A ³ B ³ C ³ D ³ E ³ G ³ F ³ H ³ ³I J ³ 1 ³ 1 ³ 2 ³ 2 ³ 3 ³ 3 ³ 4 ³ 4 ³ 5 ³ 5 ³ Petitioner's property ! 6 ³ 6 ³ 7 ³ 7 ³ 8 ³ 8 ³ 9 ³ 9 ³ ³ ³ 10 10 A ³ B ³ C ³ D ³ E ³ G ³ F ³ H ³ Legend Phase One hybrid Bill alignment November 2013 Embankment P321 ! Petitioner's property High Speed Two Country North Petitioner Location Plan Reference Drawing BIRMINGHAM ! Hybrid Bill Limits Retaining Wall SC-02-1716 Marion Kathryn Sadler and John Allan Sadler Petitioner Viaduct Petition number ! LONDON HS2-HS2-HY-PET-000784 ³I J ³ HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in part or issued incomplete in any way. I Scale at A3: 1:35,000 Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Registered office: One Canada Square, London E14 5AB. 0 © Crown copyright and database rights 2014. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100049190. Doc Number: LWM-HS2-HY-MAP-030-000360 375 750 1,125 1,500 Metres Date: 09/10/14 A ³ B ³ C ³ D ³ E ³ F ³ G ³ H ³ ³I J ³ 1 ³ 1 ³ "" " $ # " " ' (" 2 ³ " ' & 2 ³ " " " & ' 3 ³ 3 ³ # $ #$% 4 ³ 4 ³ 5 ³ 5 ³ $ "# % !! $% 6 ³ 6 ³ *:276 *< 1:@6 #*- 4. : *6- 716 44*6 #*- 4. :B; !:78. :< @ 7 ³ 7 ³ "7@ . 2< 1 :. . 5 *6 *6- . ;4. @ . :*4- 26. :. . 5 *6B; !:78. :< @ 8 ³ 8 ³ " 9 ³ # ' 9 ³ 10 ³ 10 ³ A ³ B ³ C ³ D ³ E ³ F ³ G ³ P322 Phase One hybrid Bill alignment November 2013 5 +*635 . 6< ". < *26260 '*44 &2*- =, < *:276 *< 1:@6 #*- 4. : *6- 716 44*6 #*- 4. : B; !:78. :< @ H ³ 201 #8. . - $?7 7=6< :@ 7:< 1 !. < 2< 276. : 7, *< 276 !4*6 ". /. :. 6, . :*?260 Legend " ! "7@ . 2< 1 :. . 5 *6 *6- . ;4. @ . :*4- 26. :. . 5 *6B; !:78. :< @ ³I J ³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oc Number: ' # ) ! . < :. ; Date: Legends/Notes: --- Project/Contract Zone HS2 accepts no responsibility for any circumstances which arise from the reproduction of this document after alteration, amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in part or issued incompletely in any way. P00.1 Country North Country North Design Registered in England Registration No. 06791686 Design Stage Discipline/Function Registered office: DESIGN-FOR-PETITION One Canada Square, © Crown Copyright and database right 2014. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100049190 Drawing Title Rev Description Date Doreen Round (783), Roy and Lesley Freeman (781) Creator/Originator Drawn Checked Con App HS2 App Checked Approved Scale Size John and Marion Sadler (784) This material was last updated on 2014 and may not be copied, distributed, sold or published without the formal permission of Land Registry. Only an official copy of a title plan or register obtained from the Land Registry may be used for legal or other official purposes. Scale with caution as distortion can occur. Drawn KT © Crown Copyright material is reproduced with the permission of Land Registry under delegated authority from the Controller of HMSO. P324 Environmental London, E14 5AB Oblique Imagery Capita Symonds Ineco JV 08/10/2014 NTS Drawing No. C223-CSI-EV-DPL-030-000002-RST00000784 A3 Rev. P00.1 A ³ B ³ C ³ D ³ E ³ F ³ G ³ H ³ ³I J ³ 1 ³ 1 ³ "" " $ # " " ' (" 2 ³ " ' & 2 ³ " " & " ' 3 ³ 3 ³ $ #$% # 4 ³ 4 ³ 8; / / 7 "8>7. D < !; 89/ ; = B 8>7. +; B 5 ³ 5 ³ $ "# % !! $% 6 ³ 6 ³ +; 387 += 2; B7 #+. 5/ ; +7. 827 55+7 #+. 5/ ; D < !; 89/ ; = B 7 ³ 7 ³ "8B / 3= 2 ; / / 6 +7 +7. / < 5/ B / ; +5. 37/ ; / / 6 +7D < !; 89/ ; = B 8 ³ 8 ³ " 9 ³ # ' 9 ³ 10 ³ 10 ³ A ³ B ³ C ³ D ³ E ³ F ³ G ³ 312 #9/ / . $@8 8>7= ; B 8; = 2 !/ = 3= 387/ ; 8- += 387 !5+7 "/ 0/ ; / 7- / ; +@371 Legend P325 Phase One hybrid Bill alignment November 2013 HS2 Safeguarding June 2014 6 , +746 / 7= #+0/ 1>+; . 371 36 3= < "/ = +37371 '+55 #>; 0+- / &3+. >- = A= / 7. / . 86 / @7/ ; !; 8= / -= 387 *87/ H ³ " ! +; 387 += 2; B7 #+. 5/ ; +7. 827 55+7 #+. 5/ ; D < !; 89/ ; = B ³I J ³ # = . +- - / 9= 78 ; /< 987< 3, 353= B 08; +7B - 3; - >6 < = +7- / < @23- 2 +; 3< / 0; 86 = 2/ ; / 9; 8. >- = 387 80 = 23< 6 +9 +0= /; +5= /; += 387 +6 / 7. 6 / 7= 8; +, , ; / ?3+= 387 8; 30 3= 3< 3<< >/ . 37 9+; = 8; 3< <>/ . 37- 86 95/ = / 37 +7B @+B !/ = 3= 387/ ; "/ 13< = /; /. 37 715+7. "/ 13< = ; += 387 7>6 , / ; 8; / / 7 "8>7. "/ 13< = /; /. 8003- / 7/ +7+. + #: >+; / 87. 87 "8B / 3= 2 ; / / 6 +7 / <5/ B / ; +5. 37/ ; / / 6 +7C;8@7-89B;312=+7. .+=+, +</ ;312=< +; 387 += 2; B7 #+. 5/ ; 827 55+7 #+. 5/ ; ; . 7+7- / #>; ? / B 3- / 7- / >6 , / ; "8B / 3= 2 ; / / 6 +7 +7. / < 5/ B / ; +5. 37/ ; / / 6 +7D < !; 89/ ; = B 8; / / 7 "8>7. D < !; 89/ ; = B 8>7. +; B # # ) !$ # # ) !$ # # ) !$ !