Associate Professor Michael Gozin School of Chemistry Faculty of Exact Sciences Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv 69978, Israel Tel.: +972-3-640-5878 Fax: +972-3-640-5879 Mobile: +972-52-355-0720 [email protected] _________________________________________________________________________________________ Employment 1995-1996 Research Scientist, PeproTech, Inc., Rocky Hill, NJ, USA. Product Development and Manufacturing of E. coli Derived Recombinant Proteins. 1996-1997 Principal Scientist, Motorola Clinical Microsensors, Inc., Pasadena, CA, USA. Research and Development Related to DNA Diagnostic Chips. 1998-2001 Visiting Scientist, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, The Hebrew University, Hadassah Ein Karem, Jerusalem, Israel Pharmaceutical Research and Drug Development. 2001-2012 Senior Lecturer, Department of Organic Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. Medicinal Chemistry, Contrast Agents and Chemosensors for Biomedical and Forensic Applications, Advanced Biomaterials, Energetic Materials. 2010 (AugustSeptember) Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Stanford University, CA, USA. [Group of Prof. Sanjiv Sam Gambhir]. Development of Novel Contrast Agents for Photoacoustic Biomedical Imaging. 2012-Present Associate Professor, Department of Organic Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. Medicinal Chemistry, Contrast Agents and Chemosensors for Biomedical and Forensic Applications, Advanced Biomaterials, Energetic Materials. Visiting Associate Professor, Institute for Materials Science and Center of Biomaterials, Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany. [Group of Prof. Gianaurelio Cuniberti]. 2013 (October) Education 1985-1988 B.Sc., Cum Laude in Chemistry, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. 1988-1990 M.Sc. in Chemistry, Feinberg Graduate School, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot; Thesis adviser: Prof. David Milstein Thesis title:“Synthesis and complex formation of new heterodifunctional ligands.” 1990-1995 Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry, Feinberg Graduate School, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot; Thesis adviser: Prof. David Milstein Thesis title: “Synthesis and reactivity of organometallic complexes based on P-C-P ligands.” Publications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. “Hydroxyapatite Coatings Electrodeposited at Near-physiological Conditions”, Metoki, N; LeifenbergKuznits, L.; Kopelovich, W.; Burstein, L.; Gozin, M.; Eliaz, N., Materials Letters 2014, 119, 24-27. “Diameter-selective Dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes by β-Lactoglobulin Whey Protein” Karmchevsky, F.; Drug, E.; Mashiach-Farkash, E.; Wolfson, H. J.; Gozin, M.; Regev, O., Colloids and Surfaces, B: Biointerfaces 2013, 112, 16-22. “New biodegradable organic-soluble chelating agents for simultaneous removal of heavy metals and organic pollutants from contaminated media”, Ullmann, A.; Brauner, N.; Vazana, S.; Katz, J.; Seemann, B.; Marom, H.; Gozin, M., Journal of Hazardous Materials 2013, 260, 676-688. “Gated-controlled Rectification Behavior of a Ferrocene Self-assembled Monolayer-based Transistor” Mentovich, E.; Shraga, N.; Kalifa, I.; Gozin, M.; Mujica, V.; Hansen, T.; Richter, S., J. Phys. Chem. C 2013, 117(16), 8468-8474. “Citrate-Capped Gold Nanoparticle Electrophoretic Heat Production in Response to a Time-Varying Radiofrequency Electric-Field”, Corr, S. J.; Raoof, M.; Mackeyev, Y.; Phounsavath, S.; Cheney, M. A.; 1 