Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 399 (2014) 404–413 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology journal homepage: Plio-Pleistocene fossil record of large predators in Iberia: Diversity, home range and climatic change José L. Prado a,⁎, Beatriz Azanza b, Juan L. Cantalapiedra c, María T. Alberdi c a b c INCUAPA, UE CONICET-UNICEN, Del Valle 5737, B7400JWI Olavarría, Argentina Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra, Facultad de Ciencias, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Ambientales (IUCA), Universidad de Zaragoza, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain Departamento de Paleobiología, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC, José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2, 28006 Madrid, Spain a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 31 May 2013 Received in revised form 14 February 2014 Accepted 18 February 2014 Available online 28 February 2014 Keywords: Home range-size Diversity Mammals Carnivores Miocene–Pleistocene Iberia a b s t r a c t We investigated the patterns of change in diversity and home range-size structure of the latest Miocene– Pleistocene Iberian carnivores to recognize the tempo and mode of the major shifts, and place them in the context of late Cenozoic climatic changes. The database consists of 36 selected and taxonomically revised faunal lists. A general pattern of carnivore diversity from Iberia shows three maxima in diversity that can be correlated with major global changes. The first coincides with the glacial trend during Pliocene, starting at 2.7–2.6 Ma, with the onset of glacial cycles of 41 ka; second maximum happened at the beginning of the Middle Pleistocene and can be correlated with the switch at 1 Ma; third maximum in diversity occurs at the end of Middle Pleistocene, when the amplitude of interglacials shifted from cooler to warmer interglacials. The most significant shifts in Carnivora diversity and home range-size patterns were linked to dispersal phases that were tracked by a renovation of the carnivore guild. From the patterns in home range-size structure it seems that some multifaceted, and not always straight, interactions exist between ecological and climatic change and shifts in home range-size. The onset of the Holocene home range-size structure in Iberian carnivores traces back to a high diversity pulse at the end of the Middle Pleistocene. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Iberian Cenozoic basins provide one of the richest and most valuable records of fossil mammals and continental environments. They represent exceptional opportunities to evaluate the ecological and evolutionary responses of mammals to climatic change over a scale of millions of years (Azanza et al., 1999, 2000; van Dam et al., 2006). This information is crucial for connecting the dynamics of biotic change from the ecological to the evolutionary scales, and for investigating the processes affecting ecosystems (Badgley et al., 2008). Living Iberian carnivores inhabit the Mediterranean biome but it is unclear when the assembly of their ecological structure took place and whether this is related to the establishment of the Mediterranean climate. Some evidence suggests that the Mediterranean biome began during the Late Pliocene when xerophytic plants first appeared (Suc et al., 1995), coincident with the initiation of northern hemisphere glaciations (Sosdian and Rosenthal, 2009). During the Late Pliocene the global temperature gradually dropped. Between 2.8 and 2.6 Ma seasonality of the North Pacific, as well as the glacial activity of the Greenland, ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +54 2284 450331x209. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J.L. Prado), [email protected] (B. Azanza), [email protected] (J.L. Cantalapiedra), [email protected] (M.T. Alberdi). 0031-0182/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Scandinavian and North American ice sheets, increased (Flesche Kleiven et al., 2002; Haug et al., 2005). Around 2.6 Ma ago, glacial/interglacial alternations were initiated in the northern hemisphere. All of these climatic changes had significant ecological consequences. Seasonality became marked, while successive cycles throughout the 2.6–1.8 Ma interval produced progressively cooler and somewhat drier conditions in western Eurasia. The Early Pleistocene transition reinserted a further drop in temperature, as climatic cycling remained dominated by the 41 ka periodicity. The cycles of cool and temperate climatic events became more clearly defined and regular. Final shaping of the Mediterranean landscapes took place throughout the Middle Pleistocene, a highly dynamic period of climatic fluctuations. During the transition between 1.2 and 0.7 Ma the flora was not altered by any important event (Suc and Popescu, 2005). This time span represents the final phase of the interval dominated by 41 ka periodicity in the global climatic record. During the 0.9–0.4 Ma interval the climatic cycling switched from 41 ka periodicity to that governed by orbital eccentricity cycles with 100 ka periodicity (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005). The amplitude of fluctuations exacerbated glacial phenomena, increasing both seasonality and aridity over northern and middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere. The Pliocene–Pleistocene large predatory mammals of Iberia have been investigated to analyze ecological and evolutionary responses to climatic events. In large terrestrial mammals, the dominant reaction to J.L. Prado et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 399 (2014) 404–413 climate change seems to have been habitat tracking (Azzaroli et al., 1988; Aguirre and Morales, 1990; Azanza et al., 1999, 2000; Torre