The VII Astana Economic Forum and the II World Anti-Crisis Conference
(May 21-23, 2014) will be held in the «Palace of Independence» and the «Palace of Peace and
Accord» located in new administrative center on the left bank of the Kazakhstan's capital city.
1.World Anti-crisis Conference
2.Information telephones of the AEF
3.Visa support and registration of passports of foreign citizens
4.Electronic badge of participant
5.Business services
6.Mass media
7.Transport support
8.Official hotels of the Forum
9.Meals at the AEF platform
10.Entertainment program
11.Places of interest
Astana is located in the center of the Eurasian continent; it surprises everyone with its swift and powerful
paces of construction, its unique beauty. Despite the fact that Astana is the second coldest capital in the
world, the average temperature in May is about 20-27 0 C above zero; this city can be considered as one
of the most hospitable. Today Astana is becoming more and more attractive both for its residents and
foreign guests. Actual architectural style of the capital that combines the best traditions of European and
Oriental cultures best demonstrates the appearance of Astana as the center of politics, culture and
economics. The basic idea of the development of Astana is embodiment of combination of western
rationality and eastern sophistication, European grandeur and Asian originality in its architecture. Today
Astana turns into the main business center of the country.
All governmental organizations, embassies of 65 countries, 120 joint ventures and foreign firms are
concentrated in new capital. Each year the capital hosts guests at the various international industrial
exhibitions, conferences, festivals, etc.
Airport of Astana, founded in 1931 as a small airport for maintenance of small aircraft, today, after almost
80 years, is one of the most modern airports on the Eurasian continent. Daily the airport operates for
about 80 flights to the CIS states and abroad.
Today Astana airport is able to receive all types of aircraft without restrictions. Favorable conditions for
cooperation with new airlines both cargo and passengers are created. Advantageous geographical
location of the airport which is located in the heart of the Eurasian continent is also attractive for the
The airport is located 17 km from the city, shuttle buses and taxis are operating between airport and city.
Time belt of Kazakhstan corresponds to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +6
Local currency is Kazakhstan tenge. Kazakhstan Tenge is equal to the U.S. dollar at a rate of 182 tenge,
1 Euro = 251 tenge. Currency may be converted into tenge in hotels, exchange offices. Credit cards such
as Visa, MasterCard and American Express are accepted by all hotels and most of the stores.
The climate is extremely continental. The average temperature in May is +20-27 0 C degrees.
Code of the country is +7, code of Astana – 7172. Domestic and international calls are available in all
hotel rooms. However, there are different tariffs for international calls.
Voltage is 220 V.
THE ASTANA ECONOMIC FORUM is one of the recognized international forums.
Since 2008, the AEF annually gathers the best minds of the world to find solutions to the
economic, financial and social challenges of modern age.The Forum is held under the patronage
of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev in the capital of Kazakhstan, the
city of Astana.
Every year, participants of the Forum are more 10 000 delegates from 130 countries, including
Heads of States and Governments, politicians and public figures, heads of international
organizations and business corporations, as well as leading scientists and Nobel Prize Laureates.
Agenda of the Forum is a reflection of the modern world order and includes more than 70 events
of various formats covering the most topical issues of development and recovery of global
economic growth, food and environmental security, development of tourism, traditional and
alternative energetics, attraction of innovations and investments.
Business suit is obligatory for the Forum, meetings and banquets.
Detailed Program of the Forum is presented on website:
The I World Anti-Crisis Conference was held in May of 2013 by resolution of the UN General Assembly
(under № A\RES\67\197 «International financial system and development») with the participation of 104
UN member states and took course on the level of ministers of finance and economy and heads of central
banks. The main outcome of the conference was adoption of the Astana Declaration and directions of the
draft World Anti-Crisis Plan for UN member states. It is planned to adopt the draft Concept of the World
Anti-Crisis Plan based on democratic principles and aimed at elaborating effective measures to overcome
the economic crisis and ensuring long-term balanced economic growth during the II World Anti-Crisis
Conference. The II World Anti -Crisis Conference included in the UN General Assembly resolution
A\RES\68\201 «International financial system and development» is the final part of the International
Anti-Crisis Project 2014 – a major international event held in the year of the 70th anniversary of the
Bretton Woods agreements, organized by the Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists and the Committee
on Reinventing Bretton Woods. A series of workshops held in New York, Washington,Vienna, Hong Kong,
Singapore, Brazil, Australia, Peru and other 30 cities around the world, regional session as part of the
meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank, as well as info-communication
platform G-Global are integral parts of the Draft Concept of the World Anti-Crisis plan..
