Canadian Hospital Specialties Ltd. Anesthesia Catalogue 2014 Canadian Hospital Specialties Ltd. 2810 Coventry Rd., Oakville, ON L6H 6R1, Ph: 905‐825‐9300, Fax: 905‐825‐9600, [email protected] CHS Anesthesia Product Catalogue 2014 Contents Anesthesia ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Airway Management .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Airway Monitoring Lines ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 ETCO2 Sampling ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Intubation Scope ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Laryngeal Mask ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Mucosal Atomization Drug Devices ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Specialty (Microcuff) Endotracheal Tubes ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Video Laryngoscope ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Fluid Administration Sets .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Anesthesia Extension Sets .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5 PCA Pump Sets ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Miscellaneous Anesthesia Products .................................................................................................................................... 5 ET / Trach Tube Pressure Monitor / Inflation Devices .................................................................................................................................... 5 Miscellaneous Anesthesia Kits & Tray Products ............................................................................................................................................. 5 Trach Tube Fasteners ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Pain Management .............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Combined Epidural & Spinal Needle Sets ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Epidural Catheters & Sets ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Epidural Kits & Trays ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Epidural Needles............................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 LOR Syringes ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Miscellaneous Needles, Epidural Catheters, LOR's ......................................................................................................................................... 9 Peripheral Nerve Block ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Specialty Needles ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Spinal Kits & Trays ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Spinal Needles .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Page 2 of 19 CHS Anesthesia Product Catalogue 2014 Vendor ProductDescription Case Qty UOM Anesthesia AirwayManagement AirwayMonitoringLines 50 CA ProductCode 12‐1040 032‐10‐123U 032‐10‐124U 032‐10‐125AU 032‐10‐125U 032‐10‐126AU 032‐10‐126U 032‐10‐127U 032‐10‐128U 032‐10‐134U 032‐10‐135U 032‐10‐136U 032‐10‐137U 032‐12‐125AU 032‐12‐125U 032‐12‐126AU 032‐12‐126U 032‐12‐142U 032‐12‐143U 032‐12‐144U 032‐12‐145U 032‐13‐125U 032‐13‐126U 400002005 401001001 402001000 403001000 405001000 Med‐RX ETCO2Sampling Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Dual C02/02 Capnogrophy Cannula ‐ Adult 7ft Male Pigtail Dual C02/02 Capnogrophy Cannula ‐ Adult 7ft Female Pigtail Dual C02/02 Nasal Cannula ‐ Adult 7ft Male w/ Filter Dual C02/02 Capnogrophy Cannula ‐ Adult 7ft Male Dual C02/02 Nasal Cannula ‐ Adult 7ft Female w/ Filter Dual C02/02 Capnogrophy Cannula ‐ Adult 7ft Female Dual C02/02 Capnogrophy Cannula ‐ Adult 10ft Male Dual C02/02 Capnogrophy Cannula ‐ Adult 10ft Female Adult Dual Mask w/ C02 Monitoring and Nose Clip ‐ Female Connector 50 Adult Dual Mask w/ C02 Monitoring and Nose Clip ‐ Male Connector 50 Adult Dual Mask w/ C02 Monitoring, Nose Clip & Filter ‐ Female Connector 50 Adult Dual Mask w/ C02 Monitoring, Nose Clip & Filter ‐ Male Connector 50 Dual C02/02 Nasal Cannula ‐ 7ft Pediatric Male w/ Filter Dual C02/02 Capnogrophy Cannula ‐ Pediatric 7ft Male Dual C02/02 Nasal Cannula ‐ 7ft Pediatric Female w/ Filter Dual C02/02 Capnogrophy Cannula ‐ Pediatric 7ft Female Pediatric Dual Mask w/ C02 Monitoring ‐ Female Connector 50 Pediatric Dual Mask w/ C02 Monitoring ‐ Male Connector 50 Pediatric Dual Mask w/ C02 Monitoring & Filter ‐ Female Connector 50 Pediatric Dual Mask w/ C02 Monitoring & Filter ‐ Male Connector 50 Dual C02/02 Capnogrophy Cannula ‐ Neonatal 7ft Male Dual C02/02 Capnogrophy Cannula ‐ Neonatal 7ft Female 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 50 50 50 50 25 25 BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX IntubationScope 5 1 5 5 1 BX EA BX BX EA 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX Ambu Ambu Ambu Ambu Ambu 038‐94‐001U 038‐94‐110U 038‐94‐115U 038‐94‐120U 038‐94‐125U 038‐94‐130U 038‐94‐140U 038‐94‐150U 038‐94‐210U 038‐94‐215U 038‐94‐220U 038‐94‐225U 038‐94‐230U 038‐94‐240U 038‐94‐250U 038‐94‐310U 038‐94‐315U 038‐94‐320U GAS LINE 10'BULK MRX Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Ascope (Disposable) Ascope Monitor aScope 3 Slim (PEDS) Disposable aScope 3 Disposable aScope 3 aView Monitor LaryngealMask LarySeal Colour‐Coded Cuff Inflator LarySeal Multiple (Re‐usable Silicone) Size 1 LarySeal Multiple (Re‐usable Silicone) Size 1.5 LarySeal Multiple (Re‐usable Silicone) Size 2 LarySeal Multiple (Re‐usable Silicone) Size 2.5 LarySeal Multiple (Re‐usable Silicone) Size 3 LarySeal Multiple (Re‐usable Silicone) Size 4 LarySeal Multiple (Re‐usable Silicone) Size 5 LarySeal Blue (Disposable Silicone) Size 1 LarySeal Blue (Disposable Silicone) Size 1.5 LarySeal Blue (Disposable Silicone) Size 2 LarySeal Blue (Disposable Silicone) Size 2.5 LarySeal Blue (Disposable Silicone) Size 3 LarySeal Blue (Disposable Silicone) Size 4 LarySeal Blue (Disposable Silicone) Size 5 LarySeal Clear (Disposable PVC) Size 1 LarySeal Clear (Disposable PVC) Size 1.5 LarySeal Clear (Disposable PVC) Size 2 Page 3 of 19 CHS Anesthesia Product Catalogue 2014 ProductCode Vendor 038‐94‐325U 038‐94‐330U 038‐94‐340U 038‐94‐350U 038‐94‐520U 038‐94‐525U 038‐94‐530U 038‐94‐540U 038‐94‐550U Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare Flexicare 100LTAD‐N1 300LTAD‐N3 MED‐RX MED‐RX 600LTAD‐L6 MED‐RX 700LTAD‐L7 720LTAD‐PL7 MED‐RX MED‐RX 35111 35112 35113 35114 35115 35116 35117 35118 35119 35161 35162 35163 35164 35165 35166 35167 35168 35169 35210 35211 35212 35213 35214 35215 35216 35217 35218 35220 900 901 Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark KVCABL KVIS01 KVL03 KVL03C KVLKIT3 Ambu Ambu Ambu Ambu Ambu ProductDescription LarySeal Clear (Disposable PVC) Size 2.5 LarySeal Clear (Disposable PVC) Size 3 LarySeal Clear (Disposable PVC) Size 4 LarySeal Clear (Disposable PVC) Size 5 LarySeal Flexi (Disposable PVC) Size 2 LarySeal Flexi (Disposable PVC) Size 2.5 LarySeal Flexi (Disposable PVC) Size 3 LarySeal Flexi (Disposable PVC) Size 4 LarySeal Flexi (Disposable PVC) Size 5 MucosalAtomizationDrugDevices Nasal Atomization Device w/3cc Syringe Nasal Atomization Device w/o 3cc Syringe Laryngo‐Tracheal Atomization, w/8.5" Tubing ext. & Internal Stiffening Stylet & 3ml Syringe Laryngo‐Tracheal Atomization, w/8.5" Tubing ext. & Internal Stiffening Stylet Pediatric Laryngo‐Tracheal Atomizer w/o syringe Specialty(Microcuff)EndotrachealTubes MICROCUFF* Pediatric Oral/Nasal Magill Endotracheal Tube, 3.0mm MICROCUFF* Pediatric Oral/Nasal Magill Endotracheal Tube, 3.5mm MICROCUFF* Pediatric Oral/Nasal Magill Endotracheal Tube, 4.0mm MICROCUFF* Pediatric Oral/Nasal Magill Endotracheal Tube, 4.5mm MICROCUFF* Pediatric