Programme Equipes Associées 2014 EA ALDYNET ALOHA AM2NS AMOSS CRI Sophia Antipolis Grenoble Paris -‐ Rocquencourt Sophia Antipolis ANESTOC-‐TOSCA ANOMALIES@EXASCALE AQUARIUS2 ARMADA BANANAS BARBANT Nancy BIGDATANET BIOINTEGRATIVECHILE BRAINCONNECTIVITIES CDSS Grenoble Bordeaux Paris -‐ Rocquencourt Responsable EPI Partenaire Pays David Coudert Frederic Vivien MASCOTTE ROMA distributed ALgorithms for DYnamic NETworks Scheduling and Resource Management for Next Generation Databases Adolfo Ibáñez University University of Hawai’i (UH) at Manoa Chili États-‐Unis Frédéric Alauzet GAMMA3 Mississippi State University États-‐Unis Jacques Blum CASTOR Advanced Meshing Methods for Numerical Simulations Advanced Modeling on Shear Shallow Flows for Curved Topography : water and granular flows. National Cheng Kung University Taïwan Antoine Lejay Fréderic Wagner Pietro Congedo TOSCA MOAIS BACCHUS Stochastic modelling of renewable energies Anomalies Detection and Handling towards Exascale Platforms Advanced methods for uncertainty quantification in compressible flows Pontifical Catholic University of Chile University of Chicago Stanford University Chili États-‐Unis États-‐Unis Olivier Marin REGAL hARnessing MAssive DAta flows Technical University Federico Santa Maria Chili Nancy Christophe Ringeissen CASSIS Automated design and autonomous control of hybrid solver cooperations Technical University Federico Santa Maria Chili Rennes Christian Barillot VISAGES Boston and Rennes, Brain image Analysis Team Harvard Medical School États-‐Unis Sophia Antipolis Patrick Valduriez Anne Siegel ZENITH DYLISS University of California at Santa Barbara University of Chile États-‐Unis Chili Theodore Papadopoulo ATHENA A hybrid P2P/cloud for big data Integrative Biology in Extreme Environments Fusing anatomical and functional connectivity information using diffusion MRI, MEG and EEG. Mc Gill University Canada François Dufour CQFD University of São Paulo Brésil Aida Ouangraoua BONSAI University of Québec à Montréal Canada Arnaud Legrand MESCAL Berkeley Open Infrastructure, Google Inc. États-‐Unis Claude Castelluccia Laura Grigori DIANA ALPINES Control of Dynamic Systems Subject to Stochastic Jumps Comparative Genomics for the analysis of gene structure evolution: ALternative CODing in Eukaryote genes through alternative splicing, transcription, and translation. Cloud Computing over Internet Volunteer Resources / Guaranteed Application Performance on Idle Data Center Resources Secure and Private Distributed Data Storage and Publication in the Future Internet Communication Optimal Algorithms for Linear Algebra UC Berkeley UC Berkeley États-‐Unis États-‐Unis Rennes Sophia Antipolis Bordeaux Lille CG-‐ALCODE Grenoble CLOUDSHARE Grenoble CLOUDY COALA Titre Projet COKLYCO Paris -‐ Rocquencourt Sophia Antipolis Thierry Goudon COFFEE Modeling, analysis and simulation of kinetic and fluid models for MEMS Kyoto University Japon COMFORT Grenoble Carlos Canudas De Wit NECS COntrol and FOrecasting in Transportation networks UC Berkeley États-‐Unis COMMUNITY Sophia Antipolis Thierry Turletti DIANA Message delivery in heterogeneous networks University of California, Santa Cruz États-‐Unis CRISP2 Sophia Antipolis Adrien Bousseau REVES Creating and Rendering Images based on the Study of Perception UC Berkeley États-‐Unis DAESD DALHIS Sophia Antipolis Eric Madelaine Christine Morin SCALE/AOSTE MYRIADS Distributed/Asynchronous and Embedded/synchronous Systems Development Data Analysis on Large Heterogeneous Infrastructures for Science East China Normal University Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Chine États-‐Unis DATA@EXASCALE Rennes Rennes Gabriel Antoniu KERDATA Ulta-‐scalable I/O and storage for Exascale systems Argonne National Laboratory États-‐Unis DISTOL Rennes Loic Helouet DISTRIBCOM Chennai Mathematical Institute-‐ CMI Inde