4/1/14 CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Robert Hon Kwong Mak Address: Division of Pediatric Nephrology University of California, San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0634 La Jolla, CA 92093-0634 Tel: (858) 822-6713 Fax: (858) 822-6776 Email: [email protected] ACADEMIC AND CLINICAL APPOINTMENTS 2007- Professor of Pediatrics (Ladder Series) Chief, Division of Pediatric Nephrology, University of California, San Diego (UCSD) 2007-2012 Director, Pediatric Nephrology Fellowship Program, UCSD 2001-2007 Professor of Pediatrics, Oregon Health & Science University 1997-2006 Chief, Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Oregon Health & Science University 1997-2001 Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Oregon Health & Science University 1992-1997 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (tenure track), Attending Pediatric Nephrologist, Stanford University School of Medicine 1986-1992 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Attending Pediatric Nephrologist, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, University of Southern California School of Medicine 1983-1986 Lecturer in Pediatric Nephrology, Guy's Hospital Medical School, University of London, United Kingdom EDUCATION 1975 1979 1979 1985 MBBS DCH MRCP Ph.D. University of Hong Kong School of Medicine Royal College of Physicians (U.K.), Diploma of Child Health Royal College of Physicians (U.K.), Pediatric Board University of London, Pediatric Nephrology 1 POSTDOCTORAL TRAINING Fellowship: 1980-1983 1981 1983 Fellow in Pediatric Nephrology with Sir Cyril Chantler, Guy's Hospital Medical School, University of London Research Fellowship with Dr. Ralph DeFronzo, Division of Nephrology and Endocrinology, Yale University Medical School, New Haven, CT Research Fellowship with Dr. Otto Mehls, Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, FRG Residency: 1976-1978 1979-1980 Resident in Pediatrics, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong Resident in Pediatrics, Guy's Hospital Medical School, University of London HONORS AND AWARDS 1974 1980-1982 1983-1984 1993 1995 1996 1999 2000-2007 2003-2007 2004-2006 2004-2008 2006-2007 2006 2009 2011 2012 Medical Student Prize for Dissertation on "Medical Aspects of Contraception", University of Hong Kong Leslie Larkins Fellow in Pediatric Research, University of London Burroughs Wellcome Lecturer in Pediatrics and Metabolic Medicine, University of London Fellow qua Physician of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, FRCP(Glasgow) Fellow qua Physician of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, FRCP(Edinburgh) Blue Ribbon Awards for two Outstanding Abstracts, American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting Fellow qua Physician of the Royal College of Physicians of London, FRCP(London) Councillor, International Pediatric Nephrology Association NIH Mid-Career Research Development Award President, Western Society of Pediatric Nephrology Chairman, Education Committee International Pediatric Nephrology Association Co-chair, Program Committee American Society of Pediatric Nephrology Chair, NIH Renal and Urological Small Business Study Section Co-Chair, 8th International Symposium on Nutrition and Growth in Chronic Kidney Disease, Oveido, Spain. Co-Chair, Western Society of Pediatric Nephrology Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA Chair, 9th International Symposium on Nutrition and Growth in Chronic Kidney Disease, San Diego, CA 2 HONORS AND AWARDS (continued) 2012 2013 Mentee Sujana Gunta MD won American Society of Pediatric Nephrology Trainee Basic Science Research Award. Mentee Sujana Gunta MD won Pediatric Academic Societies Nathan Basic Science Research Award MEDICAL LICENSURE 1987 1987 1997 California License #A043991 DEA License #BM120557 Oregon License #MD24802 SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP National 1988198819901993199519992007- Western Society for Pediatric Research American Society of Nephrology American Society of Pediatric Nephrology Society for Pediatric Research American Society of Transplant Physicians Western Society of Pediatric Nephrology (Co-founder) National Kidney Foundation International 1980198119871987- Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, London Royal Society of Medicine, London International Society of Nephrology International Pediatric Nephrology Association REVIEWER FOR JOURNALS 198919901992199219931994199419941996199619961997199719971999- Pediatric Nephrology Kidney International Pediatric Research Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation Journal of Adolescent Medicine Nephron Pediatrics Journal of Nephrology Clinical Nephrology American Journal of Kidney Diseases American Journal of Physiology (Renal) American Journal of Physiology (Endocrinology & Metabolism) Pediatric Transplantation Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Diabetes 3 199920022003200420052006200720072009201120112011- Journal of Molecular Endocrinology Journal of American Society of Nephrology Pediatric Research Journal of Urology Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology New England Journal of Medicine Peritoneal Dialysis International Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Nature reviews, Nephrology Clinical Endocrinology American Journal of Nephrology Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplant EDITORIAL BOARD 1987-1989 Section editor (uremia) of the International Journal of Pediatric Nephrology 2003-present Editorial Board, Pediatric Nephrology 2006-2009 Editorial Board, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2005-2009 Advisory Board, Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology 2004-2010 Consulting Editor, Pediatric Research 2006-2010 Associate Editor, Pediatric Nephrology 2009-present Advisory Board, Nature Reviews Nephrology 2010-present Editorial Board, World Journal of Pediatrics 2011-present Editorial Board, World Journal of Hypertension 2011-present Editorial Board, World Journal of Nephrology 2012 Guest Editor, Pediatric Nephrology 4 COMMITTEES (local) 1986-1987 Committee on Clinical Investigations (Institutional Review Board) Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California. 1986-1992 Dialysis and Renal Transplant Committee, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California. 1994-1997 Chairman, Health and Safety Committee, Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine 1994-1997 Academic Affairs Committee, Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine 1994-1997 Development and Fundraising Committee, Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine 2000-2007 Faculty Practice Advisory Committee, Department of Pediatrics, OHSU 2001-2007 Fellowship Training Committee, Department of Pediatrics, OHSU 2002-2007 Promotions and Tenure Committee, Department of Pediatrics, OHSU 2003-2007 Scientific Advisory Committee, General Clinical Research Center, OHSU 2006-2007 Scientific Advisory Committee, Child Health Research Center, OHSU 2007 Chair, Intramural Grant Program, UCSD 2008-2009 Member of Search Committee for Pediatric Pathology Director for UCSD/RCHSD 2008-2010 UCSD Academic Senate representative, Department of Pediatrics 2009-2010 Member, Quality Improvement Committee, Rady Children’s Hospital 2009-2012 Member of Search Committee for Pediatric Hematology Oncology Faculty for UCSD/RCHSD 2009-2012 Chair of Search Committee for Pediatric Clinical Research Director for UCSD/Rady Childrens’s Hospital 2009-present Member, Billings and Compliance Committee, Rady Children’s Hospital 5 NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEES/MEETINGS 1990-1992 External Monitoring Committee for NIH R01 grant to Dr. Isidro Salusky, UCLA "Intraperitoneal calcitriol in the treatment of renal osteodystrophy in children on peritoneal dialysis," 1993-1994 Ad Hoc review committee for NIDDK RO1 grant application. "In versus outpatient treatment of urinary tract infections in children under two." 1997 Chairman, Pediatric Nephrology Platform Session Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 1997 Professional Advisory Board, National Kidney Foundation of Oregon and SW Washington 1997 Chairman, Northern California Pediatric Nephrology Symposium 1998 Chairman, Northwest Pediatric Nephrology Educational Series 1999 1999 Keynote speaker, Asian Pediatric Nephrology Symposium, Hong Kong Session Chairman, International Symposium on Growth in Renal Failure International Pediatric Nephrology Association 1999 Keynote Speaker, International Pediatric Nephrology South America Congress, Valencia, Venezuela 1999 Chairman, Western Pediatric Nephrology Symposium, Portland. 2001 Organizing Committee Member, Western Pediatric Nephrology Symposium, San Francisco. 2001 Organizing Committee Member, International Developmental Renal Physiology Workshop, Victoria, Canada 2001 Organizing Committee Member, International Pediatric Nephrology Association Congress, Seattle. 2001 Reviewer for abstracts for “Genetic and molecular basis of renal disease” International Pediatric Nephrology Association Congress, Seattle. 2001 Chairman, session on “Development of uroepithelium and bladder.” International Developmental Renal Biology Workshop, Victoria, Canada. 2002 Chairman, Pediatric Nephrology Platform Session Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 2002 Reviewer for Pediatric Nephrology Abstracts Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 6 2002-2008 Councillor, International Pediatric Nephrology Association. 