PY2015 HHSP Instructions for Completing Monthly Performance Reports (MPRs) & Monthly Expenditure Reports (MERs) Overview The current report format for PY2014 has been revised and a new format will be used for PY2015. This will allow a seamless reporting of data needed to better measure program performance. The revised format will also provide increased flexibility for Subrecipients to enter program data or to make changes to data already entered in the previous months when such changes will improve data quality and accuracy. Key points to note: • Subrecipients are required to report their progress in meeting annual targets and quarterly benchmarks by submitting a Monthly Performance Report (MPR) and a Monthly Expenditure Report (MER) for HHSP. As in PY2014, the PY2015 HHSP has only one pool of funds – the General Revenue, and only one set of reports (MPR & MER) will need to be submitted. • Subrecipients will continue to submit MPRs and MERs to TDHCA through the Department’s electronic Community Affairs Contract System. • Subrecipients can access the Community Affairs Contract System with a username assigned to them by the Department and a password, chosen by the Subrecipients. • The MPRs and MERs are due in the Contract System on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of each month, following the month the report relates to. For example, October reports are due on or before the 15th of November. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, the reports must still be entered and approved by the Subrecipient on or before the 15th. Reports may be entered as early as the 5th day of each month. • As new HHSP guidance is developed, other data may be requested, and Subrecipients will be required to report that data to the Department. • The Department will report the performance and expenditure information/data submitted by Subrecipients to certain entities and will use such data for program improvement as needed. • Validations are programmed into the MPRs and MERs to verify data accuracy. If an error message appears, it means that a data validation has been violated. Errors must therefore, be 221 East 11th Street P.O. Box 13941 Austin, Texas 78711-3941 (800) 525-0657 (512) 475-3800 corrected before the Contract System allows an MPR or MER to be saved and/or approved by the Subrecipient. • An MPR must be added in the Contract System first, before an MER may be added. Monthly Performance Report (MPR) Instructions Each Subrecipient’s contract contains Performance Statements listing the activities, annual targets, and quarterly benchmarks submitted by the Subrecipient prior to signing a contract for the HHSP Fund program. The MPR collects data related to these performance statement/activities. Definitions for HHSP Performance Statements and Measures “Activity” means the service(s) the Subrecipient will provide or the work that will be done with HHSP funds. In short, what will the HHSP program do? “Annual Target” means the number of persons and households projected to be served in the program, to achieve a specific outcome, or activities that the Subrecipient will complete during the Contract Period. MPR Sections The revised MPRs will collect demographic data of persons and households assisted through HHSPfunded activities (as well as Subrecipient information). The reports are divided into the following four parts: • • • • Part I. Subrecipient Information Part II. Demographic Information – PERSONS Part III. Demographic Information – HOUSEHOLDS Part IV. Shelter Type Part I (Subrecipient Information) will be auto-filled by the Contract System. Parts II – IV are divided into “Monthly,” “Adjusted,” and “Cumulative” columns. Subrecipients are to follow the following to complete each column: • Monthly: Enter the number of Persons served in the month being reported for sections A through H, the number of Households assisted for sections I and J, and the number of New Shelter Beds in section K. • Adjusted: Enter the number of Persons that needs to be added or subtracted, to adjust for data reported in a prior month’s report. Adjustments entered will be reflected in the Cumulative column. The Adjusted column allows Subrecipients to adjust for data changes resulting from data clean-up efforts, data entry errors, and the like, that will enhance the accuracy of the Instructions for Monthly Performance and Expenditure reporting (Rev. 12-02-2014) Page 2 cumulative data in each MPR. If data is entered in the “Adjusted” column, an explanation for the adjusted data must be entered in the “Reason for Adjustment” box in the Information Certification and Approval section at the end of the report. The same step is taken for Households and Shelter Bed, when applicable. • Cumulative: The data in this column auto-calculates based on the data entered by the Subrecipient in the Monthly and Adjusted columns. This number represents the persons/households served, or new shelter beds completed, from the beginning of the contract term through the end of the month being reported. Definitions for MPRs: • Persons Served refers to persons who receive HHSP-funded assistance. Subrecipients should count all members of the household as benefitting from a service, regardless of who directly participates in the program or service. • Households Served refers to a single individual or a group of persons within the same household that together receive an HHSP-funded service. Example: If a household consists of an adult and a child, but only the adult participated in case management sessions, report “2” persons and “1” household as served with case management. Report Parts Part I. Subrecipient Information Information in Part I will be auto-filled by the Contract System. Part II. Demographic Information - Persons • Data must be entered in every field (cell) of the report; if the field is not applicable, or if the data is zero (0), enter a zero (0). Do not leave cells blank. • Report “person” served only once