et al., 2001; Kahlke et al., 2011; Raia et al., 2012). Influenced by the Mio-Pleistocene climatic oscillations, newcomers migrated into Iberia mainly from central and southern Europe across the Pyrenees. Some mammals, could also have crossed from Africa over the Gibraltar Strait (O'Regan, 2008; Carbonell et al., 2010; Geraads, 2010; O'Regan et al., 2011). Indeed, faunal interchanges occurred between North Africa and Iberia at the end of Miocene (Aguilar and Michaux, 1997; Agustí et al., 2006) and were tentatively related to the strait closure as a consequence of the Messinian Desiccation Event (Krijgsman et al., 1999). Iberia attracted a great variety of animals by acting as either a colonizing bridge, or a refuge for temperate taxa during the late Pleistocene glaciations (O'Regan et al., 2011). These dispersal events most probably caused changes in the ecology and evolution of carnivore guilds. Species respond in different ways to climatic change. Biotic interactions such us competition between predators and prey may have been disrupted as a response to this change (Meloro et al., 2007). Our focus here is on patterns of community change related to these events. The ability of a species to colonize an empty habitat patch is constrained by the distance moved by dispersers (Bowman et al., 2001). The resource distribution and abundance have an important influence on the manner in which space is used by mammals thus constraining the home range size (HR-size) (Gittleman and Harvey, 1982). Therefore, patterns of change in the HR-size structure throughout the record can provide important understandings into the ecological and evolutionary responses of mammals to new ecological conditions. A number of previous studies offered two possible explanations for changes in HR-size (Hutchinson, 1959; MacArthur, 1972): (a) Competitive size displacement, because sound theoretical reasons exist for expecting interspecific competition to be important in shaping communities by determining which species, and how many, can coexist, and (b) environmental disturbances, that remove key organisms or influence the availability of space or food by changing the physical environment. However, what happens over evolutionary time scales is less understood. In this study we evaluate the variations in origination and extinction rates, diversity, and inferred HR-size structure across the late Miocene to Pleistocene times (around 5 to 0.001 Ma). Our aim is to answer the following questions: (1) what are the overall trends in diversity over time? (2) Is the inferred change in HR-size structure (i.e. the arrangement between the home range of carnivore guild) concentrated in a particular biochronological unit and do these changes occur during significant climatic change? If so, do patterns or gradients exist that explain a relationship between climatic changes? What are the reasons for these patterns? (3) Are the species with a larger HR-size within each lineage those that colonized other areas? We seek to understand how the assemblages of large predatory mammals that occurred in Iberia are distributed in time, and the ways these assemblages were influenced by dispersal and environmental constraints, as well as intra guild interactions. Addressing these questions will allow us to recognize the causes behind the observed ecological and evolutionary patterns, which is also essential for a better understanding of the origin of the Mediterranean biome. 2. Methods 2.1. Study area Iberia has a temperate climate. It is geographically and topographically very variable due to the presence of a jagged coastline, an interior central plateau and many relatively young mountain ranges, which are often moderate in elevation in a global context. During glacial periods, central and northern European mammals are known to have migrated south to Mediterranean refuges (Hewitt, 2000; Waltari et al., 2007). The great majority of the “cold taxa” that arrived to Iberia are recorded 405 in localities found today in the modern wet Iberia zone (Álvarez-Lao and García, 2010). Data from these localities are not included to avoid an ecological mixture between taxa from the Atlantic and Mediterranean realms. Thus, our study is limited to the evolution of large predatory guilds in Mediterranean Iberia. Fig. 1 shows the location of the localities where recorded. 2.2. Material and data quality We analyzed the variations of diversity and HR-size structure of Iberian large predatory mammals though time. Larger predators achieve a higher net gain rate by concentrating on large prey. We followed the criterion set by Carbone et al. (2007), who identified that the change in dietary strategy (the switch from small to large prey) occurs at a body weight of 14.5 kg. We restrict our study to species of the three families that include top terrestrial predators: Canidae, Felidae and Hyaenidae. Ursidae are excluded due to their omnivorous feeding behavior that rarely includes meat. The database consists of selected and taxonomically updated faunal lists of large predatory mammals by time intervals that have been compiled from previous analyses on the Plio-Pleistocene mammals of the Northwestern Mediterranean region (Alberdi et al., 1997; Azanza et al., 1999, 2000; Palombo et al., 2009). To eliminate the edge effects when only a discrete part of the fossil record is investigated (Foote, 2000), we have extended our database in both directions, toward the latest Miocene and the Holocene to recent times. We have used thirteen informal biochronological units (BUs) spanning the last seven million years that have been used in previous paleoecological works (Palombo et al., 2009). These BUs have been substantiated by multivariate procedures (Azanza et al., 1999) and they represent periods ‘of time during which faunas have