Implementation of Bovine Tuberculosis eradication programme in Portugal 2013 Brussels, SCOFCAH, 6 maio 2014 Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Programme. Caracterization 2013 N Regions Number of herds Number of animals N 18.672 301.116 C 6.869 138.218 LVT 1.127 91.885 ALT 4.297 594.864 TOTAIS 30.965 1.126.083 Algarve Region is officially tuberculosis-free in accordande with Commission Decision 2012/204/EU of 19 April 2012. C LVT ALT ALG Bovine Tuberculosis herd prevalence and herd incidence 20122013 Nº positive herds Nº new positive herds Prevalence (% positive herds) Incidence (% new positive herds) DSVAR 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 N 20 34 18 33 0,11 0,20 0,10 0,19 C 17 22 14 17 0,25 0,35 0,21 0,27 LVT 6 3 6 2 0,55 0,29 0,55 0,19 ALT 62 39 40 24 1,50 0,94 0,97 0,58 TOTAL 105 98 78 76 0,35 0,34 0,26 0,27 Tuberculose Bovina – prevalências/incidências 1,00% 0,90% 0,80% 0,74% 0,70% 0,60% 0,59% 0,50% 0,40% 0,261% 0,30% 0,173% 0,20% 0,10% 0,11% 0,041% 0,16% 0,083% 0,26% 0,066% 0,026%0,08% 0,27% 0,048% 0,00% 2007 2008 2009 Prevalência em explorações 2010 2011 Prevalência em animais 2012 (RÑOI) 2013 (RÑOI) Incidência em explorações RÑOI - região não oficialmente indemne Control measures – Pre-movement testing Compulsory pre-movement testing in order to avoid the entrance of infected bovines in OF herds. Year Herds Animals 2006 2.291 25.153 2007 3.876 28.491 2008 3.806 35.446 2009 9.375 60.713 2010 9.251 70.176 2011 16.875 97.299 2012 14.900 73.953 2013 15.074 52.655 Control Plan / Large Game Animals Hunting season (out. 2012- mar. 2013) Histopat. Deer (veado) Wild boar (javali) Bacteriology Nº of hunted animals Tipical lesions % animals Other with lesions tipical lesions M. avium M.bovi s Negative 3646 81 2% 11 1 82 13 % M. bovis infection in animals with lesions 89% 2545 64 3% 47 17 64 33 58% Hunting season (out. 2013 – mar. 2014). Provisional data. Nº of hunted animals Deer (veado) Wild boar (javali) Histopato. Tipical lesions % animals with tipical lesions Other lesions Bacteriology M. avium M. bovis Negative 3129 102 3% 2 0 100 11 % M. bovis infection in animals with lesions 96% 2119 91 4% 23 12 72 37 58% Official Diagnostic test = Intradermal tuberculin compared test (IDT). Age of animals Infected herds : 6 weeks Officially tuberculosis free herds: According with the risk acessment performed from epidemiological data (% of infected herds in each region) recorded in the last two years, testing policy in certain region is carried out as following: Region with % of infected herds at each of the last two years Animals tested < 0,2% All bovine, males and females, older than 24 months of age > 0,2% e ≤ 1% All females older than 6 weeks of age > 1% All bovine, males and females, older than 6 weeks of age Complementary diagnostic tests in 2013 • Gamma-interferon tests – 18 • Histopatologic tests – 193 • Bacteriologic tests – 189 Thank you for your attention
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