/ = 3= 387 7>6 , / ; ! C ; 8@7 - 89B; 312= 6 += /; 3+5 3< ; / 9; 8. >- / . @3= 2 = 2/ 9/ ; 6 3<< 387 80 +7. "/ 13<= ; B >7. / ; . / 5/ 1+= /. +>= 28; 3= B 0; 86 = 2/ 87= ; 855/ ; 80 # I #- +5/ += Doc Number: ' # ) ! / = ; /< Date: Staffordshire 10 01 y Lichfield District SH AW LA NE 12 0M RU G EL EY Ashton Hayes T U P P E N H U R S T Farm House 12 0M L A N E 18 0y King's Bromley Footpath 6 Shaw Lane Farm 11 9M 15 97 y BI R M I N G H AM HS 2M a i n l i n e W C M L D i ve r si on Harvey's Rough John's W 0 50 100 200 500 Gorse es tC oa st M ai n Li ne METRES @ 1:5000 Legends/Notes: --- HS2 accepts no responsibility for any circumstances which arise from the reproduction of this document after alteration, amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in part or issued incompletely in any way. P00.1 Parish Boundary Country North Registration No. 06791686 P326 Location of petitioner's Description Drawn Checked Con App HS2 App Environmental London, E14 5AB Drawing Title Drawn Checked Approved Scale Size KT Location of petitioner's John and Marion Sadler (784) property, Freeman Date Doreen Round (783), Roy and Lesley Freeman (781) Creator/Originator Rev Discipline/Function DESIGN-FOR-PETITION One Canada Square, This material was last updated on 2014 and may not be copied, distributed, sold or published without the formal permission of Land Registry. Only an official copy of a title plan or register obtained from the Land Registry may be used for legal or other official purposes. Scale with caution as distortion can occur. Design Stage Registered office: property, Sadler © Crown Copyright material is reproduced with the permission of Land Registry under delegated authority from the Controller of HMSO. Country North Design Registered in England Location of petitioner's property, Round © Crown Copyright and database right 2014. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100049190 Project/Contract Zone Existing Public Right Of Way Baseline Capita Symonds Ineco JV 08/10/2014 1:5000 Drawing No. C223-CSI-EV-DPL-030-000001-RST00000784 A3 Rev. P00.1 RU G EL EY 10 01 y Staffordshire SH AW Lichfield District King's Bromley Footpath 6 Underpass Extension Ashton Hayes Farm House 12 0M LA NE 12 0M T U P P E N H U R S T L A N E Harvey's Rough Flyover. HS2 Bridge Crosses Over WCML Diversion 18 0y Shaw Lane Farm 11 9M 15 97 y HS 2M a i n l i n e W C M L D i ve r si on Harvey's Rough BI R M I N G H AM John's W 0 50 100 200 500 Gorse es tC oa st M ai n Li ne METRES @ 1:5000 Issued for Information --- JT AH P00.1 07/10/14 07/10/14 Legends/Notes: HS2 accepts no responsibility for any circumstances which arise from the reproduction of this document after alteration, amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in part or issued incompletely in any way. Main construction compound Satellite construction compound © Crown Copyright and database right 2014. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100049190 Temporary material stockpile Rail alignment formation P327 © Crown Copyright material is reproduced with the permission of Land Registry under delegated authority from the Controller of HMSO. This material was last updated on 2014 and may not be copied, distributed, sold or published without the formal permission of Land Registry. Only an official copy of a title plan or register obtained from the Land Registry may be used for legal or other official purposes. Landscape earthworks Rev Description Drawn Checked Con App HS2 App Country North Diverted Public Right Of Way Registration No. 06791686 Stopped up PROW Design Stage Discipline/Function Registered office: DESIGN-FOR-PETITION One Canada Square, Temporary Crane Platform for Environmental London, E14 5AB Installation / Removal of Signal Drawing Title Drawn Gantries Engineering earthworks property, Round Land potentially required Location of petitioner's during construction property, Sadler Construction traffic route Country North Design Registered in England property, Freeman Approved JT AH John and Marion Sadler (784) Date Doreen Round (783), Roy and Lesley Freeman (781) Creator/Originator Location of petitioner's Checked AG Location of petitioner's Existing watercourse Scale with caution as distortion can occur. Project/Contract Zone Existing Public Right Of Way Construction Phase Capita Symonds Ineco JV 08/07/2013 Scale Size 1:5000 Drawing No. C223-CSI-EV-DPL-030-525900-RST00000784 A3 Rev. P00.1 Staffordshire RU G EL EY SH AW LA NE Lichfield District Ashton Hayes Farm House T U P P E N H U R S T L A N E Shaw Lane Farm Harvey's Rough Flyover. HS2 Bridge Crosses Over WCML Diversion King's Bromley Footpath 6 HS 2M a i n l i n e W C M L D i ve r si on BI R M I N G H AM John's W 0 50 100 200 500 Gorse es tC oa st M ai n Li ne METRES @ 1:5000 Legends/Notes: --- HS2 accepts no responsibility for any circumstances which arise from the reproduction of this document after alteration, amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in part or issued incompletely in any way. P03.1 Country North Rail alignment formation Registration No. 06791686 Landscape earthworks P328 This material was last updated on 2014 and may not be copied, distributed, sold or published without the formal permission of Land Registry. Only an official copy of a title plan or register obtained from the Land Registry may be used for legal or other official purposes. Rev Description Drawn Checked Con App HS2 App Discipline/Function DESIGN-FOR-PETITION One Canada Square, Engineering earthworks Environmental London, E14 5AB Drawing Title Location of petitioner's Drawn Checked Approved Scale Size KT property, Round John and Marion Sadler (784) Location of petitioner's Date property, Sadler Doreen Round (783), Roy and Lesley Freeman (781) 09/10/2014 1:5000 A3 Location of petitioner's property, Freeman Scale with caution as distortion can occur. Design Stage Registered office: Stopped up PROW Existing watercourse © Crown Copyright material is reproduced with the permission of Land Registry under delegated authority from the Controller of HMSO. Country North Design Registered in England Diverted Public Right Of Way © Crown Copyright and database right 2014. