October / November Fall Edition 2014 Contact Information: • Main Office: 586-797-3500 Mustang Messenger Malow Junior High School - 6400 Twenty-Five Mile Rd. Shelby Township MI 48316 Robert D. Hock, Principal Stacey Gierman, Assistant Principal - Kenneth Voakes, Assistant Principal Malow Junior High School www.malowuticak12.org Utica Community Schools www.uticak12.org • Attendance: 586-797-3599 • Main Office Fax: 586-797-3501 Dear Friends of Malow: IMPORTANT REMINDERS October 15, 2014 Students will be taking a Decommissioned Explore/Work Keys Exam Parent – Teacher Conferences Wednesday, November 12th 4:30 – 7:30 pm Thursday, November 13th 12:00 – 3:00 pm 4:30 – 7:30 pm Malow Mission Statement The Malow Junior High School community is committed to providing a positive environment, which encourages and inspires students to develop life-long learning skills that will allow them to live and work effectively and appreciate diversity as they strive for excellence live and work effectively and appreciate diversity as they strive for excellence in an ever-changing global society. Let me begin by thanking all of you for a GREAT beginning to the school year! Registration was well attended and I want you to know how much we appreciate your cooperation. We will continue to refine this process with each passing year with the sincere intention of making it as painless as possible for everyone involved. I also want to thank you for listening to my phone messages and printing new schedules for your children. I realize that the last minute changes we made may have created a bit of anxiety for your children, but, due to your cooperation, we had virtually everyone where they needed to be within the first hour of school on opening day! Speaking of last minute changes, I wanted to explain why we consolidated to three lunch periods. In years past, the “A” lunch period started at 10:47. This meant that 25% of our students were eating VERY early and often complained about “running out of gas” by 3:01. Secondly, it meant that a total of 50% of our students had a split class period to accommodate lunches. By consolidating to three lunches, both of these issues have been addressed. Those who have “B” lunch still have a split 4th hour class, which is unavoidable, but it drops the percentage of students with a spit 4th hour class to approximately 33%. In addition, ALL students are now eating at a more realistic time of the day. As I’m sure you know all 11th graders take the high stakes ACT test, which plays a critical role in determining post-secondary opportunities. In preparation for this test, students may take free practice tests and preparation courses through the Princeton Review organization. Please visit www.princetonreview.com/ACT and see what you can do NOW to help your child prepare for the ACT. My son took this prep course prior to his 9th grade year and I truly believe it helped to improve his performance when he took this assessment last year as a junior at Eisenhower. Also, I remind you that Parent/Teacher conferences will be held on November 12th and 13th. Please look for further details in this newsletter. As you have heard me say many times, we MUST work together to ensure that your children maximize their learning opportunities! Sincerely, Robert D. Hock Principal Dates to Remember Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 9 Oct. 15 Oct. 21 Oct. 21 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 2 Nov. 4 Nov. 4 Nov. 6 Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 26 Nov. 28 Dec. 18 Dec.24Jan. 2 Jan. 8 Jan. 14Jan. 16 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Feb. 5 Feb. 16Feb. 20 March 5 March 27 Official Count Day Sounding Board Meeting 1:30pm UCS Band-A-Rama Picture retake day Explore / Work Keys Exam Magazine Sale Kick-off Malow Choir Concert 7:00pm @ EPAC Malow Choir Concert 7:00pm @ EPAC th Malow 7 grade band concert 7:00pm @ EPAC Halloween Dance 3:00pm – 5:00pm End Of 1st Marking Period Daylight Savings Ends “Fall Back” No School ELECTION DAY Sounding Board Meeting 1:30 pm Drama Presentation – Cinderella 7:01pm Drama Presentation – Cinderella 7:01pm Conferences 4:30pm – 7:30pm ½ day for students Parent – Teacher Conferences 12:00pm – 3:00pm & 4:30pm – 7:30pm No School, Thanksgiving Break Malow Bands Winter Concert 7:00pm @ EPAC No School Christmas Break Sounding Board Meeting 1:30pm ½ days – Mid-Term Exams 11:12am dismissal nd End of 2 Marking Period No School - Martin Luther King Day Sounding Board Meeting 1:30 pm No School – Mid-Winter Break Sounding Board Meeting, 1:30 pm Malow Bands Spring Concert Mustang Messenger Hello Malow Community! My name is Ken Voakes and I am one of the new Assistant Principals here at Malow. I was here at Malow as a student teacher 10 years ago, and have since been at a number of buildings serving in a variety of roles. I was at Utica High School last school year as an Associate Principal Intern. Prior to that, I worked at the board office and taught at Eisenhower High School, Shelby, Eppler, Jeannette and Davis. I am very pleased to be back at Malow, where my career in education began. I have been very pleased with the respect that Every month a Success Skill is introduced to the students here at Malow. September—Organization October—Responsibility November—Caring / Kindness December—Cooperation January—Integrity February—Initiative March—Common Sense April—Sense of Humor May & June—Perseverance Page 2 of 6 students have been showing towards one another and myself. I look forward to what the school year will bring and all of the successes we will have here at Malow Junior High School. Go