BORDEAUX EN PRIMEUR 2013 Bordeaux 2013: “It’s a war against nature” – Stephane Derenoncourt (Decanter) Bordeaux’s winemakers have waged an expensive battle against the weather to produce a 2013 vintage that is low in quantity but could be ready to drink in just a few years – Decanter 2013 looks to be Bordeaux’s most difficult vintage in quite sometime – James Molesworth (Wine Spectator) 01/04/2014 EP 2013 Offer List Bordeaux Region Duclot Bordeaux Collection Pauillac C* NM - RP JS DC - WS - S$ Qty (bots) JS DC WS S$ Qty (bots) C* NM RP Batailley 5th 89-91 88-91 Clerc Milon 5th 86-88 87-89 Duhart Milon 4th 88-90 85-87 - 84-86 Grand Puy Ducasse 5th 86-88 Grand Puy Lacoste 5th Haut Bages Liberal 5th Echo de Lynch Bages 88 Pauillac C* NM RP JS DC WS S$ Mouton Rothschild 1st 92-94 91-93 92-93 94 91-94 430.00 105.00 90 89-92 58.00 Pichon Baron 2nd 89-91 91-93 92-93 91 88-91 89-90 90 88-91 93.00 Pichon Lalande NEW 2nd 90-92 87-89 88-89 90+ 89-92 112.00 86-87 - 86-89 38.00 Pontet Canet 5th 89-91 90-92 92-93 92 89-92 118.00 89 87-90 Les Forts de Latour 2nd label 87-88 90-92 89-90 90+ 89-92 60.00 Le Petit Mouton 2nd label 90-92 87-88 86-88 91-92 87 86-89 38.50 Les haut Pontet Canet 2nd label 84-86 88-89 89 87-90 40.50 Reserve de La Comtesse NEW 2nd label 86-88 1st 91-93 87-89 92-93 94 89-92 580.00 Carruades de Lafite 2nd label 88-90 Lynch Bages 5th 89-91 86-88 91-92 90+ 89-92 97.00 88-90 St Julien Beychevelle St Julien C* NM RP JS DC WS S$ 4th 86-88 88-90 89-90 89 87-90 74.00 La Croix de Beaucaillou Qty (bots) C* NM RP - 88-90 87-88 4th 86-88 90-92 91-92 90 89-92 48.50 Leoville Lascases 2nd 92-94 89-92+ Ducru Beaucaillou NEW 2nd 92-94 89-91 91-92 93 90-93 127.00 Leoville Poyferre 2nd 90-92 90-92 - 84-86 87-88 88-89 89 87-90 38.50 Moulin Riche 2nd 86-88 85-88 88-89 89 88-91 65.00 Saint Pierre 4th 84-86 88-90 3rd 89-91 87-89 90-91 90 86-89 44.00 Talbot 4th 85-87 87-88 90-91 Clos Du Marquis 2nd label 87-89 87-88 3rd 87-89 87-89 2nd 89-91 90-92 St Estephe 90 86-89 55.00 91 90-93 83.00 St Estephe 128.00 JS 90-91 39.50 88-91 DC WS 90 88-91 S$ 94 91-94 153.00 91 89-92 74.50 C* NM - 84-86 RP 91-92 JS 90 84-87 53.00 87 86-89 51.00 90 87-90 53.00 DC WS S$ - 87-90 C* NM RP JS DC WS S$ Calon Segur 3rd 89-91 92-94 89-90 92 89-92 72.00 Cos D'Estournel 2nd 91-93 86-88 90-91 91 157.50 Les Pagodes de Cos - 78-80 87-88 88 ₋ 85-87 84-86 88 37.00 Lilian Ladouys ₋ 86-88 86-88 88-89 86 85-88 2nd 91-93 87-89 91-92 93 90-93 111.00 - 83-85 82-85 88 87-90 39.00 Dame de Montrose Lafon Rochet Les Ormes de Pez Margaux Boyd Cantenac 87-89 86-88 90 86-89 40.50 Montrose - 88-89 85-87 87-88 88 86-89 30.00 Phelan Segur C* NM RP JS DC WS 3rd 3rd Du Tertre 5th Durfort Vivens 2nd Ferriere 90 86-88 88-90 90-92 85-87 91-92 86-88 87-89 82-84 87-89 Giscours 3rd 88-90 Kirwan 3rd 90-92 87-88 Lascombes 2nd 84-86 90-93 C* NM RP - 