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Cisneros, B.; Shur, M.; Gozin, M.; McNally, P. J.; Wilson, L. J.; Curley, S. A., J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116(45), 24380-24389. “Doped Biomolecules in Miniaturized Electric Junctions” Mentovich, D. E.; Belgorodsky, B.; Gozin, M.; Cohen, H.; Richter, S., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134(20), 8468-8473. “Measurement and Optimization of Organic Chemical Reaction Yields by GC-MS with Supersonic Molecular Beams” Amirav, A.; Gordin, A.; Hagooly, Y.; Rozen, S.; Belgorodsky, B.; Seemann, B.; Marom, H.; Gozin, M.; Fialkov, A. B., Tetrahedron 2012, 68(29), 5793-5799. “Multiple Self-assembly Functional Structures Based on Versatile Binding Sites of β-Lacto-globulin” Hendler, N.; Belgorodsky, B.; Mentovich, D. E.; Richter, S.; Fadeev, L.; Gozin, M., Adv. Func. Mater. 2012, 22(18), 3765-3776. “Tuning the Critical Temperature of Cuprate Superconductors Using Self-assembled Organic Layers” Carmeli, I.; Lewin, A.; Flekser, E.; Zhang, Q.; Shen, J.; Gozin, M.; Richter, S.; Dagan, Y., Angew. Chem. 2012, 51(29), 7162-7165. “Doped Biomolecules in Miniaturized Electric Junctions” Mentovich, D. E.; Belgorodsky, B.; Gozin, M.; Richter, S.; Cohen, H., 2011, 13(20), 5532-5535. “Toward the Development of the Direct and Selective Detection of Nitrates by a Bio-inspired Mo-Cu System” Marom, H.; Popowski, Y.; Antonov, S.; Gozin, M., Org. Lett. 2011, 13(20), 5532-5535. “Efficient Separation of Dyes by Mucin; Toward Bio-inspired White-luminescent Devices” Hendler, N.; Belgorodsky, B.; Mentovich, D.E.; Gozin, M.; Richter, S. Adv. Mater. 2011, 23, 4261-4264. “Bio-inspired Synthesis of Chiral Silver Nanoparticles in Mucin Glycoprotein – the Natural Choice” Hendler, N.; Fadeev, L.; Mentovich, E.; Belgorodsky, B.; Gozin, M.; Richter, S. ChemComm. 2011, 47(26), 7419-7421. “The impact of highly hydrophobic material on the structure of transferrin and its ability to bind iron” Drug, E.; Fadeev, L.; Gozin, M. Toxicology Lett. 2011, 203, 33-39. “Selective Sulfoxidation of Thioethers and Thioaryl Boranes with Nitrate, Promoted by a MolybdenumCopper Catalytic System” Marom, H.; Antonov, S.; Popowski, Y.; Gozin, M. J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76(130), 5240-5246. “Enhanced Bioavailability of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons in the Form of Mucin Complexes” Drug, E.; Lendsman, D.; Belgorodsky, B.; Ermakov, N.; Frenkel-Pinter, M.; Fadeev, L.; Peer, D; Gozin, M. Chem. Res. Tox. 2011, 24(3), 314-320. "High-yield Fabrication of Molecular Vertical Junctions" Mentovich, E.; Rosenberg-Shraga, N.; Kalifa, I.; Tsukernik, A.; Hendler, N.; Gozin, M.; Richter, S. J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 2010, 10(12), 8260-8264. “Vertically stacked molecular junctions, toward a 3D multifunctional molecular circuit comprising proteins and redox molecules” Mentovich, E. D.; Kalifa, I.; Shraga, N.; Avrushchenko, G.; Gozin, M.; Richter, S. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1(10), 1574-1579. "Mucin Complexes of Nanomaterials: First Biochemical Encounter" Belgorodsky, B.; Drug, E.; Fadeev, L.; Hendler, N.; Mentovich, E.; Gozin, M. Small 2010, 6(2), 262-269. “Toward Development of Targeted Nonsteroidal Antiandrogen-1,4,7,10-Tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10tetraacetic Acid-Gadolinium Complex for Prostate Cancer Diagnostics” Marom, H.; Miller, K.; BechorBar, Y.; Tsarfaty, G.; Satchi-Fainaro, R.; Gozin, M. J. Med. Chem. 2010, 53(17), 6316-6325. "Organic Reactions Promoted by Mucin