certain taxonomic homogeneity, the discontinuity between them corresponding to faunal reconfigurations associated with major changes in environmental conditions’ (Azanza et al., 1999). Thus, each time interval would correspond to a block of coordinated stasis, i.e. an interval during which no turnover occurred or its rate is low (Brett et al., 1996; Raia et al., 2005, 2007, 2009). It is expected that if the taxonomic turnover rates inside units are low or null, the diversity should not be greatly overestimated by claiming that certain taxa coexisted when they actually lived at different times (Alroy et al., 2001). The boundaries between BUs are estimated by using present day Spanish localities for calibration (see Fig. 2 and Table 1). Only the estimated duration of two BUs (R and V1 intervals) are longer than the canonical span time (500 ka) suggested by Maas et al. (1995), whereas the durations of the other intervals are either less than, or at least equal to, 400 ka. The quality of the fossil data is crucial for validating results and conclusions, because the fluctuating frequencies of coexisting species may reflect actual changes in diversity or may depend simply on sampling bias. Sampling adequacy was explored using the completeness indices (CI = [(Nt/(Nt + Nrt)] × 100 and CIbda = [(Nbda/Nbda + Nrt)] × 100 proposed by Maas et al. (1995). These indices are based on the proportion of Lazarus taxa, or range-through taxa (whose presence can be inferred because the species is preserved before and after the interval) supposing that their existence is mainly a consequence of deficient sampling. The number of Lazarus taxa (Nrt) are counted and added to the actual taxa present before, during, and after an interval (Nbda) in the more conservative index (CIbda) or to the actual total number of taxa (Nt) in the more generous CI index. We use as a cut-off the threshold the value of 70% suggested by Maas et al. (1995). The values of the completeness indices are affected by BU duration, because increasing the length of a time span means that it can potentially include a more extensive fossil record, which moreover reduces the number of Lazarus taxa. To normalize the values of both indices, they were divided by the duration of the corresponding BU. As a cut-off, we use the threshold the value of 0.14 that results from dividing the minimum acceptable index value of 70% by the span time (500 ka) suggested by Maas et al. (1995). 406 J.L. Prado et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 399 (2014) 404–413 20,23,26 36 35 Atlantic-Mediterranean present-day boundary 30 Madrid 10 27 31 8 33 24 29 2 1,6 7,14 9 12 19 16,17,18 4 21 25 22 11, 32 15,28 13 3 34 5 1- El Arquillo 2- Las Casiones 3- Venta del Moro 4- Librilla 5- Alcoy 6- La Gloria 4 7- La Calera 8- Layna 9- Las Higueruelas 10- Villarroya 11- Huélago 12- El Rincón 13- Almenara-Casablanca 14- La Puebla de Valverde 15- Fonelas 1 16- Venta Micena 17- Fuente Nueva 1, 3 18- Barranco León 5 19- Quibas 20- Atapuerca TE 21- Cueva Victoria 22- Huéscar-1 23- Atapuerca TD 24- Vallparadís 25- Cúllar de Baza-1 26- Atapuerca SH 27- Ambrona 28- La Solana del Zamborino 29- Aridos 30- Pinilla del Valle 31- Cueva del Congosto 32- La Carigüela 33- Cueva de Los Casares 34- Cova Negra 35- Villacastín 36- Cueva de los Torrejones Fig. 1. Geographical distribution of the selected latest Miocene to Pleistocene mammal localities in Spain. 2.3. Taxon-free characterization 2.4. Diversity, evolutionary rates and home range For each species, we compiled data of its presence in time intervals, body-size, diet and preferred habitat. We used body-mass as a measurement of body-size as it facilitates evaluation among animals with different head and body shapes (Gingerich et al., 1982). Data were collected from previous works (Prado et al., 2004; Rodríguez et al., 2004) that estimated body mass of fossil species from dental metrics using available allometric equations (Legendre and Roth, 1988; Van Valkenburgh, 1990). By using a taxon-free characterization, species were assigned to several ecological categories according to diet and preferred habitat. Data were collected from the exhaustive review of Palombo et al. (2009) and Alberdi et al. (2012). Large Predators were assigned to the following trophic categories: Paleodiversity refers to the richness of species, measured as the total number of taxa in a time interval. Following Foote (2000) we counted for each BU the number of species that exist only in that interval or singletons (NFL); those that originate before the interval but go extinct within it (NbL); those that originate in the interval and persist beyond it (NFt); and those that originate before the interval and persist beyond it (Nbt). We use the standard range-through census technique to minimize preservational and sampling biases (see above), thus Nbt includes both the number of Lazarus taxa or range through species (Nrt) and the number of species actually preserved before, during and after the interval (Nbda). Based on these metrics, we estimated origination, extinction and turnover rates (Foote, 2000). To assess the significance of these evolutionary rates we bootstrapped our dataset with replacement 1000 times, using the temporal ranges of the species as the sampling unit. The average rate from the simulations was considered the best fit-rate and ± 1 standard deviation of the values around the each mean was used to define the uncertainty of the estimate (Finarelli and Badgley, 2010). Results are summarized in Tables 3 and 4. The HR-size of fossil species can be estimated using allometric equations. The relationship between HR-size and body size (or body weight, BW) has been stated by McNab (1963) using the allometric equation HR = a · BWb. Among terrestrial mammals, carnivore guilds have the broadest range