8/20/2014 Effective Myopia Control in Clinical Practice…2014 Myopia Control in Children “Is there anything that can be done to control my child’s increasing myopia??? Disclosures Patrick Caroline FAAO Consultant for Contamac UK Prevalence of Myopia and High Myopia in 5,060 Chinese University Students in Shanghai Jing Sun, Jibo Zhou, Peiquan Zhao et.al. Investigative Ophthalmology November 2012 • • • • Increased Prevalence of Myopia in the US Between 1971-1972 and 1999 -2004 Susan Vitale PhD, Robert Sperduto MD, Frederick Ferris MD Archives of Ophthalmology Vol. 127 No. 12 December 2009 Ages 12 -54 1971 1972 1971-1972 25.0% Myopic 1999 2004 1999-2004 41.6% Myopic Eddie Chow OD Private Practice Toronto Canada -4 12 D Mean spherical equivalent refraction -4.12 D. 95.5 % were myopic 19.5 % were highly myopic (> -6.00 D.) Only 3.3 % were emmetropic For Centuries Scientists and Clinicians have Debated the Question of Whether Myopia is: • Genetic, (Nature) - Ethnicity - Family inheritance • Environment, (Nurture) - Molded by visual experience. In 30 years a 17% increase in myopia 1 8/20/2014 European Descent 1. Orinda Longitudinal Study of Myopia 2. Sydney Myopia Study Asian Descent 3. Singapore Study on Myopia Our Kid’s Today Possible Mechanisms 1. Less accommodative demands in outdoor environments. Children who spend more time outdoors are less likely to become myopic. Myopia or hyperopia can be induced in chicks and reversed by manipulation of the chromaticity of ambient light WS Foulds, VA Barathi, CD Luu Singapore Eye Research, IOVS January 2014 2. Pupil constriction in brighter g resulting g in greater g depth light of focus. • Baby chicks were raised in red light (90% red and 10% yellow/green) and in blue light (85% blue 15% green). 3. Direct light exposure may releases retinal transmitters Dopamine Vitamin D which may inhibit eye growth. • Red light induced -2.83 D. +- 0.25 D. • Blue light induced +4.55 D. +- 0.21 D. Blue Green and Red • Exposure time was 12 hour on-off cycle for 28 days. • The refractive changes were axial, confirmed by ultrasound biometry. • The induced myopia was reversed to hyperopia with blue light exposure (+2.50 D.) and the hyperopia was reversed to myopia with red light exposure (-1.23 D.) Study Conclusions The results suggest that the protective effects of outdoor light against myopia in children are due to exposure to the higher light levels in outdoor environments approx 50,000 lux This raises the possibility that substantial th therapeutic ti b benefits fit could ld potentially t ti ll be b achieved hi d by b manipulating indoor lighting levels that are usually approx. 250 lux John Ott 1909 – 2000 Landmark work in the 1950’s with time lapsed photography Father of Full Spectrum Lighting 2 8/20/2014 Myopia Control… What is Meaningful Myopia Control? The Search for the Holy Grail A child at age 7 is diagnosed with -1.00 D. which progresses -0.75 D. per year for 8 years. • Bifocal Lenses Relaxation of accommodation • 0.75 D. Undercorrection Relaxation of accommodation • Rigid Ri id Contact C t t Lenses L Improving retinal imagery ??? • Pharmacologic Intervention Target specific anatomic structures of the eye • Optical Intervention Peripheral refractive error Predicted Reduction of High Myopia for Various Degreess of Myopia Control. Noel A. Brennan OD PhD. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye BCLA Abstracts 2012 High myopia > -5.00 D. is associated with increased risk of: choroidal neovascularization, glaucoma, cataract and retinal detachment. Proportion of people who would avoid becoming high myopes with varying degrees of successful myopia control. Reducing the rate of myopia progression 33% 50% Reduction in the frequency of high myopia 73% 90% The Optics of Myopia Control If Myopia Progression Is Slowed By Final Myopia Would Be 0% -7.00 D. 50% -3.62 D. 100% -1.00 D. Most eye care practitioner consider a 50% reduction in myopia a “Myopia Control” effect Walline 2012 Myopia Control… The Search for the Holy Grail • Bifocal Lenses Relaxation of accommodation • 0.75 D. Undercorrection Relaxation of accommodation • Rigid Ri id Contact C t t Lenses L Improving retinal imagery ??? • Pharmacologic Intervention Target specific anatomic structures of the eye • Optical Intervention OK & MF SCL’s Peripheral Optics +18 -19 -7 +81 +50 What Regulates Eye Growth??? 