Glycoproteins" Shraga, N.; Belgorodsky, B.; Gozin, M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131(34), 12074-12075. “A Novel Fullerene-NMDA-Receptor Antagonist Compound Reduces Axonal Loss and Neurological Disability a Model of Progressive Multiple Sclerosis” Basso, A. S.; Frenkel, D.; Quintana, F. J.; CostaPinto, F. A.; Farez, M.; Petrovic-Stojkovic, S.; Puckett, L.; Monsonego, A.; Engel, Y.; Bar-Shir, A.; Gozin, M.; Weiner, H. L. J. Clin. Inv. 2008, 118(4), 1532-1543. “Multipeak Negative-Differential-Resistance Molecular Device” Mentovich, E. D.; Chalifa, I.; Caster, A.; Holtzman, A.; Rosenberg, N.; Marom, H.; Gozin, M.; Richter S. Small 2008, 4(1), 55-58. “Catalytic Oxidation of Hydrazo Derivatives Promoted by TiCl3/HBr System” Drug, E.; Gozin, M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129(45), 13784-13785. “Bio-delivery of Fullerene Derivative” Belgorodsky, B.; Fadeev, L.; Kolsenik J.; Gozin, M. Bioconjugate Chem. 2007, 18(4), 1095-1100. “Can Apomyoglobin Form a Complex with a Spherical Ligand? Interactions between Apo-myoglobin and [C60]fullerene derivative” Kolsenik, J.; Belgorodsky, B.; Fadeev, L.; Gozin, M. J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 2007, 7, 1389-1394. 2 27. “Synthesis and Evaluation of a Pseudocyclic Tristhiourea-Based Anion Host” Dahan, A.; Ashkenazi, T.; Kuznetsov, V.; Makievski, S.; Fadeev, L.; Bramson, M.; Shokoroy, S.; Drug, E.; Marom, H.; RozenshineKemelmakher, E.; Gozin, M. J. Org. Chem., 2007, 72, 2289-2296. 28. “Phenanthroline-Derived Ratiometric Chemosensor for Ureas” Engel, Y.; Dahan, A.; RozenshineKemelmakher, E.; Gozin, M. J. Org. Chem., 2007, 72, 2318-2328. 29. “Interaction of [C60]-Fullerene and Carboxyfullerene with Proteins: Docking and Binding Site Alignment” Benyamini, H.; Shulman-Peleg, A.; Wolfson, H.J.; Belgorodsky, B.; Fadeev, L.; Gozin, M. Bioconjugate Chem. 2006, 17(2), 378-386. 30. “Chiral Dimethylamine Flutamide Derivatives Modeling, Synthesis, Androgen Receptor Affinities and Carbon-11 Labeling” Jacobson, O.; Laky, D.; Carlson, K.E.; Elgavish, S.; Gozin, M.; Even-Sapir, E.; Leibovitc, I.; Gutman, M.; Chisin, R.; Katzenellenbogen, J.A.; Mishani, E. Nucl. Med. Biology 2006, 33(6), 695-704. 31. “Formation of a Soluble Stable Complex between Pristine C60-Fullerene and a Native Blood Protein” Belgorodsky, B.; Fadeev, L.; Kolsenik, J.; Gozin, M. ChemBioChem 2006, 7(11), 1783-1789. 32. “In vitro synthesis of uniform poly(dG)-poly(dC) by Klenow exo- fragment of polymerase I” Kotlyar, A. B.; Borovok, N.; Molotsky, T.; Fadeev, L.; Gozin, M. Nucleic Acids Res., 2005, 33, 525-535. 33. “Synthesis and Water Solubility of Adamantyl-OEG-fullerene Hybrids” Bar-Shir, A.; Engel, Y.; Gozin, M. J. Org. Chem., 2005, 70(7), 2660-2666. 34. “Formation and Characterization of Stable Human Serum Albumin-Tris-malonic Acid [C60]-Fullerene Complex” Belgorodsky, B.; Fadeev, L.; Ittah, V.; Benyamini, H.; Zelner, S.; Huppert, D.; Kotlyar, A. B.; Gozin, M. Bioconjugate Chem. 2005, 16(5), 1058-1062. 35. “Construction of Dithiol-based Nanostructures by a Layer-exchange Process” Meshulam, G.; Rosenberg, N.; Caster, A.; Burstein, L.; Gozin M.; Richter S. Small 2005, 1(8-9), 848-851. 36. “Prostate Cancer PET Bioprobes: Synthesis of [18F]-Radiolabeled Hydroxyflutamide Derivatives” Jacobson, O.; Bechor, Y.; Icar, A.; Novak, N.; Birman, A.; Marom, H.; Fadeeva, L.; Golan, E.; Leibovitch, I.; Gutman, M.; Even-Sapir, E.; Chisin, R.; Gozin, M.; Mishani, E. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2005, 13(22), 6195-6205. 