Oral/Nasal Magill Endotracheal Tube, 5.0mm MICROCUFF* Pediatric Oral/Nasal Magill Endotracheal Tube, 5.5mm MICROCUFF* Pediatric Oral/Nasal Magill Endotracheal Tube, 6.0mm MICROCUFF* Pediatric Oral/Nasal Magill Endotracheal Tube, 6.5mm MICROCUFF* Pediatric Oral/Nasal Magill Endotracheal Tube, 7.0mm MICROCUFF* Pediatric Oral/Curved Endotracheal Tube, 3.0mm MICROCUFF* Pediatric Oral/Curved Endotracheal Tube, 3.5mm MICROCUFF* Pediatric Oral/Curved Endotracheal Tube, 4.0mm MICROCUFF* Pediatric Oral/Curved Endotracheal Tube, 4.5mm MICROCUFF* Pediatric Oral/Curved Endotracheal Tube, 5.0mm MICROCUFF* Pediatric Oral/Curved Endotracheal Tube, 5.5mm MICROCUFF* Pediatric Oral/Curved Endotracheal Tube, 6.0mm MICROCUFF* Pediatric Oral/Curved Endotracheal Tube, 6.5mm MICROCUFF* Pediatric Oral/Curved Endotracheal Tube, 7.0mm MICROCUFF* Adult Endotracheal Tube, 5.0mm MICROCUFF* Adult Endotracheal Tube, 5.5mm MICROCUFF* Adult Endotracheal Tube, 6.0mm MICROCUFF* Adult Endotracheal Tube, 6.5mm MICROCUFF* Adult Endotracheal Tube, 7.0mm MICROCUFF* Adult Endotracheal Tube, 7.5mm MICROCUFF* Adult Endotracheal Tube, 8.0mm MICROCUFF* Adult Endotracheal Tube, 8.5mm MICROCUFF* Adult Endotracheal Tube, 9.0mm MICROCUFF* Adult Endotracheal Tube, 10.0mm Clear Head Clear Head Neonatal ET Tube VideoLaryngoscope King Vision Video Out Cable, (9') King Vision Reusable Display Size 3 Disposable Standard Blade Size 3 Disposable Channeled Blade King Vision Kit ‐ 1 Standard Blade, 3 Channeled Blades, 1 Reusable Display FluidAdministrationSets Page 4 of 19 Case Qty UOM 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX 25 25 BX BX 25 BX 25 25 BX BX 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA EA EA 1 1 10 10 1 EA EA BX BX EA CHS Anesthesia Product Catalogue 2014 Vendor ProductDescription Case Qty UOM AnesthesiaExtensionSets 10‐1023 10‐1059 MED‐RX MED‐RX 50 50 CA CA 10‐3022 MED‐RX 50 CA 10‐3022S MED‐RX 18" (45cm) Microbore, with slide clamp, 0.2ml, LL, Sterile 6" (15cm) Microbore, "Y" line, with 2 back check valves, 0.8ml, LL, Sterile 9" Standard Bore "Y" line, I.V. Ext.Set w/removable injection cap & anti‐reflux valve, Sterile 9" Standard Bore "Y" line, I.V. Ext.Set w/antisyphon valve & anti‐reflux valve, Sterile 50 CA PCAPumpSets 10‐1020 10‐1021 10‐1022 10‐1025 10‐1025S MED‐RX MED‐RX MED‐RX MED‐RX MED‐RX 50 50 50 50 50 CA CA CA CA CA 10‐1091 MED‐RX 50 CA 10‐1097 MED‐RX 50 CA 10‐1098 MED‐RX 50 CA 10‐1199 MED‐RX 60" (150cm) Microbore, 0.4ml, LL, Sterile 60" (150cm) Microbore, with slide clamp, 0.4ml, LL, Sterile 80" (200cm) Microbore, with pinch clamp, 0.60ml, LL, Sterile 72" (180cm), with slide clamp, high flow, 2.4ml, LL, Minibore, Sterile 72" (180cm), with slide clamp, 1.5ml, LL, Minibore, Sterile 80" (202.5cm) with yellow stripe identification line, MLL/FLL with split slide clamp, 2ml priming volume PCA Y‐tubing set 78"(198cm) microbore, w/back check valve, PV 1.5ml, LL, Sterile PCA Y‐tubing set 78"(198cm), w/1 back check valve & 1 anti‐syphon valve, PV 1.3ml, Sterile 45" (112.5cm), with anti‐siphon valve, 1.5ml, MALE/MALE LL, Minibore, Sterile 50 CA ProductCode MiscellaneousAnesthesiaProducts ET/TrachTubePressureMonitor/InflationDevices 1 EA 50 20 100 25 25 25 25 25 25 6 50 10 50 50 1000 CA CS BX BX BX BX BX BX BX CS BX CS CS CS CS 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 DZ DZ DZ DZ DZ DZ DZ 8199 Posey 35002 402601 403250 408205 408206 408208 408210 408213 408214 408289 408299 408501 408530 408531 408541 MED‐RX BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD 8196L 8196M 8196S 8197L 8197M 8197S 8197XL Posey Posey Posey Posey Posey Posey Posey CUFFLATOR, Standard size, Endotracheal Tube Pressure Monitor & Inflator MiscellaneousAnesthesiaKits&TrayProducts Fluid Warmer Ext Set, w/trap Pudendal/Local Block Tray with 10cc control syringe Adapter Catheter, Sterile, Single Use Needle Tubing Adapter, 15G x 0.5", Sterile Needle Tubing Adapter,16G x 0.5", Sterile Needle Tubing Adapter,18G x 0.5", Sterile Needle Tubing Adapter,20G x 0.5", Sterile Needle Tubing Adapter,23G x 0.5", Sterile Needle Tubing Adapter,24G x 0.5", Sterile Bonanno Catheter Tray, Sterile, Single Use Adapter LL/MLL, Sterile, Single Use Arthrogram Tray , Sterile, Single Use Male Luer Lok Cap, Sterile, Single Use Female Luer Lok Cap, Sterile, Single Use Female Luer Lok Cap, Non‐Sterile TrachTubeFasteners Secure Trach Ties, extra tie, Lg 13‐24" Secure Trach Ties, extra tie, Med 9‐17" Secure Trach Ties, extra tie, Sm 7‐10" Foam Trach Ties, XL Adult, 13‐24" Foam Trach Ties, Pediatric & Adult, 9‐17" Foam Trach Ties, Newborn, 7‐10" Foam Trach Ties, XL Adult, 13‐24" PainManagement CombinedEpidural&SpinalNeedleSets Page 5 of 19 CHS Anesthesia Product Catalogue 2014 ProductCode Vendor 18718 187A02 Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark 333160 B. Braun 333161 B. Braun 333174 B. Braun 333180 B. Braun 400286 BD 400287 BD 405139 405452 BD BD 18505 Kimberly‐Clark 185A03 Kimberly‐Clark 18900 Kimberly‐Clark 332200 B. Braun 332201 B. Braun 332202 B. Braun 332204 B. Braun 332210 B. Braun 332234 B. Braun 332238 B. Braun 332283 B. Braun 332285 B. Braun 332291 B. Braun 332293 B. Braun 332294 B. Braun 333501 B. Braun 333511 B. Braun 333512 B. Braun ProductDescription EPI Spinal Needle Set, 18G x 4.3" Tuohy & 26G x 5.7" Whitacre Needle EPI Spinal Needle Set , 17G x 3.15" Tuohy & 26G x 4.5" Whitacre Needle ESPOCAN® Combined Spinal/Epidural Anesthesia Set ‐ 18G x 3½" (90 mm) Tuohy Needle with Backeye Lumen, PENCAN 27G x 5" Pencil Point Needle with Centering Sleeve, 5cc Clear Plastic Syringe ESPOCAN® Combined Spinal/Epidural Anesthesia Set ‐ 17G x 3½" (90 mm) Tuohy Needle with Backeye Lumen, PENCAN® 25G x 5" Pencil Point Needle with Centering Sleeve, 5cc Clear Plastic Syringe ESPOCAN® Combined Spinal/Epidural Anesthesia Set ‐ 18G x 3½" (90 mm) Tuohy Needle with Backeye Lumen, PENCAN 27G x 5 ½" Pencil Point Needle with Centering Sleeve, ESPOCAN® Docking System, 5cc Clear Plastic Syringe ESPOCAN® Combined Spinal/Epidural Anesthesia Set ‐ 18G x 3½" (90 mm) Tuohy Needle with Backeye Lumen, SPINOCAN® 27G x 5" Needle with Centering Sleeve, 5cc Clear Plastic Syringe DuraSafe Plus, Combined Spinal Epidural Kit w/ Locking Device, 17 G Tuohy, 19G Catheter, 27G Whitacre Spinal Needle DuraSafe Plus, Combined Spinal Epidural Kit w/ Locking Device, 18 G Tuohy, 20G Catheter, 27G Whitacre Spinal Needle Spinal & Epidural Needle Set, 25G x 4‐11/16" Whitacre, 17G x 3.5" Weiss Spinal & Epidural Needle Set, 27G x 4‐11/16" Whitacre, 18G x 3.5" Weiss EpiduralCatheters&Sets Epidural Catheter 19G x 36" (nylon), w/Tuohy Borst Adapter, Thread Assist Guide & 17G x 3.0" Superdull Tuohy Needle Epidural Catheter 20G x 36" (nylon), w/Tuohy Borst Adapter & Thread Assist Guide 20G Tuohy Borst Adapter PERIFIX Continuous Epidural Set, 18G x 3½" (90 mm) Tuohy Needle Set with 20G Catheter, CE, Catheter Connector, TAG PERIFIX Continuous Epidural Set, 18G x 3½" (90 mm) Tuohy Needle Set with 20G Catheter, OE, Connector, TAG, Intermittent Injection Cap PERIFIX Continuous Epidural Set, 17 Ga. x 3½" (90 mm) Tuohy Needle Set with 20G Catheter, CE, Catheter Connector, TAG PERIFIX Continuous Epidural Set, 17G x 3½" (90 mm) Tuohy Needle Set with 19G Catheter, OE, Catheter Connector, TAG PERIFIX Continuous Epidural Set, 18G x 3½" (90 mm) Hustead Needle Set with 20G Catheter, CE, Catheter Connector, TAG PERIFIX FX Springwound Continuous Epidural Set, 17G X 3½" (90 mm) Winged Tuohy Needle Set with 19G Springwound Catheter, OE, Catheter Connector, TAG PERIFIX® FX Continuous Epidural Set ‐ 17 Ga. X 3 1/2 in. (90mm) Tuohy Needle Set with 19. Ga. Closed Tip Springwound Catheter PERIFIX® Catheter Connector – for use with PERIFIX 20G to 24G Epidural