r e d w o P Related & The e l i F n Produc io ts Diffract SA LE S C ATALO G 014 - 2 015 2 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR DIFFRACTION DATA Table of Contents ICDD’S VISION The International Centre for Diffraction Data will continue to develop tools and support the education required for materials analyses of tomorrow. ICDD’S MISSION The International Centre for Diffraction Data will continue to be the world center for quality diffraction and related data to meet the needs of the technical community. ICDD promotes the application of materials characterization methods in science and technology by providing forums for the exchange of ideas and information. Advances in X-ray Analysis19 Alphabetical Indexes 17 Databases 3 Data Books 17 Denver X-ray Conference 19 Dow Polymer Pattern Collection 17 Educational Resource Package 18 Grant-in-Aid Program 20 Hanawalt Search Manual 17 ICDD Clinics 18 Licensing the PDF & ICDD Software 1–2 Online Resources 3 Order/Quotation Form 28 Ordering and Shipping Information 29 Organic and Organometallic Phases 17 PDF Products Overview 3 PDF-2 Release 2014 12 PDF-2/PDF-4+ Comparison 14–15 PDF-4+ 2014 8 PDF-4/Minerals 2014 10 PDF-4/Organics 2015 11 Powder Diffraction File 3–7 Powder Diffraction Journal 19 PPXRD-13 19 Preferred Computer Specifications 9 Pricing (excludes Japan, Russia and South Korea) 25–27 Printed Indexes & Search Manuals 17 SIeve/SIeve+ 2014 Specialized Workshops Vendors WebPDF-4+ 2014 Which Database? 16–17 18 21–24 9 13 ICDD databases are the only crystallographic databases in the world with quality marks and quality review processes that are ISO certified. ICDD, the ICDD logo, PDF, and Denver X-ray Conference and design are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Powder Diffraction File is a trademark of the JCPDS—International Centre for Diffraction Data. ©2014 JCPDS—International Centre for Diffraction Data. ICDD is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. LICENSING LICENSING The ICDD database and software products are licensed for use on a single PC. Database and software licenses grant end users a limited, nonexclusive and nontransferable license to access the contents of the product for personal or internal business purposes; and to download such contents on the hard drive of a single computer, as needed, to facilitate data processing. It cannot be installed, accessed or displayed on more than one PC without purchasing additional licenses. It is expressly prohibited to access the database over a network, or access the database using desktop sharing or screen sharing software. License terms vary by product. Please see page 9 in this catalog for information on WebPDF-4+ licensing. The initial term of the license for PDF-2 and SIeve is five (5) years from the license registration key date. At the end of your five (5) year license term, you will have two options for your license. Option 1: Purchase a license for the current release of the PDF-2, SIeve, or PDF-4+. Option 2: Extend your original license for one additional five (5) year term, free of charge, provided that the licensed user has the same organization name and address (i.e., the registered user), and the product license has not been previously renewed or converted to a PDF-4+ product. All PDF-4 products are licensed for one (1) year. ICDD offers a subscription service that provides automatic renewals for your PDF-4 products. Prior to the expiration of your license, ICDD will automatically invoice and ship your PDF-4 renewal based on your original invoice date. LICENSE TERMS Product License Term PDF-2 5 years SIeve 5 years PDF-4 products* 1 year SIeve+* 1 year *Serviced by subscription featuring automatic annual renewals. Visit our Product & Registration Tutorials site: www.icdd.com/ resources/tutorials PRODUCT LICENSE POLICIES Academic Pricing Policy Site License Renewals An academic price is awarded to degree-granting (Assoc., B.S., M.S., Ph.D.) institutions. The name of the institution must appear on the degree in order to qualify for the academic pricing. Institutions may be required to submit documentation to verify eligibility. Please consult ICDD’s price list for eligible products. In order to take advantage of the site license renewal pricing, both the Master License, and the Secondary Licenses of the database must be renewed yearly. To renew a site license, ICDD requires that the Master License and all Secondary Licenses, be purchased concurrently on a single purchase order. Site License Policy† Adding Licenses to a Site ICDD’s Site License Policy is designed for a multiuser laboratory to facilitate multiple licenses of the PDF-2 or PDF-4 databases at a single site. A single site is defined by the building where the database will be installed. Multiple users in different buildings need to purchase separate site licenses for each building. In order to add additional licenses to an established site, all database licenses in the site must be updated to the current release. Combo Site License Subscription A site license includes the purchase of a Master License, plus the purchase of Secondary Licenses (discounted additional licenses). Site licenses are no longer limited to 10 database licenses. The site is still determined by a building; however, customers can now purchase an unlimited number of additional licenses at discounted pricing. The number of licenses is determined by the number of computers that will be running the database. ICDD requires that the Master License and all Secondary Licenses be purchased concurrently on a single purchase order. ICDD does not offer licensing for local servers or networks. ICDD offers a combination site license that allows for multiple licenses of the PDF-2 or PDF-4 databases† at a single site. The combo site license is serviced by subscription with yearly automatic renewals based on the anniversary of the original invoice date for the PDF-2 or PDF-4 databases†. ICDD will automatically bill and ship renewal licensed products as specified in ICDD’s then current price list. Multiyear Site License In response to customer requests, ICDD offers multiyear site licenses. The multiyear site license is offered as a convenience to our customers using site license pricing. This license is serviced by subscription and is available for a PDF-2 site, a PDF-4+ site, a WebPDF-4+ site, a combo PDF-2/PDF-4+/WebPDF-4+ site, or a PDF-4/Organics site. †PDF-4/Minerals is not eligible for site licensing. Site and multiyear site licenses for PDF-4/Organics cannot be combined with other PDF databases. For further licensing information, please visit: www.icdd.com/licenses/index.htm W W W. I C D D . C O M 1 LICENSING Multiyear License Policy To assist customers with their yearly renewals, ICDD offers multiyear licenses that allow you to prepay for future renewals. The multiyear license renewal pricing provides savings on yearly license renewals, along with fixed pricing on the renewal for the purchased license term. Multiyear pricing is available for PDF-2, PDF-4+, WebPDF-4+, and PDF-4/Organics. If the price for these products increases during your multiyear license period, you will not be billed the difference. Multiyear license renewal pricing for PDF-4/Minerals, SIeve, and SIeve+ is offered as a convenience to our customers. It is not subject to the discount offered with our other multiyear licenses. Please contact ICDD for further information. To purchase a multiyear license, users need to purchase the current release of the PDF new, or renew their license to the present release using the current prices. Users may then purchase additional years for their license. All shipping charges will be billed on the original invoice. The multiyear license is serviced by subscription with yearly automatic renewals based on the anniversary of the original invoice date for both the PDF-2 and PDF-4 databases. For each year in your multiyear license, you will receive the newest release of your PDF product. You will need to install and register your new product for each release. Since ICDD’s search-indexing software (SIeve and SIeve+) is linked to the PDF-2 and PDF-4 release year, customers utilizing this software are encouraged to purchase a multiyear license for the software along with their multiyear license for the database. The multiyear license for SIeve and SIeve+ is serviced by subscription as described in the paragraph above. Installation & Registration ICDD databases require registration to comply with the legal requirements of our collaborative agreements. When renewing your PDF license, ICDD recommends that you contact ICDD or your software vendor to determine your data analysis software requirements. ICDD products (PDF-2, PDF-4+, PDF-4/Minerals, PDF-4/Organics, SIeve and SIeve+) are automatically activated for a temporary license period (30 days) with the initial installation. Users are required to register their database and/or software in order to obtain a full license from ICDD to extend beyond 30 days. The integrated registration software will guide users through the registration process. The registration information may then be sent to ICDD by the web (preferred), email, fax or mail. When ICDD receives the registration information, a registration key for the full license will be created and sent to the user. A registration key will be issued within 48 hours (Monday through Friday) of receipt of the registration information. If you have not heard from us within 48 hours, kindly fax us your registration (610.325.9823) noting that it is a second request or call us at 610.325.9814. PDF-4+Scholar – Multiyear License for Academics PDF-4+Scholar is an incentive available solely for our academic customers who qualify under ICDD’s academic license policy. PDF-4+Scholar is a five (5) year multiyear license package for PDF-4+, which includes a license for SIeve+. It is identical to PDF-4+ in content and capability. The difference is in the licensing terms – the PDF-4+Scholar Package offers one extended license term of five years on the last product release in the multiyear license. The PDF-4+Scholar Package is available on CD or DVD. Customers will need to purchase the current release of PDF-4+ and SIeve+ in order to purchase the PDF-4+Scholar Package. Customers with a current release of the database will only need to purchase the PDF4+Scholar Package. Like all PDF-4 products, the PDF-4+Scholar Package is handled by automatic subscription. Your yearly automatic renewals will be shipped based on the anniversary of the original invoice for the PDF-4+Scholar Package. For each year in your PDF-4+Scholar multiyear license, you will receive the newest release of the PDF-4+. The last release in the package will be the PDF-4+Scholar product, which is licensed for five years. Product warranty is on the preferred computer specifications associated with the product release. If you need to change your computer specifications, ICDD recommends that you reference the ReadMe.txt or product insert for your product release to check for compatibility. For more information, please visit: www.icdd.com/products/multiyearlicensing Check with your software vendor annually to confirm software compatibility when purchasing a multiyear license. Contact ICDD for WebPDF-4+ registration information. 