Effect of isometric quadriceps strengthening exercise at multiple angles in knee joint among normal adults. HY IJPHY ORIGINAL RESEARCH Jibi Paul1 Pradeep Balakrishnan2 ABSTRACT Introduction: Strengthening exercises have been routinely used in persons with orthopaedic problems and athletes to increase force production or minimize muscle imbalance and joint injuries.Many studies have reported that isometric contractions can rapidly increases strength in quadriceps muscle. Objective: Objective of the study was to find out the effect of isometric strengthening exercise on strength of quadriceps at 45 and 90 degree of knee joint and also to compare the effect of strengthening exercise on strength of quadriceps at multiple angles of knee joint among control and experimental group. Methodology: This was a ccomparative experimental study with forty female healthy subjects from physiotherapy department of KPJ Healthcare University College, Malaysia. Convenient sampling method used to select the samples. The subjects were selected by inclusion criteria and randomly divided equally in to two with 20 subjects in each group. Isometric strengthening exercise and squatting exercise were given as intervention program for eight weeks respectively for experimental and control group. Pre and post data of quadriceps muscle strength measured were collected separately at 45 and 90 degree of knee joint using goniometry during resisted extension of knee in multi gym. Result: In experimental group Pre –Post statistical analysis found significant effect in increase of quadriceps strength at 45 and 90 degree with P<0.0001.****In control group quadriceps pre-post statistical analysis found no significant effect in increase of quadriceps strength at 45 and 90 degree with P<0.083NS and P<0.055 NS respectively. Comparative study between experimental and control groups for quadriceps strength at 90 degree of knee joint found significant effect in increase of quadriceps strength with P< 0.001.*** Comparative study between experimental and control groups for quadriceps strength at 45 degree of knee joint found significant effect in increase of quadriceps strength with P<0.01* Conclusion: This study concluded that isometric strengthening exercise can improve quadriceps strength at 45 and 90 degree of knee joint. And also found that the strength at 90 degree has improved more compared to the strength at 45 degree. Key words: Muscle imbalance, quadriceps strengthening, multi gyms, squatting exercise, multi angles. CORRESPONDING AUTHOR 1 2 Pradeep Balakrishnan, MPT, Physiotherapy programme, School of Health Sciences, KPJ Healthcare University College, Nilai, Malaysia Int J Physiother 2014; 1(1) Jibi Paul, MPT, (PhD) Physiotherapy programme, School of Health Sciences, KPJ Healthcare University College, Kota Seriemas 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Mail id: [email protected] P a g e 10 Introduction history of recent knee joint injury, quadriceps Strengthening exercises have been routinely used in muscle pain. The subjects were randomly divided persons with orthopaedic problems and athletes to equally in to two with 20 subjects in each group with increase force production or minimize muscle mean age group of 20.3 ± 0.79.The study setting did imbalance and joint injuries. The most effective in physiotherapy skill lab of KPJUC, Malaysia. means of increasing strength by high resistance Isometric strengthening exercise and squatting training remains unknown, despite the obvious exercise were given as intervention program for importance of this knowledge for athletic training eight weeks respectively for experimental and and rehabilitation.1High load strength training used control group. Pre and post data of quadriceps to compare isometric, concentric and eccentric muscle contractions. They found significantly greater separately at 45 and 90 degree of knee joint using increases in isometric strength after isometric goniometry during resisted extension of knee in training compared with concentric or eccentric multi gym. Materials used for the study are Multi contractions.2,3, 4 gym, goniometer and weights to perform the Studies that have employed isometric contractions evaluation of quadriceps muscle strength. have often reported large and rapid increases in Procedure strength by 40% in 8 weeks .Evidence of imbalanced Quadriceps exercise performed for both legs for five muscle function, the contribution of quadriceps days in a week and continued for eight weeks. femoris Experimental muscle weakness has been well strength