BAADER PLANETARIUM RETAIL PRICE LIST 2014 ProductImages Item-No. T-2 Part No. SRP £ INCL. VAT @ 20% Section No. / Article Description Sektion 1. Guide Scope Rings 1500201 Guidescope rings BP I (2 pc), with 6 large handknobe with screw and ball bearing tips £135.00 1 1500202 Guidescope rings BP II(2 pc), with 6 large handknobe with screw and ball bearing tips £175.00 1 1500203 Guidescope rings BPIII(2 pc), with 6 large handknobe with screw and ball bearing tips £250.00 1 2958245 1pc Handknobe (for Guide scope rings & Counterweights) M10/Diam.45mm Mounting plate for Baader guidescope rings #1&2, length 300 mm, predrilled to fit 10Micron and Astro Physics mounts Sidewing-Baseplate 400mm for Guidescope-Rings, Size III £9.00 1 £105.00 1 £399.00 1 £99.00 £67.00 £75.00 £90.00 £109.00 £125.00 2 £279.00 2 £230.00 £25.00 £36.00 2 1500330 1500340 2. 3" (Losmandy) Dove Tail System 1501655 1501605 1501610 1501615 1501620 1501625 2451565 2451566 2451575 2450316 2451581 3" Dovetailplate (à la Losmandy), flat 190mm – fitting Baader Dovetails 3" Dove Tail Bar 250mm (10") long, black anodized, no holes 3" Dove Tail Bar 350mm (14") long, black anodized, no holes 3" Dove Tail Bar 470mm (18,5") long, black anodized, drilled for C8, C91/4 3" Dove Tail Bar 530mm (20,5") long, black anodized, drilled for C91/4, C11 3" Dove Tail Bar, 610mm (24") long, black anodized, drilled for C14 Baader PAN 3"/EQ dual clamp (Losmandy and Vixen style) /230 mm with three pressure clamps Baader PAN 3"/EQ dual clamp (Losmandy and Vixen style) / 230 mm with two pressure clamps 3" Riderclamp / 60mm long (for holding Guidescope Rings or V-Clamp a.o.) 3" Riderclamp / 60mm, fitting for Stronghold Tangent Assembly incl. Screws Handle for Telescopes with two pc 3" Rider clamp to mount onto 3"(Losmandy style) dovetail 2 2 2 2 2 2 2, 13 £69.00 2 £72.00 3 £36.00 £39.00 £25.00 £33.00 3 £199.00 3 3. V- (Vixen/Celestron) Dove Tail System 2451101 2451530 2451640 2451650 2451660 2451525 V-Dove tail bar 470 mm long / fits C8/9/11 OTAs (base width 44mm) onto Vixen-GP-or Synta-EQ5/HEQ5/6 or Celestron AVX/AS-GT-Mounts V-Dove Tail Clamp, Diam. 70mm, with one clamp screw V-GT-Diascope Adapter for Zeiss or Leica Spotting Scopes (please specify!) V-120 DoveTail, 120mm long (base width 44mm) V-180 DoveTail, 180mm long (base width 44mm) Baader PAN-EQ-Clamp V190 - to hold Celestron,Skywatcher,Vixen and equivalent EQdovetails (bottom w. 3" dovetail) – also suitable as 3" to 44mm reducer 3 3 3 2451734 V-Dove Tail Celestron-orange anodized, 345mm long, drilled for Celestron 8“ SC / HD £62.00 3 2451745 2451582 V-Dove Tail orange anodized, 455mm long, drilled for Celestron 9.25“ and 11“ SC / HD £72.00 £79.00 3 £72.00 £25.00 £32.00 £180.00 4 Handle for Telescopes with two pc clamp V to mount onto EQ-5/HEQ-5 dovetail 3 4. Z- (Zeiss/Astro Physics) Dove Tail System 2451102 2451103 2451104 1401130 Z(AP)-Dove tail bar470mm long,fits C8/9/11" OTAs onto Zeiss/Astro Physics clamps Z(AP)-120 Dove tail bar, 120 mm long Z(AP)-200 Dove tail bar, 200 mm long Z(AP)-Dovetail Clamp 200mm length, with two pressure-clamps 4 4 4 4a. Dovetail bars w/o anodizing 2459800 2459801 2459802 2459805 2459810 2459815 18/06/2014 3” – Baader Dovetai bar, Any length (!), not anodized V(EQ) – Baader Dovetai bar, Any length (!), not anodized Z(AP) – Baader Dovetai bar, Any length (!), not anodized Cost for anodization of Dovetail bars #2459800 – from 1mm up to a length of 500mm Cost for anodization of Dovetail bars #2459800 – from 501mm up to 1000mm Cost for anodization of Dovetail bars #2459800 – from 1001mm up to 1500mm -1- £1.65 £1.65 £1.65 £62.00 £75.00 £89.00 BAADER PLANETAIUM UK RETAIL 2014 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A ProductImages Item-No. T-2 Part No. SRP £ INCL. VAT @ 20% Section No. / Article Description Sektion 5. Baader Tripods & Flanges Baader Hardwood Tripod not to be ordered so far Baader T-Pod aluminium tripod (tripod-head predrilled for adaptation of Baader tripodadapters) 75-110mm, black anodized, carrying bag incl., weight 6,9kg 2451010 2451011 2451112 2451106 2451107 2451108 2451145 2451115 2451116 Steel tips 3 pc, for Baader T-Pod Aluminium Tripod Baader Tripod head for Zeiss 1B Mount * Baader GP-Tripod-Adapter / GP-Pillar-Flange-Adapter Cel-AS/ EQ-5/HEQ5 Baader Tripod-Adapter for Vixen Sphinx Mount * Baader Tripod Adapter EQ-6 * Baader Tripod Adapter for NexStar SE - to fit #2451000 Hardwood-Tripod * Baader Tripod Adapter for Celestron CGEM Baader Tripod Adapter for Celestron CGEM-DX and CGE-Pro £875.00 5 £27.00 £170.00 £90.00 £135.00 £115.00 £110.00 £110.00 £105.00 5 5 5, 5B 5 5 5 5 5 *) for Adaption, Universal Flange-Basis #2451155 is needed 5a. Photo Tripods 2451020 2451021 Astro&Nature Tripod, aluminum, large hight, suitable for large Astro Binoculars Quick Changing Mounting Plate for Astro&Nature Tripod £160.00 £21.00 5A 5A 5b. Short Pillar III and Pillar-Flange-Adapter 2451150 2451106 Short Pillar III w/o Flange Adapter Baader GP-Tripod-Adapter / GP-Pillar-Flange-Adapter Cel-AS/ EQ-5/HEQ5 Universal Base-Ring for Baader Short-Steel-Pillar III (fits Baader Tripod-Adapters onto short Steel-Pillar III) 2451155 £265.00 £86.00 £60.00 5B 5, 5B 5B 6. Travelling-Mounts with Accessories 2411050 2411075 Nano Tracker Travelling-Mount (Camera not included) SlickPro Mini-Tripod f.NanoTracker with Heavy-Duty ballhead (without Camera!) £259.00 £69.00 6 £285.00 £325.00 6A 6 6a. Cases for Telescopes 2452200 2452210 Travel Case NexStar SE 4/5 Travel Case NexStar SE 6/8 6A 7. Counterweights Please note: V2A-Counterweights only together with a GM-, ALT-, or AstroPhysics-Mount 1 kg leveling Counterweight, made of stainless steel, with 1¼" thread(male/female) – to mount on top of Dovetail Clamp V or 3" Rider clamp (several weights may be combined) Combination: 1 kg leveling Counterweight and V-Dove Tail Clamp, Diam. 70mm, with one clamp screw Combination: 1 kg leveling Counterweight and 3" Riderclamp / 60mm long 2951401 2451531 2451576 2951403 Counterweight 3kg made of V2A stainless steel, Ø 140x30mm, bore Ø 30mm CDP Counterweight 6 kg (with CDP = Camera Docking Port ¼") made of V2A stainless steel Ø140x60mm, bore Ø 40mm – may be extended up to Ø 56mm CDP Counterweight 8,5 kg (with CDP = Camera Docking Port ¼") made of V2A stainless steel Ø160x60mm, bore Ø 40mm – may be extended up to Ø 56mm CDP Counterweight 12,5 kg (with CDP = Camera Docking Port ¼") made of V2A stainless steel Ø160x90mm, bore Ø 40mm – may be extended up to Ø 56mm 2951406 2951408 2951412 £52.00 7 £90.00 7 £78.00 CALL 7 CALL 7 CALL 7 CALL 7 7 8. Astro T-2 System & Auxillary Parts #1A 2456095 #1B T-2 Stardiagonal Prism (Zeiss Prism), with male/female T-2 thread 2456005 #1C Prism Diagonal T-2/90° 32mm (suitable for Maxbright Bino) 2456005K 2456130 18/06/2014 T-2 Maxbright Mirror Diagonal (Sitall-ceramic mirror/140 coated layers), with male/female T-2 thread / solid metal body 2456100 8, 28 £185.00 8, 28 £89.00 8, 28, 34 Prism Diagonal T-2 / 90° 32mm, Set - containing: T-2/32 Diagonal with focusing 1¼" eyepiece clamp (#2458125) and 1¼" nose piece (#2458105) #02 T-2/90° Baader Roof-Prism(Astro-Quality-Grade), with male/female T-2 thread -2- £199.00 £109.00 8, 28 £225.00 8, 29 BAADER PLANETAIUM UK RETAIL 2014 ProductImages Item-No. T-2 Part No. 1508039 #03 Adapter M36.4 / T-2 (M 36.4 is standard of Vixen telescopes) 2456314 #4A 2456316 Sektion £17.00 8 Glasspath Corrector 1:1,25 – lenses mounted for Maxbright-Binocular (Glaspath Corrector #2456314Z for Zeiss Mark V Binocular see Section 32) £86.00 8, 34 #4B Glasspath Corrector 1:1,70 – lenses mounted for Maxbright-Binocular (Glaspath Corrector #2456316Z for Zeiss Mark V Binocular see Section 32) £86.00 8, 34 2456317 #4C Glasspath Corrector 1:2,60 – fits Baader nose pieces and T-2 system adapters – to mount in front of Maxbright- or Mark V Binokular Viewers £86.00 8, 32, 34 1905130 #05 DT-4 / 1¼" nosepiece-extension (threads into 11/4" eyepieces, 18mm long) £13.00 8 2456313 #06 T-2 Quick Changer (combines Zeiss Micro bajonett with T-2 female thread) £35.00 8 #6A Baader Heavy Duty T-2 QuickChanger (Baader TQC) £65.00 8 2456320 #07 Baader (TCR) Hardened Steel T-2 ChangeRing (Baader-TCR) £29.00 8 2456321 #6/7 Complete T-2 Changer System (Combination of #6 & #7) £69.00 8 