Eric Strohm, Ph.D. Biomedical Physics Postdoctoral Fellow Ryerson University Department of Physics 350 Victoria Street Toronto, Ontario, M5B 2K3 Ultrasound Biomicroscopy Laboratory Laboratory: Kerr Hall East 240 Office: Kerr Hall East 233 [email protected] I. EDUCATION 2010 - 13 Ph.D. Biomedical Physics Ryerson University Department of Physics, Toronto, Canada Dissertation title: Characterization of single cells using high frequency photoacoustics The first Ph.D. graduate in the Faculty of Science Supervisor: Dr. Michael C. Kolios 2007 - 09 M.Sc. Biomedical Physics Ryerson University Department of Physics, Toronto, Canada Dissertation title: Determining the mechanical properties of apoptotic cells using time resolved acoustic microscopy Supervisor: Dr. Michael C. Kolios 1999 - 01 M.Sc. Physics University of British Columbia Department of Physics, Vancouver, British Columbia Dissertation title: Optical and electrical properties of dilute GaNAs alloys Supervisor: Dr. Tom Tiedje 1995 - 99 Bachelor’s of Science, Honours Physics (Astrophysics Specialization) McMaster University Department of Physics and Astronomy, Hamilton, Ontario Dean’s Honour List for academic excellence II. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2014 - Postdoctoral Fellow Ryerson University Department of Physics, Toronto, Canada Researching and developing methods of detecting cancer using ultrasound and photoacoustic frequencies over 100 MHz. Eric Strohm PhD October 2014 Page 2/10 2007 - 14 Teaching Assistant Ryerson University Department of Physics, Toronto, Canada Teaching assistant for undergraduate (PCS120, PCS125, PCS211, PCS405), and graduate (BP8102, BP8113) physics courses and laboratories at Ryerson University. 2009 - 10 Research Associate Ryerson University Department of Physics, Toronto, Canada Continued Master’s research using acoustics to measure to properties of single cells while awaiting implementation of the new PhD program in the Department of Physics at Ryerson University. 2002 - 07 Member of Research Staff Xerox Research Centre of Canada Materials Integration Group, Mississauga, Canada Responsible for assessing the print quality of next generation toner and inks. Extensive modification to current xerographic machines was performed by adding sensors and diagnostic equipment to quantify toner quality. Co-author on 10 patent applications, and awarded three achievement awards for outstanding performance throughout employment. III. HONORS AND AWARDS 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2011 2010 2009 2008 1999 1999 1995 Governor General Academic Gold Medal Award (Ryerson University) Canada’s most prestigious graduate academic award. One is awarded university-wide annually to the graduate student who achieves the highest academic standing. C. Ravi Ravindran Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award (Ryerson University) Recognizes a doctoral dissertation for originality and contribution to enhanced knowledge in the area of study. One award is presented university-wide per graduating year. Ryerson Gold Medal Award (Ryerson University) The award recognizes outstanding involvement within the university, their profession, and/or their community in addition to academic proficiency. Doctoral Completion Award for graduating in less than four years (Ryerson University) The first Ph.D. graduate in the Faculty of Science at Ryerson University A+ average throughout graduate studies (4.2/4.33 GPA, 8 courses, Ryerson University) Quarter-finalist, SPIE Start-up Challenge at SPIE Photonics West (San Francisco, USA) Best student presentation (Biomedical Engineering & Sciences Technology Symposium) Best teaching assistant award (Department of Physics, Ryerson University) NSERC Postgraduate scholarship PGS-D ($63,000, 3 years) Nominated for Ryerson University’s Gold Medal award (M.Sc., Ryerson University) Graduate student scholarship for academic excellence ($7,000, Ryerson University) NSERC USRA Undergraduate Student Research Award (McMaster University) Dean’s Honour List for academic excellence (Undergraduate, McMaster University) Entrance Scholarship ($500, Guelph University, declined) Eric Strohm PhD October 2014 Page 3/10 Travel awards: Since 2009, over $5000 has been granted through 10 awards from the IEEE Society, Acoustical Society of America, the Ryerson Students Union and others to supplement travel to international conferences. IV. PUBLICATIONS Book chapters (2) 1. E. Hysi, E.M. Strohm and M. C. Kolios. “Probing different length scales using photoacoustics: from 1-1000 MHz” in Handbook of Photonics for Biomedical Engineering, Aaron H.P. Ho, D. Kim and M.G. Somekh (Eds.). Springer, 2015 (under review). 