Rendering not of actual property The Reserve At Amelia 300 Unit Class A Mul.-‐family Apartment Community Way Yulee, Florida 32097 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C 1 Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I Executive Summary 3 SECTION II Project Status / Timeline 7 SECTION III Market Overview & Location 8 SECTION IV Project Description 13 SECTION V Financial Summary 25 SECTION VI Sponsorship 29 SECTION VII Appendix - Market Study 43 Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 2 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduc.on: Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC, together with long-‐standing partner ADEVCO, Inc., have been invited to solicit investors for a new special purpose en.ty, Forterra Amelia, LLC, to co-‐invest with LFW Investments, LLC as equity investors in a 300 unit luxury apartment community in the Amelia Island, FL area. LFW is the personal investment vehicle of Leo F. Wells, one of the most enduring and successful real estate investors in the U.S. Having owned and operated a series of funds and REITS, including the Wells REIT, the team at LFW brings decades of experience gained from billions of dollars of real estate transac.ons. LFW has tapped ADEVCO to develop this and other projects in concert with their internal staff. Forterra and ADEVCO have co-‐invested and managed projects together since 1999 of both opportunis.c acquisi.ons and new developments throughout the U.S. It is this unique rela.onship that gives investors in Forterra Amelia an opportunity to invest along side this real estate icon. Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 3 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Investment Summary: Forterra Acquisi.ons is a maximum of $5,300,000 of which it intends to invest $5,000,000 into Reserve Amelia, LLC, the ownership en.ty of the project .tled The Reserve at Amelia. The total equity required to be invested from the $37 million construc.on budget ranges from $7.5 to $9.4 million depending on final loan proceeds. The balance of the equity will be invested by LFW and ADEVCO, but in no event less than $3 million. LFW and Leo F. Wells will be guarantors of the property financing. Cash flows from opera.ons will be paid 100% to investors pro rata un.l they have been paid a 8% on their investment, then 90% to investors and 10% to ADEVCO. Upon sale or refinance, Forterra Amelia shall have all of its capital returned first, followed by LFW and ADEVCO. Then, all investors receive a 12% preferred look-‐ back IRR aaer which 90% goes to investors and 10% to ADEVCO up to a 20% IRR, aaer which 80% goes to investors, 10% to ADEVCO and 10% to LFW. Forterra Amelia (and any other non-‐managing member) will receive a priority distribu@on of all of its invested capital prior to the Managing Member providing a superior level of investment security. LFW is currently with lenders for a construc.on/mini-‐perm loan. The loan proceeds and other terms of the loan in the following projec.ons are based on firm term sheet proposals from lenders but the actual loan may be more favorable to the Investors. The investment by Forterra Amelia LLC into Reserve Amelia LLC is scheduled to close on or before December 15, 2014 concurrently with the closing of the construc.on loan. Unlike most investments in development, investors in Forterra Amelia do not share in the risk associated with all pre-‐development costs of land due diligence & carry costs, en.tlement, architectural design, engineering, etc. Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 4 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Forterra Amelia Equity Investment Summary Construction Budget Construction Loan Equity Required $37,533,852 $28,150,390 $9,383,462 ADEVCO Equity Financial Sponsor Equity $500,000 $3,883,462 Forterra Contribution to Project Syndication Fees Legal & Administrative Costs Total Forterra Investment $5,000,000 $250,000 $50,000 $5,300,000 (Maximum) 41.39% 53.29% Investment Structure – Forterra Amelia, LLC: • Forterra priority return of capital scheduled to return roughly half of capital upon property stabilization and refinance in the 24th month. • Forterra maintains approval rights to all major decisions including sale or refinance of the Project. • Cash Flow to be distributed 90% to Investors and 10% to Managing Member (with a minimum of $1,000 per month) in lieu of an asset management fee. • Managing Member success fee upon sale equal to 27% of proceeds after a 12% look-back IRR to invested capital. Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 5 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Investment Highlights: • 300 unit rental community of one, two and three bedroom apartment homes located on a fully en.tled 24.3 acre site in Nassau County near Amelia Island, Florida. • Mediterranean style buildings are three story wood frame construc.on with 59 carriage garages and 450 surface parking spaces, 1.5 parking spaces per unit. • Architecturally appealing, efficiently designed Energy Star homes empty nesters drawn by the warm Florida climate, King’s Bay military personnel and residents serving Amelia Island and surrounding areas of Jacksonville and Savannah. Dis.nct Market Advantage: • Supply of apartment units in Nassau County is limited with only two (Courtney Isles and Nassau Club Apartments) in the Subject’s Primary Market Area (PMA). • demand from Subject property’s PMA, including Secondary and Ter.ary Market Area is es.mated at 8,000 households, a capture rate of only 3.75%. • CoStar Group, Inc. reports a total of 1,892 apartment units in Nassau County with a vacancy rate of 3.7%. • According to Nassau County, there are currently no planned developments of mul.-‐family units in the County. Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 6 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C PROJECT STATUS / TIME-‐LINE • Land acquisi.on completed on June 20, 2014 at a purchase price of $2.1MM, an $7,000 per unit, or $86,420 per acre. • Architectural firm of Rule Joy Trammell + Rubio (RJT+R) completed schema.c design package as of June 9, 2014 and has submifed as-‐built design drawing and specifica.on to construc.on contractor to finalize pricing. • Property is zoned high density, including 39 affordable housing units to achieve 50% bonus density – selected Gillefe & Associates, Civil Engineer -‐ construc.on permits from Nassau County and local complete. • Integra selected as construc.on contractor -‐ guaranteed maximum price contract submifed and accepted with an.cipated construc.on to be completed by August 2015. • Selected First to provide lease-‐up and on-‐site property management services in May 2014. Land acquisi.on / A&E design Final permits / commence construc.on Cer.ficate of Occupancy Jun ‘14 Aug ‘14 Sep ‘15 Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on Stabiliza.on Sep ‘16 7 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C MARKET OVERVIEW & LOCATION Market Loca.on: • The subject site is located in Nassau County between the of Amelia Island and Yulee, Florida at the intersec.on of A1A and Way Site • Driving Distance in miles to major afrac.ons: 1. Kings Bay Naval base – 18 2. Amelia Island Planta.on – 12 3. Ritz Carlton Amelia Island – 9 4. Fernandina Beach – 9 5. Highway I-‐95 – 6 6. Jacksonville Interna.onal Airport – 17 Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 8 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C MARKET OVERVIEW & LOCATION Primary Market Area Demographics: • The economies of Amelia Island and Fernandina Beach are primarily driven by tourism and have experienced an upward trend in recent years. • The subject’s PMA has an overall strong income base: • • Median household income is $55,853, an increase of 8.8% above US median household income. • Average household income is $73,524, an increase of 2.3% above US average household income. The demographics within the PMA also indicate a fairly stable picture: • Popula.on growth and household growth experience fairly constant increases of approx. 2.60% annually. Comparable MulU-‐family CharacterisUcs: • 12-‐month lease term are typical • Minimal rental concessions • Occupancy rates in the mid to high 90 percent range • include: garages, clubhouse, swimming pool and fitness center Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 9 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C MARKET OVERVIEW & LOCATION Comparable ProperUes: 1. Courtney Isles (B+) • 240 unit complex constructed in 2008 • Occupancy level – 94.8% • Avg. rent p.s.f. -‐ $0.986 • Currently highest quality complex in PMA 2. Nassau Club Apartments (B) • 240 unit complex constructed in 2005 • Occupancy level – 95+% • Avg. rent p.s.f. -‐ $0.774 • Sec.on 41 Tax Credit property of approx. 25% market rate units Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 10 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C MARKET OVERVIEW & LOCATION 1. Site 2. Legend: 1. Courtney Isles 2. Nassau Club Apartments Monthly Rent: Property Reserve Courtney Isles Nassau Club * 1BR/1BA 2BR/2BA 3BR/2BA $953 $910 $750 $1,143 $1,062 $1,040 $1,350 $1,260 $1,069 * Data for Nassau Club excludes non-market rate and 4BR units Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 11 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C MARKET OVERVIEW & LOCATION Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 12 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C PROJECT DESCRIPTION Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 13 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C