2458100 #08 Click-Lock Eyepiece Clamp 1¼" (with built in diopter-adjustment) £69.00 8 2458125 #8A £39.00 8 1508041 #09 Adapter M44/T-2 (combo of Zeiss M44 female and T-2 female thread) £25.00 8 2408191 #10 Reducer 1¼" / 24,5mm (fits 0.96" eyepieces into 11/4" focuser) £29.00 8 2408195 #11 Eyepiece Holder 1¼"/36,4 ( fits 1.25" oculars onto Vixen thread M36.4) £35.00 8 2458199 #12 £22.00 8, 11 1508005 #13 ZEISS Cameraadapter M44/T-2 (combo of M44 male and T-2 male threads) £31.00 8 2458105 #14 Nose piece 1¼" / T-2 (same as used by SBIG) £25.00 8 2408190 #15 Reducer 2"/ 1 ¼" (incl.T-2 thread at both sides / incl. 2 pc clamp screws) £33.00 8 £17.00 8 2456313A 2408190A 18/06/2014 SRP £ INCL. VAT @ 20% Section No. / Article Description Focusing Eyepiece Holder 1¼"/T-2 (5mm focus travel), with three clamp screws for eyepiece fine centering, plus one screw for blocking unwanted focus movement TAK-Adapter M43 x 0,75 / T-2 (to fit all Astro T-2 System Parts onto Takahashi M43 thread) T-2 Locking Ring with female T-2 thread, outer diam. 55mm, thickness 3.75mm 2408151 #15 Pushfix Reducer Adapter 2" / 1¼" for Newton Focuser / 1mm optical length A £30.00 8, 35 2956214 #15 Baader 2" to 1¼" CLICKLOCK Reducer B £59.00 8, 9A 2408150 #16 2" / T-2 Nose Piece and Camera adapter (same as used by SBIG) £25.00 8 2408140 #17 £41.00 8, 9 2958144 #17 SC Deluxe 2" Visual Back with integrated 2" filter holder A+B £55.00 8, 9 2408145 #18 3,3" CELESTRON Nut(for C11/C14) (holds 2" Clamp No.2408140) £66.00 8 2408155 #19 2" Sleeve with 2" Filter thread (mounts onto any 2" female thread) £25.00 8 2"Deluxe Clamp.Eyepiece Holder for SC's (with 2" SC female thread) without 2" Filter holder -3- BAADER PLANETAIUM UK RETAIL 2014 ProductImages 18/06/2014 Item-No. T-2 Part No. SRP £ INCL. VAT @ 20% Section No. / Article Description £225.00 Sektion 2454400 #20 Alan Gee Telecompressor Mark II 2408160 #21 SC-T-Adapter, Baader widefield version, 16 mm optical length (fits all Schmidt-Cassegrain 2" threads of 5/6/8/11/14 OTAs) £39.00 8 1508037 #22 M43/T-2 "V"-Adapter – only for Vixen (for M43 Takahashi see Sec.11&8 #2458199 / T2#12) £25.00 8 1508015 #23 M42x1(female) / T-2 (male) SLR-Camera-Adapter, fits onto most russian telescopes(Intes/TAL/Rubinar a.o.) £25.00 8 2458010 #24 Locking / Sliding T-2 Focuser (for 1.25" eyepieces / 10mm focus travel) £30.00 8 1508154 #25 T-2 / 15 mm Extension Tube (15mm optical length ) A £15.00 8 1508153 #25 T-2 / 40 mm Extension Tube (40mm optical length ) B £15.00 8 1508155 #25 T-2 / 7.5 mm Extension Tube (7.5mm optical length ) C £15.00 8 2956929 #25 Baader VariLock 29, lockable T-2 ExtensionTube 20-29mm with spanner tool Y £50.00 8 2956946 #25 Baader VariLock 46, lockable T-2 ExtensionTube 29-46mm with spanner tool V £50.00 8 1508025 #26 T-2/T-2 Inverter Ring (changes a T-2 female into a T2 male thread) £19.00 8 1508035 #27 Adapter 2"(male)/T-2(male), with int. 2"(M48) Filter thread - for direct DSLR coupling onto 2"Herschel Wedge/2"Maxbright Diagonal a.o. £29.00 8 2958242 #28 Expanding Ring 2"a/T-2i – converts 2" female into T-2 male thread, only 1 mm optical length! £21.00 8 2458110 #29 Expanding Ring T-2f / M48m (converts M48 female into T-2 female thread) £21.00 8 1905131 #30 FR-4: Focusing Ring Collar 1¼" (1.25" Stop-Ring) £17.00 8 1508030 #31 Double T-Filterholder 1¼" (all through outer T-2 photo thread with 1¼" inner thread) £35.00 8 2458196 #32 2958130 #33 Variable locking T-2 extension (12 -14mm optical length), consists of 3parts: #26/#34/#35 £37.00 8 2958110 #34 T-2 Conversion Ring (10mm long), converts T-2 male into T-2 female tread £18.00 8 2958120 #35 T-2 Locking Ring (2mm optical length), for locking camera orientation £14.00 8 Ultra short clamp 2" focus-side with M68 male auxillary-thread, telescope-side with M68 male-thread (Zeiss) and M60 male-thread (Vixen) 8, 30 £55.00 8, 9, 10, 35 2458102 T-2 adjustment/spacer-rings - altogether 15 pc – in 5 sizes, three rings per size (thickness 0,6/0,8/1,0/1,2/1,4mm) £11.00 8 2458120 1¼" / T-2 Eyepiece Holder, inexpensive version, with 1 pc M4 clamp screw £20.00 8 2958500 NX4 (C90) / ETX (and SC!) Universal Photo-Adapter (incl.1¼" Filterholder) £37.00 8 2958500A 2" NX4(C90) / ETX Expanding Ring , converts NX4 straight male thread into 2" SC male thread (component part of #2958500) £23.00 8, 9 2958500B SC-T-Adapter Ultrashort, T-2 (male) / 2"SC (female), 7mm optical length (component part of #2958500) £28.00 8, 9 2904000 Male T-2 Dustcap, inner thread M42 x 0,75 £4.00 8 2904010 Male T-2 Dustcap, outrer thread M42 x 0,75 £4.00 8 2904020 Molded Plastic Cap T-2 for Zeiss Quick Changer £4.00 8 -4- BAADER PLANETAIUM UK RETAIL 2014 ProductImages Item-No. T-2 Part No. SRP £ INCL. VAT @ 20% Section No. / Article Description Sektion 9. 2" (SC-thread) Mechanical Adapters, Eyepiece Holders, Extensions 1508020 2458190 2458196 #32 2458197 2458270 2958027 2408140 #17 2958144 #17 A+B 2958145 2958214 2958228 2"/2" Inverter Ring (changes 2" female into 2" male thread) with internal M48 Filter thread for 2" eyepiece Filter 2" Four-in-One Adapter - combo of 2" clamp with four focuser adaptations; M68 (Zeiss) / 2,7" (A.P.) / M60 (Vixen) / M56 (Synta) Ultra short clamp 2" focus-side with M68 male auxillary-thread, telescope-side with M68 male-thread (Zeiss) and M60 male-thread (Vixen) 2"/M68/3.3" Ultrashort 2" clamp for C11/C14/Meade SC´s, consisting of 2458196 + 2408145 (Same function as Astro Physics ADATCC2 #1408480) 2" Locking Ring (f. Celestron SC's 8"/9.25"/11"/14"),with female 2" thread (5 mm optical length) Hyperion 2" Finetuning Stopring with brass clamping ring & 2 thumb screws 2"Deluxe Clamp.Eyepiece Holder for SC's (with 2" SC female thread) without 2" Filter holder SC Deluxe 2" Visual Back with integrated 2" filter holder 2" Extension tube, 60mm optical length, with dual 2" Filter holder (consisting of #2958141/2958143/#19) Hyperion Finetuning-Ring 14 (optical length 14 mm) - with 2" outer diameter ! Hyperion Finetuning-Ring 28 (optical length 28 mm) - with 2" outer diameter ! Universal 2" Flange with female 2" thread, to fasten with four screws / 6,5mm optical height (fits Solar Spectrum Flter Oven) - also see Section 8/#2958242 2" NX4(C90) / ETX Expanding Ring , converts NX4 straight male thread into 2" SC male thread (component part of #2958500) SC-T-Adapter Ultrashort, T-2 (male) / 2"SC (female), 7mm optical length (component part of #2958500) 2958240 2958500A 2958500B £21.00 9 £59.00 9 £55.00 8, 9, 10, 35 £75.00 9 £34.00 9 £20.00 9, 27 £41.00 8, 9 £55.00 8, 9 £52.00 9 £12.00 £14.00 9, 27 £30.00 9 £23.00 8, 9 £28.00 8, 9 £25.00 9A £59.00 8, 9A £72.00 £61.00 £64.00 £66.00 £75.00 £63.00 £63.00 £65.00 £74.00 £66.00 £71.00 £73.00 9A £170.00 £89.00 10 £35.00 10 9, 27 9a. 2" ClickLock CCL Visual-Backs (ClickLock-Mirror see section 28) Baader M55/M68 (Zeiss) Adapter for 2“ CL-Stardiagonal (#2956100) 2956110 2956214 #15 Baader 2" to 1¼" CLICKLOCK Reducer B 2956215 2956220 2956247 2956227 2956233 2956256 2956257 2956260 2956264 2956268 2956272 2956284 ClickLock Expansion-Adapter from 1¼" (and/or T-2 photo-thread) to 2" Baader 2" ClickLock CL-SC-Clamp Baader 2" ClickLock 2" CL-Extension 47mm Baader 2" ClickLock CL-AP-Clamp 2.7" (AP/TEC) Baader 2" ClickLock CL-SCL-Clamp (Celestron) Baader 2" ClickLock Clamp M56 (Celestron / SkyWatcher) Baader 2" ClickLock Clamp S57 / Newton Ring-Dovetail (Celestron / SkyWatcher) Baader 2" ClickLock Clamp M60 (Vixen M60x0.75) Baader 2" ClickLock Clamp M64 (Takahashi Sky 90) Baader 2" ClickLock Clamp CL-M68 ( Zeiss ) Baader 2" ClickLock Clamp CL-M72 (Takahashi) Baader 2" ClickLock Clamp CL-M84 (Pentax) 9A 9A 9A 9A 9A 9A 9A 9A 9A 9A 9A 10. M68 (Zeiss) Adapter System 2458180 2458185 M68/S68 Changer to fit Carl Zeiss adapter system (dovetail clamp only) 2458195 M68 Conversion Ring - to change M68male into M68 female thread 2458196 2458201 2458202 2458204 2458206 2458208 2458210 2458215 2458225 2459258 2458220 2458221 2458245 18/06/2014 M68/S68 steel change ring to fit Zeiss adapter system (dovetail-ring only) #32 Ultra short clamp 2" focus-side with M68 male auxillary-thread, telescope-side with M68 male-thread (Zeiss) and M60 male-thread (Vixen) M68 Extension tube 10mm M68 Extension tube 20mm M68 Extension tube 40mm M68 Extension tube 60mm M68 Extension