ADORAMA RENTAL CO PRICE SCRIPT 2014 1ST EDITION CINEMA, VIDEO & PHOTO EQUIPMENT RENTALS 5 CONTENTS | 5 WELCOME 5 CONTENTS | 5 WELCOME © 2014 – 1ST EDITION WELCOME Adorama Rental Co has been in business since 1988 and has become the ultimate industry source for professional cinematographers, videographers and photographers. ARC rents and supports the full range of Still and Motion cameras (including Lenses & Accessories), Lighting, and Grip Equipment. We are a “one-stop” destination for all sorts of shoots, carrying the most comprehensive list of DSLR’s, Digital Backs, Video and Digital Cinema Cameras, Strobes & Continuous Lights, at rates that make sense. OUR MISSION is to provide the creative community with the tools and services needed to achieve excellence. OUR GOAL IS THAT YOU HAVE A GREAT RENTAL EXPERIENCE. ARC has by far the best prices in the industry, carrying a large inventory of the latest equipment, maintained under the most rigorous quality control. In addition, our experts in the different fields of image making are available to consult with you on projects of every level, complexity or budget. Easy online ordering and free Curbside service also set ARC apart from its competitors. Adorama has recently invested over 10 million dollars worth of new inventory to meet the demands of our customers, to keep pace with advances in technology and how images are created. We constantly work to improve, expand and diversify our product lines and services. We invite you to check out our inventory and look forward to providing our products and support for your next creative project. Happy Renting. Visit ARC Site | | 212-627-8487 5 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS CONTENTS P. 3 3 CAMERAS4 Digital Cinema Cameras 5 HD Video Cameras 5 DSLR Cameras – Canon 6 DSLR Cameras – Nikon 6 DSLR Cameras – Sony 6 Digital Rangefinder – Fuji – Leica – Sony 6 - 7 Medium Format – Hasselblad H 7 Medium Format – Phase One 645DF Digital System 7 Medium Format – Phase One Digital Backs – Hasselblad V 8 LENSES9 Digital Cinema Lenses 10 Canon Lenses 13 Canon Mount Zeiss ZE Lenses 16 Nikon Lenses 17 Nikon Mount Zeiss ZF Lenses 18 Fuji XF Lenses 19 Leica M Lenses 19 Micro 4/3 Lenses 19 Hasselblad H Series Lenses 19 Hasselblad V Series Lenses 20 Phase One Lenses 20 Schneider Leaf Shutter Lenses 20 CAMERA SUPPORT 21 Tripods & Heads – Video 21 Tripods & Heads – Still 22 Camera Rigs 22 Mobility23 CAMERA ACCESSORIES 24 Video Recorders – Media & Readers 25 Monitors & Converters 26 Matteboxes & Follow Focus – Rain Covers 27 View Finders 28 Glass Filters 28 Meters & Triggers 28 Canon Accessories 29 Nikon Accessories 30 Hasselblad Accessories 30 2 CONTENTS P. 3 3 7 P. 2 CONTENTS CONTENTS AUDIO31 Recorders & Mixers 32 Mics32 Slates – Audio Accessories – Sound Blimps 32 COMPUTER–LAPTOP–MONITOR–EXT. BATTERY–CALIBRATOR–PRESENTATION 33 LIGHTING34 Continuous Lights – Cineo 35 Continuous Lights – Litepanels 35 Continuous Lights – Fiilex 35 Continuous Lights – Joker 35 Continuous Lights – Kino Flo 36 Continuous Lights – Nila 36 Continuous Lights – Dedolight 37 Continuous Lights – Arri 37 Continuous Lights – Mole Richardson 37 Continuous Lights – Source Four 38 Continuous Lights – Profoto 38 Continuous Lights – Lowel 38 Continuous Lights – Chimera 38 Strobes – Profoto 38 Strobes – Quantum 42 Lighting Accessories – Chimeras 42 Lighting Accessories – Elinchrom Octabanks 43 GRIP44 Stands & Rollers 45 Booms45 Flags & Nets 46 Frames & Fabrics 47 Difussion – Bounce – Reflectors – Umbrellas 49 Mounting & Clamping 49 Studio & Location Accessories 51 EXPENDABLES51 ARC EDU RENT REWARDS PROGRAM – RENT TO BUY PROGRAM 52 - 53 CUSTOM STILL & MOTION DIGITAL CARTS 54 RENTAL POLICY – What Do You Need to Rent From Us? – Rental Fee – Mail Order55 INFORMATION – Rental Periods – Hours – Holiday Schedule – Concierge Svc.56 | | 212-627-8487 7 P. 2 CONTENTS 3 1 CONTENTS ADORAMARENTAL.COM | 212 - 627- 8487 ADORAMA RENTAL CO CAMERAS! 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS DIGITAL CINEMA – HD VIDEO – CAMERAS | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 1 CONTENTS 5 CAMERAS DIGITAL CINEMA CAMERAS DAY +DAY WKND WEEK Arri Alexa XT Plus Cinema Package 1950 1800 2350 5850 Arri Alexa Classic EV Cinema Package 725 635 800 1995 Arri Amira Cinema Package 800 750 1000 2400 Arri Amira Premium Cinema Package 1000 920 1250 3000 Blackmagic 4K EF Mount Production Cinema Package 195 175 225 595 Blackmagic Pocket Cinema MFT Mount Package 40 35 45 120 Canon C500 EF or PL Mount 4K Cinema Package 395 300 425 995 Canon C300 EF or PL Mount Cinema Package 199 170 245 614 Canon C100 EF Mount Cinema Package 155 137 173 465 Canon 1DC 4K Cinema Package 275 250 295 825 Red Dragon 6K Cinema Package 910 850 1075 2730 Red Epic Cinema Package 725 635 770 2130 Red Scarlet Cinema Package 475 405 545 1425 Sony F55 Cinema Package 625 575 725 1875 Sony F5 Cinema Package 440 400 495 1320 Sony NEX-FS700 High Speed Super 35mm XDCam Cinema Package 275245295 815 Sony FS700 4K with IFR5 Raw Recorder Kit 325 290 340 975 HD VIDEO CAMERAS Sony PXWZ100 4K Handheld XDCam Camcorder 300 250 340 900 Sony PDW-F800 HD XDCam 375 295 410 1000 Sony PMW-EX1R HD Video Camera 145 130 160 435 Sony PMW-300 HD Video Camera 225 180 250 600 Sony PMW-200 HD Video Camera 195 175 225 595 Canon XA25 HD Camcorder (MP4/H264) 75 65 85 225 Canon XF-105 HD Video Camera with SDI 95 80 110 285 GoPro HD Hero3 Camera Package with Wi-Fi Remote 35 30 40 105 1 CONTENTS CAMERAS – DSLR – DIGITAL RANGEFINDER CAMERAS DSLR CAMERAS – CANON DAY+DAYWKNDWEEK All Kits Include: Camera, Cables, CF Card, Charger, 2 Batteries, (NO LENS) Canon 1DC Kit Canon 1DX Kit Canon 1DS Mark III Kit Canon 5D Mark III Kit Canon 6D Kit Canon 7D Kit Canon 70D Kit Canon Rebel T3i Kit 275 250 295 135 120 160 110 95 135 65 55 75 55 45 65 49 39 65 45 40 50 30 25 40 825 415 340 195 165 147 135 95 115 90 125 145 125 185 70 60 90 80 70 100 55 45 65 45 40 60 345 455 220 250 165 145 DSLR CAMERAS – NIKON All Kits Include: Camera, Cables, CF Card, Charger, 2 Batteries, (NO LENS) Nikon D4 Kit Nikon D3X Kit Nikon D800 Kit Nikon D800E Kit Nikon D600 Kit Nikon D7100 Kit DSLR CAMERAS – SONY All Kits Include: Camera, Cables, CF Card, Charger, 2 Batteries Sony RX10 Camera Kit with 24-200mm/2.8 40 35 45 120 DIGITAL RANGEFINDER – FUJI Fuji X-Pro1 Camera Kit Fuji X-100S Camera Kit 45 40 40 35 50 45 135 120 6 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS DIGITAL RANGEFINDER – MEDIUM FORMAT – CAMERAS DAY+DAYWKNDWEEK 30 25 35 90 DIGITAL RANGEFINDER – LEICA Leica M Camera Kit 125 110 140 DIGITAL RANGEFINDER – SONY Sony A7R Camera Kit Sony RX1R Camera Kit MEDIUM FORMAT – HASSELBLAD H Hasselblad H4X Camera with 80mm Lens Hasselblad H4X & Phase One iQ140 with 80mm Lens Hasselblad H4X & Phase One iQ160 with 80mm Lens Hasselblad H4X & Phase One iQ180 with 80mm Lens Hasselblad H4X & Phase One iQ260 with 80mm Lens 375 65 75 55 65 75 85 195 225 75 500 530 630 670 70 475 495 595 625 85 560 580 680 715 230 1535 1605 1905 2010 MEDIUM FORMAT – PHASE ONE 645DF DIG. SYS. Phase One 645DF w/P30+ with Schneider 80mm LS Lens 225200250 675 Phase One 645DF w/P30+ with 55-80-110mm LS Lenses310275345 930 Phase One 645DF w/P65+ with Schneider 80mm LS Lens 4954755251495 Phase One 645DF w/P65+ with 55-80-110mm LS Lenses5805606151755 Phase