Detailed Program of the Forum is presented on website:
Telephone: + 7 (7172) 571 794, 701 834
Fax: + 7 (7172) 701 796
E-mail: [email protected]
centre of
Call centre
of Astana
Call centre of
railway station
Call center of Bus station
Fire emergency
Police control of the Department of
Internal Affairs, Almaty district
71-67-10, 71-67-11
Police control of the Department of
Internal Affairs, Saryarka district
71-66-10, 71-66-11
Police of the airport
77-70-92, 77-43-80
Regional emergency service
“Service 051”,
051, 55 59 38
gas service
Lost and
Pushkin str.,
166, boutique 7
Seifulina 29
Lost and Found
First Aid Post is located in the right wing of the Palace of Independence along Congress-hall behind the Restaurant on the 1st floor.
Please note that entry to the events of the Forum is possible only for the registered participants.
Forum participants have the opportunity to procure visa of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the simplified
mode and without consular fees (if invited by the organizers). Visa information is in private cabinet of
1)citizens of countries that have agreements with the Republic of Kazakhstan on mutual visa-free trips
do not need to procure visa according to the types of passports;!/konsulskie_voprosyi/vizovyiy_rejim_rk_s_drugimi_gosudarstvami/;
2)citizens of 48 countries that are exempt from the need for mandatory submission of invitation and
instruction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic o Kazakstan (MFA RK) in procurement of
single entry visa of the RK shall procure visa addressing to diplomatic / consular institution of the RK in
host country with the provision of a valid passport, invitations of the Astana Economic Forum Organizing
Committee, filled in visa application form and photo 3.5 x4.5.Validity of passport should not expire earlier
than 6 months after the expiry of visa;
3)citizens of countries that do not have agreement on visa-free residence with the Republic of Kazakhstan
and are not included in the list of 48 countries shall apply to the diplomatic / consular institution of the
Republic of Kazakhstan in host country with the provision of valid passport (or international travel
document), a copy of the letter of invitation with a note of number of visa support made by Department
of Consular Service of the MFA of the RK, filled in visa application form and photo 3.5 x4.5.To obtain the
number of visa support it is necessary to fill in a request in Personal Cabinet on website
or send it to the email address stated below. Validity of passport should not expire earlier than 6 months
after the expiry of visa.
Visa Support Coordinator:
Sergali Sultangazin
tel.: +7 (7172) 571 795
e-mail: [email protected]
For legal stay in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan during more than 5 days foreign citizens must
register their passport at the Migration Police. To register passport, please contact the Information Center
(inquiry desk) located at the main entrance on the left side of the complex «Palace of Independence»
(please, see the scheme of the complex «Palace of Independence», 1st floor).
Moreover, necessary information can be obtained at the information desks in the official hotels of the
VII AEF: «Rixos President Astana», «Beigin Pelas Soluxe Hotel Astana», «Radisson SAS Astana»,
«Hilton Garden», «Duman», «Oasis Inn», as well as in the information center at the Astana International
Access to all events of the VII Astana Economic Forum and the II World Anti-Crisis Conference is carried
out only upon availability of electronic badge. To receive badge it is necessary to submit the printed
personal QR-code (will be sent to you by mail) and identification document.
Electronic badge is personalized; its transfer to the third parties is prohibited. One badge is issued only
for one participant of the Forum. If you want to get badges for a group of persons (delegation), you will
need to write an official letter on the company letterhead with indication of the list of persons for whom the
badges are obtained, as well as with contact details and information from the document (on presentation)
of the recipient (the sample will be sent to you by mail).
In case of loss or damage of the badge it is necessary to provide identity document to the badge issuing
points in order to obtain a duplicate.
9.30a.m.-7.00p.m. Headquarters of the AEF
(Left bank, Temirkazyk str. 65. Economics House.
main Lobby)
9.00a.m.-6.30p.m. Rixos Hotel (Left bank, Kunayev str. 7D) main Lobby
9.30a.m.-7.00p.m. Beijing Palace Soluxe Astana Hotel
(Left bank, Syganak 27),
main Lobby
10.30a.m.-8.00p.m. «Duman Hotel» (Left bank, Korgalzhyn High Road 2A,
main Lobby
24 hour
The Astana International Airport
(Airport building), Main hall of arrivals,
VIP\CIP halls
24 hour
Headquarters of the AEF (Left bank, Temirkazyk str.
65. Economics House. main Lobby)
24 hour
Rixos Hotel (Left bank, Kunayev
str. 7D) main Lobby
24 hour
Beijing Palace Soluxe Astana Hotel
24 hour
«Duman Hotel» (Left bank, Korgalzhyn High Road 2A,
main Lobby
9:00 a.m.-7:00p.m. Tents in front of the complex of «Palace of Independence»
(issuance of badges in case of loss or damage)
During the Forum wireless fidelity to Internet will be provided at the Palace of Independence.This service
is provided to participants and guests of the Forum for free (please, see the schemes of the complex of
«Palace of Independence»).
In the information-service center (inquiry desk) located at the main entrance on the left side of the complex
of «Palace of Independence» (please, see the scheme of the complex of «Palace of Independence»,
1st floor), participants will be provided with the following services:
- provision of necessary information on business and entertainment program of the Forum;
- navigation through the halls of the Forum;
- order of the taxi;
- lost property office;
- provision of information about the city;
- registration of traveling forms;
- telephone with access to city numbers.