measured group were performed collected Quadriceps documented. The central hypothesis in this study is strengthening by full extension of knee joint against that quadriceps femoris muscle strength may vary 3 kg. Resistance with sand bag in high sitting position in multiple angles.5, 6, 7, 8 and hold for 10seconds followed by 5 seconds rest in Research objective flexed position. This exercise performed for 10 times Objective of the study was to find out the effect of per session.Control group performed Quadriceps isometric strengthening exercise on strength of strengthening by squat for 10 seconds followed by 5 quadriceps at 45 and 90 degree of knee joint and seconds rest in standing position.This exercise also to compare the effect of strengthening exercise performed for ten times per session. on strength of quadriceps at multiple angles of knee Quadriceps strength of subjects evaluated using joint among control and experimental group. multi gym in sitting position. Trunk maintained in Material and Methods erected and hip stabilised at 90 degree flexed This was a ccomparative experimental study with position, followed by active extension of knee joint forty female subjects from second and third year against resistance. Quadriceps strength of weight students (2013) of physiotherapy department of KPJ lifted at 90 degree and 45 degree of knee joint Healthcare University College, Malaysia. Convenient recorded. Data collected before and after the sampling method used to select the samples. The prescribed exercise program by qualified selected subjects were healthy females without any Int J Physiother 2014; 1(1) P a g e 11 physiotherapist from KPJ Healthcare University P<0.0001****(Table1). In control group quadriceps College, Malaysia. Pre-Post statistical analysis found no significant Statistical Analysis effect in increase of quadriceps strength at 45 and From the independent and dependant variables, 90 degree with P<0.083NS and P<0.055 NS summary measures evaluated and compared the respectively (Table2). Comparative study between differences. Dependent t’ test used to compare the experimental and control groups for quadriceps effect within the group. Independent t’ used to strength at 90 degree of knee joint found significant compare the difference between the independent effect in increase of quadriceps strength with P< variables of two groups. P <0.05 has considered as 0.001*** (Table3). Comparative study between significant difference in effects of the study. experimental and control groups for quadriceps Result strength at 45 degree of knee joint found significant In experimental group Pre –Post statistical analysis effect in increase of quadriceps strength with found significant effect in increase of quadriceps P<0.01* (Table:4) strength at 45 and 90 degree with Table1. Experimental group quadriceps strength at 45 and 90 degree of knee joint; significant effect found within the group. Quadriceps strength at knee Joint Pre intervention (Mean ± SEM) Quadriceps strength of at knee Joint Post intervention (Mean ± SEM) 45 degree 20.85 ± 0.79 90 degree 26.05 ± 0.78 T value P-Value 22.60 ± 0.82 7.32,df=19 P<0.0001**** 27.35 ± 0.85 7.26,df=19 P<0.0001**** Table2. Control group quadriceps strength at 45 and 90 degree of knee joint; no significant effect found within the group. Quadriceps strength at knee Joint Pre intervention (Mean ± SEM) Quadriceps strength of at knee Joint Post intervention (Mean ± SEM) 45 degree 18.85 ± 0.71 19.00 ± 0.68 1.83,df=19 0.083 90 degree 24.15 ± 0.70 24.45 ± 0.67 2.04,df=19 0.055 Int J Physiother 2014; 1(1) T value P-Value NS NS P a g e 12 Table3. Compared experimental and control group for quadriceps strength at 90 degree of knee joint; significant effect found between the groups. Quadriceps strength At 90 degree of knee Joint Experimental group (Mean ± SEM) Quadriceps strength At 90 degree of knee Joint Control group (Mean ± SEM) Pre intervention 18.95 ± 0.73 20.85 ± 0.79 1.77,df=38 Post intervention 19.00 ± 0.68 22.90 ± 0.84 3.61,df=38 Test T value P-Value 0.079 NS P<0.001*** Table.4Compared experimental and control group for quadriceps strength at 45 degree of knee joint; significant effect found between the groups. Quadriceps strength At 45 degree of knee Joint Experimental group (Mean ± SEM) Quadriceps strength At 45 degree of knee Joint Control group (Mean ± SEM) Pre intervention 24.15 ± 0.70 Post intervention 24.45 ± 0.67 Test T value P-Value 26.05 ± 0.78 1.81,df=38 0.085NS 27.35 ± 0.85 2.68,df=38 P<0.01* 40 E x p e rim e n ta l G ro u p R e s is ta n c e in K ilo g ra m R e s is ta n c e in K ilo g ra m 40 30 20 10 0 C o n tr o l G r o u p 30 20 10 0 P r e . 