One 645DF w/iQ140 with Schneider 80mm LS Lens5004755601535 Phase One 645DF w/iQ140 with Schneider 55-80-110mm Lenses 5805556401775 Phase One 645DF w/iQ160 with Schneider 80mm LS Lens5304955801605 Phase One 645DF w/iQ160 with Schneider 55-80-110mm Lenses 6155856651865 Phase One 645DF w/iQ180 with Schneider 80mm LS Lens5955656751835 | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 1 CONTENTS 7 CAMERAS DIGITAL RANGEFINDER – FUJI – CONT’ Fuji X-E1 Camera Kit CAMERAS – MEDIUM FORMAT 1 CONTENTS CAMERAS MEDIUM FORMAT – PHASE ONE 645DF DIG. SYS. DAY +DAY WKND WEEK Phase One 645DF w/iQ180 with 55-80-110mm LS Lenses6806557602095 MEDIUM FORMAT – PHASE ONE DIG. BACKS Phase One iQ180 H and M Mount Phase One iQ160 H and M Mount Phase One iQ140 H and M Mount PHASE ONE iQ260 H-Mount Phase One P65+ H-Mount Phase One P65+ V-Mount Phase One P40+ H-Mount Phase One P30+ H-Mount MEDIUM FORMAT – HASSELBLAD V Hasselblad 555ELD Hasselblad 503CW 8 555 455 425 595 455 455 405 320 525 425 405 555 425 425 385 300 595 495 475 635 495 495 450 355 1675 1375 1305 1785 1375 1375 1240 975 353040105 252030 75 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS LENSES. ADORAMARENTAL.COM | 212 - 627- 8487 ADORAMA RENTAL CO 1 CONTENTS LENSES – DIGITAL CINEMA 1 CONTENTS LENSES LENSES – DIGITAL CINEMA LENSES Angenieux Optimo 24-290mm/T2.8 Zoom Angenieux Optimo 28-340mm/T3.2 Zoom Angenieux Optimo 15-40mm/T2.6 EF or PL Zoom Angenieux Optimo 28-76mm/T2.6 EF or PL Zoom Angenieux Optimo 17-80mm/T2.2 Zoom Angenieux Optimo Rouge 16-42mm/T2.8 Zoom Angenieux Optimo Rouge 30-80mm/T2.8 Zoom Angenieux Optimo 3D 30-80mm Set Angenieux Optimo 2x PL Extender Angenieux Optimo 1.4x PL Extender Arri Ultra Prime 8R 8mm/T2.8 Arri Ultra Prime 14mm/T1.9 Arri Ultra Prime 16mm/T1.9 Arri Ultra Prime 20mm/T1.9 Arri Ultra Prime 24mm/T1.9 Arri Ultra Prime 28mm/T1.9 Arri Ultra Prime 32mm/T1.9 Arri Ultra Prime 40mm/T1.9 Arri Ultra Prime 50mm/T1.9 Arri Ultra Prime 65mm/T1.9 Arri Ultra Prime 85mm/T1.9 Arri Ultra Prime 100mm/T1.9 Arri Ultra Prime 135mm/T1.9 Arri Ultra Prime 180mm/T1.9 Arri 100mm T1.3 Master Prime 10 DAY +DAYWKNDWEEK 410 420 385 385 385 210 210 420 85 85 350 125 105 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 125 130 210 375 350 330 330 330 185 185 370 73 73 300 105 95 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 105 110 185 440 440 410 410 410 240 240 480 92 92 375 160 115 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 160 170 235 1230 1260 1125 1125 1125 635 635 1270 250 250 1025 390 315 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 390 410 630 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS DAY +DAY WKND WEEK 250 195 295 740 250 195 295 740 250 195 295 740 285 250 305 840 70 55 90 215 70 55 90 215 70 55 90 215 70 55 90 215 70 55 90 215 70 55 90 215 370 315 425 1095 210 185 240 635 210 185 240 635 385 325 440 1150 75 60 95 230 70 55 90 215 70 55 90 215 70 55 90 215 70 55 90 215 70 55 90 215 75 60 95 230 425 335 545 1305 115 110 120 345 115 110 120 345 105 100 110 315 105 100 110 315 | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 1 CONTENTS 11 LENSES DIGITAL CINEMA LENSES – CONT’ Arri/Fujinon Alura 15.5-45/T2.8 Zoom Arri/Fujinon Alura 18-80mm/T2.6 Zoom Arri/Fujinon Alura 30-80mm/T2.8 Zoom Arri/Fujinon Alura 45-250mm/T2.6 Zoom Canon CN-E 14mm/T3.1 L EF Cine Lens Canon CN-E 24mm/T1.5 L EF Cine Lens Canon CN-E 35mm/T1.5 L EF Cine Lens Canon CN-E 50mm/T1.3 L EF Cine Lens Canon CN-E 85mm/T1.3 L EF Cine Lens Canon CN-E 135mm/T2.2 L EF Cine Lens Canon 14.5-60mm/T2.6 4K EF or PL Zoom Canon 15.5-47mm/T2.8 4K EF or PL Zoom Canon 30-105mm/2.8 4K EF or PL Zoom Canon 30-300mm/T2.95 4K EF or PL Zoom Cooke 18mm/T2.8 MINI S4 Cooke 25mm/T2.8 MINI S4 Cooke 32mm/T2.8 MINI S4 Cooke 50mm/T2.8 MINI S4 Cooke 75mm/T2.8 MINI S4 Cooke 100mm/T2.8 MINI S4 Cooke 135mm/T2.8 MINI S4 Cooke MINI S4 Set 18-25-32-50-75-100 Cooke S4i 14mm/T2 Cooke S4i 16mm/T2 Cooke S4i 18mm/T2 Cooke S4i 21mm/T2 DIGITAL CINEMA – LENSES LENSES – DIGITAL CINEMA 1 CONTENTS LENSES DIGITAL CINEMA LENSES – CONT’ DAY +DAY WKND WEEK Cooke S4i 25mm/T2 105 100 110 315 Cooke S4i 27mm/T2 105 100 110 315 Cooke S4i 32mm/T2 105 100 110 315 Cooke S4i 35mm/T2 105 100 110 315 Cooke S4i 40mm/T2 105 100 110 315 Cooke S4i 50mm/T2 105 100 110 315 Cooke S4i 65mm/T2 105 100 110 315 Cooke S4i 75mm/T2 105 100 110 315 Cooke S4i 100mm/T2 105 100 110 315 Cooke Uncoated Speed Panchros Set 18-25-32-40-50-75-100 320295345 960 Fujinon Cabrio 19-90 T2.9 Zoom 335 295 350 1000 Fujinon Cabrio 85-300 T2.9 Zoom 335 295 350 1000 Leica Summicron-C 18mm T2.0 PL Lens 130 120 145 390 Leica Summicron-C 25mm T2.0 PL Lens 130 120 145 390 Leica Summicron-C 35mm T2.0 PL Lens 130 120 145 390 Leica Summicron-C 50mm T2.0 PL Lens 130 120 145 390 Leica Summicron-C 75mm T2.0 PL Lens 130 120 145 390 Leica Summicron-C 100mm T2.0 PL Lens 130 120 145 390 Red 17-50/T2.9 Zoom 65 60 84 209 Red 50-150/T3.0 Zoom 85 75 95 255 Schneider Xenon 35mm T2.1 EF or PL Mount 50 45 65 160 Schneider Xenon 50mm T2.1 EF or PL Mount 50 45 65 160 Schneider Xenon 75mm T2.1 EF or PL Mount 50 45 65 160 Zeiss LWZ.2 15.5-45mm/T2.6 Zoom 250 195 295 740 Zeiss CZ.2 15-30 T2.9 Cine Zoom (EF or PL) 200 185 240 600 Zeiss CZ.2 28-80 T2.9 Cine Zoom (EF or PL) 200 185 240 600 12 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS DIGITAL CINEMA – CANON – LENSES CANON LENSES Canon 14mm/2.8 L II Canon 15mm/2.8 Fisheye DAY +DAY WKND WEEK 200 185 240 600 65 60 72 195 55 50 62 165 55 50 62 165 50 55 65 180 55 50 62 165 55 50 62 165 55 50 62 165 70 55 90 215 55 50 62 165 70 55 90 215 70 65 75 210 70 65 75 210 70 65 75 210 85 80 95 250 70 65 75 210 70 65 75 210 70 65 75 210 70 65 75 210 70 65 75 210 85 80 95 250 250 195 295 740 28 28 30 30 84 84 | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 13 1 CONTENTS 26 26 LENSES DIGITAL CINEMA LENSES – CONT’ Zeiss CZ.2 70-200 T2.9 Cine Zoom (EF or PL) Zeiss 15mm T2.9 EF or PL Mount CP2 Lens Zeiss 18mm T3.6 EF or PL Mount CP2 Lens Zeiss 21mm T2.9 EF or PL Mount CP2 Lens Zeiss 25mm T2.1 EF or PL Mount CP2 Lens Zeiss 28mm T2.1 EF or PL Mount CP2 Lens Zeiss 35mm T2.1 EF or PL Mount CP2 Lens Zeiss 50mm T2.1 EF or PL Mount CP2 Lens Zeiss 50mm T2.1 Makro EF or PL Mount CP2 Lens Zeiss 85mm T2.1 EF or PL Mount CP2 Lens Zeiss 100mm T2.1 Close Focus EF or PL Mount Zeiss 35mm T1.5 EF or PL Superspeed CP.2 Zeiss 50mm T1.5 EF or PL Superspeed CP.2 Zeiss 85mm T1.5 EF or PL Superspeed CP.2 Zeiss 135mm T2.1 EF or PL CP2 Lens Zeiss Distagon 18mm T1.3 Superspeed Zeiss Distagon 25mm T1.3 Superspeed Zeiss Distagon 35mm T1.3 Superspeed Zeiss Distagon 50mm T1.3 Superspeed Zeiss Distagon 85mm T1.3 Superspeed Zeiss Distagon 135mm T2.1 Prime Lens Zeiss LWZ.2 15.5-45mm/T2.6 Zoom LENSES – CANON 1 CONTENTS LENSES CANON LENSES – CONT’ Canon 20mm/2.8 EF Canon 24mm/1.4 L II Canon 24mm/2.8 EF Canon 28mm/1.8 EF Canon 28mm/2.8 EF Canon 35mm/1.4 L Canon 35mm/2.0 EF Canon 50mm/1.2 L Canon 50mm/1.4 Canon 50mm/2.5 Macro Lens Canon 60mm/2.8 Macro EF-S Canon 65mm/2.8 MP-E Canon 85mm/1.2 L II Canon 85mm/1.8 Canon 100mm/2.0 EF Canon 100mm/2.8l Macro IS Canon 135mm/2.0 L Canon 180mm/3.5 L Macro Canon 200mm/2.0 L IS USM Lens Canon 200mm/2.8 L II Canon 300mm/2.8 IS L II USM Canon 300mm/2.8 IS L Canon 300mm/4 L Canon 400mm/2.8 IS L Canon 600mm/4 IS L Canon 17mm/4l TS-E 14 DAY+DAYWKNDWEEK 15 12 20 47 22 20 23 65 10 8 