Moreover, necessary information can be obtained at the information desks in the official hotels of the
VII AEF: «Rixos President Astana», «Beijing Palace Soluxe Astana», «Radisson SAS Astana», «Hilton
Garden», «Duman», «Oasis Inn», and at the information center at the Astana International Airport.
From May 19 the Information Service of the AEF will operate for your convenience: +7 7172 574 747.
During twenty four hours the service operators are ready to provide any necessary information about
participation in the entertainment, business program of the Forum, registration procedure and access to
the venue of the Forum and other issues about the VII AEF and II WAC in English, Russian and Kazakh
During breaks between activities, guests and participants of the Forum will be able to relax and talk in
informal setting in the business communication zone.
In business communication zones you will find the most favorable conditions for business communication
and quiet work.
You may find the location of business communication zones on the scheme of the complex of «Palace of
Rooms for bilateral and multilateral meetings will be available by prior arrangement.
Rooms are ideal for bilateral and multilateral meetings, signing contracts, as well as designed for
organization of business and informal negotiations, having the necessary setting with the possibility of
accommodation of 10-12 people. Rooms are equipped with modern and comfortable furniture where the
Forum participants will be able to meet and discuss economic issues (please, see the scheme of the
complex of «Palace of Independence»).
Coordinator: tel. +7 (7172) 728639
Main activities of the VII AEF are provided with simultaneous translation: in English and Russian
Simultaneous translation receivers and headphones will be given on security of the identification
document (business cards – for foreign participants).
Participants can use the receivers throughout the whole day regardless of the visited Forum event.
Identification document (business cards of foreign participants) will be returned upon delivery of the
simultaneous translation receiver and headphones at any time of the day.
Media-city-2nd floor «Palace Independence»
Media City is a new, modern format of work of the press center for international and domestic media. It is
located on the 2nd floor of the building of «Palace of Independence». It is designed for convenient and
mobile work of accredited journalists and employees of media companies. Media City is divided into
several zones, where journalists can work, conduct interviews, participate in press-conferences such as:
1) Main office – information center
2) Press-conference zone
3) Televised debates zone
4) Online zone with high-speed Internet
5) Exclusive interview zone
6) Resting area and coffee-break zone
7) Show-room for holding international summit of journalism.
Media-City is equipped with all necessary office equipment such as: laptops, printers, xerographic copier,
headphones, microphones, telephones, fax machines with access to long distance and international
communication, access to Internet (Wi-Fi) (p lease, see the scheme of the complex of «Palace of
Independence», 2nd floor).
Participants and guests of the Forum can take advantage of additional services:
- copying, scanning, printing of documents;
- sending and receiving of fax messages.
Media city of the VII Astana Economic Forum:
General issues:
Bekzat Bulishev – +7 701 734 20 12
Exclusive interviews:
Aygerim Dodesheva – +7 775 463 26 59
Dinara Karshalova – +7 701 999 07 64
Work schedule of Media City: 21-23 of May of 2014 from 09.00 a.m. till 21.00 p.m.
Main office of Media City
This information center is designed to inform journalists
about changes in the forum activities, receive mobile
information about events of the Forum, press conferences
and briefings. Press releases, information reports and other
materials of the Forum are also kept in the main office.
Exclusive interview zone
Exclusive Interview Zone is located on the second floor and
is designed for interviewing speakers and participants of the
Televised Debate Zone
Debate Studio is designed for conducting televised debates
of CNN, Kazakhstan TV Channel and other organizers of the
Press Conference Zone
This zone is intended for press conferences, briefings,
presentations, signing of memoranda under the prearranged
Online zone
Online zone is designed for work of news agencies,
print media journalists, bloggers. There are more than
80 laptops with high-speed Internet access, xerographic
copiers, printers and telephones.
Coffee-break zone
Here journalists can relax drinking a cup of coffee
Press area for interview
Press area for interview is located on the 1st floor (left wing
of the main lobby) and designed for quick (Stand-up)
interviews with speakers and participants of the Forum.
Twenty-four-hour official point of the Astana Economic Forum will be located in the International Airport in
the main foyer of arrivals, VIP \ CIP hall, where you will be able to get a badge upon submission of QR-code
and identification document, as well as to book transport to the hotel.
Free transportation of participants from the airport to official hotels will be performed by buses and minibuses.
Furthermore, shuttles will pass between the venue of the VII AEF («Palace of Independence») and the
official hotels of the Forum. Name of the official hotel of the Forum will be indicated on the windshield of bus
or minibus, as well as on parking spaces in the territory of the complex «Palace of Independence».
19-21 of May, 2014
International Astana Airport – Official hotels of the Forum
Time of departure
24 hour
21-23 of May, 2014
Official hotels of the Forum - “Palace of Independence”
8:00a.m. -9:00a.m.