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100049190 Project/Contract Zone Existing Public Right Of Way Creator/Originator Proposed Scheme Capita Symonds Ineco JV Drawing No. C223-CSI-EV-DPL-030-625900-RST00000784 Rev. P03.1 A ³ B ³ C ³ D ³ E ³ F ³ G ³ H ³ ³I J ³ 1 ³ 1 ³ 2 ³ 2 ³ 3 ³ 3 ³ 4 ³ 4 ³ 5 ³ 5 ³ 6 ³ 6 ³ 7 ³ 7 ³ 8 ³ 8 ³ 9 ³ 9 ³ ³ ³ 10 A ³ B ³ C ³ D ³ E ³ F ³ G ³ H ³ Operational Noise and Vibration Impacts and Likely Significant Effects P329 (5) ³I J ³ HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in part or issued incomplete in any way. I Legend 10 Petitioner name Doreen Round, Roy Keith Freeman & Lesley Geraldine Freeman, Marion Kathryn Sadler & John Allan Sadler. Petition number HS2-HS2-HY-PET-000783 HS2-HS2-HY-PET-000781 HS2-HS2-HY-PET-000784 Scale at A3: 1:5,000 Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Registered office: One Canada Square, London E14 5AB. 0 © Crown copyright and database rights 2014. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100049190. Doc Number: LWM-HS2-HY-MAP-030-001330 50 100 150 200 Metres Date: 10/10/14 P331 (1) P331 (2) A ³ B ³ C ³ D ³ E ³ G ³ F ³ H ³ ³I J ³ 1 ³ 1 ³ 2 ³ 2 ³ 3 ³ 3 ³ 4 ³ 4 ³ 5 ³ 5 ³ Petitioner's property ! 6 ³ 6 ³ 7 ³ 7 ³ 8 ³ 8 ³ 9 ³ 9 ³ ³ ³ 10 10 A ³ B ³ C ³ D ³ E ³ G ³ F ³ H ³ Legend Phase One hybrid Bill alignment November 2013 Embankment ! Petitioner's property High Speed Two Country North Petitioner Location Plan Reference Drawing BIRMINGHAM ! Hybrid Bill Limits Retaining Wall P357 Petitioner Viaduct SC-01-1943 Mr Colin George Noble and Mrs Kim Patricia Noble Petition number ! LONDON HS2-HS2-HY-PET-001727 ³I J ³ HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in part or issued incomplete in any way. I Scale at A3: 1:35,000 Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Registered office: One Canada Square, London E14 5AB. 0 © Crown copyright and database rights 2014. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100049190. Doc Number: LWM-HS2-HY-MAP-030-001221 375 750 1,125 1,500 Metres Date: 09/10/14 A ³ B ³ C ³ D ³ F ³ G ³ H ³ ³I ³J ³1 B5014 ³1 E ³ D LANE OO EW PIP ³2 ³2 ³3 ³3 ³4 ³4 E WAD L AN E ³5 UT TO XE TE RR OAD HAWKHUR ST DRIVE ³5 Petitioner's property ³6 PI P E L ³6 A NE ! ³7 ³7 14 CH LA NE B5 0 ³8 CH U R ³8 ³9 ³9 10 ³ 10 ³ A ³ B ³ C ³ D ³ E ³ F ³ G ³ H ³ Legend ! Petitioner's property High Speed Two Country North Petitioner Location Plan Reference Drawing BIRMINGHAM ! Hybrid Bill Limits P358 Petitioner SC-02-011 Mr Colin George Noble and Mrs Kim Patricia Noble Petition number ! LONDON HS2-HS2-HY-PET-001727 ³I ³J HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in part or issued incomplete in any way. I Scale at A3: 1:7,500 Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Registered office: One Canada Square, London E14 5AB. 0 © Crown copyright and database rights 2014. Ordnance S urvey Licence Number 100049190. Doc Number: LWM-HS2-HY-MAP-030-000004 80 160 240 320 Metres Date: 09/10/14 B ³ C ³ D ³ E ³ F ³ G ³ H ³ ³I ³J B5014 A ³ ³1 ³1 P IP LA OO D EW ³2 NE ³2 ³3 ³3 E WAD ³4 ³4 L AN UT TO E XE TE R RO AD HAWKHUR ST DRIVE ³5 ³5 Petitioner's property P IP E L ANE ! ³ ³6 6 RID ³ WA R ER OA DB 50 ³7 14 CH U R CH LA NE 7 ³8 ³8 ³9 ³9 10 ³ 10 ³ A ³ B ³ C ³ D ³ E ³ F ³ G ³ H ³ Legend ! Petitioner's property High Speed Two Country North Petitioner Location Plan Reference Drawing Aerial Image SC-03-1947 Petitioner Mr Colin George Noble and Mrs Kim Patricia Noble BIRMINGHAM ! Hybrid Bill Limits P359 Petition number ! LONDON HS2-HS2-HY-PET-001727 ³I ³J HS2 Ltd accept no responsibility for any circumstances, which arise from the reproduction of this map after alteration, amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in part or issued incomplete in any way. I Scale at A3: 1:7,500 Registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Registered office: One Canada Square, London E14 5AB. 0 © Crown copyright and database rights 2014. Ordnance S urvey Licence Number 100049190. Doc Number: LWM-HS2-HY-MAP-030-001223 80 160 240 320 Metres Date: 09/10/14 Staffordshire Estimated Duration and Traffic Flow Counts Lichfield District Operation Duration Cars/LGV (per day HGV (per day each way) each way) Track Construction Hill Ridware R TE E X O TT U D A O R Stage 1 and Upgrade 2 Weeks 10 5 6 Days 20 4 6 Days 20 4 1 Week 10 5 Removal and Installation Stage 2a of First Gantry Removal and Installation Stage 2b of Second Gantry Removal of Stage 3 Hardstanding C Mavesyn H U R C Close H N A L E Wade Lane Farm Track Temporarily Upgraded for Construction Access e n i nL i Ma t s a Co t s We 0 100 200 500 1000 METRES @ 1:10000 Issued for Information Legends/Notes: --- HS2 accepts no responsibility for any circumstances which arise from the reproduction of this document after alteration, amendment or abbreviation or if it is issued in part or issued incompletely in any way. P00.1 Project/Contract Zone Country North Land potentially required Country North Design Registered in England during construction Registration No. 06791686 Design Stage Discipline/Function Registered office: © Crown Copyright and database right 2014. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100049190 Existing public right of way One Canada Square, (PRoW) London, E14 5AB DESIGN-FOR-PETITION Drawing Title Environmental Drawn Checked Approved Scale Size District boundary NOR © Crown Copyright material is reproduced with the permission of Land Registry under delegated authority from the Controller of HMSO. This material was last updated on 2014 and may not be copied, distributed, sold or published without the formal permission of Land Registry. Only an official copy of a title plan or register obtained from the Land Registry may be used for legal or other official purposes. Mr and Mrs Noble Existing watercourse property Scale with caution as distortion can occur. Rev P360 Description Drawn Checked Con App HS2 App Date Construction Phase Vicinity of petitioners' 09/10/2014 1:10000 Drawing No. Creator/Originator Capita Symonds Ineco JV C223-CSI-EV-DPL-030-528901-RST00001727 A3 Rev. P00.1 P361(2) HOUSE OF COMMONS SELECT COMMITTEE HIGH SPEED RAIL (LONDON - WEST MIDLANDS) BILL PROMOTER’S RESPONSE TO PETITION OF: Doreen Round PETITION NO: 783 PARAGRAPH NO: 15 ISSUE RAISED: Impacts of alignment near Fradley PETITION PARAGRAPH: 15. Following amendments to the route at Fradley Park the link between HS2 and WCML has been moved north by up to 200 metres. This realignment brings the proposed line immediately to the rear of the farmhouse. It is estimated that moving the junction has increased the height of the line and WCML by between 5- 10 metres. The farmhouse is about 60 metres from the proposed alignment but given the increased elevation of the line the new railway will have will have a severe impact upon the amenity and quiet enjoyment of the dwelling. PROMOTER’S RESPONSE: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1. The changes to the alignment near Fradley Park have not materially affected the horizontal and vertical alignment of the Proposed Scheme close to Ashton Hayes Farm. The alignment remains broadly similar to the post consultation alignment. 2. This is primarily because the connection to the West Coast Mainline (WCML) fixes the alignment in the vicinity of the farmhouse. Other changes to the alignment have been implemented away from the Farmhouse, including reducing the design speed of the WCML connection from 230 km/hr to 200km/hr to allow a more flexible alignment. Landscape and visual 3. As described in the ES, Volume 2, CFA 22, Section 9.5.24 to 9.5.246, a major adverse visual effect is reported for year 1 and 15 which with the maturity of the planting to provide screening will reduce to a moderate adverse effect. 4. As explained in section 4.2 of HS2 Information Paper E1, Control of Environmental Impacts, the nominated undertaker will use reasonable endeavours to adopt mitigation measures that will further reduce any adverse environmental impacts caused by the Proposed Scheme, insofar as these mitigation measures do not add unreasonable costs to the project or unreasonable delays to the construction programme. Operational noise 5. As explained in the ES, Volume 2 CFA 22, Section 11.5.27, the avoidance and mitigation measures would reduce noise inside all dwellings from the construction activities such that it is does not reach a P376 (8) HOUSE OF COMMONS SELECT COMMITTEE HIGH SPEED RAIL (LONDON - WEST MIDLANDS) BILL PROMOTER’S RESPONSE TO PETITION OF: Doreen Round PETITION NO: 783 PARAGRAPH NO: 19 ISSUE RAISED: Impacts of landscape mitigation planting PETITION PARAGRAPH: 19. The creation of landscape mitigation planting will introduce increased habitat for pests and vermin (rabbits, pigeons and the like) which will affect crops growing upon retained land, thereby further affecting viability. PROMOTER’S RESPONSE: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1. Ecological mitigation works, and landscaping of land adjacent to and near the railway will have an important role in mitigating its effects. The detailed proposals for ecological mitigation and landscape design are unlikely to be developed for some time, but various types of landscape works will be considered including; • screen planting along parts of the Proposed Scheme to help obscure new earthworks, structures, trains and overhead line equipment where a likely significant effect has been recognized; • woodland planting to compensate for the loss of habitat and new planting to help integrate HS2 into the surrounding landscape; and • new planting to help integrate HS2 into the surrounding landscape. 