90-92 90-93 St Emilion Angelus Le Crock 4th Brane Cantenac D'Issan Qty (bots) S$ Margaux C* NM RP Malescot St Exupery 3rd 88-90 89-91 1st 91-93 88-90 - 86-88 Qty (bots) 55.00 JS DC WS S$ 89 88-91 53.50 94 90-93 430.00 88 85-88 92-93 92 90-93 87-88 90 84-87 39.50 91-92 90+ 88-91 64.00 87-90 140.00 90 84-87 52.50 Margaux 84-87 51.00 Marquis De Terme 91-92 88 86-89 36.00 Palmer 3rd 90-92 88-89 90+ 79-82 39.50 Prieure Lichine 4th 87-89 87-88 86 85-88 34.00 Rauzan Segla 2nd 89-91 89-91 87-88 88-89 89 92 95-96 91 81-84 88-89 88 87-90 JS DC WS 90-91 89 85-88 48.50 Pavillon Rouge 2nd label 89-91 89-90 89 84-87 41.50 Pavillon Blanc 2nd label 89 88-91 70.00 Alter Ego de Palmer 2nd label 86-88 DC WS S$ JS 90+ 320.00 St Emilion C* NM 87-88 RP La Forge 94-95 290.00 70.00 S$ Ausone - 91-93 93-95 92 580.00 La Tour Figeac - - 90-92 86-88 86 88-91 31.00 La Gomerie ₋ Beausejour Becot - 89-91 91-93 89 89-92 56.00 La Mondotte - 91-93 92-94 90+ 90-93 Beausejour Duffau NEW - - 88-91 88.00 La Gaffeliere - 84-86 87-90 90+ 85-88 Bellevue - 89-89 85-87 89 88-91 Larcis Ducasse NEW - 91 89-92 Bellevue Mondotte - 91-93 92-94 88 88-91 Le Carre - 89-91 88-90 88 88-91 73.50 Canon - 90-92 87-88 90 86-89 Le Dome - 91-93 90-92 90+ 89-92 130.00 91-92 91-92 64.00 85+ - 88-91 91-92 194.00 58.00 Canon La Gaffeliere - 90-92 87-90 90 89-92 72.00 Le Petit Cheval - 84-86 84-86 88 87-90 185.00 Cheval Blanc - 91-93 89-91 92 91-94 580.00 Les Asteries - 89-91 87-89 90+ 88-91 110.00 84-86 86 37.00 Magdelaine - Clos Fourtet - 90-92 88-90 90+ 85.00 Magrez Fombrauge Croix de Labrie - 89-91 82-84 86 Figeac - 91-93 89-91 90-91 90+ 91-94 93.00 Moulin St Georges Fleur Cardinale - 89-91 89-91 89-90 86 88-91 42.00 Pavie - 91-93 92-94 91-92 93 Fleur Morange - Pavie-Decesse - 91-93 90-93 92-93 89 89-92 Fombrauge - 88-90 86-88 27.00 Pavie-Macquin NEW - 89-92 92-93 90+ 89-92 Grand Mayne ₋ 90-92 84-86 88 39.00 Rol Valentin - 86-88 - Teyssier - 85-87 84-86 85 86-89 19.00 88-90 - Troplong Mondot - 91-93 91-94 89 88-91 102.00 92-94 89 Vieux Chateau Mazerat - 90-92 90+ 89-92 113.00 Clos de L'Oratoire 87-89 L'Arrosse - La Confession - La Dominique ₋ 87-89 C* NM Haut Medoc Cantemerle Goulee Lalande de Pomerol Pomerol Clinet 82 90-91 JS 85 85-88 88-91 43.00 DC WS S$ 88 87-90 32.50 84-85 81-84 86 C* NM RP - 87-89 - La Fleur De Bouard Monbousquet 86-88 5th RP 90-93 JS JS Haut Medoc Qty (bots) La Tour Carnet Sociando Mallet DC WS S$ 86 86-89 30.00 C* NM RP DC WS S$ - 90-92 91-93 89 87-90 76.00 Lalande de Pomerol Qty (bots) - Pomerol Qty (bots) Le Fleur Petrus 86-88 89-91 91-92 - 88-90 87-88 85 84-86 RP JS DC WS S$ 85-87 89-90 87 86-89 34.00 89 87-90 35.00 C* C* 86-88 NM RP 89-91 92-94 NM ₋ RP 90-92 87-89 89 88-91 77.50 L'Eglise Clinet - 94-96 92-94 90-92 89 86-89 73.50 L'Evangile - 91-93 88-89 La Conseillante ₋ 90-92 89-91 90 88-91 111.00 Le Pin - 