37. “Uridine-Conjugated Ferrocene DNA Oligonucleotides: Unexpected Cyclization Reaction of the Uridine Base” Yu, C.J.; Yowanto, H.; Wan, Y.; Meade, T.J.; Chong, Y.; Strong, M.; Donilon, L. H.; Kayyem, J.F.; Gozin, M.; Blackburn G. F. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2000, 122, 6767-6768. 38. “Electron Transfer at Electrodes through Conjugated "Molecular Wire" Bridges” Creager, S.; Yu, C.J.; Bamdad, C., O’Connor, S.; MacLean, T.; Lam, E.; Chong, Y.; Olsen, G. T.; Luo, J.; Gozin, M.; Kayyem, J.F. J. Am. Chem. Soc.; 1999; 121(5); 1059-1064. 39. “Soluble Ferrocene Conjugates for Incorporation into Self-Assembled Monolayers” Yu, C. J.; Chong, Y.; Kayyem, J. F.; Gozin, M. J. Org. Chem.; 1999; 64(6); 2070-2079. 40. “Carbon-Carbon Bond Activation by Rh (I) in Solution. Comparison of sp2-sp3 vs. sp3-sp3 C-C, C-H vs. CC, and Ar-CH3 vs. Ar-CH2CH3 Activation” van der Boom, M. E., Liou, S.-Y., Ben-David, Y., Gozin, M., Milstein, D. J. Am. Chem. Soc.; 1998; 120(51); 13415-13421. 41. “Rhodium and Palladium Complexes of a 3,5-Lutidine-based Phosphine Ligand” Weisman, A.; Gozin, M.; Kraatz, H. B.; Milstein, D. Inorg. Chem., 1996, 35, 1792-1797. 42. “Formation and X-ray Structures of PCP Ligand Based Pt(II) and Pd(II) Macrocycles” van der Boom, M.E.; Gozin, M.; Ben-David, Y.; Frolow, F.; Kraatz, H. B.; Milstein, D. Inorg. Chem., 1996, 35, 70687073. 43. “Directly observed oxidative addition of a carbon-carbon bond to a soluble metal complex” Liou, S. Y.; Gozin, M.; Milstein, D. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1995, 117, 9774-9775. 44. “Carbon-carbon activation by Rhodium in solution sp2-sp3 is preferred over sp3-sp3 bond-cleavage” Liou, S.Y.; Gozin M.; Milstein, D. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm., 1995, 19, 1965-1966. 45. “Transfer of methylene groups promoted by metal complexation” Gozin, M.; Aizenberg, M.; Liou, S. Y.; Weisman, A.; Ben-David, Y.; Milstein, D. Nature, 1994, 370, 42-44. 46. “Activation of a carbon-carbon bond in solution by transition-metal insertion” Gozin, M.; Weisman, A.; Ben-David, Y.; Milstein, D. Nature, 1993, 364, 699-701. 47. “Palladium-catalyzed Vinylation of Aryl Chlorides. Chelate Effect in Catalysis” Ben-David, Y.; Portnoy, M.; Gozin M.; Milstein, D. Organometallics, 1992, 11, 1995-1996. 48. “Reductive dechlorination of aryl chlorides catalyzed by Palladium complexes containing basic, chelating phosphines” Ben-David, Y.; Gozin, M.; Portnoy, M.; Milstein D. J. Mol. Catal., 1992, 73, 173-180. 49. “Crystal and Molecular Structure of Dimesitylketene and Bis(3,5-Dibromo-2,4,6-trimethyl-phenyl) Ketene.” Biali, S. E.; Gozin, M.; Rappoport, Z. J.Phys. Org. Chem., 1989, 2, 271-280. 3 Patents and Patent Applications 1. “Jellyfish-derived polymer”, Belgorodsky, Bogdan; Fadeev, Ludmila; Hendler, Netta; Mentovich, Elad; Gozin, Michael; Richter, Shachar; Reshef-Steinberger, Liron; Nudelman, Roman; Gulakhmedova, Tamilla, PCT Int. Appl. (2014), WO 2014106830 A1 20140710. 2. “Nanomatrix Separation of Chromophores and Uses Thereof in Luminescent Devices” Belgorodsky, B.; Drug, E.; Fadeev, L.; Hendler, N.; Mentovich, E.; Richter, S. and Gozin, M.; US Patent Application 20110215716; 8 September 2011. 3. “Novel Neuroprotective Compounds and Uses Thereof” Gozin, M.; Weiner, H. L.; Monsonego, A.; BarShir, A.; Engel Y.; Frenkel D. US Patent Application 20100144868; 10 June 2010. 4. “Electrodes Linked via Conductive Oligomers to Nucleic Acids” Kayyem, J. F.; O’Connor, S. D.; Gozin, M.; Yu, C.J.; Meade, T.J. US Patent 7384749; 10 June 2008. 5. “Electrodes Linked via Conductive Oligomers to Nucleic Acids” Kayyem, J. F.; O’Connor, S. D.; Gozin, M.; Yu, C.J.; Meade, T.J. US Patent 7381533; 3 June 2008. 