2. The Proposed Scheme includes a range of habitat creation and enhancement measures to provide mitigation and compensation. The Bill identifies those areas of habitat creation that will be required to maintain the populations of protected species. Mitigation measures include creation of new woodlands, grasslands, heathland and ponds. The draft Environmental Memorandum contains a commitment to ensuring appropriate management by the Promoter and the nominated undertaker. The type of mitigation will be identified at the detailed design stage. 3. Section 4.6 of the draft Environmental Memorandum indicates the Promoters commitment to the use of native species and states that ‘priority will be given to native species typical of the area’. Further information on EMRs is provided in HS2 Information Paper E1, Control of Environmental Impacts. Schedule 16 to the Bill establishes the planning regime under which certain details of the Proposed Scheme works will require approval from the relevant local planning authority. The level of detailed design necessary to enable the Proposed Scheme to be constructed has yet to be carried out, and is unlikely to be completed until after the Bill has secured Royal Assent. 4. Once complete the nominated undertaker will need to apply for approval of the detailed design for P376 (17) various elements of the Proposed Scheme from local planning authorities along the route, including landscaping/planting schemes. This will ensure that although deemed planning permission for the Proposed Scheme is granted by Parliament, local planning authorities will be able to approve the detailed design thereby ensuring that the design of permanent structures fits into the local environment. This is explained further in HS2 Information Paper B1, Main Provisions of the Planning Regime and Information Paper G6, Design Development, Detailed Design and the Role of Planning Authorities. 5. Plant material biosecurity will be subject to existing regulations and controls under existing mechanisms within the Plant Health (England) Order 2005 and subsequent amendments. 6. HS2 Information Paper E16, Maintenance of Landscaped Areas, outlines how the new landscaped areas will be maintained along the route of the Proposed Scheme. P376 (18) HOUSE OF COMMONS SELECT COMMITTEE HIGH SPEED RAIL (LONDON - WEST MIDLANDS) BILL PROMOTER’S RESPONSE TO PETITION OF: Doreen Round PETITION NO: 783 PARAGRAPH NO: 20-21 ISSUE RAISED: Maintenance of bunds, made-up ground and landscape features PETITION PARAGRAPH: 20. There appears to be significant lengths of bund, made-up ground, ground reprofiling and landscape mitigation works proposed on your Petitioner’s land, much of it on good quality agricultural land. 21. In your Petitioner's submission, the Bi|l should be amended so as to require the nominated undertaker, unless the landowner agrees otherwise, to remain responsible for the safety and maintenance of land which is altered in any way and is to be responsible for liability for any losses associated with such operations to include, but not limited to, physical failure of ground works and mitigation features, trespass and breaches of security to your Petitioner’s retained land. PROMOTER’S RESPONSE: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1. The Proposed Scheme has been developed to minimise its impacts on the surrounding environment and, where possible, make a positive contribution to it. This has been achieved by taking both environmental and engineering factors into account during the design stages. 2. Landscaping and the use of land near the railway have an important role in mitigating the effects of the railway: it can provide visual and noise screening and replace habitats that are lost as a result of the Proposed Scheme. Maintenance 3. In relation to the ongoing management and maintenance of environmental mitigation works, this period of initial maintenance will vary depending on the habitat or feature and the complexity and objectives for the landscape type. Tree planting, for the purpose of screening will likely require up to 5 years maintenance. After an initial period of maintenance, the nominated undertaker will seek to return the majority of land to previous landowners or other interested parties (such as local wildlife trusts, woodland trust, local authorities), where agreement can be reached that will ensure the continued objectives of the landscaping are maintained into the future. 