Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary) Topics for Mid-Year Examination 2014 Term 2 Level : Subject English Language CL Higher Chinese CLB ML Secondary 4/5 Express Full Paper 1 (editing, situational, and continuous writing) Full Paper 2 (visual, narrative, non-narrative comprehension and summary) Full Paper 4 (Oral) Full Paper 1 (Email Writing & Narrative, Expository, Argumentative Writing) Full Paper 2 (Cloze Passage and Comprehension) Full Paper 3 (Oral & Listening Comprehension) Full Paper 1 (Email Writing & Narrative, Expository, Argumentative Writing) Full Paper 2 (Cloze Passage, Comprehension and Summary) Full Paper 1 (Email Writing & Picture Composition) Full Paper 2 (Cloze Passage and Comprehension) Full Paper 3 (Oral & Listening Comprehension) Paper 1 (Email Writing (Formal or Informal) & Narrative, Expository or Descriptive Essay) Normal Academic Full Paper 1 (editing, situational, and continuous writing) Full Paper 2 (visual, narrative, nonnarrative comprehension and summary) Full Paper 4 (Oral) Full Paper 1 (Email Writing & Narrative, Expository, Argumentative Writing) Full Paper 2 (Cloze Passage and Comprehension) Full Paper 3 (Oral & Listening Comprehension) Full Paper 1 (Email Writing & Picture Composition) Full Paper 2 (Cloze Passage and Comprehension) Full Paper 3 (Oral & Listening Comprehension) Paper 1 (Email Writing (Formal or Informal) & Narrative, Expository or Descriptive Essay) Normal Technical Full Paper 1 (Writing) Full Paper 2 (Language Use and Comprehension) Full Paper 4 (Oral) Full Paper 1 (Comprehension) Full Paper 2 (Oral & Listening Comprehension) Paper 1 (Close Passage Comprehension (Obj and Subj: Pesanan Ringkas) Paper 2 (Oral : Lisan : Bacaan dan 2 1 Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary) Topics for Mid-Year Examination 2014 Term 2 Level : Subject Mathematics Secondary 4/5 Express Normal Academic Paper 2 (Imbuhan, Peribahasa, Melengkapkan Teks and Comprehension (Objective and Subjective)) Paper 3 (Oral & Listening Comprehension) 1. Algebraic manipulation eg. algebraic Paper 2 (Imbuhan, Peribahasa, Melengkapkan Teks and Comprehension (Objective and Subjective)) Paper 3 (Oral & Listening Comprehension) Lower Sec Topics: 1. Numbers and Arithmetic (Percentage, Rate and Speed) 2. Algebraic Formulae and Manipulation 3. Solutions of Equations 4. Basic Geometry and Angles 5. Surface Area and Volume 6. Data Handling and Analysis fractions, completing the square, change subject of formula. 2. Arithmetic problems 3. Problems involving quadratic equation 4.Trigonometry 5. Vectors 6 Matrices 7. Geometrical Properties of circle 8 Mensuration (includes arc length, area of sector, 2-D, 3-D objects) 9. Graphical solutions of equations 10. Probability 11. Sets and Venn Diagrams 12 Number Patterns Sec 3 TB: 1. Indices and Standard Form 2. Algabraic Manipulation 3. Similarity 4. Pythagoras’ Theorem 5. Introduction to Trigonometry 6. Coordinate Geometry 7. Graphs of Functions 8. Quadratic Equations 9. Symmetry Properties of Circles Sec 4 TB: 1. Angle Properties of Circles 2. Real Life Applications of Normal Technical Perbualan) Paper 3 Listening Comprehension 1. Integers, Decimals, Fractions 2. Approximation and Estimation 3. Indices and Standard Form 4. Ratio, Rate, Proportion and Percentage 5. Algebraic Representation and Formulae 6. Algebraic Manipulation 7. Functions and Graphs 8. Solutions of Equations 9. Angles, Triangles and Quadrilaterals 10. Congruence, Similarity and Transformation. 11. Pythagoras Theorem and Trigonometry 12. Data Handling and Analysis 13. Probability 14. Mathematics in Practical Situations 2 Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary) Topics for Mid-Year Examination 2014 Term 2 Level : Secondary 4/5 Subject Express Additional Math Sec 4 Express Chapter 1: Simultaneous equations, polynomials. (No Partial Fractions) Chapter 2: Quadratic equations, inequalities, modulus functions Chapter 3: Binomial Theorem Chapter 4: Indices, Surds and Logarithms (No graphs of exponential and logarithms) Chapter 5: Coordinate Geometry Chapter 6: Further coordinate Geometry Chapter 7: Linear Law