2 I N T E R N AT I O N A L C E N T R E F O R D I F F R A C T I O N D ATA Release 2014 of the Powder Diffraction File (PDF) contains 799,700+ unique material data sets. Each data set contains diffraction, crystallographic and bibliographic data, as well as experimental, instrument and sampling conditions, and select physical properties in a common standardized format. The PDF databases are designed to solve your material problems. The PDF is produced in several different formats in order to serve different groups of users. PDF-2 is a collaborative product between ICDD, Fachinformation- PDF-4/Minerals is the most comprehensive collection of szentrum Karlsruhe (FIZ), and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). It is designed for inorganic materials analyses. Many common organic materials from ICDD are added to this database to facilitate rapid material identification. PDF-4+ is our most advanced database, designed for both phase identification and quantitative analysis. It contains the data from both the PDF-2 and ICDD’s collaboration with MPDS. This database has comprehensive material coverage for inorganic materials and it contains numerous additional features such as digitized patterns, molecular graphics, and atomic parameters. Features to enhance the ability to do quantitative analysis have been incorporated into PDF-4+. mineral data in the world! Ninety-seven percent of all known mineral types, as defined by the International Mineralogical Association (IMA), are represented in the database, as well as many unclassified minerals. PDF-4/Minerals is a subset of the PDF-4+ database, which includes all of the software features incorporated into PDF-4+. PDF-4/Organics is a highly targeted database with the world’s largest collection of pharmaceutical excipients and polymer materials. It is designed for a multitude of applications in pharmaceutical, regulatory, specialty chemical, biomaterial, and forensic fields. The product has all of the display software and data mining capabilities contained in the PDF-4 family of products. WebPDF-4+ provides the needed portability for accessing the PDF-4+ Printed Books and Indexes include ICDD’s experimentally database via the internet. It enables full functionality of the PDF-4+ database using a high-speed internet connection. WebPDF-4+ is delivered as a USB compatible dongle. RELEASE YEAR PDF-4 Searches Display Fields collected diffraction patterns and search manuals. These materials have been produced annually for 64 years, and are commonly used as reference books. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 53 85 53 90 55 91 56 91 57 92 63 115 ENTRIES PDF-4+ PDF-4/Minerals PDF-4/Organics 291,440 34,212 370,844 301,282 36,036 406,773 316,291 37,642 470,181 328,660 39,410 471,257 340,653 40,424 479,278 354,264 41,423 494,966 PDF-2 Searches Display Fields Entries 49 24 218,610 50 40 230,346 51 40 243,911 52 43 250,182 52 47 265,127 55 47 274,443 Table 1. Search options, display fields and entry counts for the last six (6) releases of database products. Every PDF database offers self-contained data mining capability using our embedded data mining software. Online Resources Visit our website– www.icdd.com Our goal is to help you solve your material problems. We provide online publications, technical bulletins, tutorials, and videos. Many tutorials focus on capabilities of the database, but there are also general tutorials that describe methods used to analyze drugs, polymers, and minerals. The tutorial page has links to free download publications, as well as instructional videos. Our website also contains over 930 full publications for free download from Advances in X-ray Analysis. Our website, tutorial page, and publication pages are there to help you! www.icdd.com/resources/tutorials www.icdd.com/products/technicalbulletins.htm www.icdd.com/resources/axasearch/search_based_on_vol.asp W W W. I C D D . C O M 3 THE POWDER DIFFRACTION FILE SMART DATABASES THE POWDER DIFFRACTION FILE The Powder Diffraction File Having a Smart Database The Powder Diffraction File (PDF) is the only crystallographic database that is specifically designed for material identification and characterization. It is an analysis system that is comprised of crystallographic and diffraction data. These data with embedded data mining and analysis software have been through a quality and classification editorial review system. S M A R T Standardized data More Coverage All data sets are evaluated for quality Reviewed, edited and corrected prior to publication The ICDD has developed this material identification system through close collaboTargeted for material identification ration with its international membership of scientists, and >70 years of feedback and characterization from database users. With a focus on material identification, the ICDD combines single crystal and powder diffraction data sources on both crystalline and noncrystalline materials to provide users with a wide range of capability in the analysis of solid state materials. This combination enables the identification and characterization of 4, 5 and 6 dimensional modulated structures, while simultaneously being able to analyze noncrystalline polymers, drugs and clays. The combination also provides the most comprehensive materials coverage of any crystallographic database in diverse areas such as minerals, ceramics, polymers, pigments, metals You get the best of both and alloys, pharmaceuticals, and pharmaceutical excipients. Frankly speaking, this is the world’s worlds by combining a most powerful database for materials identification! The ICDD has edited and reviewed over 1 powder database with a single million publications to publish nearly close to 800,000 unique entries, which are published in three crystal database into a single major database products, PDF-2, PDF-4, and PDF-4/Organics. As shown in the figure below, these product! Single crystal data numbers are constantly changing as we review the world literature and obtain new sources of data and experimental powder data on an annual basis. can be very complimentary in Collaborative Partners The Powder Diffraction File combines data from several sources through a series of past and present strategic collaborations with other crystallographic database organizations. This often differentiates the PDF databases. PDF-4+, WebPDF-4+, and PDF-4/Minerals are the only databases with data from MPDS (LPF), and PDF-4/Organics is the only database with data from CCDC (CSD). Data sourced from the ICDD, NIST, and ICSD are common to all of our databases. The world’s most powerful database for materials identification! The Powder Diffraction File Growth 500,000 450,000 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 powder diffraction analyses. Our collaborative partners include: Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe (FIZ) Karlsruhe, Germany–Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Gaithersburg, Maryland Material Phases Data System (MPDS) Vitznau, Switzerland– Linus Pauling File (LPF) PDFPDF-4/Organics 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Data Entry Source 00- ICDD 01- FIZ 02- CCDC 03- NIST 04- MPDS 05- ICDD Crystal Data Total No. of Data Sets New Entries No. with atomic coordinates Reference Intensity Ratio - I/Ic Experimental Digital Patterns Calculated Digital Patterns PDF-2 Release 2014 111,864 152,103 0 10,067 0 409 274,443 9,316 0 178,318 0 0 PDF-4+ 2014 WebPDF-4+ 2014 111,864 61,376 0 3,018 177,597 409 354,264 19,420 239,568 258,125 9,029 354,264 Table 2. 4 I N T E R N AT I O N A L C E N T R E F O R D I F F R A C T I O N D ATA PDF-4/ Minerals 2014 11,747 10,929 0 207 18,518 22 41,423 1,253 29,456 30,587 106 41,423 PDF-4/ Organics 2015 37,753 10,991 431,359 281 0 14,582 494,966 15,689 59,746 463,710 4,869 494,966 THE PDF DATABASES Core Capabilities All PDF databases have comprehensive material coverage through the combination of single crystal and powder diffraction data. These data are classified into more Comprehensive coverage than 30 subfiles based on chemistry and material use. The subfiles are annually Extensive subfiles reviewed and updated by experts in the field. This ensures that our users are Standard nomenclature searching the correct application and chemistry for their particular problem, All formula expressed as greatly increasing the accuracy of the results. Similarly, standardized formula and atom and weight % elemental composition allows elemental data and functional group information to be used in a material search and identification. Standardization and classification are performed by ICDD editors and data suppliers who review, edit and standardize the world literature. Physical properties such as color, melting point and density can be used in a search and identification process through the data mining software embedded in all PDF databases. Identify Materials The above combinations allow our users to identify the correct materials in the shortest possible time, while greatly reducing false positives. This is what distinguishes the PDF from all other databases. I/Ic values have been calculated for hundreds of thousands of materials enabling semi-quantitative analysis by the Reference Intensity Ratio (RIR) method. This