Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics Xiaosheng Li∗ Insititute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sicences Figure 1: Complex surface tension phenomena such as this crown splash can be simulated by fluid simulation, courtesy of Nils Thuerey Abstract 1 Introduction This paper introduces the foundational theory for fluid simulation in computer graphics. Two popular methods are discussed and compared in details. The hot topics of fluid simulation in recent 10 years are also discussed and a regular way to get a research idea is introduced. Finally, the paper end up with my own work in the past two years. Fluid phenomena are very common in daily life, such as smoke, fire, water et al. Fluid simulation remains one of the hottest topics in recent year due to its application in feature film special effects, computer games, et al. Fig. 2 is a snapshot from Shark Night 3D, an 18ft Mako shark dines on a waverunner garnished with college boy. The complex water shot was produced by Exotic Matter. CR Categories: I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism—Animation; Keywords: fluid simulation, computer graphics, animation Links: ∗ e-mail: DL PDF [email protected] Figure 2: A snapshot from Shark Night 3D Most of the algorithms used in computer graphics originate from the field of computational fluid dynamics(CFD). Though CFD has a long history, it is quite different to most of the research in computer graphics. CFD aims at solving the problems in fluid dynamics as accurate as possible while CG aims at simulating plausible visual effects efficiently. Many CG researchers get inspired by methods used in CFD. Based on these inspirations, they proposed lots of effective and efficient methods for CG applications. The 3D Navier-strokes equation was first introduced to computer graphics by Foster et al. [Foster and Metaxas 1995], which is solved on a staggered MAC-grid along with marker particles to represent fluid. Stam [Stam 1999] proposed a semi-Lagrangian method to solve these equations, stable for large time step. Foster and Fedkiw [Foster and Fedkiw 2001] and Enright et al. [Enright et al. 2002] extended level set method with massless particles to track the free surface of the water. Particles were used to correct the error of level set caused by advection. Highly realistic results were achieved by their method. Muller et al. [M¨uller et al. 2003] used smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) to interactively simulate water motion. Zhu and Bridson [Zhu and Bridson 2005] used FLIP method to animate sand as water. FLIP couples grid based method and particle based method to simulate fluid and it can easily avoid the problems caused by pure grid based method or pure particle based method. Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) is another class of method for fluid simulation. Thurey [Thurey 2007] presented excellent works. For a more detail survey, please refer to Bridson [Bridson 2008]. 2 to be a linear system and solve for velocity with preconditioned conjugate gradient technique(PCG). All steps are computed on a regular or MAC-style grid (Fig. 3). One big problem with grid-based method is that we use semiLagrangian method to solve the advection term. Semi-Lagrangian method traces one time step back, and takes the interpolation of last step as current step, which is actually weighted average of last time step. So it suffers lots of numerical dissipation. In fluid simulation, the details will disappear very soon, which is not desired. Another class of method for solving NSE is particle-based method, such as simple particle system or smoothed particle hydrodynamics(SPH) [M¨uller et al. 2003]. Particle-based method is suitable for solving extern force and advection. However it’s difficult to ensure truly incompressibility and surface representation often appears blobby. In addition, since we use explicit integration, we need smaller time step. The advantages and disadvantages are roughly illustrated in Fig. 4 [Tan and Yang 2009] Fluid Simulation Basis Fluid movement is governed by the Navier-Strokes Equations (NSE), the inviscid version can be written as ∂u 1 + (u · ∇)u = − ∇p + g ∂t ρ (1) ∇·u=0 (2) NSE can be easily derived from Newton’s equation. Derivation is omitted here for simplicity. Equ. 1 describes the movement of the fluid while Equ. 2 enforces the incompressibility of the fluid body. Figure 4: Comparision between Lagrangian method and Eulerian method Two simple fluid simulations are demonstrated in Fig. 5, which you can view the differences between grid-based method and particlebased method. 4 Research Topics Most fluid simulations in CG are phenomenon-driven. One effective way to find a research topic may be: 1. Find a phenomenon, which is difficult to be simulated with existing methods Figure 3: Steps for solving NSE in grid-based method, note that we omit viscosity term in Equ. 1 2. Search literatures on this phenomenon 3. Pick a method for modeling this phenomenon 3 Numerical Simulation Typically, NSE can be solved with gird-based method and particlebased method. There are also a lot of hybrid method combining these two kinds of method. The basic grid-based method for solving NSE is operator splitting. We can solve NSE by splitting it into three terms, namely extern force, advection and incompressibility. Extern force is solved with explicit integration; advection is solved with semi-Lagrangian method proposed by J. Stam in 1999 [Stam 1999]; incompressibility is solved by discretizing pressure equation 4. Make improvements on the method to fit requirements of CG 5. Demonstrate results You can see this regular routine in many fluid simulation papers, such as [Pfaff et al. 2012]. Recent years, the research topics of fluid simulation are focused on: • Better numerical methods for solving NSE • Better surface tracking methods Figure 5: Fluid solver: Left: particle-based Right: grid-based • Interesting fluid phenomena simulation • Coupling between fluid and rigid body, deformable body, thin shell et al. Though we have met a lot of success but it’s still a long way to go in fluid simulation for CG. 5 Summary I will end up with my work in the past two years in IOS. In the first year, I had to take some courses to get enough credits but I spent most of my time reading papers on rendering and modeling. In addition, I carried out a project on modeling and rendering of feathers, which was an improvement of the work of [Chen et al. 2002]. Fig. 6 is the final result of my work. In the second year, I spent all my time reading papers on fluid simulation and implementing some of the algorithms. Coding is boring and time-consuming but it’s necessary if you want to achieve some great results in this area. Some fluid simulation results are demostrated in Fig. 7 In this year, I will focus all my effort on a NSFC project of my advisor. I will conduct animation behavior simulation of flying lives like birds, fishes etc. in the fluids such as air or water. References B RIDSON , R. 2008. Fluid simulation for computer graphics. A K Peters. C HEN , Y., X U , Y., G UO , B., AND S HUM , H.-Y. 2002. Modeling and rendering of realistic feathers. ACM Trans. Graph. 21, 3 (July), 630–636. E NRIGHT, D., M ARSCHNER , S., AND F EDKIW, R. 2002. Animation and rendering of complex water surfaces. ACM Trans. Graph. 21 (July), 736–744. Figure 6: Modeling and rendering of realistic feathers on a bald eagle F OSTER , N., AND F EDKIW, R. 2001. Practical animation of liquids. 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