Summer 2014 The Dorinda Newsletter of the Barony of Caer Galen Summer 2014 Special Polling Issue—A.S. XLIX—Vol.34 No.4 Baronial Polling June 8th at Enduro Dorinda This is the Summer, 2014, issue of the Dorinda , a publication of the Barony of Caer Galen of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA, Inc.). The Dorinda is available online at It is not a corporate publication of SCA, Inc., and does not delineate SCA, Inc. policies. Copyright © 2014 Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. For information on reprinting photographs, articles, or artwork from this publication, please contact the Chronicler, who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors. Image Credit (Cover): Their Excellencies Andros and Jeanne-Marie, photo taken by Mistress Denise of Amberly. (page 7) Caer Galen Fencers having fun at Crossroads held in Caerthe in May, photograph by Bree Pye. (Page 9) Countess Matilda and Baroness Anne, photography by Bree Pye. (Page 12) Don Ian, and Lady Castelana, photography by Bree Pye. (Page 16) THL Hayashii and THL Shoshanah, photography by Master Ian. 2 Summer 2014 Calendar of Events June 2014 KQ 6-8 Caer Galen Enduro/Baronial Polling—Jehenette Q 13-14 Kingdom of Caid Known World Heralds & Scribes Symposium KQ 13-22 Kingdom of Calontir Lillies War 21 al-Barran Nock on Wood 21 Bofharrach Brewer’s Feast—Ruadri 22 Caerthe Champions Challenge—Servillo 27-29 Windkeep Gladiators—Radu 27-29 Aarquelle Highlands Fencing Camp—Aegeon July 2014 3-6 Fontaine dans Sable Warders of the Western Gate—Tam KQ 3-6 Caer Galen Defender/Investiture—Jennifer/Olivia KQ 6 Dragonsspine Baronial Polling—Keterlyn12 Citadel of the Southern Pass Hastilude—Tariq 17-21 Drygestan Keeper of Dry Stone—Thomas 18-20 Caerthe Fighter’s Folly—Forrester/Reynhard 25-27 Plattfordham Here There Be Dragons—Vlastimir KQ 26-10 Aethelmearc Pennsic August 2014 KQ 2 Dragonsspine Investiture/Champion’s Tournament—Kiara 9 al-Barran Southern Region A&S Collegium—Tana 9 Hawks Hollow St. Sebastian’s—Tyrfinger K/Q/CP/CPs 16 Dragonsspine Crown Tournament—Alaric KQ 29-1 Outlands Battlemoor—Elisee/Robert 29-1 Kingdom of Northshield Known World Bardic Congress & Cooks Collegium—Elashava 3 Dorinda Nobility and their Retinue Baron Andros Korkyrates Baroness Jeanne-Marie Dubois MKA Andros Berkovic 303-598-3082 [email protected] MKA Jeanne-Marie Oliver 303-506-5092 [email protected] THL Alasdair MacDougal — Major Domo Baroness Katherina von Lehmann — Head Lady in Waiting Guards and Ladies in Waiting Mistress Yazida Sir Daffyd Lady Genvieve Lady Veronica Lord Constantine Lady Janin Lord Finn Lisa Pavari Baronial Champions Arts and Sciences—THL Mirabel de Malmesberie Heavy Weapons—Baroness Keridwen Andersdottir Fencing Captain—Thomas Vandale Fencing Lieutenant—Dona Tatiana Bonacieux Archery—Lord Hayashi Yo’ichirou Norikata 4 Summer 2014 Officers Please no calls after 9:00 pm Seneschal Reeve THL Cera ingen Rónáin MKA Audrey Wilvert 303-883-1743 [email protected] Lady Thorunn Grimsdottir MKA Laura Hargis [email protected] Herald Chroncicler Knight Marshall Rapier Marshall THL Shoshanah Simkhah bas Ruven MKA Susan Lin 303-926-1971 [email protected] THL Mirabel de Malmesberie MKA Megan Lambert 303-746-4805 [email protected] Lord Hayashi Yo'ichirou Norikata MKA Binhan Lin 303-926-1971 [email protected] Master Ian of Nightsgate MKA Ian H. 303-956-7173 [email protected] Archery Marshall Minister of Arts and Sciences Hospitaller Minister of the List Minister of Children Quarter Master Scribe Webminister THL Shoshanah Simkhah bas Ruven MKA Susan Lin 303-926-1971 [email protected] THL Genevieve de Belleval MKA Jennifer Moore 414 232-4979 [email protected] Lady Livia Agrinali MKA Leia Hodges 720-233-0593 [email protected] Lady Maria Castellana MKA Lyndsie Trafton [email protected] Lady Belinda Froste Conrad MKA Casey Thornton Baroness Aeldraed the Tall Lord Eric Litefoote of Studley 5 Dorinda A Missive from the Baron and Baroness It is with heavy hearts that we pen this, the last letter as Baron and Baroness of the mighty Caer Galen. We find ourselves woefully lacking in