2. E.M. Strohm, G. Czarnota, M.C. Kolios, “Acoustic microscopy of cells” in Quantitative Ultrasound of Soft Tissue, J. Mamou and M. Oelze (Eds.). Springer, 2013. Publications in refereed journals (7) 1. Y. Sun, Y. Wang, C. Niu, E.M. Strohm, Y. Zheng, H. Ran, R. Huang, D. Zhou, Y. Gong, Z. Wang, D. Wang, M.C. Kolios, “Laser-activatible PLGA microparticles forimage-guided cancer therapy in vivo”, Advanced Functional Materials (Published online Sept. 29, 2014). DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201402631 2. E.M. Strohm, I. Gorelikov, N. Matsuura, M.C. Kolios, “Modeling photoacoustic spectral features of micron-sized particles”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 59(19), 2014, pp. 5795-5810. DOI: 3. E.M. Strohm, E. Berndl, M.C. Kolios, “High frequency label-free photoacoustic microscopy of single cells”, Photoacoustics, 1(3), 2013, pp. 49-53. DOI: 10.1016/j.pacs.2013.08.003 4. E.M. Strohm, E. Berndl, M.C. Kolios, “Probing red blood cell morphology using high frequency photoacoustics,” Biophysical Journal, 105(1), 2013, pp. 59-67. DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2013.05.037 *** Featured in Scientific American, New Scientist, Nature Highlights and ScienceNOW. 5. E.M. Strohm, I. Gorelikov, N. Matsuura, M.C. Kolios, “Acoustic and photoacoustic characterization of micron-sized perfluorocarbon emulsions”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17(9), 2012, pp. 096016-26. DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.17.9.096016 6. E.M. Strohm, M. Rui, I. Gorelikov, N. Matsuura, M.C. Kolios, “Vaporization of perfluorocarbon droplets using optical irradiation”, Biomedical Optics Express, 2(6), 2011, pp. 1432-1442. DOI: 10.1364/BOE.2.001432 7. E.M. Strohm, G. Czarnota, M.C. Kolios “Quantitative Measurements of Apoptotic Cell Properties Using Acoustic Microscopy”, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 57(10), 2010, pp. 2293-2304. DOI: 10.1109/TUFFC.2010.1690 Manuscripts submitted / in preparation (2) 1. G. Ameri, E. Shaswary, E.M. Strohm, V.X.D. Yang, J.C. Kumaradas, “Synthetic Aperture Imaging in Acoustic Microscopy” (submitted to Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 2014) 2. E.M. Strohm, M.C. Kolios, “Circulating tumor cell detection using high frequency ultrasound and photoacoustics”, (to be submitted October 2014) Publications in conference proceedings (24) 1. E.M. Strohm, B. Moon, D. Hwang, S. Tsai, M.C. Kolios, “Development of a microfluidic device with integrated high frequency ultrasound probe for particle characterization”, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. 2. E. Hysi, E.M. Strohm, E.S.L. Berndl, J.P. Acker and M.C. Kolios, “Assessing storage-induced red blood cell lesions using photoacoustic measurements of oxygen saturation and the frequency Eric Strohm PhD October 2014 Page 4/10 content of photoacoustic signals”, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. 3. M. Fadhel, E.S.L. Berndl, E.M. Strohm and M.C. Kolios, “Ultra-High Frequency Acoustic Impedance Maps of Cancer Cells”, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. 4. Y.J. Wang, E.M. Strohm, Y. Sun, Y. Zheng, Z. Wang M.C. Kolios, “In Vitro Study of PLGA/PFH Particles Loaded with Gold Nanoparticles as Theranostic Agents for Photoacoustic Imaging and Cancer Therapy”, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. 5. Y. Sun, Y. Wang, C. Niu, E.M. Strohm, Y. Zheng, H. Ran, R. Huang, D. Zhou, Y. Gong, Z. Wang, D. Wang, M.C. Kolios, “Laser-activated PLGA theranostic agents for cancer therapy in vivo”, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. 