COLORADO Water Purveyor Rebate Customer Type Rebate Program Description Program Dates Eligible Rain Bird Product(s) Website for Details Contact Name Contact # Denver Water* Rotary Nozzles Residential Up to $2 rebate per nozzle, minimum purchase 10, maximum 100. While funds last R13-18X (F, TQ, TT, H T, Q), R17-24X (F, TQ, TT, H T, Q), 18RNX (H, F, Q) 24RNX (H, F, Q) RVAN1318, R-VAN1724, 22SA Conservation/Rebates/Resi dentialRebates/ Denver Water (303) 893-2444 WaterSenselabeled smart irrigation controller Residential Up to $100 rebate. While funds last ESP-LXD, ESP-LXME, ESP Smart Controller, ESP-LXME or ESP-LXD w/ ET Manager Cartridge Cartridge, Kit to Upgrade ESP-Me, Simple-to-set Smart Controller Conservation/Rebates/Resi dentialRebates/ Denver Water (303) 893-2444 WaterSenselabeled smart irrigation controller Commercial Up to 25% of material cost. For large irrigation customers (more than 1 acre of irrigated area) using smart irrigation controllers, we encourage participation in Denver Water’s water budget program, which allows customers to water any day of the week, as long as they stay within their budgeted amount. While funds last ESP-LXD, ESP-LXMEE, ESP Smart Controller, ESP-LXME or ESP-LXD w/ ET Manager Cartridge Cartridge, Kit to Upgrade ESP-Me, Simple-to-set Smart Controller Conservation/Rebates/com mercialrebates/ Denver Water (303) 893-2444 Xeriscape Residential, commercial Rebate of up to $1.00 per square foot. An additional $.25 per square foot rebate may be available for qualifying hardscape materials. The maximum rebate is $10,000 for residential customers and $25,000 for commercial and large properties such as Homeowners’ Associations and multi-family residences. To be eligible, a minimum of 500 square feet of healthy turf must be removed. Front yards with less than 500 square feet or projects removing turf in the entire tree lawn are exempt from this minimum. While funds last Opportunity for Landscape Drip products ivingHere/Water/Conservati on/WaterConservationRebat es/ Zach Versluis (720) 859-4366 City of Aurora All program details are subject to change. Please check with your local water provider for eligibility requirements and up-to-date program details. © 2014 Rain Bird Corporation 1 COLORADO Water Purveyor Rebate Customer Type Rebate Program Description Program Dates Eligible Rain Bird Product(s) Website for Details Contact Name Contact # City of Aurora (cont.) Irrigation Efficiency Audit/Rebate Residential To qualify for an irrigation rebate, the Water Conservation Office must first conduct an irrigation audit (available May through September). The auditor will provide more information on the application submission process at the time of your irrigation audit. N/A N/A ivingHere/Water/Conservati on/WaterConservationRebat es/ Tim York (303) 326-8819 Fort Collins Rain Sensor Residential wired $15, wireless $30 bill credit. Purchased between January 1st - December 31, 2014 Rain Sensor, Wireless Rain Sensor s/residential/conserve/rebat es-programs Fort Collins Utilities (970) 221-6700 Soil Moisture Sensor Residential $45 bill credit. Purchased between January 1st - December 31, 2014 N/A s/residential/conserve/rebat es-programs Fort Collins Utilities (970) 221-6700 HE Nozzles Residential $25 (purchase of $50-$99) or $50 (purchase of $100+) bill credit. Purchased between January 1st - December 31, 2014 R-VAN Nozzle, HE VAN s/residential/conserve/rebat es-programs Fort Collins Utilities (970) 221-6700 Pressure Reducing Heads Residential $20 (purchase of $40-$79) or $40 (purchase of $80+) bill credit. Purchased between January 1st - December 31, 2014 1800 PRS Series s/residential/conserve/rebat es-programs Fort Collins Utilities (970) 221-6700 WaterSense Stand Alone Controller Residential $150 bill credit. Purchased between January 1st - December 31, 2014 ESP-LXD, ESP-LXME, ESP Smart Controller, ESP-LXME or ESP-LXD w/ET Manager Cartridge Cartridge, Kit to Upgrade ESP-Me, Simple-to-set Smart Controller s/residential/conserve/rebat es-programs Fort Collins Utilities (970) 221-6700 All program details are subject to change. Please check with your local water provider for eligibility requirements and up-to-date program details. © 2014 Rain Bird Corporation 2 COLORADO Water Purveyor Rebate Customer Type Rebate Program Description Program Dates Eligible Rain Bird Product(s) Website for Details Contact Name Contact # Fort Collins (cont.) WaterSense Add on Weather Station Residential $50 bill credit. Purchased between January 1st - December 31, 2014 ESP-LXD, ESP-LXME, ESP Smart Controller, ESP-LXME or ESP-LXD w/ET Manager Cartridge Cartridge, Kit to Upgrade ESP-Me, Simple-to-set Smart Controller s/residential/conserve/rebat es-programs Fort Collins Utilities (970) 221-6700 City of Greeley Smart Controllers Residential Greeley will pay for 50% of the cost of the controller up to $300. N/A ESP-LX W/ESP-LXME or ESP-LXD w/ET Manager Cartridge Cartridge, ESPSMTe, ET Manager, SST Smart Controller Water/Rebates.aspx - ET Water Conservation (970) 336-4134 City of Louisville Drip Irrigation Systems Residential 50% of purchase price, max. $50. Rebates are limited to purchases made within Louisville in 2014, while funds last Landscape Drip products - piping, connectors only, no installation or "sprinkler" costs covered /PublicWorks/ m Water Conservation Program (303) 335-4608 Town of Castle Rock ET Controller Residential To take advantage of the rebate, residential participants must complete a Water Wiser workshop and meet all other program requirements. Rebate of 50 percent of the cost of a controller up to a maximum of $300; nonresidential customer has a maximum of five controllers. While funds last ESP-LXD, ESP-LXME, ESP Smart Controller, ESP-LXME or ESP-LXD w/ET Manager Cartridge Cartridge, Kit to Upgrade ESP-Me, Simple-to-set Smart Controller http://www.townofcastlerock .org/index.aspx?NID=139 Castle Rock Utilities Department (720) 733-6000 All program details are subject to change. Please check with your local water provider for eligibility requirements and up-to-date program details. © 2014 Rain Bird Corporation 3 COLORADO Water Purveyor Rebate Customer Type Rebate Program Description Program Dates Eligible Rain Bird Product(s) Website for Details Contact Name Contact # Town of Castle Rock (cont.) Smartscape Renovation Program Residential A rebate of $1 per square-foot is available for the removal of any high-water-use plant material and replacement with Xeriscape or hardscape. Before photos and landscape material receipts must be date stamped after March 19, 2014. Minimum area 250 sq.ft; maximum area 1,500 sq. ft. Only one rebate per address per season with a maximum rebate of $1,500. Must complete a Water Wiser workshop. While funds last N/A http://www.townofcastlerock .org/index.aspx?NID=139 Castle Rock Utilities Department (720) 733-6000 Rain Sensor Residential Receive a rebate equal to 50 percent of the purchase price (maximum $50) when you purchase an eligible model. To take advantage of the rebate, residential participants must complete a Water Wiser workshop and meet all other program requirements. While funds last RSD Series http://www.townofcastlerock .org/index.aspx?NID=139 Castle Rock Utilities Department (720) 733-6000 Rotary Nozzles Residential Rebate up to $5 each (nonresidential maximum is $2,000.) Installation costs, sales tax, and shipping and handling costs are not covered. To take advantage of the rebate, residential participants must complete a Water Wiser workshop and meet all other program requirements. While funds last 22SA-F; 22SA-H; 22SAQ, R13-18F; R13-18H; R13-18Q; R13-18T; R1318TQ; R13-18TT, R1724F; R17-24H; R17-24Q; R17-24T; R17-24TQ; R17-24TT http://www.townofcastlerock .org/index.aspx?NID=139 Castle Rock Utilities Department (720) 733-6000 * Denver Water includes the following water purveyors: Alameda Water & Sanitation District, Bancroft-Clover Water & Sanitation District, Bonvue Water & Sanitation District, Bow-Mar Water & Sanitation District, Cherry Creek Valley Water & Sanitation District, Cherry Creek Village Water & Sanitation District, Consolidated Mutual Water Company, Crestview Water & Sanitation District, Denver Water, City of Edgewater, City of Glendale, Green Mountain Water & Sanitation District, High View Water District, Ken-Caryl Ranch Water & Sanitation District, Lakehurst Water & Sanitation District, City of Lakewood, Meadowbrook Water District, North Pecos Water & Sanitation District, North Washington St. Water & Sanitation District, South Adams County Water & Sanitation District, Valley Water District, Wheat Ridge Water District, Willowbrook Water& Sanitation District, Willows Water District. All program details are subject to change. Please check with your local water provider for eligibility requirements and up-to-date program details. © 2014 Rain Bird Corporation 4
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