13 31 15 12 19 46 9 6 11 26 21 20 23 64 10 7 12 29 25 21 32 78 10 8 13 31 10 8 13 31 14 12 18 44 22 19 28 69 32 28 37 97 12 9 15 36 15 12 19 46 20 17 23 60 20 15 25 60 23 20 26 69 65 60 70 195 19 16 23 58 75 70 80 225 50 45 55 150 24 21 26 71 90 77 110 277 150 125 175 450 454248135 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS PEACE OF MIND IN A BLUE CASE. • LATEST CINE EQUIPMENT RENT BEST PRICES QUALITY CONTROL PRO SUPPORT NATIONWIDE SHIPPING assurance PROFESSIONAL CINE EQUIPMENT RENTAL ARC’s Blue Case symbolizes the highest standard in professional cine equipment backed by the best pricing, quality assurance and support. You can rent with the peace of mind that the gear you receive will make you and your producers happy. ADORAMARENTAL.COM | 212- 627- 8487 | 42 W 18 ST 6FL NYC 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS LENSES – CANON – CANON MOUNT ZEISS ZE LENSES CANON LENSES – CONT’ Canon 24mm/3.5 L TS-E II Canon 45mm/2.8 TS-E Canon 90mm/2.8 TS-E Canon 8-15mm/4 L Fisheye Zoom Canon 10-22mm/3.5-4.5 EF-S Canon 16-35mm/2.8 L II Canon 17-55mm/2.8 EF-S IS Canon 17-85mm/4.5-5.6 IS EF-S Canon 24-70mm/2.8 L II Canon 24-105mm/4 L IS Canon 28-135mm/3.5-5.6 EF IS Canon 28-200mm/3.5-5.6 EF Canon 28-300mm 3.5-5.6 L Canon 70-200mm/2.8 IS L II Canon 70-200mm/4l IS Canon 100-400mm/4.5-5.6 L IS Canon 200-400mm/4.0 L IS Built In 1.4X CANON MOUNT ZEISS ZE LENSES Zeiss 15mm/2.8 Distagon T* ZE Lens Zeiss 18mm/3.5 Distagon T* ZE Lens Zeiss 21mm/2.8 Distagon T* ZE Lens Zeiss 25mm/2.0 Distagon T* ZE Lens Zeiss 28mm/2.0 Distagon T* ZE Lens Zeiss 35mm/2.0 Distagon T* ZE Lens Zeiss 35mm/1.4 Distagon T* ZE Lens 16 DAY+DAYWKNDWEEK 35 30 40 105 242226 72 252227 74 28 26 30 84 16 13 19 48 24 22 26 72 21 18 23 62 16 13 19 48 32 30 34 96 32 30 34 96 15 12 17 44 15 12 17 44 30 28 35 93 36 32 40 108 17 14 19 50 25 21 32 78 150 125 175 450 50 30 35 28 27 22 28 45 26 30 24 23 18 24 55 38 43 35 35 27 35 150 94 108 87 85 67 87 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS CANON MOUNT ZEISS ZE – NIKON – LENSES NIKON LENSES Nikon 10.5mm/2.8 Fisheye ED DX Nikon 14mm/2.8 D Nikon 16mm/2.8 D Fisheye Nikon 18mm/2.8 D Nikon 20mm/2.8 D Nikon 24mm/1.4G Ed Nikon 24mm/2.8 D Nikon 24mm/3.5 PC-E Nikkor Aspherical Nikon 28mm/2.8 NIKON 35/1.4 G Nikon 35mm/2 Nikon 45mm/2.8 PC-E Micro Nikon 50/1.4G Nikon 50mm/1.4 D Nikon 60mm/2.8G ED AFS Micro Nikon 85mm/1.4 D Nikon 85mm/1.4 G Afs Nikon 85mm/1.8 D Nikon 85mm/2.8D PC-E Nikon 105mm/2.8 G ED VR Micro DAY +DAY WKND WEEK 18 15 23 56 30 26 38 94 28 24 35 87 38 33 45 116 18 15 23 56 24 22 26 72 18 17 19 54 24 22 26 72 16 13 20 49 25 23 27 75 13 10 17 40 23 21 25 69 9 6 11 26 30 28 32 90 131017 40 21 20 23 64 12 10 15 37 10 8 13 31 15 12 18 45 24 22 26 72 26 24 28 78 14 12 18 44 23 21 25 69 20 18 23 61 | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 1 CONTENTS 17 LENSES CANON MOUNT ZEISS ZE LENSES – CONT’ Zeiss 50mm/1.4 Planar T* ZE Lens Zeiss 50mm/2.0 Makro Planar T* ZE Lens Zeiss 85mm/1.4 Planar T* ZE Lens Zeiss 100mm/2.0 Makro Planar T* ZE Lens 1 CONTENTS LENSES – NIKON – NIKON MOUNT ZEISS ZF LENSES NIKON LENSES – CONT’ Nikon 135mm/2.0D AF DC Nikon 300mm/2.8 G-ED VR Nikon 400mm/2.8G AF-S VR Nikon 12-24mm/4 G DX Nikon 14-24mm/2.8 G ED Nikon 16-35mm/4.0 VR NIKON 17-35MM/2.8D Nikon 17-55mm/2.8 DX Nikon 18-70mm/3.5-5.6 ED DX Nikon 18-105mm/3.5-5.6 DX NIkon 18-200mm/3.5-5.6 G ED DX Nikon 24-70mm/2.8G ED-IF AF-S Nikon 24-120mm/4.0 ED Nikon 70-200mm 2.8 VR Lens II Nikon 80-400/4.5-5.6 VR NIKON 200-400/4.0G VR II NIKON MOUNT ZEISS ZF LENSES Zeiss 15mm/2.8 Distagon T* ZF.2 Lens Zeiss 18mm/3.5 Distagon T* ZF.2 Lens Zeiss 28mm/2.0 Distagon T* ZF.2 Lens Zeiss 35mm/2.0 Distagon T* ZF.2 Lens Zeiss 35mm/1.4 Distagon T* ZF.2 Lens Zeiss 50mm/1.4 Planar T* ZF.2 Lens Zeiss 85mm/1.4 Planar T* ZF.2 Lens Zeiss 100mm/2.0 Makro Planar T* ZF.2 Lens 18 DAY+DAYWKNDWEEK 24 22 26 72 48 42 50 140 105 98 113 316 20 17 26 63 28 26 30 84 242226 72 26 24 28 78 24 22 26 72 14 13 15 42 10 8 12 30 20 18 22 60 24 22 26 72 16 13 20 49 35 30 40 105 242226 72 85 80 90 255 50 30 27 22 28 18 28 38 45 26 23 18 24 15 24 33 55 38 35 27 35 23 35 45 150 94 85 67 87 56 87 116 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS FUJI XF – LEICA M – MICRO 4/3 – HASSELBLAD H – LENSES DAY +DAY WKND WEEK 20 18 22 60 25 22 28 75 15 13 17 45 15 13 17 45 18 16 20 54 LEICA M LENSES Leica 28mm/2.8 Elmarit-M Aspherical Lens 50 40 60 Leica 35mm/2.0 Summicron-M Aspherical Lens 65 55 75 Leica 50mm/1.4 Summilux-M Aspherical Lens 65 55 75 Leica 50mm/0.95 Noctilux-M Aspherical Lens 125 110 150 150 195 195 385 MICRO 4/3 LENSES Panasonic 14mm 2.5 Lens F/Micro 4/3 15 13 17 Panasonic 7-14mm F4 F/Micro 4/3 20 18 22 Panasonic 12-35/2.8 ASP F/Micro 4/3 22 20 24 Voigtlandr Nokton 17.5 F/0.95 Micro 4/3 22 20 24 Voigtlander Nokton 25 F/0.95 Micro 4/3 22 20 24 45 60 66 66 66 HASSELBLAD H SERIES LENSES HCD Series 28mm F4 (for H4D & H4X Only) H Series 35mm F3.5 H Series 50mm F3.5 H Series 80mm F2.8 H Series 100mm F2.8 H Series 120 Macro F4 80 50 45 35 50 60 215 135 120 90 135 165 | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 19 1 CONTENTS 70 45 40 30 45 55 65 40 35 25 40 50 LENSES FUJI XF LENSES Fuji XF 18-55/2.8-4 (27.4-83.8mm) Zoom Lens Fuji XF 14mm/2.8 (21mm) Lens Fuji XF 18mm/2.0 (27mm) Lens Fuji XF 35mm/1.4 (53mm) Lens Fuji XF 60mm/2.4 (90mm) Lens 1 CONTENTS LENSES – HASSELBLAD H – HASSELBLAD V – PHASE ONE – SCHNEIDER LEAF LENSES HASSELBLAD H SERIES LENSES – CONT’ H Series 150mm F3.2 H Series 210mm F4 HCD Series 35-90mm F4-5.6 (for H4D & H4X Only) H Series 50-110mm F3.5-4.5 DAY +DAY WKND WEEK 45 40 50 135 40 35 50 125 105 95 115 315 70 65 80 215 HASSELBLAD V SERIES LENSES Hasselblad 40mm/4 CFE Hasselblad 50mm/4 CFI Hasselblad 60mm/3.5 CB Hasselblad 60mm/3.5 CFI Hasselblad 80mm/2.8 CFE Hasselblad 100mm/3.5 CFI Hasselblad 120mm/4 CFI Makro Hasselblad 150mm/4 CFI Hasselblad 180mm/4 CFI 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 PHASE ONE LENSES Digital 35mm/3.5 AF Digital 150mm/2.8 AF 302535 90 454050135 SCHNEIDER LEAF SHUTTER LENSES Schneider 55mm/2.8 LS for Phase 645DF System Schneider 80mm/2.8 LS for Phase 645DF System Schneider 110mm/2.8 LS for Phase 645DF System Schneider 120mm/4.0 Macro LS for Phase 645DF System Schneider 150mm/3.5 LS for Phase 645DF System 50 45 55 150 35 30 40 105 55 50 65 160 454050135 45 40 50 135 20 25 18 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 35 22 22 25 25 25 25 25 25 90 60 57 60 60 60 60 60 60 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS TRIPODS & HEADS for VIDEO – CAMERA SUPPORT | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 1 CONTENTS 21 CAMERA SUPPORT CAMERA SUPPORT – DAY +DAYWKNDWEEK TRIPODS & HEADS – VIDEO O’Connor 2575D Mitchell Fluid Head 105 95 110 310 O’Connor 2575 with Standards, Babies, Hi-Hat 130 102 138 370 O’Connor 1030DS Video Tripod with Fluid Head 65 60 75 200 O’Connor 2060 Mitchell Head 90 80 95 265 Ronford Baker Standard Legs with Spreader 28 26 30 84 Ronford Baker Baby Legs 28 26 30 84 Sachtler Cine 30 150mm Video Tripod with Fluid Head908095265 Sachtler SB-20 Video Tripod with Fluid Head 60 55 65 180 Sachtler DV-18 SB Video Tripod with Fluid Head 40 36 44 120 Sachtler DV-10 SB Video Tripod with Fluid Head 35 32 40 105 Sachtler FSB-4 Video Tripod with Fluid Head 25 20 28 73 Sachtler 150mm Carbon Fiber Legs 20 18 