method is used and applied in the plug-in programs, SIeve and SIeve+. These values are also used by global commercial data analysis programs to perform RIR calculations. In fact, almost all major commercial software programs use this feature. An excellent example of the power of using multiple data sources is given in the PDF-4/Organics Technical Bulletin for the formulation analysis of Lipitor, where reference data from powder patterns, crystal structures, a nanomaterial, and a patent combine in a multiphase analysis. PDF-4 products contain atomic coordinates and cell parameters used for quantitative analysis by Rietveld refinement. These data are also reviewed and standardized before publication. PDF-4+ contains the largest collection of inorganic atomic coordinates of any crystallographic database with 239,568 entries. It is also the most diverse in Full digital patterns terms of the number of unique formulations by I/Ic empirical formula. Atomic coordinates PDF-4/Organics contains over 60,000 entries with atomic coordinates. These entries are Targeted material collections highly targeted towards commercial materials, specifically pharmaceuticals, excipients, pigments, The primary difference between PDF-2 and PDF-4 and forensic materials. The ICDD actively targets databases is the PDF-4 databases are addition- new commercial materials through its grant ally designed for material quantification. Every and bibliographic processes, so new materials entry in a PDF-4 database can be expressed as are constantly added to the database. These a digital pattern. This process uses three differ- targeted acquisitions mean that PDF-4/Organics ent algorithms depending on the data available is much more effective at phase identification and for the calculation. The full digital patterns can quantitation. be adjusted for various known instrumental and specimen conditions using simple JAVA™ point and click interfaces. Digital patterns can be used to perform quantitative analysis by pattern scaling and fitting. The digital patterns also allow the user to use different radiations for the analysis enabling conventional X-ray, electron, neutron, and synchrotron data analyses. Quantify Materials For detailed examples with each database product, please see the ICDD Technical Bulletins at www.icdd.com/products/ technicalbulletins.htm W W W. I C D D . C O M 5 THE PDF DATABASES New Content Top selling pharmaceuticals added to the database The crystal structures and powder patterns of a surprising number of the largest dollar volume commercial pharmaceuticals are unpublished; and the structures for many other pharmaceuticals have only been determined at low temperatures. To provide high-quality reference data for the Powder Diffraction File database, synchrotron powder diffraction patterns have been collected on many materials at ambient conditions. Thirty of the top 200 drugs were added to the database and an additional 54 generic drugs were added via ICDD’s targeted acquisition programs in 2014. These data include crystalline pharmaceuticals with structure determinations, as well as characteristic scattering patterns of many commercial amorphous pharmaceuticals. Figure 1. Crystalline and non-crystalline polymers Polymers often can pose a challenge for XRD investigations. Variations in macromolecule chain length, the occurrence of chain branching, and processing conditions often result in polymer materials that can be amorphous, semi crystalline, highly crystalline, randomly oriented, or preferentially oriented. Inclusion of raw data XRD patterns for polymers in the PDF database, starting in Release 2009, provides a more complete picture to help identify crystalline and amorphous components of a polymer XRD pattern. The original discussion of including full pattern polymer data in the PDF began with an ICDD members’ task group, and is now a reality with 146 polymer raw data XRD patterns in the PDF, focusing on high volume commercial polymers. This includes 29 new patterns added to the 2014 product release. Overall, the polymer subfile in PDF-4+ Release 2014 contains 1,282 entries. Figure 2. Cellulose Triacetate Form I, PDF 00-064-1453. This entry results from the collaborative efforts of the three research groups cited below. Gates, S., Blanton, T., International Centre for Diffraction Data, Newtown Square, PA, USA; Kaduk, J., Poly Crystallography Inc., Naperville, IL, U.S.A. Private Communication (2013); Kobayashi, T., Hayakawa, D., Khishigjargal, T., Ueda, K., MRS Online Proc. Libr. 1470 (2012); Blanton, T., Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, NY, U.S.A. Private Communication (2013). 6 I N T E R N AT I O N A L C E N T R E F O R D I F F R A C T I O N D ATA THE PDF DATABASES New Capabilities Search and identify neutron diffraction data and quantitate by RIR Neutron powder diffraction is a useful tool because elemental scattering contrast is quite different when compared to X-rays. We have calculated neutron scattering patterns for 241,561 entries in the PDF-4+ 2014 product. We have implemented search/match methods using Hanawalt, Fink, and Long8 methods for phase identification, and built dedicated tables in the PDF-4+ 2014 to accommodate these search/match methods. I/Ic values specific to neutron diffraction have also been calculated. New display fields specific to neutron diffraction indexes can now be searched and displayed. Figure 3. Two phase identification of a fuel cell composition. Neutron diffraction data (red) were taken at the Enchidna diffractometer courtesy of The Bragg Institute, ANSTO. The analysis was performed using PDF-4+ and SIeve+. Modulated structures: More entries plus new molecular graphics that visualizes various modulations Through strategic partnerships, ICDD has developed leading edge technology for the analysis and standardization of modulated structures. In Release 2014, the modulated structure subfile has seen a substantial entry increase and a new graphics package has been added allowing modulations to be visualized. Nanomaterials Tools for the analysis of nanomaterials have been developed over a period of many years. These tools are part of the embedded software in PDF-4 products. The tools include a crystallite size simulator, orientation function, display and data processing functions, and similarity index that can be used to match experimental and simulated data. By incorporating these tools into the simulation software, we can also use the tools for conventional and synchrotron X-ray, neutron, and electron diffraction data. See molecules dance (modulate) at www.icdd.com/ products/2014/ modulatedstructures.htm In Release 2014, we have added several experimental nano-sized reference materials. The references, with their experimental patterns, demonstrate the ability of powder diffraction to detect extremely small crystalline domains. Figure 4. Nano cerium oxide, PDF 00-064-737, exhibiting a well defined small angle peak at 26 Å. The insert shows the experimental data and simulation with a 12 Å (1.2 nm) crystallite size. Specimen and data courtesy of Cerion Enterprises. W W W. I C D D . C O M 7 PDF-4 PRODUCTS PDF-4+ 2014 PDF-4+ 2014 contains 354,264 entries from both the PDF-2 and our collaboration with MPDS. It combines the world’s largest sources of inorganic diffraction data from crystals and powders into a single database. The result is a comprehensive collection of inorganic materials, produced in a standardized format that can be rapidly searched for unknown phase identification. Extensive data mining is facilitated with our 115 display fields coupled with 63 searches. PDF-4+ is designed to support automated quantitative analyses by providing key reference data required for these analyses. It also contains an array of tools that supplement conventional analyses, such as a full suite of data simulation programs enabling the analysis of neutron, electron, or synchrotron data, in addition to conventional X-ray data. PDF-4+ features digitized patterns, molecular graphics, and atomic coordinates. These features have been incorporated into PDF-4+ to enhance the ability to do quantitative analysis using third party software by any of three methods: Rietveld Analysis, Reference Intensity Ratio (RIR) Method or Total Pattern Analysis. Last year, the ICDD added modulated entries with atomic coordinates. This year, we have added more entries, plus new molecular graphics that visualize various modulations. These entries are part of the new data source, designated ‘05’, which contains crystal structures abstracted and quality checked by ICDD. The modulated entries include complete descriptions of modulated structural features, superspace group designations, and the W-matrix for modulated composite structures. In the powder diffraction pattern plots, satellite peaks are distinguished from standard cell peaks. Many of the features and capabilities for PDF-4+ can be viewed on pages 14-15. New Features Identify and Quantitate The PDF-4+ database is ICDD’s most advanced database, designed for both phase identification and quantitative analysis. For quantitative analysis, the database has the following features: All 354,264 entries have digital patterns for use in total pattern analysis 258,125 entries have I/Ic values for quantitative analysis by Reference Intensity Ratio (RIR) 239,568 entries with atomic coordinates for quantitative analysis by the Rietveld method Experimental digital reference patterns for non-crystalline materials WHAT’S NEW Spot indexing for electron diffraction System-wide temperature unit preferences New searches: Multiple Space Group numbers search Modulated Structure searches: Number of dimensions Standard or composite structures Neutron diffraction line searches “In Situ Condition” comment search Adjustable wavelengths for simulated profiles 3D modulated structures display Image courtesy of Jmol library MODULATED STRUCTURE SUPPORT FOR 3D DISPLAY See molecules in motion at www.icdd.com/products/2014 8 SPOT INDEXING FOR ELECTRON DIFFRACTION For more information on PDF-4+ 2014 visit www.icdd.com/products/pdf4.htm I N T E R N AT I O N A L C E N T R E F O R D I F F R A C T I O N D ATA PDF-4 PRODUCTS WebPDF-4+ 2014 Data When and Where You Work WebPDF-4+ provides portability to the PDF-4+ database via the internet. It enables access to the entire suite of programs and data files, so that it is equivalent to PDF-4+ 2014. WebPDF-4+ can be used on any computer that meets the specifications and has access to a highspeed internet connection (see Table 3). WebPDF-4+ is delivered as a USB compatible dongle, which supplies an access key to PDF-4+. There is no need to work with a CD or DVD. The dongle is programmable, so that installation and renewals are handled via the internet. WebPDF-4+ requires that you have access to a high-speed internet connection. Your organization/site must permit TCP/IP communication ports to be opened through any firewalls. Currently, WebPDF-4+ is compatible with the majority of third party software packages, especially software versions produced in recent years. You will need to check with your third party software vendor to ensure that their software can interface to WebPDF-4+. PDF-4+ is a large database with a complex database structure. Capability and speed can be severely compromised if you are not accessing a high-speed internet connection. How is WebPDF-4+ priced? WebPDF-4+ is priced identically to PDF-4+. WebPDF-4+ can be used with site licenses or multiyear licenses. Users can also convert their PDF-4+ or PDF-2 license to WebPDF-4+ using our conversion pricing. How is WebPDF-4+ licensed? WebPDF-4+ is licensed for 12 months. Yearly renewals are required. How do I register my license for WebPDF-4+? The dongle must be registered at the licensee’s main address or “home base”. In other words, the registration must be completed at the end user’s organization. Registration must also be in accordance with the end user information (name of end user, organization, address) that was received at ICDD for the initial license purchase. How will my license renewal be handled the following year? All PDF-4 products are handled through an automatic subscription service. ICDD will bill you for the new release of your WebPDF-4+ product based on the anniversary of your original invoice date for the license. For instance, if you purchased your initial license for WebPDF-4+ 2013 in September 2013, ICDD will bill you for WebPDF-4+ 2014 in September 2014. Your license renewal and registration will be handled via the internet, similar to your initial registration. You will be required to download new software, and register your product with each new release of the WebPDF-4+. PREFERRED COMPUTER SPECIFICATIONS HARD DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS: PDF-2 Release 2014 PDF-4+ 2014 WebPDF-4+ 2014* PDF-4/Minerals 2014 PDF-4/Organics 2015 4 GB 9 GB 0.5 GB 1.5 GB 19 GB Intel®Core™ 2 Duo processor or better SUPPORTED MICROSOFT® OPERATING SYSTEMS: Windows Vista® (32-bit) SP2 Windows® 7 SP1 Windows® 8 Windows® 8.1 NTFS file system required 4 GB System memory *Requires fully-powered USB port, 32-bit Internet Explorer® 11.0 or 32-bit Firefox® 28, and ability to open TCP/IP ports through any existing firewalls. Browser must allow Java™ and scripts to execute. Connectivity speed should be at least 10.0 Mbps or higher. Table 3. Where can the WedPDF-4+ dongle be used? The WebPDF-4+ can be used on any computer that meets the specifications and has access to a high-speed internet connection (see Table 3). You will need to install the software on each computer that you will be using to access the database. The dongle will validate each login after registration. The dongle must always be present on the computer that you will be using to access the database. Access is granted to WebPDF-4+ only from a local computer. The dongle cannot be used on a server. For more information on WebPDF-4+ 2014 visit www.icdd.com/products/pdf4.htm W W W. I C D D . C O M 9 PDF-4 PRODUCTS PDF-4/Minerals 2014 HIGHLIGHTS 41,423 minerals and related materials 19,173 minerals with unique empirical formula 29,456 entries with atomic coordinate sets Experimental digital patterns for select noncrystalline and semicrystalline clays A subset of PDF-4+, which includes all of the features incorporated into PDF-4+ Quiruvilca Mine, Santiago de Chueo, Peru PDF-4/Minerals is the most comprehensive collection of mineral data in the world! Ninety-seven percent of all known mineral types, as defined by the International Mineralogical Association (IMA), are represented in the database, as well as many unclassified minerals. There is a very wide selection of chemical variants within mineral species as shown by the 19,173 unique empirical formulas in the collection. Our database demonstrates the benefit of having combined data from several different databases. Due to focused editorial efforts in bibliographic searching, editorial review, and classification, the mineral collection has more than doubled from 17,826 entries in release 2005 to 41,423 entries in release 2014. All data are statistically analyzed, then peer-reviewed by an editorial task group of ICDD scientist members, who are also mineralogists. Minerals are classified by IMA designations of family, class and subclasses, Pearson symbols, and prototype structures. All mineralogical zeolites are similarly classified using International Zeolite Association guidelines. The depth and breadth of mineralogy can be explored in PDF-4/Minerals using our embedded data mining software. PDF-4/Minerals has all the software capabilities of the larger PDF-4+ database with the large array of searches and display fields as shown in Table 1. New for 2014 is the ability to display both mineral and zeolite classifications in any Search Results table. Data mining tools enable identification of complex multiphase soil compositions and analysis of geologically-characteristic chemical variations within the mineral family. Orpiment – As2S3 (white) Figure 5. Realgar – As4S4 (yellow-orange) Figure 6. 10 I N T E R N A T I O N A L C E N T R E F O R D I F F R A C T I O N D A T A For more information on PDF-4/Minerals 2014 visit www.icdd.com/products/ pdf4-minerals.htm SOLVE DIFFICULT PROBLEMS, GET BETTER RESULTS World’s largest collection of pharmaceuticals, excipients, and polymers Combines single crystal and powder data Designed for formulation analyses Enhanced identification for crystalline, nano and amorphous materials NEW FOR 2014 Targeted additions to the experimental section, focused on top-selling pharmaceuticals and commercially-relevant polymers of varying crystallinities 14,366 new entries with atomic coordinates, targeted on pharmaceuticals and industriallyimportant materials, have been abstracted by ICDD and added to the PDF-4/Organics 2015. FEATURING SIeve+ included as an added value Trade names for over 9,800 bioactive/pharmaceutical entries XRPD d-spacing & intensity data, unit cell & space group information Real and simulated XRPD patterns for nanomaterials SAED and EBSD e-diffraction pattern simulation (most entries) Links to Cambridge Structural Database (if user-licensed) for importing atomic coordinates For more information on PDF-4/Organics 2014 visit www.icdd.com/products/ pdf4-organics.htm PDF-4/Organics database is a highly targeted collection, with special focus on materials used in commercial and regulatory fields. It is designed to solve difficult problems that are analyzed by powder diffraction analysis for a multitude of applications in the pharmaceutical, regulatory, specialty chemical, biomaterials, and forensic fields. The PDF-4/Organics provides the best of both worlds by including single crystal and powder diffraction data together in a single, edited, and standardized database. We not only extract from the public literature like other databases, we add unique content by extracting patent data, combining single crystal and powder references, adding common inorganics and polymers, and continuously adding targeted materials through grants and research proposals. PDF-4/Organics incorporates virtually all of the features and capabilities described for PDF-4+ (pages 14-15). Pharmaceuticals Excipients Pigments Polymers Forensics Explosives Bioactivity Powder Sourced Data 5,062 1,003 668 1,249 5,266 660 642 Single Crystal Sourced Data 5,106 1,516 473 229 6,115 549 16,850 The combination of single crystal and powder reference data provides the user with the ability to analyze both crystalline and non-crystalline solid state materials. These enable users to quantitate, measure crystallinity, and determine crystallite sizes. For better quantitative results, PDF-4/Organics includes digital patterns, I/Ic, atomic coordinates, and indexed unit cells to enable a very wide range of quantitative analysis techniques. PDF-4/Organics includes embedded software for scaling and adding patterns, as well as an “intelligent” RIR calculation for semiquantitative analysis. To help users in various fields, materials are classified into a total of 32 subfiles. Four major subfiles are based on chemistry, and 28 smaller subfiles focus on commercial applications. Subfile Total 10,168 2,519 1,161 1,478 11,381 1,209 17,492 Table 4. Multiple sources provide extensive coverage of critical materials for many of the subfiles. The subfiles direct searches, and eliminate false positives, improving identification efficiency independent of the search/match program that may be used. PDF-4/Organics 2015 contains melting point data, color designations, molecular weights and densities. These physical properties can be data mined and combined with the user’s diffraction data for improved phase identification. When it comes to materials, our database has guidelines, not rules. The ICDD includes ALL materials that help to do an analysis. In addition to excipients, PDF-4/Organics includes common inorganic salts and corrosion products for enhanced identification of crystalline, nanocrystalline and amorphous materials. Figure 7. The four phase identification of the formulation of Lipitor uses references from a single crystal determination, an experimental powder pattern of cellulose Iβ, a calculated powder pattern and pattern extracted from the patent literature. The identification required an inorganic excipient, polymer excipient and two organic compounds. A variety of reference materials and sources enabled the identification. W W W . I C D D . C O M 11 PDF-4 PRODUCTS PDF-4/Organics 2015 PDF-2 RELEASE PDF-2 Release 2014 Be