Law Extension Committee - The University of Sydney

Law Extension Committee
The Director of the Law Extension Committee is responsible for the Committee's program. The Director since
August 1997, Mr Frank Astill holds Masters Degrees in Education and in Law and has a Diploma in Education. He
has practised at the NSW Bar and was a university lecturer.
The Law Extension Committee program is managed from its office in the St James Campus, Level 6, 175 Phillip St.,
Sydney (the "OLD" Law School).
The Law Extension Committee engages lecturers from both
the legal profession and academia, seeking to provide
a distinctive combination of professional experience,
knowledge and teaching skills.
Lecturers for the Summer 2014-15 Session include:
Mr RL Anderson, LLB(Syd), LLM(Lond)
Dr CJ Birch, SC, BA, LLB, PhD(Syd)
Prof SK Blay, LLB(Hons)(Ghana), LLM(ANU), PhD(Tas)
Mr AT Britt, BSc, LLB(Hons)(Syd)
Mr J.E.F. Brown, LLB(UWS), M.AppLaw(UWS)
Mrs S Carter, BA(Hons), LLB(Hons)(Syd), ATCL
Mr C Castrission, LLB(Hons), BA(UTS), GradCertLegPrac(UTS)
Ms TM Catanzariti, BEc, LLB (Hons) (Syd), LLM (Merit) Lon
Ms S Chrysanthou, B.Communications, LLB (Hons)(UTS),
Ms A Cotter-Moroz, LLB(Hons)(UTS) GradDip(LegPrac)(UTS) MEd(Adult)(UTS)
Mr F Esparraga, BJuris LLB (UNSW), LLM (Syd)
Mr M Gibian, BA(Hons) LLB(Hons) (Syd)
Mr R Gowenlock, LLB(Syd)
Mrs B Gray, BA, LLM(Syd)
Mr WA Henningham, PSM, LLB(Syd)
Mrs K Jolley, B.Comm(UNSW), LLB(Hons)(ANU), DipLang(Latin) Syd
Ms M.A. Kumar, BA, LLB(Syd)
Mr JS Mendel, BCom(UNSW), LLB(UTS)
Ms M Noonan, LLB(Syd), DipSIA
Mr AJ O'Brien, BEc, LLM(Syd), CA
Prof Elisabeth Peden, BA(Hons)(Syd), LLB(Hons)(Syd), PhD(Camb)
Mr L Pierotti, BA, LLB(Macq) , LLM(Syd)
Dr P Quadrio, BA(Hons), PhD(Syd)
Prof P Radan, BA, LLB, PhD(Syd), DipEd(SCAE)
Mr D. Ross LLB(Syd)
Mr DJ Russell SC BA, LLB(Syd)
Mr G Sarginson, BA, LLB, LLM (Syd)
Ms Helen Saunders, LLB(Hons)(Syd), BA(SCU)
Mr M Sindone, BSc(Syd), LLM(UTS)
Prof C Stewart, BEc, LLB(Hons)(Macq) GradDipJur(Syd) PhD(Syd)
Prof A Stuhmcke, BA, LLB(Hons)(Macq), LLM(Hons)(Syd), MJuris(Hons) (Syd)
Prof Greg Tolhurst, DipLaw(SAB), LLM(Syd), PhD(UNSW)
Mrs B Twomey, BA (UQ), M.Qual(equiv.Hons)(Macq.), BD(Syd)
Ms C Williamson, BA, LLB(Syd), LLM(UNSW)
Mr G Young, BEc LLB(Syd)
Mr M Zammit, BEc(Hons)(Newc), BA, LLB(Macq)
Diploma in Law