Mustangs!! Please see page 6 for Halloween Costume / Dress Code Review Daily Schedule 1st Hour 2nd Hour 3rd Hour 4th Hour 5th Hour 6th Hour 8:10-9:08 9:14-10:10 10:16-11:12 11:18-12:57 1:03-1:59 2:05-3:01 Lunch A 11:18-11:49 Lunch B 11:55-12:20 Lunch C 12:26-12:57 EARLY DISMISSAL / ½ DAY 8:10 TO 11:12 AM No Appointments Needed! Parent – Teacher Conferences Wednesday, November 12 4:30 – 7:30 pm Thursday, November 13 12:00 – 3:00 pm & 4:30 – 7:30 pm Please remember to limit your time with each teacher to five minutes, as other parents will be waiting. Page 3 of 6 Chess Club - Mr. Ashman Every Monday 3-4 B207 Mustang Messenger Magic the Gathering Card Club - Ms. Narkus Most Thursdays 3-5 B211 Watch for announcements No experience necessary Destination Imagination Mrs. Suzanne Waligora Malow Comic League Club - Mr. Kupke Mondays 3-4 A104 N.J.H.S. - Mrs. Witt Forensics - Mrs. Carolin Most Mondays 3–4:30 A108 Dec thru May For more information click on readspeaklistenthink.com and select Forensics at the top 7th Grade Football – Coach Jason Gendreau 8th Grade Football – Coach Aaron Davis 7th Grade Volleyball – Coach Michelle Witt 8th Grade Volleyball – Coach Jason Thoel 7th Grade Competitive Cheer – Coach Heather Chalou 8th Grade Competitive Cheer – Coach Sienna Montalbano th By invite only for 8th and 9th grade students. Qualifying students will receive an invitation near the end of the 2nd semester. Science Olympiad Ms. Sarah Pohutsky [email protected] Malow Snow Sports Club - Mrs. Wakefield B203 Counselors: S.T.A.T.I.C - Mrs. Nowels Mrs. Witt - 9 grade Dr. Krause - 8th grade Ms. Vernon - 7th grade Cyberbullying Q: I’m worried about cyberbullying. How can I protect my middle grader from this kind of bullying? A: Cyberbullying occurs when someone sends hurtful messages online or by cell phone. It can take many forms, Student Council – Weekly trips to Mt. Holly such as writing rude starting in December and Mrs. Gastmeier and comments, spreading rumors, ending in February. Any Mrs. Hitzleberger ability level is welcomed, and posting embarrassing rental equipment is available, Look inside this newsletter for pictures. Your child can no need to attend every discourage cyberbullying by upcoming Student Council week. giving personal information events (name, email address, cell phone number) only to friends. If she receives nasty emails or text messages, she should not respond. Explain that replying 7th Grade Boys’ Basketball – just gives the person the Coach Jason Thoel satisfaction of having upset 8th Grade Boys’ Basketball – her. A good thing to do is For all parents of 7th and 8th Coach William Tack grade Malow athletes, the Malow simply to log off the computer or turn off the cell phone. Booster Club is here for you! 7th Grade Girls’ Basketball – Dues are only $10 per year, per Let youngster know she should Coach Robert Savage family. tell an adult if she experiences 8th Grade Girls’ Basketball – cyberbullying. Your can report Coach Jim Thomas Meetings are held monthly for an problems to your Internet hour or so at Malow. The first 7th Grade Competitive Cheer meeting of the year will be – Coach Heather Chalou Monday, October 6th at 7pm at 8th Grade Competitive Cheer Malow. www.MalowSports.com – Coach Sienna Montalbano is your place for all news regarding MJH Athletics provider, school authorities, or even the police. ©2011 Resources for Educators, a division of CCH Incorporated Nondiscrimination in Education In compliancewith Title VI of theCivil Rights Act of 1964, TitleIX oftheEducation Amendments of 1972, Section 504 oftheRehabilitation Act of 1973, the AgeDiscrimination Act of1975,Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act and the Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act, it is the policy of Utica Community Schools that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, age, disability, height, weight, or marital status be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjectedto discrimination during any instructional opportunities, programs, services, job placement assistance, employment or in policies governing student conduct andattendance. Any person suspecting a discriminatory practiceshouldcontact theExecutiveDirector of HumanResourcesatUticaCommunity Schools,11303 Greendale,Sterling Heights,MI 48312 or call (586)797-1000. Mustang Messenger So many things are happening at Malow; all parents should have the opportunity to know about them and Malow411 was created for that purpose! All information emailed via the 411 is sent on behalf of another person or entity: Such as our principal Mr. Hock, a staff member, a coach, a student club coordinator, the Sounding Board, etc. Parents & Guardians are invited to our monthly Sounding Board meetings, which are held in the Upper Level of the Media Center from 1:30 – 3pm. Mark your calendars for: October 2 Information can be sent to the entire student list or sent grade specific depending on the content. You will also receive a direct link to the Malow Messenger - the school newsletter. Most emails include contact information, but if not, please contact the main office at 586-797-3500 and inquire or have your student inquire. The 411 is not checked frequently, therefore, if you email a pressing question or personal concern, it may delay the response. Be assured that the email addresses listed in the distribution lists are used only for the purpose intended. All emails are sent BCC for privacy. The 411 is intended for parents/guardians and is not for student use. (student emails should not be listed.) Thank you for making the Malow411 a successful line of communication! November 