6. “Electrodes Linked via Conductive Oligomers to Nucleic Acids” Kayyem, J. F.; O’Connor S. D.; Gozin M.; Yu CJ US Patent 7125668; 24 October 2006. 7. “Electrodes Linked via Conductive Oligomers to Nucleic Acids” Kayyem, J. F.; O’Connor S. D.; Gozin M.; Yu CJ, Meade T.J. US Patent Application 20060211016; 21 September 2006. 8. “Electronic Transfer Moieties Attached to Peptide Nucleic Acids” Kayyem, J. F.; O’Connor S. D.; Gozin M.; Yu CJ, Meade T.J. US Patent 7045285; 16 May 2006. 9. “Electrodes Linked via Oligomers to Nucleic Acids” Kayyem, J. F.; O’Connor S. D.; Gozin M.; Yu CJ, Meade T.J.US Patent Application 20060099631; 11 May 2006. 10. “Conductive Oligomers Attached to Electrodes and Nucleoside Analogs” Kayyem, J. F.; O’Connor S. D.; Gozin M.; Yu CJ, Meade T.J. US Patent 7014992; 21 March 2006. 11. “Electrodes Linked via Conductive Oligomers to Nucleic Acids” Kayyem, J. F.; O’Connor S. D.; Gozin M.; Yu, CJ, Meade T.J. US Patent 6977151; 20 December 2005. 12. “Electrodes Linked via Conductive Oligomers to Nucleic Acids” Kayyem, J. F.; O’Connor S. D.; Gozin M.; Yu, CJ, Meade T.J. US Patent Application 20030150723; 14 August 2003. 13. “Electrodes Linked via Conductive Oligomers to Nucleic Acids” Kayyem, J. F.; O’Connor S. D.; Gozin M.; Yu CJ, Meade T.J. US Patent Application 20030003473; 2 January 2003. 14. “Electrodes Linked via Conductive Oligomers to Nucleic Acids” Kayyem, J. F.; O’Connor S. D.; Gozin M.; Yu, CJ US Patent 6479240; 12 November 2002. 15. “Methods of Detecting Nucleic Acids Using Electrodes” Kayyem, J. F.; O’Connor S. D.; Gozin M.; Yu, CJ, Meade T.J. US Patent 6221583; 24 April 2001. 16. “Electrodes Linked via Conductive Oligomers to Nucleic Acids” Kayyem, J. F.; O’Connor S. D.; Gozin, M.; Yu, CJ, Meade T.J. US Patent 6096273; 1 August 2000. 17. “Methods of Attaching Conductive Oligomers to Electrodes” Kayyem, J. F.; O’Connor S. D.; Gozin M.; Yu, CJ; Meade, T.J. US Patent 6090933; 18 July 2000. Scientific Reports to the Israeli Ministry of Defense 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. “TATP Chemosensor – Experimental Design Study” Ilzycer, D.; Gozin M.; Dahan, A.; Bechor, Y. Soreq NRC Report (SNRC 3565); June 2005. “Urea Nitrate Chemosensor – Progress Report 2005” Ilzycer, D.; Grisaru, H.; Gozin M.; Dahan, A.; Kuznetsov, V.; Makievski, S.; Ashkenazi-Poliak, T. Soreq NRC Report (SNRC 3576); July 2005. “TATP Chemosensor – Molecular Modeling and Spectroscopic Studies” Ilzycer, D.; Gozin M.; Dahan, A.; Bechor, Y.; Drug, E.; Marom, H. Soreq NRC Report (SNRC 3593); October 2005. “TATP Chemosensor III – Feasibility of Selected Chemical Reactions for Detection of TATP” MeyMarom, A.; Gozin M.; Dahan, A.; Bechor, Y.; Ashkenazi-Poliak, T.; Drug, E.; Rozenshine-Kemelmakher, E. Soreq NRC Report (SNRC 3629); February 2006. “TATP Chemosensor IV – Project Management Report” Mey-Marom, A.; Gozin M.; Dahan, A.; Bechor, Y.; Ashkenazi-Poliak, T.; Drug, E. Soreq NRC Report (SNRC 3650); May 2006. “TATP Chemosensor – “Go/No Go” Milestone No. 1 Report” Mey-Marom, A.; Dahan, A.; Bechor, Y.; Roshu-Lavie, S.; Gozin M.; Ashkenazi-Poliak, T.; Drug, E.; Rozenshine-Kemelmakher, E. Soreq NRC Report (SNRC 3677); August 2006. 