Microbial predators promote their competitors: commensalism within an intra-guild predation system in microzooplankton MARTIN GU¨NTHER JOACHIM LO¨DER, MAARTEN BOERSMA, ALEXANDRA CLAUDIA KRABERG, NICOLE ABERLE, AND KAREN HELEN WILTSHIRE Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum fu¨r Polar- und Meeresforschung, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, P.O. Box 180, 27483 Helgoland, Germany Citation: Lo¨der, M. G. J., M. Boersma, A. C. Kraberg, N. Aberle, and K. H. Wiltshire. 2014. Microbial predators promote their competitors: commensalism within an intra-guild predation system in microzooplankton. Ecosphere 5(10):128. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES14-00037.1 Abstract. This study elucidates the interspecific interactions between competing unicellular predators in an intraguild predation system. The organisms studied were two microzooplankton (MZP) predators competing for the phototrophic dinoflagellate prey Scrippsiella trochoidea. Since the smaller dinoflagellate predator Gyrodinium dominans was also potential prey for the larger predator, the tintinnid ciliate Favella ehrenbergii, the experimental system included the probability of intraguild predation (IGP). The development of the three species was studied in set-ups containing either one of the two predators or both together with their prey. The IG predator F. ehrenbergii grew at a mean rate of 0.77 d1 independent of the presence of the IG prey G. dominans. High grazing of the IG predator on the smaller IG prey was detected in treatments containing only the two predators. However, when all three species were present, the IG prey displayed significantly higher growth rates (0.42 d1) compared to treatments containing only the IG prey as predator (0.32 d1). The results of further experiments allowed the exclusion of mechanical or chemical signals induced by the IG predator being responsible for the observed increase in growth rate of IG prey. Live observations revealed that the IG predator rejected a significant proportion of its S. trochoidea catch after initial uptake. This behavior led to an immobilization of around 26% of the caught cells. We tested if this prey immobilization by the IG predator facilitated prey uptake by the IG prey and thus could be potentially responsible for the higher growth rates of the IG prey. Indeed, the smaller predator selected positively for immobilized prey and reacted with higher grazing and growth rates. Consequently, the IG prey benefitted from this commensalism between IG predator and IG prey and the strength of this pattern predominated IGP in our model system. As both predators co-occur in the same environment their feeding relationship could increase exploitation efficiency of common mobile prey items. Furthermore, such commensalism potentially opens a loophole for a stable coexistence of MZP predators despite their competition. Key words: ciliates; commensalistic interaction; competition; dinoflagellates; Helgoland Roads; intraguild predation. Received 1 February 2014; revised 29 April 2014; accepted 21 May 2014; final version received 9 September 2014; published 27 October 2014. Corresponding Editor: K. L. Cottingham. Copyright: Ó 2014 Lo¨der et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ E-mail: [email protected]. INTRODUCTION ogy (Begon et al. 2006). The most obvious interaction between two predators preying on the same limiting resource is competition. Gause’s law states that in such a case a stable coexistence Interspecific interactions such as predation and competition are of fundamental interest in ecolv www.esajournals.org 1 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO of the three players is not possible, because the competitors are negatively affected by one another and the more competitive predator outcompetes the less competitive one (Gause 1934). In reality, many competing organisms coexist, and thus, communities appear to violate Gause’s law. Phytoplankton species, for example, share a seemingly homogeneous environment and the same limiting resources (e.g., CO2, light and nutrients), and thus competition and exclusion of certain weaker competitors seems inevitable. However, a huge number of phytoplankton species coexist which led Hutchinson to coin the term the ‘‘paradox of the plankton’’ (Hutchinson 1961). As there are also a huge number of heterotrophic organisms that coexist in the plankton the paradox can be expanded to this component as well. Several mutually non-exclusive solutions have been brought forward to explain the plankton paradox. Externally imposed variability in the