2002-2008 Grant Review Committee A, March of Dimes Foundation 2004- Research Committee, American Society of Pediatric Nephrology 2002-07 Steering Committee Member, NIH U01 DK-02-013 Multi-Center Grant “Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in Children and Young Adults.” 2002-07 Co-Chair, Subcommittee on ancillary studies, NIH U01 Multi-Center Grant “Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in Children and Young Adults.” 2003 Member, NIH NIDDK Task Force on Primary vesico-ureteral reflux. 2003 Member, NIH Study Section on Program Project Grant on “Podocyte biology in health and disease.” 2003 Co-chairman, session on “Genomics and Proteomics in Pediatric Nephrology Research”, American Society for Pediatric Nephrology Annual Meeting, Seattle. 2003 Co-chairman, session on “New Tools for Biological Discovery” American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting, San Diego 2003-2009 Steering Committee Member, NIH U01 Multi-Center Grant “Cohort study on Chronic Kidney Disease in Children “ 2003-2010 Chairman, Committee on Progression of CKD, NIH U01 Multi-Center Grant, “Cohort study on Chronic Kidney Disease in Children“ 2004 Member, Scientific Organizing Committee International Symposium on Growth and Metabolism in Renal Disease, Heidelberg, Germany 2004 Chairman, session on “Nutrition in Renal Failure” International Congress of Pediatric Nephrology, Adelaide, Australia. 2002 Grant Review Committee, American Society of Nephrology 2004-2006 President, Western Society of Pediatric Nephrology 2004-2009 Chairman, Educational Committee, International Pediatric Nephrology Association 2005 Chairman, Pediatric Nephrology Session, World Congress of Nephrology, Singapore. 2005 Reviewer abstracts ASN annual meeting 7 2005 Chairman, Session on Genomics and Proteomics ASN annual meeting 2006 Co-Chair, Symposium on Inflammation and Uremic Pathophysiology ASPN/PAS annual meeting 2006 Ad hoc member, NIH Pathobiology of Kidney Disease Study Section 2006 Ad hoc member, NIH Urologic and Kidney Development and Genitourinary Diseases Study Section 2006 Ad hoc member, NIH Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Kidney Study Section 2006 Chair, NIH Renal and Urological Small Business Study Section 2006-2007 Co-chair, Program Committee, ASPN/PAS Annual Meeting 2007 Visiting Professor, Renal Division, Baylor University 2007 Co-chair, Sympsoium on Endothilial dysfunction in renal disease. ASPN/PAS Annual Meeting, Toronto, 2007 2007 Co-chair, Symposium on Genomics and Proteomics in Pediatric Nephrology International Congress of Pediatric Nephrology, Budapest, Hungary 2008 Chair, Symposium on Bone and Mineral Disorder in Chronic Kidney Disease PAS/ASPN Annual Meeting, Honolulu. 2009 Chair, Symposium on Obesity and Chronic Kidney Disease. PAS/ASPN Annual Meeting, Baltimore. 2009 Co-Chair, 8th International Symposium on Nutrition and Growth in Chronic Kidney Disease, Oveido, Spain. 2010-pres Professional Advisory Board, Cystinosis Research Foundation 2010 to present 2011 Co-chair, Western Society of Pediatric Nephrology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. 2011 Chair, Abstract Review Committee, Bone Mineral Metabolism, American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. 2011 Chair, Session on Advances in PTH and Vitamin D metabolism. American Society of Nephrology Annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA. 8 2012 Chair, 9th International Symposium on Nutrition and Growth in Chronic Kidney Disease, San Diego, CA. 2012 Member, abstract review committee, American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting, San Diego. 2012-pres Chair, Data and Safety Monitoring Board on Genzyme’s ongoing study entitled “A 2-week placebo-controlled, fixed dose period followed by a 6month, single-arm, open-label, dose titration period study to investigate the efficacy and safety of sevalamar carbonate in hyperphosphatemic pediatric patients with chronic kidney disease” 2013 Member, abstract review committee, International Pediatric Nephrology Association Congress, Shanghai, China 2013 Chair, International Pediatric Nephrology Association Congress, Congress, Shanghai, China, Symposium on “Inflammation in chronic kidney disease”. RESEARCH INTERESTS 1. GH and IGF-I signal transduction in uremia 2. Biomarkers and candidate genes for reflux nephropathy. 3. Biomarkers for progression of chronic kidney disease in children. 4. Cytokine signaling and cachexia of uremia. 5. Central mechanism of uremic osteodystrophy 6. Cardiovascular complications of chronic kidney disease 7. Epigenetics and progression of chronic kidney disease 8. Genetic regulation of weight and height in chronic kidney disease GRANTS 1. National Institutes of Health Biomedical Research Support Grant. Principal Investigator. "Insulin metabolism in uremia.” July 88-June 91. 2. American Heart Association "Grant-in-aid" Principal Investigator, "Regulation of the biosynthesis of Na-K ATPase - subunits in the pathogenesis of hypertension and insulin resistance in uremia.” November 92-January 94. 3. Genentech Inc. Clinical Grant. Principal Investigator, "Effect of growth hormone on renal osteodystrophy and glucose metabolism in children with growth failure from chronic renal failure.” September 93-December 94. 9 4. Amgen, Inc. Clinical Grant. Principal Investigator, "Effect of human recombinant erythropoietin on protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in pediatric patients on dialysis.” September 91-December 95. 5. Genentech Foundation Clinical Grant. Principal Investigator, "Effect of growth hormone on insulin, IGF-I and bone mineral metabolism in children with growth failure from chronic renal failure.” September 94-October 96. 6. Genentech Foundation Basic Science Grant. Principal Investigator, "Molecular mechanisms of growth failure in uremia.” July 96-June 97. 7. National Kidney Foundation Research Grant. resistance in uremia." June 96-June 97. 8. Oregon Medical Research Foundation Grant. regulation in uremia.” July 98-June 99. 9. Genentech Foundation Laboratory Based Clinical Research Grant. Principal Investigator, "Circulating inhibitors of growth in uremia." July 97-December 98. 10. National Kidney Foundation Research Grant. Principal Investigator "Candidate gene(s) for reflux nephropathy.” July 99-June 00. 11. Dickinson Foundation Research Grant. Principal Investigator “Molecular diagnostic and therapeutic approach to urinary tract infections in children.” July 00-June 01. 12. Friends of Doernbecher Foundation Research Grant. Principal Investigator, “Protein biomarkers for progression of chronic renal disease.” July 00-June 01. 13. Baxter Inc. Extramural Grant Award. Principal Investigator, "IGF-I gene regulation in uremia." February 99-January 02. 14. Pharmacia Inc. Extramural Grant Award. Principal Investigator, “Growth hormone resistance in chronic renal failure.” July 00-June 03. 15. Friends of Doernbecher Foundation Research Grant. Principal Investigator, “Protein biomarkers for progression of chronic kidney disease.” July 03-June 04. 16. National Institutes of Health. NIDDK R01 Award (DK50780) Principal Investigator, "Growth retardation in chronic renal failure." May 97-April 04. 17. Baxter Inc. Renal Discovery Program: Extramural Grant Award. Principal Investigator, “Cytokine signaling and cachexia of uremia.” July 03-June 06. 18. National Institute of Health, NIDDK U01 DK-02-013 Co-principal Investigator “Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in Children and Young Adults.” October 02September 07. 10 Principal Investigator, "IGF-I Principal Investigator “IGF-I gene 19. National Institute of Health, NIDDK K24 DK059475 Principal Investigator. Mid Career Research Development Award. “Molecular analysis of Vesicoureteric Reflux.” July 03-June 08. 20. National Institute of Health, NIDDK U01 DK-03-012. Co-principal Investigator “Cohort study of chronic kidney disease in children.” October 03-September 08. 21. National Institute of Health, NIDDK R21 DK059475. Principal Investigator. “Urine biomarkers for steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome.” September 04-August 07. 22. National Institute of Health NIDDK U01 DK-02-013 supplement. Principal Investigator. “Urine biomarkers for obesity associated FSGS.” October 06September 08. 23. Collins Medical Trust Extramural grant. Principal Investigator. “Novel therapy for uremic cachexia.” February 06-January 07. 24. Satellite Healthcare Inc Extramural Research grant. Principal Investigator. “Energy homeostasis and cachexia in uremia.” July 07-June 10. 25. Abbott ExtenD Extramural Research Grant. Principal Investigator. “The therapeutic effect of vitamin D on cardiovascular disease and survival in chronic kidney disease.” September 09-August 12. 26. Cystinosis Research Foundation Research Grant. Principal Investigator. “Energy homeostasis and muscle wasting in nephropathic cystinosis.” January 10-December 11. 27. Bioline Inc Extramural Research Grant. Principal Investigator. “Impact of leptin inhibitor on uremic cachexia.” July 11-June 12. 28. National Institute of Health, NIDDK U01 DK-03-012. Co-principal Investigator “Cohort study of chronic kidney disease in children.” October 08-September 13. 29. National Institute of Health, R13. Principal Investigator. International Symposium on Growth and Nutrition in Chronic Kidney Disease. April 12-March 13. 30. Abbott Inc Extramural Research Grant. Principal Investigator. “The impact of atrasentan on protenuria, disease progression, cardiovascular complications and survival in a mouse model of diabetic nephropathy with chronic kidney disease. June 12-May 14. 