6. E.M. Strohm, E. Berndl, M.C. Kolios, “Circulating tumor cell detection using photoacoustic spectral methods”, SPIE Proceedings 2014. 7. Y.J. Wang, E.M. Strohm, Y. Sun, C. Niu, Y. Zheng, Z. Wang, M.C. Kolios, “PLGA/PFC particles loaded with gold nanoparticles as dual contrast agents for photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging”, SPIE Proceedings 2014. 8. F. Kibria, E. Hysi, E.M. Strohm, M.C. Kolios, “Identification of red blood cell rouleaux formation using photoacoustic ultrasound spectroscopy”, SPIE Proceedings 2014. 9. Y. Sun, C. Niu, Y.J. Wang, E.M. Strohm, Y. Zheng, H. Ran, Z. Wang, M.C. Kolios, “Vaporization, photoacoustic and acoustic characterization of PLGA/PFH particles loaded with optically absorbing materials”, Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. 10. E.M. Strohm, and M.C. Kolios. “Sound Speed Estimation in Single Cells Using the Ultrasound Backscatter Power Spectrum.” In ICA 2013 Montreal, 19:075012. Montreal, Canada: ASA, 2013. 11. E.S. Berndl, L. Wirtzfeld, E.M. Strohm, M.C. Kolios. “Acoustical Imaging of Internal Spheroid Structures for a Series of Frequencies.” In ICA 2013 Montreal, 19:075086. Montreal, Canada: ASA, 2013. 12. M.C. Kolios, E.S. Berndl, L. Wirtzfeld, E.M. Strohm, and G.J. Czarnota. “Acoustic and Photoacoustic Imaging of Spheroids.” In ICA 2013 Montreal, 19:075075. Montreal, Canada: ASA, 2013. 13. M.M. Pasternak, E.M. Strohm, and M.C. Kolios. “An Analysis of the Acoustic Properties of the Cell Cycle and Apoptosis in MCF-7 Cells.” In ICA 2013 Montreal, 19:075014. Montreal, Canada: ASA, 2013. 14. E.M. Strohm, E. Berndl, M.C. Kolios, “A photoacoustic technique to measure the properties of single cells”, SPIE Proceedings 2013. 15. E.M. Strohm, E. Hysi, M.C. Kolios, “Photoacoustic measurements of single red blood cells” Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. 16. E.M. Strohm, I. Gorelikov, N. Matsuura, M.C. Kolios, “Photoacoustic spectral characterization perfluorocarbon droplets”, SPIE Proceedings 2012. 17. E.M. Strohm and M.C. Kolios, “Sound velocity and attenuation measurements of perfluorocarbon droplets using photoacoustic methods”, Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. 18. E.M. Strohm, M. Rui, I. Gorelikov, N. Matsuura, M.C. Kolios, “Photoacoustic characterization of micron-sized perfluorocarbon droplets”, SPIE Proceedings 2011. 19. E.M. Strohm, I. Gorelikov, N. Matsuura, M.C. Kolios, “Optical droplet vaporization: photoacoustic characterization of micron-sized perfluorocarbon droplets”, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. Eric Strohm PhD October 2014 Page 5/10 20. E.M. Strohm, M. Rui, M. Pasternak, M. Mercado, G. Czarnota, M.C. Kolios, “A comparison of the ultrasonic properties of cells during apoptosis and mitosis using acoustic microscopy”, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. 21. E.M. Strohm, M.C. Kolios, “Measuring scattering in apoptotic cancer cells using ultra high frequency acoustic microscopy”, Acoustics Week in Canada, 2009. 22. E.M. Strohm, M.C. Kolios, “Quantifying ultrasonic properties of cells during apoptosis using time resolved acoustic microscopy”, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. 23. S. Brand, E.M. Strohm, M.C. Kolios, K. Raum, “Signal Analysis For Estimating Mechanical Properties of Viable Cells Using Acoustic GHz Microscopy”, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. 24. E.M. Strohm, M.C. Kolios, “Measuring the Mechanical Properties of Cells using Acoustic Microscopy”, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2009. Invited contributions (5) 1. E. M. Strohm (presenter), “Photoacoustic imaging and characterization of biological structures from 1 to 1000 MHz”, Third Mediterranean International Workshop on Photoacoustic & Photothermal Phenomena, Erice, Sicily (invited oral presentation, October 7, 2014) 2. E. M. Strohm, T. Bok, L.A. Wirtzfeld, E. Hysi, G.J. Czarnota and M.C. Kolios (presenter), “Lights, sound, action: illuminating biological structure and function at different length scales by eavesdropping at 1 to 1000 MHz”, 39th International Symposium on Ultrasonic Imaging and Tissue Characterization, Arlington, VA, USA (invited oral presentation, June 9, 2014). 