Catheters PERIFIX Catheter Connector – for use with PERIFIX 19G Epidural Catheters PERIFIX ONE Pediatric Epidural Set, 18G x 2" (50 mm) Tuohy Needle Set, 20G Polyamide/Polyurethane PERIFIX ONE Pediatric Catheter, CE (six lateral side ports), Catheter Connector, TAG PERIFIX ONE Pediatric Epidural Set, 20G x 2" (50 mm) Tuohy Needle Set, 24G Polyamide/Polyurethane PERIFIX ONE Pediatric Catheter, CE (six lateral side ports), Catheter Connector, TAG PERIFIX ONE Epidural Set, 18G x 3½" (90 mm) Tuohy Needle, 20G Polyamide/Polyurethane PERIFIX ONE Catheter, CE (six lateral side ports), Catheter Connector, TAG PERIFIX Catheter, 19G x 40" (101 cm) Polyamide PERIFIX Catheter, OE, Catheter Connector, TAG PERIFIX Catheter, 19G x 40" (101 cm) Polyamide PERIFIX Catheter, CE, Catheter Connector, TAG PERIFIX FX Catheter, 19G x 36" (91 cm) Radiopaque Polyamide Springwound PERIFIX FX Catheter, CE (Three Lateral Side Ports), Catheter Connector, TAG (Not MRI Compatible) Page 6 of 19 Case Qty UOM 25 25 CA CA 12 BX 12 BX 12 BX 12 BX 6 BX 6 BX 10 10 BX BX 20 CA 25 CA 25 CA 12 BX 12 BX 12 BX 12 BX 12 BX 12 BX 12 CA 50 BX 50 BX 12 BX 12 BX 12 BX 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX CHS Anesthesia Product Catalogue 2014 ProductCode Vendor 333514 B. Braun 333520 B. Braun 333521 B. Braun 333532 B. Braun 333538 B. Braun 333539 B. Braun 333540 B. Braun 333541 B. Braun 400507 BD 4510097 B. Braun 80‐8029 MED‐RX 80‐8094 MED‐RX 80‐8095 MED‐RX 400273 406031 406062 407003 BD BD BD BD 10‐1149‐18 Havels 10‐1149‐20 Havels 10‐1149‐22 Havels 181031 18302 18313 18331 18335 18336 18337 18341 18386 183A05 183A06 183A07 183A11 183A12 183A23 183A25 183A27 183A28 2‐2150‐18 Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Havels ProductDescription PERIFIX FX Catheter, 19G x 36" (91 cm) Radiopaque Polyamide Springwound PERIFIX FX Catheter, OE, Catheter Connector, TAG (Not MRI Compatible) PERIFIX Catheter, 20G x 40" (101 cm) Polyamide PERIFIX Catheter, OE, Catheter Connector, TAG PERIFIX Catheter, 20G x 40" (101 cm) Polyamide PERIFIX Soft Tip Catheter, CE (Three Lateral Side Ports), Catheter Connector, TAG PERIFIX Catheter, 20G x 40" (101 cm) Polyamide Styleted PERIFIX Catheter, CE (Three Lateral Side Ports), Catheter Connector, TAG PERIFIX Catheters, 24G x 28" (72 cm) Polyamide/Polyurethane PERIFIX ONE Pediatric Catheter, CE (six lateral side ports), Catheter Connector, TAG PERIFIX Catheters, 20G x 40" (101 cm) Polyamide/Polyurethane PERIFIX ONE Pediatric Catheter, CE (six lateral side ports), Catheter Connector, TAG PERIFIX Catheter, 20G x 40" (101 cm) Polyamide PERIFIX Catheter, CE (Three Lateral Side Ports), Catheter Connector, TAG PERIFIX Catheter, 20G x 40" (101 cm) Polyamide PERIFIX ONE Catheter, CE (Six Lateral Side Ports), Catheter Connector, TAG Epidural Catheter (nylon) w/ Connector, 20G x 36" Closed End, For use with 18G x 3.5" Needle, Sterile, Single Use PERICAN® SoftTip Continuous Epidural Set, 18G. x 3¼" (80mm) Tuohy Needle with 20G SoftTip Nylon Catheter, CE Epidural Catheter 19G x 36" (nylon), Tuohy Borst Adapter & Thread Assist Guide 19G Open End Spring Wound Catheter, Catheter Connector and Epidural Catheter Label 19G Closed End Spring Wound Catheter, Catheter Connector and Epidural Catheter Label EpiduralKits&Trays Epidural Mini Kit Perisafe 18G x 3.5" Weiss Epidural Tray, Tuohy 17G (Thin‐wall) x 3.5" Epidural Anesthesia Tray, L‐O‐R Syringe 10cc, LL Safety Anesthesia‐Epidural Support Tray w/o Needle EpiduralNeedles 18G x 10", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 10", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 10", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 25G X 6" QUINCKE QP SPINAL NEEDLE W/INTRODUCER 20G x 2.5" Tuohy Needle Graduated, w/Wings, Plastic Hub 22G x 3.15" Tuohy Needle, Graduated, w/Wings, Plastic Hub 20G x 2.5" Crawford Needle, Graduated 20G x 3.5" (Quincke Point) 22G x 3.5" (Quincke Point) 23G x 2.0" (Quincke Point) 26G x 3.5" (Quincke Point) 17G x 3.5" Touhy Needle, Metal Hub (replaces #18310) 16G x 3.5" Tuohy Needle, Graduated, w/Wings, Plastic Hub 17G x 3.5" Tuohy Needle, Graduated, w/Wings, Plastic Hub 18G x 3.5" Tuohy Needle, Graduated, w/Wings, Plastic Hub 18G x 3.5" Hustead Needle, Metal Hub 20G x 3.5" Tuohy Needle, Graduated, w/Wings, Plastic Hub 17G x 6.0" Tuohy Needle, Graduated, w/Wings, Plastic Hub 17G x 5.0" Tuohy Needle, Graduated, w/Wings, Plastic Hub 22G x 4.25" Tuohy Needle, Graduated, w/Wings, Plastic Hub 20G x 6" Tuohy Needle, Graduated,/w plastic hub, wing 18G x 2", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use Page 7 of 19 Case Qty UOM 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 10 BX 20 BX 25 CA 25 CA 25 CA 10 10 10 10 BX CS CS CS 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA BX CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA 10 CA CHS Anesthesia Product Catalogue 2014 ProductCode Vendor 2‐2150‐22 Havels 3‐2150‐17 Havels 3‐2150‐18 Havels 3‐2150‐20 Havels 3‐2150‐22 Havels 332160 332164 332165 332166 332167 332168 332171 332172 332173 332175 B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun 332177 B. Braun 332178 332180 332181 332186 332187 332188 332189 332191 332193 B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun 4‐2150‐17 Havels 4‐2150‐18 Havels 4‐2150‐20 Havels 4‐2150‐22 Havels 40‐2150‐17 Havels 40‐2150‐22 Havels 405018 405028 405092 405191 405193 BD BD BD BD BD 45‐2150‐18 Havels 45‐2150‐20 Havels 4512588 4512782 B. Braun B. Braun 5‐2150‐17 Havels 5‐2150‐18 Havels 5‐2150‐20 Havels ProductDescription 22G x 2", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 17G x 3.5", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 3.5", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 3.5", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 3.5", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 6" (150 mm) Tuohy PERIFIX® Needle – with wings and clear hub 17G x 3.5" (90 mm) PERIFIX® Decade Series Tuohy Needle – with Weiss Wings 18G x 3.5" (90 mm) PERIFIX® Hustead Needle – with wings and clear hub 18G x 3.5" (90 mm) PERIFIX® Tuohy Needle – with wings and clear hub 20G x 3.5" 90 mm) PERIFIX® Tuohy Needle ‐ non‐winged and clear hub 20G x 3.5" (90 mm) PERIFIX® Tuohy Needle ‐ with wings and clear hub 22G x 3.15" (80 mm) PERIFIX® Tuohy Needle ‐ with wings and clear hub 18G x 2" (50 mm) PERIFIX® Tuohy Needle ‐ with wings and clear hub 22G x 2" (50 mm) PERIFIX Tuohy Needle ‐ non‐winged and clear hub 20G x 2" (50 mm) EPICAN Caudal Epidural Needle ‐ non‐winged and clear hub 22G x 1.75" (35 mm) EPICAN Caudal Epidural Needle ‐ non‐winged and clear hub 20G x 2" (50 mm) PERIFIX® Tuohy Needle ‐ with wings and clear hub 17G x 3.5" (90 mm) PERIFIX® Tuohy Needle – with wings and clear hub 17 Ga. x 4.5" (115 mm) Tuohy PERIFIX® Needle ‐ with wings and clear hub 18G x 4.75" (120 mm) Tuohy PERIFIX® Needle – with wings and clear hub 18G x 4" (100 mm) Tuohy PERIFIX® Needle – with wings and clear hub 17G x 4" (100 mm) Tuohy PERIFIX® Needle – with wings and clear hub 20G x 4" (100 mm) Tuohy PERIFIX® Needle ‐ with wings and clear hub 17G x 2" (50 mm) Tuohy PERIFIX® Needle – Non‐Winged and Clear Hub 20G x 6" (150 mm) Tuohy PERIFIX® Needle – with Wings and Clear Hub 17G x 4.5", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 4", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 4", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 4.5", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 17G x 4", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 4", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 3.5" Tuohy, Thin‐wall, Sterile, w/out Wings, Single Use 20G x 3.5" Tuohy, Thin‐wall, Sterile, Single Use 17G x 3.5" Tuohy, Thin‐wall, Sterile, Single