OPCP FORM 06 SUMMARY OF OFFICE PERFORMANCE COMMITMENT PLAN (Revised as of May 9, 2014) FY 2014 Name of Operating Unit (EO/RO): TESDA Region XI SD4R Thrust/ P/A/P No. 1 2 3 Description (Projects/Program) Institution-based Programs Enterprisebased/Apprenticeship Community based-Programs Category: MFO P/A/P* 2 2 2 1 Number of Enrolees 28,957 Total Budget Estimate (P’000) 366.86 2 Number of Graduates 27,509 412.48 3 Number of Assessed 17,881 145.62 4 Number of Certified 15,020 145.62 5 Number of Employed Graduates (TWSP, STEP, all TTI Programs) 16,726 115.62 6 Number of Enrolees/employed 1,403 190.00 7 Number of Graduates 1,333 10.00 8 Number of Absorbed 810 20.00 9 Number of Enrolees 19,672 2,843.64 10 Number of Graduates 18,688 592.82 11 Number of Assessed (as applicable, to those covered with TRs) Number of Certified (as applicable, to those covered with TRs) 12,147 568.98 10,204 338.66 13 Number of Enrolees 2,563 35,206.50 14 Number of Graduates 2,435 15 1,583 16 Number of Assessed (as applicable, to those covered with TRs) Number of Employed STEP Graduates 1,480 10.00 17 Number of Enrolees 6,181 13,459.00 18 Number of Graduates 5,872 10.00 19 Number of Enrolees 1,447 10,003.00 20 Number of Graduates 1,375 21 Number of Assessed 894 22 Number of Certified 751 23 Number of Employed PESFA Graduates 836 24 Number of Enrolees* 9,537 25 Number of Graduates* 9,060 Success Indicator No. 12 4 5 6 7 Special Training for Employment Program (STEP) Grassroots Participatory Budgeting (GPB) Private Education Student Financial Assistance (PESFA) Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) 2 2 2 2 Measure Page 1 of 4 Target for the year 20.00 43,243.00 SD4R Thrust/ P/A/P No. Category: MFO P/A/P* Description (Projects/Program) Success Indicator No. 26 8 Trainers Development 2 TESDA Technology Institutions (TTIs) Graduates 2 5,889 27 28 Number of Employed TWSP Graduates 5,509 20.00 29 Number of TVET Trainers Trained 130 120.00 30 Number of TVET Trainers Qualified under NTTC Number of monitored TVET trainers trained 110 35.00 80 92.10 Number of TTI Enrolees* 7,090 6,218.31 33 Number of Enrolees Assessed (as applicable, covered with TRs) Number of Graduates 4,378 962.31 6,736 627.70 35 Number of Certified (as applicable, covered with TRs) 3,678 378.11 36 Average number of training hours per TTI trainee* Number of TTI graduates who are employed six (6) months after completion of training * 100 669.00 4,095 615.63 37 38 Percentage of training applications acted upon within two (2) weeks* 5 285.00 39 Percentage of TTI graduates certified within 5 days after graduation* Percentage of TTI training programs that are delivered within one month of the original plan* 5 458.00 5 2,243.26 41 Number of skilled persons assessed for certification * 47,455 870.44 42 Percentage of certified workers in employment 6 months after certification * 43 Percentage of applicant issued with admission slip within 10 working days)* 61% 119.18 100% 109.18 39,862 266.50 Number of registered programs by private TechVoc schools (institutions) * 48 391.86 Number of registered programs apprenticeship by companies. on 6 10.00 Percentage of non-compliances UTPRAS Procedures Manual* in 10% 69.20 440 341.40 40 Competency Assessment and Certification of Skilled Workers 3 44 Number of persons certified 11 Program Registration Accreditation and 3 4,947 32 34 10 Measure Total Budget Estimate (P’000) Number of Assessed (as applicable, to those covered with TRs) Number of Certified 31 9 Target for the year 45 46 47 Number of programs audited 48 Note: (rectify the no based CO computation, with regional breakdown) Number of accredited programs