words powerful enough to express our gratitude to all of you - both for entrusting us with the position and the Barony for the last three years and for all the love, support, encouragement and enthusiasm you invested into Caer Galen during our tenure. It has been a unique privilege to serve the Harp, Stag, and the Dream. It has been a most marvelous, magnificent journey for us, and we thank you for this adventure of our lifetimes. We are delighted and excited to have no less than three sets of exceptional candidates step up to the challenge of succeeding us as your Baron and Baroness. We hope you will all make it to Enduro to council Their Royal Majesties in the matter of our successors, and to Caer Galen Defender in early July to witness and celebrate the investiture of the next Baron and Baroness of Caer Galen. We trust that Caer Galen will embrace, follow and support our successors every bit as passionately as you did us. So long, Caer Galen, and thanks for all the monkey business. Omnia Ad Maiorem Caer Galenis Gloriam, Andros and Jeanne-Marie, fourth Baron and Baroness of Caer Galen 6 Summer 2014 7 Dorinda Letters from the Officers From the Seneschal: Greetings Caer Galen, Summer is finally upon us and it will be an exciting summer for Caer Galen. Our beloved Baron and Baroness will be taking a well deserved retirement. We have three sets of exceptional candidates for the new Baron and Baroness. They are (in no particular order) Mistresses Anne and Matilda, THL's Hayashi and Shoshanna, and Master Ian and Lady Castelana. I urge all of you to attend the polling (Sunday June 8 at Enduro). While the ultimate decision is up to their majesties, they wish to hear counsel from their populace regarding the selection. Their new Excellencies will then be invested at Defender (4th of July weekend). In other good news, HE Keridwen was volunteered to be my deputy. Enjoy your summer! Cera ingen Ronain, Seneschal, Caer Galen From the Chronicler: Greetings, I hope to continue to make this newsletter something that can be useful and enjoyable for all but I need your help. Please consider submitting letters, article, and artwork to be published. This is a special issue to help introduce the barony to the lovely people who have stepped up as candidates for the landed nobility of Caer Galen. Also, I would like to introduce you to my new deputy M’lady Bree, who is responsible for most of the photography seen in this issue. Yours in Service, Mirabel 8 Summer 2014 Meet the Candidates Countess Matilda Seton and Baroness Anne Bigod 9 Dorinda Meet the Candidates Unto the fine people of Caer Galen does Countess Matilda Seton and Baroness Anne Bigod send most happy greetingsAs you know, we have sent a letter of intent to the Crown asking to hold the lands of Caer Galen on their behalf as Baronesses. Caer Galen is a healthy and happy haven, and we want to continue the good works of Andros and Jeanne-Marie. Here is a bit about us: Mistress Anne has been in the SCA since 1998. She has served as Kingdom Chronicler and on several Royal Retinues as head lady-inwaiting. She has run tournaments as Marshal-in-Charge and as List Minister. She has taught classes on lucet, knitting and how a well packed basket can save a Queen’s life. Anne can take on any special project, from fundraising silent auctions to coordinating the publication of known world event proceedings. In real life, she is an executive assistant to three high-maintenance executives. Before that, she was the Executive Director of an assisted-living building. Both jobs have given her innumerable skills that will help her to foster Caer Galen as Baroness. Relevant awards include Mistress of the Pelican and Defender of Silver Tyne. Mistress Matilda joined the SCA in 1992. She has held various offices including, Seneschal of Readstan, Gimlet Herald for seven years, Blue Iris Herald twice, and Kingdom Rapier Marshal. She has had the honor of serving the Outlands as Queen, many years ago. Special projects have included running Queen’s Prize for Queen Madigan, deputy land coordinator for Estrella, and Marshal-in-Charge