tube 80mm M68 Extension tube 100mm M68 - 6x6 T-Adapter with V-Groove (to mount #24580-35/-36 DSLR T-Rings with 2 Filter compartment onto Zeiss M68 System) Four-In-One adapter M68/T-2/M68 (centers FFC/solar TZ-syst.within M68 spacer rings) M68 Tele-Compendium, consisting of: #2458225/#25B/2x#2458208/#2458202/#2458096/#16 Adapter 2.7”m (AP) / M68f (Zeiss) – Change-ring, converts existing AP 2,7” male thread into M68 Zeiss female thread Adapter M68m (Zeiss) / 2.7”f (AP) – Change-ring, converts existing M68 Zeiss male thread into AP 2,7” female thread Adapter to use M68 acc. with 6x7 FF from Astro Physics and TEC -5- 10 £55.00 8, 9, 10, 35 £39.00 £49.00 £49.00 £55.00 £55.00 £59.00 10 £45.00 10 £70.00 10 10 10 10 10 10 £310.00 10, 30, 37 £36.00 10 £38.00 10 CALL 10 BAADER PLANETAIUM UK RETAIL 2014 ProductImages Item-No. T-2 Part No. SRP £ INCL. VAT @ 20% Section No. / Article Description Sektion 11. Pentax/Takahashi & 3" Hyperion Adapters 2458191 Adapter for TEC 140-200 / M68 £145.00 11 2458192 2458198 Adapter for TEC 110 FL / M68 £145.00 £50.00 11 2458199 2458240 2558230 2558231 2458231 Adapter M82/M68, reducer ring for Baader 3" Hyperion Focuser TAK-Adapter M43 x 0,75 / T-2 (to fit all Astro T-2 System Parts onto Takahashi M43 #12 thread) Pentax Adapter M84/M68 (Zeiss) (to fit #2458196 Ultrashort 2" clamp onto Pentax OTA) Takahashi Adapter M72/M68 (Zeiss) (to fit #2458196 Ultrashort 2" clamp) Takahashi Mewlon Aux-Adapter M71/M72 to fit #2558230 TAK (Sky90) Adapter M64x0,75mm / M68f (Zeiss) – Change-ring, converts existing Takahashi M64 male thread into Zeiss M68 female thread 11 £22.00 8, 11 £67.00 £59.00 £47.00 11 £55.00 11 £79.00 £38.00 £23.00 £90.00 £4.25 £6.50 £9.75 £8.50 12, 21 11 11 12. Finderscopes, SkySurfer 2954325 2404305 2957300 2957310 2457555 2454307 2454306 2454303 2957460 2957465 Polaris I – Measuring- and Guiding-Eyepiece, 25mm, T-2, illuminated Log-Pot Illuminator for 9x60 finder, black version (incl. 2pc batteries SR41/1.4V) Sky-Surfer III / 30 mm aperture "Red Dot"-aiming device with full range of tube adapters Sky Surfer V/all Metal Design, incl. Baader-Standard-Base #2457000+ V -Bracket #2457010 Battery 3V Lithium for Celestron Star Pointer and Baader Sky Surfer III / V and VarioFinder New battery set 1.4 V 4pc for illuminator New battery set 1.4 V 10 pc for illuminator Battery set 1.4 V (6 pieces) Vario-Finder 10x60 with Astro Lens, 45° erect image prism, 25mm eyepiece with illuminated measuring recticle, EQ dovetail/Tripod adapter. Optional guide scope for spotting scope Vario-Finder 10x60 (#2957460) with MQR IV finder holder (2457030) 12, 21 12 12 12 12 12 12 £240.00 12 £278.00 12 13. Quick Release Finder Brackets & Accesories, Tangent assemblies 2450310B 2450310S 2450316 2450317 2450335 2457000 2457010 2457011 2457020 2457030 Stronghold Tangent Assembly - blue color Stronghold Tangent Assembly - black color 3" Riderclamp / 60mm, fitting for Stronghold Tangent Assembly incl. Screws Additional set of EQ-clamp brackets to mount at the bottom side of the Baader-Stronghold Witty 1, Slow Motion Controls - incl. Baader Standard Base (2457000) Baader Standard Base - for MQR III&IV, for Witty One & for V-Bracket #2457010 metal V-bracket for SkySurfer III and V metal V-bracket for SkySurfer incl. Standard Finder Base Baader Multipurpose Finder Bracket MQR III, fitting all 50mm Finder Scopes(max. Diam. 62mm), with dovetail,f. Vixen/Synta/Cel, including Baader Standard Base (2457000). Baader Multipurpose Finder Bracket MQR IV, fitting all 60mm Finder Scopes (max.Diam. 72mm), with dovetail, f. Vixen/Synta/Cel, including Baader Standard Base (2457000). £269.00 £269.00 £36.00 £41.00 £69.00 £25.00 £29.00 £39.00 13 13 2, 13 13 13 13 13 13 £81.00 13 £84.00 13 14. T-Adapters for afocal projection imaging Digital Adapter System DT-II and DT-III 2458040 2458060 2408165 DT-Adapter II T-2 / SP54a expanding adapter DT-Adapter III M68a / SP54a DT-Adapter I T-2 / M37 – Special Price, limited quantity available £25.00 £39.00 CALL 14 £63.00 £69.00 £72.00 £53.00 £69.00 £59.00 £59.00 £47.00 15 £30.00 15 14 14 15. ADPS Digital Eyepiece Projection Telescope Adapter System for afocal projection 2458071 2458072 2458073 2458074 2458075 2458076 2458077 2458012 2458012S 18/06/2014 Afocal Digital Projection System ADPS I - incl.1¼" nose piece #14 Afocal Digital Projection System ADPS II - incl. 2" nose piece #16 Afocal Digital Projection System ADPS III - incl. SC-adapter #2958500B Afocal Digital Projection System ADPS IV - incl. T-2 female thread Afocal Digital Projection System ADPS V - incl. Zeiss adapter M44(male)#13 Afocal Digital Projection System ADPS VI - incl. Vixen Adapter M43 # 22 Afocal Digital Projection System ADPS VII - incl. adapter M36.4 #3 Eyepiece projection unit (25mm Projection Eyepiece 1¼") Eyepiece projection unit (25mm Projection Eyepiece 1¼") special price in combination with purchase of ADPS System: -6- BAADER PLANETAIUM UK RETAIL 2014 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 ProductImages Item-No. T-2 Part No. SRP £ INCL. VAT @ 20% Section No. / Article Description Sektion 16. OPFA Eyepiece Holders for classical eyepiece projection with SLR & DSLR Cameras 2458141 2458142 2458143 2458144 2458145 2458146 2458147 Eyepiece Projection adapter OPFA-1 / for 1 ¼" eyepiece clamps Eyepiece Projection adapter OPFA-2 / for 2" eyepiece clamps Eyepiece Projection adapter OPFA-3 / for Celestron 2" SC-Thread Eyepiece Projection adapter OPFA-4 / for T-2 Threads Eyepiece Projection adapter OPFA-5 / for Zeiss M 44 Thread Eyepiece Projection adapter OPFA-6 / for Vixen M 43 Thread Eyepiece Projection adapter OPFA-7 / for Vixen M 36,4 Thread £52.00 £61.00 £61.00 £42.00 £61.00 £55.00 £55.00 16 £59.00 17 £91.00 17 £139.00 17 £149.00 17 £235.00 17 £16.00 17 £18.00 17 17A 16 16 16 16 16 16 17. DSLR-T-Rings with 2" Filter Container 2958550 2958550C 2958550L 2958550N 2958550H 2458405 2450062 Baader zero-tolerance protective Canon DSLR T-Ring – ready to fit Baader filters (standard outfit) incl. large clear aperture 2" nosepiece and convertible T-2/M48 female threads Baader zero-tolerance Protective CANON DSLR T-Ring (like #2958550) w. clear filter (incl. planeoptically polished dust protection clear-filter 50.4 x 3 mm, w. Phantom GroupTM multicoating) (without camera) Baader zero-tolerance Protective CANON DSLR T-Ring (#2958550C) w. mounted Baader UV/IR blocker/L-Filter 50.4x3mm, instead of clear-filter (w/o camera) Baader zero-tolerance Protective CANON DSLR T-Ring (like #2958550C) w. mounted Baader photographic UHC-S Nebula Filter 50.4 x3 mm – instead of clear-filter (without camera) Baader zero-tolerance Protective CANON DSLR T-Ring (like #2958550C) w. mounted Baader photographic Baader H-alpha 7nm Narrowband-filter 50.4x3 mm – instead of clear-filter (without camera) Important new addition for the MPCC Mark III: M48 Spacer Ring for MPCC III / Protective EOS T-Ring – see Section 17 Adjustable pin type face wrench, 2mm diameter – only for Baader protective EOS T-ring 17a. Photographic Accessories 2408329 2408330 2408319 T-Ring Four Thirds (4/3) T-Ring Canon EF (EOS) £19.00 £20.00 £20.00 2408318 T-Ring Canon EOS UltraShort £28.00 17A 2408323 2408324 2408303 2408328 2408300 2408321 2408302 2408301 T-Ring Contax/Yashica £20.00 £20.00 £18.00 £20.00 £18.00 £20.00 £18.00 £18.00 17A 17A £23.00 17A £35.00 £63.00 £27.00 £69.00 £49.00 £59.00 17A £37.00 18 £69.00 £15.00 £29.00 £28.00 £4.50 £10.00 19 19 19 19 CALL 19 2958515 2958520 2958520I 2958521 2958525 2958530 2958535 T-Ring Micro Four Thirds (4/3) with extension 19mm T-Ring Leica T-Ring Minolta MD (old bajonett) T-Ring Minolta AF – for Minolta Maxxum and Minolta/Sony Alpha T-Ring Nikon T-Ring Olympus OM T-Ring Pentax K T-Ring Praktica M 42 Baader 1" C-Mount-Adapter with 1-1/4" Nosepiece, 18mm long, threaded to hold 1-1/4" eyepiece Filters (also incl. Retainer-Ring to permanently hold one unmounted Filter from 27.5 to 28mm in diameter) Baader C-Mount T-2 (with integrated 1¼" Filterholder) Baader T-2 C-Mount with mounted UV/IR Cut Filter Baader C-Mount Extension-Ring 1"C(i) / T-2(a) C-Mount Canon EOS Special C-Adapter for the old Pentax S (= T-1) Thread C-Mount Nikon 17A 17A 17A 17A 17A 17A 17A 17A 17A 17A 17A 17A 17A 18. Universal Digiscoping-Adapter 2450330 Microstage