Confident with PDF-2 How “good” is your database? We know that any database can get you an answer, but is it the right answer? Be confident with PDF-2. It is designed to get you the right answer with the most cost effective license. PDF-2 Release 2014 is designed for rapid and accurate phase identification with 274,443 entries. It combines the power of both powder diffraction and crystal structure reference data from the ICDD, ICSD, and NIST database sources. This combination results in a globally sourced database containing extensive collections of inorganic, mineral, and metals and alloys data. All data are reviewed, edited and standardized prior to PDF-2 publication. This standardization process is especially important due to the large number of sources used for the database. The PDF-2 database is licensed for five (5) years, with one free option to extend the license for an additional five (5) years. The PDF-2 database offers the highest value in the global marketplace. This value is due to its low annual cost amortized over the lifetime of the license, combined with its large content of powder and crystal structure reference data, and its high level of quality with embedded software for data mining. Quality and subfile filters combined with 55 different searches and 47 display fields enable you to target your results for more accurate identification. The database is not just a collection of numbers; it is a sophisticated data analysis tool. HIGHLIGHTS: 274,443 Entries: 242,528 Inorganic 38,995 Organic 9,000+ new entries 111,800+ experimental entries; many are exclusive to ICDD QUALITY + VALUE PDF-2 MORE DATA MINING! Our data mining software is integrated into PDF-2 as an added value to our customers! PDF-2 provides display, search and data mining choices with 47 display fields that work interactively with 55 searches. NEW FOR PDF-2 RELEASE 2014 IN SITU CONDITION COMMENT SEARCH For more information on PDF-2 Release 2014 visit www.icdd.com/products/pdf2 12 I N T E R N A T I O N A L C E N T R E F O R D I F F R A C T I O N D A T A PDF-2 Web PDF-4/ PDF-4/ Release PDF-4+ PDF-4+ Minerals Organics 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 I AM WORKING WITH INORGANIC COMPOUNDS a a a I AM WORKING PRIMARILY WITH ORGANIC COMPOUNDS a a I AM WORKING PRIMARILY WITH MINERALS a I WORK WITH ELECTRON DIFFRACTION/SYNCHROTRON a a a a I NEED TO WORK AT THE OFFICE AND HOME a Rietveld a a a a Reference Intensity Ratio (RIR) a a a a Pattern Fitting a a a a a a a a 274,443 354,264 354,264 41,423 494,966 9,316 13,611 13,611 1,253 15,689 a a a a a 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year a a I NEED TO DO QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS I NEED A DATABASE WITH ATOMIC COORDINATES HOW MANY ENTRIES ARE IN THE DATABASE? HOW MANY ENTRIES ARE NEW? I am using vendor software for my analysis. Which databases will work with my vendor software? Global software vendors provide search/match software that interfaces with our databases. You need to check with your software vendor for compatibility. WHAT IS THE LICENSE TERM FOR THE DATABASE? a 5 years MULTIYEAR LICENSE AVAILABLE a a a SITE LICENSE AVAILABLE a a aa W W W . I C D D . C O M 13 WHICH DATABASE? WHICH DATABASE IS RIGHT FOR YOU? FEATURES COMPARISON FEATURES Total entries Inorganic entries Organic entries Entries with atomic coordinates SEARCH CLASSIFICATIONS: # of searches PDF-4+ 2014 354,264 322,336 39,512 239,568 PDF-2 Release 2014 274,443 242,528 38,995 0 63 55 All Names Search for compounds: plus nomenclature fields a a Ambient/Non-ambient a a ANX Structural Formula search (ICSD entries only) a a Atomic Coordinates a— Atomic Coordinates – Cross-Referenced a— Atomic Environment Type a— Author’s Cell Axial Ratio search a a Author’s Cell Molecular Volume/Formula Unit Volume a a Bibliographic: Author, Journal, Title, Year, CAS No., Codens, Volume a a Cell/Volume: Author’s, Crystal, Reduced (including ESDs) a a Chemical formula a a Comments a a Composition Search: weight & atomic percentages a a Crystal Data Axial Ratio Search a a Crystal Symmetry a a Database Source: ICDD Crystal Data (05) a a Density: Calculated & Measured a a Density: Structure-derived density for LPF entries a— Empirical Formula a a Estimated Standard Deviation (ESD) available for all numeric searches a a I/Ic a a Neutron Diffraction New — Lines: Long and Strong a a Neutron Diffraction New — LPF Prototype Structure search: Alphabetical order and Chemical Formula order a a Melting Point a a Mineral Classification, Mineral Name a a Mineral subclasses: Gem, Natural, Synthetic a a Modulated Structure: Modulated Dimension a a Subsystems a a Organic Functional Group a a PD3 Pattern a— Pearson Symbol Code a a Periodic Table a a Property Sheet a— Prototype Structure: Alphabetical order and Chemical Formula order a a Quality Mark a a R-factor a a Reduced Cell: Cell Axes and Cell Volume a a Searches exclude Deleted Patterns by default a a Smith-Snyder Figure of Merit (SS/FOM) a a Space Groups: Author-Defined SPG, International Table SPG a a Structural Formula a a Subfile a a Hydrogen Storage Materials a a Temperature of Data Collection a— Zeolite Classification a a Bolded items signify new features 14 I N T E R N A T I O N A L C E N T R E F O R D I F F R A C T I O N D A T A # of display fields PDF-4+ 2014 PDF-2 Release 2014 115 47 a— a— 2D structures for experimental organic entries 3D structures Dynamic unit cell settings Support for modulated structures Bond Distances/Angles display Database fields for display in search results, include, but not limited to: Ambient/Non-ambient Author’s Cell and Volume Cross-Referenced Atomic Coordinates Crystal Data, Volume, and Axial Ratio D1 to D10 and L1 to L10 Has Atomic Coordinates I/Ic – Neutron Diffraction Lines: Long and Strong - Neutron diffraction Mineral Classification Reduced Cell and Volume Structural Formula Temperature of Data Collection Zeolite Classification Digitized patterns for experimental & calculated entries: Calculated patterns: X-ray, electron and neutron Automatic experimental data import for known file types Automatic/manual experimental data background subtraction Import instrument parameters Relative X-ray wavelength intensities can be changed Custom X-ray wavelength for Kα2 Debye Scherrer geometry for neutron diffraction “Set Synchrotron Defaults” button Electron Diffraction Pattern: Simulated Electron Backscattering Pattern and Spot Indexing Graphing Capabilities: Graph results (x-y plot, category plot, histogram) Logarithmic option for the graph y-axis PNG and Tiff graph exports Profile functions: Crystallite size, Pseudo-Voight, plus more “Q” and “d” options for the graph x-axis Greek Character Searches PD3 Patterns: Raw experimental data PDF Entry Display: Crystal Symmetry Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) as hyperlinks in the References Table d-spacings with intensities calculated using neutron diffraction I/Ic calculated using neutron diffraction Modulated Structures “Temperature Series” button shows entries of the same temperature series Ring Pattern Simulate using neutron and electron diffraction Overlay image for visual comparison Search Results Capabilities: Calculations for mean, median, and ESD Flexible formulae sorting in search results Shortcut to PDF toolbar Total Pattern Analysis: Similarity Index Compare experimental data to PD3 patterns New — New — a— a a a— a— a a a— a— New— New — a — a— a— a a a— a— a a a a New — New — New — New — a — a— New— a a a a a a a— a a a a a— a a a a New — New — a a a— a— a — New — a a a a a a a— a— Bolded items signify new features W W W . I C D D . C O M 15 DISPLAY AND CAPABILITIES COMPARISON DISPLAY & CAPABILITIES SUPPORT SOFTWARE SIeve/SIeve+ 2014 Search and Identify ICDD’s search indexing programs, SIeve for PDF-2 and SIeve+ for PDF-4, are designed to search and identify unknown materials. SIeve and SIeve+ are integrated into the ICDD databases to allow the use of the extensive data mining interfaces, searches, and sorts available to improve accuracy and precision of the identification process. For example, users can utilize the extensive permutable searches in each database, then define their own search subfile or use any of the “application or expertdefined” subfiles and subclasses to increase the accuracy of their phase identification. In many cases, this provides a unique capability to analyze the most difficult problems. SIeve and SIeve+ offer a variety of algorithms and options that allow users to optimize results for particular chemistries and both standard and non-standard diffraction systems. SIeve and SIeve+ features automatic rotation of the eight strongest lines (Hanawalt) or the eight longest of the strongest lines (Fink) or the eight longest lines (Long8) to look for entries that exhibit the best Goodness of Match (GOM). In the last few years, new algorithms have been added to identify non-crystalline materials and complex multi-phase specimens. Most of the algorithms were developed and optimized for a particular type of analysis and the selection options provide the user with a wide breadth of analytical capability. Since the fundamental algorithms used by SIeve/SIeve+ are different than those used by most commercial software programs, they can be strongly complimentary. This complimentary nature demonstrates the strength of SIeve/SIeve+ in the analysis of minor and trace phases where the full filtering capability of the PDF-2 and PDF-4 databases can be applied. Try SIeve or SIeve+ for a free 30-day trial after you install your database and discover its phase identification capability. At the end of the 30-day trial period, contact ICDD or your vendor for a license. NEW FEATURES NEW for SIeve (PDF-2): Dynamic graph displaying the experimental data and stick patterns of the found phases NEW for SIeve+ (PDF-4+, WebPDF-4+, PDF-4/Minerals): Neutron powder diffraction patterns phase identification option “Minimum Peak 2θ” option: filter out erroneous low angle peaks from the experimental data Experimental data corrections: 2θ shift correction, transparency correction, and displacement correction Synchrotron data: improved high dynamic range intensity support Improved Phase Identification: using residual experimental peak intensities For detailed examples with each database product, please see the ICDD Technical Bulletins at www.icdd.com/products/ technicalbulletins.htm EXPERIMENTAL DATA CORRECTIONS FOR SIEVE/SIEVE+ PHASE IDENTIFICATION 2θ Shift Correction Transparency Correction Displacement Correction SIEVE FOR PDF-2 NOW DISPLAYS A GRAPH OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND STICK PATTERN PHASES. 