of all rapier activities at Grand Outlandish. She has taught classes on medieval letter-writing and Outlands’ customs and traditions. Her mundane job is Bench Artist/Project Enforcer for Ildanach Studios, which gives her a special understanding of how to foster artists. Awards include Laurel, Pelican, Defender of the White Scarf, Defender of the Stag’s Blood. Together, we are a dynamic force of nature, using our powers only for good. If we are given the great honor of being the Baronesses of 10 Summer 2014 Meet the Candidates Caer Galen, we have the following goals: Recruitment and retention by working with Caer Galenites to create “newbie kits” – loaner garb, copy of recent newsletters, extra feast gear, etc. Encourage individual fostering. Encourage mid-level players to travel more and explore the SCA on a kingdom level. Re-inspire peers and recharge their joy, so they may continue to share their skills and experience with the Barony. Advocate for the populace to the Crown and represent the Crown to the populace. Encourage fun, medieval-like, and inclusive shenanigans. Travel to smaller, outlying shires to bring fun and, if needed, words from the Crown. Bring people with us. Encourage and organize local workshops – everyone can have cool stuff! We have thought and discussed this thoroughly with each other as well as with trusted friends. We have experience in all aspects of the SCA – fighting, fencing, A&S, service, formality and casual silliness, a little archery and a tiny bit of equestrian activities. We have the financial means and flexibility to take on the job. We have reliable vehicles and a good-sized house to host workshops, philosophy discussions and other various gatherings. We are known throughout the kingdom and feel we would represent the spirit of Caer Galen well. We do this not for personal renown, but for our love of and duty toward Caer Galen and the Outlands. We thank you for your consideration. Yours Assured, Anne and Matilda Leanne and Wendy Neathery-Wise 516 Cameron Court Longmont, CO 80504 [email protected] [email protected] 11 Dorinda Meet the Candidates Master Ian of Nightsgate and Lady Maria Castellana 12 Summer 2014 Meet the Candidates Unto The Populous of Noble Caer Galen do we, Ian of Nightsgate and Maria Castelana, send humble greetings: It is our great honor to have been found acceptable to be considered as potential successors to Their Excellencies Andros and Jeanne-Marie. Having been members of Caer Galen since its early days as a shire, we are very excited that we might have the opportunity to serve the Barony in this capacity. We realize that the real strength of a Baron and Baroness does not come from directing others; but, rather, from encouraging by praise and recognition. We do not come to this position of service with a specific agenda. Instead, it is our desire to listen to the populous and to help them achieve their ambitions and desires. The great strength of Caer Galen is the amazing talent and energy of its people. As Baron and Baroness we would make every effort to encourage Caer Galenites to share and spread their awesomeness throughout the barony and the whole kingdom. Our current priorities are to: Grow the barony by making newcomers and longtime members feel welcome and appreciated Encourage the fighting arts (Heavy, Rapier, Archery, Equestrian, etc.) by recognition and the support of skill acquisition. Encourage involvement in the Arts and Sciences by supporting guilds, workshops and the accomplishments of individual artisans To seek out, encourage and recognize the good work of the members of the populous of Caer Galen. To foster the spirit of “forsoothly” joy and good fun 13 Dorinda Meet the Candidates that has always been a hallmark of the SCA in Caer Galen. Although we feel that what we will do in the future is far more important than what we have done in the past, our SCA “resumes” are below (just in case anyone was curious about our experience): Don Ian of Nightsgate, Master Ian of Nightsgate began playing in the SCA in 1981. He has played in the SCA for over 31 years