Minutes of the meeting of Olney Town Council held on Monday 03 March 2014 at 7.30 pm at the Olney Centre Present: Stephen Clark (Mayor), Jeremy Rawlings, Deirdre Bethune, John Boardman, Debbie Brock, Ron Bull, Peter Geary, Rosemary Osbourne MBE, John Sharp, John Smail and Joe Stacey In attendance: Liam Costello (Town Clerk), Sandra Grummitt (Deputy Town Clerk) and 2 members of the public Public Forum: Andy Harris, of Olney Brass, spoke about the service that Olney Brass provides, and the structure of their organisation. They were raising their profile in the town by performing locally, including at the Dickens market recently. Financially, they had a surplus last year of £1K. However, if it they had not received the grant of £2.5K from OTC they would have been in deficit. Andy Harris asked the council to consider giving them a grant of £1.25K this year and confirmed that a grant request had been submitted. 1. Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Councillors Ben Brock, Tony Evans, Alan Richardson and Colin Rodden. 2. Declarations of interests on items on the agenda 3. Cllr Joe Stacey declared a personal interest in item 6 as he lives in the area. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 03 February 2014 RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 03 February 2014 be approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record 4. To receive written reports from chairmen of committees that have met since the last council meeting. 4.1. Neighbourhood Planning – 04 February Cllr Stacey submitted a report on the meeting and elaborated thereon. He noted the following points: Olney Town Council 03 March 2014 Page 3936 There is an article in this month’s Phonebox to publicise the plan. Neighbourhood Plan website launched Document received from MKC setting out housing number requirement for Olney and the rural settlements. 4.2. Recreation and Service – 10 February In the absence of the chairman, the Town Clerk submitted the draft minutes of the meeting. 5. To consider whether to make an application for a Definitive Map Modification Order for a footpath in the Goosey Fields Following representations made to the OTC in January, the council considered making an application to amend the Definitive Map by adding a path that runs through the Goosey fields. RESOLVED: that the council do not pursue adding this path to the Definitive Map on the grounds that they are not aware of any evidence of its continued use over the last 20 years. 6. To consider whether to make an application to MKC for parking restrictions at the junctions of Coneygere / Palmers Road and Coneygere / Church St under the Traffic Management and Local Safety Schemes Capital Programme Following representations from a member of the public, MKC asked OTC whether they wished to consider an application under the Traffic Management and Local Safety Schemes Capital Programme for parking restriction at junctions at either end of Coneygere. RESOLVED: that the council does not support an application under the scheme. 7. To approve a date and venue for Veterans Day RESOLVED: That the event be held on Friday 27 June at the Carlton House Club. 8. Request from Nigel Willard Tennis to run a multisports camp at Recreation Ground during the summer. RESOLVED: to defer the item pending further information from the applicant. Olney Town Council 03 March 2014 Page 3937 9. Premises License Application for Olney Bistro Limited, Unit 1, 16-18 High Street RESOLVED: That the council has no comments to make on the application. 