1. Emmetropization Studies 2. Form Deprivation Myopia Studies 3 Lens Compensation 3. Studies 4. Reduction Experiments 5. Local Retinal Mechanism Studies 3 8/20/2014 What Regulates Eye Growth??? • In all species, (including humans) the two eyes typically grow in a highly coordinated manner towards the ideal optical p state, a process called “Emmetropization” Fundamental Across All Species Rodents Primates Cats Rabbits Marsupials Birds Fish • The process is regulated by visual feedback. Survival of the Species Emmetropization in Infants Earl Smith Chronic Image Degradation Causes Myopia Wiesel & Raviola 1977 Chronic Image Degradation Causes Myopia Wiesel & Raviola 1977 Monocularly lid-sutured Monkey Conditions that prevent the formation of a clear retinal image cause the eye to grow abnormally long and become myopic myopic. Monocularly lid-sutured Monkey Form-Deprivation Myopia Earl Smith The potential for a clear retinal image is essential for normal refractive development. 4 8/20/2014 Form Deprivation Myopia If an eye that has fromdeprivation myopia is corrected with spectacle lenses no recovery takes place. Conclusions, Smith et.al. #1 A functioning fovea is not essential for normal axial development. However, if the eye is allowed unrestricted (uncorrected) vision, the eye will recover through a: visual feedback mechanism. An Intact Fovea Is Not Essential for Normal Axial Eye Growth Conclusions Smith et.al. #2 An intact periphery is essential for normal axial development. Smith et. al. Univ of Houston Hemiretinal Form Deprivation: Evidence for Local Control of Eye Growth and Refractive Development in Infant Monkeys Earl L. Smith et al. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Vol50 No. 11 November 2009 Peripheral retinal receptors take in visual information and provide the signal for the eye to grow (or to stop growing) in a regionally selective fashion. Study Eye Study Eye Control Eye Control Eye The vision-dependent mechanisms that regulate eye growth are located IN THE EYE. 5 8/20/2014 Retinal Area and Neurons at the Fovea vs 30 deg. Peripheral Hyperopia Thus, if there is spatial summation of signals from the myopic center and the hyperopic periphery, the peripheral signal will dominate the eye growth. Myopia Control Studies with Ortho-K Epithelium = 50 microns Average +49% Rule #1, the Optics of OK Rule #1 The foval treatment zone in OK is approximately 1.5 to 2.5 mm in diameter. 6.0 mm 6 8/20/2014 Post -4.75 LASIK -4.75 D -4.75 D. 5.0 mm Pupil Post OK -5.00 D. -5.00 D 5.0 mm Pupil LASIK 5.0 mm Pupil Rule #2, the Optics of OK The amount of peripheral plus power at 5.0 mm, is equal to the central minus power corrected. -4.75 D.. Ortho-K 5.0 mm Pupil -5.00 D. 7 8/20/2014 Rule #2 -2.75 D. Correction 5.0 mm Pupil +2 50 +2.50. 2 75 D. -2.75 5.0 mm Pupil +3 00 +3.00 -5.75 D. Correction +2 50 +2.50. 2 75 D. -2.75 -8.75 D. Correction +8.62 +6.00 6 00 -5.75 D.. +3 00 +3.00 -8.75 D. +8.75 +6.25 6 25 Pupil Size and Myopia Control How Hyperopic is the Peripheral Retina at 30 Degrees ??? +1.00 D., +2.00 D., +3.00 D. or +4.00 D. +6.00 D. @ 6.0 mm. +3.00 D. @ 4.0 mm -5.00 D. 8 8/20/2014 Do Peripheral Refraction and Aberration Profiles Vary with the Type of Myopia? The Journal of Optometry 2009 • • • Ravi Bakaraju, Klaus Ehrmann, Eric Papas, Arthur Ho Vision Cooperative Research Center, Sydney Australia -2 2.00 00 D D. Average difference between the foval refraction and that 30 degrees away was between Traditional 5 Curve OK Lens Design N = 165 Aspheric 6 Curve OK Lens Design N = 129 Historical Control CLEERE Study 2007 Traditional 5 Curve Design -4 4.00 00 D D. -6.00 D. Chow 5 Year OK Axial Length Study Aspheric 6 Curve OK Design +1.00 D. and +1.50 D. Five Year, CLEERE Study, Axial Length Data Refractive Errors Age 9 to 14 Traditional 4-5 Curve Design 76 um 5um Chow Study 5 Year Axial Length Data Image Shell Traditional 5 Curve OK Lens