and has been greatly honored to have served in The Society as a: Kingdom Rapier Marshal, Shire Knight Marshal (Caer Galen), Shire Rapier Marshal (Caer Galen), Baronial Rapier Marshal (Caer Galen), Deputy Seneschal (Caer Galen), Minister of Arts & Sciences (Shire of Unser Haven), Chronicler (Shire of Unser Haven), as the Protector to several Queens and as a member of several baronial and kingdom retinues He is currently the Caer Galen Rapier Marshal and the Kingdom Drop-dead rapier marshal. He is a Companion of the Laurel (Outlands), Defender of the White Scarf of the Outlands, Grant of Arms, Companion of the Argent Hart (Outlands), Companion of the Stags Heart (Outlands), Silver Tyne (Outlands), Companion of the Aspen of Caerthe, Companion of the Gilded Leaf of Caerthe, Trefoil (Outlands), Companion of the Order of Saint Michael with the Harp (Caer Galen), Arch (Caer Galen), Golden Nightingale (Caer Galen), AoA, Baron of the Court (Outlands), Bearer of the Queens Cypher (Madigan II), Bearer of the Queen’s Cypher (Cainnleach, Outlands), Premier Poignard Noir (Caer Galen), Member of the Venerable Guard (Outlands), Bearer of the Queen’s Cypher (Chiara II, Outlands), Companion of the Order of Saint Louis with the Staff (Caer Galen), Companion of the Order of the Chalice of St. William the Cooper (Caer Galen), Bearer of 14 Summer 2014 Meet the Candidates the Queen’s Cypher (Sabine, Outlands) Companion of the Harp and Chalice of Caer Galen and Lady Maria Castelana, Lady Maria Castelana grew up in Caer Galen and spent many of her formative adolescent years with this populace who have, as she often says “taught me much, not just about fencing or art or medieval history but also about life, hardship and being a good person.” She currently holds the position of Minister of the Lists for Caer Galen and has also held the position of Hospitaller. She is also a Cadet to Don Massimiliano Pontieri del Sasso, Arch of Caer Galen, Poignard Noir, and member of the Bards Militant. Lady Maria Castelana has also have served on one Queen’s Guard and several baronial guards (holding the positions of both Captain and Lieutenant for Massimiliano and Yazida, Baron and Baroness Caer Galen as well as for Carrick and Katerina of Caer Galen), and on several baronial retinues. Ian and Lana 15 Dorinda Meet the Candidates THL Hayashi Yo’ichirou Norikata and THL Shoshanah Simkhah bas Ruven 16 Summer 2014 Meet the Candidates Unto the Esteemed populace of the Enlightened Barony of Caer Galen of the Most Glorious Kingdom of the Outlands do the Honorable Lord Hayashi Yo’ichirou Norikata and the Honorable Lady Shoshanah Simkhah bas Ruven send Greetings and Salutations. Like the rising and setting of the sun and moon, so are the cycles of Barons and Baronesses who safeguard the Baronies. The Barony of Caer Galen has been blessed with nobles of grace, humor, foresight, and fiery passion. As the brilliant setting stars of Baron Andros and Baroness Jeanne-Marie nestle in the bosom of the earth for a well-deserved rest, it has come time to find successors to follow in their celestial path. A call has gone out to all the corners of the Barony of Caer Galen and this has caused us to consult with the astrologers, who have found the alignment of the stars to be favorable, taken the counsel of experienced advisors, and divined the intention of our hearts. To this end, we, the Honorable Lord Hayashi Yo’ichirou Norikata and the Honorable Lady Shoshanah Simkhah bas Ruven, loyal subjects of the Crown have humbly petitioned the Royal Personages to be considered for the weighty position of the next Baron and Baroness of Caer Galen. As long time residents of Caer Galen, from Shire to Barony we have seen and experienced a wide range of traditions, characters and events: that the Barony has to offer. As officers of the Barony, we understand the administrative 17 Dorinda Meet the Candidates functions that help maintain the integrity and smooth functioning of the group. As guild heads we have promoted the Arts and Sciences within the Barony and the Kingdom. Through our regular attendance at fighter