22 60 Sachtler 150mm Baby Legs 28 26 30 84 Sachtler 100mm Baby Legs 12 8 15 35 Manfrotto 546B/504HD Video Tripod with Fluid Head 25 20 28 73 Manfrotto 562B-1 QR Video Monopod 10 8 12 30 Manfrotto 509HD 100mm Fluid Head 10 9 12 31 Manfrotto 701HDV Video Fluid Head 5 4 6 15 Manfrotto 502HD Video Head 7 6 8 21 Induro 100mm DR Hi-Hat Table Top Tripod Set 10 8 12 30 Induro 75mm DR Hi-Hat Table Top Tripod Set 10 8 12 30 Mitchell Hi Hat 8 6 10 24 Mitchell Lo Hat 10 8 12 20 150mm Hi Hat 10 8 12 30 100mm Hi Hat 10 8 12 30 1 CONTENTS CAMERA SUPPORT – TRIPODS & HEADS for VIDEO & STILL – CAMERA RIGS CAMERA SUPPORT TRIPODS & HEADS – VIDEO – CONT’ 75 mm Hi Hat Cartoni Lambda 2-Axis Head Cartoni Spinhead Tango Swing System Mark II TRIPODS & HEADS – STILL Gitzo GT4330 LS Tripod with Geared Column Gitzo Laptop Platform Gitzo Long Side Arm Bogen 3058 Tripod Bogen 057 Carbon Fiber 4 Section Tripod Bogen 680B Monopod Bogen 055XDB Tripod Bogen 190CX Pro Carbon Tripod Bogen 484 Mini Ball Head Arca Swiss Mono Ball Head with QR Plate Manfrotto 303 Plus Panoramic Head Manfrotto 405 Pro Digital Geared QR Head Bogen 410 Compact Geared Head with QR Plate Bogen 804RC2 QR Head Manfrotto 808RC4 Pan-Tilt Tripod Head DAY +DAY WKND WEEK 10 8 12 30 140 120 150 410 806590235 70 65 75 210 15 7 8 12 15 6 9 9 4 10 15 10 7 5 7 14 6 6 9 13 4 8 8 3 9 12 9 6 4 6 15 8 10 16 18 8 12 10 5 12 18 12 8 6 8 44 21 24 37 45 21 29 27 12 31 45 31 21 15 21 CAMERA RIGS O’Connor O-Grips Hand Held System 28 25 30 83 Redrock Micro “Eyespy” Handheld Rig with Follow Focus 554565165 Redrock Micro “Event” Compact Handheld Rig 45 40 50 135 22 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS CAMERA RIGS – MOBILITY – CAMERA SUPPORT MOBILITY Losmandy “Traveler” Porta-Jib with Legs, 100mm Fluid Head 100 95110 305 Losmandy Standard Porta-Jib 125 118 132 375 Ronford Baker Rolling Spreader 20 18 26 64 Cineped “Next Gen Tripod” 3.5’ Slider with Quattro 95 82 105 285 Cinevate Atlas 10 Flt 35” Slider w/Manfrotto 701 Fluid Head302535 95 Cinevate Atlas 30 35” Slider w/Manfrotto 502 Fluid Head 555065165 Cinevate Atlas 30 58” Slider w/Manfrotto 502 Fluid Head 757080225 Cinevate Atlas 200 48” Slider w/Manfrotto 509 100mm Fluid Head 95 85105 285 Cinevate Atlas 200 58” Slider w/Manfrotto 509 100mm Fluid Head125115135 375 Easyrig Mini-S F/Cam 8.8-13.2lb 45 53 52 135 Easyrig-3 400N F/Cam 17-22lb 65 50 80 195 Easyrig-3 500N F/Cam 22-30lb 65 50 80 195 Easyrig-3 600N F/Cam 26-35lb 65 50 80 195 Easyrig-3 700N F/Cam 33-44lb 65 50 80 195 Steadicam Pilot Stabilizer Sled, Vest, Arm & LCD Monitor 230210250 690 Steadicam Zephyr Stabilizer Sled, Vest, Arm & LCD Monitor 3953754251195 Matthews 4-Way Doorway Dolly Kit 70 65 75 210 | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 1 CONTENTS 23 CAMERA SUPPORT CAMERA RIGS – CONT’ DAY+DAYWKNDWEEK Shape BP8000 Baseplate and Handgrips 50 38 56 150 Element Technica “Mantis” Handheld Rig 45 42 52 139 Wooden Camera Pocket Cinema Cage & Gold Mount Rig 54 42 60 150 CAS Spider Grips 28 25 30 83 1 CONTENTS ADORAMARENTAL.COM | 212 - 627- 8487 ADORAMA RENTAL CO ACCESSORIES... 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS VIDEO RECORDERS – MEDIA & READERS – CAMERA ACCESSORIES MEDIA & READERS Sandisk 64GB Extreme Pro CF Card 90MB/s Sandisk 32GB Extreme Pro CF Card 90Mb/s Sandisk 32GB Extreme CF Card 60Mb/s Sandisk 16GB Extreme CF Card 60Mb/s Sandisk 8GB Extreme CF Card 60Mb/s Sandisk 64GB SD Card Extremepro 95Mb/s Sandisk 32GB SD Card Extremepro 95Mb/s Sandisk 32GB SD Card 30MB/s Sandisk 16GB SD Card 30MB/s Sandisk 8GB SD Card Extremepro 95Mb/s Sandisk 8GB SD Card 30Mb/s Sandisk 32GB SDHC Card 30MB/s Sandisk 16GB SDHC Card Extreme Pro 95Mb/s Sandisk 16GB SDHC Card 30MB/s Transcend 16GB SDHC Card Sony SXS 64GB Memory Card Sony SXS 32GB Memory Card Sony SXS 16GB Memory Card DAY +DAYWKNDWEEK 135 120 150 400 50 42 56 150 550 495 595 1640 250 195 300 750 105 95 125 300 20 16 13 12 5 13 9 9 8 4 5 12 6 9 9 45 35 30 53 37 30 30 12 31 21 24 21 9 12 31 15 24 24 123 90 75 | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 25 1 CONTENTS 18 12 10 10 4 10 7 8 7 3 4 10 5 8 8 35 30 25 15 9 7 8 3 8 5 7 6 2 3 9 4 7 7 43 25 20 CAMERA ACCESSORIES CAMERA ACCESSORIES – VIDEO RECORDERS AJA Ki Pro Quad 4K Solid State Recorder Atomos Ninja 2 Recorder Codex S Plus Onboard Raw Recorder Convergent Design Odyssey 7Q Monitor/Recorder Sound Devices PIX 240i SSD Recorder/Monitor 1 CONTENTS CAMERA ACCESSORIES – MEDIA & READERS – MONITOR & CONVERTER CAMERA ACCESSORIES MEDIA & READERS – CONT’ Sony 128GB Flash Memory Card Red 1.8” SSD Redmag 512GB Red 1.8” SSD Redmag 256GB Red 1.8” SSD Redmag 128GB Red 1.8” SSD Redmag 64GB Convergent 1.8” SSD for Gemini 4:4:4 256GB Convergent 1.8” SSD for Gemini 4:4:4 512GB Lexar USB2/3 Dual Slot Reader UDMA7 Sony Single SXS Card Reader Sonnet SXS Thunderbolt Card Reader DAY +DAY WKND WEEK 20 18 26 64 125 115 150 390 90 75 95 260 50 48 65 163 45 40 50 135 40 35 45 120 70 65 75 210 3 2 4 9 10 8 12 30 10 8 12 30 MONITORS & CONVERTERS Small HD DP6-SDI 5.6” Monitor TV Logic VFM-056 5.6” HDMI/SDI Monitor TV Logic LVM-074W 7.4” HDMI/SDI Monitor Small HD AC7-SDI 7.7” OLED Monitor Panasonic Bt-Lh910 9” Monitor Kit Panasonic Bt Lh1710 17” Hd Monitor W/ Hood Panasonic BT LH1760 17” HD Monitor with Hood Sony OLED PVM1741 17” Monitor Sony OLED PVM2541 25” Monitor Sony OLED BVME250 25” Monitor FSI CM-171 17” 1080 10-Bit LCD Monitor FSI CM-240 24” 1080 10-Bit LCD Monitor Blackmagic HDMI to SDI Converter Kit Blackmagic SDI-Analog Down Converter 35 75 75 50 75 75 90 120 185 405 90 125 25 25 26 28 60 58 43 58 65 70 105 170 370 70 100 20 22 42 105 85 225 100 233 54 147 100 233 99 225 120 280 145 370 205 560 475 1250 120 280 140 365 30 75 28 75 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS MONITOR & CONVERTER - MATTEBOX & FOLLOW FOCUS - RAIN COVER - CAMERA ACCESSORIES DAY +DAY WKND WEEK 40 35 45 120 90 70 120 280 45 40 50 135 MATTEBOXES & FOLLOW FOCUS Arri MMB-2 4x5 Lightweight Mattebox Kit Arri LMB15 4x5 2-Stage Clip-On Mattebox Kit Arri LMB15 4x5 3-Stage Clip-On Mattebox Kit Arri MB20 3-Stage 19mm Studio Mattebox Arri MB28 6x6 3-Stage 19mm Mattebox O’Connor 4x5.65 2-Stage O-Box Mattebox Alphatron 4x4 Studio/Clip-On Mattebox Chrosziel 4x5 Studio/Clip-On Mattebox Arri FF5 Follow Focus with Whip & Crank Redrock Micro Follow Focus Kit with 4 Gears Redrock Micro 12” Focusing Whip Digi Fox 1 Channel Wireless Lens System Preston Microforce Zoom Control with Motor Preston Digital Microforce with Motor Arri WCU3 3 Channel Wireless Lens System Preston Wireless FIZ3 Preston Single Channel G4 Wireless Focus System C.E. Cinetape Lens Measuring System 32 28 35 95 32 30 35 97 32 30 35 97 50 45 52 147 85 80 90 255 32 28 35 95 25 20 30 75 32 30 35 97 32 30 35 97 18 15 20 53 7 5 9 21 90 82 95 267 62 58 65 185 100 88 115 300 210 195 225 630 210175240 630 125 112 140 375 115 95 130 340 RAIN COVERS Camrade Camera Rain Covers 12 30 | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 10 27 1 CONTENTS 8 CAMERA ACCESSORIES MONITORS & CONVERTERS – CONT’ Blackmagic HDLink Optical Fiber IDX CamWave Gold Mount HDSDI Wireless Canon WFT-E6A with iPad 1 CONTENTS CAMERA ACCESSORIES – VIEW FINDERS – GLASS FILTERS – METERS & TRIGGERS VIEW FINDERS Alphatron 3.5” SDI/HDMI EVF Zacuto Z-Finder 3x Gorilla Finder for 3.2” DSLR Zacuto Z-Finder Pro 3x