of HR-sizes. Some of the variation in the HR-size of Carnivora can be explained by diet. McNab (1963) considered two categories: hunters and croppers, the former having a greater allometric coefficient. (a) This is attributed to the relatively low density of their preferred food items. Meat is a scarce food resource compared with fruit, foliage or insects. Previous studies, such us that by Gittleman and Harvey (1982), have established that carnivorous species have larger HR-size than herbivorous species of similar body mass, and that the distribution of food resources is more homogeneous for herbivores than for carnivores. However, other studies - Carnivore (C): including hypercarnivores with a diet consisting of at least 70% flesh meat (Van Valkenburgh, 1988), bone-eaters, bonecrushers and scavenging bone-crackers. - Carnivore–Omnivore (OM): including flesh-eaters (with a diet of less than 10% flesh), taxa feeding on invertebrates, and occasionally fruit. As for preferred habitat, three major ecological categories were retained: - Forest dwellers (FH): including taxa inhabiting forest, closed woodland, bushland, Mediterranean ‘macchia’, open woodland and miscellaneous woodland. - Ubiquitous (MXH): including more flexible taxa that could live in scrublands or woodland, as well as in an open landscape, or at the edge of both. - Open habitats dwellers (OH): including taxa inhabiting grassland, steppe or savanna. Diversity Turnover 407 Habitat Preference Climatic Trend Lisiecki & Raymo 2005 Intervals Myr Land Mammal ages Geomagnetic Polarity Scale MN "zones" Geochronolgy J.L. Prado et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 399 (2014) 404–413 Cumulative diversity Boundary crossers Estimated Mean Standing Diversity Per-taxon rates Turnover forest mixed habitat open habitat δ 18(O‰) 600- 800- G2 100 ka 400- Glacial maxima GALLERIAN Bruhnes late middle 200- 1000- G1 16 2000- 2200- V3 2400- V2 2600- 2800- 3000- V1 Kaena 41 ka 1800- V4 Glacial trend 17 VILLAFRANCHIAN Gauss late 1400- 1600- Olduvai 2 3 V5 No Antartic Ice Matuyama 1200- early PLEISTOCENE 3.0- Jaramillo 3.5- 1 4.0- 0- A3 AURELIAN A2 A1 G3 4.5- 5.0- 0 3200- Mammoth 19-23 ka 3400- 3600- 4 Gilbert Nunivak Sidufjall 14 4200- R 4400- 4600- 4800- 5 Thvera 0 latest MIOCENE 13 latest TUROLIAN 4 8 Nt = Nft+Nbt 0 Large predators p (origination) Carnivorans q (extinction) 5 0 50 10 Nsd = (Nb+Nt)/2 T 6 "Golden age" 4000- Cochiti early 3800- RUSCINIAN PLIOCENE 15 0 4 8 p = (Nft/Nsd)/Dt q = (Nbl/Nsd)/Dt 5000- 5200- -4 0 4 TI = (Nt-Nb)/Nsd/Dt 0 100 50 100 percentage of taxa Fig. 2. Carnivoran standing diversity, turnover and habitat preferences over the end of the Miocene to Holocene in Spain. Unequal time intervals correspond to the 13 informal biochronological units recognized by Palombo et al. (2009). Each faunal complex was placed at the mid-point of the considered time interval. The uncertainty of the estimate diversity and evolutionary rates was assessed bootstrapping the dataset with replacement 1000 times, using the temporal ranges of the species as the sampling unit. The average rate from the simulations was considered the best fit-rate and bootstrapped confidence intervals are ±1 standard deviation of the values around the each mean. (Kelt and Van Vuren, 1999) defend that scaling relations of HR-size are not statistically different between carnivorous and herbivorous or omnivorous species. Among terrestrial mammals, carnivore guilds have the broadest range of HR-sizes. Also resource distribution and abundance has an important influence on the HR-size (Gittleman and Harvey, 1982). As a proxy for HR-size of fossil species we used three different estimations based on allometric relationships (HR = a · BMb where BM is the body mass). Allometric equations were implemented from data of living species that were arranged following taxonomic, habitat preference (forest dwellers, ubiquitous and open landscape dwellers) and trophic categories (carnivore and omnivore). These category-specific regressions (Table 2) were applied to fossil species using body mass estimates. As a consequence, for each fossil species we obtained three different estimations of HR-size dependent on its inclusion in each of the three categories considered. Table 1 Age and duration of the informal biochronological units (BUs) for the latest Miocene to Pleistocene in Spain and main localities used in the calibration. BU T R V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 G1 G2 G3 A1 A2 A3 Latest Turolian Ruscinian Villafranchian 1 Villafranchian 2 Villafranchian 3 Villafranchian 4 Villafranchian 5 Galerian 1 Galerian 2 Galerian 3 Aurelian 1 Aurelian 2 Aurelian 3 Lower age Upper age Mid-point age Duration Main localities 6.6 5.40 3.40 2.70 2.40 2.05 1.60 1.15 0.95 0.70 0.50 0.40 0.15 5.40 3.40 2.70 2.40 2.05 1.60 1.15 0.95 0.70 0.50 0.40 0.15 0.01 6.00 4.40 3.05 2.55 2.23 1.83 1.38 1.05 0.83 0.60 0.45 0.28 0.08 1.20 2.00 0.70 0.30 0.35 0.45 0.45 0.20 0.25 0.20 0.10 0.25 0.14 Venta del Moro, El Arquillo, Las Casiones Alcoy, La Gloria 4, Layna Villarroya El Rincón 1, Huélago La Puebla de Valverde, Almenara-Casablanca Fonelas P-1 Fuente Nueva 1, 3, Venta Micena, Atapuerca TE, Barranco León Cueva Victoria, VallParadís inf. Atapuerca TD-4-6, Huéscar 1, Vallparadís sup. Cúllar Baza 1, Atapuerca SH Ambrona Atapuerca TD10-11, Pinilla, La Carigüela Cova Negra, Villacastín, Valdegoba 408 J.L. Prado et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 399 (2014) 404–413 Table 2 Regression statistics for the home-range size based on systematics, and trophic and habitat preferences of living carnivores. FH: forest dwellers; MXH: Ubiquitous habitat; OH: Open landscape dwellers; C: Carnivore; OM: Carnivore–Omnivore. FH MXH 0H C OM Canidae Felidae Hyaenidae Slope Intercept R R2 Standard error p 1.014 1.074 1.144 