PROJECT DESCRIPTION UNIT MIX Unit Type A B C D E F G BR/BA 1/1 1/1 1/1 2/2 2/2 2/2 3/3 Sub-Total GAR Total n/a SF 800 900 850 1,050 1,250 1,150 1,350 # Units 58 57 20 58 57 20 30 Total SF 46,400 51,300 17,000 60,900 71,250 23,000 40,500 Rent/SF $1.20 $1.15 $0.82 $1.08 $1.01 $0.73 $1.00 Monthly Rent $960 $1,035 $698 $1,134 $1,260 $838 $1,350 Annual Rent $668,160 $707,940 $167,580 $789,264 $861,840 $201,096 $486,000 1,035 300 310,350 $1.04 $1,078 $3,881,880 264 908 59 359 15,576 325,926 $1.00 $1.01 $110 $919 $77,880 $3,959,760 Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 14 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C PROJECT DESCRIPTION General • 300 unit gated rental community of one, two and three bedroom apartment homes situated in a natural seqng with rolling topography. • Apartments will be three stories, walk-‐up, garden style units and include 59 carriage style garages: -‐ Type 1: 3 story, 24 units -‐ Type 4: 2 story, 4 units over 12 garages -‐ Type 2: 3 story, 24 units -‐ Type 5: 1 story, 10 garages -‐ Type 3: 3 story, 24 units -‐ Type 5A: 1 story, 9 garages • 450 parking spaces, or 1.5 spaces per unit • Mul.ple brick paver roundabouts to create warm community feel and ease flow of traffic Exterior Finish: • Mediterranean themed with hard coat stucco exterior • Construc.on Type VA – structural wood framing • Architectural columns, cornices, arches and window shufers • Concrete .le roof • Spray foam insula.on and sound mats to reduce noise between units Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 15 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C PROJECT DESCRIPTION Interior Finish: • Living room / Kitchen o Light and dark color scheme op.ons o Low maintenance luxury vinyl .le o Granite countertops o Stainless steel electric appliance package o Standard full size Amana washer and dryer o Wood panel kitchen cabinets • Bedroom / Bath o Semi-‐shag carpet in all bedrooms o Porcelain ceramic .le in bathroom o Cultured double marble o “Thermafoil” cabinetry Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 16 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C PROJECT DESCRIPTION Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 17 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C PROJECT DESCRIPTION Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 18 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C PROJECT DESCRIPTION Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 19 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C PROJECT DESCRIPTION Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 20 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C PROJECT DESCRIPTION Clubhouse: • 6,000 sq. a. • Leasing office • Spacious living / great room to include social coffee bar • Club room with coffered ceiling and see through fireplace to covered terrace • Gourmet kitchen with separate dining room to accommodate up to 60 residents/guests • Lounge with large flat screen TV • Fitness center to include: o and treadmill machines o Nau.lus and free weights o Private room for Yoga, Spin and Fitness on Demand o Flat screen TV’s throughout • Outdoor covered and open terrace Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 21 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C PROJECT DESCRIPTION AmeniUes: • 1,500 sq. a. Olympic size salt water pool with Sundeck and pool slide • Outdoor kitchen to include grill and ice machine • Kid friendly playground area • Large and small dog park complete with dog washing sta.on • Car wash • Natural hiking and fitness trail • 59 garages with separate storage lockers • Mail center • Community garden • Large fountain feature in main reten.on pond Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 22 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C PROJECT DESCRIPTION Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 23 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C PROJECT DESCRIPTION Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 24 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C FINANCIAL SUMMARY SOURCES Construction Loan/Mini-Perm Equity 75.0% $28,150,390 25.0% $9,383,462 Total Sources $37,533,852 USES Land Cost 5.6% $2,100,000 A&E 3.4% $1,287,192 Direct Construction Cost 76.6% $28,756,004 Indirect Construction Cost 10.3% $3,878,381 4.0% $1,500,000 Developer Fees Total Uses Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on $37,533,852 25 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C FINANCIAL SUMMARY Land General Condi.ons/Fee/Bond Hard Cost Total Hard Cost Architecture / Engineering FF&E Impact Fees Construc.on Management Fee Financing & Legal Fees Insurance Taxes Misc. Total Soa Costs Developer Fee -‐ Current Hard Con.ngencies Soa Con.ngencies Total Con.ngencies Construc.on