3. M.C. Kolios, E.S. Berndl, L.A. Wirtzfeld, E.M. Strohm (presenter), and G.J. Czarnota, “Acoustic and Photoacoustic Imaging of Spheroids” 21st International Congress on Acoustics/165th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America/52nd Meeting of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Montreal, Canada, (invited oral presentation, June 2-7, 2013) 4. E.M. Strohm (presenter), M.C. Kolios, “Probing Single Cells Using High Frequency Ultrasound and Photoacoustics”, IEEE Magnetics Society, Toronto Chapter (invited oral presentation, April 12, 2013) 5. E.M. Strohm (presenter), M. Pasternak, M.C. Kolios, “The life and death of cells: an acoustic microscopy investigation”, The Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong conference and exhibition / 163rd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Hong Kong (invited oral presentation, May 19, 2012). Conference abstracts / presentations (39) 1. E. M. Strohm (presenter), “Photoacoustic imaging and characterization of biological structures from 1 to 1000 MHz”, Third Mediterranean International Workshop on Photoacoustic & Photothermal Phenomena, Erice, Sicily (oral presentation, October 7, 2014) 2. E.M. Strohm, B. Moon, D. Hwang, S. Tsai, M.C. Kolios, “Development of a microfluidic device with integrated high frequency ultrasound probe for particle characterization”, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Chicago, USA (poster, September 5, 2014). 3. E. Hysi, E.M. Strohm, E.S.L. Berndl, J.P. Acker and M.C. Kolios, “Assessing storage-induced red blood cell lesions using photoacoustic measurements of oxygen saturation and the frequency content of photoacoustic signals”, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Chicago, USA (poster, September 5, 2014). 4. M. Fadhel, E.S.L. Berndl, E.M. Strohm and M.C. Kolios, “Ultra-High Frequency Acoustic Impedance Maps of Cancer Cells” , IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Chicago, USA (poster, September 5, 2014). Eric Strohm PhD October 2014 Page 6/10 5. Y.J. Wang, E.M. Strohm, Y. Sun, Y. Zheng, Z. Wang M.C. Kolios, “In Vitro Study of PLGA/PFH Particles Loaded with Gold Nanoparticles as Theranostic Agents for Photoacoustic Imaging and Cancer Therapy”, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Chicago, USA (poster, September 5, 2014). 6. Y. Sun, Y. Wang, C. Niu, E.M. Strohm, Y. Zheng, H. Ran, R. Huang, D. Zhou, Y. Gong, Z. Wang, D. Wang, M.C. Kolios, “Laser-activated PLGA theranostic agents for cancer therapy in vivo”, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Chicago, USA (oral, September 5, 2014). 7. E. M. Strohm, T. Bok, L.A. Wirtzfeld, E. Hysi, G.J. Czarnota and M.C. Kolios, “Lights, sound, action: illuminating biological structure and function at different length scales by eavesdropping at 1 to 1000 MHz”, 39th International Symposium on Ultrasonic Imaging and Tissue Characterization, Arlington, VA, USA (oral, June 9, 2014). 8. E.M. Strohm, E. Berndl, M.C. Kolios, “Circulating tumor cell detection using photoacoustic spectral methods”, SPIE Proceedings 2014 (oral, February 5, 2014). 9. Y.J. Wang, E.M. Strohm, Y. Sun, C. Niu, Y. Zheng, Z. Wang, M.C. Kolios, “PLGA/PFC particles loaded with gold nanoparticles as dual contrast agents for photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging”, SPIE Proceedings 2014 (poster, February 5, 2014). 10. F. Kibria, E. Hysi, E.M. Strohm, M.C. Kolios, “Identification of red blood cell rouleaux formation using photoacoustic ultrasound spectroscopy”, SPIE Proceedings 2014 (poster, February 5, 2014). 11. Y. Sun, C. Niu, Y.J. Wang, E.M. Strohm, Y. Zheng, H. Ran, Z. Wang, M.C. Kolios, “Vaporization, photoacoustic and acoustic characterization of PLGA/PFH particles loaded with optically absorbing materials”, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, (oral, July 21-25, 2013). 12. E.M. Strohm, E. Berndl, M.C. Kolios, “Quantitative photoacoustic analysis of blood cell morphology”, Biomedical Engineering & Sciences Technology (BEST) Research Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (poster, June 12, 2013). *** Won first place in the student poster competition. 