Interval 20 min.
“Palace of Independence” – Official hotels of the Forum
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Interval 30 min.
24-25 of May, 2014.
Official hotels of the Forum – International Astana Airport
24 hour
NOTE: In order to avoid misunderstanding You are kindly requested to follow the specified exact time of
departure of buses
Bus parking spaces:
- Official Hotels of the Forum –at the entry – Complex «Palace of Independence» - parking lot near the
building (please, see the scheme of territory of the complex «Palace of Independence»)
You can use the paid services of the official taxi of the Forum – Forum participants will receive 20%
discount of the urban rate (upon presentation of the badge of participant).
Telephone numbers:
+7 717-2-34-11-11; +7 701-5-34-11-11; +7 705-5-34-11-11; +7 700-5-34-11-11.
Official taxi parking spaces are on the right-hand side from the main entrance of the complex «Palace of
Independence» (please, see the scheme of territory of the complex «Palace of Independence»).
For personal safety reasons it is recommended not to use random taxi.
Radisson SAS Astana 5*
Rixos President Astana
Hotel 5*
Beijin Palace
Soluxe Hotel Astana 5*
Park Inn by Radissson 5*
Hilton Garden Inn 4*
Saryarka Str., 4
+7 (7172)99 00 00
[email protected]
Kunayev Str., 7
+7 (7172) 24 50 50
[email protected]
Syganak Str., 27
+7 (7172) 70 15 15
Saryarka Str., 8А
+7 (7172) 99 00 00
Kabanbay Batyr Ave.
+7 (7172) 47 56 96
+7 (7172) 47 56 96
Korgaldzhyn High Road,
+7 (7172) 79 15 00
[email protected]
Manhattan Astana
Hotel 4*
Tauelsyzdyk Ave., 5
+7 (7172) 79 15 00
+7 (7172) 36 15 36
[email protected]
Oasis Inn 3*
B. Momyshuly Str.,
build. 12А
+7 (7172) 51 25 51,
51 25 52
[email protected]
Duman Hotel 4*
Accredited hotels
Mukammal Hotel 4*
Zhenis Str., 53/1
+7 (7172) 38 29 39,
30 29 07, 30 29 08
[email protected],
[email protected]
Potanin Str., 9
+7 (7172) 57 80 80
[email protected]
Red Village Hotel 4*
G. Mustafin Str., 1\1
+7 (7172) 57 08 08,
72 93 24, 72 93 25
[email protected],[email protected]
Altyn Dala Hotel 4*
Bigeldinov Str., 6
+7 (7172) 32 33 11
[email protected]
Korsar Hotel 3*
B. Momyshuly Str., 13
+7 (7172) 77 60 40, 77 60 50
[email protected]
San Marino 3*
Tashenov Str., 17
+7 (7172) 22 42 42,
20 44 52, 20 44 72
[email protected]
Bayterek Hotel 3*
Sarayshyk Str., 38
+7 (7172) 57 43 21
[email protected]
Astana Art Hotel 3*
Zheltoksan Str., 42
+7 (7172) 38 34 20
[email protected]
O'Azamat 4*
On May 21-23, 2014 lunches and coffee breaks will be organized at the venue of the VII AEF, at the
restaurant, adjacent tent on the 1st floor, feed zones on the 2nd and 3rd floors (please, see the scheme
of the complex «Palace of Independence»).
Access of the Forum participants to lunches is carried out on a fee basis (information can be found in a
Personal Cabinet of participant on
Access of the Forum participants to coffee breaks is free of charge.
Invitation is required for specially organized breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
May 21, 2014
11:00a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Restaurant, 1st floor,
Buffet Hall (Tent)
Feeding zones, 2-3 floors
11:00a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Coffee-break for Mass-Media
Media-city, 2nd floor
1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Lunch (Buffet Hall)
(on a fee basis)
Restaurant, 1st floor,
Buffet Hall (Tent)
Feeding zones, 2-3 floors
Lunch (Buffet Hall)
for Mass-Media
Media-city, 2nd floor
4:00 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Restaurant, 1st floor,
Buffet Hall (Tent)
Feeding zones, 2-3 floors
4:00 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Coffee-break for Mass-Media
Media-city, 2nd floor
7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
Reception (Dinner) on behalf
of Akim (Mayor) of Astana city
Restaurant, 1st floor (by invitation)
May 22, 2014
11:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Restaurant, 1st floor,
Buffet Hall (Tent)
Feeding zones, 2-3 floors
11:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Coffee-break for Mass-Media
Media-city, 2nd floor
1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Lunch (Buffet Hall)
(On a fee basis)
Restaurant, 1st floor,
Buffet Hall (Tent)
Feeding zones, 2-3 floors
1:00p.m. -2:30p.m.