Page 2 of 4 500.00 SD4R Thrust/ P/A/P No. 12 Category: MFO P/A/P* Description (Projects/Program) TESD Policies 1 Career Guidance 2 Success Indicator No. Measure Target for the year Total Budget Estimate (P’000) 667.60 49 Number of policies (Board Resolutions, Committee Resolutions, Guidelines) developed and issued or updated and disseminated* 16 50 Percentage of stakeholders who rate policies as good or better* (PO will develop the feedback form accompanying the policies to be rolledout) 51 Percentage of policies that are updated, issued and disseminated in the last three (3) years* 95% 69.20 3 64.20 52 Number of persons profiled (YP4SC/NCAE) 7,326 412.37 53 Number of TVET clients extended with career guidance services consistent with the Career Guidance Advocacy Program (CGAP) 183.29 Technology Research 2 65 Number of technology researches prepared 7 677.67 Training Package (Toolbox) Development 2 66 Number of training curricula developed 9 114.80 67 Number of learning/e-learning materials developed 68 Number of institutional assessment tools developed 69 Number of mock-ups developed (optional) 66 235.09 5 110.62 4 100.31 70 Number of new partnerships forged 10 468.20 71 Communication Plan developed 11 442.27 72 Number of PRs prepared, disseminated and published 44 122.00 75 Number of TESD Plans Updated 4 390.36 6 20.00 181 55.10 Partnership and Linkages Advocacy Communication TESD Plans STO and STO 1 Note: 103, 1 National, 17 RTESDP, 85 PTESDP – there should be an accompanying Investment Plan Labor Market Information STO 76 Number of techvoc providers provided with Labor Market Information Report Good Governance STO 77 Number of Regions / Processes with ISO 9001:2008 certification (should be included in the general guidelines- all regions ISO certifiedto byReporting EO 2014) 78 Percent compliance requirements of oversight bodies on Funds Accountability (DOLE, COA,DBM and BIR) 79 Establishment of Transparency in all Regional Offices website 80 PhilGEPS Posting of all invitations to bid, notices of award, etc. 81 Liquidation of Cash Advances within the reglementary period GASS GASS GASS GASS Page 3 of 4 1 1,684.88 100% 1,661.47 100% 2,070.50 100% 361.85 100% 854.34 SD4R Thrust/ P/A/P No. Description (Projects/Program) Gender and Development PWD Programs GASS 82 Updated Citizen’s Charter 100% Total Budget Estimate (P’000) 161.00 GASS 83 Submission and Filing of SALN 100% 1,984.26 172 1,015.20 710 66.08 5 118.17 50 76.17 No. of Iindustry Board Meetings conducted / maintained / resolutions crafted and monitored No. of Fora conducted 4 15.00 7 539.84 No. of partners recognized (Kabalikat, TESDA Idol and CTECs) No. of TESDA Employees recognized 4 220.00 4 475.16 Category: MFO P/A/P* No. STO 1 Fora Conducted 3 Measure No. of GAD programs conducted/ monitored No. of persons trained on the nontraditional training program No. of programs designed/conducted to PWD sector No. of PWDs assisted 2 Industry Boards Awards Success Indicator GASS Target for the year Staff Development GASS No. of staff/personnel undergone training 82 3,145.76 BEMS GASS Buildings and Equipment Managed and Maintained 17 4,048.76 TOTAL 145,735.50 87% 126,909.65 3% 3,787.65 10% 15,038.20 145,735.50 Sub-Total, Operations (OPNS) Sub-Total, Support to Operations (STO) Sub-Total, GASS Total Amount of Budget Requested *Category: PG = Program, A=Activity, PJ=Project Prepared by: Date Attested by: Date ARLYN S. BANDONG Chief TESDS, ROD LOIDA B. ATENCIO Chief AO, FASD ACTION/S TAKEN CAO Focal Person GASPAR S. GAYONA, Ph.D., CESO III Regional Director Date PMT Date Page 4 of 4 ODG Date
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