31. Cystinosis Research Foundation Research Grant. Principal Investigator. “Vitamin D and muscle wasting in nephropathic cystinosis. July 12-June 14. 32. National Institute of Health, Muscle Center Grant R24HD050837 Pilot Project Principal Investigator “The impact of vitamin D on muscle wasting in chronic kidney disease” June 12 to May 14. 11 33. National Institute of Health, NIDDK U01 DK-03-012. Co-principal Investigator “Cohort study of chronic kidney disease in children.” October 13-September 18. 34. Cystinosis Research Foundation Research Grant. Principal Investigator. “Inflammation and inflammasome signaling in nephropathic cystinosis. February 14January 16. 12 TRAINEES Current Fellows Celina Cepeda, MD Elliot Perens, MD, PhD Dean Nourbakhsh, DO Past Fellows James Tee, MD Sun-Young Ahn Anna Mathew, MD Caitlin Carter, MD Sujana Gunta, MD 07/13-present 07/11-present 07/12-present 07/03-06/08 Asst Professor, University of Calgary, Canada 11/05-10/08 Asst Professor, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 07/07-07/11 Clinical Lecturer, University of Michigan 07/08-12/12 Physician, Scripps La Jolla, Rady CH 07/10-09/13 Physician, Tri-City Medical, Rady CH Supervisor/Adviser for the following visitors: Kyung Paik, MD, PhD 03/09-02/10 Assoc Professor, Seoul Natl University, Seoul, Korea Uwe Querfeld, MD 05/09-09/09 Professor, Charité University Hospital, Berlin, Germany Qian Shen, MD 08/10-10/10 Registrar, Children’s Hospital, Shanghai, China Jianying Zhan, MD 04/10-11/10 Pediatrician, Zhejiang Univ, Hangzhou, China Wei Ding, MD 05/11-07/11 Fellow, Fudan University, Shanghai, China Shiping Li, MD 02/13-07/13 Pediatrician, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China Wei Ding, MD 04/14-03/16 Pediatrician, Fudan University, Shanghai, China Research Scientist: Wilson Cheung, PhD 05/07-present Residents: 2007 Julie Talmasano Sarah Maifield Erin Fortune Carol Budzik Suresh Rangarajan Corrie Stofcho Katy Johnston Jenna Griggs Johanna Chang Sheila Laksana Greg Montoya Tina Ho Helen Harvey Anya Freedman May 3-30 May 31-June 13 May 31-June 30 June 14-30 Jul 1-25 Jul 12-18 Jul 26-Aug 8 Aug 9-22 Aug 23-Sept 19 Sept 20-Oct 3 Oct 4-17 Oct 18-Nov 14 Nov 30-Dec 12 Dec 13-26 13 2008 Rachael Zweig Katy Johnston Erin Papenfuss David Shyr Jenna Griggs Norris Vivatrat Sofia Moreno Annemarie Selaya Kat Freese Katherine Stumpf Patrick McVey Robin Bareng Chris Sullivan Alexandra Smith Feb 7-20 Mar 20-Apr 2 Apr 4-16 May 1-28 May 29-June 11 May 29-June 11 July 1-9 July 1-23 July 10-23 July 24-Aug 6 July 24-Aug 20 Aug 21-Sept 17 Sept 18-Oct 15 Oct 30-Nov 12 2009 Jennie Fuller Grant Keeney Shelton Viola David Del Bello Robin Bareng Katie Good Megan Browning Lori Broderick Monique Mayo Mar 19-Apr 1 Apr 16-29 May 28-June 24 Jul 1-22 Jul 9-22 Sept 17-Oct 14 Oct 15-Nov 11 Nov 26-Dec 9 Dec 10-Jan 6 2010 Ben Frischhertz Grant Keeney Loren Sacks Quoc Nguyen Jessica Gordon Kelly McCarthy Ben Blevins Lori Broderick Jennifer Shepherd Manju Samant Erin Toole Katie Wilde Lauren Hackett Steve Reeves Tina Udaka Dani Monteil Brian Williams Erin Blevins Jan 7-20 Feb 18-Mar 3 Feb 18-Mar 3 Feb 18-Mar 3 Apr 1-28 Apr 29-May 13 June 3-24 June 10-30 June 10-30 June 24-Jul 21 Jul 1-21 Jul 8-Aug 2 Aug 5-Sept 1 Sept 2-15 Sept 30-Oct 13 Oct 14-Nov 25 Oct 28-Nov 10 Dec 9-Jan 5 14 2011 Kris Kazlauskas Adelaine Trask Stacy Dodt Erin Toole Kimberly Montez Melissa Moreles Dan Sisti Megan Klenow Mar 31-Apr 27 May 12-25 May 26-June 23 June 24-30 Aug 26-Sept 8 Sept 23-Oct 6 Nov 18-Dec 15 Dec 16-29 2012 Melissa Moreles Natalie Gilman Kate Scott Feb 10-23 Jul 26-31 Dec 14-17 2013 Lauge Farnas Whitney Law Jeanne Caroll Gibran Pierluissi-Jovet Denise Carranza Nicole Bendin Sri Grevich Jan 11-24, May 17-30 Feb 18-21 June 14-30 Aug 1-14 Aug 9-22 Aug 23-Sept 19 Nov 29-Dec 12 2014 Jefferson Jones Lawrence Ma Amy Sweigart Jan 10-23 Jan 10-Feb 6 Mar 17-Apr 2 Medical Students: 2007 Karen Frankwich John Huang Neetha Vilasagar Eric Beard Hanna Neumeier Jul 23-Aug 19 Sept 17-Oct 14 Oct 15-Nov 11 Oct 15-Nov 11 Nov 12-Dec 9 2008 Corrina Schwenke Jan 7-Feb 3 2009 Yahn‐Yir Chau Emily McDonnel Mar 30-Apr 26 Oct 19-Nov 15 15 2010 Jody Lin Erin Kim Sept 27-Oct 24 Oct 24-Nov 21 2011 Wei Ding Burak Ucpinar Deniz Alis Wiata Weeks Apr 1-July 31 Aug 1-25 Aug 8-30 Sept 26-Oct 23 2012 Simon Oberle Emily Rudomin Carlos Montes Mar 26-Apr 22 Sept 24-Oct 21 Nov 19-Dec 17 2013 Phillip Hartman Jillian Scambia Carolin Staude Rachel Marano Feb 25-Mar 24 Mar 25-Apr 21 May 20-June 16 Sept 9-Oct 6 2014 Po-Chao Chen Francisco Santoscoy Jan 6-31 Mar 3-30 16 PUBLICATIONS 1. Candy, DC, Leung TS, Mak RH et al. A fimbrial antigen mediating haemag-glutination of E. Coli from children. FEMS LETT (Microbiology)15:325-329, 1982. 2. Haycock GB, Al-Dahhan J, Mak RH, Chantler C. The effect of indomethacin on clinical progress and renal function in cystinosis. Archives of Diseases in Childhood 57:934939, 1982. 3. Mak RH, Al-Dahhan J, Azzopardi D, Bosque M, Chantler C, Haycock GB. Measurement of glomerular filtration rate in children after renal transplantation. Kidney International 23:410-413, 1983. 4. Mak RH, Haycock GB, Chantler C. Glucose intolerance in children with chronic renal failure. Kidney International 24 (Suppl 15):S22-S26, 1983. 5. Mak RH, Turner C, Haycock GB, Chantler C. Secondary hyperparathyroidism and glucose intolerance in children with uremia. Kidney International 24 (Suppl 16):S128S133, 1983. 6. Mak RH, Bettinelli A, Turner C, Haycock GB, Chantler C. The influence of hyperparathyroidism on glucose metabolism in uremia. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 60:229-233, 1985. 7. Mak RH, Turner C, Powell H, Thompson T, Haycock GB, Chantler C. Suppression of secondary hyperparathyroidism in children with uremia with high dose phosphate binders: CaCO3 Vs Al(OH)3. British Medical Journal 291:623-627, 1985. 8. Mak RH, Chantler C. Glucose intolerance in uremia: Effect of hemodialysis and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, in CAPD in Children. Edited by Fine RN, Scharer K, Mehls O. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo. pp. 58-68, 1985. 9. Mak RH, Turner C, Thompson T, Haycock GB, Chantler C. The effect of dietary protein restriction and amino acid/keto acid supplements on glucose metabolism in uremic children. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 63:985-989, 1986. 10. Tamanaha K, Mak RH, Rigden S, Turner C., Haycock GB, Chantler C. Long term suppression of hyperphosphatemia and hyperparathyroidism by high dose phosphate binders in uremic children. Pediatric Nephrology 1(2):145-149, 1987. 11. Mak RH, Turner C., Thompson T, Haycock GB, Chantler C. Glucose metabolism in children with uremia: Effect of dietary protein and phosphate. Kidney International 32 (Suppl 22):S206-S209, 1987. 17 12. Turner, Compston J, Mak RH, Vedi S, Mellish P, Haycock GB, Chantler C. Bone turnover and 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol during treatment with phosphate binders. Kidney International 33:989-995, 1988. 13. Mak RH. Glucose disposal in uremic children. Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology 20:90-100, 1989. 14. Mak RH. Carbohydrate metabolism in uremia. Pediatric Nephrology 3:201-208, 1989. 15. Mak RH. Insulin secretion in uremia: Effect of parathyroid hormone and vitamin D metabolites. Kidney International 36 (Suppl 27):S227-S231, 1989. 16. Friedman AL, Heiliczer JD, Gundberg CM, Mak RH, Boineau FG, McEnery PT, Chan JCM. Serum osteocalcin concentrations in children with chronic renal insufficiency who are not undergoing dialysis. Journal of Pediatrics 116:S55-S59, 1990. 17. Buckland-Wright C, Spring MW, Mak RH, Turner C, Compston J, Vedi S, Haycock GB, Chantler C. Quantitative microfocal radiography of children with renal osteodystrophy: Comparison with laboratory and histological finding. British Journal of Radiology 63:609614, 1990. 18. Karpati R, Mak RH, Lemley KV. Hypercalcemia, hypertension and acute renal failure. Child Nephrology and Urology 11:215-219, 1991. 19. Mak RH. 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol corrects glucose intolerance in hemodialysis patients. Kidney International 41:1049-1054, 1992. 20. Mak RH. Amelioration of hypertension and insulin resistance dihydroxycholecalciferol in uremia. Pediatric Nephrology 6(4):345-348, 1992. by 1,25 21. Mak RH, DeFronzo RA. Glucose and insulin metabolism in uremia. Nephron 61(4):377382, 1992. 22. Mak RH, Wong JH. The vitamin D/parathyroid hormone axis in the pathogenesis of hypertension and insulin resistance in uremia. Mineral Electrolyte Metabolism 18:156159, 1992. 23. Mak RH, Kurtin S, Alon U. Renal hyperphosphatemia, in Phosphate in Pediatric Health and Disease. Edited by Alon U, Chan JCM. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. pp 235256, 1993. 24. Mak RH. Early history of renal rickets. American Journal of Nephrology 13:293-297, 1993. 25. Mak RH. Renal disease, insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. Diabetes Reviews 2:19-28, 1994. 18 26. Mak RH, Haycock GB, Chantler C. Insulin and growth in chronic renal failure. Pediatric Nephrology 8:309-312, 1994. 27. Mak RH. Insulin secretion and growth in uremia. Pediatric Research 38: 379-383, 1995. 28. Mak RH. Insulin resistance in uremia: Effect of dialysis modality. Pediatric Research 40:304-308, 1996. 29. Mak RH. The effect of erythropoietin on insulin, amino acid and lipid metabolism in uremia. Journal of Pediatrics 129(1):97-104, 1996. 30. Mak RH, Pak Y. End-organ resistance to growth hormone and IGF-I in epiphyseal chondrocytes of uremic rats. Kidney International 50:400-406, 1996. 