Lunch (Buffet Hall) for Mass-Media
4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Coffee-break for Mass-Media
Media-city, 2nd floor
8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Reception (Dinner) on behalf of the
Government of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
1st floor (by invitation)
Media-city, 2nd floor
Restaurant, 1st floor,
Buffet Hall (Tent)
Feeding zones, 2-3 floors
May 23, 2014
8:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m.
Morning Coffee
Coffee-break for Mass-Media
Restaurant, 1st floor,
Buffet Hall (Tent)
Feeding zones, 2-3 floors
Media-city, 2nd floor
1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Lunch (Buffet Hall)
(On a fee basis)
Restaurant, 1st floor,
Buffet Hall (Tent)
Feeding zones, 2-3 floors
1:00p.m. -2:30p.m.
Lunch (Buffet Hall) for Mass-Media
Media-city, 2nd floor
4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Ресторан, 1 этаж
Restaurant, 1st floor,
Buffet Hall (Tent)
Feeding zones, 2-3 floors
8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m
Cocktail-reception on behalf of
the Government of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
Restaurant, 1st floor
(free admission)
Dear participants and guests of the Forum!
As part of the VII Astana Economic Forum and the II World Anti-Crisis Conference the Forum participants
are provided with services for visiting sight-seeing attractions of Astana by the accredited tour agency of
the Forum on a fee basis.
You can find all the necessary information on the proposed program and tour rates on our website:;
Contacts: +7701 322 74 62, +7 7172 49 04 59 – Manager Aleksey
+7778 555 07 57, +7 7172 24 31 75 – Manager Galiya
+7 7172- 24 31 75
You may use the services of travel agencies carrying out its activities in the following official hotels of the
VII AEF; guided tours may be organized upon the preliminary reservation prior to 1-2 days:
RIXOS President Astana
Telephone numbers: +7 (7172) 24-50-50 reception (connection with Concierge who may provide you with
information about guided tours for tourists.
Beijing Palace Soluxe Astana
Telephone numbers: 70-15-15 – reception, 53-92-62 –travel agency «Tamerlan NS».
King Hotel Astana
Telephone numbers: 70-57-05 – reception, 70-51-55 – travel agency «ElTour» (preliminary reservation
prior to 5-7 days).
«Atameken» - Kazakhstan in miniature
There is a wonderful museum in Astana called «Map of Kazakhstan «Atameken».
It was established on the initiative of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan
Nazarbayev. The idea of museum is quite simple: Kazakhstan is a large country
and therefore it is difficult to visit all the sightseeing attractions. Here in
«Atameken» citizens of Astana and tourists can get acquainted with the entire
country in miniature.
Address: Kabanbay-batyr av., 6.
Tel: +7 (7172)22-16-36
Museum is a structural subdivision of the Presidential Center of Culture of the
Republic of Kazakhstan. The main cultural and educational purpose of the
museum is to allow visitors to obtain a generalized and figurative presentation
about the history and culture of Kazakhstan in a wide chronological range –
from the ancient times to contemporaneity. Expositions of the museum reveal
the continuity of history and recreate an objective picture of the historical path
of development of Kazakhstan. Museum expositions are of scientific - popular
Address: Republic av., 2.
Tel: +7 (7172)75-12-14
«Museum of the First President» - the main idea captures in its expositions is
the formation of state sovereignty of the Republic and historical role of its First
President N.A. Nazarbayev in establishment of independent democratic state.
Currently the museum fund is composed of 6958 stock-keeping units. Library
fund is composed of 13 897 exemplars of books. Archive fund contains 93285
units. Survey and thematic excursions in Kazakh, Russian and English languages
are conducted in the Museum for all categories of visitors.
Address: Beibitshilik, 11.
Tel: +7 (7172) 44-32-65
Address: Republic av., 3.
Tel: +7 (7172) 21-54-33
Address: Kunayeva, 14. VP-24
(Nursaya 1 Residential complex)
Tel:+7 (7172) 50-84-65
The Museum of Modern Art exists in Astana for a quarter-century. For
public access the Museum was opened on October 2, 1980 in honor of
the 25th anniversary of reclamation of virgin and fallow lands. The first
collection of the Museum was comprised of 500 works which were handed
over to our city from the All-Union Exhibition «Earth and People» held in
the capital of Kazakhstan – the city of Alma - Ata. Today the museum
collection includes more than 4000 works of fine art masters of Kazakhstan,
Russia and CIS countries. The basis of the museum collection is formed
by works which are the result of long studies and deep interest to cultural
A unique collection of paintings by famous artists which reflect different
trends of the fine arts of Kazakhstan is presented for men of virtue.
Collection of «Has Sanat» Gallery includes works in various genres and
directions varying from realism to avant-garde and modern installations
or bold experiments on a topic of ethnosymbolism. There are names of
maestros and young artists. An important direction of activity of the Art
Gallery «Has Sanat» is holding exhibitions of both local artists and
international masters in Astana.