Period Interest Construc.on Period Op Deficit Construc.on Period Income Total Project Costs DEVELOPMENT BUDGET Total $ $2,100,000 $2,486,743 $25,213,261 $27,700,004 $8,289 $84,044 $92,333 $650,752 $1,050,000 $1,260,984 $300,000 $2,169 $3,500 $4,203 $1,000 $361,128 $50,000 $25,000 $3,697,864 $1,204 $167 $83 $0 $12,326 $1,500,000 $5,000 $756,000 $154,967 $910,967 $2,520 $517 $3,037 $521,726 $662,216 0 $1,739 $2,207 0 $37,092,777 $123,643 Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on $ / unit $7,000 $ / PSF $6.54 $7.74 $78.49 $86.23 $2.03 $3.27 $3.93 $0.93 $1.12 $0.16 $0.08 $0.00 $11.51 $4.67 $2.35 $0.48 $2.84 $1.62 $2.06 0 $115.47 26 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C % Total 5.7% 6.7% 68.0% 74.7% 1.8% 2.8% 3.4% 0.8% 1.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 10.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.4% 2.5% 1.4% 1.8% 0 100.0% FINANCIAL SUMMARY – Five Year Hold – Page 1 Assumptions Total Cost Equity Mini Perm Loan Construction Cap Rate (normalized) Loan Rate Loan Term (mos) 25% 75% Loan Amortization (mos) 300 Constant 5.00% Preferred Return (8% current + 4% catch-up) 12.00% Year 0 Occupancy Level Revenues Potential Gross Income - Vacancy - Rent Concessions Yr 1 - Collection Loss/Bad Debt + Utility Reimbursements + Other Income Effective Gross Income Operating Expenses - Operating Expenses - Management Fee - Debt Extension fees - Replacement Reserves Net Operating Income + Op Deficit Reserve - Debt Service Cash Flow Project Value - Cost of Sale Net Sale Proceeds - Mortgage Balance Equity Reversion Partial Return of Capital Total Equity Returned Returns Return on Cost (Yr. 5) Return on Equity (Yr. 5) Equity Multiple at Exit Exit Cap Rate Cost of Sale Project Level - Unleveraged IRR $37,533,852 $9,383,462 $28,150,390 7.15% 5.00% 60 8.26% 7.56% 2.33 x 7.00% 1.00% 3.54% Project Level Leverage IRR 19.21% Investor - Leverage IRR 18.39% Investor - Equity Multiple 2.24 x Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 59.9% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 4,255,800 1,708,231 347,000 42,558 2,158,011 4,362,195 218,110 4,471,250 223,562 4,583,031 229,152 4,697,607 234,880 4,815,047 240,752 43,622 4,100,463 44,712 4,202,975 45,830 4,308,049 46,976 4,415,750 48,150 4,526,144 965,193 75,530 994,149 143,516 1,054,692 150,782 1,086,333 154,551 1,118,923 158,415 30,104 1,087,184 304,697 1,391,880 - 75,000 2,887,798 1,407,520 1,480,279 1,023,973 147,104 273,287 75,000 2,683,610 2,390,395 293,215 75,000 3,027,575 2,390,395 637,180 75,000 3,099,866 2,390,395 709,471 75,000 3,173,806 2,390,395 783,411 15,531,000 155,310 15,375,690 28,150,390 (12,774,700) 41,254,000 412,540 40,841,460 28,150,390 12,691,070 38,337,000 383,370 37,953,630 28,150,390 9,803,240 44,284,000 442,840 43,841,160 31,159,615 12,681,545 45,340,000 453,400 44,886,600 30,465,679 14,420,921 - - 1,480,279 43,251,000 432,510 42,818,490 31,816,497 11,001,993 4,287,914 6,061,409 6,698,589 21,828,981 Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 27 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C FINANCIAL SUMMARY – Five Year Hold – Page 2 Year 0 Project - Unleveraged IRR Total Cost (1) Annual Cash Flow Net Cash From Sale Project Cash Flow IRR Project - Leveraged IRR Initial Equity Annual Cash Flow Net Cash From Refi and Sale Project Cash Flow IRR Equity Multiple Investor - Leveraged IRR Initial Equity Year 1 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 $36,349,910 $$(36,349,910) 3.61% $1,097,184 $2,898,098 $2,693,341 $3,038,502 $3,111,121 $45,050,940 $48,162,061 $1,097,184 $2,898,098 $2,693,341 $3,038,502 $- $1,490,579 $639,480 $- $1,490,579 $294,319 4,404,992 $4,699,311 $639,480 $712,099 $14,475,303 $15,187,402 750,677 $$750,677 750,677 $1,490,579 $10,775 750,677 $294,319 $467,133 750,677 $639,480 $578,330 750,677 $712,099 $616,909 $- $- $- $- $- - - 4,404,992 - $- $1,490,579 $4,699,311 $639,480 1,523,693 4,978,470 $7,175,826 $14,390,088 $$$- $794,258 $79,426 $714,833 $4,121,322 $177,412 $3,943,909 $340,748 $34,075 $306,674 $7,667,792 $1,599,957 $6,067,836 $9,383,462 $0 $(9,383,462) 19.48% 2.35 x $9,383,462 Preferred "Earned" Preferred "Paid" Preferred "Accrual" Investor Annual Cash Flows Preferred "Catch-up" Return of Equity Net Cash From Refi and Sale Investor Total Cash Flow IRR Equity Multiple Year 2 $$(9,383,462) 18.69% 2.26 x Forterra Investors - Leveraged IRR Forterra Equity Contribution To Project $5,000,000 53.29% Syndication Fee $250,000 Legal and Closing Expense $50,000 Total Investment $5,300,000 Forterra Project IRR 22.31% Forterra Annual Cash Distributions from Project Mgmt/Success Fee - Forterra Acquisitions Investor Total Cash Flow IRR 19.0% Equity Multiple 2.08 x Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 28 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C