Use 17G x 3.5" Weiss, Thin‐wall, Fixed wing, Sterile, Single Use 17G x 5.0" Weiss, Thin‐wall, Fixed Wing, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 4.5", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 4.5", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 17G x 3¼" (80 mm) Tuohy PERICAN® Needle ‐ with Wings and Clear Hub 16G x 3.25" (80 mm) Tuohy PERICAN® Needle ‐ with Wings and Clear Hub 17G x 5", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 5", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 5", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use Page 8 of 19 Case Qty UOM 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX 25 BX 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 10 10 10 10 BX BX BX BX BX 10 CA 10 CA 25 25 BX BX 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA CHS Anesthesia Product Catalogue 2014 ProductCode 5‐2150‐22 511285 Vendor Havels BD 6‐2150‐17 Havels 6‐2150‐18 Havels 6‐2150‐20 Havels 6‐2150‐22 Havels 6P‐1149‐18 Havels 6P‐1149‐20 Havels 6P‐1149‐22 Havels 6P‐1149‐25 Havels 7‐1149‐22 Havels 7‐1149‐25 Havels 7‐2150‐17 Havels 7‐2150‐18 Havels 7‐2150‐20 Havels 7‐2150‐22 Havels 8‐2150‐17 Havels 8‐2150‐18 Havels 8‐2150‐20 Havels 8‐2150‐22 Havels 80‐6062 MED‐RX 189A000 332147 332150 332152 332155 332156 332157 332158 405291 405292 80‐8035 80‐8076 Kimberly‐Clark B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun BD BD MED‐RX MED‐RX 189A02 408273 Kimberly‐Clark BD 408295 BD ProductDescription 22G x 5", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 17 G x 7" Tuohy Thin‐Wall, Epidural Anesthesia Needle, Reusable 17G x 6", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 6", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 6", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 6", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 6", Extra Long Quincke Needle, w/ Plastic Hub, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 6", Extra Long Quincke Needle, w/ Plastic Hub, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 6", Extra Long Quincke Needle, w/ Plastic Hub, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 6", Extra Long Quincke Needle, w/ Plastic Hub, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 7", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 7", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 17G x 7", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 7", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 7", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 7", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 17G x 8", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 8", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 8", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 8", Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 17G x 3.5" Tuohy‐Schliff Needle LORSyringes Syringe, 10cc LS Plastic LOR 5cc Glass Syringe LS Syringe, PERIFIX 8cc LS Plastic LOR Syringe, PERIFIX 8cc LL Plastic LOR Syringe, 5cc Glass LOR Syringe with LL Metal Tip Syringe, 5cc Glass LOR Syringe with LS Metal Tip Syringe, 10cc Glass LOR Syringe with LL Metal Tip Syringe, 10cc Glass LOR Syringe with LS Metal Tip Syringe, Epilor 7cc LL Plastic LOR Syringe, Epilor 7cc LS Plastic LOR Syringe, 7cc LS Plastic LOR Syringe, 10cc Glass LOR Metal Tip LS Wrapped MiscellaneousNeedles,EpiduralCatheters,LOR's 0.22 Micron Filter Arterial Needle Outer Blunt Cannula, 18G x 2‐7/8", Sterile, Single Use Single Wall Puncture (M/P) Procedure Needle, 18G x 2.75" w/Wings, Sterile, Single Use Page 9 of 19 Case Qty UOM 10 CA 1 BX 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 25 CA 25 10 50 50 10 10 10 10 10 10 50 25 CA BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX CA CA 25 10 CA BX 10 BX CHS Anesthesia Product Catalogue 2014 ProductCode Vendor 415000 B. Braun 415002 B. Braun 415004 B. Braun 511320 BD 80‐8059TBA 80‐8099SR 10PTC3022 ProductDescription MED‐RX MED‐RX PERIFIX 0.22 Micron Flat Epidural Filter – for use with all PERIFIX epidural catheters and PERIFIX PinPad SUPOR® 0.2 Micron Aspiration / Injection Disc Filter, Proximal and distal Luer lock connections, Fluid retention: 0.3 mL PERIFIX PinPad ‐ securement device for PERIFIX 0.22 micron flat epidural filter 18 G x 6" Sympathetic Nerve Needle, Pudendal and Parasympathetic Block Needle 20G Tuohy Borst Adapter Stingray 19G Catheter Connector PeripheralNerveBlock Havels 18377 18379 Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark 2PTC18 Havels 2PTC20 Havels 2PTC22 Havels 2PTC3022 Havels 3‐1149‐20P Havels 3‐1149‐22P Havels 331670 B. Braun 331672 B. Braun 331673 B. Braun 331674 B. Braun 331676 B. Braun 331680 B. Braun 331685 B. Braun 331686 B. Braun 331687 B. Braun 331690 B. Braun 22G x 10", Echogenic Needle, Non‐Insulated, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet 22G x 2.0" Stellate Needle Pencil Point w/side port, Plastic Hub 22G x 2.0" Stellate Needle Quincke Point, Plastic Hub 18G x 2", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 20G x 2", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 22G x 2", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 22G x 2‐3/8", Echogenic Needle, Non‐Insulated, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet 20G x 3.5", Nerve Block Needle, Short Bevel, LL w/ Translucent Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations 22G x 3.5", Nerve Block Needle, Short Bevel, LL w/ Translucent Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations CONTIPLEX FX Continuous Nerve Block Set, 17G x 3½" (80 mm) (non‐ stimulating), 19G x 36" (91 cm) Polyamide Springwound FX Catheter (non‐ stimulating) (MR unsafe), OE, Sideport Valve Assembly with Extension Tubing, Catheter Connector, TAG CONTIPLEX FX Continuous Nerve Block Sets, 17G x 3½" (80 mm) (non‐ stimulating), 19G x 36" (91 cm) Polyamide Springwound FX Catheter (MR unsafe) (non‐stimulating), CE, Sideport Valve Assembly with Extension Tubing, Catheter Connector, TAG Contiplex® Tuohy Ultra Set, 18G x 2" (100mm) Stimulating Needle with echogenic markings, 20G x 39" Nylon Catheter, CE, Connector, TAG, Sideport Valve Assembly with Extension Tubing Contiplex® Tuohy Ultra Set, 18G x 4" (100mm) Stimulating Needle with echogenic markings, 20G x 39" Nylon Catheter, CE, Connector, TAG, Sideport Valve Assembly with Extension Tubing Contiplex® Tuohy Ultra Set, 18G x 6" (150mm) Stimulating Needle with echogenic markings, 20G x 39" Nylon Catheter, CE, Connector, TAG, Sideport Valve Assembly with Extension Tubing CONTIPLEX® D Continuous Nerve Block Set with 20 Ga. x 2 1/8" (55 mm) Short Bevel Insulated Introducer Needle, 15º bevel, 20G non‐stimulating Polyamide Nylon Catheter, OE, Catheter Connector, TAG (Catheter over Insulated Needle) CONTIPLEX® D Continuous Nerve Block Set with 20 Ga. x 2 1/8" (55 mm) Short Bevel Insulated Introducer Needle, 30º bevel, 20G non‐stimulating Polyamide Nylon Catheter, OE, Catheter Connector, TAG (Catheter over Insulated Needle) CONTIPLEX® D Continuous Nerve Block Set with 20 Ga. x 2 1/8" (55 mm) Short Bevel Insulated Introducer Needle, 15º bevel, 24G non‐stimulating Polyamide Nylon Catheter, OE, Catheter Connector, TAG (Catheter over Insulated Needle) CONTIPLEX® D Continuous Nerve Block Set with 20 Ga. x 4 3/8" (110 mm) Short Bevel Insulated Introducer Needle, 15º bevel, 20G non‐stimulating Polyamide Nylon Catheter, OE, Catheter Connector, TAG (Catheter over Insulated Needle) CONTIPLEX Straight Continuous Nerve Block Set, 18G x 6" (150 mm) (Insulated Needle), 20G x 39" (100 cm) Polyamide Nylon Non‐Stimulating Catheter, CE, Sideport Valve Assembly with Extension Tubing, Catheter Connector, TAG Page 10 of 