The Kazakh Music Drama Theater is known for its staging in Kazakhstan
and beyond its limits. Alongside with the traditional classical works the
theater repertory also includes plays of our contemporaries and
performances for children.Despite the success of performance in repertory
theater is always trying to please the audience with new productions.
Address: Zh.Omarova, 47b.
Tel: +7 (7172) 32-35-12
The State Opera and Ballet Theatre «Astana Opera» was founded in 2012 on
the initiative of the President of the Republic of KazakhstanNursultan Nazarbayev.
«Opening of the Opera and Ballet Theatre «Astana Opera» in Astana is of great
importance for development of the culture of our country,which in its architectural
appearance and beauty, acoustics opportunities is one of the best in Europe.
Varied repertory that includes classic opera masterpieces in productions of
well-known masters of the world theater art, original shows – all of these and
much more could be seen on the stage of the «Astana Opera» in a short time.
Address: Sauran, 1.
Tel: +7 (7172) 55-65-55
The Opera and Ballet Theatre named after K.Baiseitova is the youngest
musical theater of the country, a medium of traditions of Kazakh and world
music culture, whic hinterprets the classical heritage and implements
spiritual needs of the renewing Kazakhstan society.From the very beginning
the repertory priority of the National Theatre identified the masterpieces of
local and world musical theater, as well as creation of new works that
contribute to development of opera and ballet genre in Kazakhstan.
Address: Yesenberlina, 10.
Tel: +7 (7172) 39-27-60
Address: Zheltoksan, 11
Tel: +7 (7172) 32-40-53
The State Academic Russian Drama Theatre named after M. Gorky located
in Astana is one of the oldest and leading theaters of Kazakhstan and CIS
countries. In 2010, the theater celebrated its 110 th anniversary. Now
therepertoire of the Russian drama includes more than 20 performances
based on works by Nikolay Gogol, A. Chekhov, Jean Cocteau, A.Vampilov,
W. Shakespeare, Tennessee Williams, S.Mrozhek, B. Becht and others.
Over the years, education of its audience from the youngest age has
become a tradition of the theater. Thus, repertory includes 10 musical
talesfor young art lovers.
The metropolitan circus has all genres of circus arts:acrobatics,gymnastics,
illusion, taming of carnivorous animals,big and small animals, clownery,etc.
Such animals as lions, camels, ponies, donkeys and Dalmatians areon
balance of the circus. Artists are constantly working and improving their
acts in order to surprise and amaze their viewers.
Address: Kabanbay-batyr av., 5.
Tel: +7 (7172) 24-42-08
Address: Kabanbay-batyr av., 4.
Tel: +7 (7172)24-15-17
Address: Turan 37,
Tel: +7 (7172)57-26-26
Currently, oceanarium of «Duman» Entertainment Center is the first and
the only in the CIS space. It is the only oceanarium in the world located
from the ocean in the distance of more than 3000 km.The volume of water
in Kazakhstani oceanarium is 3 million liters. 120 tons of sea salt was
specially imported for its creation. The oceanarium is a home to over 2000
species of marine inhabitants and representatives of marine fauna from
different parts of the world. Unique environmental support system serves
as the heart and lungs for the oceanarium.
Designed by the renowned British architect Lord Norman Foster Khan
Shatyr is the biggest tent shaped structure in the world, as well as the
biggest shopping center in Kazakhstan, and has a unique appearance.
Sandy beaches of Sky Beach Club are equipped with heating system,
which creates a feeling of the real beach; the sand itself has been brought
from the Maldives. Every weekend Khan Shatyr holds special events;
regular lotteries and other interesting events are conducted in the main
Republic of Austria
Astana, Kosmonavtov str. “Renko Business Center”, 9th floor