31. Mak RH. Insulin resistance but IGF-I sensitivity in chronic renal failure. Journal of Physiology 271(40):F114-F119, 1996. American 32. Mak RH, Mehls O. Insulin-like growth factor-I action on glucose transport in acute renal failure American Journal of Physiology 271:F440-F445, 1996. 33. Mak RH. Correction of anemia by erythropoietin reverses insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia in uremia. American Journal of Physiology 270(39):F839-F894, 1996. 34. Alfrey EJ, Conley SB, Tanney DC, Mak R, Salvatierra O. Use of an augmented urinary bladder can be catastrophic in renal transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings 29:154-155, 1997. 35. Salvatierra O, Tanney DC, Mak R, Alfrey E, Lemley K, Mackie F, So S, Hammer GB, Krane EJ, Conley SB. Pediatric renal transplantation and its challenges. Transplantation Reviews 11:51-69, 1997. 36. Salvatierra O, Alfrey E, Tanney DC, Mak R, Hammer GB, Krane EJ, So SK, Lemley K, Dafoe DC, Orlandi PD, Page LP, Conley S. Superior outcomes in pediatric renal transplantation. Archives of Surgery 132:842-849, 1997. 37. Alfrey E, Salvatierra O, Tanney D, Mak R, Hammer G, Orlandi P, Conley S. Bladder augmentation can be problematic with renal failure and transplantation: Report of 10 cases. Pediatric Nephrology 11:672-675, 1997. 38. Mak RH. 1,25 vitamin D3 corrects insulin and lipid abnormalities in uremia. Kidney International 53:1353-1357, 1998. 39. Mak RH. Effect of metabolic acidosis on insulin action and secretion in uremia. Kidney International 54:603-607, 1998. 40. Mak RH. Insulin, branched-chain amino acids and growth failure in uremia. Nephrology 12:637-642, 1998. 19 Pediatric 41. Mak RH. Metabolic effects of erythropoietin in uremic patients on peritoneal dialysis. Pediatric Nephrology 12:660-665, 1998. 42. Mak RH. Effect of metabolic acidosis on branched-chain amino acids in uremia. Pediatric Nephrology 13:319-322, 1999. 43. Mak RH. Effect of metabolic acidosis on hyperlipidemia in uremia. Nephrology 13:891-893, 1999. Pediatric 44. Salvatierrra O, Tanney D, Mak R, Alfrey E, Lemley K, Mackie F, So S, Hammer G, Krane Ej, Conley SB. Transplante renal pediatrico y sus retos. Tranplante de Organos, 2 nd edition, Eds Santiago-Delpin EA and Ruiz-Speare JO, JGH Editores, pp 688-705, 1999. 45. Mak RH. Impact of end-stage renal disease and dialysis on glycemic control. Seminars in dialysis. 13(1):4-8, 2000. 46. Mak RH, Huey-Ju Kuo. Primary vesico-ureteral reflux: emerging insights from molecular and genetic studies. Current Opinions in Pediatrics 15:181-185, 2003. 47. Chan JCM, Mak RH. Acid-base homeostasis. In Pediatric Nephrology eds Avner E, Harman W & Niadut P. 5th Edition, Lippincot, Williams & Wilkins, pp 189-208, 2004. 48. Mak RH, Chang SL, Pak YK. Growth impairment of primary chondrocyte cells by serum of rats with chronic renal failure. Exp Mol Med 36:243-250, 2004. 49. Mak RH, Chang SL, Draksharpu A, Pak YK. Gene expression in uremic left ventricular hypertrophy: effects of hypertension and anemia. Exp Mol Med 36:251-258, 2004. 50. Mak RH, Cheung W, Cone R, Marks DL. Orexigenic and anorexigenic mechanisms in the control of nutrition in chronic kidney disease. Pediatric Nephrology 20:427-431, 2005. Impact factor 2.9 51. Cheung W, Marks DL, Yu X, Cone R, Mak RH. Role of leptin and melanocortin signaling in uremia-associated cachexia.. Journal of Clinical Investigation 115:1659-1665, 2005. Impact factor 15.4 52. Mak RH, Cheung W, Cone R, Marks DL. Leptin and inflammation-associated cachexia in chronic kidney disease. Kidney International 69:794-797, 2006. Impact factor 7.9 53. Mak RH, Kuo HJ. Pathogenesis of urinary tract infection: An Update. Current Opinions in Pediatrics 18:148-152, 2006. Impact factor 2.6 54. Mak RH, Rotwein P. Myostatin and IGF-I in the pathogenesis of uremic sarcopenia: the Yin and Yang of muscle mass regulation. Kidney International 70:410-412, 2006. Impact factor 7.9 55. Mak RH, Cheung W, Cone R, Marks DL. Cytokine and adipokine signaling in uremic cachexia. Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology 2:527-534, 2006. Impact factor 7.9 20 56. Furth SL, Cole SR, Mimms MM, Kaskel F, Mak R, Schwartz G, Wong C, Munoz A, Warady BA. Design and Methods of the chronic kidney diseases in children (CKiD) prospective Cohort Study. Clinical Journal American Society Nephrology 1:1006-1015, 2006. Impact factor 5.2 57. Mak RH, Kuo HJ, Cheung W. Animal models of obesity-associated chronic kidney disease. Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease 13:374-385, 2006. Impact factor 2.1 58. Mak RH. Can plasma iohexol disappearance be used to measure GFR in children with chronic kidney disease? Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology 2:608-609, 2006. Impact factor 7.9 59. Mak RH, Cheung W, Cone R, Marks DL. Energy homeostasis and cachexia in chronic kidney disease. Pediatric Nephrology 21:1807-1814, 2006. Impact factor 2.9 60. Wong C, Mak RH. Chronic Kidney Disease. Clinical Pediatric Nephrology 2nd Edition. eds Kher K, Makker SP, Schnaper HW, Taylor & Francis. 2006. 61. Mak RH, Cheung W. Mechanisms of cachexia. In Adipokines in health and disease. Eds Fantucci G 2006. 62. Mak RH Chronic kidney disease in children: State of the Art. Pediatric Nephrology 22:1687-1688, 2007. Impact factor 2.9 63. Mak RH, Proesmans W, Trachtman H. Teaching articles: a new goal of the journal. Pediatric Nephrology 22:24-25, 2007. Impact factor 2.9 64. Mak RH Cheung W. Cachexia in chronic kidney disease: Role of inflammation and neuropeptide signaling. Current Opinions in Nephrology and Hypertension 16:27-31, 2007. Impact factor 4.0 65. Mak RH, Cheung W. Ghrelin in chronic kidney disease: too much or too little? Peritoneal Dialysis International 27:51-55, 2007. Impact factor 2.1 66. Mak RH, Secker D. Nutritional Challenges in chronic kidney disease. In Practical Pediatric Nephrology, Eds Geary D, Schaefer F, 2007. 67. Wahba I, Mak RH. Obesity and obesity-initiated metabolic syndrome: Mechanistic links to chronic kidney disease. Clinical Journal American Society of Nephrology 2:550-562, 2007. Impact factor 5.2 68. Cheung W, Kuo HJ, Markison S, Chen C, Foster AV, Marks DL, Mak RH. Peripheral administration of the melanocortin-4 receptor antagonist NBI-12i ameliorates uremiaassociated cachexia in mice. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 18:25172524, 2007. Impact factor 7.9 69. Mak RH, Cheung W. Therapeutic strategy for cachexia in chronic kidney disease. Curr Opinions in Nephrology and Hypertension 16:542-546, 2007. Impact factor 4.0 21 70. Mak RH, Cheung W. Adipokines and gut hormones in end-stage renal disease. Peritoneal Dialysis International 27 Suppl 2:S298-S302, 2007. Impact factor 2.1 71. Mak RH, Cheung W, Roberts CT. The growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor-I axis in chronic kidney disease. Growth Hormone and IGF Research 18:17-25, 2008. Impact factor 2.1 72. Mak RH, Wong JH. Are oral antibiotics alone efficacious for treatment of a first episode of acute pyelonephritis in children? Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology 4:10-11, 2008. Impact factor 7 .9 73. Mak RH. Insulin and its role in chronic kidney disease. Pediatr Nephrol 23:355-362, 2008. Impact factor 2.9 74. Cheung W, Rosengren S, Boyle DL, Mak RH. Modulation of melanocortin signaling ameliorates uremic cachexia. Kidney International 74:180-186, 2008. Impact factor 7.9 75. Mak RH. Acute kidney injury in children: the dawn of a new era. Pediatric Nephrology 23:2147-2149, 2008. Impact factor 2.9 76. Mak RH, Cheung W. Transforming growth factors and insulin-like growth factors in chronic kidney disease. Journal of Organ Dysfunction 5:59-64, 2009. 77. Mak RH. Recent advances in chronic dialysis and renal transplantation in children. Pediatric Nephrology 24:459-461, 2009. Impact factor 2.9 78. Schwartz GJ, Munoz A, Schneider MF, Mak RH, Kaskel F, Warady BA, Furth S. New equations to estimate GFR children with CKD. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 20:629-637, 2009. Impact factor 7.9 79. Wong C, Pierce CB, Cole SR, Warady BA, Mak RH, Benador NM, Kaskel F, Furth SL, Schwartz G. Association of proteinuria with race, cause of chronic kidney disease and glomerular filtration rate in the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children Study. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 4:812-819, 2009. Impact factor 5.2 80. Cheung W, Mak RH. Ghrelin and its analogues as therapeutic agents for anorexia and cachexia in end-stage renal disease. Kidney International 76:135-137, 2009. Impact factor 7.9 81. Ingulli E, Mistry K, Mak RH. Acid-base homeostasis. In Pediatric Nephrology 6th Edition, Volume 1. Editors Avner ED, Harmon WE, Niaudet P, Yoshikawa N Springer pp205-230, 2009. 82. Mak RH, Flynn J, Bakris G. Pediatrics: blood pressure target for renoprotection in children. Nature Review Nephrology 6:67-68, 2010. Impact factor 7.9 83. Mak RH, Bakris G. Pediatrics: masked hypertension: a risk factor in children with CKD. Nature Review Nephrology 6:132-134, 2010. Impact factor 7.9 22 84. Cheung WW, Paik KH, Mak RH. Inflammation and cachexia in chronic kidney disease. Pediatric Nephrology 25:711-724, 2010. Impact factor 2.9 85. Santos F, Kaskel F, Mak RH, Caldas A. 8th International Symposium on Growth and Nutrition in Children with Chronic Renal Disease. Pediatric Nephrology 25:581-582, 2010. Impact factor 2.9 86. Querfeld U, Mak RH. Vitamin D deficiency and toxicity in chronic kidney disease: in search of the therapeutic window. Pediatric Nephrology 25:2413-2430, 2010. Impact factor 2.9 87. Cheung W, Mak RH. Ghrelin in chronic kidney disease. International Journal of Peptides 2010: 2010 pii:567343, Impact factor 1,8 88. Cheung W, Zhang JY, Paik KH, Mak RH. The impact of inflammation on bone mass in children. Pediatric Nephrology 26:1937-1946, 2011. Impact factor 2.9 89. Mak RH, Ikizler TA, Kovesdy CP, Raj DS, Stenvinkel P, Kalantar-Zadeh K. Wasting in chronic kidney disease. J Sarcopenia, Cachexia and Muscle 2:9-25, 2011. 