4 5 d e g r e e P o s t. 4 5 d e g r e e P r e . 9 0 d e g r e e Graph1. Experimental group P o s t. 9 0 d e g r e e pre and P re.45d eg ree P o s t. 4 5 d e g r e e P re.90d eg ree P o s t. 9 0 d e g r e e post Graph 2. Control group pre and post intervention intervention quadriceps strength at 45 and 90 quadriceps strength at 45 and 90 degree of knee degree of knee joint; significant effect found within joint; no significant effect found within the group. the group. Int J Physiother 2014; 1(1) P a g e 13 R e s is ta n c e in K ilo g ra m were carried out three times per week for a 6-week C o m p a r is o n o f p r e a n d p o s t d a ta o f c o n t r o l a n d e x p e r im e n ta l g r o u p a t 4 5 d e g r e e 30 Following training, quadriceps torque increased, 20 clinical status improved, and pain with walking decreased. 10 .P re . Subject to further investigation, isometric training of the quadriceps in mid-range 0 C period with the subject seated on an exercise chair. 45 d eg r ee E .P . re 45 d eg r ee C .P o st . 45 d eg r ee E .P o st 5 .4 d eg r ee could prove useful for improving the function of persons with painful or effused knees.12 Unilateral strength-training performed by seventeen Graph3. Control and Experimental group pre and volunteers of the quadriceps with high-resistance, post intervention quadriceps strength at 45 degree low-repetition, dynamic exercise, thrice weekly for of knee joint; significant effect found between the an average of 5 weeks. Bilateral measurements were groups. made both before and after the training period, of isometric quadriceps strength, quadriceps cross- R e s is ta n c e in K ilo g ra m 40 C o m p a r is o n o f p r e a n d p o s t d a t a o f c o n t r o l a n d e x p e r im e n t a l g r o u p a t 9 0 d e g r e e 30 sectional area and thigh circumference. There were no significant changes in the untrained thighs. The 20 trained quadriceps increased their isometric 10 strength by more than they changed their cross0 C .P re 0 .9 de gr ee E .P r 90 e. de gr ee C .P os t. 90 de gr ee E .P os t. 90 de gr ee sectional area (mean increments = 15% and 6% respectively).13, 14 The maximal isometric knee extensor torque was Graph 4. Control and Experimental group pre and recorded on an isokinetic dynamometer at knee post intervention quadriceps strength at 90 degree angles of 90, 60, and 30 degrees for 6 weeks, 1 year, of knee joint; significant effect found between the and 16 months. These data demonstrated a groups. progressive torque increase at all angles over the 16- Discussion month period. Contrary to the specificity of training Isometric quadriceps exercises performed at two concept, different knee angles 15 and 60 degrees respectively exercises has proved useful in the rehabilitation of to find out maximal torque in both positions before patients.15,16, 17 and after training in 10 healthy females. It was In this study we have analysed the bilateral tension suggested that isometric exercise performed at strength of quadriceps at 45 and 90 degree. The different knee angles secure an optimal total subjects were able to lift more weight at 90 degree 9, 10, 11 Mid-range isometric strengthening strength increase. of knee joint level compared to the 45 degree level. The outcome measures of isometric quadriceps This might be due to more angular pull of quadriceps torque, clinical status and pain were recorded before muscle at 90 degree. and after the exercise intervention. The exercises Int J Physiother 2014; 1(1) P a g e 14 4. Haakinen, K., Komi, P. V., &Tesch, P. A. Effect of Conclusion This study concluded that isometric strengthening combined concentric and eccentric strength exercise can improve quadriceps strength at 45 and training and detraining on force – time, muscle 90 degree of knee joint. And also found that the fibre, and metabolic characteristics of leg strength at 90 degree has improved more compared extensor muscles. Scandinavian Journal of to the strength at 45 degree. Sports Science.1981; 3, 50 – 58. 5. Young, M et.al. The effects of two forms of Limitations The intervention program was not performed under isometric training on the mechanical properties the supervision of researcher. Health and activities of the triceps surae in man. Pflugers Archives. other than specified intervention program of 1985; 405(4):384-8. subjects were not supervised during study period. 6. Jones, D. 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