10. Schedule of Meetings for 2014/15 RESOLVED: That the schedule of meetings be approved subject to the following amendments: 11. The JUG meeting scheduled for 24 March 2014 be put back a week until 31 March 2014; Meetings of the Planning committee commence at 7pm. List of outstanding actions Hearing Loop system – Cllr Rawlings to liaise with Cllr Richardson with regards to a temporary solution. East St car parking – Pre-application advice submitted to MKC. Berrells Court quotations due in from contractors on 07 March. MKC have said that both surfacing options would be sufficient to discharge the condition, but they would prefer the adoptable standard version RESOLVED: To note the report 12. To receive the Clerk’s Report The Clerk reported on the following matters: Footpath at the cemetery completed. Claim submitted to MKC for £1,000 Parish Partnership funding Roadworks at Yardley Road junction starting on 10 March 2014 and should last approximately 4-6 weeks Wicker pancake ladies installed. Lots of positive feedback 2 letters of complaint received from Market Traders about price increase. MKC have asked for suggestions for new sites for Grit Bins by the end of March Town Guide to be refreshed. Publishers will distribute to all postcode addresses in Olney and surrounding villages RESOLVED: To note the report Olney Town Council 03 March 2014 Page 3938 13. To approve Exclusive Rights of Burial and Memorials Headstone - Garden of Remembrance 324 “In loving memory Jeremy Edward Harris 1941 - 2013” Headstone additional Inscription – grave 1054 “and his much loved wife Olive Eileen Kitchener (Lena) 1924 - 2014” Headstone - Garden of Remembrance 325 “In loving memory of Hannelore Helene Clara Lenz 14.3.1926 - 23.1.2014 beloved wife to John”. Headstone - Grave 354 “In loving memory Thomas John William Batholomew died 1944 aged 67, wife Annie died 1981 aged 86, daughter Nancy died 2013 aged 87”. Exclusive right of Burial 724 grave 973 - Roy & Christine Kitchener Exclusive right of Burial 725 grave 1310 - Valerie Stannard Exclusive right of Burial 726 grave 1309 - Donald Brickwood Exclusive right of Burial 727 grave 1101 - Rosada Dorothy Wills RESOLVED: To approve the above exclusive rights of burial and memorials 14. To receive reports from Representatives to Outside Bodies Cllr Osbourne reported that the next NAG meeting is on 11 March; the EVA is on 25 March at 2pm; and a Delivery Group workshop will be held on 08 April. Cllr Brock reported that the North East Area forum meeting will be on Wednesday evening at Lavendon. Cllr Bethune reported that she had attended the recent meeting of the Allotment Association. Concerns were raised about parking in the allotment car park by Colts football club members. Cllr Bethune also reported that she had carried out a financial internal control check and had found no issues of concern. Olney Town Council 03 March 2014 Page 3939 15. To approve the schedule of payments Date Invoice No. Payee Total Description 03/02/2014 1 Bucks Playing Field Assoc 04/02/2014 2 Browns Implements 50.00 Annual Membership SO Machinery Part Debit 04/02/2014 3 Broxap Ltd 04/02/2014 4 USS 162.00 Replacement Bins Debit Gas Safety Service 05/02/2014 5 A H Contract 506.57 Debit Dog Bin Clearance Debit 05/02/2014 6 Liam Costello 06/02/2014 7 USS Expenses Debit Replacement Dishwasher 06/02/2014 8 Acorn Debit 259.80 Planting Debit 06/02/2014 9 Frosts Landscapes 06/02/2014 10 Fasthosts Internet Ltd 121.79 06/02/2014 11 Land Registry 07/02/2014 12 USS 07/02/2014 13 Civil & Lintels 07/02/2014 14 HFR 07/02/2014 15 Acorn 28.80 07/02/2014 16 Dave Boddy Electrical 96.00 10/02/2014 17 Neopost Finance 10/02/2014 18 MKC 10/02/2014 19 RingGo 11/02/2014 20 C T Wilson & Son 11/02/2014 21 MBC 11/02/2014 22 Rutland Willows 11/02/2014 23 Welding S A 12/02/2014 24 Olney Town FC 1,984.20 13/02/2014 25 Intuit 13/02/2014 26 Martin Ward 14/02/2014 27 Napier Parking Ltd 14/02/2014 28 GLS 14/02/2014 29 USS 36.00 14/02/2014 30 Hilary Brock Private Hire 14/02/2014 31 Walters Ltd 14/02/2014 32 ZUR01 17/02/2014 33 Olney Town FC 18/02/2014 34 Advance Turf Machinery 18/02/2014 35 Dave Boddy Electrical 18/02/2014 36 Howard David Associates 19/02/2014 37 Browns Implements 20/02/2014 38 AON 21/02/2014 39 Viking 22/02/2014 40 Anglian Water 90.00 22/02/2014 41 Anglian Water 622.00 22/02/2014 42 Anglian Water 49.00 22/02/2014 43 EDF 20.00 23/02/2014 44 Biffa Waste Services Ltd 