2014 November Newsletter - Arya Samaj

Ved Sandesh November 2014 Volume 5 Issue 11
Swami Dayanand Saraswati
Krinvanto Vishvam Aryam ~ Make This World Noble
Inside this issue
Hall Project –Fundraising
Havan at QVCC
Yajna Dates 2014
Contact Us:
President:Mr Jitendra Deo J.P.(Q)
07 3263 1914
Secretary: Mr Hari Chand
07 3345 4716
Treasurer: Mr Mul Chand
07 3133 3527
Pta Mrs Usha Rai J.P.(Qual)
07 3390 6590
Pta Mrs Ramkali Singh J.P.(Qual)
07 3351 8756
Councillor Angela Owen-Taylor announced
the Multi
purpose Community Hall Project at King
Lord Mayors
LordSquare during the Diwali Festival in Brisbane City.
Mul purpose Hall Project fundraising.
The Sabha had its fundraising for Mul -purpose Community Hall project on 25th October
07 3351 8756
Namaste all, I hope you all
had a wonderful Diwali. The
members were very busy
with the fundraising and lots
have been happening at
QVCC recently. I have tried
my best to cover some of the
highlights, but its not
enough. Please visit the
website for pictures and details about the Hall Project.
Articles to:[email protected]
The Sabha had its fundraising for Mul -purpose Community Hall project on 25th October
2014. It was opportune me to celebrate this Diwali season by cruising in beau ful Brisbane river,
looking through our wonderful Brisbane City. The gli+ering light encompassing the river was a magnificent sight, as if someone has lit "Diya" around the place.
The Sabha has undertaken this project as we have very limited facili es for mul cultural
ac vi es like Marriage ceremonies, Religious func ons, fes val celebra ons etc. This mul -purpose
hall will be of great help to the general community. Our aim is to provide a community hall that meets
the diverse needs of our residents and visitors. Community facili es extend the community’s capability
to conduct ac vi es, develop links among people, and build self-help and mutual support. As well, they
should meet the recrea onal, cultural and community support needs and strengthen local community
networks. A preliminary concept plan has been produced for staged development at the site with
mul -purpose community hall and residen al facility. This Queensland Vedic Cultural Centre will be
built as a mul -purpose community hall to seat 500 people. The community hall’s versa lity means it
will be able to cater for a wide variety of func ons; such as weddings, community mee ngs, seminars,
training events, recep ons, and concerts.The center can be u lized to promote religious teachings,
Yoga, Medita on, culture, languages, tradi ons and music. The language school, Yoga and Medita on
classes will be held three mes a week and our organiza on has qualified Hindi language teachers and
qualified Yoga teacher.
The event highlighted Diwali Celebra ons as well and Diwali is known as the "fes val of lights", the
most significant meaning is- the awareness of the inner light. Diwali is about the triumph of virtue
over vice, of good over evil, of light over darkness and of knowledge over ignorance. Diwali is supposed
to be the beginning of a be+er life, be+er future and be+er prospects. It is about unity, tolerance and
understanding and our hopes and ambi ons for the future. It reminds us that love, concern and respect for others is the way to a brighter day. Regardless of race or faith, people all over the world idenfy this with the message of Diwali.
The vegetarian food was served on board, star ng with delicious entrée and then meal concluded with
dessert, being tradi onal sweets and fruits. The patrons enjoyed the music, and on board ac vi es of
Antakshri, and Karaoke. The talent was seen amongst the guests and members as they ac vely took
part, it was a pleasure to see people enjoying this fes ve season with classic Hindi songs, and poems.
Ravneel Deo
President, Jitendra Deo, on behalf of Arya Pra nidhi Sabha of Queensland Inc (APSQ), extended sincere thanks and apprecia on to patronage of members, well wishers and friends. Their support had
made the evening frui>ul, and enjoyable.
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Havan Yaj at Queensland Vedic Cultural Centre– 198 Learoyd Rd, Willawong, Qld
Mr & Mrs Viresh Pradhan and family performed the Yaj for occasion of Mr Viresh Pradhan’s 70th birthday.
The whole family joined
in this Yaj, and the family provided dinner after
conclusion of the Yaj.
President– Jitendra Deo
congratulated Mr Pradhan and wished him
happy long life, prosperity. He also thank all the
members while updating
on Multi Purpose Community Hall project.
Yajmaan Mr & Mrs Dhurup Deo and family performing Yaj at QVCC.
The attendance was
great as usual. Mr Deo
Karan and Mrs Karan
joined the Yaj and while
joined the Yaj and while
addressing the congregation Mr Karan
thanked APSQ for taking such a good step in
buying the property and
promoting the Vedic
Dharma. Pt Devendra
Pathik spoke on Diwali
and Swami Dayanand
Nirwan Diwas.
Mr Surendra Prasad,
President of Fiji Senior
Citizens Satsangh Association donating $500.00
towards the Multi purpose Community Hall.
Mr Prasad spoke highly
of Sabha and its activities which is making a
remarkable help and
awareness of Hindu culture and language
amongst the greater
Indian community.