tel.: 97-78-69/78/79; факс: 97-78-50; e-mail: [email protected]
Republic of Azerbaijan
Astana, Diplomatic town, B-6
tel.: 24-10-97, 24-15-81; факс: 24-15-32; e-mail: [email protected]
Republic of Armenia
Astana, Kyz Zhibek str., 19
tel.: 40-20-15/17; тел./факс: 40-19-70; e-mail: [email protected]
Islamic Republic of
Astana, Karaotkel micro district – 2, 3 block; tel.: 57-14-42/43/44 факс: 56-37-74;; e-mail: [email protected]
Republic of Belarus
Astana, Kenesary, 35; tel/fax: 32-18-70, 32-48-29, 32-06-65, 32-00-34
Консульский отдел:тел.: 32-48-49; e-mail: [email protected]
Kingdom of Belgium
Kosmonavtov str., 62, 3d floor
tel.: 97-44-85/86; fax: 97-78-49; e-mail: [email protected]
Republic of Bulgaria
Saryarka 15, “Isker” Business center
tel.: 90-15-15, fax: 90-18-19; e-mail: [email protected]
Federative Republic of
Kabanbay-batyr, 6/1; tel.: 24-46-82; fax: 24-47-43
web site:; e-mail: [email protected]
United Kingdom of
Great Britain
Kosmonavtov, 62. “Renko” Business center;
tel.: 55-62-00/19; fax: 55-62-12; web site:;
e-mail: [email protected]
Chubary micro district, Kosmonavtov str. 62,
tel.: 55-03-23, fax: 55-03-24;
е-mail: [email protected]. ; web site:
Socialist Republic of
Saryarka, 6
tel.: 99-03-75 fax: 99-03-79; e-mail: [email protected]
Federative Republic of
Kosmonavtov, 62; tel.: 79-12-00, 79-12-80; fax: 79-12-13
e-mail: [email protected];
Hellenic Republic
Karaotkel micro district 2, house 109; tel.: 56-37-14, 56-37-55
fax: 56-38-26; e-mail: [email protected]; consular department: 56-37-84
e-mail: [email protected]
Republic of Georgia
Diplomatic city, C-4; tel.: 24-32-58, fax: 24-34-26
24-32-45 –consular service;
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Arab Republic of Egypt
Sarayshyk 30, tel.: 28-60-67, 24-18-30; fax: 28-60-50
e-mail: [email protected]
State of Israel
Auezov str. 8, Business centre «Asia»
tel.: 68-87-39; fax: 68-87-35; e-mail: [email protected]
Republic of India
Kabanbay Batyr av., 6/1; Business centre «Kaskad», 5th floor
tel.: 92-57-03; fax: 92-57-16; e-mail: [email protected]
Republic of Indonesia
Sarayshyk str., 26/1, «Diplomat Hotel» Business Centre
tel.: 79-06-70; fax: 79-06-73, 79-06-74; e-mail: [email protected]
Hashemite Republic
of Jordan
Novostroytelnaya str. 8/2
tel.: 24-52-54/55; fax: 24-52-53; e-mail: [email protected]
Republic of Iraq
D. Konayeva, 19. tel.: 79-06-75/76/77; fax: 79-06-79;
e-mail: [email protected]
Islamic Republic of Iran
Diplomatic city, B-7. tel.: 79-23-20/21/22; fax: 79-23-23
Kingdom of Spain
Kenesary str., 47. app. 25; tel.: 20-15-35/6/7/8/9/0; fax: 20-03-17, 20-15-35/36.
fax: 20-02-24 (consular service); e-mail: emb.astana@maeс.
Italian Republic
Chubary micro district, Kosmonavtov str. 62; tel.: 24-33-90, 24-38-68;
fax: 24-36-86; e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Kabanbay Batyr str. 13/1; tel.: 47-55-77; fax: 47-55-87
e-mail: [email protected];
State of Qatar
Sarayshyk str., 20A. tel.: 28-61-23/11; fax: 28-61-33/35;
e-mail: [email protected]
People's Republic of China
Kabaynbay Batyr str., 28, block 5; tel.: 79-35-61, 79-35-83
(consular service); fax: 79-35-65
Trade-economic department. Diplomatic city, В-2;
tel.: 79-06-64; fax: 79-06-66
Republic of Cuba
Kabanbay Batyr 18, office 2; .tel.: 24-24-67,
Fax: 44-94-59; e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Kyrgyz Republic
Diplomatic city, В-5; tel.: 24-20-24, tel./fax: 24-24-14,
tel.: 24-20-40 (consular service); e-mail: [email protected]
Republic of Latvia
Kabanbay Batyr, 6/1, office 122. «Kaskad» Business Center.
Consular service, office 123; tel.: 92-53-17; fax: 92-53-19
е-mail:[email protected]; [email protected]
Lebanese Republic
Kunayeva, 2, 13 floor
tel.: 79-35-15, fax: 79-35-16; e-mail: [email protected]
State of Libya
Karaotkel micro district 36-8, h. 6
Tel.:56-37-65/66, fax: 56-37-23; e-mail: [email protected]
Republic of Lithuania
Kabanbay Batyr 6/1; Business center «Kaskad» 10-floor, 103 cab.