24/02/2014 45 Vodafone 24/02/2014 46 24/02/2014 47 154.88 1,864.44 86.45 1,620.00 TOC Plant Maintenance Debit 5.39 Business Bronze Debit 3.00 Enquiry Debit Cutlery Tray Debit Cemetery Footpath Debit Winter Bedding Debit Plants Debit Floodlight Tractor Shed Debit Billing Cycle Debit Gas Supply October, November Debit 32.40 138.79 2,481.69 6.00 87.95 Parking Charges Debit 61.98 Open Space Maintenance Debit 1,021.44 Open Space Maintenance Debit 440.00 Pancake Lady Sculptures Debit 1,278.00 Replacement Toilet Doors Debit Grant Monies Debit 12.00 Subscription Debit 30.00 Keys Debit 208.03 January Management Charges Debit 289.49 Cleaning Materials Debit Plate Rack Debit 100.00 Taxi - January Debit 119.53 Printer Copies Debit Hayter Mower Cover Debit Grant Monies Debit Litter Picker Debit 690.00 Remove Christmas Lights Debit 630.00 Insurance Valuation TOC Debit Hayter Triple Mower Debit Annual Insurance Debit Stationary Debit Water - The Olney Centre Debit Water - Market Place Debit Water - Recreation Ground Debit Electricity - Cemetery Debit Trade Waste Debit 25.52 Broadband Debit Anglian Water 19.00 Water - Cemetery Debit Anglian Water 39.00 Water - Allotments Debit Olney Town Council 03 March 2014 3.08 53.00 936.58 15.82 17,400.00 2,231.31 113.18 234.82 Page 3940 25/02/2014 48 Sage 25/02/2014 49 Unicom 25/02/2014 50 Civil & Lintels 25/02/2014 51 25/02/2014 52 25/02/2014 25/02/2014 156.00 Annual Membership Debit Telephones Debit 530.82 Cemetery Footpath Debit Institute of Groundmanship 114.00 Membership Debit Olney & Clifton Fishing Club 200.00 Annual Donation Debit 53 Andrew Griffin 195.00 Tractor Shed Office Debit 54 Door-Wise Ltd 307.62 Front Door TOC Debit 25/02/2014 55 Rutland Willows 40.00 Headscarf Pancake Lady Debit 25/02/2014 56 USS 49.80 Replacement Catering Plug Debit 26/02/2014 57 Dave Boddy Electrical 672.00 Nifty Lift Christmas Lights Debit 26/02/2014 58 Dave Boddy Electrical 114.00 Lighting Car Park TOC Debit 20/02/2014 59 R S Fisher 406.00 Market Place Toilets Repairs 108028 25/02/2014 60 Sign a Rama 45.60 Graphic Signs Debit 27/02/2014 61 Wicks 16.49 Nails Debit 28/02/2014 62 Neo Post 89.72 Finance Lease Debit 28/02/2014 63 British Gas 263.81 Electricity - Recreation Ground Debit 28/02/2014 64 Bucks CC 2,036.45 Monthly Pension Contributions Debit 28/02/2014 65 HMRC 1,908.80 Monthly Contributions Debit 28/02/2014 66 Paul Lever Part Timer 108029 52.46 182.10 £43,839.60 RESOLVED: That the schedule of payments as submitted be approved and signed by the Mayor. 16. Members Matters Cllr Osbourne asked if there was an update from MKC on the Chantry Rise junction and the repairs to the Weston Road play area. Cllr Bull informed the council that sponsorship letters for the hanging baskets would be going out shortly. Cllr Stacey asked out Oakdown Crescent and reminded council that at the Sept NE Area Forum it had be reported by MKC officer that proposals would be produced within 2 months. Letter to be sent to John Pryor asking for an update. 17. Exclusion of Press and Public RESOLVED: That in accordance with Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 and by reason of the confidential nature of the remainder of business, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting. Olney Town Council 03 March 2014 Page 3941 18. LGPS 2014 - Inclusion of toilet cleaning payments under the new pension scheme The council received a report on the effect of changes to the LGPS and the impact on the toilet duties. RESOLVED: That the pension duties be included as pensionable pay from 01 April 2014. 19. URGENT Item The council considered as a matter of urgency a report on a personnel matter. RESOLVED: That advice be sought from MKC under the parish protocol arrangements; That the Personnel Committee meet on 10 March 2014 and be given delegated authority to take all necessary actions. Olney Town Council 03 March 2014 Page 3942 Olney Town Council 03 March 2014 Page 3943
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