13. E.M. Strohm, and M.C. Kolios. “Sound Speed Estimation in Single Cells Using the Ultrasound Backscatter Power Spectrum” In 21st International Congress on Acoustics/165th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America/52nd Meeting of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Montreal, Canada (oral, June 2-7, 2013). 14. E.S. Berndl, L. Wirtzfeld, E.M. Strohm, M.C. Kolios. “Acoustical Imaging of Internal Spheroid Structures for a Series of Frequencies” In 21st International Congress on Acoustics/165th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America/52nd Meeting of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Montreal, Canada, (oral, June 2-7, 2013). 15. M.C. Kolios, E.S. Berndl, L. Wirtzfeld, E.M. Strohm, and G.J. Czarnota. “Acoustic and Photoacoustic Imaging of Spheroids” 21st International Congress on Acoustics/165th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America/52nd Meeting of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Montreal, Canada, (oral, June 2-7, 2013). 16. M.M. Pasternak, E.M. Strohm, and M.C. Kolios. “An Analysis of the Acoustic Properties of the Cell Cycle and Apoptosis in MCF-7 Cells” In 21st International Congress on Acoustics/165th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America/52nd Meeting of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Montreal, Canada, (oral, June 2-7, 2013). 17. E.M. Strohm, E. Berndl, M.C. Kolios, “A photoacoustic technique to measure the properties of single cells”, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, California, USA (poster, February 2-7, 2013). 18. E.M. Strohm, E. Hysi, M.C. Kolios, “Photoacoustic measurements of single red blood cells” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Dresden, Germany, (poster, October 7-10, 2012). Eric Strohm PhD October 2014 Page 7/10 19. E.M. Strohm, E. Hysi, M.C. Kolios, “Photoacoustic measurements of single red blood cells”, Ultrasonic Biomedical Microscanning conference, Saint Paulin, Quebec, Canada (oral, September 22-24, 2012). 20. E.M. Strohm, I. Gorelikov, N. Matsuura, M.C. Kolios, “Photoacoustic spectral characterization of perfluorocarbon droplets”, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, California, USA (poster, January 2012). 21. E.M. Strohm, I. Gorelikov, N. Matsuura, M.C. Kolios, “Photoacoustic spectral characterization of perfluorocarbon droplets”, CIHR Symposium on Novel Cancer Therapies and Innovations in Treatment Monitoring, Toronto, Canada (poster, November 2011). 22. E.M. Strohm and M.C. Kolios, “Sound Velocity and Attenuation Measurements of Perfluorocarbon Liquids Using Photoacoustic Methods,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Orlando, Florida, USA (poster, October 2011). 23. G. Ameri, E.M. Strohm, C. Kumaradas, V.X.D. Yang, “Synthetic Aperture Imaging in Acoustic Microscopy”, Conference on Mathematics of Medical Imaging, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario (poster, June 2011). 24. E.M. Strohm, I. Gorelikov, N. Matsuura, M.C. Kolios, “Ultra-High Frequency Photoacoustic Characterization of Perfluorocarbon Droplets”, Biomedical Photoacoustic Workshop, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (oral, June 2011). 25. E.M. Strohm, M. Rui, I. Gorelikov, N. Matsuura, M.C. Kolios, “Photoacoustic characterization of micron-sized perfluorocarbon droplets”, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, California, USA (poster, January 2011). 26. M.C. Kolios, E.M. Strohm, O. Falou, “Biomedical applications of ultrasound”, Canada Research Chairs Thinking Ahead For A Strong Future Conference Series, Toronto, Canada (poster, November 2010). 27. E.M. Strohm, I. Gorelikov, N. Matsuura, M.C. Kolios, “Optical droplet vaporization: photoacoustic characterization of micron-sized perfluorocarbon droplets”, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, San Diego, California, USA (oral, October 2010). 28. E.M. Strohm, M. Rui, M. Pasternak, M. Mercado, G. Czarnota, M.C. Kolios, “A comparison of the ultrasonic properties of cells during apoptosis and mitosis using acoustic microscopy”, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, San Diego, California, USA (oral, October 2010). 