FACULTY PROFILE Mr. S.P.Leo Kumar, B.E., M.Tech (NITT)., D.R.M., (Ph.D) Assistant Professor Contact Address: Department of Production Engineering PSG College of Technology Coimbatore-641004 Tamilnadu, India Phone: 0422 4344545 Email:[email protected] [email protected] 1. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION Qualification Branch/ Specialization Institution/ University Class & Percent./CGPA Year B.E Mechanical Engineering Bharathiyar First class with Distinction & 87% 2004 M.Tech Manufcaturing Technology National Institute of Technology (Formerly REC) Tiruchirappalli First class with Distinction & 9.11 CGPA 2007 Production Engineering (Micromachining) National Institute of Technology (Formerly REC) Tiruchirappalli N/A Pursuing (Full Time) Since Feb 2012 Ph.D 2. AREA OF INTEREST Micromachining Intelligent Manufacturing CAD/CAM Non Conventional Manufacturing Manufacturing Systems Development Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Leo Kumar 3. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Organization Designation Period of Employment From To National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli Research Scholar Since 06.02.2012 PSG College of Technology Coimbatore Assistant Professor 22.06.2011 04.02.2012 PSG College of Technology Coimbatore Lecturer 02.06.2008 21.06.2011 Wipro Technologies Pune Project Engineer 27.08.2007 20.11.2007 4. SUBJECTS HANDLED Under Graduate Programme Post Graduate Programme Metal cutting theory and cutting tool design Porduct development strategies Machine tool engineering Non conventional manufacturing Advanced manufacturing processes Product analysis and cost estimation Manufacture of automotive components Precision machining and metrology Mems and nano technology 5. ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILITIES Sl.No Details of Position Period 1 Website Incharge Since July 2008- Feb 2012 2 Class Tutor (BE 2008 Batch) July 2008-May 2011 3 Class Tutor (BE 2011 Batch) July 2011- Feb 2012 4 GATE Coordinator 2010- 2012 6. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS International Journal National Journal International Conference National Conference 2 1 3 5 Leo Kumar List of International Journals: 1. S.P.Leo Kumar, J.Jerald, S.Kumanan, (2014) “An Intelligent Process Planning System for Micro TurnMill Parts”. International Journal of Production Research. DOI:10.1080/00207543.2014.910626 (SCI Journal - In print) 2. J.Jerald, S.Kumanan, S.P.Leo Kumar, H.V. Chandrakar, (2013) “Experimental Investigation and Optimization of Process Parameters in Micro- Electric Discharge Machining, Int. J. of Manufacturing Technology and Management. Vol.27, Nos.1/2/3:88-100. List of National Journals: 1. Leo Kumar S P , S. Kumanan, C.Ahilan and R S Mohan Kumar Automation of blanking die desigh parameters selection using an intelligent system Journal of Emerging technology in mechanical science and engineering Vol 1 No 1 9-13 2010 List of International Conferences: 1. S.P.Leo Kumar, J.Jerald and S.Kumanan (2014) “Automatic Feature Extraction and CNC Code Generation in a CAPP System for Micromachining”. Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICAMME-14), 13-15 March 2014, NITK, Surathkal. 2. S.P.Leo Kumar, J.Jerald and S.Kumanan (2013) “An Expert System for Cutting Tool Selection for Micromachining Processes”. Proceedings of International Conference on Precision,Meso,Micro and Nano Engineering(COPEN-8) in NIT Calicut. pp133-137. 3. Harish K, Leo kumar S P, Arun prakash R, Prakasan K “ Noise reduction in domestic mixture grinders using design optimization based approach” International conference on trends in Product Life cycle ,modeling, simulation and synthesis pp. 140-148, 2011. List of National Conferences: 1. S.P.Leo kumar, J.Jerald,S.Kumanan and Shashank Pansari. (2013)“Experimental Investigation of Micro Drilling of C360 Brass”. Proceedings of 1st National Conference on Micro and Nano Fabrication (Mnf -2013) at CMTI, Banglore, India. 2. S.P.Leo kumar, J.Jerald,S.Kumanan and Aniket Nargundkar. (2013) ”Experimental Investigation of Micro End Milling of Cast Grade Virgin PMMA”. Proceedings of 1st National Conference on Micro and Nano Fabrication (Mnf -2013) at CMTI, Banglore, India. 3. S.P.Leo kumar, J.Jerald,and S.Kumanan.(2012) Manufacturing Application of Micromachining for automobile components Proceedings of XXVIII National Convention of Mechanical engineers IE India Coimbatore C67-C70 . Leo Kumar 4. Rajesh.R, Saravanan.S,Leokumar.S.P, (2012)“Optimization of surface roughness in CNC end milling of Al6063 using integrated RSM-GA approach”, National Conference on Product Design and Manufacturing, 2012, Coimbatore. 5. S.P.Leokumar , S.Porchilamban.(2009). “ Ergonomic Design of Forward Leaning Posture for Dentist Chair” Proceedings of the National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS2009) 26th -27th March,pp-80. 7. CONFERENCES /PROGRAMMES/WORKSHOPS ATTENDED Year 2013-2014: Sl.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Programme Short Term Course on Micro- Manufacturing International conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (AIMME 14) International Conference on Precision,Meso,Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN-8) Short Term Course on Advances in Manufacturing technology National Conference on Micro and Nano Fabrication (Mnf -2013) Workshop on Micro fabrication Institution/Organization National Institute of Technology,Tiruchirappalli Duration 14th -15th March 2014 National Institute of Technology, Surathkal Karnataka 27th – 29th March 2014 National Institute of Technology, Calicut 13th -15th December 2013 National Institute of Technology,Tiruchirappalli 23rd -25th August 2013 CMTI, Banglore 21st -23rd January 2013 CMTI, Banglore 20th January 2013 8. ACHIEVEMENTS Finished a Post diploma course in “Rail Transport and Management” at Institute of Rail Transport , New delhi Achieved univeristy 13th rank in under graduate programme Achieved univeristy 2nd rank in post granduate programme Qualified in GATE 2006 with all india rank of 146 Acieved Best Life Saver award in safety programme at NITT Leo Kumar
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