Chapter 8: Trigonometric Functions and Equations Chapter 9: Trigonometric identities and Formulae Chapter 11: Differentiation and its Applications Chapter 12 Further Applications of Differentiation Chapter 13: Differentiation of Trigonometric, logarithmic and Exponential functions and their Applications Normal Academic Mathematics 3. Applications of Trigonometry 4. Arc Length and Area of Sector Sec 4NA Chapter 1: Simultaneous Equations, Polynomials, Remainder and Factor Theorems, Solving Cubic Equations. Chapter 2: Unit 2.1 Sum and Product of Roots of Quadratic Equations Chapter 3: Binomial Theorem Chapter 4: Indices and Surds Chapter 5: Coordinate Geometry Chapter 8: Trigonometric Functions and Equations Chapter 9: Trigonometric Identities and Formulae Chapter 11: Differentiation and Its Applications Chapter 12: FurtherApplications of Differentiation Chapter 14: Integrations. Unit 14.1 14.2 and 14.3 Normal Technical Sec 5NA Same as Sec 4Express including Chapter 17 and Chapter 18 3 Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary) Topics for Mid-Year Examination 2014 Term 2 Level : Subject Combined Hum Secondary 4/5 Express Social Studies (Sec 4E) Bk 3: Chpts 2,3 6 Bk 4: Chpts 1 Social Studies (Sec 5NA) Bk 3: Chpts 2,3 6 Bk 4: Chpts 1 Geography Elective (Sec 4E) 1) Plate Tectonics 2) Tourism 3) Geographical Investigation Skills Normal Academic Social Studies Bk 3 : Chpts 2,3, 6 Normal Technical Geography Elective 1) Weather & Climate 2)Tourism 3) Geographical Investigation Skills History Elective Bk 3 : Chpts 6 & 7 Bk 4 : Chpts 1 & 2 Geography Elective (Sec 5NA) 1)Natural Vegetation 2) Geography of Food History Elective (Sec 4E) Bk 3 : Chpts 6 & 7 Bk 4 : Chpts 1 & 2 Geography Literature Science History Elective (Sec 5NA) Chpts 6 -8 1) Tourism 2) Geography of Food 3) Geographical Investigation Skills 1) Section A of Paper 1 (LOTF) 2) Paper 2 (EBTB) Practical Electricity; Magnets; 4 Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary) Topics for Mid-Year Examination 2014 Term 2 Level : Subject Science ( Phy) Science (Chem) Secondary 4/5 Express Normal Academic Measurement, Kinematics, Forces and Pressure, Mass, Weight and Density, Turning Effect of Forces, Energy Work and Power, Kinetic Model of Matter, Transfer of Thermal Energy, Thermal Properties of Matter, Light, Waves Electromagnetic Waves, Sound, Static Electricity, Current Electricity, D.C.Circuits Textbook Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Measurement; Kinematics; Forces and Pressure; Mass, Weight and Density; Turning Effect of Forces; Energy, Work and Power; Transfer of Thermal Energy; Waves; Electromagnetic Waves; Sound; Current Electricity; D.C. Circuits Physics Chap 1-15, 20,16,17 Biology Cell, Movement of Substance, Nutrients, Enzymes, Nutrients in Humans, Transport in Humans, Nutrients in Plants, Transport in Plants, Respiration, Excretion, Homeostasis, Coordination and Responses, Reproduction in Plants Kinetic Particle Theory, Separation Techniques, Chemical Bonding, Acids Bases and Salts, Chemical Calculations, Periodic Table, Metals, Redox, Rate of Chemistry Normal Technical Transformers and Motors; Elements, Compounds and Mixtures; Chemical Changes; Acids, Bases and Salts Kinetic Particle Theory, Separation Techniques, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Chemical Formula, Mole Concept, Acids and Bases, Salts, Periodic Table, Metal, Organic Chemistry, Alkane, Alkene 5 Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary) Topics for Mid-Year Examination 2014 Term 2 Level : Secondary 4/5 Subject Express Reaction, Electrolysis, Fuels, Alkanes and Alkenes Food & Nutrition Design & Technology Art IED Computer Applications Normal Academic Normal Technical All the topics taught in Secondary Three and Four. Students can refer to the lessons schedule given in Secondary 3 and 4. It will be a business case study with short and long questions. Paper 1 (Theory) Computer Fundamentals Media Elements Document Processing Spreadsheet Multimedia Communication Media Computing Paper 3 (Practical) Spreadsheet Media Computing 6
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