in any demographic data element during the contract term, the first time that person receives a service. This method will result in an unduplicated count of persons served. Example: If a person enters the program in November and receives emergency shelter and case management, that person should be reported in the report for November in the Demographic Data sections. Assuming that the person exits the program in February of the following year and Instructions for Monthly Performance and Expenditure reporting (Rev. 12-02-2014) Page 3 if the person does not receive any other services before exiting the program, he or she will not be reported again in the demographic data (in the December, January, and February MPRs). • The number of persons reported in the “Total” rows in Sections B, C, & D should equal the total number of persons reported in Section A, because each of those sections reports on unduplicated number of persons served during the month. • Please note, the “Total” number of Households reported in Section I cannot be greater than the “Total” reported in Section A, B, or C. Part III. Demographic Information - Households • Data must be entered in every field (cell) of the report; if the field is not applicable, or if the data is zero (0), enter a zero (0). Do not leave cells blank. • Report “household” served only once in any demographic data element during the contract term, the first time that household receives a service. This method will result in an unduplicated count of households served. Example: Same as above (Part II) for “person” served, except that you now count “households” rather than “persons.” • The number of households reported in the “Total” row in Section I cannot be greater than the “Total” reported in Section A, B, or C. Part IV. Shelter Type • Data must be entered in every field (cell) of the report; if the field is not applicable, or if the data is zero (0), enter a zero (0). Do not leave cells blank. • Report only new beds that the Subrecipient completed during the reporting period. ” This could happen as a result of rehabilitation or construction of a new facility. Monthly Expenditure Report (MER) Instructions General Guidelines • The MER is due on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of each month of the contract term, beginning no later than November 15, for the preceding month’s (October) report. If the 15th Instructions for Monthly Performance and Expenditure reporting (Rev. 12-02-2014) Page 4 falls on a weekend or holiday, the report must still be entered on or before the 15th. Reports may be entered as early as the 5th day of each month. • A Monthly Performance Report (MPR) must be added in TDHCA’s CA Contract System before the MER may be added. • In the MER, Subrecipients will report the expenditures of program funds during the month being reported. • Validations are programmed into the MER to verify data accuracy. If an error message appears, it means that a data validation has been violated. Errors must therefore, be corrected before the contract system allows an MER to be approved by the Subrecipient. • To amend a budget amount, submit a Budget Amendment Request Form to the Department no later than 60 days prior to the end of the contract term. Submit requests to Gloria Mitchell, Contract Specialist: [email protected]. Note: Budget Amendment Form is located under “Program Forms” in the “Program Guidance” section on HHSP web page ( Expenditure Reporting • Subrecipients must keep information on how HHSP funds are expended according to the budget and eligible activities. Below is a summary of steps to follow to report financial data into the MER. Summary of Steps to Report Financial Data: Step 1: Expend according to budget and eligible activities Step 2: Record expenditures in general ledger and books of accounts Step 3: Create summary report with financial categories Step 4: Enter financial data into MER Step 5: Use financial data to meet expenditure targets Part I. Subrecipient Information Information in Part I will be auto-filled by the Contract System. Part II. Budget Budget Columns for HHSP Funds Budgeted: The information in this column is entered by the Department using the budget targets provided by the Subrecipient. It contains the dollar amounts budgeted in the contract. Instructions for Monthly Performance and Expenditure reporting (Rev. 12-02-2014) Page 5 Projected: Enter the amount of funds being requested for an advance payment. Use this column in cases when the Subrecipient is requesting a one-time advance payment, based on the projected expenses for the next month. Subrecipients may only request a working capital advance once during the contract term. Subrecipients have the option of not requesting the one-time advance. Monthly: Enter the actual expenditures for the month being reported. Adjusted: Enter the dollar amounts that need to be added or subtracted, to adjust for data reported in a prior month’s report and to correct the cumulative data. The Adjusted column allows Subrecipients to adjust expenditures based on account reconciliation and to enhance the accuracy of the cumulative data with each MER. If data is entered in the “Adjusted” column, an explanation for the adjusted data must be entered in the Reason for Adjustment box in the Information Certification and Approval section. Returned: These amounts represent funds returned by the Subrecipient to TDHCA. Numbers in this column, if any, will be entered by TDHCA staff. Cumulative: The numbers in this column will auto-calculate, based on the data reported by Subrecipients in the Projected, Monthly, and Adjusted columns, and by TDHCA staff in the Returned columns. These numbers represent the funds expended for each line item from the beginning of the contract term through the end of the month being reported. Instructions for Monthly Performance and Expenditure reporting (Rev. 12-02-2014) Page 6
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