surrounding environment resulting in a system which is never really homogeneous, can create microhabitats with different competitive arenas and different outcomes (Scheffer et al. 2003). Ratios of nutrients might be considered to be more important than just single nutrients, thus creating many more potential niches and, as a result, a higher potential for coexistence (Loladze et al. 2004). Limiting similarity and interspecific trade-offs concerning competitive ability, colonization ability and longevity can also enable coexistence between competing species (Tilman 1994). Another very important factor explaining the paradox is trophic interactions between plankton species, potentially resulting in oscillatory cycles (Scheffer et al. 2003) or even chaotic population patterns (Beninca et al. 2008) with, e.g., more predators present than resources. Moreover, mixotrophy is a common strategy in plankton communities which enables the switching to additional nutritional sources (Sherr and Sherr 2002). In short, there are many explanations, none of which alone is enough to explain the high diversity of plankton. Nevertheless, the fact that this high diversity is present suggests a possible coexistence in the face of strong competition (Fox et al. 2010). Since Azam (Azam et al. 1983) described the ‘‘microbial loop’’, microzooplankton (MZP) has been recognized as an important structural and v www.esajournals.org functional group in planktonic ecosystems (Landry and Calbet 2004). MZP can channel carbon up the food chain as a trophic link from smaller planktonic organisms to higher trophic levels (Sherr et al. 1986, Gifford and Dagg 1988, Stoecker and Capuzzo 1990), but as a result of multiple steps within the microbial loop grazing by MZP can also cause a reduction of the energy transfer efficiency to higher trophic levels (Pomeroy et al. 2007, Franze and Modigh 2013). MZP facilitates a rapid nutrient recycling back to the primary producers (Calbet and Saiz 2005, Irigoien et al. 2005) and, due to its capability of a fast population response to increasing phytoplankton availability (Johansson et al. 2004, Aberle et al. 2007), MZP is considered as one of the most important group of grazers in many oceans. MZP can graze up to 60–75% of the daily phytoplankton production (Landry and Calbet 2004), thus often exerting a stronger grazing pressure than metazoan grazers such as copepods (Sherr and Sherr 2007). MZP-phytoplankton interactions in the plankton are well-studied, mostly focusing on the ecological implications of these interactions, for instance, community structure and succession patterns (Riegman et al. 1993, De Laender et al. 2010), the efficiency of energy transfer (Azam 1998, Sherr and Sherr 2002, Calbet and Landry 2004, Calbet 2008, Franze and Modigh 2013) or the controlling potential of grazers on blooms (Sherr and Sherr 2009, Lo¨der et al. 2011). However, almost nothing is known about the consequences of interspecific interactions between competing predators within the MZP. Although MZP comprises a large variety of taxonomic groups, the most important ones in terms of abundance, biomass and grazing impact are heterotrophic dinoflagellates and ciliates (Capriulo et al. 1991, Lo¨der et al. 2012). As a result of their preferred prey size, small heterotrophic dinoflagellates potentially compete with larger ciliates for prey (Jakobsen and Hansen 1997). However, these dinoflagellates do not only compete for food with large ciliates but they are also potential prey. Polis and Holt (1992) coined the term intraguild predation (IGP), to describe this mixture of competition and predation within a feeding guild. Here, we also use the term ‘‘guild’’ in a broad sense, i.e., for all taxa in a community that compete for similar resources 2 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO regardless of different tactics in resource exploitation (Polis et al. 1989). IGP, i.e., consumption of species that use the same limiting food source, is more complex than either competition or predation alone. It is different from ‘‘classic’’ competition as there is an immediate energetic benefit for the omnivorous player, the IG predator, and, at the same time, IGP reduces potential competitors, the IG prey (Polis et al. 1989). However, predation on smaller predators which are competitors for the same resource, so-called ‘‘closed loop omnivory’’ (Sprules and Bowerman 1988) is ubiquitous in the world’s terrestrial and aquatic food webs (Polis et al. 1989). Investigations of this phenomenon for MZP are rare (Franze and Modigh 2013), although IGP has far-reaching implications for energy