Design N = 165 Five Year Axial Length C Change From Baseline (mm m) 1.8 Myopic Asian Children 1.6 +1.00 D 1.4 Other Myopic Children 1.2 -1.00 D. 1.0 .8 .6 +1.00 D. .4 .2 .0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Baseline Spherical Equivalent (D Rounded) -6+ 9 8/20/2014 Myopia Control 6 Curve Design +5.00 D -5.00 D. +5.00 D. 106 um 10 um Chow Study 5 Year Axial Length Data Change From Five Year Axial Length C m) Baseline (mm 1.6 1.4 Myopic Children Asian and Non-Asian Children 1.2 1.0 .8 Asian Emmetropic Children .6 Non-Asian Emmertopic Children .4 .2 .0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Baseline Spherical Equivalent (D Rounded) Kakita et al 2011 1.8 Five Year Axial Length Ch hange From Baseline (mm) Aspheric 6 Curve OK Lens Design N = 129 1.6 Lens Design and Myopia Control 1.4 1.2 1.0 .8 .6 .4 .2 .0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6+ Baseline Spherical Equivalent (D Rounded) Blur Circle and Myopia Control The size of the blur circle increases with the distance of the image from the retina. Lower the Myopia Correction, Greater Axial Eye Growth Higher g the Myopia y p Correction, Less Axial Eye Growth Therefore, if there is spatial summation of signals from the myopic center and the hyperopic periphery, the peripheral signal will dominate the eye growth. 10 8/20/2014 Graded Competing Regional Myopic and Hyperopic Defocus Produces Summated Emmetropization Set Points in Chicks Dennis Y. Tse and Chi-ho To IOVS 2011 Center for Myopia Research, School of Optometry, Hong Kong Polytechnic University Investigated g the axial response of the eye when a specific proportion of the retina was exposed to myopic defocus while the remainder was exposed to (competing) hyperopic defocus. “As the proportion of retinal area receiving myopic defocus increased…the degree of myopic eye growth will be reduced”. RESULTS: Correction -8.90 D -2.40 D +1.60 D +5.90 D +7 60 D +7.60 +10.40 D Ratio 0/100 25/75 33/67 40/60 50/50 100/0 VCD +592 +230 -105 -253 447 -447 -515 Myopic Defocus Hyperopic Defocus Effects of Traditional Spectacle Lenses on Peripheral Refraction Tabernero et.al Vision Research (49.) 2009 Traditional Spectacle Lenses If lenses were being developed to INCREASE myopia progression...would we ever prescribe those lenses? Center Distance Multifocal Soft Lens Designs Cooper Vision Cooper Vision Vistakon Acuvue Oasys for Presbyopia Design: CD (Center Distance) DK 103 Base Curve: 8.4 mm Powers: +6.00 to -9.00 D Diameter: 14.3 mm Adds: +0.75 to +2.50 in 0.50 D. steps The design, design incorporates 5 concentric rings with alternating distance and near powers zones. Pete Kollbaum 11 8/20/2014 Center Distance Multifocal Soft Lens Designs Cooper Vision Cooper Vision Vistakon John Phillips OD PhD New Zealand MiSight Manufactured by Cooper Vision Distributed in Hong Kong, China Pete Kollbaum Walline 2011 Dual Focus Design Cooper Vision Multifocal “D” Lens • • • • Children 8-11 (-0.75 to -4.00 D.) Historic controls (ACHIEVE Study) Proclear Multifocal “D” lens +2.00 D. add 2 year results 49% myopia reduction 40% reduction in axial length D NDN Center Distance Multifocal Lens Design Cooper Vision Cooper Vision Cooper Vision PROCLEAR MF XR Vistakon Design: Base Curve: Powers: Diameter: Adds: CD (Center Distance) 6 pack 8.7 and 8.4 mm +20.00 to -20.00 D 14.4 mm +1.00 to +4.00 in 0.50 D. steps 12 8/20/2014 Distance Power -3.00 D. +3.00 Add 43.75 43.75 40.75 Patient History and Myopia Control When??? Ages 7 to 12 • Age of the patient – early (genetic) faster progression more sever – late onset (acquired) slower progression less sever • Amount of myopia example 7 y/o – +1.00, Plano, -1.00 • Family y history y – mom and dad • Environment history – Outdoor exposure per day • Contact lenses – Patient and parent physically & psychologically • Practitioner – Training and expertise with the various modalities Today!!! Myopia Control Peripheral Defocus Theory “Is there anything that can be done to control my child’s increasing myopia??? Image Shell Image Shell 13 8/20/2014 Myopia Control The Future 14
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