90. Mak RH, Cheung WW. Is ghrelin a biomarker for mortality in end-stage renal disease? Kidney International 79:697-699, 2011. Impact factor 7.9 91. Kalantar-Zadeh K, Cano NJ, Buddle K, Chazot C Kovesdy CP, Mak RH, Mehrotra R, Raj DS, Sehgal AR, Stenvinkel P, Ikizler TA. Diets and enteral supplements for improving outcomes in chronic kidney disease. Nature Rev Nephrology 7:369-384, 2011. Impact factor 2.9 92. Furth SL, Abraham AG, Jerry-Fluker J, Schwartz GJ, Benfield M, Kaskel F, Wong C, Mak RH, Moxey-Mims M, Warady BA. Metabolic abnormalities, cardiovascular disease risk factors, and GFR decline in children with chronic kidney disease. Clin J Am Soc Nephrology 6:2132-2140, 2011. Impact factor 5.2 93. Rees L, Mak RH. Nutrition and growth in children with chronic kidney disease. Nature Reviews Nephrology 7:615-623, 2011. Impact factor 2.9 94. Mak RH. Serum myostatin in patients on maintenance haemodialysis: a useful biomarker of muscle wasting? Clinical Endocrinology 75:738-739, 2011. Impact factor 3.9 95. Foster BJ, McCauley L, Mak RH. Nutrition in infants and very young children with chronic kidney disease. Pediatric Nephrology 27:1427-1439, 2012. Impact factor 2.9 96. Mak RH, Cheung WW, Zhan JY, Shen Q, Foster BJ. Cachexia and protein-energy wasting in children with chronic kidney disease. Pediatric Nephrology 27:173-181, 2012. Impact factor 2.9 97. Ishikura K, Hamasaki Y, Sakai T, Hataya H, Mak RH, Honda M. Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in children with kidney diseases. Pediatr Nephrol 27:375-384, 2012. Impact factor 2.9 23 98. Ingulli E, Fine R, Mak RH. Growth and GH-IGF in chronic kidney disease. The Handbook of Growth and Growth Monitoring in Health and Disease. Ed. VR Preedy. Publisher: Springer. Chapter 164, pp 2763-2772, 2012. 99. Mak RH, Cheung WW. MicroRNAs: a new therapeutic frontier for muscle wasting in chronic kidney disease. Kidney International 82:373-374, 2012. Impact factor 7.9 100. Cheung WW, Mak RH. Melanocortin antagonism ameliorates muscle wasting and inflammation in chronic kidney disease. American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology 303(9):F1315-24, 2012. Impact factor 3.6 101. Carter CE, Shayan K, Mak RH, Yorgin PD, Krous HF. Nephrotic Syndrome in an 18 year-old boy with congenital myelomeningocele. Pediatric Nephrology 28:1963-67, 2013 Impact factor 2.9 102. Mak RH, Warady BA. Vascular access in children: arteriovenous fistula or CVC? Nature Reviews Nephrology 9:9-11, 2013. Impact factor 7.9 103. Mak RH, Smoyer WE. Nephrotic syndrome: Genetic screening in steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. Nature Reviews Nephroogy 9:379-81, 2013. Impact factor 7.9 104. Gunta S, Mak RH. Leptin and ghrelin pathophysiology in chronic kidney disease. Pediatric Nephrology 28:841-58, 2013. Impact factor 2.9 105. Gunta SG, Mak RH. Is obesity a risk factor for chronic kidney disease in children? Pediatric Nephrology 28:1949-1956, 2013. Impact factor 2.9 106. Gunta S, Thadhani R, Mak RH. The effect of vitamin D status on risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Nature Reviews Nephrology 9:337-347, 2013. Impact factor 7.9 107. Ingulli E, Mak RH. Growth in children with chronic kidney disease: role of nutrition, growth hormone, dialysis and steroids. Current Opinion in Pediatrics 26: 187-192, 2014. Impact factor 2.6 108. Abraham AG, Mak RH, Mitsnefes M, White C, Moxey-Mims M, Warady B, Furth SL. Protein energy wasting in children with chronic kidney disease. Pediatric Nephrology 2014 Feb EPUB Impact factor 2.9 109. Cheung WW, Ding W, Gunta SS, Tabakman R, Klapper LN, Gertler A, Mak RH. Pegulated leptin antagonist treatment ameliorates CKD-associated cachexia in mice. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 25(1):119-28, 2014 Impact factor 8.9 24 ABSTRACTS PRESENTED AT NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS 1. Mak RH, Bakowski M, Haycock GB, Chantler C. Polyamines in children with uremia and the nephrotic syndrome. Annual meeting of the British Pediatric Association, York, England, 1981. (oral presentation) 2. Mak RH, Al-Dahhan J, Haycock GB, Chantler C. Evaluation of different methods of measuring renal function in children after renal transplantation. Annual meeting of the European Society of Pediatric Nephrology, Antwerp, Belgium, 1981. International Journal of Pediatric Nephrology. 1981; 2:144. (poster) 3. Mak RH, Turner C, Haycock BG, Chantler C. Metabolic and hormonal changes during constant hyperglycemia in children with uremia. Second International meeting on Management of Children with Chronic Renal Failure, Heidelberg, Germany, 1982. (oral presentation) 4. Mak RH, Turner C, Powell H, Thompson T, Haycock GB, Chantler C. Reversal and prevention of secondary hyperparathyroidism in children with chronic renal failure. Annual meeting of the European Society of Pediatric Nephrology, Stockholm, Sweden, 1982. International Journal of Pediatric Nephrology. 1982; 3:131. (oral presentation) 5. Mak RH, Turner C, Powell H, Haycock GB, Chantler C. Treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism by phosphate restriction in children with chronic renal failure. Renal Association meeting, London, England, May 1982. Kidney International. 1983; 22:410. (oral presentation) 6. Mak RH, Turner C, Bettinelli A, Haycock GB, Chantler C. Glucose intolerance in uremia: Role of secondary hyperparathyroidism. Renal Association meeting, London, England, October 1982. Kidney International. (oral presentation) 7. Mak RH, Turner C, Thompson T, Powell H, Haycock GB, Chantler C. Effect of treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism on glucose metabolism in patients with uremia. 3rd International Congress of Nutrition in Renal Disease, Marseilles, France, 1982. (oral presentation) 8. Mak RH, Turner C, Thompson T, Haycock GB, Chantler C. Long term follow-up of child with uremia treated by phosphate restriction. Anglo-French Conference of Pediatric Nephrology, London, England, 1983. (oral presentation) 9. Mak RH, Turner C, Thompson T, Powell H, Haycock GB, Chantler C. Treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism in children with uremia: Effect on growth, bone disease, renal function and anemia. Sixth International Congress of Pediatric Nephrology, Hannover, Germany, 1983. European Journal of Pediatrics. 1983; 140 (2):200. (oral presentation) 10. Turner C, Mak RH, Thompson T, Dalton N, Haycock BG, Chantler C. Hormonal and metabolic changes after correction of secondary hyperparathyroidism in children with 25 uremia. Sixth International Congress of Pediatric Nephrology, Hannover, Germany, 1983. European Journal of Pediatrics. 1983; 140 (2):200. (oral presentation) 11. Bettineli A, Mak RH, Turner C, Haycock GB, Chantler C. Renal Tubular handling of phosphate, sodium and water in children after renal transplantation. Sixth International Congress of Pediatric Nephrology, Hannover, Germany, 1983. European Journal of Pediatrics. 1983; 140 (2):191. (oral presentation) 12. Mak RH, Turner C, Thompson T, et al. Suppression of secondary hyperparathyroidism by phosphate restriction in children with uremia. Renal Association meeting, London, England, October 1983. (oral presentation) 13. Mak RH, Chantler C. Glucose in uremia: Effect of CAPD. International Meeting of CAPD in Children, Heidelberg, Germany, May 1984. (oral presentation) 14. Mak RH, Turner C, Haycock GB, Cantler, C. Glucose intolerance in uremia. Renal Association meeting, London, England, April 1985. (oral presentation) 15. Mak RH, Thompson T, Turner C, Haycock GB, Chantler C. The effect of dietary protein restriction on glucose metabolism in uremia. British Pediatric Association meeting, York, England, April 1985. (oral presentation) 16. Mak RH, Chantler C, Turner C, et al. Insulin resistance and secretion in uremic children. Annual meeting of the European Society of Pediatric Nephrology, Dubrovnic, Yugoslavia, 1985. (oral presentation) 17. Mak RH, Turner C, Thompson T, et al. Glucose metabolism in uremia: Effect of dietary protein and phosphate. Fourth International Congress of Nutrition in Renal Disease, Williamsburg, Virginia, 1985. (oral presentation) 18. Mak RH, Vedi S, Compston J, et al. Treatment of hyperparathyroid bone disease by high dose phosphate binders in uremic children: CaCO 3 improves but AL(OH)3 retards mineralization. 1st International Symposium on Calcium, Phosphate and Mineral Nutrition in Children, Hong Kong, 1986. (oral presentation) 19 Turner C, Mak RH, Thompson T, et al. Changes in vitamin D metabolites and bone histology following phosphorus restriction in uremic children. Renal Association Annual Meeting, London, England, 1986. (oral presentation) 20. Mak RH, Chantler C. Glucose metabolism and growth in uremia. Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California 1987. Ped Res. 1987; 42(4):480A. (poster symposium) 21. Mak RH. Intravenous 1,25 vitamin D3 restores glucose tolerance, increases insulin secretion and correct insulin resistance in uremic patients on hemodialysis. Fifth International Congress of Nutrition in Renal Disease, Strasbourg, France, 1988. (oral presentation) 26 22. Mak RH. Insulin metabolism in uremia: Effect of parathyroid hormone and vitamin D metabolites. NIH Symposium on Growth Failure in Renal Disease. Virginia Beach, VA 1989. (oral presentation) 23. Mak RH. Hyperparathyroidism and growth in uremia. 