29. E.M. Strohm, I. Gorelikov, N. Matsuura, M.C. Kolios, “Ultra-high Frequency Photoacoustic Microscopy”, Biomedical Photoacoustic Workshop, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (oral, June 2010). 30. A. El Kaffas, E.M. Strohm, D. Bekah, G. Czarnota, M. C. Kolios, “Investigating Mechanical Property Changes in Cell Death”, Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Annual Convention, San Diego, California, USA (oral, 2010). 31. E.M. Strohm, M.C. Kolios, “Measuring scattering in apoptotic cancer cells using ultra high frequency acoustic microscopy”, Acoustics Week in Canada, Niagara-on-the-lake, Ontario, Canada (oral, October 2009). 32. E.M. Strohm, M.C. Kolios, “Quantifying Ultrasonic Properties of Cells during Apoptosis Using Time Resolved Acoustic Microscopy”, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Rome, Italy (oral, September 2009). 33. S. Brand, E.M. Strohm, M.C. Kolios, K. Raum, “Signal Analysis For Estimating Mechanical Properties of Viable Cells Using Acoustic GHz Microscopy”, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Rome, Italy (oral, September 2009). 34. E.M. Strohm, M.C. Kolios, “Measuring the Mechanical Properties of Cells using Acoustic Microscopy”, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Michigan, USA (poster, August 2009). Eric Strohm PhD October 2014 Page 8/10 35. E.M. Strohm, M. Adamcyk, B. Ruck, T. Tiedje, “Optical and Electrical Properties of Dilute GaNAs Alloys”, The Canadian Association of Physicists 56th Annual Congress, Victoria, British Colombia, Canada (oral, June 2001). 36. B.J. Ruck, A. Ballestad, J.H. Schmid, M. Adamcyk, E.M. Strohm, E. Nodwell, T. Tiedje, “MBE growth of GaAs: How flat can a surface be?”, Wellington branch of the Royal Society of New Zealand, New Zealand (oral, May 29, 2001). 37. E.M. Strohm, M. Adamcyk, B. Ruck, T. Tiedje, “Optical and Electrical Properties of Dilute GaNAs Alloys”, American Physical Society (APS) Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA (oral, March 2001). 38. E.M. Strohm, M. Adamcyk, B. Ruck, T. Tiedje, “Photoconductivity Measurements of Optical Absorption and Recombination Lifetime in Dilute GaNAs Alloys”, Pacific Centre for Advanced Materials and Microstructures Annual Meeting, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada (poster, December 9, 2000). 39. M. Adamcyk, B. Ruck, E.M. Strohm, T. Tiedje, T., “Optical Band Gap Measurements of GaNAs”, Pacific Center for Advanced Materials and Microstructures Meeting (poster, December 9, 2000). Intellectual property (8 patents, 3 patent applications) 1. E.M. Strohm, M.C. Kolios, “Method, system and apparatus for the detection, characterization and classification of particles”, PCT Application PCT/CA2013/000212 filed March 11, 2013, US provisional patent application filed September 4th, 2012. 2. R.P.N. Veregin, K.A. Moffat, D.R. Mashtare, D.W. Vanbesien, J.H. Wosnick, C. Vong, E.M. Strohm, M.N.V. McDougall, “Printing system with toner blend”, United States Patent Application 20100092215 filed 2010. 3. R.P.N. Veregin, E.M. Strohm, E. Rotberg, M.S. Hawkins, E.G. Zwartz, G.G. Sacripante, “Emulsion aggregation toner compositions and developers”, United States Patent Application 20080197283 filed 2008. 4. J.M. Proper, S. Silence, R. Veregin, D.W. Vanbesien, E.M. Strohm, R. Patel, M. McDougall, “Process for producing dry ink colorants that will reduce metamerism”, United States Patent 8278018 issued 2012, filed 2008. 5. K.A. Moffat, V.M. Farrugia, K. Zhou, R.P.N. Veregin, C. Vong, E.M. Strohm, W.F. Bashir “Grafting pearlescent or metallic pigment onto polyester polymers for special effect images”, United States Patent 7998649 issued 2011, filed 2008. 6. R.P.N. Veregin, K.A. Moffat, M.S. Hawkins, C.Vong, E.M. Strohm, W.F. Bashir, s. Qiu, “Resincoated pearlescent or metallic pigment for special effect images”, United States Patent 8039183 issued 2011, filed 2007. 7. R.P.N. Veregin, A.K. Chen, C. Vong, V. Skorokhod, E.M. Strohm, M.S. Hawkins, C.D. Anderson, R. Fong, N.S. Hunt, V.G. Marcello, “Emulsion aggregation high-gloss toner with calcium addition”, United States Patent 7851116 issued 2010, filed 2006. 