BONE MARROW STUDY Radiology Associates of Clearwater Overview Functioning bone marrow consists of several cell lines which tend to be distributed in parallel. The Bone Marrow Study performed with radiocolloid demonstrates the distribution of functioning bone marrow within the skeleton by imaging one component of the bone marrow, the intravascular mononuclear phagocyte system. Indications Evaluation of regional bone marrow abnormalities in general (1-3). Selection of bone marrow biopsy sites (4). Diagnosis of osteomyelitis in conjunction with In-111-white blood cell (In-111-WBC) imaging (5-7). Examination Time 1 hour. Patient Preparation None. Equipment & Energy Windows Gamma camera: Large field of view. Collimator: Low energy, high resolution, parallel hole. Energy window: 20% window centered at 140 keV. Radiopharmaceutical, Dose, & Technique of Administration Radiopharmaceutical (8-10): Tc-99m-sulfur colloid. Filtered with 0.22 micron millipore filter. * Tc-99m-albumin colloid may be used. Dose: 15 mCi (555 MBq). 10mCi filtered if used in conjunction with 111-In-WBC scanning. Technique of administration: Standard intravenous injection. Patient Position & Imaging Field Patient position: Supine Imaging field: Entire skeleton. Areas of interest for infection imaging. Acquisition Protocol Wait 15 minutes following injection of the radiopharmaceutical before imaging. Imaging may be performed with either multiple spot images or whole body images. For spot images: 1. Image the head and torso in the ANT and POST projections; and the arms and legs in the ANT projection. 2. Acquire each image for approximately 2 minutes. For whole body imaging: 1. Image the entire body in the ANT projection and the head and torso in the POST projection (Acquire spot images of the arms if necessary.). 2. Allot approximately 25 minutes to the ANT acquisition and 15 minutes to the POST acquisition. Data Processing None. Optional Maneuvers Bone marrow imaging may be performed in conjunction with In-111-WBC studies for osteomyelitis to increase the specificity of the test (5-7): 1. When the patient returns for In-111-WBC imaging, inject filtered 99m-TcSCOL and wait 15 minutes. Then acquire dual isotope images of the selected area. a) Acquire in 3 windows, 140KeV, 172KeV, 247Kev Alternative radiopharmaceutical: Bone marrow imaging may be performed with In-111 chloride (11-13). Principle Radiation Emission Data - Tc-99m (14) Physical half-life = 6.01 hours. Radiation Gamma-2 Mean % per disintegration 89.07 Mean energy (keV) 140.5 Dosimetry - Tc-99m-Sulfur Colloid (15) Organ Liver Spleen Bone marrow Total body Ovaries Testes rads/15 mCi 5.08 3.20 0.43 0.28 0.08 0.003 mGy/555 MBq 50.8 32.0 4.3 2.8 0.8 0.03 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Datz FL, Taylor A: The clinical use of radionuclide bone marrow imaging. Sem Nucl Med 15:239-259, 1985. 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Klingensmith WC, Spitzer VM, Fritzberg AR, et al: Normal appearance and reproducibility of liver-spleen studies with Tc-99m-sulfur colloid and Tc-99m-microalbumin colloid. J Nucl Med 24:8-13, 1983. McAfee JG, Subramanian G, Aburano T, et al: A new formulation of Tc-99m minimicroaggregated albumin for marrow imaging: Comparison with other colloids, In-111 and Fe-59. J Nucl Med 23:21-28, 1982. Axelsson KB, Jacobson H: Quantitative evaluation of four Tc-99m colloids for bone marrow scintigraphy using single photon emission computed tomography. Nucl Med Commun 12:135-145, 1991. Lilien DL, Berger HG, Anderson DP, et al: In-111-chloride: A new agent for bone marrow imaging. J Nucl Med 14:184-186, 1972. McNeil BJ, Holman BL, Button LN, et al: Use of indium chloride scintigraphy in patients with myelofibrosis. J Nucl Med 15:647-651, 1974. Horn ML, Bennett LR, Marciano D: Evaluation of aplastic anemia with indium chloride In 111 scanning. Ann Intern Med 140:299-303, 1980. 14. 15. 43-Tc-99m: In MIRD: Radionuclide Data and Decay Schemes, DA Weber, KF Eckerman, AT Dillman, JC Ryman, eds, Society of Nuclear Medicine, New York, 1989, pp 178-179. MIRD Dose Estimates Report No. 3: Summary of current radiation dose estimates to humans with various liver conditions from Tc-99m-sulfur colloid. J Nucl Med 16:108A, 1975 Normal Findings Fordham EW, Ali A: Radionuclide imaging of bone marrow. Sem Nucl Med 18:222-239, 1981. Last edited 2/11/2014 JSM
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