4 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. “TATP Chemosensor – “Go/No Go” Milestone No. 1 Supplementary Report” Mey-Marom, A.; Dahan, A.; Bechor, Y.; Roshu-Lavie, S.; Gozin M.; Ashkenazi-Poliak, T.; Drug, E.; Soreq NRC Report (SNRC 3695); September 2006. “Urea Nitrate Chemosensor – Progress Report 2006” Mey-Marom, A.; Dahan, A.; Gozin M.; Kuznetsov, V.; Makievski, S.; Ashkenazi-Poliak, T. Soreq NRC Report (SNRC 3726); December 2006. “TATP Chemosensor – Progress Report No. 7” Mey-Marom, A.; Dahan, A.; Bechor, Y.; Roshu-Lavie, S.; Gozin M.; Ashkenazi-Poliak, T.; Drug, E. Soreq NRC Report (SNRC 3733); January 2007. “TATP Chemosensor – 2nd Year Annual Report” Mey-Marom, A.; Dahan, A.; Bechor, Y.; Saier, P.; Vagish, Z.; Gozin M.; Ashkenazi-Poliak, T.; Sasson, R.; Drug, E. Soreq NRC Report (SNRC 3776); May 2007. “TATP Chemosensor – Progress Report No. 13” Mey-Marom, A.; Dahan, A.; Bechor (Bar), Y.; Saier, P.; Gozin M.; Shamis, M. Soreq NRC Report (SNRC 3851); December 2007. “Development of Chemosensors with Negative Response Features towards Oxidizing Compounds – 3rd Year Report” Mey-Marom, A.; Dahan, A.; Saier, P.; Gozin M.; Shamis, M. Soreq NRC Report (SNRC 3860); February 2008. “Testing Explosion Hazard of Chemosensor for Solid TATP and its Mixtures” Mey-Marom, A.; Dahan, A.; Saier, P.; Shafir, N.; Ravid, A.; Gozin M. Soreq NRC Report (SNRC 3888); February 2008. “TATP Chemosensor – 3rd Year Annual Report” Dahan, A.; Saier, P.; Shafir, N.; Ravid, A.; Mey-Marom, A.; Gozin M.; Shamis, M. Soreq NRC Report (SNRC 3900); May 2008. “Chemosensor for Improvised Explosive” Dahan, A.; Gozin M.; Antonov, S.; Marom, H.; Soreq NRC Report (SNRC 3930); August 2008. Presentations “Palladium-catalyzed vinylation of aryl chlorides. Chelate effect in catalysis” Portnoy, M.; Ben-David, Y.; Gozin, M.; Milstein, D., Proc. of 56th Annual Meeting of the Israel Chem. Soc., 1991, Jerusalem, Israel. 2. “Activation of a carbon-carbon bond in solution by transition-metal insertion” Gozin, M.; Weisman, A.; Ben-David, Y.; Milstein, D., Proc. Meeting of the Am. Chem. Soc.(West Region), 1993, Pasadena, USA. 3. “Transfer of methylene groups promoted by metal complexation” Gozin, M.; Weisman, A.; Aizenberg, M.; Liou, S. Y.; Ben-David, Y.; Milstein, D., Proc. 2nd Swedish-Israeli Symposium on New Trends in Organic Chemistry, 1994, Stockholm, Sweden. 4. “Frontiers in bond activation by electron rich metal complexes” Gozin, M.; Weisman, A.; Aizenberg, M.; Liou, S. Y.; Ben-David, Y.; Milstein, D., Proc. 9th International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis, 1994, Jerusalem, Israel. 5. “Transition metal insertion into carbon-carbon bonds” Milstein, D., Aizenberg, M.; Ben-David, Y.; van der Boom, M. E.; Gozin, M.; Kraatz, H. B., Liou, S. Y.; Rybtchinski, B.; Weisman, A., 11th FECHEM Conference, 1995, Parma, Italy. 6. “Synthesis of PCP methylene-bridged Palladium and Platinum complexes” van der Boom, M. E.; Gozin, M.; Kraatz, H. B.; Milstein, D., Abstr. of Papers of the Am. Chem. Soc. Meeting, 1995, v209 (Part 1), 84INOR. 7. “Rh insertion into C-C bonds in solution – sp2-sp3 vs. sp3-sp3 bond-cleavage” Liou, S. Y.; Gozin, M.; Milstein, D. Abstr. of Papers of the Am. Chem. Soc. Meeting, 1995, v209 (Part 1), 85-INOR. 8. “Metal insertion into carbon-carbon single bonds in solution” Milstein, D.; Gozin, M.; Aizenberg, M.; Ben-David, Y.; Liou, S. Y.; Weisman, A., 33rd Inter. Conf. on Coordination. Chem., 1997, Florence, Italy. 9. “Uridine-conjugated-ferrocene DNA oligonucleotides for electronic detection of nucleic acids” Yu, C. J.; Yowanto, H.; Wan, J.; O’Connor, S.; Chong, Y.; Strong, M.; Donilon, L.; Kayyem, J. F.; Gozin, M.; Blackburn, G. F., Abstr. of Papers of the Am. Chem. Soc. Meeting, 1999, v217 (Part 1), 076-CARB. 10. “The soluble ferrocene-conjugates for incorporation into self-assembled monolayers”, Yu, C. J.; Chong, Y.; Kayyem, J. F.; Gozin, M. Abstr. of Papers of the Am. Chem. Soc. Meeting, 1999, v217 (Part 2), 535ORGN. 11. “Organic Molecular Synthesis and Monolayer-Exchange Process for Molecular Electronics Applications”, Meshulam, G.; Rosenberg, N.; Caster, A.; Gozin M.; Richter S. The 69th Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society, February 2004, Tel Aviv, Israel – Poster. 