II / Baader Digiscoping Adapter 19. Collimation Tools, Optical Cleaning & Dry-Products, Tools 2450343 1905160 2450050 2450052 2905000 2905007 2905009 18/06/2014 Laser-ColliTM Mark III (collimating device for Newtonians (& some SC`s) Silica Gel with color indicator, 125mml (orange color) Allen wrench keySet / inch (precision quality with ball-head) Allen wrench keySet / metric (precision quality with ball-head) Optical Wonder Cloth (~10"x10") in Poly Bag Optical Wonder Cleaning Fluid by Baader Planetarium Optical Wonder Cleaning-Set, consisting of OW-Cleaning-Fluid #2905007 and OWCleaning-Cloth #2905000 -7- BAADER PLANETAIUM UK RETAIL 2014 19 19 ProductImages Item-No. T-2 Part No. SRP £ INCL. VAT @ 20% Section No. / Article Description Sektion 20. Rubber Eyecups / Eyepiece-accessories 2454653 2454654 2454652 2402010 2402020 2402030A Baader winged rubber-eyecup 42/43(Hyperion 68°) – winged straylight-shield/ eyeglassprotector for Hyperion 68°&/Aspheric-eyepieces 31/36 mm, fits diam. 42 to 43 mm, 1.5mm min. Clear-cut! Baader winged rubber-eyecup 43/44 (Zoom-version) winged straylight-shield/ eyeglassprotector for Hyperion Zoom Mark III and older models, fits diam. 43 to 44 mm, 1mm min. clear-cut! Classic W Rubber Eyecap with folding wing – standard form (for barrel diameter ~32mm with 1mm clear cut) Rubber Eyeshield I for Diameter 31 - 32,5 mm Rubber Eyeshield II for Diameter 33,5 - 34 mm Rubber Eyeshield IV (smooth inside) for Diameter 40,5 – 41,5 mm £12.00 20, 27 £12.00 20, 27 £7.50 20 £8.00 £9.00 £11.00 20 20 20 21. Guiding Eyepieces, LVI-autoguider-cameras and -accessories 2404300 2404305 2954325 2956950 1461810 2457513 1465010 1465015 1465020 1465021 1465022 1465025 1465030 1465035 Micro Guide eyepiece with Log-Pot illuminator Log-Pot Illuminator for 9x60 finder, black version (incl. 2pc batteries SR41/1.4V) Polaris I – Measuring- and Guiding-Eyepiece, 25mm, T-2, illuminated RCC OAG – Off-Axis-Guider LVI Smart Guider SG2** LVI-Adaptercable to connect Vixen SkySensor LVI-Cable REF, Can1 – for Canon xxx(x)D and Pentax, length 2m LVI-Cable REF, Can2 – for Canon x(x)D, length 2m LVI-Cable REF, Nikon-1 for Fujifilm, length 2m (coiled) LVI-Cable REF, Nikon-2 for Nikon D70 + D80, length 2m (coiled) LVI-Cable REF, Nikon-3 for Nikon D90 + D5000, length 2m (coiled) LVI-Cable REF,for Sony / Minolta, length 2m (coiled) LVI-Cable FOC, 2m length LVI-Cable LXD, 2m length (coiled) £170.00 £38.00 £79.00 £141.00 £399.00 £45.00 £13.00 £17.00 £22.00 £22.00 £22.00 £22.00 £13.00 £15.00 21 12, 21 12, 21 21, 30 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 LVI-Cable LX, 2m length – same as ST-4 cable (included in SG-2 basic outfit) 1465045 1465050 LVI -Vix Adapter LVI -Tak Adapter *) for detailed information please see **) Adviseable Accessory for LVI Smart-Guider SG2: Baader Outdoor Power-Supply #2457610 for the best possible 220V powersupply (additionally necessary is the Elbow Plug #2457611 for Baader Outdoor Power Supply) £37.00 £45.00 21 CALL CALL CALL 22 £235.00 23 £59.00 £59.00 £59.00 23 £55.00 23 £45.00 £10.00 £45.00 23 £159.00 24 £169.00 24 21 22. Eudiascopic Eyepieces 2404105 2404130 2404145 Eyepiece 35 mm ED 1¼" with rubber eyeshield II Eyepiece 10 mm ED 1¼" with rubber eyeshield II Eyepiece 3,8 mm ED 1¼" with rubber eyeshield II 22 22 23. Classic Ortho-Eyepieces, Eyepiece-Turret and Accessory 2957000 2954106 2954110 2954118 2954132 2956185 2957005 2957010 Baader Classic Q-eyepiece set – consisting of: Eyepieces Classic Ortho 6,10,18 mm / Plössl 32mm (incl. 4 pc winged rubber eyecups), 2.25x Q-Barlow, Q-turret quad eyepiece revolver, Baader Astro Box #1 (M31) Baader Classic Ortho 6mm eyepiece (HT-multicoated) w.winged rubber eyecup Baader Classic Ortho 10mm eyepiece (HT-multicoated) w.winged rubber eyecup Baader Classic Ortho 18mm eyepiece (HT-multicoated) w.winged rubber eyecup Baader Classic Plössl 32mm eyepiece (HT-multicoated) w.aux spacer tube and winged rubber eyecup Baader Q-Barlow lens 2.25x (HT-multicoated) / dual factor lens assy (1.3x/ 2.25x) Baader Astro-Box #1 (M31), w. window top Baader Q-Turret - quadruplet eyepiece revolver 1¼" 23 23 23 23 24. Aspheric 2" Eyepieces 2454631 2454636 18/06/2014 31mm Aspheric 2" Eyepiece – with reducerto 1¼" and incl. winged eyerest 2454653 – see section 27 36mm Aspheric 2" Eyepiece – with reducerto 1¼" and incl. winged eyerest 2454653 – see section 27 -8- BAADER PLANETAIUM UK RETAIL 2014 ProductImages Item-No. T-2 Part No. SRP £ INCL. VAT @ 20% Section No. / Article Description Sektion 24a. Scopos Extreme 2" Eyepieces 3004035 3004030 £106.00 £98.00 SCOPOS Extreme 35mm eyepiece 2" Widefield 70° SCOPOS Extreme 30mm eyepiece 2" Widefield 70° 24A 25. Zeiss Diascope, compatible Eyepieces and Adapters 2454500 2454502 2454505 2454510 Diascope Bayonet 1¼" Ocular-Adapter (to fit normal 1¼" eyepieces onto Carl Zeiss Diascope spotting scopes) 2" Diascope Bajonett Eyepiece Adapter - to fit all Carl Zeiss made Diascope-eyepieces onto 2" telescope focusers (use 1¼" nosepiece #2458105) Symmetric Eyepiece 25mm with Bajonett for Zeiss Diascope Spotting scopes Symmetric Eyepiece 3,6mm with Bajonett for Zeiss Diascope Spotting scopes £39.00 25 £43.00 25 £65.00 £60.00 25 £639.00 26 £400.00 26 £100.00 £100.00 £100.00 £100.00 £100.00 £100.00 £100.00 26 CALL 26 £199.00 26 £249.00 26 £60.00 27 £12.00 20, 27 £12.00 20, 27 £7.00 £6.00 £20.00 27 9, 27 £39.00 27 25 26. Hyperion Eyepieces 2454600 2454602 2454605 2454608 2454610 2454613 2454617 2454621 2454624 2454603-24 2454824A 2454825 Full Set of Hyperion Eyepieces 5/8/10/13/17/21/24mm (single set special price) – incl. Eyepiece-Case and winged eyerest (#2454654) for each set-eyepiece Starter Set of Hyperion Eyepieces 5/10/17/24mm – incl. Eyepiece-Case and winged eyerest (#2454654) for each set-eyepiece Hyperion Eyepiece 5mm Hyperion Eyepiece 8mm Hyperion Eyepiece 10mm Hyperion Eyepiece 13mm Hyperion Eyepiece 17mm Hyperion Eyepiece 21mm Hyperion Eyepiece 24mm, (Fixed Focal Length) Set Price2 Hyperion Eyepieces of the same focal length to be used at a Binocular (please add the item No.!) MARK III Hyperion 8-24 mm ClickStop Zoom-Eyepiece w. 1¼" and 2“ nosepiece, with adapter threads M35 (Celestron/Skywatcher) and M45 (Zeiss), bino-version with detachable eyerest (incl. 2" SC-adapter thread) Bundle: Mark III ClickStop Zoom 8 – 24 mm in combo with Hyperion-Barlow 2.25x – this is the all in one Astro quality grade Zoom providing an fl range from 3,5 to 24mm, includes new Baader winged eyegard 43/44 mm #2454654 26 26 26 26 26 26 27. Acessories for Hyperion Eyepieces / Rings 2" Filter adapter for DSLR-camera-lenses 2454601 2454653 2454654 2454650 2454651 2958027 2454824C 2958028 2958037 2958046 2958049 2958052 2958055 2958058 2958062 2958067 2958072 2958077 2958082 2958080 2958090 18/06/2014 Hyperion Eyepiece-Case without Eyepieces Baader winged rubber-eyecup 42/43(Hyperion 68°) – winged straylight-shield/ eyeglassprotector for Hyperion 68°&/Aspheric-eyepieces 31/36 mm, fits diam. 42 to 43 mm, 1.5mm min. Clear-cut! Baader winged rubber-eyecup 43/44 (Zoom-version) winged straylight-shield/ eyeglassprotector for Hyperion Zoom Mark III and older models, fits diam. 43 to 44 mm, 1mm min. clear-cut! Hyperion SP54 rubber thread cover (Silicone rubber) Hyperion M43 rubber thread cover and eyeshield (Silicone Rubber) Hyperion 2" Finetuning Stopring with brass clamping ring & 2 thumb screws 2" Upgrade Kit for Hyperion-Clickstop-Zoom-Eyepiece: Adapter-Ring M45/2"thread and our 2" nose piece (1¼" Hyperion Clickstop-Zoom-Eyepiece can be upgraded into a 2") Hyperion DT-Ring SP54/M28 for DTAdapter II&III and Hyperion Eyepieces – needs item #2958090 Hyperion DT-Ring SP54/M37 for DTAdapter II&III and Hyperion Eyepieces – needs item #2958090 Hyperion DT-Ring SP54/M46 for DTAdapter II&III and Hyperion Eyepieces Hyperion DT-Ring SP54/M49 for DTAdapter II&III and Hyperion Eyepieces Hyperion DT-Ring SP54/M52 for DTAdapter II&III and Hyperion Eyepieces Hyperion DT-Ring SP54/M55 for DTAdapter II&III and Hyperion Eyepieces Hyperion DT-Ring SP54/M58 for DTAdapter II&III and Hyperion Eyepieces Hyperion DT-Ring SP54/M62 for DTAdapter II&III and Hyperion Eyepieces Hyperion Stepper-Ring M62 onto M67 Hyperion Stepper-Ring M62 onto M72 Hyperion Stepper-Ring M62 onto M77 