practices, populace meetings and events, we have come to personally know many of the fine people of our Barony. As Harps of Caer Galen, we have been voted by the populace to embody the spirit and actions of what it means to be Caer Galen. Personal Information Honorable Lord Hayashi Yo’Ichirou Norikata Argent, in fess two pine trees couped within a hexagon voided azure Awards Flower of the Outlands (12/2013) Stag’s Heart (12/2009) Arch of Caer Galen (10/2007) Golden Nightingale of Caer Galen (06/2008) Harp of Caer Galen (populace vote) (2010) Harp and Chalice of Caer Galen (2012) Caer Galen Baronial A&S Champion (2011, 2013) Caer Galen Baronial Archery Champion (2013) Officer/Guild Position Caer Galen Knight Marshal Caer Galen Thrown Weapons Marshal Caer Galen Bookbinders Guild Co-head Contact Info: e-mail: [email protected] Facebook: Hayashi Norikata Honorable Lady Shoshanah Simkhah bas Ruven Per fess vert and argent, a loaf of bread bendwise sinister Or and a three-legged pot sable Awards 18 Summer 2014 Meet the Candidates Flower of the Outlands (02/2012) Stag’s Heart (12/2007) Arch of Caer Galen (10/2007) Golden Nightingale of Caer Galen (12/2008) St. Michael of the Harp of Caer Galen (archery) (12/2013) Harp of Caer Galen (populace vote) (2008) Officer/Guild Position Ray de Soleil (Herald) Caer Galen Captain of Archers Cooks Guild Head (former) Contact Info: e-mail: [email protected] Facebook: Shoshanah Bas Ruven Hayashi and Shoshanah 19 Dorinda Upcoming Events Caer Galen Enduro... and Baronial Polling Can your team survive the quests and perils and make it home to Penelope in time? Test your team’s mettle against the gods and the other teams while you overcome challenges together. Then, join your friends by the fire after your long journey to tell of your tales of adventure. What will be your "No ****, there we were..." story? So, my great warriors, will you stay on the shores, or accept the quest before you and sail on to greatness? This June, bring the fam, your friends, your weapons, and your minds and join us on an Odyssey! ** Baronial polling for Their Excellencies' heirs will take place on Sunday Morning at the event. Please check the schedule for details as we post them! ** Price includes: Tent site, 2 meals on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. That's right, food! There will be a potluck dinner on Friday evening. If you have any dietary restrictions, we urge you to bring food with you, but we will make an attempt to accomodate as best we can. Good to know: Water and Privies on site. Site is wet, please be responsible. Pets permitted on leash only. Contained firepits permitted with fire extinguisher (unless there is a fire ban). There will be teams. Each team will have the following roles to fill: *Archer - Does the shooting *Fencer - Does the pokey stabbey stuff *Fighter - Carries the big stick (heavy fighting) Acrobat - Does the physical challenges Voice - Does the talking Guide - Makes sure Poseidon doesn't keep you lost forever. All positions with an astrisk (*) need authorization to participate, so bring your 20 Summer 2014 Upcoming Events cards! The other positions do not need any special authorization. Participants can be as young as 10 years old to play on a team. Think about which roles you might have fun playing. No need to pick just one! We will build teams on site, so don't worry if you can't collect 3 or 4 other people. Tenative Schedule: Friday: 4:00 PM - SITE OPENS 6:00 PM - Potluck Dinner (Please bring food to share or cash for the bowl.) Saturday: 9:00 AM- Morning Court 10:00 AM- Quest Mid Day Lunch during Questing 5:00 PM- Dinner 6:00 PM- Evening Court Sunday: 8:00 AM - Baronial Polling with Their Majesties 9:00 AM - Breakfast (grab and go poll!) 11:00 AM - Court to announce Their Majesties' decision 12:00 Noon - SITE CLOSES Date: Friday, June 6, 2014 - 4:00pm to Sunday, June 8, 2014 - 12:00pm Location: Pickle Gulch Campground Fees: Members age 10 and up: $15 Children 4 to 10: $8 Children 3 and under: No Charge Family Cap: $45 FOOD INCLUDED in all admissions pricing. Sunday Polling day trip ONLY - No Fee Address: Pickle Gulch 80422 Black Hawk, CO 21 Dorinda Upcoming Events Enduro - The Odyssey Caer Galen Defender Top 5 Reasons You Should Come to Caer Galen Defender 2014 5. You’ve always wondered what fighting at 9,000 feet would do to your fighting and shooting skills. 