transfer, plankton dynamics and consequently for the stability and coexistence of marine food webs as a whole. Therefore, it helps to explain the ‘‘Paradox of the Plankton’’ phenomenon. We aim to fill part of the gap of knowledge on IGP in MZP by experimentally studying a system with one IG predator, one IG prey and one prey item as resource (Fig. 1). The competing species used in our investigations, the large tintinnid ciliate Favella ehrenbergii and the smaller, naked heterotrophic dinoflagellate Gyrodinium dominans co-occur in the North Sea MZP community, (Lo¨der et al. 2012). Both predators prey on the same type of prey. Furthermore, Favella ehrenbergii (IG predator) is a potential predator on the smaller Gyrodinium dominans (IG prey). In this study, we set out to investigate the mechanisms that explain their coexistence, using the small autotrophic dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea as shared resource. A theoretical analysis of the consequences for coexistence is published elsewhere (Shchekinova et al. 2014a, b). Here, we addressed the following questions: (1) is there any kind of measureable interaction between the predators, and if so, (2) what are the mechanisms that drive the interaction and (3) how can this interaction be categorized? MATERIAL AND of the three species in different combinations, and showed that—contrary to expectations—the IG prey seemed to benefit from the presence of the IG predator. In the following experiments we investigated the mechanisms that are potentially responsible for this beneficial interaction. First, we investigated the grazing rates of the IG prey in the presence and absence of the IG predator (Exp. II, ‘‘Enhanced IG prey feeding’’ experiment) showing that indeed the IG prey consumed more prey in the presence of the predator. Subsequently, we investigated whether this response was related to chemical interactions (Exp. III), or physical interactions (Exp. IV). Cultures The experiments were conducted with cultures of the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Gyrodinium dominans (;30 lm length), the tintinnid ciliate Favella ehrenbergii (;160 lm length) and their phototrophic dinoflagellate resource Scrippsiella trochoidea (;20 lm length). To facilitate reading the three species are named according to their IGP role in the following text: F. ehrenbergii ¼ IG predator, G. dominans ¼ IG prey, S. trochoidea ¼ resource. The cultures were obtained from isolates of 20 lm net samples from Helgoland Roads, Germany (54811.3 0 N; 7854.0 0 E). The resource organism was isolated in May 2007 and grown in 73.5-mL tissue culture bottles containing F/2 medium (Guillard and Ryther 1962) at 14.58C and an illumination of ;40 lmol photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) at constant light conditions. Cultures of IG prey (July 2007) and IG predator (October 2007) were established in 73.5-mL tissue culture bottles containing F/2 medium and the resource. Both predator species were maintained on a plankton wheel (1.1 rpm) at 14.58C and constant illumination of ;30 lmol PAR. Cultures without contaminations were established by repeated re-isolation. Culture bottles, food and media were renewed weekly. As the first IG predator culture died after the first experiment a new culture was established as described above in August 2009. This culture was used in the later experiments. Cell volumes of the three species were estimated from the linear dimensions of acid Lugol’s solution fixed cells (2% final conc., n ¼ 43–50) assuming geometric shapes according to Hillebrand et al. (1999). Cell volume was converted to wet weight assuming a METHODS To investigate the interactions between the three species we carried out a suite of experiments all building onto each other. The first experiment (Exp. I) tested the numerical response v www.esajournals.org 3 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO Fig. 1. Conceptual scheme of the IGP relationship that was investigated in this study with the three species Favella ehrenbergii (IG predator), Gyrodinium dominans (IG prey) and Scrippsiella trochoidea (resource). Arrows indicate the direction of predation. IG predator and IG prey feed on the resource and the IG predator additionally feeds on the IG prey. (131 cells mL1). Predation of the IG predator on the IG prey was investigated in an additional approach. Only IG prey (840 cells mL1) was offered to the IG predator, yielding the same biomass as the resource in the other experiments. Treatments comprising single species served as controls. Cultures were maintained in 73.5-mL tissue culture bottles containing