MSA Meeting Minutes Date: 5/14/2014 Time: 5:30pm Location: SB 112 Minutes taken by VP Communications Lara Marcello Meeting Called to Order Motion: Second: Jason Simon Lara Marcello For: All MSA President Jason Simon Y Y Executive VP Xi Yu Y VP Operations Aaron Youmans Y VP Finance Nicole Dagampat Y VP Social AGS Reps VP of PWP Affairs VP Communications VP Technology Cara Davidoff Lucrecia Castlellon Connie Chow Reynaldo Garnica Danny Greene Angela Hue Abhi Venugopal Against: None N Y FTMBA Section Reps Sec 1 – 2014 Julian Elsaesser Rekha Sec 2 – 2014 Muthukrishnan Sec 1 – 2015 Ben Bennet Y Sec 2 – 2015 Y Mabel Lin Y FEMBA Reps Y FEMBA 14A Adam Angeles FEMBA 14B FEMBA 14C Stephanie Lee Heather Lee Y FEMBA 15A FEMBA 15B FEMBA 15C FEMBA 16A Diane McCarthy Alia Tirnanic Angela North Lara Foreman Mona Teimoori FEMBA 16C Esther Chong EMBA 15 EMBA 16 Valerie Woods Sonia Batra Shela Kaneshiro Gina Carroll Y HCEMBA 14 Bryan Hasler Y HCEMBA 15 Y Baran Unal FEMBA 16B Lara Marcello Chandni Shah Abstain None Y Y N A. Merage Gear a. Ordered, will be arriving around June 6th b. Cannot order extra and resell, due to MSA lack of resale license B. VP Ops Club Update a. 2 Clubs request name change i. IDBA => Global Business Association (Approved by MSA) ii. HR/OB => Human Recourses Management Association iii. Both approved my MSA with majority vote b. Clubs to send in charters and planned events this week. c. Aaron will hold 1 on 1s with presidents next week C. MSA Formal a. Presale ends the 28th b. Asked section reps to promote to their classes c. Tickets will be sold at Tasty Treats next week by Cara D. Softball Tournament Feedback a. 8 team round robin worked well (3+ games) b. Food was good and from approved caterer c. Online registration made things simple d. Need better communication about gloves needed e. Thank Patrick Yen from Niagara for water donation E. C4C Splash Bash a. Fundraising event for C4C b. Tickets $12 in advance, $15 at door c. Dunk Thank, slip n’ slide, face painting, etc d. Saturday June 7th 11:30 F. AGS Rep Report a. Voting on new GSHIP rules to reduce costs b. Subcommittee Reports for Students i. Tools to use as leverage to improved campus conditions c. Day in the park and/or wine tasting are upcoming d. Securing 5 year funding for grad student projects e. Discussed lowering campus residence costs for grad students f. They need more nominations for faculty awards (look up how) g. Need more AGS officers (AGS Board), can be done through ballot write ins G. Section Rep Reports a. 2015 program manager leaving, some transition happening b. FEMBA considering $50-$100 in gift cards awarded to students who promote Merage around the globe (on residential) H. VP Finance Report a. Clubs need to spend all funds by June 15th Meeting Adjourned Time: 6:00 PM
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