8th International Congress of Pediatric Nephrology, Toronto, Canada, 1989. (invited speaker, Symposium on uremic metabolism) 24. Childress L, Lieberman E, Mak RH. Socialized nonaggressive conduct disorder in a hemodialysis patient induced inadvertently by health care providers. 8th International Congress of Pediatric Nephrology, Toronto, Canada, 1989. (poster) 25. Mak RH. The acute effects of intravenous 1,25 vitamin D3 on glucose tolerance and insulin secretion in uremic patients on hemodialysis. American Society of Nephrology, Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 1989. (poster) 26. Mak RH, Chang SL, Xie HW. 1,25 Dihydroxycholecalciferol reverses insulin resistance and hypertension in the uremic rat. The Society for Pediatrics Research Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 1991 (subspecialty platform session, oral presentation) 27. Mak RH, Chang SL, Xie HW. The conscious acutely uremic rat is resistant to the hypoglycemic action of insulin but sensitive to that of insulin-like growth factor I. 6th International Congress of Nutrition in Renal Disease, Harrogate, United Kingdom, 1991. (poster) 28. Mak RH. Reversal of hypertension and insulin resistance by parenteral administration of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 in rats with reduced renal mass. 6th International Congress of Nutrition in Renal Disease, Harrogate, United Kingdom, 1991. (oral presentation) 29. Mak RH. Reversal of glucose intolerance and insulin resistance following correction of anemia by human recombinant erythropoietin therapy in hemodialysis patients. The Society for Pediatric Research and the American Federation of Clinical Research Annual Meetings joint subspecialty session, Baltimore, 1992. (oral presentation) 30. Mak RH, Chang SL, Xie HW, Mehls O. The rat with acute renal failure is sensitive to the hypoglycemic action of IGF-I but resistant to that of insulin. The Society of Pediatric Research Annual Meeting, Baltimore, 1992. (poster) 31. Mak RH, Chang SL, Xie HW. 1,25 (OH)2D3 corrects insulin resistance and hypertension in conscious chronically uremic rats. 9th International Congress of Pediatric Nephrology, Jerusalem, Israel, 1992. (oral presentation) 32. Mak RH. Correction of anemia by erythropoietin reverses insulin resistance and glucose intolerance in patients on maintenance hemodialysis. 9th International Congress of Pediatric Nephrology, Jerusalem, Israel, 1992. (poster symposium) 27 33. Mak RH, Chang SL, Xie HW. Presence of insulin resistance but absence of IGF-I resistance in rats with acute renal failure. 9th International Congress of Pediatric Nephrology, Jerusalem, Israel, 1992. (poster symposium) 34. Mak RH Role of anemia in the pathogenesis of glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in rats with chronic renal failure. American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting 1993 (poster) 35 Bang P, Tapanainen PJ, Chang S, Muller H, Rosenfeld R, Mak RH The IGF1-IGFBPaxis in chronically uremic 5/6 nephrectomized rats. III International Symposium on Insulin-like Growth Factors, Sidney 1994 (poster) 36. Mak RH, Rosenfeld R, Sibley R, Chang S, O'Connor M, Huie P, Pak YK. Normalization of growth failure and insulin-like binding protein abnormalities by growth hormone in uremic rats. Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 1995 (poster) 37. Mak RH, Jin JH, Hoffman A, Chang S, Baker B, Hintz R, Pak YK. Insulin ameliorates growth in experimental uremia. Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 1995 (poster) 38. Mak RH, Chang S, Pak YK. Cellular mechanisms of growth failure in uremia. for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 1995 (poster) Society 39. Pak YK, Draksharapu A, Kim PS, Chang S, Mak RH. Gene expression in uremic left ventricular hypertrophy: Effects of hypertension and anemia. American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting 1995 (poster) 40. Kim PS, Pak YP, Mak RH. Methylprednisolone decreases growth responses to growth hormone, IGF-I and insulin in normal rats but not in rats with chronic renal failure. American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting 1995 (poster) 41. Mak RH, Pak YK. IGF-I resistance in epiphyseal chondrocytes of growth retarded uremic rats. American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting 1995 (poster) 42. Alfrey EJ, Conley SB, Tanney DC, Mak R, Hammer GB, Orlandi P, Page L, Dafoe DC, Salvatierra O Jr. Urinary bladder augmentation can be catastrophic. Pacific Coast Surgical Association Annual Meeting 1996 43 Mak RH, Pak YK, Lee SY Molecular mechanism of growth retardation in chronic renal failure. Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 1996 (poster symposium) 44. Mak RH. The effect of erythropoietin on insulin, amino acid and lipid metabolism in uremia. Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 1996 (subspecialty platform session, oral presentation) 45. Mak RH. Human recombinant erythropoietin corrects insulin and lipid abnormalities in patients on peritoneal dialysis. American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting 1996. (Blue Ribbon Award for Outstanding Abstract) 28 46. Mak RH. Molecular mechanism of IGF-I resistance in epiphyseal chondrocytes from growth retarded rats with chronic renal failure. American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting 1996. (Blue Ribbon Award for Outstanding Abstract) 47. Mak RH, Chang SL, Kim P. Insulin modulates growth and growth plate IGF-I gene expression in chronic renal failure. Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 1998. (poster presentation). 48. Mak RH Effect of metabolic acidosis on insulin, lipid and branched-chain amino acids in uremia. Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 1999. (poster presentation) 49. Walker G, Nagalla S, Gomez P, Mak RH. Molecular mechanism of growth hormone resistance in a model of uremic growth retardation: differential gene profiling studies. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting 2000 (oral presentation). 50. Mak RH, Little B, Skoog S, Barry J, Nagalla S. Identification of specific biomarkers in children with primary vesicoureteric reflux by a proteomics approach. American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting 2000 (oral presentation) 51. Walker G, Nagalla S, Mak RH. A functional genomics approach to growth hormone resistance in experimental uremic growth retardation. American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting 2000 (poster presentation) 52. Mak RH, Little B, Skoog S, Barry J, Nagalla S. Proteomics analysis of primary vesicoureteric reflux. International Congress of Pediatric Nephrology 2001 (oral presentation). 53. Mak RH, Little B, Skoog S, Barry J, Nagalla S. Genomic and Proteomic analysis of primary vesicoureteric reflux. Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 2002 (oral presentation). 54. Cheung W, Marks DL, Yu X, Cone R, Mak RH. The impact of the central melanocortin system on the cachexia of uremia. American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting (poster presentation) 55. Cheung W, Marks DL, Yu X, Cone R, Mak RH. The role of the hypothalamic melanocortin system in the cachexia of uremia. Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 2004 (oral presentation). 56. Cheung W, Markison S, Chen C, Foster AV, Marks DL, Mak RH. Amelioration of uremia-associated cachexia with a peripherally-administered melanocortin receptor-4 antagonist – A novel therapeutic strategy. American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting 2005 (poster presentation) 57. Cheung W, Markison S, Chen C, Foster AV, Marks DL,, Mak RH. Peripheral administration of a novel melanocortin receptor-4 antagonist ameliorates uremic cachexia. Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 2006 (oral presentation). 29 58. Cheung W, Mak RH. MC-4 receptor antagonism ameliorates uremic cachexia. Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 2006 (oral presentation). 59. Cheung W, Mak RH. peripheral mechanism. presentation). MC-4 receptor antagonism ameliorates uremic cachexia: Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 2007 (oral 60. Cheung W, Mak RH. A novel hypothalamic mechanism for uremic osteodystrophy. American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting 2007 (oral presentation). 61. Mak RH, Cheung W. Uremic cachexia: differential role of leptin and melanocortin signaling. Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 2008 (oral presentation). 62. Cheung W, Paik KH, Mak RH. Vitamin D receptor activation amerliorates cachexia and in chronic kidney disease. Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 2010 (oral presentation). 63. Cheung W, Paik KH, Mak RH. Paracalitol amerliorates cachexia by suppression of inflammation in chronic kidney disease. International Pediatric Nephrology Association Congress 2010 (oral presentation). 64. Cheung W, Paik KH, Mak RH. Vitamin D receptor activation amerliorates cachexia and muscle wasting in chronic kidney disease. American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting 2010 (oral presentation). 65. Mak RH, Cheung W. Vitamin D receptor activation amerliorates cachexia and mortality in chronic kidney disease. American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting 2011 (poster presentation) 66. Shen Q, Cheung W, Mak RH. Ghrelin amerliorates cachexia and inflammation in chronic kidney disease. Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 2011 (oral presentation). 67. Cheung W, Ayalon-Soffer M, Mak RH. Peripheral administration of the leptin antagonist Bl-5040 ameliorates cachexia, muscle wasting and inflammation in mice with chronic kidney disease. 