1.068 0.982 1.987 0.9 2.227 −2.046 −3.097 −3.174 −2.189 −3.032 −10.688 −0.889 −15.042 0.851 0.694 0.846 0.836 0.818 0.805 0.591 0.863 0.724 0.481 0.715 0.699 0.669 0.649 0.35 0.745 1.23109 1.76074 1.80722 1.4208 1.2054 1.3225 1.38613 1.3215 p p p p p p p p b b b b b b b N 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.05 3. Results 3.1. Data quality Fig. 3 shows the values of the completeness indices for the large predators compared with that of other large mammals. The more conservative CIbda index has a value below 70% in three BUs: V2, V4 and A1, whereas if the more generous CI index is used, the quality of the record is only deficient in two (V2 and A1 BUs), indicating that data from these BUs should be treated (Maas et al., 1995). Nonetheless, when the database of all large mammals is considered, the values of CI index for all BUs are close to or above this threshold. When the values of both indices are normalized by the BU duration, none of these BUs are below the threshold. Only the Ruscinian BU now appears below the cutoff line because its estimated duration is well over 500 ka, but a value 100 for the CI index was obtained. Consequently, we consider that diversity was not greatly underestimated. 3.2. Paleodiversity The diversity trends (Nt and Nsd) show three maxima (Fig. 2), with peaks at the Plio-Pleistocene boundary (V2 to V3 BUs), at the beginning of the Middle Pleistocene (G1 BU) and at the Middle–Late Pleistocene boundary (A1 to A2 BUs). The first and third maxima could prove even more important because the diversity of the V2 and A1 BUs could be underestimated according with CI index. Despite these fluctuations, diversity increases during the PlioPleistocene but in large predators it increases much more moderately than in other carnivores. It should be noted that the lowest diversity is recorded during the Early Pliocene (R BU), despite the fact of it being, by far, the longest BU. This could be the result of inadequate sampling, but it occurs after the Mio-Pliocene transition, one of the most relevant extinction events in Iberia, when all the Turolian large predators became extinct (Alberdi et al., 2012). Cumulative richness also reflects this general increase, but shows a break in the trend of the curve at the beginning of the Villafranchian (V1–V2 BUs). These trends roughly correlate with the general global climate signal (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005, see Fig. 2). The cumulative curve the general trend of the temperature curve. The first maximum is coincident with the onset of Northern Hemisphere Glaciations and the following decrease in diversity began when glacial–interglacial cycles of 41 ka had clearly started. The second is coincident with the intensification of glacial cycles that change from a duration of 41 ka to 100 ka; and the third maximum is during the Middle Pleistocene, a warm period (Holstein stage) between the Mindel and Riss glaciations. The first and third maxima occur without a large turnover rate. By contrast, the second maximum at the beginning of the Middle Pleistocene occurs at the time of an important turnover when the records show a high extinction rate (the “Galerian turnover” sensu Azanza et al., 2000). In a previous study, we found a rough correlation between diversity trends and shifts in the percentage of carnivores in each of the habitat categories (Palombo et al., 2009). Croitor and Brugal (2010), and Torre et al. (2001) also obtained similar results. This rough correspondence should be explained as an ecological response, given that the relative increase of ubiquitous taxa, which occurred during the Pleistocene, could be related to the environmental fluctuations associated with the glacial cycles, as ubiquitous taxa are expected to be better able to adapt to environmental changes. With few variations this pattern is maintained in the present analysis (Fig. 2). 3.3. Patterns of HR-size changes The HR size quantifies the inherent ability of the animal to move. Consequently, dispersal distance and HR-size covary across mammal species when considered independently of body mass (Bowman et al., 2002). Fig. 4 documents the patterns of HR-size change over time. The Canidae were represented in Iberia by 14 species in six genera. Fig. 4 shows that HR-size decreases during the Pliocene. This trend is clearly independent of the method of HR-size estimation used. The canid species were distributed into two groups of HR-size, distinctly by the predicted boundary of 14.5 kg. The species with carnivorous diets have a larger HR-size than the omnivorous species. When the HR-size was inferred using the allometric equation based on diet, the gap between the two groups was magnified. The upper limit for omnivores corresponds to the HR-size estimation for 14.5 kg in the omnivore equation. In turn, the lower limit for carnivores corresponds to the HR-size estimation for 14.5 kg in the carnivore equation. Consequently, the differentiation between carnivores and omnivores implies a large jump in HR-size. This jump appears in the lower Pleistocene when hypercarnivorous Canidae spread into Eurasia (called ‘the Wolf event’, Sardella and Palombo, 2007). Table 3 Diversity and turnover data performed on the taxa per BUs matrix in Table 4. Biochronological units as in Table 1. Species richness Singletons (NFL) Only cross bottom boundary (NbL) Only cross top boundary (NFt) Cross both boundaries (Nbt) Range-through (Nrt) Bottom-crossers (Nb) Top-crossers (Nt) Estimated mean standing diversity (Nsd) Originations Extinctions Per-taxon origination rate (p) Per-taxon extinction rate (q) R V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 G1 G2 G3 A1 A2 A3 5 2 0 3 0 0 0 3 1.5 5 2 0.5 0.2 7 0 0 4 3 0 3 7 5 4 0 0.816 0 7 0 0 0 7 5 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 