4. Where agreement cannot be reached, the land will be retained and maintained by the nominated undertaker until agreement is put in place with a suitable owner or party. This could mean that such land will remain under the ownership of the railway. P376 (19) HOUSE OF COMMONS SELECT COMMITTEE HIGH SPEED RAIL (LONDON - WEST MIDLANDS) BILL PROMOTER’S RESPONSE TO PETITION OF: Marion Kathryn Sadler and John Allan Sadler PETITION NO: 784 PARAGRAPH NO: 16 ISSUE RAISED: Impacts of alignment at Fradley Park PETITION PARAGRAPH: 16. Following amendments to the route at Fradley Park the link between HS2 and WCML has been moved north by up to 200 metres. This realignment brings the proposed line immediately to the rear of the farmhouse. It is estimated that moving the junction has increased the height of the line and WCML by between 5- 10 metres. The farmhouse is about 60 metres from the proposed alignment but given the increased elevation of the line the new railway will have will have a severe impact upon the amenity and quiet enjoyment of the dwelling. PROMOTER’S RESPONSE: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1. The changes to the alignment near Fradley Park have not materially affected the horizontal and vertical alignment of the Proposed Scheme close to Ashton Hayes Farm. The alignment remains broadly similar to the post consultation alignment. 2. This is primarily because the connection to the West Coast Mainline (WCML) fixes the alignment in the vicinity of the farmhouse. Other changes to the alignment have been implemented away from the Farmhouse, including reducing the design speed of the WCML connection from 230 km/hr to 200km/hr to allow a more flexible alignment. 3. Criteria for the consideration of design options (appraisal criteria) have been used consistently since 2009 in the development of the high level route options and refinement of the announced route. The criteria, which are set out in HS2 Information Paper A1, Development of the HS2 Proposed Scheme, include a range of factors such as sustainability, environmental impact, engineering, benefit, costs and (for route options) journey times. These criteria have been consistently applied by the Promoter. P378 (8) can be undertaken and consent must be sought before interfering with any property of the highway authority or, in some cases for construction under the surface of a highway (see Information Paper E14: Highways and Traffic during Construction - Legislative Provisions). 4.3. The EMRs and the HS2 draft Code of Construction Practice (CoCP), together with the various controls prescribed in the Bill, are intended to ensure that the impacts of the Proposed Scheme, including those relating to construction traffic, will not exceed those assessed in the ES. As part of these controls, the nominated undertaker will require all contractors to ensure that any disruption to local communities from construction traffic is minimised, and that public vehicle access is maintained, where reasonably practicable. 4.4. The draft CoCP is included as an appendix to the ES. It will provide a consistent approach to the management of construction activities throughout Phase One. It will evolve and will be subject to refinement and amendment as necessary, as the project design, assessment and Parliamentary processes develop. It will be finalised for Phase One when the hybrid Bill is enacted. For further information, see Information Paper D3, Code of Construction Practice (CoCP). 4.5. The CoCP will require the nominated undertaker to prepare traffic management plans in liaison with highway and traffic authorities and the emergency services. As appropriate, these will include: the local routes to be used by large goods vehicles (approved where applicable), including lorry holding areas, lorry route signing strategy and the means of monitoring lorry use; worksite boundaries and main access and exit points; temporary and permanent closures and diversions of highways and public rights of way; and the strategy for traffic management. 4.6. The impact of road-based construction traffic will be reduced by implementing clear controls on vehicle types, hours of site operation, and routes for large goods vehicles. 4.7. The CoCP will cover measures to minimise mud from construction sites being spread by construction vehicles onto the highway, control vehicle parking (including parking by the nominated undertaker and contractor staff) and control the transfer of excavated material and waste to approved disposal sites. Measures to control road mud also need to be approved by the relevant planning authorities under the planning regime. 4.8. The planning of the works will take into consideration the affected residential, commercial, industrial and farming premises, and specifically their requirements for access and servicing (including delivery, collection and maintenance). Access and servicing will be maintained as far as reasonably practicable, within the 5 P545 (5) constraints of the works and the need to ensure the safety of the public; this may involve diversions, temporary traffic controls and the use of temporary carriageways and footways. However, the Bill includes a general requirement to maintain reasonable pedestrian access to premises. 4.9. Travel plans will be prepared for construction workers. They will encourage workers to use sustainable modes of transport to reduce the impact of workforce travel on local residents and businesses. 