POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE: 13 FEBRUARY 2014 DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS ASSETS Report by Director of Technical Services PURPOSE OF REPORT: To update the Comhairle on progress with the disposal of surplus assets. COMPETENCE 1.1 There are no legal, financial, equalities or other constraints to the recommendations being implemented. SUMMARY 2.1 The Comhairle approved the process for the Disposal of Surplus Assets on 18 February 2010. 2.2 An update with the current position in respect of each property declared as surplus is detailed in Appendix 1 to this Report. RECOMMENDATION 3.1 It is recommended that the Comhairle note the Report. Contact Officer: Appendices: Calum MacKenzie, Head of Assets and Infrastructure, 01851 82658 Appendix 1 – Surplus Assets Action Log APPENDIX 1 – SURPLUS ASSETS ACTION LOG Property Name Declared Surplus Status Action By Comments Lochboisdale School and Schoolhouse Vacant LMD Old Nurses Cottage, Berneray Committee Decision in 1999 to transfer to Berneray Development Group – legal process never completed but Group occupied property. Confirm cost of land resumption School must be resumed from crofting tenure Progress transfer to Berneray Development Group Awaiting confirmation from DV on negotiated settlement. Chasing Community Group solicitors for a response Community did not submit application, interest expressed by Economic Development Undertake and collate presale documentation. GMK/SS Potential title identified. Legal Services to advise. Craigston School HHP have confirmed interest for social housing development Progress transfer to HHP LMD/KB HHP seeking to acquire extra plot directly. DV currently negotiating purchase of extra plot and compensation for resumption of school plot with crofting tenant. Settlement to be reached before sale of school site concluded. Craigston Schoolhouse Barvas Primary HHP have right of ownership. Evaluating potential for housing Agree process for transfer to HHP. LMD/KB CMK/LMD/KB Habost Factory (Ness) Evaluating potential for housing. Temporary tenancy in place for Association of Harris Tweed Weavers Agree process for transfer to HHP. CMK/LMD/KB LMD Internal Interest Barra Community Workshop HHP Interest Potential title identified Property Name Community Interest Status Action By Comments Aird School Community interest CMK Title identified, title plans being prepared. Balallan School Community group submitted application to purchase. Approved by committee Application received from Western Isles Transportation Group on 20 December 2013. Community group to submit business plan and application. Set deadline for submission. Complete sale to Community Group TL Concurrent Report to P&R February 2014 Meeting GMK/SS Awaiting response from community group to revised offer. To chase up. Community application received on 20 December 2013 and evaluated on 7 January 2014. Property Panel approval for sale to WITG 14.01.2014. Concluding missives. Offer received on 19 September 2013. Terms currently being negotiated between parties. Barvas Community Workshop Bragar School Comhairle agreed to transfer to Community Group. Progress transfer of title AMD Breasclete Community Workshop Application to acquire received GMK/SS Title Identified; title plans being prepared. Benbecula Community Workshop Application to acquire received GMK/SS Potential title identified. Legal Services to advise. Carloway School Community Interest Once title has been confirmed, set deadline for submission of business plan to accompany previously submitted application. Once title has been confirmed, set deadline for submission of business plan to accompany previously submitted application. Liaise with community group Knock School Comhairle agreed to transfer to Community Group. Progress transfer of title AMD Lionel Old School and Community Workshop Application received from Ness th Community Workshop Group on 20 December 2013. Application not received from Community group on deadline of 20 December 2013. Property Panel deferred decision on sale pending further information from applicant. Proceed to private sale. GMK Scalpay Care Unit Community Interest Evaluate business plan and report to committee April 2014. GMK Scalpay School Decision to proceed to private sale. GMK/SS Shawbost School Museum Comhairle agreed to transfer to Community Group. Comhairle agreed to transfer to Tagsa Uibhist. Undertake title plan revision. E&CS to Vacate all equipment by Nov 12. Progress transfer of title Progress transfer of title AMD Lionel Old School House Iochdar Care Unit CMK Legal Services to issue offer to USAR following receipt of reports from Registers of Scotland. Community application received on 20 December 2013 and evaluated on 7 January 2014. Further info sought GMK TL Community group to submit application and business plan by 20 December 2013 – Extension requested and granted until 28 February 2014. Potential interest from North Harris Trust. Title Confirmed; title plans to be revised. Missives concluded. Disposition to be executed. Legal Services to issue offer to Tagsa following receipt of reports from Registers of Scotland. Property Name Private Sale Status Action By Comments Airidhantuim School Surplus GMK/SS Corrective conveyancing in train to facilitate disposal of school. Balivanich Primary Surplus, Interest received from UHI and NHS WI. Undertake and collate presale documentation. Once complete advertise on open market. Undertake and collate presale documentation. CMK Bayhead Comm Workshop (Uist) With Estate Agent Request regular updates from Estate Agent GMK Title plans to be prepared. UHI – no interest. Awaiting response from NHS WI. Advertised for sale Bragar Day Centre With Estate Agent. No interest to-date. CNES & HHP revisited. With Estate Agent Request regular updates from Estate Agent. Missives to be concluded. Disposal on the open market for the sum of £121,351.00 approved December 2012 Concluded Missives. GMK Undertake and collate presale documentation. Once complete advertise on open market. Undertake and collate presale documentation. GMK/SS Check sale potential of remaining site. RML Surplus Undertake and collate presale documentation. GMK/SS Title plans being finalised. Expression of interest received. With Estate Agent Request regular updates from Estate Agent GMK/SS Advertised for sale Castlebay Old School, Barra Offer Received and accepted. Cliasmol School Surplus & Offer received. Gravir Care Unit Surplus and vacant Pairc Community Workshop Surplus Raven’s Lane, Labost (Remaining land) Stoneybridge School Stoneybridge Comm Workshop SS AMR GMK/SS Offer received below asking price. Seeking DV comment. Sale agreed in principle, missives in progress. Two Offers received on 22 November. Offer of £100,000.00 accepted. Title located, but new plan required, and awaited. Subject to that, missives to be concluded imminently. Potential title identified. Legal Services to advise. Property Name Sold Status Action By Comments Barvas Tigh Ceilidh Sold. N/A N/A Sold on 20/11/13 for £21,600.00 Crowlista Tigh Ceilidh Sold N/A N/A Gravir Tigh Ceilidh Sold N/A N/A Raven’s Lane, Labost Plot sold to Police Scotland N/A N/A Daliburgh Tigh Ceilidh Sold N/A N/A Sold on 28 March 2013 for £22,000.00 Sold to community group on 3 October 2012 Sold to Northern Constabulary on 31 March 2013 for £25,000.00 Sold on 3 September 2013 for £30,100.00 Cannery Rd weaving sheds site Sold N/A N/A Sold to community group for £5000.00 Dun Innes Tigh Ceilidh Sold N/A N/A Sold 2011 South Dell Tigh Ceilidh Sold N/A N/A Sold 2011 Tolsta Tigh Ceilidh Sold N/A N/A Sold 2011 South Dell Care Unit Sold N/A N/A Sold 2011 Tobar Mairi, Tarbert Sold N/A N/A Sold 2010 Cross School Transferred to community group N/A N/A Transferred to community group
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