9 0 2 2 5 0 7 7 7 2 2 0.635 0.635 10 2 5 1 2 1 7 3 5 3 7 0.667 1.556 8 0 0 5 3 0 3 8 5.5 5 0 1.389 0 8 0 4 0 4 0 8 4 6 0 4 0 2.5 5 0 3 1 1 0 4 2 3 1 3 0.8 2.4 5 0 0 3 2 0 2 5 3.5 3 0 3 0 5 0 0 0 5 3 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 5 0 5 5 5 1 1 0.667 0.667 5 0 2 0 3 0 5 3 4 0 2 0 2.857 J.L. Prado et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 399 (2014) 404–413 409 Table 4 Biochronological distribution; and habitat preference, diet and body mass for each fossil taxa. FH: forest dwellers; MXH: Ubiquitous habitat; OH: Open landscape dwellers; HY: hypercarnivores; CA/SC: bone-crushers and scavenging bone-crackers; CIO: Carnivore–Insectivore–Omnivore C: Carnivore; OM: Carnivore–Omnivore. Biochronological units as in Table 1. Body mass (kg) Biochronological unit Taxa T R V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 G1 G2 G3 A1 A2 A3 H Habitat Diet Large size Acinonyx pardinensis Adcrocuta eximia Amphimachairodus giganteus Canis accitanus Canis etruscus Canis lupus Canis mosbachensis Caracal/Lynx depereti-issiodorensis Chasmaporthetes lunensis Crocuta crocuta Cuon alpinus Eucyon adoxus Eucyon debonisi Homotherium latidens Hyaena/Parahyaena cf. brunnea Hyaenictitherium /Thalassictis hyaenaoides Hyaenictitherium wongii / Thalassictis hipparionum Lycaon/Canis (Xenocyon) falconeri Lycaon/Canis (Xenocyon) lycaonoides Lynx pardina spelaea Megantereon cultridens Megantereon whitei Metailurus parvulus Pachycrocuta brevirostris Panthera ex gr. gombaszoegensis Panthera leo spelaea Panthera pardus Paramachairodus maximiliani Paramachairodus orientalis Pliocrocuta perrieri Pliocrocuta pyrenaica Puma pardoides OH MXH MXH OH MXH MXH MXH FH OH MXH MXH MXH MXH MXH MXH MXH MXH OH OH FH FH MXH FH MXH FH OH FH MXH MXH MXH MXH FH HY CA/SC HY CIO CA/SC CA/SC CA/SC HY HY CA/SC HY CIO CIO HY CA/SC CA/SC CA/SC HY HY HY HY HY HY CA/SC HY HY HY HY HY CA/SC CA/SC HY C C C OM C C C C C C C OM OM C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 60.2 58.7 215 16.5 23.8 43 16.5 24.3 68.4 52 17.9 12.6 21.1 188 43.4 19.8 16 40 29.7 14.1 62 100 33.5 75.8 64.7 180 48 71.6 65.5 47.7 35.2 38 Small size Felis attica Felis silvestris silvestris Nyctereutes donnezani Nyctereutes megamastoides Plioviverrops faventinus Vulpes alopecoides Vulpes praeglacialis Vulpes vulpes MXH FH FH FH FH OH OH MXH HY HY CIO CIO CIO CIO CIO CIO C C OM OM OM OM OM OM 12.7 4.7 7.1 7.7 3.4 5 5.2 7.3 The Felidae were represented in Iberia by 17 species in eleven genera. The Felidae HR-size structure is quite different from that for the Canidae. There are four groups of HR-size that can be clearly distinguished in the Middle to Late Pleistocene. The groups are less differentiated in the Late Miocene. During the Late Pliocene the intermediate range of HR-sizes overlaps. The appearances of new species during the Lower Pleistocene begin a competitive displacement in each group. The Hyaenidae were represented in Iberia by 10 species in eight genera (Fig. 4). The patterns for the Hyaenidae seem to be more similar to those of the Canidae than the Felidae. The distribution of HR-size is limited by diet, but this pattern was obtained before the hyaenids arrived in Iberia and omnivorous species are only occasionally present. 4. Discussion The beginning of the Pliocene epoch at 5.3 Ma saw something of a comeback towards more forested conditions in the northwestern Mediterranean after Messinian aridification. During the Ruscinian, subtropical conditions predominated that were characterized by seasonal rainfall. Subtropical to meso-Mediterranean forests developed in the north, while Mediterranean steppes formed to the south of the northwestern Mediterranean area. These conditions heralded the beginning of the double seasonality regime, and the temperature and precipitation regimes that are typical of the Mediterranean climate (Suc et al., 1995). A concomitant shift in the composition of the large mammalian fauna is detected, a point emphasized by Azanza et al. (2000) who called it the ‘Ruscinian-turnover’. None of the eleven carnivore species present during the Late Miocene in the Iberian basins crossed the Mio-Pliocene boundary. Only Plioviverrops faventinus, a small hyaena with a mongoose like insectivore/omnivore morphology (Turner et al., 2008), seems to have survived this event but this taxon is not recorded in Iberia before the Pliocene. Among large predators, there appears to be both a radiation of canids and the full emergence of bone-cracking hyaenas leading to an organized guild of large carnivores in Europe. The first record of Canidae in Eurasia is “Canis” cipio, only occasionally recorded in Iberia during the latest Miocene. Around 7.2 to 5.3 Ma ago, the genus Eucyon was first recorded as E. debonisi (Montoya et al., 2009; Rook, 2009). The genus Eucyon probably dispersed again to Iberia at the end of the Early Pliocene (Sotnikova and Rook, 2010). The replacement of E. debonisi by E. adoxus implied a decrease in the Eucyon HR-size during the Pliocene (Fig. 4). There was further diversification CI index Large predators Quality cutoff value (70%) CI CIbda 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Large predators Quality cutoff value (0.14) 6 5 4 3 2 1 Time (Myr) 0 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 60 40 30 20 10 0 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 G1 G2 G3 A1 A2 A3 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 R T G1 G2 G3 A1 A2 A3 V5 Intervals CI / duration 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 V4 R T CI index CI / duration 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 60 40 30 20 10 0 V1 Intervals V3 J.L. Prado et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 399 (2014) 404–413 V2 410 Large mammals Quality cutoff value (70%) CI CIbda 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 