DYMECOS2 EXASE FASTLA Sophia Antipolis Alain Rapaport MODEMIC Distributed osf ystems, stochastic models and logics control and numerical Modelling microbial ecosystems, bioprocesses simulations University of Chile Chili Grenoble Bruno Gaujal Olivier Coulaud MESCAL HIEPACS Exascale Computing Scheduling and Energy Fast and Scalable Hierarchical Algorithms for Computational Linear Algebra Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Stanford University Brésil États-‐Unis Marc Christie Eitan Altman Jean-‐Luc Gouze Olivier Sentieys Zaid Harchaoui Sylvain Chevillard MIMETIC MAESTRO BIOCORE CAIRN LEAR APICS Fostering Research on Models for Storytelling Applications GAme s, OptimizatioN and Analysis of NEtworkS THeory and Applications Modelling and cA ontrol for energy roducing bioprocesses Heterogeneous ccelerators for Rpeconfigurable DynamIc, Energy efficient, Secure SystEms Large-‐scale statistical learning for visual recognition Inverse Magnetization Problems In Geosciences National Cheng Chi University IISc Bangalore Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso University of Massachusetts at Ahmerst UC Berkeley MIT Taïwan Inde Chili États-‐Unis États-‐Unis États-‐Unis FORMOSA GANESH GREENCORE HARDIESSE HYPERION IMPINGE Bordeaux Rennes Sophia Antipolis Sophia Antipolis Rennes Grenoble Sophia Antipolis EA INDEMA ITSNAP JCERT MANAP MIDWAY MODELLING-‐ LEUKEMIA MOKALIEN MORSE CRI Responsable EPI Rennes Rennes Saclay Grenoble Paris -‐ Rocquencourt Partenaire Pays Olivier Teytaud TAO Julie Bernauer AMIB David Pichardie Gerardo Rubino Stéphane Huot Mostafa Adimy CELTIQUE DIONYSOS IN-‐SITU DRACULA Verified Compilation of Concurrent Managed Languages MANAP (Markovian ANalysis and APplications) Musical Interaction Design Workbench And technologY Modeling quiescence and drug resistance in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Purdue University Technical University Federico Santa Maria McGill University University of Maryland États-‐Unis Chili Canada États-‐Unis Saclay Saclay Titre Projet Intelligent Decision Making Mechanisms with Hidden Information, and Application to El ectricity Generation National University of Tainan Geometric and knowledge-‐based analysis for Nucleic Acid and Protein dynamics and Interactions Stanford University Taïwan États-‐Unis Jean David Benamou MOKAPLAN Numerical Optimal Transportation in (Mathematical) Economics McGill University Canada Bordeaux Emmanuel Agullo HIEPACS Matrices Over Runtime Systems @ Exascale University of Colorado Denver États-‐Unis MOTIF Rennes Guillaume Gravier TEXMEX Unsupervised motif discovery in multimedia content Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais Brésil MUSIC NEUROCURIOSITY Sophia Antipolis Esther Pacitti Manuel Lopes ZENITH FLOWERS National Laboratory for Scientific Computing Columbia Neuroscience Brésil États-‐Unis IIT Gandhinagar University of California San Diego University of Chile University,CMM University of Québec Trois-‐Rivières IIT Roorkee UC Berkeley University of Chile IISc Bangalore University of Hong Kong University of Pennsylvania Inde États-‐Unis Chili Canada Inde États-‐Unis Chili Inde Hong Kong États-‐Unis Mohab Safey Marc Baboulin George Giakkoupis Jacques Noyé Alain Girault Nicolas Broutin François Vanderbeck MUltiSite Cloud (MUSIC) data management NeuroCuriosity Development of neurophysiological test setup for customizing and monitoring DEMAR atient-‐specific non-‐invasive electrical stimulation-‐facilitated neurorehab. OAK Languages and techniques for efficient large-‐scale Web data management COMMANDS Optimization and control in network economics PHOENIX OPen Assistive-‐technology platform for independent LIving GEOSTAT Optimal inference in Complex and Turbulent data OPALE Optimal REroute Strategies for Traffic managEment RMOD Infrastructure for a new generation of development tools PARKAS