16 I N T E R N A T I O N A L C E N T R E F O R D I F F R A C T I O N D A T A Materials phase identification for X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction**, and electron diffraction* Import experimental data from all major XRD hardware and software manufacturers Copy/paste d-spacing and intensity data from other programs (i.e., Microsoft® Excel®) Customizable search algorithms Expert-defined filters for improved accuracy: Subfiles Elemental filters Nomenclature filters Structural classifications Quality mark filters Physical property filters Analyze semi-crystallite and amorphous materials using total pattern analysis* Semi-quantitative analysis (estimated weight % of phases)* Use automatic cross-referencing to link to higher quality patterns for more accurate analysis* Graph experimental data and phases Export structure data as CIF’s for Rietveld refinement with other software packages* Perfect complement to other phase identification software packages * PDF-4 products ** PDF-4+, WebPDF-4+, PDF-4/Minerals Phase Identification for Neutron Powder Diffraction Patterns (SIeve+) Printed Indexes & Search Manuals ICDD’s printed indexes and manuals allow for searches and identification of approximately 97,970 phases determined from experimental data in the Powder Diffraction File (Sets 1–64). For PC users, ICDD offers an electronic alternative, SIeve search/match software for all entries in the PDF (see pages 16–17). Alphabetical Indexes (Inorganic Phases) HIGHLIGHTS • 68,565 phases • Phases sorted by chemical name and chemical name fragments • Lists three strongest lines, formula, quality mark and PDF number for each entry • Minerals indexed by mineralogical name and classification • Indexes of Cements, Common Names, Explosives, Zeolites, and Metals & Alloys Hanawalt Search Manual (Inorganic Phases) HIGHLIGHTS • 68,565 phases • Manual identification of unknown phases using the Hanawalt Method • Uses d-spacings of the three most intense lines for searches • “Overlapped” data for experimental error allowance Organic & Organometallic Phases HIGHLIGHTS Figure 8. OPTIMIZED FOR: X-ray diffraction Neutron diffraction** (NEW!) Electron diffraction SIeve+ SIeve (PDF-4 products) (PDF-2 product) CAPABILITIES: Graph phases as stick patterns Graph phases as simulated profiles Semi-quantitative analysis (weight %) Analyze semi-crystallite and amorphous materials using total pattern analysis Export structure data as CIF’s for Rietveld refinement a a a a a a a a a a ** PDF-4+, WebPDF-4+, PDF-4/Minerals For more information on SIeve/SIeve+ 2014 visit www.icdd.com/products/pdf4-supportsoft.htm • 31,894 phases • Hanawalt Index, Alphabetical Index, Organic Formula Index, Common Names Index Alternate PDF Products Data Books Set 64 of the Powder Diffraction File, in book form, contains PDF card images for 1,602 new experimental patterns. Previous sets are also available in book form. Distributed Product The following product is not produced by ICDD. It is distributed under agreement with the Dow Chemical Company. Dow Polymer Pattern Collection This softcover publication offers more than 150 polymers, reproduced in the form of diffractometer traces, collected from the research laboratories of the Dow Chemical Company. The pattern collection includes a wide range of common commercial polymers. W W W . I C D D . C O M 17 SUPPORT SOFTWARE & PRINTED PRODUCTS HIGHLIGHTS SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT–ACTIVITIES & PRODUCTS Education ICDD offers a variety of educational products designated to teach and instruct both the new and experienced user. ICDD Clinics boast a high instructor-to-student ratio. Our group of experienced instructors with diverse scientific backgrounds enables the attendees to receive a blend of both theory and results-oriented practical experience. The weeklong format provides in-depth training not offered in most other workshops and symposia. 2014 SPECIALIZED WORKSHOPS NEW! Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence (TXRF) Workshop 14 – 16 October http://www.icdd.com/education/txrf.htm This three-day workshop is designed to provide more in-depth understanding of TXRF analysis to current users who want to improve their analysis skills and to expand the range of analyses. The workshop also provides the basic theory and applications to those analysts who may be interested in the technique to either develop new analyses or supplement other current trace analysis techniques. In addition to lectures and hands-on laboratory exercises, the workshop will focus on: Semiconductor Applications, including VPD TXRF Analysis Micro and chemical analyses Environmental: water, soil, air particulates, etc. Food science Biological: whole blood, serum, spinal fluid, hair, etc. Sample prep for micro and chemical applications Discuss sample prep techniques depending on type of samples Rietveld Refinement & Indexing 29 Sept – 3 October www.icdd.com/education/rietveld-workshop.htm Learn the principles and techniques of Rietveld analysis at this specialized workshop. Attendees have the option of taking the threeday basic workshop, the two-day advanced workshop or both together for a full week of hands-on training. Participants must take, or have taken in the past, ICDD’s basic Rietveld workshop as a prerequisite for attending the advanced workshop. This workshop introduces the theory and formalisms of various indexing methods and structural refinement techniques. One unique aspect of this workshop is the extensive use of computer laboratory problem solving exercises that teach method development in a hands-on environment. 2015 XRD & XRF Clinics Practical X-ray Fluorescence Fundamentals of X-ray Powder Diffraction 27 April – 1 May 1 – 5 June Advanced Methods in X-ray Powder Diffraction 8 – 12 June Learn methods to improve your analysis, specimen preparation techniques, types and sources of error, computer methods, instrumentation, qualitative and quantitative phase analysis through concise lectures and workshops. In pursuit of its dynamic commitment to education, ICDD offers a limited number of tuition waivers for the clinics on X-ray powder diffraction and the clinic on X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. FREE Databases for Classroom Instruction ICDD offers free PDF-4+ databases for educators teaching courses in X-ray diffraction (note: shipping charges will be billed to the educator). Educators will receive full access to the PDF-4+, which includes our imbedded data mining software and search indexing software, SIeve+. Access is time-limited and password protected (in some cases) based on the length of the course. Worked examples that utilize many database features are provided in the Educational Resource Package. Please contact [email protected] for further information. On-site XRF & XRD Training Solutions www.icdd.com/education/onsite.htm ICDD can customize our leading edge educational clinics to meet the X-ray fluorescence or powder diffraction training needs of your employees. For over 15 years, the ICDD has provided training to the world’s most renowned corporations, academic institutions and government agencies. With on-site training, you will have the advantage of our faculty members’ dedicated attention, addressing the specific needs of your staff–all while working hands-on with your instrument. A minimum of six attendees is required for this service. Educational Resource Package ICDD’s Educational Resource Package is designed to be used individually, or in combination, as an effective teaching tool for powder diffraction pattern identification. The three-volume softcover set includes Using the Powder Diffraction File, the Education Databook, and the Educational Indexes. The student workbook, Using the Powder Diffraction File, contains descriptive materials, worked examples and problem sets covering various disciplines employed in powder diffraction pattern identification. (The Instructor’s Guide is available upon request.) The Education Databook contains approximately 1,000 data sets of selected patterns from the PDF, specifically chosen for teaching purposes. The workbook covers various methods used in identification of unknown phases and refers to this subset of the Powder Diffraction File. The Educational Indexes are a combined Alphabetical, Hanawalt and Fink Method search manual for use as part of the Educational Resource Package. 18 I N T E R N A T I O N A L C E N T R E F O R D I F F R A C T I O N D A T A For more information visit www.icdd.com/education www.dxcicdd.com Powder Diffraction PDJ Powder Diffraction (PDJ), ICDD’s international journal, is published by Cambridge University Press. PDJ is published quarterly plus an annual special topical issue. Beginning in 2013, author’s have been published online shortly after their approval of the manuscript proof via FirstView on Cambridge Journals Online (CJO). 