Large mammals Quality cutoff value (0.14) 6 5 4 Time (Myr) Fig. 3. Quality assessment of the large predator and large mammal data from the early Pliocene to Pleistocene in Spain: a line-diagram of completeness values corresponding to each faunal complex. The 70% cut-off line corresponds to the value considered by Maas et al. (1995) as a useful ad hoc cut-off point for their data, where higher values indicate reasonably adequate sampling. within the group of small HR-size with the record of the genus Nyctereutes and later with the genus Vulpes. These taxa are small predators that persisted in the omnivore niche. The major change in the patterns of canids HR-size happened during the Early Pleistocene when the glacial–interglacial cycles were established. HR-size analysis indicated the appearance of a new large HR-size group. This change is related to the modification in carnivore niche. These canids comprise coyote-like and hypercarnivores (Table 4). The dispersal of hypercarnivorous canids during the Early Pleistocene is testified to by increasing fossil evidences and it is worth noting that both large wild dogs (Lycaon falconeri in Martínez-Navarro and Rook, 2003) and wolf-like canids (Canis etruscus) appeared in Iberia. In France, wolves could have appeared as early as the Late Pliocene (Lacombat et al., 2008). However the main increase in their presence did not take place before 2 Ma. This episode (the so-called “Wolf Event”; Torre et al., 2001; Sardella and Palombo, 2007) is an important part of a faunal renewal related to climatic and environmental. Even C. accitanus, a coyote-like dog, enlarged the HR-size of the omnivore canids at this interval. The circumstance that wolves and large hypercarnivorous canids progressively dispersed into Iberia and occupied new niches that became available may be related to the widespread occurrence of open habitats (Fig. 2). By increasing HR-size, canids could have extended their feeding range. However, it should be taken into account that the development of predator size is likely to be induced by changes in prey size, and a major trend toward larger size has been documented for large herbivores (Prado et al., 2004; Rodríguez et al., 2004). The diversity of canids declines at the end of the Middle Pleistocene when the modern lineages (Vulpes vulpes and Canis lupus) appear. Only the diversity occasionally increases with the intermittent presence of Cuon alpinus during the Late Pleistocene. By contrast, the most strictly carnivorous taxa in the order, the felids, develop up to four different HR-sizes (Fig. 4). The smallest HR-size is only present through the latest Miocene and from the latest Middle to Late Pleistocene. Drastic reductions in diversity occur during the Early Pliocene when machairodontine felids become rare elements in local faunas and the remains are so scarce that a taxonomic assignment below the family level is not possible. In contrast diversity during the Late Pliocene is very high. The intermediate range of HR-sizes is very close between them. This time was characterized by a predominately open and mixed habitat. For instance, in present-day African landscape, most of the large living predators abound in open savannas and savannas–woodlands (variable mixtures of trees, grassland, and bushland) that are coincident with the highest ungulate densities. During the Plio-Pleistocene, Rodríguez et al. (2004) show an increase in body size of ungulates, where none of the herbivores occupied the small size range. This pattern indicates a close fit in size between the predator and its preys. The appearances of new species during the Early Pleistocene seem to better delimited the felid niches and after the wolf event four set of HR-size appear clearly separated. We hypothesized that competitive interactions could be the principal mechanism to explain HR-size changes. The Hyaenidae species were more diverse through the Late Miocene. Together with a precocious bone eating Hyaenidae, Adcrocuta eximia, two thalassictine forms were recorded during the latest Miocene. The thalassictine group is basically canid-like in ecomorphology and determines the general trend towards hypercarnivory which hyaenid evolution follows (Werdelin and Solounias, 1991). All these taxa disappeared at the end of the Miocene and were replaced by a completely new hyaenid fauna. The hunting hyaena forms show a decline in diversity, which is strongly associated with the invasion of Eurasia by dogs (family Canidae) in the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene. Nevertheless the only hunting hyaena Chasmaportetes lunensis persisted through the Pliocene but its disappearance in the Early Pleistocene occurred in coincidence with the ‘wolf event’. Chasmaportetes lunensis was the only cursorily hyaena adapted to open habitat (Turner et al., 2008). The appearance of Pliocrocuta at the R BU followed by the giant Pachycrocuta during the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene shows how hyaenas were able to make a living from scavenging when necessary. In this group, the bone-cracking component of the dentition is established at the expense of the shearing element (Palmqvist et al., 2011). The marked seasonality that characterized temperate Europe for most of the Pleistocene, with cooler and drier conditions than those of tropical Africa, made the availability of large ungulate carcasses for scavenging a key resource for hyaenas (Turner, 1992). Living hyaenas possess a range of strategies that affect several features of their skeletal morphology (Werdelin and Solounias, 1991; Turner et al., 2008). The wolf event did not exemplify any significant change despite the immigration of Pachycrocuta brevirostris, the largest true hyaena ever recorded. Only one form of hyaenid was recorded after this moment and persisted to the latest Pleistocene. J.L. Prado et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 399 (2014) 404–413 0 diet 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 1 10 100 1000 10000 CA 7 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.01 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 6 100 V4 V3 V2 3 V1 4 OH MXH FH R OM 5 6 7 0.01 0.1 1 10 T 100 1000 10000 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 OM CA 6 1 10 100 1000 10000 0.01 0.1 1 10 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100 1000 10000 6 7 7 0.1 1000 10000 7 0.01 CA 2 Hyaenidae 1 1000 10000 A3 A2 A1 G3 G2 G1 V5 14.5 Kg threshold 0 10 100 6 7 7 1 10 ? 