6 January 8 February 5 March 5 Page 4 of 6 September 19th saw the end to the Entertainment Book Sale for this year. Our Top Seller 8th grader Alyssa Battani with 13 books sold. The winner of our raffle drawing for a $250 Visa Gift Card was 9th grader Christopher DeClercq Thank you everyone for your support! April 16 . Keep collecting those Box Tops. Information about collections will be forthcoming. The Sounding Board has paid for such items as art supplies, sheet music, lighting & sound equipment, transportation for field trips as well as other classroom supplies and equipment May 14 Check out the Sounding Board’s new website at http://malowsb.org/ . The Sounding Board website will have all kinds of info (agendas from past meetings, any handouts from guest speakers, information from Mr. Hock, and links to any volunteer opportunities, etc. But, the most important item is the up-to-date calendar that will include all activities, excluding sports, going on at Malow. Each club coordinator will have access to the site and will keep the calendar updated with meetings, field trips, etc. It will be a central place for parents to go to see the extracurricular activities going on. NJHS will also be on there. “LIKE” Us on Facebook VOLUNTEERS WANTED FRONT OFFICE is looking for volunteers to help a couple of hours every morning. If you can spare a couple of hours weekly or every other week: Click here to sign-up on SlyReply. COPY ROOM is looking for Click on the link below to connect with us Malow Junior High Facebook Page volunteers as well. If you can spare a couple of hours, weekly or every other week this could be for you. If interested please email Mrs. Colette Galayda at [email protected] Page 5 of 6 Mustang Messenger th The Halloween Dance is Thursday, October 30 from 3-5 PM. All grades are invited. The cost is $4; tickets will be sold during lunch the week of the dance. There will be a photo booth, games, and a costume contest! Refreshments will also be for sale. Students will be allowed to wear costumes to school on this day with the following guidelines: No masks or full face paint No violent, distasteful costumes The costume must allow you to sit in a desk during the day (see next page for further dress code details) NOVEMBER 11 – 18 We will be collecting canned goods. Students can bring in non-perishable goods to their first hour teacher. All proceeds will go to “Extended Hand”, an organization that helps needy UCS families. 9 graders participate in sports through Eisenhower’s sports program. Check the IKE website for further information or contact Eisenhower’s Athletic Director: Kevin Donahue [email protected] For information about the IKE Booster club, follow this link: http://www.ikeboosterclub.org DECEMBER 1 – 5 We will also be collecting toys. Please bring in unwrapped, new toys worth at least $5. Student Council will deliver the toys to the Marines when they come to Malow! IMPORTANT: Any 9th grader needing to leave Malow early for an IKE sport MUST bring in a signed note from their parent / guardian–for EACH event. Mustang Messenger Page 6 of 6 · New federally mandated snack and beverage standards were implemented effective July 1, 2014 in school districts nationwide. This will impact snacks sold by the district and through school fundraisers. In accordance with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Utica Community Schools has implemented the required nutrition standards for all snacks sold in school by all parties, including parent/student organizations, teachers, boosters, fundraisers and the Food and Nutrition Services department. These standards for snack sales are in effect from any time before school through one-half hour (30 minutes) after school. The standards do not apply to items sold beginning 30 minutes after school through the rest of the day. The standards do not apply to foods brought from home for personal consumption or to foods provided to students at no cost (i.e. approved special events). You must follow the school rules for dressing up at school on the day of the dance and follow the dress code set forth in your handbook: · · · Gang related apparel is not allowed Beach wear, low cut tops, tank tops, see through clothing, short skirts, short shorts and clothes exposing the midsection are NOT allowed. Shoes must be worn · Clothing that promotes illegal substances or drugs, illegal activities, violence, tobacco or alcohol is prohibited. Students are not permitted to bring to school or on the bus any toy that resembles a weapon or device that could be used to shoot a projectile or harm others in any way. You will not be allowed into the dance if your costume does not follow the dress code. If you have any questions about costumes, please see Mrs. Gierman or Mr. Voakes Utica Community Schools NON-HOMESTEAD MILLAGE RENEWAL El ect ion on Tu esd ay, NO VE M BE R 4, 201 4 POLLS OPEN 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. For more information, please visit http://www.uticak12.org/renewal o r c a l l 5 8 6 . 7 9 7 . 2 8 0 0 QUICK FACTS T h e N o n -H o m e s t e a d M il l a ge Re n e w a l · …is a reauthorization of an existing millage that is restricted to rental, commercial and industrial properties within Utica Community Schools. · …is not levied on owner-occupied homes and has ZERO impact on the homeowner’s property taxes. · …supports school operations, including teachers, basic school supplies and utilities such as heat and water. · …will help maintain current academic programs that support the district’s goal of high student achievement.
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