F/2 medium under incubation conditions as described for the predator cultures above. Predator cultures used for the experiment were not starved for more than one day prior to the experiment. This first experiment was carried out over 72 hours as a batch culture experiment. To realize an independent design with time as an independent factor, four replicates per treatment and sampling time point were set up for incubation and the total volume of each of the four replicate incubation bottles was harvested and fixed with acid Lugol’s solution (2% final conc.) for the specific gravity of 1 and is hereafter referred to as ‘‘biomass’’. Exp. I: general patterns of interaction This first experiment aimed at investigating general patterns of interaction within the experimental system IG predator–IG prey–resource. We thus determined population growth and grazing rates of both predators on the resource in single predator treatments and in a combined predator treatment. In the single predator treatments the same biomass of either the IG predator (1.2 cells mL1) or the IG prey (270 cells mL1) was added to a starting resource concentration of ;590 cells mL1 which is roughly equivalent to bloom concentrations of the resource organism (Qi et al. 2004). In the combined predator treatments the overall predator biomass was the same as in the single predator treatments comprising of roughly equal biomass proportions of IG predator (0.6 cells mL1) and IG prey v www.esajournals.org 4 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO determination of cell concentrations after 0, 24, 48 and 72 hours of incubation. Samples were enumerated under a Zeiss Axiovert 135 inverted microscope using the Utermo¨hl method (Utermo¨hl 1958). The samples were settled overnight and 4–6 transects of each settling chamber were counted at 200- or 400-fold magnification depending on cell concentrations of resource and IG prey. For the larger IG predator the whole chamber was enumerated. This counting procedure was used for all other experiments conducted in this study. Growth rates k [d1] of IG predator, IG prey and resource without grazers were calculated assuming exponential growth (Eq. 1, g ¼ 0). Grazing rates g [d1] (Eq. 1), filtration rates F [mL (predator cell)1 d1] (Eq. 2) and ingestion rates I [prey cells (predator cell)1 d1] (Eq. 3) of the predators in the single and combined predator treatments were computed for each sampling interval with average prey concentrations [Cprey] (during each time interval) (Eq. 4 ) according to Frost (1972) with the modification of Heinbokel (1978) for the growth of predators [Cpred] (Eq. 5). (The equations below were also the basis for the calculations of the parameters investigated in the latter experiments.) Ct24 ¼ Ct0 3 eðkgÞDt ð1Þ F ¼ g 3½Cpred 1 ð2Þ I ¼ F 3½Cprey ð3Þ ½Cprey ¼ ½Cpred ¼ Ct0 3ðeðkgÞDt 1Þ ðk gÞDt Cpred;t24 Cpred;t0 lnCpred;t24 lnCpred;t0 treatment as main factors at significance levels of 0.05. Grazing rates were log-transformed to reach homogeneity of variance before statistical analysis. Differences between groups were analyzed by Tukey’s HSD (honestly significant difference) post hoc tests. Due to extremely high grazing in the combined predator treatment no remaining resource cells were detected in three of four replicates after 72 hours of incubation and thus, it was possible to calculate grazing rates for one replicate only in this case. Nevertheless, we included this single measurement into our statistical analysis as grazing rates in the other three replicates were not measureable but definitely higher. We maintained start concentrations, incubation conditions and replication of this first experiment in the following experiments if not explicitly stated otherwise to avoid density-dependent differences and allow for comparability between the different experiments. Contrary to our expectation the smaller IG prey showed higher growth rates in the presence of the IG predator during the first experiment (see results). Thus, we put the main focus of the subsequent experiments on the investigation and explanation of this observation. Exp. II: ‘‘Enhanced IG prey feeding’’ experiment The second experiment was designed to test the robustness of the results of the first experiment. We investigated if the presence of a newly isolated different IG predator culture again leads to a significantly higher growth rate of the IG prey in a combined predator treatment. We incubated four replicates of IG predator, IG prey and the resource together for 24 hours under conditions as described above. Bottles containing only the resource S. trochoidea