Polyhedral Compilation for Data-‐Flow Programming Languages ALICE Model Preparation for 3D Printing COMETE Protecting privacy while preserving data access Hybrid Methodologies for Quantifier Elimination, Global Optimization, POLSYS Linear Algebra and Polynomial System Solving GRAND-‐LARGE Randomized Linear Algebra Software ASAP Randomized Algorithms for Distributed Computing and Networks ASCOLA Reasoning about Aspect-‐oriented Programs and security In Distributed Systems SPADES RIgorous Programming of Predictable Embedded Systems RAP Connectivity and distances in models of random networks and applications REALOPT Combinatorial optimization problems North Carolina State University University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Calgary Univesity of Chile UC Berkeley McGill University Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro États-‐Unis États-‐Unis Canada Chili États-‐Unis Canada Brésil Anne Spalanzani Animesh Pathak Ludovic Henrio E-‐MOTION ARLES SCALE self adaptive mobile perception and navigation Personalized Mobility Services for Urban Travelers Safe Composition of Autonomic Distributed Applications National Taiwan University Taïwan Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Inde University of Chile, NIC Labs Chili NEUROPHYS4NEUROREHAB OAKSAD OCONET OPALI OPTIC ORESTE PLOMO2 POLYFLOW PREPRINT3D PRINCESS QOLAPS R-‐LAS RADCON REAL RIPPES RNA SAMBA SAMPEN SARATHI SCADA SEEMPAD SIMS SIMULBED SNOWFLAKE SOMCA SPLENDID STEM TASCMELB THANES Bordeaux Sophia Antipolis Saclay Saclay Bordeaux Bordeaux Sophia Antipolis Lille Paris -‐ Rocquencourt Nancy Saclay Paris -‐ Rocquencourt Saclay Rennes Rennes Grenoble Paris -‐ Rocquencourt Bordeaux Grenoble Paris -‐ Rocquencourt Sophia Antipolis Sophia Antipolis Anirban Dutta Ioana Manolescu Frederic Bonnans Charles Consel Hussein Yahia Paola Goatin Stéphane Ducasse Albert Cohen Sylvain Lefebvre Catuscia Palamidessi Fabien Gandon WIMMICS Social Exchanges and Emotions in Mediated Polemics -‐ Analysis and Data University of Montréal Canada Rennes Julien Pettré MIMETIC University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill États-‐Unis Sophia Antipolis Walid Dabbous Adrien Coulet DIANA ORPAILLEUR Keio University, Shonan-‐Fujisawa Stanford University Japon États-‐Unis Romain Rouvoy Nikos Paragios ADAM GALEN Toward realistic and efficient simulation of hfighly complex systems of Network SIMULBED: Large-‐Scale Simulation Testbed or Realistic Evaluation Protocols and Architectures Knowledge Discovery from Linked Data and Clinical Notes Self-‐Optimization of Service Oriented Architectures for Mobile and Cloud Applications Self-‐Paced Learning for Exploiting Noisy, Diverse or Incomplete Data University of Québec à Montréal Stanford University Canada États-‐Unis Luce Brotcorne DOLPHIN CIRRELT, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal Canada Nicolas Beldiceanu TASC DeciSion Tools for Energy Management (STEM) Synergy between Filtering and Explanations for Scheduling and Placement Constraints National ICT Australia Australie Giovanni Neglia MAESTRO THeory and Application of NEtwork Science Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Brésil Nancy Lille Saclay Lille Rennes Sophia Antipolis EA CRI Responsable Paris -‐ Rocquencourt TISHOM USCOAST VIP YOUHUA2 Nancy Paris -‐ Rocquencourt Saclay Gregory Batt Claudia-‐Lavinia Ignat Ivan Laptev Olivier Temam EPI Titre Projet Artificial tissue homeostasis: combining synthetic and computational biology LIFEWARE approaches SCORE User Studies on Trustworthy Collaborative Systems WILLOW Visual Interpretation of functional Properties BYMOORE (AEx) Programming for homogeneous and heterogeneous multi-‐cores Partenaire MIT Wright State University MIT ICT-‐ China Academy of Sciences Pays États-‐Unis États-‐Unis États-‐Unis Chine
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