School of Business P.O. Box 2000| 900 Wood Road Kenosha, WI 53144-2000 Telephone: 262.595.2280 Fax: 262.595.2680 Keyword: business BUSINESS MANAGEMENT MAJOR REQUIREMENTS HUMAN RESOURCES CONCENTRATION An Investment in Success Students who have completed this concentration at UW-Parkside now work in Human Resource Management at a wide variety of organizations in southeastern Wisconsin and northern Illinois, including Aurora Health Care, CNH, Uline, Hewitt Associates, Horizon Retail Construction, Bass Pro Shops, and Walgreens. Other students have used their Human Resource knowledge to help run their family or other small businesses. Our alumni also pursue graduate degrees through programs like the MBA at UW-Parkside or the Masters in Human Resources and Labor Relations (MHRLR) at UW-Milwaukee. In addition they may pursue professional certification as a PHR or a SPHR (analogous to a CPA in accounting) through the Society for Human Resource Management. AACSB Accreditation: The Business Management/Human Resources Concentration program is accredited by the prestigious AACSB-International (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.) This accreditation is recognized worldwide as a sign of program quality. REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION Completion of 120 credits including General Education, Foreign Language, Information Literacy and Ethnic Diversity requirements. Attain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. A minimum of 57 credits of the total 120 credits required to graduate must be in areas other than business and upper-level economics. Speech 105, Math 112, English 201 or 202 or 204, Economics 120 and 121 may count in this amount. Re-consideration of this policy will be given to students who enter UW-Parkside with advanced standing (e.g. foreign language, placement into college or advanced English or Math classes, etc.) Acquire a grade of C or better in fundamental and business preparation courses listed on this page. Attain a 2.50 GPA in the upper level foundation core and concentration Business Management Major listed on reverse side. The following are the requirements of Business Majors whose acceptance date is Fall 2011 or later. FUNDAMENTAL AND BUSINESS PREPARATION COURSES All fundamental and business preparation courses must be completed with a minimum grade requirement of C (C- is not acceptable) prior to advancing to the 300/400 level business courses. DEPT MATH ECON ECON ACCT QM BUS SPCH COURSE # 112 120 121 201 210 272 105 COURSE College Algebra II Micro Economics Macro Economics Financial Accounting Business Statistics I Legal Environment of Bus Public Speaking PREREQUISITE MATH 111 MATH 111 MATH 111 MATH 111 MATH 112 CREDIT 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 ADDITIONAL LOWER-LEVEL BUSINESS COURSES The following courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C (C- is not acceptable). DEPT COURSE # COURSE PREREQUISITE ACCT 202 Managerial Cost Accounting ACCT 201, ECON120, MATH112,QM 210 QM 310 Business Statistics II QM 210, MATH 112 Written Communication (ENGL 201 or 202 or 204) (choose one) ENGL 101 CREDIT 3 3 3 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT WITH HUMAN RESOURCES CONCENTRATION 4/21/2014 Fundamental Business Preparation 31 Credits Upper Level Foundation Core 21 Credits Concentration 12 Credits UPPER LEVEL FOUNDATION CORE AND REQUIRED HUMAN RESOURCES CONCENTRATION Prerequisites for all 300 and 400 level courses: declared Business Major with junior standing (54 credits), completion of all pre-business courses with C or better, all individual course prerequisites, and an overall UW-Parkside GPA of 2.0. A minimum 2.50 GPA in upper 300/400 level foundation core and concentration courses is required to graduate. Required Upper-Level Foundation Courses Prerequisites Frequency QM 319-Operations Management MIS 320-Management Information Systems FIN 330-Managerial Finance (F, Sp) (F, Sp) (F, Sp) QM 210, MATH 112 ACCT 201 ACCT201, QM210 or MATH309, ECON121 MGT 349-Organizational Behavior (F, Sp) Jr. or Sr. Standing MKT 350- Marketing Principles BUS 495-Strategic Management HRM 343-Human Resource Management (F, Sp) (F, Sp) (F, Sp) ECON 120 Sr. Standing, FIN 330, MKT 350, MGT 349 Jr. or Sr. Standing Required Human Resources Courses (Choose 2) HRM 441 – Staffing Organizations (Sp) HRM 343, QM 210 HRM 442 – Improving Employee Performance (F) HRM 343, MGT 349 HRM 444 – Compensation and Benefits (F) HRM 343 Students who choose to take HRM 441, 442, and 444 may count one of them as an elective. (Non-business electives may not be used toward the general business concentration.) Elective Human Resources Courses (Choose 2) RMGT 453 or RMGT 453 – Retail Management RMGT 454 or RMGT 454 – Service Management HRM 490 – Special Topics HRM 494 – Internship in Human Resources HRM 499 – Independent Study MGT 446-Global Issues in Management (F) (SP) Occasionally (F, Sp, Sum) (F, Sp, Sum) (F) MGT 349, MKT 350 MGT 349, MKT 350 Dependent on subject matter Approval by faculty member Approval by faculty member ECON 121 MGT 447 – Management Techniques PMGT 342 – Essential Personal Skills for PMGT Occasionally Yearly MGT 349 None COMM 303 – Organizational Communication COMM 385 – Strategies for Constructive Dialogue COMM 485 – Designing Conflict Interventions ECON 380 – The Labor Market POLS 315 – Diversity Law: Tribal Nations PSYC 330 – Interviewing (F) (Sp) (Sp) Occasionally Occasionally (Sp) COMM core courses or consent of instructor SOCA 371 – Occupations and Professions SOCA 374 – Women and Work Occasionally rd Every 3 Semester COMM 285 COMM 285 & 385 ECON 120 POLS 100 or ETHN minor PSYC 101 & 6 credits in PSYC, SOCA, or Business & consent of instructor SOCA 100 or 101 SOCA 100 or 101 For more information, please call the UW-Parkside College of Business, Economics, and Computing Senior Academic Advisor at 262-595-2449, or visit: Keyword: Business
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