6th International Congress of Cachexia, Milan 2011 (poster presentation) 68. Cheung W, Mak RH. Vitamin D ameliorates cachexia, inflammation and muscle wasting in chronic kidney disease. 6th International Congress of Cachexia, Milan 2011 (poster presentation) 69. Abraham A, Mak RH, Furth S. Protein energy wasting in children with chronic kidney disease: Do adult diagnostic criteria make sense? 9th International Symposium in Nutrition and Growth in Chronic Kidney Disease 2012 (oral presentation) 70. Gunta S, Cheung W, Ayalon-Soffer M, Mak RH. Peripheral administration of the leptin antagonist Bl-5040 ameliorates cachexia and normalizes muscle function in mice with 30 chronic kidney disease. 9th International Symposium in Nutrition and Growth in Chronic Kidney Disease 2012 (oral presentation) 71. Gunta S, Cheung W, Dalton N, Gu Y, Alverez E, Peterson K, Mak RH. Ghrelin ameliorates cachexia, cardiovascular complications, inflammation and prolongs survival in chronic kidney disease. Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 2012 (oral presentation). American Society of Pediatric Nephrology Trainee Basic Science Award Winner 72. Gunta S, Cheung W, Mak RH. Bl5040, a leptin receptor antagonist, ameiiorates cachexia and normalizes muscle function in chronic kidney disease. Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 2013 (oral presentation). Pediatric Academic Society David Nathan Basic Science Award Winner. 73. Mak RH, Cheung W, Lieber R. Vitamin D ameliorates cachexia and muscle wasting in nephropathic cystinosis. Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting 2014 (poster presentation). 31 INVITED LECTURES/SEMINARS 1. Polyamines in uremia and nephrotic syndrome. Nephrology Seminar in Institute of Child Health, London, England, 1981. 2. Hyperparathyroidism and glucose metabolism in uremia. Institute of Child Health, London, England, 1982. 3. Amelioration of renal bone disease. British Council Postgraduate Symposium on Pediatric Nephrology, London, England, 1983. 4. Glucose metabolism in uremia. Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany, 1983. 5. Phosphate binders in uremic children. Research Seminar, Division of Pediatric Nephrology, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, 1983. 6. Carbohydrate metabolism in uremia. Nephrology Seminar, Division of Nephrology, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada, 1984. 7. Energy metabolism in uremia. Research Seminar, Department of Pediatrics, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, 1984. 8. Juvenile renal osteodystrophy. Grand Rounds, Department of Internal Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1985. 9. Glucose metabolism in uremia. Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California, 1986. Nephrology Seminar in 10. Insulin metabolism in uremia. Research Seminar, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, 1986. 11. Phosphorus restriction in uremic children. Research Seminar, Division of Pediatric Nephrology, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, 1987. 12. Medical suppression of hyperparathyroidism in moderate renal insufficiency. Research Seminar, Division of Pediatric Nephrology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California, 1988. 13. Carbohydrate metabolism in uremia. Research Seminar, Division of Pediatric Nephrology, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, 1988. 14. Vitamin D deficiency and insulin resistance. Research Seminar, Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, University of Southern California, School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California,1989. 32 15. Insulin metabolism in uremia: Effect of PTH and vitamin D metabolites. Renal Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California, 1989. 16. Nutrition in Renal Disease. Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, Olive View Hospital, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California, 1990. 17. Human Recombinant Erythropoietin in Pediatric Dialysis Patients. Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, 1991. Grand Round, 18. Vitamin D, insulin resistance and hypertension. Research Seminar, Department of Physiology, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California, 1991. 19. Insulin resistance and hypertension: A pathogenetic link in uremia? Pediatric Nephrology Seminar, Department of Pediatrics, Guy's Hospital Medical School, University of London, London, England, 1991. 20. Vitamin D and erythropoietin effects on insulin sensitivity and blood pressure in humans and rats with chronic renal failure. Endocrinology and Diabetes Grand Rounds, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California, 1991. 21. Uremic insulin resistance: Effect of anemia. University of Miami, Miami, Florida, 1992. Pediatric Nephrology Seminar XIX, 22. Insulin resistance and hypertension in uremia. UCLA Combined Nephrology Research Series, Wadsworth Veterans Administration Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, 1992. 23. Insulin metabolism in uremia: Effects of vitamin D and anemia, Nephrlogy Grand Rounds, Department of Internal Medicine, Harbor UCLA Medical Center Los Angeles, California, 1992. 24. Hypertension in uremia: Relationships with vitamin D and insulin metabolism. Postgraduate seminar in hypertension, Department of Physiology, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California, 1992. 25. Calcium metabolism and hypertension. Nephrology Grand Rounds, Department of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California, 1992. 26. Insulin resistance and hypertension in uremia: Effects of 1,25 (OH) 2D3 and erythropoietin. Nephrology Research Conference, Department of Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 1993. 27. Advances in the treatment of chronic renal failure. Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, Santa Clara County Hospital, Santa Clara, California, 1993. 33 28. Treatment of chronic renal failure. Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 1993. 29. Nutritional support in renal disease. National symposium on perinatal and pediatric nutrition, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 1993. 30. Insulin and insulin-like growth factor metabolism in uremia. Nephrology Research Conference, Department of Medicine, Stanford, California, 1994. 31. Cellular mechanisms of growth failure in uremia. Nephrology Research Conference, Department of Medicine, Stanford, California, 1995. 32. Molecular mechanisms of IGF-I resistance in uremia. Nephrology Research Conference, Department of Medicine, Stanford, California, 1996. 33. Molecular mechanism of growth hormone resistance in uremia. Pediatric Nephrology Symposium, San Francisco, California, 1996. North California 34. Molecular mechanism of growth failure in chronic renal failure. North America Pediatric Renal Transplant Cooperative Study West Regional Meeting, New Orleans, 1996. 35. Effect of IGF-I on bone development. American Society of Pediatric Nephrology Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 1997. 36. Growth retardation in uremia: molecular pathogenesis. North America Pediatric Renal Transplant Cooperative Study Annual Meeting, Chicago, 1997. 37. Challenging Clinical Case: Lupus Nephritis. Pediatric Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, Oregon Health Sciences University, 1997. 38. Novel therapies for progressive renal diseases. Pediatric Grand Rounds, Oregon Health Sciences University, 1998. 39. Molecular advances in the therapy of renal diseases. Pediatric Grand Rounds, Princess Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong, 1998. 40. Growth disorders in renal disease. Pediatric Grand Rounds, Chinese University, Hong Kong, 1998. 41. Advances in therapy of chronic renal disease. Pediatric Grand Rounds, University of Hong Kong, 1998. 42. Growth Retardation in Chronic Renal Diseases. Nephrology Symposium, Hong Kong, 1999. Plenary Lecture, Asian Pediatric 43. Hemolytic uremic syndrome. Pediatric Grand Round, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong, 1999. 34 44. Reverse genomics in the study of renal diseases. Western Pediatric Nephrology Symposium, Portland, Oregon, 1999. 45. Growth hormone resistance in uremia. Plenary Lecture, International Pediatric Nephrology Association Conference, Valencia, Venezuela, 1999. 46. Insulin, amino-acid and lipid metabolism in uremia. Plenary symposium, International Pediatric Nephrology Association Conference, Valencia, Venezuela, 1999. 47. Hypertension in Childhood. Pediatric Grand Rounds, Sacred Heart Hospital, Eugene, Oregon, 1999. 48. Challenging Clinical Case: Renal Artery Stenosis. Pediatric Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, Oregon Health Sciences University, 2000. 49. Proteomics and genomics in pediatric nephrology research. Western Pediatric Nephrology Symposium, San Francisco, California, 2001. 50. Differential gene and protein expression in primary ureteric reflux. Invited lecture. International Developmental Renal Biology Workshop, Victoria, Canada, 2001. 51. The role of cytokine and leptin signaling in the cachexia of chronic renal failure. Western Pediatric Nephrology Symposium, Seattle, Washington, 2002. 52. Genetic basis of primary vesico-ureteral reflux. Research Seminar, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Oregon Health and Science University, 2002. 53. Leptin and Renal Disease. Western Society of Pediatric Nephrology Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, 2002. 