12. “Molecular Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Caster, A.; Meshulam, G.; Rosenberg, N.; Gozin M.; Richter S. 8th International Conference on Nanometer Scale Science and Technology, July 2004, Venice, Italy – Poster. 1. 5 13. “Development of ChemoSensors for Nitrate Ion Detection”, The Detection and Characterization of Improvised Explosives Meeting, 8 June 2005, Biomedical Engineering, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel – Invited Oral Presentation. 14. “Adamantyl-OEG-fullerene Hybrids as Potential Therapeutic Agents for Multiple Sclerosis: Synthesis and In-vivo Experiments in Mice EAE Model” Bar-Shir, A.; Engel, Y.; Gozin, M. Polymeric Drugs and Drug Conjugates Conference and Workshop, 1-2 December 2005, Jerusalem, Israel – Poster. 15. “Formation and Characterization of Stable Protein Complexes with Fullerene and its Derivatives” Belgorodsky, B.; Fadeev, L.; Gozin, M. Polymeric Drugs and Drug Conjugates Conference and Workshop, 1-2 December 2005, Jerusalem, Israel – Poster. 16. “Adamantyl-OEG-fullerene Hybrids as Potential Therapeutic Agents for Multiple Sclerosis: Synthesis and In-vivo Experiments in Mice EAE Model” Bar-Shir A.; Engel Y.; Gozin M. The 70th Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society, February 2006, Tel Aviv, Israel – Poster. 17. “Formation and Characterization of Stable Protein Complexes with Fullerene and its Derivatives” Belgorodsky, B.; Fadeev, L.; Gozin, M. The 70th Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society, February 2006, Tel Aviv, Israel – Poster. 18. “Formation and Characterization of Stable Protein-fullerene Complexes” Gozin, M.; Belgorodsky, B.; Fadeev, L.; Kolsenik, J.; Benyamini, H. Joint International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Macromolecular Chemistry, 25-30 June 2006, Victoria, BC, Canada – Poster. 19. “Formation and Characterization of Stable Protein-fullerene Complexes” Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, 27 July 2006, Mainz, Germany – Invited Oral Presentation. 20. “Fullerene Hybrids” Erlangen-Nürnberg University, 30 July 2006, Erlangen, Germany – Invited Oral Presentation. 21. “Formation and Characterization of Stable Protein-fullerene Complexes” Gozin, M.; Belgorodsky, B.; Fadeev, L.; Kolsenik, J.; Benyamini, H. 1st European Organic Chemistry Congress, 27-1 September 2006, Budapest, Hungary – Poster and Invited Oral Presentation. 22. “Incorporation of Carbonaceous Nanomaterials into Proteins: Preparation and Characterization” Belgorodsky, B.; Fadeev, L.; Gozin, M. The 72nd Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society, 6-7 February 2007, Tel Aviv, Israel – Poster and Invited Oral Presentation. 23. “Fullerene-Protein Hybrids” Gozin, M. 211th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), Symposium in Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanoclusters, 6-11 May 2007, Chicago (IL), USA – Invited Oral Presentation. 24. “Treatment with a Fullerene Derivative (ABS-75) Reduces Disease Progression and Axonal Loss in MOGinduced Progressive EAE in NOD Mice” Basso, A. S.; Frenkel, D.; Petrovic-Stojkovic, S.; Puckett, L.; Monsonego, A.; Gozin, M.; Weiner, H. L. Clin. Immunol. 2007, 123(Suppl. 1), S151. 