8. M. Hawkins, E.M. Strohm, R. Veregin, V. Skorokhod, C. Daunton, R. Bayley, “Toner compositions with amino-containing polymers as surface additives”, United States Patent 7862970 issued 2011, filed 2005. 9. P.J. Gerroir, D.W. Vanbesien, V. Skorokhod, M.N.V. McDougall, E.M. Strohm, E.G. Zwartz, “Toner having bumpy surface morphology”, United States Patent 7662531 issued 2010, filed 2005. 10. R.P. Veregin, M.N. McDougall, E.M. Strohm, D.J. Tshudy, T.R. Pickering, “Particle external surface additive compositions”, United States Patent 7312010 issued 2007, filed 2005. 11. M.S. Hawkins, V. Skorokhod, R.P.N. Veregin, J.B. Parker, E.M. Strohm, “Toner processes”, United States Patent 7097954 issued 2006, filed 2004. Eric Strohm PhD October 2014 Page 9/10 V. SCHOLARLY AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES External Research Grants 2013 - 15 Canadian Cancer Society Innovation Grant ($168,910) Principal investigator: M.C. Kolios Additional Author: E.M. Strohm *** A press release was issued by the Canadian Cancer Society to promote this research, and was discussed on live national television on CTV’s Canada AM by M. Kolios. 2012 - 13 Scientists and Engineers in Business ($60,000) Principal investigator: E.M. Strohm A joint initiative between FedDev Canada and Ryerson University to fund the commercialization of student research. Ranked #4/26 applications. Leadership/Committee Positions 2014 Postdoctoral Fellow Representative, Department Council Department of Physics, Ryerson University The council is responsible for developing academic policies, and promoting an effective teaching, learning and research environment within the department. 2011 - 13 Graduate student representative of the Research and Graduate Affairs committee Department of Physics, Ryerson University Graduate student liaison for courses, funding and general graduate-related activities. 2005 - 09 Co-founder, secretary and technical director of Karen Shank Foundation Mississauga, Canada (volunteer) The Foundation was responsible for organizing events and raising funds for local charities such as the Eden Food Bank and Halton Womens Place. Nearly $50,000 was raised from 2005-2009. Journal Reviewer 1) Journal of Biophotonics 2) Optics Express 3) Journal of the Optical Society of America A 4) Future Medicine: Clinical Practice Supervisory Experience 2014 Carolin Pirkl July – October, 2014. Fourth year undergraduate exchange student German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD program) 2013 Kevin Thai January – April 2013 Undergraduate co-op student from Waterloo University 2011 - 12 Maurice Pasternak May – August 2011, May-August 2012 Undergraduate research assistant from the University of Toronto Eric Strohm PhD 2011 October 2014 Page 10/10 Sharon Yeung July – August, 2011, High school student Research Opportunity Program in Engineering (ROPEs) 2009 - 10 Maurice Pasternak High school student July – August, 2010: Research Opportunity Program in Engineering (ROPEs) July – August, 2009: Sanofi-Aventis BioTalent Challenge 2009 Michelle Mercado July – August, 2009, High school student Sanofi-Aventis BioTalent Challenge Media Exposure 2014 Revolutionary cell research Hayley Morrison, Ryerson 2014 Rye awards first PhD in science Latifa Abdin, The Eyeopener 2014 Listening for the sound of cancer Emma Childs, The Ryersonian 2014 Photoacoustics applications expand beyond cancer Laura Marshall, Biophotonics 2014 20 weird, wacky and wonderful health innovations Chatelaine 2013 Cell Whisperer: lasers unlock secrets of the blood Dina Fine Maron, Scientific American 2013 Listen to the lasers to detect disease in blood cells Mark Viney, New Scientist 2013 Lasers could help identify malaria and other diseases early Jennifer Wong, ScienceNOW 2013 Sounds of red blood cells Nature Highlights 2013 Colored solar cells & battle of the brains (video) Light Matters 2009 Ryerson researchers’ discovery could help cancer patients Kristy Thomson, The Ryersonian
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