Released: October 09, 2014
July 17, 2014
Web Conference
Folsom, California
Duke Luu, Acting Chairperson of the Transmission Maintenance Coordination Committee (TMCC),
called the web conference to order at approximately 9:30 a.m.
The following TMCC members attended via web conference:
Tibor Foki (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 47 (IBEW 47))
David Hahn (Western Area Power Administration (WAPA))
Duke Luu (California Independent System Operator Corporation (ISO)) – Acting Chairperson
Katie Speirs (San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E))
Raymond Fugere (Southern California Edison (SCE))
Jamie Patterson (California Energy Commission (CEC))
Jack Vranish (PacifiCorp)
Ryan Yamamoto (California Public Utility Commission (CPUC))
Steven Powell (Trans Bay Cable, LLC (TBC))
David Haerle (Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP))
Landis Marttila (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 1245 (IBEW 1245))
James Andresen (Valley Electric Association (VEA))
The following TMCC members were not on the web conference:
Tom Wright (Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E))
Steve Rutty (ISO)
Jorge Somoano (City of Burbank Water & Power (BWP))
The following members of the public were in attendance via web conference:
Scott Vaughan (ISO)
Mike Wuethrich (SCE)
Kristin Mettke (VEA)
Jeff Evans (ISO)
Adam Mikulski (Bonneville Power Administration (BPA))
Ron Gonzales (SCE)
Note: These minutes are a draft and may be revised prior to being adopted by the TMCC as the final minutes.
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Released: October 09, 2014
The following agenda items were addressed:
Opening Comments:
Decision on 04/17/14 General Session Minutes:
The April 17, 2014 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved with no objections noted.
Share recent experiences involving NERC Reliability Standards and compliance
Steven Powell (TBC) led a discussion on the recent FERC and NERC initiative to address physical
security at substations that are deemed critical, specifically related to CIP-014. See discussion on
Critical Infrastructure Protection below.
Briefing on General Orders 165 and 174:
Ryan Yamamoto (CPUC) indicated that the CPUC would be auditing the Imperial Irrigation District
and Bear Valley Electric in the fall. In addition, the CPUC will be reviewing SDG&E’s transmission
division for compliance in August.
Mr. Yamamoto led a discussion on the California State Senate Bill 699. The bill will define
procedures and policies to address security threats to the distribution system of electrical
Discussion on Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP):
Steve Powell, opened a discussion on the NERC CIP-014, physical substation security. Mr. Powell
noted that TBC was concerned about the implementation and third party validation identified in the
standard. He was also interested in hearing how other organizations represented at the TMCC
were implementing the standard.
Jack Vranish (PacifiCorp) noted that planning staff within his organization were evaluating their
facilities in an effort to determine which substations would be affected. He voiced concern over the
lack of a defined methodology for determining specific substation applicability.
Minor Updates to the ISO Procedure 2- Outage Data File Format:
Duke Luu (ISO) led a review of the proposed changes to the ISO’s Maintenance Procedure 2 which
will align the procedure with the recently approved availability methodology. Tibor Foki (IBEW 47),
in reference to section 2.3.4, asked whether all Participating Transmission Owners utilize standard
transmission line identification and numbering scheme. Mr. Luu indicated that they did not. The
Note: These minutes are a draft and may be revised prior to being adopted by the TMCC as the final minutes. Page 2 of 4
Released: October 09, 2014
remaining changes were reviewed and the changes to the new procedure were approved by the
group with no objections noted.
Briefing on major grid events:
New member approvals for the TMCC:
SDG&E Manager of Substation Operations and Maintenance, Katie Speirs, was nominated by
SDG&E to replace their current voting member, Cory Mitsui, on the TMCC for the remainder of his
3 year term that expires on March 31, 2015. SCE Manager of Transmission and Substation
FERC/CAISO Compliance, Ray Fugere, was nominated by SCE to replace their current voting
member, Mike Palusso, on the TMCC for the remainder of his 3 year term that expires on March
31, 2017.The TMCC Acting Chair introduced the candidates stating their qualifications to be
considered for nomination. Ms. Katie Speirs and Raymond Fugere were approved as new
members of the TMCC with no objections noted.
Open discussion items:
Duke Luu asked the committee if a web conference meeting was preferable to meeting face to
face. The consensus from the TMCC was that web conference meetings would preferable when
the proposed meeting agenda is not large.
Mr. Scott Vaughan (ISO) asked the committee if the new definition of the Bulk Electric System
(BES) had significantly impacted any of the TMCC member organizations. Mr. David Hahn
(WAPA) reported that the data entry requirements for the new BES database were somewhat
New Business Issues and Future Agenda Items:
The next regular quarterly TMCC meeting at the ISO Headquarters on 250 Outcropping Way in
Folsom, California is scheduled for October 17, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Discussion on CIP and a review of the NOPR for CIP-014.
Share recent experiences involving NERC Reliability Standards and compliance processing
Briefing on General Orders 165 and 174
CAISO to provide a presentation on the new Energy Imbalance Market
ISO will draft the minutes for this meeting and post as a document for the October 17, 2014
TMCC meeting;
Note: These minutes are a draft and may be revised prior to being adopted by the TMCC as the final minutes. Page 3 of 4
Released: October 09, 2014
ISO will post the minutes approved for the April 17, 2014 TMCC meeting on the ISO
Web conference was adjourned with no objections noted.
Note: These minutes are a draft and may be revised prior to being adopted by the TMCC as the final minutes. Page 4 of 4