4. You’ve always wondered what drinking at 9,000 feet would do to your buzz. 3. You’ve always heard much ado about the fabled Caer Galen powerlounging--and you think you’d be a doughty and puissant powerlounger! 2. You’ve always heard that partying with Caer Galen is like partying with a bunch of monkeys. 1. You’ve always wondered what kind of shenanigans you could get up to with Baron Andros and Baroness Jeanne Marie, if they didn’t have the dignity of their office to uphold. If you haven’t already heard--our much beloved, revered, and admired (desired, too!) Baroness Jeanne Marie and Baron Andros of Caer Galen will be stepping down at Caer Galen’s Defender, and a new pair of monkeys will step up to lead the rest of us!! Who will it be? Well, you better come find out and give hugs, kisses, and drinks to the departing and arriving Baroness and Baron of Caer Galen!! (Baronial polling will take place at CG’s Enduro, June 6) Directions To The Site: Take your best route to Hwy. 119. In between mile markers 10 and 11, you’ll see an exit for Missouri Gulch Rd (it’s a Tintersection), don’t turn at Pickle Gulch, keep going straight until you see the sign for Uncle Charlie’s Ranch. You can drive on site to sign in and drop off, then go park. If you think you’ll need a ride from the parking lot, please let Troll know--we’ll have a knight on a white charger (or a white Chevy) come schlep you. What to bring: lots of water, and then some more water. Sunscreen, also, aspirin helps with the altitude. In addition, bring some spending money, if you so desire. We will have merchants! We will provide a very substantial dinner, and will also do a breakfast. Schedules will follow soon. 22 Summer 2014 Upcoming Events Merchants: if you’d like a table/booth, please contact us right away. Date: Thursday, July 3, 2014 - 3:00pm to Sunday, July 6, 2014 - 1:00pm Location: At Uncle Charlie’s Ranch (very close to Pickle Gulch site). Fees: $20 per Adult $10 for Children 4-16 Free for Children under 6 Family Cap at $40 Address: Uncle Charlie's Ranch 2295 Mossouri Gulch Rd Blackhawk, CO Tentative Schedule for Defender: Schedule is subject to change at Their Excellencies’ and Their Majesties’ whim Thursday: Site opens at 3pm Official Power Lounging begins upon arrival--bring your monkey business and mischievous ideas! Friday (July 4 9 or 10 am Opening Court afternoonish: archery Tournament run by Hayashi Saturday: 9am Royal Court (Last Court of JM&A/Investiture/First Court of new B&B) Heavy Tourney immediately following court. Lunch Break (grab your own) Fencing Tourneys immediately after lunch 5 ish Evening/ Closing court 6 or 7ish Chow time!! Hope you’re hungry! Dark(ish) Party time officially starts (unofficial partying is also always encouraged during the daytime) Sunday: 9 am Breakfast 1pm Goodbyes 23 Dorinda Guild Corner Guild Leader, submit info you would like published about what your guilds are doing, Caer Galen Bookbinders Guild The CGBB is a group dedicated to making and exploring the crafting of medieval books. We have regular monthly meetings where we may work on group projects, items for largesse or socialize while working on personal projects. We offer classes in basic bookbinding through full gothic bookbinding. We also act as a clearinghouse for information, materials and group ordering of supplies such as leather and thread. We have bookbinding equipment and supplies to loan and can arrange for informal teaching sessions by appointment. Monthly Meeting: When : Second Thursday of the month, 7PM – 9PM Where: THL Hayashi’s House 673 W. Locust Ct. Louisville, CO 80027 (303) 926-1971 (home) Contact Info: CGBB Yahoo Group - THL Hayashi Yo’ichirou Norikata [email protected] THL Mirabel de Malmesberie [email protected] 24
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