with Gorilla Plate DAY +DAY WKND WEEK 40 35 45 120 15 13 18 46 15 13 18 46 CAMERA ACCESSORIES GLASS FILTERS 4x4 Filters Various Types (Each) 4x5.6 Filters Various Types (Each) 6.6x6.6 Standard Filters (Each) Geared Circular Polarizer in 4x5.65 Tray 4.5” Diopters (Each) 138mm Diopters (Each) 6” Diopters (Each) Geared Circular Polarizer in 6.6x6.6 Tray 8 9 10 18 9 10 18 25 METERS & TRIGGERS Minolta Auto Meter V F Minolta Color Meter IIIF Sekonic Litemaster Pro L-478DR Meter Sekonic L-358 Meter Sekonic L-558R Meter Sekonic L-758DR Meter with Radio Trigger Sekonic L-778 Meter Pocket Wizard Plus III Transceiver Pocket Wizard Canon Motor Drive Pretrigger Release Profoto Air Remote 10 8 12 30 18 17 19 54 12 10 14 36 10 8 12 30 10 8 12 30 12 10 14 36 10 8 12 30 7 6 8 21 7 6 8 21 141215 41 28 6 8 9 16 8 8 16 22 9 10 12 20 10 12 20 28 20 25 32 54 25 30 54 75 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS CANON – CAMERA ACCESSORIES DAY +DAY WKND WEEK 20 18 24 60 15 12 20 47 7 6 8 21 8 6 10 24 8 6 10 24 10 8 12 30 10 8 12 30 10 8 12 30 7 6 8 21 7 6 8 21 5 4 6 15 3 2 4 9 4 3 5 12 4 3 5 12 10 8 10 28 10 8 10 28 8 6 10 24 10 8 13 31 12 9 16 37 25 22 27 74 3 2 4 9 4 3 5 12 4 3 5 12 4 3 4 11 | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 1 CONTENTS 29 CAMERA ACCESSORIES CANON ACCESSORIES Canon Speedlite 600EX-RT Canon Speedlite 580EX II Canon 220EX Flash Canon Extension Tube EF12 Canon Extension Tube EF25 Canon Extender 1.4x II Canon Extender 2x II Canon Extender 2x III Canon LP-E4 Battery for 1DS Mark III, 1D MKIV Canon LP-E4N Battery for 1DX and 1DC Canon LP-E6 Battery for 5D MKIII, 5D MKII & 7D Canon LP-E8 Battery for Rebel T3i Canon Off-Camera Shoe Cord 3 Canon Remote Switch Canon ST-E2 Speedlight Transmitter Canon ST-E3-RT Speedlight Transmitter Canon Timer Remote Controller TC-80N3 Canon BG-E7 Battery Grip for Canon 7D Canon BG-E11 Battery Grip for Canon 5D Mk III Lens Baby Composer Canon Diffusion Cap for 580 EX II Gary Fong Light Sphere Clear for Canon 580EXII Gary Fong Light Sphere Cloud for Canon 580EXII Stroboframe Quickflip 350 1 CONTENTS CAMERA ACCESSORIES – NIKON – HASSELBLAD CAMERA ACCESSORIES NIKON ACCESSORIES Nikon SB 910 Flash Nikon SB 900 Flash Nikon MB-D12, Multi-Power Battery Grip for D800 Nikon AF-S 1.4X Teleconverter TC-14EII Nikon AF-S 1.7X Teleconverter TC-17E II Nikon SC-29 Off-Camera Shoe Cord Nikon D4 Battery EN-EL18 Battery Nikon D3/D3X Battery EN-EL4A Nikon EN-EL15 Battery for D800/7100 HASSELBLAD ACCESSORIES H Series Rechargable Grip H Series Ext H13mm H Series Ext H26mm H Series Ext H52mm H Series Waist Level Finder Hasselblad H Remote Cable Release Hasselblad Winder CW Hasselblad IR Remote Control for Winder Hasselblad Pro Shade 6093T Hasselblad 16E Ext Tube Hasselblad 32E Ext Tube Hasselblad 56 Ext Tube Hasselblad PM 45 Deg Prism 30 DAY +DAY WKND WEEK 18 15 23 56 15 12 17 44 15 13 19 47 11 10 12 33 10 8 12 30 5 4 7 16 7 6 8 21 7 6 8 21 5 4 6 15 10 8 12 30 12 10 14 36 14 13 15 42 12 10 14 36 10 8 12 30 5 4 7 16 151320 48 10 7 13 30 9 7 10 26 10 8 12 30 10 8 12 30 10 8 10 28 15 13 20 48 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS AUDIO!!! ADORAMARENTAL.COM | 212 - 627- 8487 ADORAMA RENTAL CO 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS AUDIO – RECORDERS & MIXERS – MICS – SLATES – AUDIO ACCESSORIES AUDIO – RECORDERS & MIXERS Sound Devices 702T Digital Recorder Sound Devices 302 Sound Mixer Zoom H4N SD Digital Handy Recorder Zoom H6 Handy Recorder DAY +DAYWKNDWEEK AUDIO 60 28 12 26 55 23 10 20 65 36 15 34 180 80 37 80 MICS Sennheiser G3 Wireless Lav Kit with ME 2 Mic Sennheiser G3 Wireless Lav Kit with Tram TR50 Mic Sennheiser G3 Wireless Handheld EW300 Mic Kit Sennheiser ME 66 Shot-Gun Mic Sennheiser MKH 416 Shot-Gun Mic Sennheiser MKH 418 Stereo Shotgun Mic Sennheiser MKE 400 DSLR Shotgun Mic 25 28 25 15 21 28 12 18 25 19 10 18 25 10 32 35 32 20 25 32 15 75 88 76 45 64 84 37 SLATES Denecke TS-C Timecode Slate Don Earl Standard Slate Denecke SB-T Timecode Lock Box 30 8 35 25 6 30 35 10 40 90 24 105 AUDIO ACCESSORIES K-Tek Microphone 31”- 9’ Cabled Boom Pole 3 Pin XLR Rode Blimp System for ME-66 and MKH 416 Mics Sennheiser HD280 Pro Headphones 10 812 30 10 7 13 30 8 6 10 25 32 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS COMPUTER – MONITOR – EXT. BATTERIES – CALIBRATOR – PRESENTATION DAY +DAYWKNDWEEK 245225265 745 105 85 135 325 75 70 80 225 65 60 70 195 125 110 140 375 25 20 30 75 15 14 18 47 10 8 12 30 18 15 20 53 18 15 20 53 | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 1 CONTENTS 33 PRESENTATION PRESENTATION – Epson Powerlite W17 2800 Lumen Projector 50 45 55 150 Epson Powerlite 8350 HD LCD Projector Kit (2000 Lumens) 504555150 Infocus LCD Projector (3200 Lumen) 70 60 75 205 Infocus LCD Projector with Speakers (3200 Lumens) 80 70 90 240 Dalite Projection Screen 60” 14 13 15 42 COMPUTERS COMPUTERS – LAPTOPS – MONITORS – EXTERNAL BATTERIES – CALIBRATORS Apple Mac Pro 8-Core Two 2.4 Ghz Quad Core Intel Xeon Apple Mac Book Pro 15” Retina Display Eizo CG243W 24” Monitor Apple LED Cinema Display 24” Eizo 30” Monitor Versa Battery (for Laptop) X-Rite i1 Pro Monitor Calibrator Apple Thunderbolt Cable Wacom Intuos4 Medium Tablet Wacom Intuos5 8.8”X5.5” Tablet 1 CONTENTS LIGHTING! ADORAMARENTAL.COM | 212 - 627- 8487 ADORAMA RENTAL CO 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS CONTINUOUS LIGHTS – LIGHTING LIGHTING – CONTINUOUS LIGHTS – CINEO Cineo TruColor LS Phosphor LED Cineo TruColor HS Phosphor LED 55 70 50 65 60 75 165 210 CONTINUOUS LIGHTS – LITEPANELS Litepanels 1x1 Bi-Color Litepanels 1x1 Bi-Focus Litepanels AB Battery Adapter Plate for 1x1 Lights Litepanels/Anton Bauer Battery Kit for 1x1 Lights Litepanels Croma Litepanels Micro Pro Lite Panel Litepanels Grid Set (4) for 1x1 Fixture Litepanels Barndoors for 1x1 Fixture 50 50 5 45 22 15 20 10 42 42 4 42 20 13 18 8 58 58 6 50 25 18 25 12 150 150 15 137 66 46 63 30 75 105 65 85 95 115 225 315 CONTINUOUS LIGHTS – JOKER Joker 1600 Bug Kit Joker 800 Bug Kit Joker 400 Bug Kit Joker 200 Bug Kit Zoom Beamer Kit for Joker 1600 Big Eye 24” Fresnel Kit Joker 400 Slimverter 165 155 175 125 110 145 90 75 115 70 60 80 25 20 30 25 20 30 25 23 27 495 380 280 210 75 75 75 | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 35 1 CONTENTS LIGHTING CONTINUOUS LIGHTS – FiiLEX Fiilex K301 3 LED Light Interview Kit (No Batteries) Fiilex K301 3 LED Light Interview Kit (with Batteries) 1 CONTENTS LIGHTING – CONTINUOUS LIGHTS CONTINUOUS LIGHTS – JOKER – CONT’ Joker Battery Belt K5600 Soft Tube for Joker 400 DAY+DAYWKNDWEEK 50 46 56 150 30 25 35 90 CONTINUOUS LIGHTS – KINO FLO Includes Daylight Bulbs,Tungsten Bulbs and Stand LIGHTING 4’ x 4 Bulb Kino Fixture 4’ x 2 Bulb Kino Fixture 4’ x 1 Bulb Kino Fixture 2’ x 4 Bulb Kino Fixture 2’ x 2 Bulb Kino Fixture 2’ x 1 Bulb Kino Fixture Mini Flo 9” Fixture (Kit of 2) Kino Tegra Bank (4x4 Bulb) Kino Flo Diva Lite 400 Fixture (2x4 Bulb) Kino Flo Diva Lite 200 Fixture (2x2 Bulb) Kino Barfly 200 Fixture Kino Flathead 80 Fixture Kino Image 85 Fixture Kino Parabeam 400 Kino Vistabeam 600 (Daylight Bulbs Only) Kino Celeb 200 LED CONTINUOUS LIGHTS – NILA Boxer Daylight LED Kit Varsa Daylight LED Kit 36 50 45 55 50 45 55 50 45 55 40 35 45 40 35 45 45 40 50 25 20 30 60 55 65 50 45 55 25 20 30 35 30 40 90 80 100 90 80 100 80 70 