85-88 - 52.00 Petrus - 92-94 86-88 - 225.00 Petit Village 89-91 88-90 86 97.00 Trotanoy - 90-92 91-94 93-95 78-80 93 Vieux Chateau Certan - 92-94 87-88 C* NM RP Lafleur Graves/ Pessac-Leognan Branon Clarence du Haut Brion Clos Marsalette ₋ C* NM RP - 88-90 89-91 2nd 85-87 87-88 - 84-86 89-91 De Fieuzal JS 89-90 86-88 De Fieuzal Blanc - Domaine de Chevalier - 94-96 90-92 90-92 87-90 JS 90-91 DC WS S$ 88 87-90 93.00 DC WS 90+ 89-92 91 89-92 90+ 90-93 90-92 90-93 84-86 86-89 71.50 90-93 190.00 90-91 91 90-93 175.00 JS DC WS S$ 77.50 La Mission Haut Brion Blanc ₋ 90 88-91 97.00 Les Carmes Haut Brion ₋ 91-93 89 88-91 - 88-91 Malartic Lagraviere - 90-93 90-91 90 88-91 88 86-89 37.50 Malartic Lagraviere Blanc - 92-94 94-95 90 55.50 Pape Clement - 53.00 Pape Clement Blanc - Page 1 of 2 193.00 90 WS 88-91 Qty (bots) 158.00 91 88-91 90+ Qty (bots) 92 89-90 DC Qty (bots) S$ Qty (bots) - 85+ 89 91-92 Graves/ Pessac-Leognan JS 89-91 89-91 Latour a Pomerol 59.00 37.00 NM - - 143.00 85-87 - - 320.00 C* Clos L'eglise La Violette 48.50 88 88 Gazin La Croix St Georges 141.00 88-91 4th Le Plus de La Fleur de Buoard Qty (bots) 36.00 Barde Haut 90-92 Qty (bots) 188.00 89-90 88-90 Qty (bots) 51.00 90 Qty (bots) Qty (bots) - Lagrange Leoville Barton 88-91 90 - Gruaud Larose Langoa Barton 89-92 89 88 77-79 Branaire Ducru Gloria 90+ - Lafite Rothschild Haut Batailley 88-89 Qty (bots) 93-95 91-93 93 89-92 90 94-96 90 S$ Qty (bots) 928.00 42.00 67.50 88-91 97.00 171.00 10/1/2014 Domaine de Chevalier Blanc - Haut Bailly - 88-90 89-92 Haut Bergey ₋ 86-88 86-88 1st 89-91 - 91-93 90-92 94-96 88-89 Haut Bergey Blanc Haut Brion Haut Brion Blanc La Mission Haut Brion Sauternes / Barsac Climens 93-95+ 97-98 - 89-91 C* NM RP 1st 94-96 94-96 Coutet 1st 93-95 93-95 Doisy Daene 2nd 93-95 93-95 De Doisy Daene (37.5cl) Doisy Daene L'Extravagant (37.5cl) Doisy Vedrines 91-92 106.00 Petit Haut Lafitte - 90 92 89-92 76.50 Smith Haut Lafitte - 85+ 87-90 24.50 Smith Haut Lafitte Blanc ₋ Le Clarte de Haut Brion Le Clarte de Haut Brion Blanc 87 92-93 La Chapelle de La Mission 91-94 430.00 91-92 94 95 92 90-93 232.00 JS DC WS 87-88 S$ Lafaurie Peyraguey 88-89 89 - C* NM RP 92-94 92-94 JS 74.50 106.00 87-90 - 90-92 1st 89-92 58.00 116.00 DC WS S$ 90 94-97 68.00 Myrat - 89-90 88-90 51.00 Sigalas Rabaud - 92-94 92-94 89-90 90 90-93 Suduiraut 1st 93-95 93-95 92-93 91 92-95 82.00 Yquem 1st 95-97 95-97 DC WS S$ 85+ 86-89 91-93 91-93 90-91 92 39.00 Carmes de Rieussec (37.5cl) 86-88 86-88 85-86 89 90-93 28.00 Carmes de Rieussec 94 245.00 Clos Peyraguey Guiraud - 90-92 90-92 92-93 94 94-97 54.50 La Tour Blanche - 92-94 92-94 92-93 92 89-92 59.00 C* NM RP JS DC WS S$ 84 86-89 - 90 47.00 1st Domaine de I'A 95-96 2nd label 83-85 93-95 85-86 91 96-98 88-90 90 94 96-98 - 91-92 75.00 - Clos Les Lunelles 86-88 94 93-95 Filhot Others Sauternes / Barsac Qty (bots) 90-92 Others - 89 95 91-93 C* NM RP D'Aiguilhe - 87-89 87-89 La Vieille Cure - Qty (bots) Qty (bots) JS Qty (bots) 88-89 ^Kindly send us your request,consideration for allocation will be based on your total purchase request with other non 1st Growth items. *Terms and conditions do apply, pls call our RMs. Order Confirmation# Name & Signature: _______________________________ (Referral) Contact No: ____________ Email:__________________ Name & Signature: _______________________________ (Friend) Contact No: ____________ Email:__________________ Name & Signature: _______________________________ (Friend) Contact No: ____________ Email:__________________ # Your request sent is not an obligation to purchase. Once allocation and prices are released, we will contact you for confirmation of orders. We welcome referrals. If you are referring your friends to us, please tell them to state you as the referrer, we will offer you preferences and priority upon your request. Please email to [email protected] EP 2013 Terms & Conditions 1. All En Primeur prices are quoted in Singapore Dollars. Current GST will be imposed on invoice. 2. Minimum purchase of 6 bottles (750ml) of any single item. 3. The total minimum purchase for the entire order has to be 12 bottles (750ml) or 24 bottles (375ml). 4. The wines will be shipped up to 3 years later when the bottled wines are released. 5. All orders must be in written confirmation. 6. Final confirmation of order by receipt of full payment (100%) within 7 days of order. If order is not paid after 7 days, we will deem that you are not interested in the offer & the order will be cancelled. **7. Rebate of 2% on your total value of your purchase for cash or cheque payment only. Rebate amount will be credited to your account & be used to offset your next purchase with us. The Management reserves the right of no rebates shall apply for none settling of payment within 7 days from confirmation. 8. For delivery in Singapore, additional shipping cost, freight insurance & duty charges estimated at S$20 per 750ml will be invoiced to you at that time which will be subjected to prevailing GST. ***9. Complimentary XII Deg Storage for accumulated En Primeur 2013 are as follows: i. S$7,000 and above - 3 years, ii. S$15,000 and above - 4 years, iii. S$25,000 and above - 5 years 10. Free Storage of 12 bottles (OWC) of 750ml bottle or 24 bottles (OWC) of 375ml bottle. Storing of loose bottles is subject to approval. 11. All wines must be withdrawn from our cellars by 30th June 2019 (3 years), 30th June 2020 (4 years), 30th June 2021 (5 years), otherwise storage charges will be levied on each case at the prevailing rate at that time. 12. No partial withdrawal of wines is allowed. Page 2 of 2 10/1/2014
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