19 Case Qty UOM 25 BX 50 BX 25 BX 1 BX 25 25 CA CA 10 CA 25 25 CA CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 50 CA 50 CA 12 BX 12 BX 12 BX 12 BX 12 BX 12 BX 12 BX 12 CA 12 BX 12 CA CHS Anesthesia Product Catalogue 2014 ProductCode Vendor 331691 B. Braun 331693 B. Braun 331694 B. Braun 331695 B. Braun 331697 B. Braun 331698 B. Braun 331757 B. Braun 331758 B. Braun 332000 B. Braun 332001 B. Braun 332010 B. Braun 332015 B. Braun 332017 B. Braun 332100 B. Braun 333542 B. Braun 333544 B. Braun 333546 B. Braun 333556 B. Braun 333559 B. Braun 333650 B. Braun 333652 B. Braun 333654 B. Braun 333656 B. Braun 333660 B. Braun 333662 B. Braun 333664 B. Braun 333666 B. Braun ProductDescription CONTIPLEX® Tuohy Continuous Nerve Block Set, 18G x 2" (50 mm) Stimulating Needle without echogenic markings, 20G x 39" Polyamide Nylon Catheter, CE, Connector, TAG, Sideport Valve Assembly with Extension Tubing CONTIPLEX® Tuohy Continuous Nerve Block Set, 18G x 4" (100 mm) Stimulating Needle without echogenic markings, 20G x 39" Polyamide Nylon Catheter, CE, Connector, TAG, Sideport Valve Assembly with Extension Tubing CONTIPLEX® Tuohy Continuous Nerve Block Set, 18G x 6" (150 mm) Stimulating Needle without echogenic markings, 20G x 39" Polyamide Nylon Catheter, CE, Connector, TAG, Sideport Valve Assembly with Extension Tubing CONTIPLEX® Tuohy Continuous Nerve Block Set, 18G x 1 1/2" (40 mm) Stimulating Needle without echogenic markings, 20G x 39" Polyamide Nylon Catheter, CE, Connector, TAG, Sideport Valve Assembly with Extension Tubing CONTIPLEX Straight Continuous Nerve Block Set, 18G x 2" (50 mm) (Insulated Needle), 20G x 39" (100 cm) Polyamide Nylon Non‐Stimulating Catheter, CE, Sideport Valve Assembly with Extension Tubing, Catheter Connector, TAG CONTIPLEX Straight Continuous Nerve Block Sets, 18G x 4" (100 mm) (Insulated Needle), 20G x 39" (100 cm) Polyamide Nylon Non‐Stimulating Catheter, CE, Sideport Valve Assembly with Extension Tubing, Catheter Connector, TAG CONTIPLEX STIM Continuous Nerve Block Set, 18G x 2" (50 mm) (Insulated Tuohy Needle) with 20G Stimulating Catheter with Integrated Wire (MR unsafe), Sideport Valve Assembly with Extension Tubing, Catheter Connector, 0.2 µm Procedural Filter CONTIPLEX STIM Continuous Nerve Block Set, 18G x 4" (100 mm) (Insulated Tuohy Needle) with 20G Stimulating Catheter with Integrated Wire (MR unsafe), Sideport Valve Assembly with Extension Tubing, Catheter Connector, 0.2 µm Procedural Filter PLEXUFIX® Brachial Plexus Set, 24G x 2" (50 mm) Non‐Stimulating Single Shot Needle without echogenic markings and Extension Set, 30° Bevel PLEXUFIX® Brachial Plexus Set, 24G x 1" (25 mm) Non‐Stimulating Single Shot Needle without echogenic markings and Extension Set, 30° Bevel PLEXUFIX® Brachial Plexus Set, 22G x 2" (50 mm) Non‐Stimulating Single Shot Needle without echogenic markings and Extension Set, 30° Bevel PLEXUFIX® Brachial Plexus Set, 22G x 1 1/2" (40 mm) Non‐Stimulating Single Shot Needle without echogenic markings and Extension Set, 45° Bevel PLEXUFIX® Brachial Plexus Set, 22G x 1" (25 mm) Non‐Stimulating Single Shot Needle without echogenic markings and Extension Set, 30° Bevel CONTIPLEX® Tuohy Continuous Nerve Block Tray STIMUPLEX Dig RC Nerve Stimulator, with integrated electrode connecting cable, 9V battery, and Operation Manual in carrying case STIMUPLEX PEN Percutaneous nerve mapping device (for use with HNS11 and HNS12 only) and operation manual in carrying case STIMUPLEX Dig Electrode Connecting Cable with Four‐Pin plug (for use with STIM200 only) STIMUPLEX Dig RC Replacement Electrode Connecting Cable (for use with STIM300) STIMUPLEX Remote Control (for use only with Stimuplex DigRC or HNS12) Stimuplex® Ultra with 30° bevel, 22G x 1 3/8" (30mm) Stimulating Single Shot Needle with echogenic markings, with Extension Set Stimuplex® Ultra with 30° bevel, 22G x 2" (50mm) Stimulating Single Shot Needle with echogenic markings, with Extension Set Stimuplex® Ultra with 30° bevel, 22G x 3 1/8" (80mm) Stimulating Single Shot Needle with echogenic markings, with Extension Set Stimuplex® Ultra with 30° bevel, 22G x 4" (100mm) Stimulating Single Shot Needle with echogenic markings, with Extension Set Stimuplex® Ultra with 30° bevel, 20G x 6" (150mm) Stimulating Single Shot Needle with echogenic markings, with Extension Set Ultraplex with 30° bevel, 22G x 1 3/8" (30mm) Non‐Stimulating Single Shot Needle with echogenic markings, with Extension Set Ultraplex with 30° bevel, 22G x 2" (50mm) Non‐Stimulating Single Shot Needle with echogenic markings with echogenic markings, with Extension Set Ultraplex with 30° bevel, 22G x 3 1/8" (80mm) Non‐Stimulating Single Shot Needle with echogenic markings with echogenic markings, with Extension Set Page 11 of 19 Case Qty UOM 12 BX 12 BX 12 BX 12 BX 12 CA 12 CA 10 BX 10 BX 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 10 BX 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 25 CA 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 25 CA 25 CA 25 CA CHS Anesthesia Product Catalogue 2014 ProductCode Vendor 333668 B. Braun 333669 B. Braun 333670 B. Braun 333672 B. Braun 333674 B. Braun 333676 B. Braun 333684 B. Braun 333689 B. Braun 333696 B. Braun 333697 B. Braun 35PTC3022 Havels 3PTC18 Havels 3PTC20 Havels 3PTC22 Havels 3PTC3022 Havels 400727 BD 400730 BD 408348 BD 4894251 B. Braun 4894260 B. Braun 4894278 B. Braun 4894367 B. Braun 4894502 B. Braun 4894539 B. Braun 4PTC18 Havels 4PTC20 Havels 4PTC22 Havels 4PTC25 Havels 4PTC3018 Havels 4PTC3020 Havels 4PTC3022 Havels 511317 BD ProductDescription Ultraplex with 30° bevel, 20G x 4" (100mm) Non‐Stimulating Single Shot Needle with echogenic markings with echogenic markings, with Extension Set Ultraplex with 30° bevel, 20G x 6" (150mm) Non‐Stimulating Single Shot Needle with echogenic markings with echogenic markings, with Extension Set STIMUPLEX D Insulated Needle, 25G x 1 3/4" (35 mm) Insulated Needle with Extension Set, 15° Bevel – for use with STIMUPLEX nerve stimulators STIMUPLEX D Insulated Needle, 23G x 2 ¾" (70 mm) Insulated Needle with Extension Set, 15° Bevel –for use with STIMUPLEX nerve stimulators STIMUPLEX D Insulated Needle, 22G x 3 1/8" (80 mm) Insulated Needle with Extension Set, 15° Bevel –for use with STIMUPLEX nerve stimulators STIMUPLEX D Insulated Needle, 22G x 4 ¾" (120 mm) Insulated Needle with Extension Set, 15° Bevel –for use with STIMUPLEX nerve stimulators STIMUPLEX D Insulated Needle, 22G x 3 1/8" (80 mm) Insulated Needle with Extension Set, 30° Bevel –for use with STIMUPLEX nerve stimulators STIMUPLEX D Insulated Needle, 22 Ga. x 2 in. (50 mm) Insulated Needle with Extension Set, 30° Bevel –for use with STIMUPLEX nerve stimulators CONTIPLEX C® Sets, 15° Bevel, 25G x 7.5" Insulated Needle, 19G x 7.4" (188mm) Catheter CONTIPLEX C® Sets, 30° Bevel, 25G x 7.5" Insulated Needle, 19G x 7.4" (188mm) Catheter 22G x 3.5", Echogenic Needle, Non‐Insulated, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet 18G x 3", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 20G x 3", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 22G x 3", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 22G x 3", Echogenic Needle, Non‐Insulated, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet EchoGenic Procedure Needle, Ultra‐Vue, 22G x 3.5", Spinal Type Point, Sterile, Single Use EchoGenic Procedure Needle, Ultra‐Vue, 20G x 3.5", Spinal Type Point, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 1.5", Needle Regional Block w/ Security Bead, Sterile, Single Use Stimuplex A with 30° bevel, 24G x 1" (25mm) Stimulating Single Shot Needle without echogenic markings Stimuplex A with 30° bevel, 