5. Traffic management measures 5.1. The construction works for the Proposed Scheme will inevitably affect other forms of transport. A wide range of temporary traffic management measures will be used, as appropriate, to facilitate the construction works and mitigate the potential impacts. These measures will vary for different users and could potentially include: narrowing or realignment of footways to maintain pedestrian routes; narrowing or realignment of carriageway cycle lanes, combined footways/cycleways off-road cycle tracks and bridleways/byways to maintain cycle access; signed diversions for where there is a temporary closure of roadside footways and public rights of way (i.e. footpaths, bridleways and byways) where it is not possible to maintain pedestrian and cycle routes; alterations to railway station entrances and exits and circulation of rail passengers within stations; diversion of bus routes and suspension and relocation of bus stops and stands; relocation of taxi ranks and pick-up and set-down areas; general vehicular traffic: o road closures with signed diversions; o lane closures; o shuttle working under traffic signal control; o temporary road and junction layouts; o introduction or removal of traffic regulation measures (such as oneway streets, banned turns and weight restrictions); o temporary traffic-calming measures; o changes to traffic signal timings; o temporary speed limits; and 6 P545 (6) o suspension and (where practicable) relocation and/or reallocation of parking bays; and 5.2. 5.3. signed diversions for equestrians where narrowing, realignment or temporary closure of bridleways/byways is required. The site-related traffic management measures will also include: phasing of works; timing of operations; protocols for emergency access; measures to ensure safe access to and from construction sites; and co-ordination with utility companies and service diversions. All temporary traffic management will be implemented and maintained in accordance with relevant guidance and codes, such as Chapter 8 of the 'Traffic Signs Manual', and with 'Safety at Street Works and Road Works' (both published by Department for Transport). Traffic management will have due regard for the needs of vulnerable road users. 6. Consultation 6.1. The nominated undertaker will require contractors to communicate regularly with parties affected by the works. Local residents and businesses will be informed - appropriately and in advance - of the dates and durations of any closures of roads or public right of way, and will be provided with details of diversion routes at least two weeks in advance or when final details are available. 6.2. Once contractors have been appointed, regular traffic liaison meetings will be arranged with highway authorities, bus operators, taxi and trade representation (as appropriate), and the police - other emergency services will be included, as appropriate. These meetings will provide an opportunity for contractors to present proposals for future works affecting the highway, including methods of construction and proposed programme, and for a review of the associated traffic management requirements. 6.3. Some traffic management proposals may require Traffic Regulation Orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1988 to cover measures such as the introduction of one-way streets, banned turns, temporary speed limits and the suspension of parking places. These will be discussed at the liaison meetings. Applications for these orders will be made to the relevant traffic authority and advertised locally in the normal way. 6.4. The Highways Sub-Group of the HS2 Planning Forum, which includes representatives from all the local highways authorities affected by the project, acts as a focus for consultation and liaison on highways and traffic issues. It will 7 P545 (7) 2.2. The nominated undertaker will have a detailed plan for managing community relations before and during construction. The plan will include the Local Environmental Management Plan (LEMP) and locally agreed community liaison plan. The LEMP sits underneath the Code of Construction Practice (CoCP) and will build on the general environmental requirements within the CoCP. It will set out how the project will adapt and deliver the required environmental and community protection measures within each relevant local authority area. 2.3. Communication and engagement is a critical factor of the construction works and the quality of engagement will define the nominated undertaker's relationships with communities and stakeholders. The following will set the standard for the construction phase of HS2. 2.4. The nominated undertaker and other contractors appointed to construct the Proposed Scheme will be contractually required to provide dedicated community relations personnel. They will engage with affected communities and support a 24-hour helpline service to provide appropriate and relevant information, and be the first point of response to resolve concern and complaints. The helpline will operate at low-cost rates. The nominated undertaker has important responsibilities under equalities legislation and will engage with residents of ethnic minority backgrounds and with disabilities (as well as other equality groups with protected characteristics) who may be particularly affected by construction impacts. 