SPONSORSHIP AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC is affiliated with Forterra Capital Partners, LLC and is led by Dan Markee. Since 1995, these companies have provided debt and equity to ventures in partnership with developer/sponsors throughout the U.S. as well as direct investment in turnaround and real estate related businesses both private and public. Forterra investments have encompassed nearly every asset type, geography and structure. For nearly two decades, Forterra has provided commercial real estate in projects for its investors and partners in the following areas: • Debt and Equity Placement • Joint Venture Structuring • Asset Management • Land Assemblage and En.tlement • Distressed Real Estate and Debt Acquisi.on & Management • Workouts of Distressed Real Estate, & Companies Forterra has provided an average annual return on assets of over 13.5% for its clients over its life with 97% of its investors returning for subsequent investments. Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 29 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C SPONSORSHIP LFW Investments is the family office investment vehicle for Leo F. Wells. Over the last 30 years, Mr. Wells’ various companies have invested over $13 billion in commercial real estate transac.ons of assets primarily purchased throughout the United States, including minor holdings interna.onally. Aside from Mr. Wells’ renowned in the commercial office sector (which in 2002, included Wells being ranked the largest purchaser of Class-‐A office and industrial in the U.S. by Real Capital Analy.cs), Mr. Wells has been ac.vely involved in the following real estate throughout his career • Build-‐to-‐suit corporate complexes • Development of mul.-‐family • subdivisions • Land assemblage and en.tlement • Timberland investment and management • Anchored and unanchored retail strip centers Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 30 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C SPONSORSHIP With the crea.on of LFW Investments in 2013, Mr. Wells formed an investment vehicle for the purpose of con.nuing his tradi.onal real estate investment strategy u.lizing his personal net worth. Since its incep.on, LFW has invested in partnerships with a proven track record of performance. These partnerships operate in a wide variety of asset classes, including, student housing, senior living, office, retail, mixed-‐use and LFW’s investment is to create a diversified portolio of assets, primarily focused on real estate investments that produce above market risk-‐ adjusted returns. To date, the investment team at LFW has invested in real estate projects valued in excess of $500 million. The LFW team consists of three real estate professionals with combined experience of 70+ years in real estate development, acquisi.on, structuring and disposi.ons. Addi.onally, LFW leverages expert third party resources to assist in project evalua.on and due diligence, legal, tax and Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 31 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C SPONSORSHIP Founded in 1990, ADEVCO delivers quality development to Fortune 500 companies throughout the United States. Since incep.on, ADEVCO has developed over 4 million square feet of corporate office and call center valued at approximately $450 million. ADEVCO’s specialty – achieving your real estate objec.ves by consistently delivering superior development solu.ons. ADEVCO defines quality development as efficient, func.onal and cost that an.cipate needs and offer solu.ons. The ADEVCO team has more than a century of development know-‐how. With na.onal experience working with Fortune 500 companies, we apply lessons learned to deliver for our clients. We understand corporate real estate decisions and the value of on-‐.me and on-‐budget comple.ons. Our refined skill set enables us to overcome challenges and make things happen. Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 32 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C SPONSORSHIP We believe that quality and value are not op.onal — they are a requirement. Our experienced management team works with the industry's best contractors and consultants, and together, we deliver a quality project on .me and on budget. We manage the details, but don't lose sight of the end goal. Our construc.on management include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Review general contractor and subs contracts Manage bid process and provide bid analysis Maintain project budget and schedule integrity Manage architectural and engineer team Coordinate all construc.on services Conduct site visits Manage change orders Conduct regular project team mee.ngs Facilitate quality and standard assurance Execute punch list