Hyperion Stepper-Ring M72 onto M82 Hyperion T-Adapter M43i / T-2a (M42x0.75)-to adapt standard DSLR T-Rings Hyperion SP54/SP54 Extension Ring (11mm optical length) -9- 27 £12.00 27, 44A £12.00 27, 44A £12.00 £12.00 £12.00 £12.00 £12.00 £13.00 £16.00 £16.00 £16.00 £16.00 £13.00 £11.00 BAADER PLANETAIUM UK RETAIL 2014 27, 44A 27, 44A 27, 44A 27, 44A 27, 44A 27, 44A 27, 44A 27, 44A 27, 44A 27, 44A 27 27, 44A ProductImages Item-No. T-2 Part No. 2958214 2958228 2958085 SRP £ INCL. VAT @ 20% Section No. / Article Description Hyperion Finetuning-Ring 14 (optical length 14 mm) - with 2" outer diameter ! Hyperion Finetuning-Ring 28 (optical length 28 mm) - with 2" outer diameter ! Hyperion Zoom T-Ring SP54/T-2 (to adapt DSLR-T-Rings onto Clickstop-Zoom eyepiece) Hyperion Zoom M43 / SP54 Adapter to connect Hyp. DT Rings onto Hyp. Zoom Mark III eyepieces 2958086 Sektion £12.00 £14.00 £19.00 9, 27 £22.00 27 £210.00 £225.00 £325.00 CALL £325.00 £185.00 28 8, 28 £199.00 8, 28 9, 27 27 28. Stardiagonal Mirrors / Prisms 2956100 2956100Z 2406210 1905144 2406010 2456095 2456100 2456005 2456005K Baader 2" ClickLock Diagonal Mirror Baader 2" ClickLock Diagonal Mirror M68(Zeiss)thread 2" Maxbright Mirror Diagonal (Sitall-ceramic mirror/140 coated layers) T-2 Flip-Mirror / On-Axis-Adapter Universal Star Diagonal Prism 2" #1B T-2 Stardiagonal Prism (Zeiss Prism), with male/female T-2 thread T-2 Maxbright Mirror Diagonal (Sitall-ceramic mirror/140 coated layers), with male/female T-2 thread / solid metal body #1C Prism Diagonal T-2/90° 32mm (suitable for Maxbright Bino) Prism Diagonal T-2 / 90° 32mm, Set - containing: T-2/32 Diagonal with focusing 1¼" eyepiece clamp (#2458125) and 1¼" nose piece (#2458105) #1A 28 28 28 28 £89.00 8, 28, 34 £109.00 8, 28 £225.00 £59.00 £199.00 £199.00 8, 29 £149.00 30 £175.00 30 £16.00 17 £89.00 £182.00 £225.00 £600.00 30 29. Erecting Prisms for Astro & Terrestrial 2456130 2956150 2956151 2956152 #02 T-2/90° Baader Roof-Prism(Astro-Quality-Grade), with male/female T-2 thread 1¼" Erecting Prism 45° with 24mm free aperture 2" Erecting Prism 45° with 2" SC-thread and 2"/1¼"-reducer 2" Erecting Prism 90° with 2" holder and 2" sleeve 29 29 29 30. Barlowlenses / Telecompressors / Coma Correctors 2458400A 2458402 2458405 2956180 2406101 2454400 2458200 2459258 2956800 2956950 MPCC Coma Corrector Mark III 2" for all Newtonians, with removable 2" collar – NEW, with removable T-2 thread and M48 outer thread MPCC Coma Corrector 2" Set, Visual and photographic Edition consisting of: Coma Corrector Mark III #2458400A, Expanding Ring M48 / T-2 #2458110, Finetuning Ring 14mm #2958214, Finetuning Ring 28mm #2958228, Reducer 2"/1¼" #2408190 Important new addition for the MPCC Mark III: M48 Spacer Ring for MPCC III / Protective EOS T-Ring – see Section 17 Hyperion Zoom Barlow Lens 2.25x (also available as Bundle with Mark III Zoom, see S.26) VIP Barlowlens 2x, 1¼", MC (built of T-2 components) #20 Alan Gee Telecompressor Mark II Fluorite Flatfield Converter (FFC) / 4x-8x – worlds best Barlow-Lens M68 Tele-Compendium, consisting of: #2458225/#25B/2x#2458208/#2458202/#2458096/#16 RCC I Rowe Coma Corrector with backfocus 91,5mm 30 8, 30 30 £399.00 10, 30, 37 £145.00 £141.00 RCC OAG – Off-Axis-Guider 30 21, 30 31. Products for Spectroscopy 2458550 1304110 1304120 1304105 2458556 2458590 2458593 2452110 2458511 DADOS Slit – Spectrograph DADOS 1¼" Guiding Eyepiece, Kellner 10mm DADOS 1¼" Positioning Eyepiece, Kellner 20mm DADOS 1¼" Eyepiece Set, Kellner 10mm + 20mm Blaze Reflection Grating 900 L/mm, cemented onto Tilting grating holder Calibration lamp for DADOS, with 220V cable and 2“ sliding cap DADOS Rings with 3/8" a. 1/4" Photo thread for Tubediameter 38mm Carrying Case for DADOS and accessories Objective Prism, made of Flintglas (F2), Glass-diameter 140 mm (5.5“), £2,099.00 £39.00 £39.00 £75.00 £245.00 £36.00 £96.00 £85.00 31 £450.00 31 £1,249.00 32 £65.00 £163.00 32 £166.00 32, 34 £150.00 32, 34 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32. Giant Binocular Viewer Mark V & Accessories 2456410 Giant Baader Binocular Viewer Mark V (Zeiss-Großfeld-Binocular) with Mark V Bino-Case 2456415 2456300 Baader Mark V Bino-Case for Baader/Zeiss Giant Binocular Viewer 2456301 2456305 18/06/2014 2" Newton Glasspath & Coma Corrector 1:1,7 (for Mark V) 2" Newtonian Glasspath & coma corrector as per #2456300, but including #7 change ring (#2346320) – for adapting onto the Maxbright Bino 2" Refractor/SC Glasspath corr. 1:1,8 for MarkV (needs T-2 diag. In Section 8 / #2456095) - 10 - BAADER PLANETAIUM UK RETAIL 2014 ProductImages Item-No. 2456314Z 2456316Z 2456317 T-2 Part No. SRP £ INCL. VAT @ 20% Section No. / Article Description Glasspath Corrector 1:1,25 – lenses mounted for Zeiss Mark V Binocular ( Glaspath Corrector #2456314 for Maxbright-Binocular see Section 8 / 34) Glasspath Corrector 1:1,70 – lenses mounted for Zeiss Mark V Binocular (Glaspath Corrector #2456316 for Maxbright-Binocular see Section 8 / 34) Glasspath Corrector 1:2,60 – fits Baader nose pieces and T-2 system adapters – to mount #4C in front of Maxbright- or Mark V Binokular Viewers Sektion £86.00 32 £86.00 32 £86.00 8, 32, 34 33. Maxbright Binocular Viewer T- 2 2456450 2456450A 2456450B Maxbright Binocular Viewer with aluminum case ( incl. T-2 adapter thread) Baader Maxbright Binocular w. aluminum case, incl. 1¼" nosepiece (T2#14) Baader Maxbright Binocular w. aluminum case, incl. 2" nosepiece (T2#16) Baader Maxbright Binocular w. aluminum case, incl. Glasspath Corrector 1.25x and 1¼" nosepiece #14 Baader Maxbright Binocular w. aluminum case, incl. Glasspath Corrector 1.25x and 2" nosepiece #16 Baader Maxbright Binocular w. aluminum case, incl. Glasspath Corrector 1.7x and 1¼" nosepiece #14 Baader Maxbright Binocular w. aluminum case, incl. Glasspath Corrector 1.7x and 2" nosepiece #16 Baader Maxbright Binocular w. aluminum case, incl. Glasspath Corrector 2.6 and 1¼" nosepiece #14 Baader Maxbright Binocular w. aluminum case, incl. Glasspath Corrector 2.6x and 2" nosepiece #16 Baader Maxbright Binocular for terrestrial observing, incl. 1.25"/ 45° Erecting Roof Prism, and built in 2x glaspath corrector (#2956155) Maxbright Binocular #2456450 – Set with following accessories: 1x 2956155 45° Maxbright Amici Prism 1¼", 1x 2458105 nosepiece 1¼" T2-#14, 2x 1304110 Dados Eyepiece 10mm, 2x 1304120 Dados Eyepiece 20mm 2456451 2456452 2456453 2456454 2456455 2456456 2456450C 2456450S £199.00 £220.00 £220.00 33 £280.00 33 £280.00 33 £280.00 33 £280.00 33 £280.00 33 £280.00 33 £280.00 33 £415.00 33 33 33 34. Accessories for Maxbright Bino 2456314 2456316 2456317 2456301 Glasspath Corrector 1:1,25 – lenses mounted for Maxbright-Binocular (Glaspath Corrector #2456314Z for Zeiss Mark V Binocular see Section 32) Glasspath Corrector 1:1,70 – lenses mounted for Maxbright-Binocular #4B (Glaspath Corrector #2456316Z for Zeiss Mark V Binocular see Section 32) Glasspath Corrector 1:2,60 – fits Baader nose pieces and T-2 system adapters – to mount #4C in front of Maxbright- or Mark V Binokular Viewers 2" Newtonian Glasspath & coma corrector as per #2456300, but including #7 change ring (#2346320) – for adapting onto the Maxbright Bino #4A 2456305 2" Refractor/SC Glasspath corr. 1:1,8 for MarkV (needs T-2 diag. In Section 8 / #2456095) 2456325 Spacertube 1¼", to adapt long focal length eyepieces (30-42mm) onto Maxbright BinoViewer (2pc. required) 2956155 2456005 45° Erecting Prism for Maxbright Bino with 2x Glasspath Corrector + 1¼" nosepiece #1C Prism Diagonal T-2/90° 32mm (suitable for Maxbright Bino) £86.00 8, 34 £86.00 8, 34 £86.00 8, 32, 34 £166.00 32, 34 £150.00 32, 34 £30.00 34 34 £75.00 £89.00 8, 28, 34 35. Focusers –new products under preparation 2454550 2454560 2957150 2957151 2957155 2408151 2458196 3" Focuser Hyperion for Refractor 130mm travel - long delivery time! 3" Focuser Hyperion for Newton 40mm travel - long delivery time! Steeldrive Focusing System* for Baader Steeltrack focuser incl. Handcontroler Steeldrive Focusing System* for Baader Steeltrack focuser for use with LVI SG-2 Steeldrive hand control box Pushfix Reducer Adapter 2" / 1¼" for Newton Focuser / 1mm optical length Ultra short clamp 2" focus-side with M68 male auxillary-thread, telescope-side with