21G x 4" (100mm) Stimulating Single Shot Needle without echogenic markings Stimuplex A with 30° bevel, 20G x 6" (150mm) Stimulating Single Shot Needle without echogenic markings Stimuplex A with 30° bevel, 22G x 1 1/8" (35mm) Stimulating Single Shot Needle without echogenic markings Stimuplex A with 30° bevel, 22G x 2" (50mm) Stimulating Single Shot Needle without echogenic markings Stimuplex A with 30° bevel, 22G x 1" (25mm) Stimulating Single Shot Needle without echogenic markings 18G x 4", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 20G x 4", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 22G x 4", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 25G x 4", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 18G x 4", Echogenic Needle, Non‐Insulated, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet 20G x 4", Echogenic Needle, Non‐Insulated, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet 22G x 4", Echogenic Needle, Non‐Insulated, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet 20 G x 5" Sympathetic Nerve Needle, Pudendal and Parasympathetic Block Needle Page 12 of 19 Case Qty UOM 25 CA 25 CA 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 5 CA 5 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 BX 10 BX 10 BX 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 25 BX 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 1 BX CHS Anesthesia Product Catalogue 2014 ProductCode Vendor 511318 BD 511319 BD 5PTC20 Havels 5PTC22 Havels 5PTC25 Havels 5PTC3022 Havels 6PTC18 Havels 6PTC20 Havels 6PTC22 Havels 6PTC25 Havels 6PTC3018 Havels 6PTC3020 Havels 6PTC3022 Havels 7PTC22 Havels 8PTC18 Havels 8PTC20 Havels 8PTC22 Havels 8PTC25 Havels 8PTC3020 Havels 8PTC3022 Havels E2‐2150‐17 Havels E2‐2150‐18 Havels E3‐2150‐17 Havels E3‐2150‐18 Havels E3‐2150‐20 Havels E5‐2150‐17 Havels E5‐2150‐18 Havels E5‐2150‐20 Havels E6‐2150‐17 Havels E6‐2150‐18 Havels EB‐21100 MED‐RX ProductDescription 19 G x 5" Sympathetic Nerve Needle, Pudendal and Parasympathetic Block Needle 20 G x 6" Parasympathetic Nerve Needle, Pudendal and Parasympathetic Block Needle 20G x 5", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 22G x 5", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 25G x 5", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 22G x 5", Echogenic Needle, Non‐Insulated, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet 18G x 6", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 20G x 6", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 22G x 6", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 25G x 6", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 18G x 6", Echogenic Needle, Non‐Insulated, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet 20G x 6", Echogenic Needle, Non‐Insulated, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet 22G x 6", Echogenic Needle, Non‐Insulated, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet 22G x 7", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 18G x 8", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 20G x 8", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 22G x 8", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 25G x 8", Echogenic Needle, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet, 10cm Calibrations 20G x 8", Echogenic Needle, Non‐Insulated, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet 22G x 8", Echogenic Needle, Non‐Insulated, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet 17G x 2", Echogenic Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 2", Echogenic Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 17G x 3.5", Echogenic Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 3.5", Echogenic Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 3.5", Echogenic Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 17G x 5", Echogenic Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 5", Echogenic Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 5", Echogenic Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 17G x 6", Echogenic Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 6", Echogenic Tuohy Needle, Weiss‐Style Winged LL Hub w/ Stylet, Buffed Heel, 10cm Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 21G x 4" Ultra Sound Needles, Non‐Insulated, Short Bevel, 1cm Calibrations around entire needle Page 13 of 19 Case Qty UOM 1 BX 1 BX 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA CHS Anesthesia Product Catalogue 2014 ProductCode Vendor EB‐21150 MED‐RX EB‐2150 MED‐RX EB‐2180 MED‐RX ProductDescription P1A‐1149‐22 Havels P1A‐1149‐25 Havels P1APTC3022 Havels P1B‐1149‐22 Havels P1B‐1149‐25 Havels P1BPTC3022 Havels P1C‐1149‐22 Havels SB120‐20 Havels SB120‐22 Havels SB152‐22 Havels SB152‐25 Havels SB203‐22 Havels SB80‐22 Havels SBB127‐22 SBB152‐22 SBB178‐22 SBB63‐25 SBB89‐22 SBB89‐25 Havels Havels Havels Havels Havels Havels 21G x 6" Ultra Sound Needles, Non‐Insulated, Short Bevel, 1cm Calibrations around entire needle 21G x 2" Ultra Sound Needles, Non‐Insulated, Short Bevel, 1cm Calibrations around entire needle 21G x 3‐1/8" Ultra Sound Needles, Non‐Insulated, Short Bevel, 1cm Calibrations around entire needle 21G x 4, Echogenic Needle, 18" Quincke Bevel, Transparent Hub, 1cm Calibrations around entire needle 21G x 6, Echogenic Needle, 18" Quincke Bevel, Transparent Hub, 1cm Calibrations around entire needle 21G x 2", Echogenic Needle, 18" Quincke Bevel, Transparent Hub, 1cm Calibrations around entire needle 21G x 3‐1/8, Echogenic Needle, 18" Quincke Bevel, Transparent Hub, 1cm Calibrations around entire needle 22G x 4, Echogenic Needle, 18" Quincke Bevel, Transparent Hub, 1cm Calibrations around entire needle 22G x 2, Echogenic Needle, 18" Quincke Bevel, Transparent Hub, 1cm Calibrations around entire needle 22G x 3‐1/8, Echogenic Needle, 18" Quincke Bevel, Transparent Hub, 1cm Calibrations around entire needle 21G x 4" Ultra Sound Needles, Insulated, Short Bevel, 1cm Calibrations around entire needle 21G x 6" Ultra Sound Needles, Insulated, Short Bevel, 1cm Calibrations around entire needle 21G x 2" Ultra Sound Needles, Insulated, Short Bevel, 1cm Calibrations around entire needle 21G x 3‐1/8" Ultra Sound Needles, Insulated, Short Bevel, 1cm Calibrations around entire needle 22G x 1", Nerve Block Needle, Short Bevel, LL w/ Translucent Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations 25G x 1", Nerve Block Needle, Short Bevel, LL w/ Translucent Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations 22G x 1", Echogenic Needle, Non‐Insulated, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet 22G x 1.5", Nerve Block Needle, Short Bevel, LL w/ Translucent Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations 25G x 1.5", Nerve Block Needle, Short Bevel, LL w/ Translucent Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations 22G x 1.5", Echogenic Needle, Non‐Insulated, Adjustable Depth Stop, Plastic LL Hub w/ Stylet 22G x 2.5", Nerve Block Needle, Short Bevel, LL w/ Translucent Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations 20G x 4‐3/4", Nerve Block Needle, Short Bevel, Adjustable Needle Stop, LL w/ Translucent Hub w/ Stylet, w/o Calibrations 22G x 4‐3/4", Nerve Block Needle, Short Bevel, Adjustable Needle Stop, LL w/ Translucent Hub w/ Stylet, w/o Calibrations 22G x 6", Nerve Block Needle, Short Bevel, Adjustable Needle Stop, LL w/ Translucent Hub w/ Stylet, w/oCalibrations 25G x 6", Nerve Block Needle, Short Bevel, Adjustable Needle Stop, LL w/ Translucent Hub w/ Stylet, w/o Calibrations 22G x 8", Nerve Block Needle, Short Bevel, Adjustable Needle Stop, LL w/ Translucent Hub w/ Stylet, w/o Calibrations 22G x 3.5", Nerve