90 125 115 135 70 65 75 70 50 65 45 75 55 150 150 150 120 120 135 75 180 150 75 105 270 270 240 375 210 210 150 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS CONTINUOUS LIGHTS – LIGHTING CONTINUOUS LIGHTS – DEDOLIGHT DAY+DAYWKNDWEEK Dedolight 3 Lens DP1 Kit 30 25 35 90 Dedolight 150W Dimmable Zoom Spot 3 Lite Kit 60 45 75 180 Dedolight 150W Dimmable Zoom Spot 1 Lite Kit 20 15 25 60 Dedolight DP1 Optical Attachment with Iris & Cutters 10 8 12 30 CONTINUOUS LIGHTS – ARRI Arri M18 1.8 HMI Kit Arri 200W Pocket Par Kit Arri 125W Pocket Par Kit Arri L7-C Kit 220 200 240 125 110 140 95 85 105 70 65 75 CONTINUOUS LIGHTS – MOLE RICHARDSON Mole 1.2/1.8 HMI Par Mole 2K Baby Jr Fresnel Mole 2K Tungsten Par Mole 2K Mighty Openface Mole 2K Zip/Softlite Mole 1K Nooklite Mole 1K Micky Openface Mole 1K Zip/Softlite Mole 1K Baby Fresnel Mole 650W Teenie Openface Mole 650W Tweenie Fresnel Mole 650 Nooklite MOLE 300W BETWEENIE Mole 200W Inky Fresnel 160 150 170 480 27 25 29 81 55 50 60 165 25 22 28 75 25 22 28 75 20 18 22 60 20 18 22 60 20 18 22 60 24 21 26 72 15 13 17 45 16 13 20 49 15 13 17 45 15 13 18 45 12 11 13 36 1 CONTENTS 37 LIGHTING | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 660 375 285 210 1 CONTENTS LIGHTING – CONTINUOUS LIGHTS – STROBES CONTINUOUS LIGHTS – SOURCE FOUR Source Four Leko (Available in 375, 575 & 750W) Leko 19 Degree Lens Leko 26 Degree Lens Leko 36 Degree Lens Leko 50 Degree Lens Source Four Par (Available in 375, 575 & 750W) DAY +DAY WKND WEEK 20 18 22 60 7 6 8 21 7 6 8 21 7 6 8 21 7 6 8 21 12 10 14 36 LIGHTING CONTINUOUS LIGHTS – PROFOTO Profoto Pro Tungsten Air 1000W 25 20 30 75 CONTINUOUS LIGHTS – LOWEL Rifa LC-55EX 500W Light (21” x 21”) Rifa LC-66EX 750W Light (25” x 25”) Rifa LC-88EX 1000W Light (32” x 32”) 35 40 45 30 35 40 40 45 50 105 120 135 CONTINUOUS LIGHTS – CHIMERA Chimera Triolet with Small Bank Chimera Triolet with Medium Bank Chimera Triolet with Large Bank 25 35 45 20 30 40 28 38 48 73 103 133 75 45 40 35 70 40 35 30 80 50 45 40 225 135 120 105 STROBES – PROFOTO Kits include Pack, Head, Refl, Syncs, Stand & Umbrella Profoto Pro 8A Air 2400 W/S Kit Profoto Pro 7A 1200 W/S Kit Profoto Acute 2R 2400 W/S Kit Profoto Acute 2R 1200 W/S Kit 38 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS Shoot like a pro without spending like one. DON’T JUST WISH, • RENT PROFESSIONAL CINE, VIDEO & PHOTO EQUIPMENT RENTAL CAMER AS L ARRI ALE X A & AMIR A • RED DR AGON, EPIC & SCARLET • SONY F55 / F5 Z 10 0 / F S 7 0 0 / P M W 3 0 0 & P M W 2 0 0 • C A N O N C 5 0 0 / C 3 0 0 / C 10 0 / 1D C / X F 10 5 BLACKMAGIC • PHASE ONE iQ 260 / iQ 180 / iQ 140 • CANON 1DX / 5D MKIII / 6D / 7D / 70D NIKON D4 / D8 0 0 / D6 0 0 • LEICA SONY and FUJI DIGITAL R ANGEFINDERS L E N S E S L A R R I U LT R A P R I M E S / A R R I F U J I N O N A L U R A S / A N G E N I E U X O P T I M O S CANON CINE PRIMES & ZOOMS • COOKE S4 & MINI S4 • ZEISS CP2 / LWZ2 / ZE / ZF.2 LEICA M • NIKON PRIMES & ZOOMS • CAMER A ACCESSORIES L T V LOGIC, SMALL HD, F S I , S O N Y a n d PA N A S O N I C M O N I T O R S • R O N F O R D - B A K E R , O ’C O N N O R , S A C H T L E R , GITZO and MANFROTTO TRIPODS & HEADS • CINEVATE, DANA AND MATTHEWS DOLLIES JIBS • ARRI, O’CONNOR, CHROSZIEL, SHAPE, REDROCK MICRO, and EASYRIG M AT T EBOX E S, H A NDHELD RIG S and F OL LOW F OCU S • CON V ERGEN T DE SIGN, CODE X , A J A , S O U N D D E V I C E S a n d AT O M O S V I D E O R E C O R D E R S L I G H T I N G L A R R I / C I N E O DEDOLIGHT / LEKO / JOKERS / KINO FLO / LITEPANELS / MOLE RICHARDSON NIL A / PROFOTO STROBE S GRIP LMAT THE WS, AVENGER and MA NFROT TO COMPUTERS L MAC TOWERS & LAPTOPS / EIZO and APPLE MONITORS / LOCATION CARTS | 42 W 18 ST 6FL NYC 10011 | T 212-627-8487 | ADORAMARENTAL.COM 1 CONTENTS LIGHTING – STROBES 1 CONTENTS LIGHTING STROBES – PROFOTO – CONT’ DAY+DAYWKNDWEEK Profoto B4 Air 1000 W/S Kit (Includes 1 Lithium Battery) 90 80100 270 Profoto Pro 7B2 1200 W/S Kit (Includes 2 Batteries) 757085230 Profoto Acute 600B2 Air W/S Kit (Includes 2 Lithium Batteries) 555060165 Profoto Air Remote 141215 41 Profoto Pro 8A Air 2400 Pack Only 65 60 70 195 Profoto Pro 7A 1200 Pack Only 35 30 40 105 Profoto Acute 2R 2400 Pack Only 34 30 38 102 Profoto Acute 2R 1200 Pack Only 26 24 28 78 Profoto 7BII Lithium Battery 25 23 27 75 Profoto 7B2 Universal Power Adaptor 25 24 26 75 Profoto Acute 600B2 Air Pack W/Batt 55 50 60 165 Profoto Acute 600B Lithium Battery 20 18 22 60 Profoto B1 500 AirTTL Kit (No Remote) 50 45 55 150 Profoto B1 500 AirTTL (with Canon Remote) 60 55 65 180 Profoto D1 Air 1000 W/S Kit 35 30 40 105 Profoto D1 Air 500 W/S Kit 25 20 30 75 Profoto Pro Head 18 17 20 55 Profoto Pro Twin Head 45 40 50 135 Profoto Acute-2/D4 Fan Cooled Head 15 14 16 45 Profoto Ring Flash 28 25 30 83 Profoto Ring Flash 2 with Modeling Light 55 45 60 165 Profoto Acute Ring Flash 25 20 30 75 Profoto Head Extension Cable 16’ 10 9 12 31 Profoto Acute Head Extension Cable 6 5 7 18 Profoto Pro Zoom Spot Housing 50 45 55 150 Profoto Profresnel Housing 45 40 47 132 40 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS DAY+DAYWKNDWEEK 17 15 18 50 17 15 18 50 15 14 16 45 4 3 4 11 12 10 14 36 10 7 13 30 14 13 15 42 17 15 18 50 11 10 12 33 54615 151416 45 17 15 18 50 17 15 18 50 17 15 19 51 60 55 65 180 60 55 65 180 18 17 20 55 14 13 15 42 15 14 16 45 | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 1 CONTENTS 41 LIGHTING STROBES – PROFOTO – CONT’ Profoto Beauty Dish White Profoto Beauty Dish Silver Profoto Grid for Beauty Dish Profoto Diffuser for Beauty Dish Profoto Grid Set Profoto Magnum Reflector Profoto Narrow Beam Reflector Profoto Wide Zoom Reflector Profoto P50 Magnum Grid Profoto Barndoors Profoto Snoot Profoto Ringflash Silver Soft Reflector Profoto Ringflash White Soft Reflector Profoto Pro Globe with Ring Profoto Pro Big 5ft. White Reflector Profoto Pro Big 5ft. Silver Reflector Profoto Softbox 2x2 RF Profoto Softbox 3’ Octa Profoto Softbox 5’ Octa STROBES – LIGHTING 1 CONTENTS LIGHTING – STROBES – LIGHTING ACCESSORIES STROBES – QUANTUM DAY+DAYWKNDWEEK Quantum T5D Kit - Q Flash, Turbo SC, Syncs, Stand & Umbrella252327 75 Quantum Q-Flash Trio for Canon or Nikon 25 23 27 75 Quantum Turbo SC Battery with CKE for Canon or Nikon 141315 42 Quantum Turbo 3 Battery with CZ Cable for Canon or Nikon 201825 63 Quantum SD7 Cable for 5DMKII and 7D 4 3 5 12 Stand Adaptor 1.512 4.5 LIGHTING ACCESSORIES – CHIMERAS All Softboxes include Adapter Rings LIGHTING Chimera Super Pro Plus Large Silver Chimera Super Pro Plus Large White Chimera Super Pro Plus Large Silver Strip Chimera Super Pro Plus Large White Strip Chimera Super Pro Plus Medium White Chimera Super Pro Plus Medium White Strip Chimera Super Pro Plus Medium Silver Strip Chimera Super Pro Plus Small White Chimera Super Pro Plus Small White Strip Chimera Super Pro Plus XS-Small White Chimera Super Pro Plus XX-Small White Chimera Video Pro Large Chimera Video Pro Medium Chimera Video Pro Small Chimera Video Pro XS Chimera Quartz Medium Chimera Fabric 40 Degree Large 42 18 18 18 18 12 14 14 10 10 10 8 34 18 13 10 25 20 16 16 16 16 9 13 13 9 9 8 7 30 14 9 8 20 17 20 20 20 20 16 15 15 11 11 10 8 35 23 16 10 30 20 54 54 54 54 37 42 42 30 30 28 23 99 55 37 28 75 57 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS LIGHTING ACCESSORIES – LIGHTING