64th Annual Denver X-ray Conference and joint meeting with the 16th International Conference on Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods (TXRF) 3–7 August 2015 Westminster, Colorado, U.S.A. DXC is the world’s largest annual conference dedicated to the fields of X-ray analysis. Experts in the fields of X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence gather for a week of workshops, technical sessions and manufacturers’ exhibits. For more information on the Denver X-ray Conference visit www.dxcicdd.com Advances in X-ray Analysis The Proceedings of the Denver X-ray Conference have been captured on CD in the volumes of Advances in X-ray Analysis. Over 57 years of history and experience are included in the 3,213 articles from experts in the fields of X-ray analysis. Each volume contains that year’s full proceedings plus a cumulative searchable author and subject index from each Denver X-ray Conference proceedings since 1957. A cumulative volume, Volumes 1–39, features page images of all the manuscripts from the Denver X-ray Conference from 1957–1995. Individual volumes (40-57) are available on CD for each of the Proceedings from 1996 to 2013. The 2014 volume (58) will be available in Summer 2015. Note: Individual papers from Volumes 40–55 are available for free download on our website: www.icdd.com/resources/axasearch_ based_on_vol.asp Since 2006, ICDD in collaboration with the Denver X-ray Conference Organizing Committee, has provided a copy of the previous year’s edition of Advances in X-ray Analysis (AXA) to Institutional Print/ Online subscribers of PDJ. This effectively doubles the number of articles annually available to PDJ subscribers and significantly increases the circulation for the authors in Advances in X-ray Analysis. In 2013, Powder Diffraction published the 13th European Powder Diffraction Conference (EPDIC13) proceedings online and will be publishing the EPDIC14 proceedings in 2015. In 2014, Powder Diffraction will publish the 2014 Australian X-ray Analytical Association (AXAA) proceedings. Subject coverage includes: • Techniques and procedures in X-ray powder diffractometry • Advances in instrumentation • Study of materials including organic materials, minerals, metals and thin film superconductors • Publication of powder data on new materials Subscription Rates (USD$)* INSTITUTIONAL Print/Online Online INDIVIDUAL Print/Online Online STUDENT The CD is accessible in the Windows®, UNIX®/Linux® and Macintosh® environments. Hyperlinks to the Adobe® website are provided in the setup file should you need to install the free Adobe® Reader software. Pharmaceutical Powder X-ray Diffraction Symposium www.icdd.com/ppxrd 13th Annual PPXRD Symposium 18–21 May 2015 Schwarzwald Panorama/Black Forest Panorama Bad Herrenalb, Germany This annual symposium is designed to create a forum for the exchange of knowledge and cutting-edge ideas among those interested in the combined fields of XRD and pharmaceutical sciences. PPXRD will also include a workshop on practical applications of X-ray analysis in the study of pharmaceutical materials. Topics will include patent and regulatory issues, formulation, product development, drug delivery, polymorphs, amorphous and nanomaterials, complimentary techniques, and much more. 2014 2015 $273 $181 $300 $199 $150 $121 $35 $165 $121 $35 * Contact Cambridge University Press for pricing outside U.S. and Canada. To subscribe please contact: Cambridge University Press 100 Brook Hill Drive West Nyack, NY 10994-2133 phone: 845.353.7500 toll free: 800.872.7423 fax: 845.353.4141 email: [email protected] For more information on Powder Diffraction visit www.icdd.com/products/journals.htm For more information on PPXRD visit www.icdd.com/ppxrd W W W . I C D D . C O M 19 SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT–ACTIVITIES & PRODUCTS Denver X-ray Conference GRANT-IN-AID Grant-in-Aid Program COULD YOU BE THE NEXT DISTINGUISHED GRANTEE? Join ICDD’s elite group of scientists who contribute experimental powder diffraction patterns to the Powder Diffraction File. AS A MEMBER OF THIS ELITE GROUP, YOU WILL RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: Financial support to aid current research Publication of pattern(s), if accepted by the Editorial Department, in the Powder Diffraction File Receive calibration standards Purchase certain products at reduced prices Web-based access to the list of compounds in the ICDD master database– includes published patterns, as well as patterns still in the editorial process First-time grantees receive a complimentary one-year subscription to Powder Diffraction For over 50 years, ICDD’s has supported a well-developed program of grants to researchers around the world. One of our main objectives is to expand the range of reference materials by producing and cataloging high-quality X-ray diffraction patterns in our internationally renowned database, the Powder Diffraction File. Thanks to the longevity of this program, these contributions account for approximately a quarter of the current experimental file. ICDD awards financial support to qualified investigators in the form of grant-in-aid on a competitive proposal basis. The duration of a grant is 12 months with two cycles per year. Cycle I begins 1 April and Cycle II begins 1 October. Distinguished Grantees 2013 Professor Xinkan Yao 2004 Dr. Tom Blanton presenting to Professor Shao-Fan Lin 2010 Dr. Tom Blanton presenting to Professor Bogdan Lazoryak 2001 Dr. Tom Blanton presenting to Professor Evgeny Antipov 2007 Dr. Miguel Delgado presenting to Dr. Sergei Kirik Total Proposals Funded for the Past Fifteen Years: 720 1998 Dr. Ekkehart Tillmanns 20 I N T E R N A T I O N A L C E N T R E F O R D I F F R A C T I O N D A T A Geographic Locations of Grants for the Past 15 Years: Argentina Austria Canada Chile Columbia Czech Republic Estonia Finland France Germany India Israel Italy Japan Malaysia Netherlands P.R. of China Poland Portugal Russia Spain Switzerland Taiwan Tunisia Ukraine United Kingdom United States Uruguay For more information on ICDD’s Grant-in-Aid, visit www.icdd.com/grants ICDD LICENSED VENDORS ICDD Licensed Vendors ICDD works with a global network of licensed vendors to provide ICDD products throughout the world. Our network includes equipment manufacturers, regional vendors, and licensed software vendors who develop commercial data analysis programs that work seamlessly with our databases. Vendors frequently offer additional services such as state-of-the-art X-ray analysis hardware, sophisticated custom software integration and regional support services. Many equipment manufacturers have offices worldwide, while regional vendors may represent several countries. Please visit their websites for a complete list of their local offices. Customers in Japan, South Korea and Russia must order ICDD products through an ICDD licensed vendor. ARGENTINA BOLIVIA M & A SRL www.myasrl.com.ar [email protected] t: 54.11.4961.7777 f: 54.11.4961.7777 Arellano Limitada www.arellanolimitada.com.bo [email protected] t: 5912.244.4502 f: 5912.244.3809 AUSTRALIA BRAZIL AXT Pty Ltd www.axt.com.au [email protected] t: 61.2.9450.1359 f: 61.2.9450.1365 DAIRIX Equipamentos Analíticos Ltda. www.dairix.com.br [email protected] t: 55.11.3814.0654 f: 55.11.3812.3707 GBC Scientific Equipment Pty. Ltd. www.gbcsci.com [email protected] t: 613.9588.6666 f: 613.9588.6677 Targetware Informatica Ltda www.software.com.br [email protected] t: 55.11.3665.8500 f: 55.11.3665.8550 BANGLADESH CANADA Overseas Marketing Corp www.omcbd.com [email protected] t: 88.02.8154510 – 11 f: 88.02.8156739 Proto Mfg. Ltd. www.protoxrd.com [email protected] t: 1.519.737.6330 f: 1.519.737.1692 BELGIUM Corporation Software sprl www.visualcrystal.be [email protected] t: 32.65.803.663 f: Tasker Applications www.omniinstruments.com [email protected] t: 416.964.2108 f: 416.964.2108 GLOBAL VENDORS BRUKER AXS GMBH www.bruker-axs.de EDAX INC. www.edax.com GE SENSING & INSPECTION TECHNOLOGIES www.ge-mcs.com GNR SRL www.gnr.it INEL INSTRUMENTATION www.inel.fr JORDAN VALLEY SEMICONDUCTORS LTD. www.jvsemi.com PANALYTICAL B.V. www.panalytical.com RIGAKU CORPORATION www.rigaku.com SHIMADZU CORPORATION www.shimadzu.com STOE & CIE GMBH www.stoe.com THERMO SCIENTIFIC www.thermo.com W W W . I C D D . C O M 21 ICDD LICENSED VENDORS COLOMBIA GREECE INDONESIA Andina de Tecnologias SAS www.anditecnica.com [email protected] t: 57.4416.4040 f: 57.4416.4040 Analytical Instruments SA www.analytical.gr [email protected] t: 0030.210.674.8793 f: 0030.210.674.8978 PT Lab Sistematika Indonesia www.labsystematic.com [email protected] t: 62.021.7041.6622 f: 62.021.8088.2751 Antisel Selidis Bros. SA www.antisel.gr [email protected] t: f: PT Multi Teknindo Infotronika www.multiteknindo.com [email protected] t: 6221.5794.9518 f: 6221.5794.9523 CZECH REPUBLIC Octopuspro S.R.O. www.octopuspro.cz [email protected] t: 420.736.514.986 PCS spol. s r.o. www.pcs.cz [email protected] t: 420.296.796.444 f: 420.296.796.777 EGYPT MEDScience Co. www.medscience-eg.com [email protected] t: 202.247.30541 f: 202.247.30541 FRANCE Elexience www.elexience.fr [email protected] t: 33.1.595.38090 f: 33.1.601.19809 GERMANY EFG GmbH www.efg-berlin.de [email protected] t: 49.30.809.7400 f: 49.30.802.3355 RMS Kempten www.RMSKempten.de [email protected] t: 49.0831.73345 f: 49.0831.79930 Epsilon Alpha [email protected] t: 30210.6008.998 f: 30210.6001.803 HONG KONG HONGKONG MINGHENG International Trading Co., Ltd. [email protected] t: 852.307.17670 f: 852.307.17835 INDIA I.R. 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Ltd. www.techscience.co.in [email protected] t: f: 22 I N T E R N A T I O N A L C E N T R E F O R D I F F R A C T I O N D A T A ITALY Assing SpA. www.assing.it [email protected] t: 39.06.9067.0218 f: 39.06.9067.0200 IRAQ Al-Qiffaf Scientific Co. www.alqiffaf.com.iq [email protected] t: 964.1.4226743 f: 964.7901.907434 JAPAN Digital Data Management Corp. www.ddmcorp.com [email protected] t: 813.5641.1771 f: 813.5641.1772 LightStone Corp. www.lightstone.co.jp [email protected] t: 813.5600.7201 f: 813.5600.6671 Maruzen Co., Ltd. www.maruzen.co.jp [email protected] t: 813.6367.6079 f: 813.6367.6207 Overseas X-ray www.oxs.co.jp [email protected] t: 81.48.641.4876 f: 81.48.644.5439 LITHUANIA POLAND ARM GATE, UAB www.armgate.lt [email protected] t: 370.5278.9573 f: 370.5278.9572 LABSOFT www.labsoft.pl [email protected] t: 48.22.853.2793 f: 48.22.853.2793 MALAYSIA DKSH Technology Sdn Bhd www.dksh.com [email protected] t: 603.7954.8888 f: 603.7954.8877 QC Scientific (M) SDN BHD www.qcscientific.com.my [email protected] t: 603.8062.3988 f: 603.8062.3998 TESTCHEM Ltd www.testchem.pl [email protected] t: 48.32.455.8890 f: 48.32.455.8883 PORTUGAL Dias de Sousa S.A. www.dias-de-sousa.pt/sa [email protected] t: 351.21.953.3120 f: 351.21.953.3129 QES (Asia-Pacific) Sdn Bhd www.qesnet.com [email protected] t: 603.5882.6668 f: 603.5567.0811 Joaquim Fernandes Reis [email protected] t: 351.219.534.978 f: 351.219.531.951 MEXICO REPUBLIC OF CHINA, TAIWAN Internacional De Equipos Cientificos S.A. DE C.V www.iecsaenlinea.com [email protected] t: 52.555.741.1460 f: 52.555.741.2097 Spectramex, S.A. De C.V. www.spectramex.com.mx [email protected] t: 52.55.5562.9289 f: 52.55.5393.0318 PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Beijing Purkinje General Instrument Co., Ltd www.pgeneral.com [email protected] t: 86.10.6991.0230 f: 86.10.6991.0301 E Hong Instruments Co., Ltd. www.ehong.com.tw [email protected] t: 886.2.2755.2266 f: 886.2.2707.7693 San King Technology Co., Ltd. www.sanking.com.tw [email protected] t: 886.223.582.668 f: 886.223.583.312 Transmission Books & Microinfo Co., Ltd. www.tbmc.com.tw [email protected] t: 88.6227.3610.58 f: 88.6227.3630.01 Union Scientific Instruments, Ltd. www.usils.com.tw [email protected] t: 886.2.2541.2969 f: 886.2.2541.4855 Yenstron Corp. www.yenstron.com.tw [email protected] t: 886.4.2359.3199 f: 886.4.2359.8507 REPUBLIC OF LATVIA SIA Armgate www.armgate.lv [email protected] t: 371.67.976.780 f: 371.67.976.781 ROMANIA RONEXPRIM SRL Bucharest www.ronexprim.com [email protected] t: 4021.314.35.99 f: 4021.313.62.44 RUSSIA Sine Theta Ltd. www.sinetheta.com [email protected] t: 7.495.231.6084 f: 7.495.939.4576 SAUDIA ARABIA Kawther Ibrahim Abdulkadir www.kiaksa.com [email protected] t: 00966.2.640.5846 f: 00966.2.640.4710 SINGAPORE QES (Singapore) Ptd Ltd www.qesnet.com [email protected] t: 65.6271.0608 f: 65.6271.0628 W W W . I C D D . C O M 23 ICDD LICENSED VENDORS Tokyo Boeki Ltd. www.tokyo-boeki.co.jp [email protected] t: 81.3.3555.7122 f: 81.3.3555.7131 China Educational Publications Import & Export Corp. (CEPIEC) www.cepiec.com.cn [email protected] t: 86.10.6251.4056 f: 86.10.6251.4060 (Japan continued) ICDD LICENSED VENDORS SOUTH KOREA TURKEY Korea ITS Co., Ltd. (KITS) www.koreaits.com [email protected] t: 82.2.421.4022 f: 82.2.421.9022 TEKSER A.S. www.teksercorp.com [email protected] t: 90.216.573.6470 x110 f: 90.216.573.6475 SCINCO Co., Ltd. www.scinco.com [email protected] t: 82.2.2143.8240 f: 82.2.2143.8352 Song Jee Ind. Corp. [email protected] t: 82.31.737.2276 f: 82.31.737.2278 SPAIN Delca Consultores, S.L. www.afc-ingenieros.com [email protected] t: 34.913.654.405 f: 34.913.540.259 THAILAND Crest Nanosolution (Thailand) Limited www.crest-group.net [email protected] t: 662.992.5512 f: 662.992.5513 Crest Systems (M) SDN BHD www.crest-group.net [email protected] t: 660.2992.5512 f: 660.2992.5513 MedScience Technology, Ltd. www.medsciencetech.com [email protected] t: 662.453.2007; 662.415.4786 f: 662.867.1087 S.E.A. Engineering Co., Ltd. www.sea.co.th [email protected] t: 662.454.8407-9 f: 662.454.8410 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Abu Dhabi International www.adi.ae [email protected] t: 00971.4.295.4854 f: 00971.4.295.4856 Lab Depot Corp. www.labdepot.ru [email protected] t: 408.460.2655 f: 408.741.5235 Labsen Scientific Co. [email protected] t: 956.726.8074 f: 956.727.2593 UNITED KINGDOM Materials Data, Inc. www.materialsdata.com [email protected] t: 925.449.1084 f: 925.373.1659 Oxford Cryosystems www.oxcryo.com [email protected] t: 44.1993.88.3488 f: 44.1993.88.3988 Proto Mfg. Inc. www.protoxrd.com [email protected] t: 1.313.965.2900 f: 1.313.887.0977 UNITED STATES SOFTWARE shop USA www.software-shop.com [email protected] t: 425.651.4090 Opt 2 f: 425.696.0350 Bernd Group, Inc. www.berndgroup.com [email protected] t: 800.346.8835 f: 800.346.4717 Blake Industries, Inc. [email protected] t: 908.233.7240 f: 908.233.1354 Compass Engineering www.compassengineering corporation.com [email protected] t: 800.431.3429 f: 800.432.1095 Export Oil Field Supply Co. www.exoilsup.com [email protected] t: 713.939.1200 f: 713.939.9482 Freeslate, Inc. www.freeslate.com [email protected] t: 408.773.4000 f: 408.773.4087 24 I N T E R N A T I O N A L C E N T R E F O R D I F F R A C T I O N D A T A CD Code PDF-4+ 2014 New — Single License Renewal from 2013 to 2014 DVD Code List $ Academic $ F4C14 F4RC14 F4D14 F4RD14 $8,660 $1,760 $5,775 $1,150 F4C15MR17 F4C15MR19 F4D15MR17 F4D15MR19 $4,750 $7,480 $3,105 $4,890 Renewal - 5 year license F4SPC15MR19 F4SPD15MR19 (Requires a current PDF-4+ and SIeve+ license before purchase.) 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Must have current release to take advantage of Multiyear Licence Pricing. W W W . I C D D . C O M 25 PRICE LIST PDF-4 Products PRICE LIST PDF-4/MINERALS 2014 New – Single License Renewal from 2013 to 2014 CD Code DVD Code NA NA $1,470 $735 NA NA OR4D15 OR4RD15 $8,660 $3,190 $5,775 $1,300 NA OR4D16MR18 NA OR4D16MR20 $8,615 $13,560 $3,510 $5,525 MN414 MNR414 PDF-4/ORGANICS 2015 New – Single License Renewal from 2014 to 2015 PDF-4/ORGANICS 2015 MULTIYEAR LICENSE* Renewal – 3 year license Renewal – 5 year license PDF-4/ORGANICS 2015 SITE LICENSE* List $ Academic $ $1,020 $510 New Master License New – additional license, each NA NA OR4D15M OR4D15C $8,660 $3,190 $5,775 $1,300 Renewal – Yearly Master License Renewal – additional license, each NA NA OR4RD15M OR4RD15C $3,190 $1,790 $1,300 $1,210 PDF-4/Organics 2015 Site/Multiyear License (Contact ICDD Customer Service for a quote.) SUPPORT SOFTWARE FOR PDF-4 SIEVE+ 2014 New – Single License Renewal SWS414N SWS414U NA NA $560 $250 $400 $180 SWS415MR17 SWS415MR19 NA NA $825 $1,440 $595 $1,035 C214PN C213PU14 C212PU14 C211PU14 C210PU14 NA NA NA NA NA $8,660 $1,760 $3,520 $5,280 $7,040 $5,775 $1,150 $2,300 $3,450 $4,600 C215MR17 C215MR19 NA NA $4,750 $7,480 $3,105 $4,890 C214PNM C214PNC NA NA $8,660 $1,760 $5,775 $1,150 C213PU14M C213PU14C NA NA $1,760 $550 $1,150 $395 Renewal – 3 year Master Site License Renewal – 3 year additional license, each C215MR17M C215MR17C NA NA $5,495 $1,820 $3,810 $1,310 Renewal – 5 year Master Site License Renewal – 5 year additional license, each C215MR19M C215MR19C NA NA $9,340 $3,190 $6,680 $2,290 SIEVE+ 2014 MULTIYEAR LICENSE* Renewal – 3 year license Renewal – 5 year license PDF-2 PDF-2 RELEASE 2014 New – Single License Renewal – Release 2013 to Release 2014 Renewal – Release 2012 to Release 2014 Renewal – Release 2011 to Release 2014 Renewal – Release 2010 to Release 2014 PDF-2 RELEASE 2014 MULTIYEAR LICENSE* Renewal – 3 year license Renewal – 5 year license PDF-2 RELEASE 2014 SITE LICENSE* New Master License New – additional license, each Renewal – Yearly Master License Renewal – additional license, each PDF-2 RELEASE 2014 SITE/MULTIYEAR LICENSE* *Please see Product Policies on page 1 & 2. Must have current release to take advantage of Multiyear Licence Pricing. 26 I N T E R N A T I O N A L C E N T R E F O R D I F F R A C T I O N D A T A CD Code Code List $ SWS214N SWS214U NA NA $560 $250 $400 $180 SWS215MR17 SWS215MR19 NA NA $825 $1,440 $595 $1,035 AI64 HA64 OR64 $415 $415 $415 $305 $305 $305 AI64W HA64W OR64W $220 $220 $220 $220 $220 $220 Set 64: Inorganic and Organic Data Sets 37–63 (Red): Inorganic and Organic Data BK64B BK**B $895 $895 $630 $630 Special Pricing — Save over 65% Sets 1–64: Inorganic & Organic Data BKP164 $9,000 $9,000 9WSRRI12-14 9WSRRI1-14 9WSRRI2-14 9WSTXRF-14 $1,830 $1,100 $730 $899 $1,830 $1,100 $730 $899 9CLXRF1-15 $1,950 $1,950 9CLXRD1-15 $1,950 $1,950 9CLXRD2-15 9CLXRD12-15 $1,950 $3,600 $1,950 $3,600 ERP PW SP ESM $210 $30 $30 $30 $150 $30 $30 $30 AXA** AXA39 $170 $400 $170 $400 DPPC $95 $95 New - Single License Renewal SIEVE MULTIYEAR LICENSE* Renewal - 3 year license Renewal - 5 year license PRINTED INDEXES & SEARCH MANUALS Alphabetical Indexes, Inorganic Phases Hanawalt Search Manual, Inorganic Phases Organic & Organometallic Phases With PDF Product Alphabetical Indexes, Inorganic Phases Hanawalt Search Manual, Inorganic Phases Organic & Organometallic Phases PDF Data Books (subject to availability) Academic $ SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT ACTIVITIES & PRODUCTS Specialized Workshops 2014 Rietveld Refinement & Indexing Workshop 1&2 Basic Workshop: 29 September–1 October 2014 Advanced Workshop: 2–3 October 2014 Total Reflection X-ray Fluorscence (TXRF): 14–16 October 2014 NEW CLINICS 2015 ICDD X-ray Fluorescence Clinic Practical X-ray Fluorescence: 27 April–1 May 2015 ICDD Powder Diffraction Clinic: SESSION I Fundamentals: 1–5 June 2015 ICDD Powder Diffraction Clinic: SESSION II Advanced Methods: 8–12 June 2015 ICDD Powder Diffraction Clinic: SESSIONS I & II (both courses) Educational Resource Package Complete Package (includes PW, SP, & ESM) Using the Powder Diffraction File (must purchase ERP) Education Databook (must purchase ERP) Education Indexes (must purchase ERP) ADVANCES IN X-RAY ANALYSIS Proceedings of the Denver X-ray Conference Advances in X-ray Analysis CD-ROM: Individual Volumes 40–58* Advances in X-ray Analysis CD-ROM: Volumes 1–39 *Volume 58 will be available Summer 2015. DISTRIBUTED PRODUCTS Dow Polymer Pattern Collection *Please see Product Policies on page 1 & 2. Must have current release to take advantage of Multiyear Licence Pricing. The prices listed herein supersede all others previously published and are subject to change without notice. Visit www.icdd.com or contact our Customer Service Department (610.325.9814) for the most recent product information and pricing. W W W . I C D D . C O M 27 PRICE LIST SUPPORT SOFTWARE FOR PDF-2 SIEVE 2014 ICDD Order/Quotation Form PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE * Required information (where the database/software is installed) ORDERED BY DATE *ORGANIZATION *END USER NAME *DEPARTMENT *STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOXES) *ADDRESS (BUILDING/ROOM#) *CITY *POSTAL CODE *STATE/PROVINCE *COUNTRY *TELEPHONE *FAX * EMAIL WEBSITE ICDD CUSTOMER NO. 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Pricing The prices listed herein supersede all others previously published and are subject to change without notice. ICDD reserves the right to discontinue any product at its discretion. Visit our website at www.icdd.com or contact our Customer Service Department for the most recent product information and pricing. Return Policy Products may be returned within 30 days from the invoice date for a full refund or credit (excluding shipping/handling). Products must be returned in original condition to qualify for a refund or credit. Registered products do not qualify. Please complete a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) form to receive approval prior to returning product. Visit www.icdd.com/products/RMA.doc to download the RMA form. Defective products will be replaced promptly, but must be returned for testing. 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