M68 #32 male-thread (Zeiss) and M60 male-thread (Vixen) *) Adviseable Accessory for Steeldrive Focusing Systems: Baader Outdoor Power-Supply #2457610 for the best possible 220V powersupply (additionally necessary is the Elbow Plug #2457611 for Baader Outdoor Power Supply) #15A £850.00 £850.00 £325.00 £299.00 £69.00 £30.00 35 35 35 35 35 8, 35 £50.00 8, 9, 10, 35 36. Siberia Mirrors for Do it yourself 2918215 18/06/2014 Siberia-Mirror Set 110/fl 800mm (Newton) with mirror cell & spider - 11 - £150.00 BAADER PLANETAIUM UK RETAIL 2014 36 ProductImages Item-No. T-2 Part No. SRP £ INCL. VAT @ 20% Section No. / Article Description Sektion 37. Solar / Telecentric Accessories a.o. 2959279 2959280 2959281 2459300 2956500V 2956500P 2452115 2459259 2459255 2459256 2459258 Solarprotection Shield T-2 (clamps between any T-2 threads) Solarprotection Shield 2" (clamps between any 2” threads) Solarprotection Shield M 68 (clamps between any M68 threads) Solar Diaphragma, 10 -113mm variable aperture, f. adjusting optimum aperture for Solar Spectrum Filters, mount in front of C-ERF Filters Safety Baader Cool Ceramic Herschel Prism 2" with ClickLock 2" Clamp, VISUAL version, incl 2" filter ND3,0 & Solar-Continuum Filter 2" – incl. Case #2452115 Safety Baader Cool Ceramic Herschel Prism 2" with ClickLock 2" Clamp, PHOTOGRAPHIC version, incl.4 ND-filter 2" 0,6/0,9/1,8/3,0 & Solar-Continuum Filter 2" – incl. Case #2452115 Case for Safety Herrschel-Prism with space for 5 filters – since 2011 included in the shipment of Herschel-Prism 2" Solar-Telecompressor 0.7x f. Solar-Spectrum Filters, with 2"male/2"male thread (to fit Universal 2" Flange #2958240 - see Section 9 ) Telecentric System TZ 2 (with T-2 threads) Telecentric System TZ 4 (with T-2 threads) M68 Tele-Compendium, consisting of: #2458225/#25B/2x#2458208/#2458202/#2458096/#16 £39.00 £41.00 £42.00 37 £275.00 37 £449.00 37 £499.00 37 £45.00 37 £209.00 37 £305.00 £305.00 37 37 37 37 CALL 10, 30, 37 37a. Solar Filters / C-ERF and D-ERF-Filters 2458355 2458390 2458391 2458392 2459241D 2459242D 2459243D 2459244D 2459245D 2459246D Baader K-Line Filter stacked, 1¼" (incl. 3.8 AstroSolar 200x290mm Photo Film) never use any eyepiece filter for solar observation without objective front filter Baader 1¼" Solar Continuum Filter (540nm), optically polished never use any eyepiece filter for solar observation without objective front filter Baader 2" Solar Continuum Filter (540nm), optically polished never use any eyepiece filter for solar observation without objective front filter Baader 1¼" Solar Continuum Filter stacked, with 3.8 Photo Film 200x290mm never use any eyepiece filter for solar observation without objective front filter D-ERF Energy rejection filter 75mm (5mm thickness), with IR-Cut dielectric coating D-ERF Energy rejection filter 90mm (6mm thickness), with IR-Cut dielectric coating D-ERF Energy rejection filter 110mm (8mm thickness), with IR-Cut dielectric coating D-ERF Energy rejection filter 135mm (9mm thickness), with IR-Cut dielectric coating D-ERF Energy rejection filter 160mm (10mm thickness), with IR-Cut dielectric coating D-ERF Energy rejection filter 180mm (12mm thickness), with IR-Cut dielectric coating £229.00 37A, 44 £59.00 37A, 44 £99.00 37A, 44 £125.00 37A, 44 £265.00 £390.00 £510.00 £790.00 £999.00 £1,430.00 37A 37A 37A 37A 37A 37A 38. Polarizing Filters for photography of the sun ONLY WITH Herschelprism or AstroSolar-Photofoil 2408342 2408343 2" single polarizing Filter never use any eyepiece filter for solar observation without objective front filter 1¼" single polarizing Filter never use any eyepiece filter for solar observation without objective front filter 39. Neutral Density (Grey) Filters 2458343 2458344 2458345 2458346 2458321 2458322 2458331 2458332 £56.00 38 £36.00 38 £25.00 £25.00 £25.00 £25.00 £39.00 £39.00 £39.00 £39.00 39 £125.00 CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL £199.00 CALL CALL 40 (planoptically polished) Baader ND Filter 1¼", multicoated / OD 0.6 T=25% Baader ND Filter 1¼", multicoated / OD 0.9 T=12.5% Baader ND Filter 1¼", multicoated / OD 1.8 T=1.5% Baader ND Filter 1¼", multicoated / OD 3.0 T=0.1% Baader ND Filter 2", multicoated / OD 0.6 T=25% Baader ND Filter 2", multicoated / OD 0.9 T=12.5% Baader ND Filter 2", multicoated / OD 1.8 T=1.5% Baader ND Filter 2", multicoated / OD 3.0 T=0.1% 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 40. Color Filters for planetary observation (Phantom Coating Group) (planoptically polished) 2458300 2458301 2458302 2458303 2458304 2458306 2458307 2458310 2458311 2458312 18/06/2014 Baader Eyepiece Filter-Set 1¼" 6 colors PCG Multi-coated Baader Color Filter Yellow 1¼" 495nm Longpass Baader Color Filter Dark Blue 1¼" 435nm BandPass Baader Color Filter Blue 1¼" 470nm BandPass Baader Color Filter Green 1¼" 500nm BandPass Baader Color Filter Orange 1¼" 570nm LongPass Baader Color Filter Red 1¼" 610nm LongPass Baader 2" Eyepiece Filter-Set / 6 colors PCG Multi-coated Baader Color Filter Yellow 2" 495nm LongPass Baader Color Filter Dark Blue 2" 435nm BandPass - 12 - BAADER PLANETAIUM UK RETAIL 2014 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ProductImages Item-No. 2458313 2458314 2458316 2458317 T-2 Part No. SRP £ INCL. VAT @ 20% Section No. / Article Description Baader Color Filter Blue 2" 470nm BandPass Baader Color Filter Green 2" 500nm BandPass Baader Color Filter Orange 2" 570nm LongPass Baader Color Filter Red 2" 610nm LongPass Sektion CALL CALL CALL CALL 40 £49.00 £85.00 £49.00 £75.00 £49.00 £75.00 £59.00 £85.00 41 40 40 40 41. Contrast Enhancement / Color Correction Filters visual and photographic, Phantom Coating Group (planoptically polished) 2458305A 2458334A 2458360 2458365 2458370 2458375 2458398 2458399 Baader NEODYMIUM & IR-Cut 1¼" (Moon & Skyglow) Filter Baader NEODYMIUM & IR-Cut 2" (Moon-& Skyglow) Filter Baader Contrast Booster 1¼" Filter Baader Contrast Booster 2" Filter Baader Fringe Killer 1¼" Filter Baader Fringe Killer 2" Filter Baader 1¼" Semi APO Filter Baader 2" Semi APO Filter 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 42. Deep Sky visual Filters (planoptically polished) 2458275 2458276 2458395 2458396 £51.00 42, 43B CALL 42, 43B 42 CALL 42 CALL Baader UHC-S / L-Booster-Filter 1¼" with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) Baader UHC-S / L-Booster-Filter 2" with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) Baader 1¼" O III Filter, (10nmHBW) visual Baader 2" O III Filter, (10nmHBW) visual 43a. Photographic Planetary Filters (DMK), IR-Pass-Filter / CCD RGB – Set for Beginners (planoptically polished) 2458385 2458386 2458350 £52.00 £83.00 £73.00 Baader 1¼" IR-Pass-Filter (685 nm) Baader 2" IR-Pass-Filter (685 nm) CCD RGB Filter-Set 1¼" for beginners (3 Color Filters + IR Cut Filter) 43A 43A 43A 43b. Photographic L-Filters (UV/IR Cut), Clear-Glass-Filters, L-Booster-Filters (UHC-S) (planoptically polished) 2459207A 2459210A 2459205 2459421 2459206 2459401 2459203 2458415 2458416 2458420 2458421 2459405 2459423 2458275 2458276A 2458278 2458279 18/06/2014 Baader UV/IR Cut / L-Filter 1¼" with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) Baader UV/IR Cut / L-Filter 2" with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) Baader UV/IR Cut / L-Filter 50.4mm (3mm glass thickness) Round Baader UV/IR Cut / L-Filter Ø 36mm (2mm glass thickness) Round Baader UV/IR Cut / L-Filter 50x50mm (3mm glass thickness) Square Baader UV/IR Cut / L-Filter 65 x 65 (3mm glass thickness) Square Baader UV/IR Cut -Filter 101x143x3mm, giant size – made for professional movie cameras Baader Clearglass Filter 1¼" with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) Baader Clearglass Filter 2“ with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) Baader Clearglass Filter 50.4mm (3mm glas thickness) Round Baader Clearglass Filter 50x50mm (3mm glas thickness) Square Baader Clearglass 65 x 65 (3mm glas thickness) Square Baader Clearglass Ø 36mm (2mm glas thickness) Round Baader UHC-S / L-Booster-Filter 1¼" with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) Baader UHC-S / L-Booster-Filter 2" with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) Baader UHC-S / L-Booster-Filter 50.4mm Round Baader UHC-S / L-Booster-Filter 