Mr Surendra Prasad (left) presenting cheque to Mr Jitendra Deo-President
Page 2 November 2014 Vol 5 Issue 11
Ac vi es for October 2014 at Queensland Vedic Cultural Centre
Donations received this month:
Flyer printing for Multi purpose Hall Project
Mr Jitendra Deo of JD Electrical & Communications Pty Ltd
Mr Krishan Chand of Queensland Plumbing & Gas $150.00
River Cruise
Tickets sponsored by Mr Jitendra Deo of JD Electrical &
Communications Pty Ltd
Lucky door prizes by JD Electrical & Communications Pty
Ltd and Mr & Mrs Hari Chand
Musical Evening
Tickets sponsored by JD Electrical & Communications Pty
Data Projector and Screen jointly funded by Mr Rakesh
Singh of ATP Tax and Finance $200.00 and Mr Pravinesh
Singh of CAD business and accounting $250.00
Kitchen in Yajshalla
Kitchen delivered and installed by JD Electrical & Communications Pty Ltd Staff . Also supplied and installed power
points for Oven ,microwave and bench top.
Wiring of Yajshalla- by Bobs Electrical solutions– Mr
Bhupendra Sharma.
Plumbing works by Queensland Plumbing and Gas– Mr
Krishan Chand.
Cash Donation
Mr & Mrs Ram Kumar
Mr & Mrs Deo Karan
Fiji Senior Citizens Associ- $500.00
Mr & Mrs Bir Shai
Mr Ambika Nandd
Mrs Manju Prasad
Mr Navin Mathur
Mr Rakesh Singh
Mr Shiu Karan
Mr Pravinesh Singh CAD
Business and accounting
Krishan Chand.
Ravneel Deo and Soneel Deo with Aspley State
High Principal Mrs Miller at awards function.
Diwali River Cruise
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Diwali River Cruise
Diwali River Cruise
Diwali River Cruise
And lastly, Gray has to say “In Indo-European we find 8 distinct case forms in Sanskrit; Greek and Lithunion have 7; Hittait and old Church Slavic 5; Old French and Modern English only 2; Albanian and American and Old English 3.This reduction in the number of case forms with the result that some of them take
over the functions of one or more others gives rise to the linguistic phrase now known as SYN Cretism.
The reason for this seems to be phonetic decay of the characteristic case-endings. (Foundations of Language, p.201)
From a study of the various historical languages of the world we have arrived at the inevitable conclusion
that it is not classical Sanskrit (which of course is the first or the eldest daughter of the mother) but Vedic
Sanskrit is the mother of all the languages of the world. Vedic Sanskrit is the language which was spoken
in the beginning of creation by the Aryans when they lived under the same roof in Tibet in the Himalayas
before dispersing for their respective homes the world over.
It was an astounding discovery that Aryavarta (Bharata, which is India) possessed a language of unequalled richness, a language, the parent of all those languages and dialects that Europe has fondly called
classical, the source alike of the Greek flexibility and the Roman strength.
The Vedas were revealed to the earliest humans at the beginning of the creation. Since then they were
traditionally, handed down to posterity with utmost care and accuracy. The holiness of the text prevented
exclamations and changes. The ancients were not satisfied with the Samhita Path of the Vedic verses.
They retained the Padapatha also with proper emphasis. We can thus entirely rely on the Vedic texts
available to us today in the form of padapatha. “We have then,” says Aurobindo, “as our basis a text which
we can confidently accept and which, even if we hold it in a few instances doubtful or defective does not at
any rate call for that immoral labour of emendation (changes) to which some of the European classics
lend themselves.
Eulogising (praising highly) of the Brahmans for maintaining the accuracy and sanctity of the Vedic texts,
Maxmuller says : “The texts of the Vedas have been handed down to us with such accuracy that there is
hardly a various reading in the proper sense of the word or even an uncertain aspect in the whole of the
hardly a various reading in the proper sense of the word or even an uncertain aspect in the whole of the
Rigveda.” (Origin of Religion. p.131)
And Macdonell went to the extent of asserting that the Vedas can be reproduced from the mouths of the
Brahmans in the form in which they are said to have been initially uttered in the beginning of the creation.
Some people reject the need for divine revelation at the time of human revelation the plea that such revelations ‘dawn’ from time to time without any super-human intervention. But belief in such revelations has
led to great exploitation by men who claim Divinity for themselves.
Grand Musical Evening by well known artists Shri Vijay
Prahalad and Shri Joseph Abhay Nand and Group.
Come and enjoy this evening with your family and support
the Multi-purpose Community Hall Project.
Please contact Dr Sukhvir on 3194 1686 E:[email protected]
TICKETS: $15 (Children 10 & under Free), Dinner included.
Proudly Sponsored by Bank of Queensland- Shri Ramesh Singh
Havan Yajna Dates and Venue.
Queensland Vedic Cultural Centre
198 Learoyd Rd, Willawong, 4110.
2 November Satsangh at 2pm-4pm
Queensland Vedic Cultural Centre
198 Learoyd Rd, Willawong, 4110.
16 November Satsangh at 2pm-4pm & 23 November Satsangh at 2pm-4pm
9 November Satsangh at 2pm-4pm
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