2.5. An independent Complaints Commissioner will be appointed for HS2, to consider complaints during construction that cannot be resolved through the nominated undertakers complaints process (see Information Paper G3: Complaints Commissioner). 2.6. A residents’ charter will also be developed by HS2 Ltd (see Apendix A). 3. Community Relations Strategy 3.1. The nominated undertaker will develop a community relations strategy, which will include the following responsibilities: monitoring and managing contractor and sub-contractor compliance with undertakings2 and performance of commitments, local agreements and specific community requirements throughout the project; and ensuring that local residents, occupiers, businesses, local authorities and parish councils are informed in advance of works taking place locally. 2 Undertakings are binding (usually contingent) agreements set out in legal documents or given by another means to the Select Committee itself or to Parliament. See Information Paper B4: Complaince with Undertakings and Assurances. 3 P562 (3) 3.2. 3.3. The contractors will be required to produce advance information sheets that: describe the works to be carried out; explain the expected disruption; and explain the measures being taken to minimise or mitigate the adverse impact of the works. Where it is reasonably possible to do so: these information sheets will be circulated at least two weeks before the construction works start; a liaison plan will be issued to local authorities listing the communications mechanisms and materials to be offered to local communities. A liaison plan will outline who the project will speak to, when and why and will be created to work in conjunction with the Local Environmental Management Plan (LEMP); and in the case of emergency works, the local authority and residents will be advised as soon as reasonably practicable. Potentially affected residents will also be notified of a 24-hour, seven-days-a-week public helpline number. 4. General principles 4.1. The nominated undertaker will be required to follow the general principles of community engagement set out below: respond quickly to emergencies, complaints or other communications, whether these are through the helpdesk or by any other recognised means. Where practical and reasonably possible, the nominated undertaker will respond to complaints with an update within 24 hours; liaise closely with the emergency services, local authority officers and other agencies (through established contacts) who may be involved in incidents or emergency situations; liaise with appropriate local community projects, employment and educational initiatives (see Information Paper G4: Local Training and Employment); ensure that there is a comprehensive emergency crisis plan for each section of the work and contractual recognition that the nominated undertake will coordinate with the relevant emergency services. Preparation should include desktop rehearsals. This will ensure that, in the case of an emergency, the community can be kept fully informed; it will also ensure that adequate arrangements are in place to evacuate an affected area if necessary, on the advice of the emergency services; 4 P562 (4) AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH SHOWING ASHTON HAYES FARM & OUTBUILDINGS A139(1) AHF – A1 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH SHOWING ASHTON HAYES FARM & OUTBUILDINGS & APPROXIMATE AREA OF LANDTAKE AT REAR OF PROPERTY A139(2) AHF – A1A VIEWS OF ASHTON HAYES FARM AT DIFFERENT PERIODS A139(5) DOC – AHF A3B VIEWS OF ASHTON HAYES FARM AT DIFFERENT PERIODS A139(6) DOC – AHF A3C PHOTO OF ASHTON HAYES FARM & BARN VIEWED FROM TUPPENHURST LANE A139(8) DOC – AHF C1 SUGGESTED AREA FOR RELOCATION A139(11) DOC – AHF D2 CFA 22 MAP BOOK PROPOSED SCHEME REF CT – 06 – 130a PROPOSED REALIGNMENT OF PROW KINGS BROMLEY FOOTPATH 6 PROPOSED AREA OF MITIGATION A139(12) DOC – AHF E CFA 22 MAP BOOK PROPOSED SCHEME REF CT – 06 – 130a EXISTING CULVERT FLOWING UNDER THE TRENT & MERSEY CANAL BALANCING POND WITH FEED OFF INTO EXISTING SURFACE WATER DRAIN A139(13) DOC – AHF F Doc – AHF2 A2 CFA22 MAP BOOK CONSTRUCTION REF CT - 05 – 129 SHAW LANE HANCH - A515 - WOOD END LANE SHAW LANE HANCH A515 A B Point “A” indicating location of Haul Rd between Shaw Lane Hanch & A515 – Point “B” indicating location of HS2 Haul Rd access from A515 A140(2) CFA22 MAP BOOK CONSTRUCTION REF CT - 06-130 SHAW LANE HANCH – A515 – WOOD END LANE SHAW LANE HANCH Doc – AHF2 A3 A C B X Point “A” indicating Proposed New Highway once mitigation has been completed. Point “B” indicating realignment of Haul/Maintenance Rd ---- Point “C” indicating proposed BP maintenance road A140(3) Photograph 1 A142 Photograph 2 A143 Photograph 3 A144 A144(1)
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