50x50mm Square - 13 - 43B £43.00 43B £78.00 43B £86.00 43B £55.00 43B £110.00 43B £125.00 43B CALL 43B £32.00 43B £52.00 43B £60.00 43B £67.00 43B £75.00 43B £37.00 £51.00 42, 43B £86.00 42, 43B 43B £106.00 43B £115.00 BAADER PLANETAIUM UK RETAIL 2014 ProductImages Item-No. T-2 Part No. SRP £ INCL. VAT @ 20% Section No. / Article Description Sektion 43c. Baader RGB-CCD-Filters planoptically polished, 1¼" and 2“ with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) 2458470R 2458470G 2458470B 2458475R 2458475G 2458475B 2458480R 2458480G 2458480B 2458485R 2458485G 2458485B 2458490R 2458490G 2458490B 2459422R 2459422G 2459422B Baader R-CCD 1¼“ Filter (with LPFC) Baader G-CCD 1¼“ Filter (with LPFC) Baader B-CCD 1¼“ Filter (with LPFC) Baader R-CCD 2“ Filter (with LPFC) Baader G-CCD 2“ Filter (with LPFC) Baader B-CCD 2“ Filter (with LPFC) Baader R-CCD 50.4mm Round Filter Baader G-CCD 50.4mm Round Filter Baader B-CCD 50.4mm Round Filter Baader R-CCD 50x50mm Square Filter Baader G-CCD 50x50mm Square Filter Baader B-CCD 50x50mm Square Filter Baader R-CCD Filter 65x65 (3mm glass thickness) Square Baader G-CCD Filter 65x65 (3mm glass thickness) Square Baader B-CCD Filter 65x65 (3mm glass thickness) Square Baader R-CCD-Filter Ø 36 (2mm glass thickness) Baader G-CCD-Filter Ø 36 (2mm glass thickness) Baader B-CCD-Filter Ø 36 (2mm glass thickness) £58.00 £58.00 £58.00 £96.00 £96.00 £96.00 £106.00 £106.00 £106.00 £124.00 £124.00 £124.00 £143.00 £143.00 £143.00 £74.00 £74.00 £74.00 43C £200.00 £220.00 £325.00 £355.00 £355.00 £370.00 £415.00 £440.00 £500.00 £540.00 £250.00 £275.00 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C Baader RGB CCD-Filtersets planoptically polished, 1¼" and 2“ with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) 2458472 2458473 2458477 2458478 2458482 2458483 2458487 2458488 2458492 2458493 2459425 2459426 18/06/2014 Baader LRGB CCD-Filterset 1¼“ (2mm glass thickness, 4 filters) (with LPFC) Baader LRGBC CCD-Filterset 1¼“ (2mm glass thickness, 5 filters) (with LPFC) Baader LRGB CCD-Filterset 2“ (2mm glass thickness, 4 filters) (with LPFC) Baader LRGBC CCD-Filterset 2“ (2mm glass thickness, 5 filters) (with LPFC) Baader LRGB CCD-Filterset Ø 50.4mm (3mm glass thickness), Round (4 filters) Baader LRGBC CCD-Filterset Ø 50.4mm (3mm glass thickness), Round (5 filters) Baader LRGB CCD-Filterset 50x50mm (3mm glass thickness), Square (4 filters) Baader LRGBC CCD-Filterset 50x50mm (3mm glass thickness), Square (5 filters) Baader LRGB CCD-Filterset 65x65 (3mm glass thickness), Square (4 filters) Baader LRGBC CCD Filterset 65x65 (3mm glass thickness), Square (5 filters) Baader LRGB CCD Filterset Ø 36mm (2mm glass thickness, 4 filters) Baader LRGBC CCD Filterset Ø 36mm (2mm glass thickness, 5 filters) - 14 - BAADER PLANETAIUM UK RETAIL 2014 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C 43C ProductImages Item-No. T-2 Part No. SRP £ INCL. VAT @ 20% Section No. / Article Description Sektion 43d. Baader CCD Narrowband-Filters planoptically polished, 1¼" and 2“ with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) 2458381 2458380 2458379 2458379R 2458382 2458384 2458383 Baader H-alpha 35nm CCD Filter 1¼" (with LPFC) 43D Baader H-alpha 7nm CCD Narrowband-Filter Ø 50.4mm £58.00 £105.00 £113.00 £150.00 £109.00 £165.00 £190.00 2458383R Baader H-alpha 7nm CCD Narrowband-Filter 50x50 (3mm glass thickness) Square £215.00 43D 2459411 Baader H-alpha 7nm CCD Narrowband-Filter 65x65 (3mm glass thickness) Square £255.00 43D 2459431 2458425 2458426 2458427 2458428 2458435 2458436 2458437 2458438 2459413 2459433 2458430 2458431 2458432 2458433 2459412 2459432 Baader H-alpha 7nm CCD Narrowband-Filter Ø 36 (2mm glass thickness) £123.00 £72.00 £120.00 £140.00 £200.00 £81.00 £125.00 £160.00 £181.00 £220.00 £97.00 £81.00 £125.00 £160.00 £180.00 £220.00 £102.00 43D Baader H-alpha 35nm CCD Filter 2" (with LPFC) Baader H-alpha 35nm CCD Filter Ø 50.8mm Baader H-alpha 35nm CCD Filter 50x50 Square Baader H-alpha 7nm CCD Narrowband-Filter 1¼" (with LPFC) Baader H-alpha 7nm CCD Narrowband-Filter 2" (with LPFC) Baader H-beta 8.5nm CCD Narrowband-Filter 1¼" (with LPFC) Baader H-beta 8.5nm CCD Narrowband-Filter 2" (with LPFC) Baader H-beta 8.5nm CCD Narrowband-Filter Ø 50.8mm Round Baader H-beta 8.5nm CCD Narrowband-Filter 50x50 mm Square Baader O III 8.5nm CCD Narrowband-Filter 1¼" (with LPFC) Baader O III 8.5nm CCD Narrowband-Filter 2" (with LPFC) Baader O III 8.5nm CCD Narrowband-Filter Ø 50.4mm Round Baader O III 8.5nm CCD Narrowband-Filter 50x50 mm (3mm glass thickness) Square Baader O III 8.5nm CCD Narrowband-Filter 65x65 (3mm glass thickness) Square Baader O III CCD Narrowband-Filter Ø 36 (2mm glass thickness) Baader S II 8nm CCD Narrowband-Filter 1¼" (with LPFC) Baader S II 8nm CCD Narrowband-Filter 2" (with LPFC) Baader S II 8nm CCD Narrowband-Filter Ø 50.4mm (3mm glass thickness) Round Baader S II 8nm CCD Narrowband-Filter 50x50mm (3mm glass thickness) Square Baader S II 8nm CCD Narrowband-Filter 65x65mm (3mm glass thickness) Square Baader S II CCD Narrowband-Filter Ø 36 (2mm glass thickness) Baader CCD Narrowband-Filtersets – 2459461 2459462 2459463 2459464 2459465 2459466 2458450 2458451 2458452 2458455 2458456 2458457 18/06/2014 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 1¼" and 2“ with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) Baader CCD Narrowband-filterset 1¼" H-alpha 7 / OIII / SII (2mm glass thickness) for FullFrame-CCD, cons. of 3 Filters: H-alpha 7nm, O III 8.5nm und S II 8nm (with LPFC) Baader CCD Narrowband-filterset 2" H-alpha 7 / OIII / SII (2mm glass thickness) for FullFrame-CCD, consisting of 3 Filters: H-alpha 7nm, O III 8.5nm und S II 8nm (with LPFC) Baader CCD Narrowband-filterset Ø 50.4mm H-alpha 7 / OIII / SII (3mm glass thickness) for Full-Frame-CCD, consisting of 3 Filters: H-alpha 7nm, O III 8.5nm und S II 8nm Baader CCD Narrowband-filterset 50x50mm H-alpha 7 / OIII / SII (3mm glass thickness) for Full-Frame-CCD, consisting of 3 Filters: H-alpha 7nm, O III 8.5nm und S II 8nm Baader CCD Narrowband-filterset 65x65mm H-alpha 7 / OIII / SII (3mm glass thickness) for Full-Frame-CCD, consisting of 3 Filters: H-alpha 7nm, O III 8.5nm und S II 8nm Baader CCD Narrowband-filterset Ø 36mm H-alpha 7 / OIII / SII (2mm glass thickness) for Full-Frame-CCD, consisting of 3 Filters: H-alpha 7nm, O III 8.5nm und S II 8nm Set 1¼" for InterLine-CCD, consisting of 4 Filters 1¼": H-alpha 35nm, H-beta, O III, S-II, No. 2458381/ 2458425/ 2458435/ 2458430 (with LPFC) Set 2" for InterLine-CCD, consisting of 4 Filters 2": H-alpha 35nm, H-beta, O III, S-II, No. 2458380/ 2458426/ 2458436/ 2458431 (with LPFC) Set for InterLine-CCD, consisting of 2 Filters Ø 50.4mm: O-III and S-II #2458437+2458432, and 2 Filters Ø 50.8mm H-alpha 35nm and H-beta #2458379+2458427 Set 1¼" for Full-Frame-CCD, consisting of 4 Filters 1¼": H-alpha 7nm, H-beta, O III, S-II, No. 2458382/ 2458425/ 2458435/ 2458430 (with LPFC) Set 2" for Full-Frame-CCD, consisting of 4 Filters 2": H-alpha 7nm, H-beta, O III, S-II, No. 2458384/ 2458426/ 2458436/ 2458431 (with LPFC) Set for Full-Frame-CCD, consisting of 3 Filters Ø 50.4mm: H-alpha 7nm, O-III, S-II, #2458383/ 2458437/ 2458432 and 1 Filter H-beta Ø 50.8mm #2458427 - 15 - 43D £245.00 43D £390.00 43D £460.00 43D £520.00 43D £620.00 43D £285.00 43D £265.00 43D £415.00 43D £530.00 43D £295.00 43D £470.00 43D £605.00 43D BAADER PLANETAIUM UK RETAIL 2014 ProductImages Item-No. T-2 Part No. SRP £ INCL. VAT @ 20% Section No. / Article Description Sektion 43e. Baader Complete Filtersets – Narrowband and RGB 1¼" and 2“ with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) 2459521 2459522 2459523 2459524 2459525 2459526 2459541 2459542 2459543 2459544 2459545 2459546 2459561 2459562 2459563 2459564 Baader CCD Complete Filterset I 1¼" LRGBC / H-alpha 7nm (2mm glass thickness), 6 Filter (with LPFC) Baader CCD Complete Filterset I 2" LRGBC / H-alpha 7nm (2mm glass thickness), 6 Filter (with LPFC) Baader CCD Complete Filterset I Ø 50.4mm LRGBC / H-alpha 7nm (3mm glass thickness), 6 Filter Baader CCD Complete Filterset I 50x50mm LRGBC / H-alpha 7nm (3mm glass thickness), 6 Filter Baader CCD Complete Filterset I 65x65mm LRGBC / H-alpha 7nm (3mm glass thickness), 6 Filter Baader