LIGHTING ACCESSORIES – CHIMERAS – CONT’ DAY+DAYWKNDWEEK Chimera Fabric 40 Degree Large Strip 20 17 20 57 Chimera Fabric 40 Degree Medium 15 14 15 44 Chimera Fabric 40 Degree Medium Strip 13 12 13 38 Chimera Fabric 40 Degree Small 12 9 16 37 Chimera Fabric 40 Degree Small Strip 13 12 13 38 Chimera Fabric 40 Degree X-Small 10 8 10 28 Chimera Lantern Pancake with Skirt Large 25 23 27 75 Chimera Lantern Pancake with Skirt Medium 20 18 22 60 Chimera Lantern Pancake with Skirt Small 15 14 16 45 LIGHTING ACCESSORIES – ELINCHROM OCTABANKS All Elinchroms include Adapter Ring FOR PROFOTO Elinchrom Large Octabank 74” Elinchrom Midi Octabank 54” Elinchrom Small Octabank 39” 45 40 23 42 35 21 135 120 72 | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 43 LIGHTING 48 45 28 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS ...GRIP. ADORAMARENTAL.COM | 212 - 627- 8487 ADORAMA RENTAL CO 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS STANDS & ROLLERS – BOOMS – GRIP BOOMS Bogen Mega Boom with Weight Bogen Super Boom with Weight Avenger Mini Boom with Weight DAY +DAYWKNDWEEK 10 8 12 30 10 8 12 30 8 7 8 23 5 4 6 15 10 8 12 30 7 6 8 21 7 6 8 21 5 4 6 15 5 3 7 15 5 3 7 15 8 6 10 24 15 13 17 45 15 13 17 45 3 2 3 8 10 8 12 30 50 45 55 150 323 8 3 2.50 3.50 9 3 2.50 3.50 9 2 1.50 2 5.50 25 17 7 28 20 8 75 53 21 | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 45 1 CONTENTS 22 16 6 GRIP GRIP – STANDS & ROLLERS Avenger Hi Boy Roller Avenger Medium Roller Avenger Baby Roller Avenger Low Roller Avenger Jr Roller Avenger Floor Roller Avenger 40” C-Stand with Arm & Knuckle Avenger 20” C-Stand with Arm & Knuckle Avenger Lawn Dart Avenger Preemie Baby 2 Riser Avenger Beefy Baby Steel 3 Riser Avenger Combi Steel 3 Riser Avenger Combi Alum 2 Riser Avenger Baby Light Stand Matthews Mombo Combo Stand Chrm 24” Long John Silver Strato Crank C-Stand Turtle Base 40” Arm with Knuckle 20” Arm with Knuckle Knuckle - 2 1/2” Grip Head GRIP – FLAGS & NETS 1 CONTENTS GRIP FLAGS & NETS 12x18 Silk Flag 12x18 Single Net Black 12x18 Double Net Black 12x18 Cello Cucoloris 12x18 Wood Cucoloris 12x18 Open Frame 12x18 Black Flag 18x24 Silk Flag 18x24 Single Net Black 18x24 Double Net Black 18x24 Black Flag 18x24 Open Frame 18x24 Cello Cucoloris 18x24 Wood Cucoloris 24x36 Silk Flag 24x36 Black Flag 24x36 Single Net Black 24x36 Double Net Black 24x36 Open Frame 24x36 Wood Cucoloris 24x36 Metal Cucoloris 24x72 Floppy 4x4 Black Floppy 4x4 Sandwich Kit 4x4 Cello Cucoloris 4x4 Wood Cucoloris 46 DAY +DAY WKND WEEK 3 2 4 9 3 2 4 9 3 2 4 9 3 2 4 9 324 9 3 2 4 9 3 2 3 8 3 2 4 9 3 2 4 9 3 2 4 9 3 2 4 9 3 2 4 9 3 2 4 9 324 9 3 2 4 9 3 2 4 9 3 2 4 9 3 2 4 9 3 2 4 9 324 9 3 2 4 9 76821 7 6 8 21 28 26 30 84 7 6 8 21 76821 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS FLAGS & NETS – FRAMES & FABRICS – GRIP DAY +DAY WKND WEEK 5 4 6 15 7 6 8 21 7 6 8 21 7 6 8 21 5 4 6 15 FRAMES & FABRICS 6x6 Square Tube Frame 8x8 Square Tube Frame 12x12 Modular Frame 6x6 Single Net Black 6x6 Silk Full Stop 6x6 Silk 1/4 Stop 6x6 Solid 6x6 Double Net Black 6x6 Silent Frost 6x6 Bleached Muslin 6x6 Unbleached Muslin 6x6 Gold Lame 6x6 Silver Lame 6x6 Ultrabounce 6x6 Silent Grid 6x6 Silent Lite Grid (1/2 Grid) 6x6 Quarter Silent Grid 6x6 B&W Grifflon 6x6 Overhead/Rag Kit (Full) 20 18 22 60 25 20 30 75 35 30 40 105 9 8 10 27 9 8 10 27 9 8 10 27 87823 9 8 10 27 9 8 10 27 9 8 10 27 9 8 10 27 9 8 10 27 9 8 10 27 98727 9 8 10 27 9 8 10 27 9 8 10 27 9 8 10 27 130 110 140 390 | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 1 CONTENTS 47 GRIP FLAGS & NETS – CONT’ 4x4 Silk Flag 4x4 Single Net Black 4x4 Double Net 4X4 Black Flag 4x4 Empty Frame GRIP – FRAMES & FABRICS 1 CONTENTS GRIP FRAMES & FABRICS – CONT’ 8x8 Single Net Black 8x8 Double Net Black 8x8 Silent Lite Grid (1/2 Grid) 8x8 Silent Grid 8x8 Quarter Silent Grid 8x8 Silk Full Stop 8x8 Solid 8x8 B&W Grifflon 8x8 Silent Frost 8x8 Umbleached Muslin 8x8 Gold Lame 8x8 Silver Lame 8x8 Ultrabounce 8x8 Overhead/Rag Kit (Full) 12x12 Silk Full Stop 12x12 Silk 1/4 Stop 12x12 Solid 12x12 B&W Grifflon 20x20 Silk Full Stop 20x20 SOLID Matthews 8x8 Green Screen 48 DAY +DAY WKND WEEK 15 13 17 45 15 13 17 45 15 13 17 45 15 13 17 45 15 13 17 45 10 7 13 30 10 7 13 30 9 8 10 27 15 13 17 45 15 13 17 45 15 13 17 45 15 13 17 45 151317 45 200 180 220 600 15 14 18 47 15 14 18 47 151418 47 15 14 18 47 35 30 40 105 303539 94 18 14 21 54 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS DIFUSSION – BOUNCE – REFLECTORS – UMBRELLAS – MOUNTING & CLAMPING – GRIP DIFUSSION – BOUNCE – REFLECTORS – UMBRELLAS DAY +DAYWKNDWEEK Scrim Jim Medium Frame 42” x 72” with Full Stop Silk 14 13 15 42 Scrim Jim Large Frame 72” x 72” with Full Stop Silk 14 13 15 42 Scrim Jim Lg 72x72 Full Stop Silk 7 6 8 21 Scrim Jim Lg 72x72 3/4 Stop Silk 7 6 8 21 Scrim Jim Lg 72x72 Quarter Stop Silk 7 6 8 21 Scrim Jim Lg 72x72 Silver White Fabric 7 6 8 21 Scrim Jim Lg 72x72 Black Fabric 7 6 8 21 Scrim Jim Med 42x72 Full Stop Silk 7 6 8 21 Scrim Jim Med 42x72 3/4 Stop Silk 7 6 8 21 Scrim Jim Med 42x72 Quarter Stop Silk 7 6 8 21 Scrim Jim Med 42x72 Silver White Fabric 7 6 8 21 Scrim Jim Med 42x72 Black Fabric 7 6 8 21 Matthews 18x24 Roadrags Scrim Kit with Frame 18 16 20 54 Flexfill 42” 5-in-1 Reflector 5 4 6 15 Large Photek Umbrella 5 4 5 14 Medium Photek Umbrella 3 2 3 8 Small Photek Umbrella 3 2 3 8 20 18 23 61 3 2.50 3.50 9 0.500.250.75 1.50 0.75 0.50 1 2.25 0.75 0.50 1 2.25 5 4 6 15 32.503.50 9 | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 1 CONTENTS 49 GRIP MOUNTING & CLAMPING Auto Pole Complete Set Bogen 6’ Crossbar Small A-Clamps Medium A-Clamp Large A-Clamp 8” C-Clamp with 2 5/8” Pins Mathellini Clamp 1 CONTENTS GRIP – MOUNTING & CLAMPING MOUNTING & CLAMPING – CONT’ Magic Arm Magic Arm Kit Super Clamp Matthews Duck Bill Clamp 2 1/2” Grip Head/Gobo Knuckle 4.5” Combi Head/Lollipop Studs J Hook Baby Wall Plates 3” Baby Wall Plates 6” Big Ben Bogen 2983 Background Crossbar Photek Portable Background Support Hostess Tray Rigging Kit DAY +DAY WKND WEEK 3.5034 10.5 65718 323 8 4 3 5 12 2 1.50 2 5.50 3 2 4 9 10.501.50 3 0.500.500.50 1.50 2 3 4 9 3 2 4 9 3.534 10.5 5 4 6 15 10 8 12 30 90 80 100 270 GRIP 50 +DAY = Additional Day | WKND = Weekend, Thursday 4:30 PM – Monday 9:30 AM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS STUDIO & LOCATION ACCESSORIES | EXPENDABLES DAY +DAY WKND WEEK 76821 25 21 32 79 2 1.50 2 5.50 2 1.50 2 5.50 2 1.50 2 5.50 2 1.50 2 5.50 14 13 15 42 2 1.50 3 6.50 2 1.50 3 6.50 2 1.50 3 6.50 2 1.50 3 6.50 3 2 4 9 65720 43512 90 84 96 270 353045110 3.50 3 3.50 10 35 30 37 102 50 45 55 150 45 40 50 135 135 110 150 405 EXPENDABLES – FOR PURCHASE ONLY Seamless Paper Roll 9’ Gaffers Tape Show Cards PRICE 45.95 ---- 29.95 ---- 10 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- | | 212-627-8487 | All prices are USD and subject to change without notice. 