Block Needle, Short Bevel, Adjustable Needle Stop, LL w/ Translucent Hub w/ Stylet, w/oCalibrations 22G x 5", Short Bevel, 10" Curved Tip, Transparent Hub 22G x 6", Short Bevel, 10" Curved Tip, Transparent Hub 22G x 7", Short Bevel, 10" Curved Tip, Transparent Hub 25G x 2", Short Bevel, 10" Curved Tip, Transparent Hub 22G x 3.5", Short Bevel, 10" Curved Tip, Transparent Hub 25G x 3.5", Short Bevel, 10" Curved Tip, Transparent Hub SpecialtyNeedles EBA‐21100 Havels EBA‐21150 Havels EBA‐2150 Havels EBA‐2180 Havels EBA‐22100 Havels EBA‐2250 Havels EBA‐2280 Havels ES‐21100 MED‐RX ES‐21150 MED‐RX ES‐2150 MED‐RX ES‐2180 MED‐RX Page 14 of 19 Case Qty UOM 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 25 CA 25 CA 25 CA 25 CA 25 CA 25 CA 25 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 10 10 10 10 10 CA CA CA CA CA CA CHS Anesthesia Product Catalogue 2014 ProductCode 18368 18369 18372 18376 183A71 183A73 183A75 408262 408263 408264 408265 408266 408267 408268 408269 408270 409407 409408 409409 BD BD BD BD 511547 BD 511548 BD Kimberly‐Clark BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD 18343 18344 18347 18349 18353 18354 18367 18382 18383 18397 183A34 183A39 183A42 183A46 183A48 183A52 22G x 2.5" Chiba Needle G/W 22G x 3.5" Chiba Needle, Graduated, G/W 22G x 5.0" Chiba Needle, Graduated, w/Wings, Sliding Depth Indicator 22G x 8.0" Chiba Needle, Graduated, w/Wings, Sliding Depth Indicator 20G x 6.0" Chiba Needle, Graduated, w/Wings, Sliding Depth Indicator 22G x 6.0" Chiba Needle, Graduated, w/Wings, Sliding Depth Indicator 20G x 8.0" Chiba Needle, Graduated, w/Wings, Sliding Depth Indicator Biopsy Needle, Fine, 20G x 3.5" Westcott, Sterile, Single Use Biopsy Needle, Fine, 20G x 5.5" Westcott, Sterile, Single Use Biopsy Needle, Fine, 20G x 7.0" Westcott, Sterile, Single Use Biopsy Needle, Fine, 22G x 3.5" Westcott, Sterile, Single Use Biopsy Needle, Fine, 22G x 5.5" Westcott, Sterile, Single Use Biopsy Needle, Fine, 22G x 7.0" Westcott, Sterile, Single Use Biopsy Needle, Fine, 22G x 6.0", Thin‐wall, Chiba, Sterile, Single Use Biopsy Needle, Fine, 22G x 8.0", Thin‐wall, Chiba, Sterile, Single Use Potts‐Cournand Needle, Thin‐Wall, 18G x 2‐3/64", Sterile, Single Use Biopsy Needle, 20G x 3.5" (8.9 cm) with Hook Wire, Breast, Sterile, Single Use Biopsy Needle, 20G x 2.5" (6.4 cm) with Hook Wire, Breast, Sterile, Single Use Biopsy Needle, 20G x 1.5" (3.8 cm) with Hook Wire, Breast, Sterile, Single Use 16 G x 1 5/16" Rosenthal, Bone Marrow, Aspiration and Transfusion Needle, Reusable 18 G x 1" Osgood, Bone Marrow, Aspiration and Transfusion Needle, Reusable 20 G x 6", Local Anesthesia Security Bead Needle, Reusable 16 G x 4" Klatskin, TW, Liver, Kidney and Soft Tissue Biopsy, Reusable 14 G x 4.5" Silverman – BD, Modified Franklin, TW, Liver, Kidney and Soft Tissue Biopsy, Reusable 14 G x 3 3/8" Silverman – BD, Modified Franklin, TW, Liver, Kidney and Soft Tissue Biopsy, Reusable 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 CA CA CA CA CA CA CA BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX SpinalKits&Trays Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD 511348 511364 511403 186A11 405605 405606 405607 405608 405660 405661 405662 405691 405696 406706 406707 UOM ProductDescription 511346 Case Qty Vendor Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Kimberly‐Clark Spinal Tray Spinal Tray Support Spinal Tray, Quincke 22G, 3.5" Spinal Tray, Quincke 22G, 3.5" Spinal Tray, Quincke 25G, 3.5" Spinal Tray, Whitacre 25G, 3.5" Spinal Tray, Whitacre 25G, 3.5" Spinal Tray, Whitacre 25G, 3.5" Spinal Tray, Whitacre 25G, 3.5" Spinal Tray, Whitacre 27G, 3.5" Safety Anesthesia Tray w/ 25G X 3.5" Whitacre Needle Safety Anesthesia Tray w/ 22G X 3.5" Quincke Needle SpinalNeedles 25G x 3.5" Whitacre Needle 26G x 3.5" Whitacre Needle 22G x 3.5" Sprotte Needle 24G x 4.75" Sprotte Needle 22G x 1.0" Short Bevel Spinal Needle 22G x 1.5" Short Bevel Spinal Needle 24G x 2.0" Stellate Needle (Sprotte), w/side port 24G x 3.5" Sprotte, 20g x 1.5" Introducer Needle 24G x 4.75" Sprotte, 20g x 1.5" Introducer Needle 22G x 6" Quincke Point Spinal Needle 25G x 2.5" (Quincke Point) 25G x 3.5" (Quincke Point) 22G x 3.5" Whitacre Needle 27G x 3.5" Whitacre Needle 24G x 3.5" Sprotte Needle 20G x 1.5" Crawford Needle, Graduated, Plastic Hub Page 15 of 19 1 BX 1 1 1 BX BX BX 1 BX 1 BX 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 CA CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 25 25 25 10 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CHS Anesthesia Product Catalogue 2014 ProductCode 183A55 Vendor Kimberly‐Clark 3‐1149‐18 Havels 3‐1149‐20 Havels 3‐1149‐22 Havels 3‐1149‐25 Havels 333290 333300 333308 333313 333315 333320 333325 333335 333350 333355 333357 B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun 333370 B. Braun 333741 333853 333866 333873 333875 333876 333877 333878 333880 333884 400106 405010 405071 405073 405074 405078 405079 405081 405133 405138 405140 405144 405148 405149 405160 405161 405162 405164 405170 405171 405172 405174 405180 405181 405182 405184 405211 405234 B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun B. Braun BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD ProductDescription 25G x 1.0" Short Bevel Spinal Quincke Needle 18G x 3.5", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 3.5", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 3.5", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 3.5", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 27G x 3.5" (90 mm) Quincke Bevel SPINOCAN Spinal Needle 26G x 3.5" (90 mm) Quincke Bevel SPINOCAN Spinal Needle 25G x 4.75" (120 mm) Quincke Bevel SPINOCAN Spinal Needle 25G x 3.5" (90 mm) Quincke Bevel SPINOCAN Spinal Needle 22G x 4.75" (120mm) Quincke Bevel SPINOCAN Spinal Needle 22G x 3.5" (90 mm) Quincke Bevel SPINOCAN Spinal Needle 22G x 1.5" (40 mm) Quincke Bevel SPINOCAN Spinal Needle 20G x 3.5" (90 mm) Quincke Bevel SPINOCAN Spinal Needle 18G x 3.5" (90 mm) Quincke Bevel SPINOCAN Spinal Needle 22G x 5" (130 mm) Quincke Bevel SPINOCAN Spinal Needle 22G x 7" (180 mm) Quincke Bevel SPINOCAN Spinal Needle 20G x 1 3/8" (35 mm) Introducer Needle SPINOCAN® (Use with 25, 26, and 27G Spinal Needles) 24G x 3½" (90 mm) Pencil Point SPROTTE Spinal Needle with 21G Introducer 25G x 3.5" (90 mm) Pencil Point PENCAN Spinal Needle 22G x 3.5" (90 mm) Pencil Point PENCAN Spinal Needle 27G x 3½" (90 mm) Pencil Point PENCAN Spinal Needle 25G x 5" (127 mm) Pencil Point PENCAN Spinal Needle 27G x 5" (127 mm) Pencil Point PENCAN Spinal Needle 25G x 6.1" (156 mm) Pencil Point PENCAN Spinal Needle 25G x 1" (25 mm) Pencil Point PENCAN Spinal Needle 25G x 2" (50 mm) Pencil Point PENCAN Spinal Needle 24" x 4" (100 mm) Pencil Point PENCAN Spinal Needle with 20G Introducer 23G x 3.5" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 3.5" Whitacre , Sterile, Single Use 20G x 2.5" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 1.0" Quincke, Neonatal Lumbar Puncture, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 2.5" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 2.0" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 27G x 3.5" Whitacre, Sterile, Single Use 27G x 3.5" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 24G x 3‐.5" Whitacre, Thin‐wall, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 3.5" Whitacre, Thin‐wall, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 5.0" Whitacre, Thin‐wall, Sterile, Single Use 27G x 5.0" Whitacre, Thin‐wall, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 5.0" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 7.0" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 