25. “Analysis of Putative Binding Sites of β-Lactoglobulin” 213th Meeting of the Electro-chemical Society (ECS), Symposium in Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanoclusters, 18-23 May 2008, Phoenix (AR), USA – Invited Oral Presentation. 26. “Interaction of Proteins with Hydrophobic Materials” Symposium in Nanotoxicology, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 21 July 2008, Dayton (OH), USA – Invited Oral Presentation. 27. “Formation of Complexes Between Bovine Submaxillary Mucin Glycoprotein and Carbonaceous Materials”, 215th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), Symposium in Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanoclusters, 24-29 May 2009, San Francisco (CA), USA – Invited Oral Presentation. 28. Detecting Illicit Substances: Explosives & Drugs, Gordon Conference, 14-19 June 2009, Les Diablerets, Switzerland – Invited Participation. 29. “Studies of Interactions between Nanomaterials and Proteins” 10th International Symposium on Polymers for Advanced Technologies (PAT2009), 11-14 October 2009, Jerusalem – Member of the Organizing Committee and Oral Presentation. 30. “Development of Targeted Therapeutic and Diagnostic Agents” Gozin. M; Belgorodsky, B.; Fadeev, L.; The 75th Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society, 25-26 January 2010, Tel Aviv, Israel – Invited Oral Presentation. 31. “Characterization of Glycoprotein Complexes with Hydrophobic Materials and Nanomaterials” Gozin, M.; Isranalytica 2011, 7-8 February 2011, Tel Aviv, Israel – Invited Keynote Oral Presentation. 32. “Incorporation of Carbonaceous Nanomaterials into Proteins: Preparation and Characterization” Drug, E.; Gozin, M.; The 76nd Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society, 9-10 February 2011, Tel Aviv, Israel – Poster. 33. “Polysaccharides and Glycoproteins Complexes with Nanomaterials” Belgorodsky, B.; Drug, E.; Fadeev, L.; Hendler, N.; Mentovich, E.; Richter, S.; Gozin, M.; 219th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society 6 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. (ECS), Symposium in Carbon Nanotubes and Nanostructures: Medicine and Biology, 1-6 May 2011, Monteral, QC, Canada – Invited Keynote Oral Presentation. “Toward Development of Targeted Non-steroidal Antiandrogen Complex for Prostate Cancer Diagnostics” Marom, H.; Miller, K.; Bechor-Bar, Y.; Tsarfaty, G.; Satchi-Fainaro, R.; Gozin, M.; 6th European Molecular Imaging Meeting, 19-21 June 2011, Leiden, The Netherlands – Poster. “Toward the Development of the Direct and Selective Detection of Nitrates by a Bio-inspired Mo-Cu System” Gozin, M.; Isranalytica 2012, 24-25 January 2012, Tel Aviv, Israel – Invited Oral Presentation. “Toward the Development of the Direct and Selective Detection of Nitrates by a Bio-inspired Mo-Cu System” Gozin, M.; 4th Trace Explosive Detection Conference, 16-10 April 2012, Boston, US – Invited Oral Presentation. “Toward the Development of the Direct and Selective Detection of Nitrates by a Bio-inspired Mo-Cu System”; The 78th Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society, 12 January 2013, Tel Aviv, Israel – Invited Oral Presentation. “Development of Novel Nanomaterials for Biomedical Photoacoustic Imaging”, Institute for Materials Science and Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials, Dresden University of Technology, 7 October 2013, Dresden, Germany – Invited Oral Presentation. “Development of Novel Nanomaterials for Biomedical Photoacoustic Imaging”, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 21 January 2014, Dayton (OH), USA – Invited Oral Presentation. 7
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