Procure closing documents Review and process invoices Develop monthly draw process Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 33 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C SPONSORSHIP Rule Joy Trammell (RJT+R) is an architectural and interior design prac.ce recognized for excellence in urban planning, architectural and interior design and execu.on of a wide range of project types. RJT+R is headquartered in Atlanta, GA. Notable Atlanta projects include 1010 Midtown, 1075 Peachtree Street, Loews Hotel, the Marriof Hotel at the Georgia Interna.onal Conven.on Center, Krog Street Market and Apartments and 33 Peachtree Place. In addi.on, RJT+R has completed Vistas on the James, Richmond, VA; Historic Rehabilita.on of the John Marshall Hotel, Richmond, VA; Colonial Trust Headquarters, Birmingham, AL; Somerby Senior Living Community in Charleston, SC; as well as numerous data and call centers for AT&T throughout the Midwest; AllState Call Center, Yuma, AZ and Merck TeleRx Call Center, Shelby, NC. Corporate interior design clients include: Troutman Sanders, LLP; Sciele Pharma, Inc.; Kemira Chemicals, Inc.; SecureWorks and Exide Technologies. Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 34 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C SPONSORSHIP Firm History: RJT+R was established on January 3, 2005. The five Principals: Rob Rule, Dan Joy, Joe Trammell, Ann Rubio and Greg Blaylock have worked together as a team for over 18 years, providing design services on projects which have been recognized for design excellence and proven to be profitable long-‐term assets for their clients. It is this history that enables RJT+R to generate a large por.on of its business from repeat clients. Firm Vision: The firm’s vision is to be an organiza.on which has a strong connec.on with their clients and a nurturing environment for their design associates. They have succeeded in this vision by: • Becoming the first Architectural/Interior Design Firm to be voted as one of the Top 25 Best Places to Work by Atlanta Business Chronicle. • Establishing New Client Rela.onships which have led to repeat commissions. • Consistently being ranked among the Top 25 Architectural and Interior Design Firms in Atlanta. Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 35 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C SPONSORSHIP With offices in Atlanta and Indianapolis, Integra Construc.on has a two-‐decade tradi.on of managing complex projects in the Southeast and Midwest, along with extensive experience throughout the rest of the country. We were formed in Atlanta in 1994 by David Blackmore and Jeff Powers aaer working together at a na.onally recognized general firm. Our management team has worked together for over thirty (30) years. This con.nuity of experience allows us to communicate well internally, and ul.mately provide befer communica.on with owners, architects, and subcontractors. Integra has completed millions of square feet of mission, office, light industrial, interior, retail, condominium, airport, and ins.tu.onal space for many Fortune 500 companies. Our efficient size provides us with the of the largest companies while maintaining low general condi.ons costs and the personalized service. We are well capitalized and carry no short or long term debt. Integra Construc.on is licensed in twenty-‐four (24) states and has a bonding capacity in excess of $90 million with The Hartord Fire Insurance Company. We are consistently ranked among the Top 25 General Firms in Georgia by the Atlanta Business Chronicle. Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 36 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C SPONSORSHIP The philosophy of Integra Construc.on is to perform work for a select group of clients and targeted projects, and to ensure that the highest level of afen.on is provided on each project we undertake. Our goal on all projects is to obtain complete client sa.sfac.on by performing our work for the most price, the highest quality construc.on and within the schedule requirements. We take all steps necessary to ensure that these three goals are met and that at the end of each project the client is more impressed with Integra Construc.on than they were at the first Our proven commitment to establishing long term rela.onships with our clients by providing first class service is the basis of the philosophy at Integra Construc.on. This philosophy has been in place for twenty years and has resulted in our con.nuous growth and success. We con.nue to provide construc.on services for the same clients that we worked with during our first year, which we feel speaks for itself in the quality of work and service we provide. Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 37 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C SPONSORSHIP MulU-‐Family, Assisted Living, and Hotel Experience Spyglass Condominiums, Amelia Island, Florida – This 7 story luxury condominium project is located on the pres.gious Amelia Island Planta.on. The structure is a flat slab, reinforced concrete frame with concrete shear walls. The interior wall construc.on is comprised of CMU and metal stud with sheetrock construc.on. All perimeter walls are comprised of “paperless” drywall for mold preven.on. Site work includes reloca.on of roadways for access to adjacent condominiums, u.lity reloca.ons, a new pool and pool house. The Mix, Atlanta, Georgia – Integra Construc.on is currently finalizing pricing on this project. It consists of two building and one parking deck. Building A has 10,000 SF of retail on the first floor and 35,000 SF of Building B consists of three units and retail on the first floor. There is also a 183 space pre-‐cast parking deck included. Construc.on to start August of 2014. Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 38 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C SPONSORSHIP Chatham Harbor Apartment RenovaUon, Altamonte Springs, Florida – Renova.on of 350 unit apartment complex in Altamonte Springs, FL of a complete interior renova.on and exterior repairs and Work also included re-‐plumbing all units. The AtlanUc, Atlanta, Georgia – A new 419 unit 50 story condominium building. The Atlan.c is a modern-‐day testament to Art Deco glamour and The spacious residences feature over 50 floor plan op.ons. The building includes a full-‐size pool with hot tub spa and a fitness center with state of the art equipment. The units include hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, and custom wood countertops. Salude Assisted Living, Suwannee, Georgia – Salude is a facility providing high-‐level clinical care in recovery and post-‐acute services. This facility houses 64 private rooms (approximately 330 sf) along with doctors on staff and rehabilita.on rooms offering drama.c floor-‐to-‐ceiling windows with beau.ful, scenic views and mechanized roller shades. Included in each private room you find a custom built-‐in wardrobe and vanity,‐style glazed porcelain bathrooms and stainless-‐steel fixtures. Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 39 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C SPONSORSHIP It all started with a handshake and a single client in 1978. For over four decades, building rela.onships anchored by trust has earned First Management (FCM) the reputa.on of superior apartment management services, afen.veness to client objec.ves and the industry’s strongest systems and financial Rob Johnston, President and Founder of FCM, began the company with one to be the premier property management company in the United States. Understanding that success is only achieved with a clear vision, Rob defined FCM’s core principles of excellence from the company’s incep.on: • Our Leadership Team must be passionate,, and an industry leader. • Each client will receive the highest level of property management services at all .mes. • Create a company of dedicated, knowledgeable professionals with the personal core values of integrity, honesty, compassion, and honor. • Success lives in the building of strong rela.onships. Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 40 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C SPONSORSHIP In 1978, FCM gained its first client by taking over the management of two garden apartment in northeast Atlanta: Versailles and Chastain. FCM has since grown into one of the na.on’s most successful property management companies. We s.ll have that very first client and those first two are now part of a portolio that encompasses over 30,000 units. FCM will con.nue to evolve, improve, and prosper with the dedica.on and team work of our valued employees. Our culture is based on this simple creed – Experience and produces new but integrity, execu.on and rela.onships perpetuate these We endeavor daily to nurture and mo.vate our employees, and also hire top-‐quality new employees. We are equally devoted to afending to all the needs and preferences of our clients. All of us take great pride in the longevity of our employees and the enduring rela.onships with our clients. FCM’s future will be built in the same manner as our beginning…one rela.onship and one handshake at a .me. Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 41 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C SPONSORSHIP Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 42 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C APPENDIX – MARKET STUDY Forterra Acquisi.ons, LLC – and Proprietary Informa.on 43 AC Q U I S I T I O N S, L L C
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