate
or a graduate degree, proficiency
in English and, in some cases, work
experience. Full course details together
with the admissions criteria can be
found on the LSE website at
Upon graduation scholars must return
home to Angola to contribute to the
development of their country.
How to apply
Candidates must apply to their chosen
Master’s programme using the LSE
application form which can be found
on the LSE website at
aspx. You should make sure you read
the application instructions carefully
so that you do not apply too late for
consideration. Applications to LSE open
in mid-October 2014 and we encourage
candidates to apply as early as possible.
If you receive an offer of a place on
your chosen programme at LSE, you
will be sent a link to an application
form for financial support. You
should complete this form to apply
for the EY Scholarship. Please note
that the selection process for the
EY Scholarships is competitive.
Find out more
You can find out more by visiting
the EY Scholarships website at or the LSE
website at
Teaching on all Master’s programmes
begins in late September 2015.
LSE has a long and rich historical relationship with Africa. LSE graduates were among leaders of
independence movements, the struggle against apartheid and the shaping of national policies. We are proud
that our alumni contribute today to African business, government and civil society. But we are also eager to renew
this relationship, to support outstanding African students and to contribute in new ways to African societies and our
shared future.”
Professor Craig Calhoun, Director and President of LSE