54. Genomic and proteomic analysis of primary vesico-ureteral reflux. Pediatric Nephrology Seminar XXX, University of Miami, Florida, 2003. 55. The role of neuropeptide signaling in the cachexia of chronic renal failure. American Society of Pediatric Nephrology Annual Meeting, Seattle, 2003. 56. The impact of leptin and neuropeptide signaling on nutrition in chronic renal disease. Pediatric Nephrology Seminar XXXI, University of Miami, Florida, 2004. 57. Nutrition in chronic kidney disease: Role of diet and cytokines. International Pediatric Nephrology Congress, Adelaide, Australia, 2004. 58. Nutrition and growth in chronic kidney disease. Western Society of Pediatric Nephrology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 2004 59. The pathogenesis of primary vesico-ureteral reflux. Is there a big bang? American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting, St Louis, 2004. 35 60. Vesico-ureteral reflux: Pathogenesis and biomarker discovery. International Society of Nephrology Global Education Update Conference in Dubai, 2004. 61. Focal Segmental Glomerulsclerosis: An update on pathogenesis and therapeutic strategies. International Society of Nephrology Global Education Update Conference in Dubai, 2004. 62. Genetics of Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome. Pediatric Nephrology Seminar XXXII, University of Miami, Florida, 2005. 63. Pathophysiology of anorexia and cachexia in uremia. Meeting, Portland, Oregon, 2005 Northwest Renal Dietitian’s 64. Pathogenesis of steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome: therapeutic implications. Pediatric Nephrology Seminar, Hong Kong, 2005. 65. Cytokine signaling and nutrition in uremia. Nephrology Seminar, University of Hong Kong. 2005. 66. Leptin, melanocortin and uremic cachexia. Invited Lecture, Recent Advances in Basic Nephrology, World Congress of Nephrology, Singapore, 2005. 67. Leptin signaling in chronic kidney disease. Western Society of Pediatric Nephrology Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2005. 68. Biomarker discovery in ureteral reflux, Renal Grand Rounds, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia, 2005. 69. Molecular mechanisms of urinary tract infections and renal scarring. Pediatric Grand Rounds, University of New South Wales, Australia, 2005. 70. Molecular and genetic basis of reflux. nephropathy Asian Pediatric Nephrology Seminar, Beijing, China, 2005. 71. Leptin signaling in chronic kidney disease: implications for nutrition and growth. Keynote speaker, Canadian Pediatric Nephrology Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2005. 72. Molecular pathogenesis of veisoureteral reflux. University of Miami, 2006. Pediatric Nephrology Symposium, 73. Mechanisms of uremic cachexia. Pediatric Nephrology Research Seminar. Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, University of London, 2006. 74. Update on IgA Nephropathy. South Africa Nephrology Symposium, Capetown, 2006. 36 75. Genetic and molecular basis of reflux nephropathy. International Pediatric Nephrology Association Review Course, Fudan University Shanghai 2006. 76. Molecular pathogenesis and novel therapy for focal segmental glomeruloscloersis. International Pediatric Nephrology Association Review Course, Fudan University Shanghai 2006. 77. Nutrition in chronic kidney disease in children. International Pediatric Nephrology Association Review Course, Fudan University Shanghai 2006. 78. Leptin and melanocortin signaling in uremia-associated cachexia. Symposium on “Inflammation and Uremic Pathophysiology” ASPN/Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2006. 79. Nutritional challenges in chronic kidney disease in children. International Pediatric Nephrology Association Dialysis and Transplantation Review Course, Princess Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong, 2006. 80. Adipokines and gut hormones in the regulation of nutrition in uremia. Society of Peritoneal Dialysis Congress, Hong Kong, 2006. International 81. Molecular mechanism of growth retardation in chronic kidney disease. Western Society of Pediatric Nephrology Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2006. 82. Weight regulation in chronic kidney disease: the flipside of obesity. University of Miami Pediatric Nephrology Seminar, Miami, 2007. 83. Obesity as a factor in the progression of kidney disease. University of Miami Pediatric Nephrology Seminar, Miami, 2007. 84. Nutrition and growth in chronic kidney disease. Association Teaching Course Beijing, 2007. International Pediatric Nephrology 85. Obesity and kidney disease. International Pediatric Nephrology Association Teaching Course Beijing, 2007. 86. Weight regulation and chronic kidney disease: the flipside of obesity. Rounds, Baylor University, 2007. Renal Grand 87. Weight regulation in chronic kidney disease: cachexia and obesity. Pediatric Nephrology Seminar. Metropolitan Children’s Hospital, Tokyo, 2007. 88. A novel central mechanism for renal osteodystrophy. Symposium on bone disease. ASPN/Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Toronto, 2007. 89. Nutrition update for ESRD. Dialysis Symposium, International Pediatric Nephrology Association Congress, Budapest, Hungary 2007. 37 90. Genomic and proteomic analysis of ureteric reflux. International Pediatric Nephrology Association Congress, Budapest, Hungary 2007. 91. Melanocortin Signaling in Chronic Kidney Disease: Novel therapeutic indications. American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting, invited talk, Philadelphia, 2008. 92. Obesity and Chronic Kidney Disease Overview. ASPN/PAS Annual Meeting, Baltimore, 2009. 93. Inflammation and nutrition in chronic kidney disease. 8th Symposium on Growth and Nutrition in Children with Chronic Renal Disease. Oveido, Spain. May 25-31, 2009. 94. The impact of melanocortin signaling on bone mass regulation in chronic kidney disease. 8th Symposium on Growth and Nutrition in Children with Chronic Renal Disease. Oveido, Spain. May 25-31, 2009. 95. Energy homeostasis and muscle wasting in cystinosis: role of inflammation. 2nd International Cystinosis Research Symposium. Newport Beach, CA. April, 2010. 96. Obesity and the Kidney. Western Society of Pediatric Nephrology Meeting. Pasadena, CA. April, 2010. 97. Growth retardation and muscle wasting in cystinosis. Cystinosis Research Foundation symposium. Newport Beach, CA. May, 2010. 98. Impact of leptin signaling on bone mass in health and disease. International Pediatric Nephrology Association Congress, New York. September, 2010. 99. Non-skeletal effects of vitamin D deficiency in chronic kidney disease. Western Society of Pediatric Nephrology Annual Meeting, San Diego. February, 2011. 100. Muscle wasting in nephropathic cystinosis. Symposium, Newport Beach. April, 2011. Cystinosis Research Foundation 101. Cachexia and obesity in chronic kidney disease. International Symposium on Nutrition and Growth. Heidelberg, Germany. May, 2011. 102. Cutting-edge advances and novel therapies in Pediatric Nephrology. Latin American Pediatric Nephrology Annual Conference. Sao Paulo, Brazil. October, 2011. 103. The current approach to pediatric hypertension. Grand Rounds Presentation, Scripps Mercy Hospital, San Diego, CA. November, 2011. 104. Failure to thrive and renal cachexia: from pediatrics to geriatrics. International Cachexia Conference. Milan, Italy. December, 2011. 105. Cachexia in Chronic Kidney Disease. Oregon State University, January, 2012. 38 106. Cystinosis 2012: an update. Pediatric Nephrology Seminar, University of Miami, March, 2012. 107. Vitamin D and its role in diabetes mellitus. Pediatric Nephrology Seminar, University of Miami, March, 2012. 108. Vitamin D and muscle wasting in nephropathic cystinosis. 3 rd International Cystinosis Research Symposium. Newport Beach, CA. April, 2012. 109. Cachexia and Obesity in children with chronic kidney disease. 9th International Symposium on Nutrition and Growth in CKD. San Diego, CA. April, 2012. 110. Ghrelin in chronic kidney disease. Western Society of Pediatric Nephrology Annual Meeting, Vancouver. June, 2012. 111. Weight regulation in chronic kidney disease. Chinese University of Hong Kong invited seminar. Hong Kong, June, 2012. 112. Cachexia in CKD: from pediatrics to geriatrics. International symposium on nutrition and metabolism in renal disease. Hawaii. June, 2012. 113. The role of ghrelin in muscle wasting, cardiovascular complications and survival in chronic kidney disease. International symposium on nutrition and metabolism in renal disease. Hawaii. June, 2012. 114. Urinary tract infections, an update. Grandrounds at Scripps Mercy Hospital, San Diego, March 2013. 115. Muscle wasting and inflammation in nephropathic cystinosis. Foundation Conference, Newport Beach, April 2013. Cystinosis Research 116. Cachexia in chronic kidney disease: An inflammatory process. International Pediatric Nephrology Association Congress, Shanghai, China, September 2013. 117. Weight regulation and mortality risk in chronic kidney disease. September, 2013. 118. The impact of obesity on chronic kidney disease. Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November 2013. Fudan University. American Society of Nephrology 119. Cachexia in chronic kidney disease: an update. International Cachexia Congress. Kobe, Japan, December 2013. 39 120. Energy homeostasis and muscle wasting in nephropathic cystinosis: Role of vitamin D and inflammation. Cystinosis International Symposium, Irvine, March 2014. 121. Vitamin D and muscle wasting in cystinosis. Symposium, Newport Beach, April 2014 40 Cystinosis Research Foundation
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