5 CA 6 OM 5 0.1 1 ? 5 0.01 0.1 4 4 4 ? Time (Ma.) 1000 10000 FH MXH OH 0.1 FH MXH OH 0.01 Felidae 6 7 7 habitat FH MXH OH taxonomy OM Canidae 0 411 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 LOG Home Range size (Km2) Fig. 4. Home range size (expressed in logarithms) of selected species of Canidae, Felidae and Hyaenidae over the end of the Miocene to Pleistocene in Spain. The symbols are plotted at the mid-point of the time interval. Vertical axis represents time from past to present. 5. Conclusions The analysis of Iberian Carnivora diversity trends shows that the assumption of a direct effect by climate change is partially supported by the data. There are three diversity maxima that can be correlated with main global changes. The first maximum is at the Plio-Pleistocene boundary, which coincides with the beginning of the Pliocene glacial trend at 2.7–2.6 Ma. The onset of 41 ka glacial cycles is consistent with the diversity reduction during the Early Pleistocene. This event marks the beginning of accelerating turnover rates (stemming from alternating speciation and extinction pulses) that remained high until the Holocene. The second maximum occurred at the beginning of the Middle Pleistocene. These diversity changes can be associated with the onset of the 100 ka glacial cycles at 1.0 Ma. A third maximum occurred at the end of the Middle Pleistocene, when the glacial maxima became warmer. During this span of time only a few carnivore species were specialized; many others were ubiquitous or generalist taxa and occupied broad niches (Palombo et al., 2009). This circumstance favored the survival of a great number of taxa during main environmental changes. Likening diversity trends and shifts in the percentage of species in each of the habitat categories, it seems that tendencies in diversity are roughly associated with the variations of the relative abundance of forest habitat throughout time. This coarse correspondence should be explained as an ecological response, assuming that the forest dwelling species had narrower environmental tolerance. The relative expansion of 412 J.L. Prado et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 399 (2014) 404–413 ubiquitous taxa during the Pleistocene could be linked to the environmental variations correlated with the glacial cycles, in keeping with their broader environmental tolerance. From the patterns in HR-size it seems that some complicated, and not always straight, relationships exist between environmental variations and changes in HR-size as ungulate fauna show (Azanza et al., 1999). During the Pliocene, the conditions were predominately subtropical, but the glacial trend at the Plio-Pleistocene boundary anticipated the temperature, precipitation and seasonality regime that are typical of the Mediterranean climate. Our analysis confirms that this event altered significantly only the HR-size structure of the Iberian canids regarding the massive dispersal of carnivorous canids in the socalled ‘Wolf Event’. The pattern suggests that the canids that gradually dispersed into Iberia did not occupy preexistent niches, but entered new ones that became vacant because of the climatic and environmental change. Among felids, the appearances of new species seem to begin a competitive size displacement that might have caused the main HR-size changes in coincidence with the second and third maxima. This pattern seems to reflect a closer fit between prey and predator. Consequently, the organization of guilds seems to be more narrowly associated to the time and mode of dispersal events than to the major climatic variations. The Holocene HR-size structure of the Carnivora was acquired during the third maximum at the end of the Middle Pleistocene. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Jon Baskin for critically reading and improving the earlier drafts of the manuscript. The manuscript was greatly improved by thoughtful review from Pasquale Raia and two anonymous referees. Stefan Gabriel and Dan Rafuse revised the English text and Mauricio Antón facilities the life carnivorous reconstruction in highlights figure. Funding was provided by a Projects CGL2007-60790/BTE and CGL2010-19116/BOS from the Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica of Spain and Projects AECID A/023681/09 and A/030111/10; grants from the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la provincial de Buenos Aires ( and the Project ANPCYT ( PICT 11-0561, Argentina. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. References Aguilar, J.P., Michaux, J., 1997. A propos des échanges fauniquesentre l'Afrique du Nord et l'Europe sud-occidentale au Miocène supérieur. In: Aguilar, J.P., Legendre, S., Michaux, J. (Eds.), A Multivariate Approach. Actes du Congrès BiochoM'97, Montpelier, pp. 301–306. Aguirre, E., Morales, J., 1990. Villafranchian faunal record of Spain. Quartärpaläontologie, 8 7–11 (Berlin). Agustí, J., Garcés, M., Krijgsman, W., 2006. Evidence for African–Iberian exchanges during the Messinian in the Spanish mammalian record. Palaeogeogr. 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