1.25" Quincke Yellow, Introducer, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 1.5" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 1.5" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 26G x 3.5" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 3.0" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 3.0" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 3.0" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 3.0" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 3.5" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 22G 3.5" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 3.5" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 3.5" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 6.0" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 4‐11/16" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use Page 16 of 19 Case Qty UOM 25 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX 50 BX 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 10 25 10 25 25 10 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 10 10 BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX CHS Anesthesia Product Catalogue 2014 ProductCode Vendor 408360 409442 409443 4502019 4505905 BD BD BD B. Braun B. Braun 5‐1149‐18 Havels 5‐1149‐20 Havels 5‐1149‐22 Havels 5‐1149‐25 Havels 511140 BD 5P‐1149‐20 Havels 5P‐1149‐22 Havels 5P‐1149‐25 Havels 6‐1149‐18 Havels 6‐1149‐20 Havels 6‐1149‐22 Havels 6‐1149‐25 Havels 8‐1149‐18 Havels 8‐1149‐20 Havels 8‐1149‐22 Havels 8‐1149‐25 Havels 80‐6011 80‐6013 MED‐RX MED‐RX 8P‐1149‐18 Havels 8P‐1149‐20 Havels 8P‐1149‐22 Havels 8P‐1149‐25 Havels 9‐1149‐22 Havels XN120‐18 Havels XN120‐20 Havels XN120‐22 Havels XN120‐25 Havels XN140‐18 Havels XN140‐20 Havels XN140‐22 Havels ProductDescription 18G x 6.0" Quincke, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 4‐11/16" Whitacre, Sterile, Single Use 27G x 4‐11/16" Whitacre, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 3.5" (90 mm) Pencil Point Spinal Pencan® Needle 25G x 3½" (90 mm) Quincke Spinal Spinocan® Needle 18G x 5", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 5", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 5", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 5", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 20 G x 4", Yale™ Spinal Needle Reusable, Quincke 20G x 5", Extra Long Quincke Needle, w/ Plastic Hub, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 5", Extra Long Quincke Needle, w/ Plastic Hub, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 5", Extra Long Quincke Needle, w/ Plastic Hub, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 6", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 6", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 6", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 6", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 8", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 8", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 8", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 8", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 4.95" Whitacre Needle 27G x 4.95" Whitacre Needle 18G x 8", Extra Long Quincke Needle, w/ Plastic Hub, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 8", Extra Long Quincke Needle, w/ Plastic Hub, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 8", Extra Long Quincke Needle, w/ Plastic Hub, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 8", Extra Long Quincke Needle, w/ Plastic Hub, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 9", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, without Calibrations, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 4‐3/4", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 4‐3/4", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 4‐3/4", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 4‐3/4", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 5.5", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 5.5", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 5.5", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use Page 17 of 19 Case Qty UOM 10 10 10 25 25 BX BX BX BX BX 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 1 BX 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 25 25 CA CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA CHS Anesthesia Product Catalogue 2014 ProductCode Vendor XN140‐25 Havels XN152‐18 Havels XN152‐20 Havels XN152‐22 Havels XN152‐25 Havels XN203‐18 Havels XN203‐20 Havels XN203‐22 Havels XN203‐25 Havels XN254‐20 Havels XN254‐22 Havels XN305‐20 Havels XN305‐22 Havels ProductDescription 25G x 5.5", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 6", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 6", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 6", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 6", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 18G x 8", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 8", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 8", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 25G x 8", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 10", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 10", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 20G x 12", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use 22G x 12", Quincke Needle, LL w/ Metal Hub w/ Stylet, w/ Calibrations, Needle Stop, Sterile, Single Use Page 18 of 19 Case Qty UOM 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA 10 CA CHS Anesthesia Product Catalogue 2014 CHS TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE TERMS OF PAYMENT ‐ Terms are Net 30 Days, Prices subject to change without notice SHIPPING CHARGES ‐ Orders shipped F.O.B Canadian Hospital Specialties Ltd., RETURN PRODUCT POLICY Written approval from Canadian Hospital Specialties, Oakville, must be received prior to return of any merchandise. A request for authorization must include, reason for return, invoice number, date, lot number, catalogue number and quantity to be returned. Any shipment of returned product not accompanied by our letter of approval or not labelled and shipped according to its instructions shall be refused by Canadian Hospital Specialties and C.H.S. shall instruct the delivering carrier to return the shipment to sender, freight collect. Returns due to C.H.S. shipping error or merchandise defective at the time of receipt, may be returned (upon written authorization) freight collect, for full credit. All other authorized returns to be freight prepaid to C.H.S., Oakville, Ontario. No merchandise will be accepted at any other location. Only full, unopened cases will be eligible for return. No credit shall be allowed on any product that is not in the current catalogue or that was not purchased less than one year prior to the date of the return request or ordered as a “special”. No merchandise ordered on special order will be accepted for credit or return. Any credit granted shall be as follows and all returns are F.O.B. destination. A. Saleable merchandise returned within 30 days of invoice date: 90% B. Saleable merchandise returned with 30 and 120 days of invoice date: 80% C. Saleable merchandise returned after 120 days of invoice date: 70% D. Saleable merchandise returned after 6 months of invoice date: 50% E. Merchandise which is open, unsaleable or unacceptable: No Credit TO ORDER CANADIAN HOSPITAL SPECIALTIES LTD. 2810 Coventry Road Oakville, ON L6H 6R1 TEL.: (905) 825‐9300 FAX NO: (905) 825‐9600 | EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: Page 19 of 19
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