51 1 CONTENTS EXPENDABLES STUDIO & LOCATION ACCESSORIES Posing Stool Reel EFX II Fan Empty Sandbag Sandbag 15 Lbs Sandbag 25 Lbs Matthews Boa Sand Bag 5 Lbs Foamcore 4x8’ B&W 1/2” VFlat Apple Box Full Apple Box Half Apple Box Quarter Apple Box Pancake 25’ or 50’ AC Extension 100’ AC Extension Power Strip Motorola CP200 Walkie Talkie Kit (6) Magliner with Tray Kart-A-Bag Equipment Cart Martin Magnum 1200 Fogger Reel EFX DF-50 Hazer Honda 2000 Generator Honda EU 6500 IS Generator 1 CONTENTS ADORAMA RENTAL CO INTRODUCES ARC EDU RENT REWARDS PROGRAM F O R S T U D E N T S A N D E D U C AT O R S HOW IT WORKS 1 2 RENT RECEIVE 5% any photo, video or digital cinema equipment at ARC 3 SPEND of your rental total as credit on your rewards card credit on future rentals or purchases at Adorama store F Of DdEeN tu ST sU nTt R or S s && RsS NT RE uc Ca AtToOr dU W RD EED RENT RE EDU A S CARD ENROLL IN PERSON OR ONLINE ADORAMARENTAL.COM/EDU | Valid student ID or teacher ID required ADORAMARENTAL.COM | 42 W 18 ST 6 FL NYC | 212-627-8487 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS RENT TO BUY R ECE IVE 1 0 0% B ACK O F UP TO ONE WEEK’ S RENTAL FEE* when you purchase the same item from Adorama within 30 days of renting 1 2 When you You’ll receive PURCHASE the same item you rented within 30 days from Adorama 100% BACK of up to one week’s rental fee of that item as credit on your rewards card *Refund on rental fee applies only to items that Adorama rents and sells. Excluding Canon Cinema EOS Products. ADORAMARENTAL.COM | 42 W 18 ST 6 FL NYC | 212-627-8487 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS CUSTOM STILL & MOTION DIGITAL CARTS Images shown as examples only. Configurations will vary based on order. STANDARD DIGITAL CART PACKAGE INCLUDES: (1) MacPro 8 Core Tower with Mouse & Keyboard (1) 24” Eizo Monitor (1) APC 1500 Battery Backup (1) Eye One Display Calibration Device MACPRO TOWER INCLUDES: – 2.4 Ghz 8 Core Xeon Processor – Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 5770 w/1GB RAM – Memory: 24 GB RAM – Internal Hard Drives: Main (Boot) Drive 1TB – Scratch Drive 1TB: Photoshop – Storage Drive 2TB: Final Cut or Other Backup CARTS PORTS: (4) 800 Fw (5) USB 2.0 (2) Ethernet Ports (2) Optical Audio Ports EXTRA PORT CONNECTION OPTIONS: (2) Esata Ports Speed 3Gps (2) Usb 3.0 Ports Speed 5Gps (1) Black Magic Card: Intensity Capture Card – Component & HDMI I/O (Inputs - Outputs) – Uncompressed Video Capture & Output SOFTWARE: – Adobe CS Design Premium Suite: Photoshop, Bridge, InDesign, Illustrator, Flash, and, Acrobat Pro. – Adobe Lightroom – Adobe DNG Converter – PhaseOne Capture One Pro – Hasselblad Phocus – Hasselblad Phocus Quick – Canon EOS Utility & Digital Photo Pro. – A Better Finder Rename v.8 (File Renaming Softw.) – ChronoSync (File Coping Software) – Apple Final Cut Pro – Adobe After Effects CS – Adobe Premiere Pro CS – Panasonic P2 Card Reader Software – MPEG Streamclip (Video Conversion Software) – Plural Eyes (Sound Syncing Software) – Blackmagic Converter Utility Note: The software listed above is loaded on Towers & Laptops. Towers also include an internally installed Blackmagic Intensity Capture Card with Blackmagic Intensity Software Drivers v.3.9.4. – Fetch (FTP Software) – Toast 11 Titanium – X-Rite Eye-One Match (Monitor Calibration Software) – Eizo Color Navigator (Eizo Monitor Calibration Softw.) Call v to learn more about Digital Cart packages, special add-ons, customization and pricing. 54 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS RENTAL POLICY WHAT DO YOU NEED TO PROVIDE TO RENT FROM US? A photo ID and a major Non-Debit Credit Card with enough line of credit available to hold the full replacement value of the equipment you are renting. Once we receive your equipment back and if there are no damages or losses, the Security Deposit on your card is released. Alternatively you can provide a Certificate of Insurance that covers rented Photo Equipment for the full replacement value, naming Adorama Rental Co as the Certificate Holder or Loss Payee. In this case, we will only put a hold for the amount of your deductible on your Credit Card. We do not provide Insurance. We strongly encourage renters to obtain an insurance policy, especially if you rent frequently or when the replacement value of your orders is high. When you pick up in person or receive equipment via messenger, go over the order and ask one of our rental agents any questions you might have before you sign and agree to the Terms & Conditions. All equipment is tested and inspected prior to and after each rental. Any problem with the equipment must be reported immediately to us at 212-627-8487. If equipment is returned damaged, we will send it to the manufacturer for an estimate and either bill you for the repair fee or for the full replacement cost if it can’t be fixed. RENTAL FEE Payment is due when the equipment is returned. We will charge the same credit card you provided originally, unless you decide to pay with a different card. We do not accept personal checks or cash. MAIL ORDERS We ship inside the US and for a minimum of a one week rental. Renter pays for shipping costs both ways. Orders are shipped overnight. Rental starts when you receive it and ends when we do. | | 212-627-8487 1 CONTENTS 55 INFORMATION 1 CONTENTS RENTAL RATE PERIODS – PICK-UP & RETURN TIMES DAY RATE [DAY] = One 24 hour period DAY BONUS = Pickup after 4:30 PM, Return 9:30 AM (2) days later to get the one day rate. FULL WEEK RATE [WEEK] = (7) consecutive, 24-hour periods. 3 DAY WEEKEND [WKND] = Pickup Thursday after 4:30 PM, or Friday 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Return Monday before 9:30 AM. FREE CURBSIDE SERVICE We offer a complimentary curbside service to help with picking up or returning your orders. Call us from your vehicle and we’ll load and unload your order at our street level entrance. ADORAMA RENTAL CO 42 W 18 ST 6FL NYC 10011 BETWEEN 5TH + 6TH AVE T 212-627-8487 F 212-929-9013 email [email protected] www • RENT REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS MONDAY-THURS 8:00 AM - 7:15 PM FRIDAY 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM * SATURDAYCLOSED SUNDAY 10:00 AM - 4:45 PM *Please visit for Seasonal Hours HOLIDAY SCHEDULE** APR 14 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM APR 15 - APR 22 PASSOVER - CLOSED MAY 14 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM MAY 26MEM. DAY 10:00 AM - 4:45 PM JUN 03 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM JUN 04-05 SHAVUOS - CLOSED JUL 04 IND. DAY 10:00 AM - 4:45 PM AUG 04 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM AUG 05TISHA B` AV 1:00PM - 7:15 PM SEP 01 LABOR DAY 10:00 AM - 4:45 PM SEP 24 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM SEP 25-26ROSH HASHANAH - CLOSED OCT 03 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM OCT 04 YOM KIPPUR - CLOSED OCT 08 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM OCT 09-18 SUKKOS - CLOSED NOV 27THANKSGIVING 10:00 AM - 4:45 PM DEC 25 2014 CHRISTMAS - CLOSED JAN 01 2015 NEW YEARS DAY - CLOSED **Please visit for updated Schedule 56 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS FREE CURBSIDE SERVICE! PICKING UP? We’re happy to bring it downstairs for you whether you’re walking, biking or driving. DROPPING OFF? No problem. We’ll meet you at street level and take it from there. ADORAMA RENTAL CO CALL 212-627-8487 Let us help! It’s free. 42 W 18 ST (5 + 6 AVE) NYC | ADORAMARENTAL.COM 1 CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS ADORAMA RENTAL CO “SAVE THE DRAMA FOR THE SCRIPT, NOT YOUR BUDGET.” ADORAMARENTAL.COM | 42 W 18 ST 6 FL NYC | 212 - 627- 8487 1 CONTENTS
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