tel.: 925850; fax: 925853
Sarayshyk 26, tel./fax: 79-06-92;
e-mail: [email protected];
People's Republic
of Mongolia
Ak Bulak micro district, Daraboz,35
Tel.: 96-51-55/64; fax: 96-51-56; e-mail: [email protected]
Kingdom of Netherlands
Kosmonavtov, 62; tel.: 55-54-50; fax: 55-54-74
e-mail: [email protected] web site:
Kingdom of Norway
United Arab Emirates
Sultanate of Oman
Micro district Samal, 12; «Astana-Towers», 17 floor
tel.: 55-11-00/99; e-mail: [email protected]; web site:
Diplomatic city C-15; tel.: 24-36-75, 28-60-47, 28-60-75;
fax: 24-36-76; e-mail: [email protected]
Alexander Knyagigin, 1
tel.: 528-570, 528-674/677 fax: 528-675; e-mail: [email protected]
Islamic Republic of
Syganak, 27; Business-centre «Beijing Palace», 15-floor
tel.: 79-93-75/71/72/73; fax:79-93-98; e-mail: [email protected]
State of Palestine
Kabanbay Batyr str. 28, block 4, entrance 1; tel.: 28-75-57;
fax: 28-75-62; e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Republic of Poland
Saryarka, 15, Business Center “ Isker”; tel.: 94-44-00 , fax: 94-44-01
email: [email protected]; web site:
Consular service, 5 floor; tel.: 94-44-10; [email protected]
Russian Federation
Barayeva, 4; Reception: 44-08-06;
Tel.: 44-07-93/92/83/86/89, 44-08-01; 44-07-90;
факс: 44-08-07,
Consular service: тел: 44-07-83, 44-04-80; fax: 44-07-84
web site:; e-mail: [email protected]
Sarayshyk 28; tel.: 28-62-01; fax: 28-62-03
Consular Service. tel/fax.: 28-60-44
Economic bureu, tel.: 28-62-02; e-mail: amb@romania.кz
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Akyn Sary 19
tel.: 925752/53/54; fax: 925762; e-mail: [email protected]
Republic of Serbia
Saryarka av. 6, 6 floor. Business Center «Arman»
tel.: 99-00-27; fax: 99-00-26; e-mail: [email protected]
Slovak Republic
Karaotkel-2, Tanbalytas, 5
tel.: 24-11-91; fax: 24-20-48; e-mail: [email protected]
Sovereign Military Order
of Malta
Kosmonavtov, 62, 1 floor; tel.: 24-58-00, 8 701 718 66 00;
fax: 24-55-24; e-mail: [email protected]
United States of America
Ak-Bulak micro district, 4, 23-22, building № 3; tel.: 70-21-00;
fax: 34-08-90consular service, tel.: 70-21-00; fax: 70-22-80
e-mail: [email protected]
Republic of Tajikistan
Chubary micro district, Marsovaya str., 15
tel./fax: 24-09-29; e-mail: [email protected]
Kingdom of Thailand
Kabanbay Batyr 6/1; Business Center"Кaskad", office 191, 19th floor ;
tel.: +7 (7172) 926440, fax: +7 (7272) 926422; е-mail: [email protected]
Republic of Turkmenistan
Otyrar 8/1; tel/fax: 21-08-82, 21-08-23, 20-12-95;
е-mail: [email protected]
Republic of Turkey
Tashenov str. 3, tel.: 704-704; fax: 204-531;
e-mail: [email protected]
Republic of Ukraine
Kenesary str. 41; tel.: 32-60-42; fax: 32-68-11
Consular service: tel./fax: 32-43-25; e-mail: [email protected]
Republic of Finland
Samal micro district, 12 «Astana-Tower»; tel.: 44-21-21; fax: 44-21-16.
French Republic
Kosmonavtov str. 62, 4th floor; tel.: 79-51-00; fax: 79-51-01
[email protected];
Czech Republic
Saryarka av. 6; Business Center «Arman», 13th floor, tel.: 66-04-72;
fax: 66-01-42; e-mail: [email protected]; web site:
Swiss Confederation
Kosmonavtov str. 62, 8th floor; tel.: 97-98-92/93; fax: 97-98-94
e-mail: [email protected]
Visa department: tel.: 97-98-95; fax: 97-98-96; e-mail:
Kingdom of Sweden
Samal microdistrict 12; Business Centre «AstanaTower» 13, 17th floor,
tel.: 59-18-05; fax: 59-18-06; e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
Republic of Estonia
Kabanbay Batyr av., 28а
tel.: 24-02-80; fax: 24-02-81; e-mail: [email protected]
Republic of Korea
Kabanbay Batyr av. 6/1, 9th floor; tel.: 92-55-91/92/93;
fax: 92-55-96; e-mail: [email protected]
South-African Republic
Kabanbay batyr av., 6/1, Business Center «Kaskad», 17th floor;
tel.: 92-53-26/27/28; fax: 92-53-29
e-mail: : [email protected], [email protected]
Kosmonavtov str., 62, 5th floor,
tel.: 97-78-43; fax: 97-78-42
Annual platform for presentation of innovation and investment projects, information about partner
companies for investors and other potential clients. International platform for networking, transfer
of technologies and conclusion of investment agreements, memoranda and contracts.
May 21-23, 2014 at the Palace of Independence, the city of Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan.
THE NUMBER OF EXPECTED PARTICIPANTS: more than 70 companies, 10 000 people.
WORKING HOURS: 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m
The exhibition «Global Risk Expo – 2014» dedicated to global risks in the fields of economy, new
technologies, social sphere, ecology and food safety, will be held as part of the Exhibition
«Kazakhstan Investment Expo 2014»
Good luck in participation and holding of
VII Astana Economic Forum!