CCD Complete Filterset I Ø 36mm LRGBC / H-alpha 7nm (2mm glass thickness), 6 Filter Baader CCD Complete Filterset II 1¼" LRGBC / H-alpha 7nm / OIII 8.5nm / SII 8nm (2mm glass thickness), consisting of 8 Filter (with LPFC) Baader CCD Complete Filterset II 2" LRGBC / H-alpha 7nm / OIII 8.5nm / SII 8nm (2mm glass thickness), consisting of 8 Filter (with LPFC) Baader CCD Complete Filterset II Ø 50.4mm LRGBC / H-alpha 7nm / OIII 8.5nm / SII 8nm (3mm glass thickness), consisting of 8 Filter Baader CCD Complete Filterset II 50x50mm LRGBC / H-alpha 7nm / OIII 8.5nm / SII 8nm (3mm glass thickness), consisting of 8 Filter Baader CCD Complete Filterset II 65x65mm LRGBC / H-alpha 7nm / OIII 8.5nm / SII 8nm (3mm glass thickness), consisting of 8 Filter Baader CCD Complete Filterset II Ø 36mm LRGBC / H-alpha 7nm / OIII 8.5nm / SII 8nm (2mm glass thickness), consisting of 8 Filter 2458355 2458390 2458391 2458392 2458295 2459440U 2459440B 2459440V 2459440R 2459440I 43E £485.00 43E £540.00 43E £585.00 43E £740.00 43E £360.00 43E £440.00 43E £710.00 43E £825.00 43E £930.00 43E £1,100.00 43E £525.00 43E £395.00 43E £645.00 43E £740.00 43E £865.00 43E £169.00 £219.00 44 Baader CCD Complete Filterset III 1¼" LRGBC / H-alpha 35nm / OIII 8.5nm / SII 8nm (2mm glass thickness), consisting of 8 Filter (with LPFC) Baader CCD Complete Filterset III 2" LRGBC / H-alpha 35nm / OIII 8.5nm / SII 8nm (2mm glass thickness), consisting of 8 Filter (with LPFC) Baader CCD Complete Filterset III Ø 50.4mm LRGBC / H-alpha 35nm / OIII 8.5nm / SII 8nm (3mm glass thickness), consisting of 8 Filter Baader CCD Complete Filterset III 50x50mm LRGBC / H-alpha 35nm / OIII 8.5nm / SII 8nm (3mm glass thickness), consisting of 8 Filter 44. Speciality Filters and UBVRI Photometric Filters 2458292 2458291 £295.00 (planoptically polished) Baader U-Filter 1¼" (ZWL 350nm) – not for photometry Baader U-Filter 2" (ZWL 350nm) – not for photometry Baader K-Line Filter stacked, 1¼" (incl. 3.8 AstroSolar 200x290mm Photo Film) never use any eyepiece filter for solar observation without objective front filter Baader 1¼" Solar Continuum Filter (540nm), optically polished never use any eyepiece filter for solar observation without objective front filter Baader 2" Solar Continuum Filter (540nm), optically polished never use any eyepiece filter for solar observation without objective front filter Baader 1¼" Solar Continuum Filter stacked, with 3.8 Photo Film 200x290mm never use any eyepiece filter for solar observation without objective front filter Baader Methane-Filter 1¼" (889nm, 8nm) Baader UBVRI Photometric U-Filter 1¼" (4mm Glass) with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) Baader UBVRI Photometric B-Filter 1¼" (4mm Glass) with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) Baader UBVRI Photometric V-Filter 1¼"(4mm Glass) with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) Baader UBVRI Photometric R-Filter 1¼" (4mm Glass) with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) Baader UBVRI Photometric I-Filter 1¼" (4mm Glass) with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC) 44 £229.00 37A, 44 £59.00 37A, 44 £99.00 37A, 44 £125.00 37A, 44 £150.00 £125.00 £125.00 £125.00 £125.00 £125.00 44 £575.00 44 44 44 44 44 44 Baader UBVRI Photometric Filtersets (planoptically polished) 2459440 18/06/2014 Baader UBVRI Photometric Filterset 1¼" (4mm Glass / optically polished) with Low Profile Filter Cell (LPFC), consisting of 5 Filter - 16 - BAADER PLANETAIUM UK RETAIL 2014 ProductImages Item-No. T-2 Part No. SRP £ INCL. VAT @ 20% Section No. / Article Description Sektion 44a. Accessories for Baader Filters 2408166 2958028 2958037 2958046 2958049 2958052 2958055 2958058 2958062 2958067 2958072 2958077 2958082 2459253 2459251 2459251L 2459252 2459252L DSLR-2" Filter Holder M48/SP54 (to mount our 2" Filters onto camera lenses) - needs Hyperion DT-rings #2958028 - 2458062 and additional Stepper Rings M67 up to M82 Hyperion DT-Ring SP54/M28 for DTAdapter II&III and Hyperion Eyepieces – needs item #2958090 Hyperion DT-Ring SP54/M37 for DTAdapter II&III and Hyperion Eyepieces – needs item #2958090 Hyperion DT-Ring SP54/M46 for DTAdapter II&III and Hyperion Eyepieces Hyperion DT-Ring SP54/M49 for DTAdapter II&III and Hyperion Eyepieces Hyperion DT-Ring SP54/M52 for DTAdapter II&III and Hyperion Eyepieces Hyperion DT-Ring SP54/M55 for DTAdapter II&III and Hyperion Eyepieces Hyperion DT-Ring SP54/M58 for DTAdapter II&III and Hyperion Eyepieces Hyperion DT-Ring SP54/M62 for DTAdapter II&III and Hyperion Eyepieces Hyperion Stepper-Ring M62 onto M67 Hyperion Stepper-Ring M62 onto M72 Hyperion Stepper-Ring M62 onto M77 Hyperion Stepper-Ring M72 onto M82 Baader-filterbox (for filters up to 65x65 mm square) Filtercell mount 1¼" – effective height 8mm Filtercell mount 1¼" Low Profile – effective height 6mm Filtercell mount 2“ – effective height 8mm Filtercell mount 2“ Low Profile – effective height 6mm £17.00 44A £12.00 27, 44A £12.00 27, 44A £12.00 £12.00 £12.00 £12.00 £12.00 £13.00 £16.00 £16.00 £16.00 £16.00 £4.25 £11.00 £13.00 £13.00 £15.00 27, 44A £55.00 45 £65.00 45 £50.00 45 £60.00 45 £55.00 £20.00 £55.00 £190.00 £3.00 46 £39.00 46 £25.00 £45.00 46 £125.00 46 £25.00 46 £38.00 £49.00 47 CALL 47 CALL 47 £5.00 47 £439.00 48 £28.00 48 27, 44A 27, 44A 27, 44A 27, 44A 27, 44A 27, 44A 27, 44A 27, 44A 27, 44A 44A 44A 44A 44A 44A 45. Photographic DSLR Astro Conversion Filters (Baader ACF+BCF) 2459211 2459212 2459213 2459214A DSLR-Astro Conversion Filter ( Baader-ACF 1 ) for Canon EOS 300 improved spectral transmission! (optically polished) DSLR-Astro Conversion Filter ( Baader-ACF 2 ) for Canon EOS 350 D/20 D improved spectral transmission! (optically polished) Baader BCF Corrector Filter for Canon EOS 7D/40D/50D/60D/400D/450D/500D/550D/600D/650D/1000D/1100D Baader BCF-Filter for Canon EOS 5D Mark II / 6D 46. Astro Solar Safety Film, Photo Film and Turbo Film 2459280 2459281 2459282 2459284 2459288 2459290 2459291 2459292 2459288S 2459350 AstroSolar Photo Film 100x50cm, Telescope Quality, OD = 3.8 AstroSolar Safety Film 20x30cm, Telescope Quality, OD = 5.0 AstroSolar Safety Film 100x50cm, Telescope Quality, OD = 5.0 AstroSolar maximum size, 117x117cm, Telescope Quality, OD = 5.0 Solar Viewers with Baader AstroSolarTM Silver Film, Optical Density OD = 5,0 Solar Viewer Set, consisting of 10 Solar Viewers (#2459288) and one AstroSolar Safety Film A4 (#2459281) 10 pc Solar Viewers with Baader AstroSolarTM Silver Film, Optical Density OD = 5,0 25 pc Solar Viewers with Baader AstroSolarTM Silver Film, Optical Density OD = 5,0 100 pc Solar Viewers with Baader AstroSolarTM Silver Film, Optical Density OD = 5,0 – Set with Counter-Display Baader Turbo Film 127 x 51 cm (uncoated base of Astro Solar) 46 46 46 46 46 47. Miscellaneous Parts 2455035 2455037 2457610 2457630 2457611 USB/RS 232 with Converter Cable RS 232/RJ11 Cable 3.5M for Celestron (Product of Baader Planetarium) Baader Outdoor Telescope Power Switching Power Supply 12.8V / 1.5A 19W with elbowed plug -25°C up to 40°C Baader Outdoor Telescope Power Switching Power Supply 12V / 5A 60W for larger Celestron-Mounts. Input voltage 100-240V, with elbowed plug. Elbow Plug 5,5/2,5 for Baader Outdoor Telescope Power Supply 47 48. Selected Scopos items 3066401 3005050 18/06/2014 SCOPOS ED APO 66/400 chrome; Outdoor Sports Bag, Color Gift Box SCOPOS SC-Adapter with M48 thread fo fasten onto 2" Erecting Prism Modell #2956151 & 2956152 – see Section # 29 - 17 - BAADER PLANETAIUM UK RETAIL 2014 ProductImages Item-No. T-2 Part No. SRP £ INCL. VAT @ 20% Section No. / Article Description Sektion 49. Mechanical Adaptations 1452084 Additional price for custom bore diameters at CDP and GM-Weights (for Item Nos 1452075/80/83, 2951403/06/08/12): CALL Products, specifications, pricing and Terms may be changed without notice or obligation. All pricing stated is the UK Suggested Retail Price including VAT at 20%. Actual Dealer prices will vary. David Hinds Ltd Unit R, Cherrycourt Way, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 4UH, UK (T) +44 (0)1525 852696 (F) +44 (0)1525 378457 (E) [email protected] (W) E. & O.E 18/06/2014 - 18 - BAADER PLANETAIUM UK RETAIL 2014 49
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