together with the IG prey served as controls. We determined growth and grazing parameters as described above. Due to the possibility of IGP (i.e., IG prey could also be prey items for IG predator) it was not possible to directly disentangle the individual grazing rates of each predator species in our IGP model system. We therefore focused on the food vacuole content of the IG prey as a proxy for ingested prey. For this purpose we recorded the IG prey cells with at least one filled food vacuole separately (indicated by the dark color of the vacuoles). ð4Þ ð5Þ where Ct0 is the concentration of cells at the beginning of each sampling interval (0, 24, 48, 72 h), Ct24 after the following 24 hours of incubation, k is the growth rate, g the grazing rate and Dt the incubation time in days. Statistical analyses were conducted with the software ‘‘Statistica 7.1’’ (StatSoft). After testing for normality (Shapiro-Wilk test) and homogeneity of variances (Levene’s test) data on growth and grazing parameters of the predators were analyzed using two-way ANOVAs with time and v www.esajournals.org 5 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO growing IG predator culture (15 cells mL1) was filtered over 0.2-lm nylon filters (Falcon). Ten milliliters of filtrate, equalling a final IG predator concentration of 2 cells mL1 in the treatment, was added to four replicate incubation bottles containing IG prey and resource. Controls received 10 mL of F/2 filtrate. Growth and grazing parameters were investigated as described above. We also investigated the swimming behavior and velocity of the resource organisms and the IG prey in the presence and absence of compounds released by the IG predator in this experiment. After exposure to the filtrate for 24 hours under conditions comparable to the first two experiments, resource and IG prey cells were filmed as described before. Samples for cell concentrations were fixed at the start and immediately after filming. Statistical analyses were conducted in the same way as for the ‘‘enhanced IG prey feeding’’ experiment (compare Exp. II). As the enhancement of swimming speed can increase predator-prey encounter rates (Gerritsen and Strickler 1977) and thereby food uptake, thus potentially promoting higher grazing rates, we also investigated the swimming behavior and velocity of the resource organism S. trochoidea and the IG prey in the presence and absence of the IG predator. For this purpose, resource and IG prey cells were filmed under a stereo microscope (SZX16, Olympus) at 50-fold magnification for 10 seconds at a rate of 15 frames per second after incubation for 24 hours. Samples for cell concentrations were fixed as described above at the start and immediately after filming. The films for the investigations on swimming velocity and behavior were converted into single frame pictures using the freeware program ‘‘Avi4Bmp’’ (Bottomap Software). The timeframe most suitable for our investigation was two seconds as most of the organism tracks did not go beyond the frame and tracks rarely crossed one another during this time. Thirty pictures (equalling two seconds of each original film) were stacked with the function ‘‘overlay frames’’ of the freeware program ‘‘Trace’’ (Heribert Cypionka, 2000–2010). The resulting images showed the swimming paths of the cells (Fischer and Cypionka 2006). The lengths of the swimming tracks of 60 cells per treatment (four replicates, 15 per replicate, randomly chosen) in the stacked pictures were measured with the open source software ‘‘ImageJ’’ (downloaded from http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/index.html). Swimming velocity [lm s1] of the cells was then calculated by dividing path length by the time needed. Mean values of the 15 measurements per replicate were used for statistics. Changes in swimming behavior were analyzed by visually comparing the patterns of the swimming paths in the stacked pictures. After testing for normality (Shapiro-Wilk test) and homogeneity of variances (Brown-Forsythe test) food vacuole content of IG prey and swimming speed of IG prey and resource were tested for significant differences between treatment and control with Statistica 7.1 using twotailed t-tests at significance levels of 0.05. Exp. IV: Experiments on the precondition of the resource organism S. trochoidea By observation of a freshly fed IG predator culture we found that not every resource cell captured by the IG predator was actually ingested. A considerable number of cells were rejected resulting in immobilization after this ‘‘manipulation’’ by the IG predator (compare video in the Appendix). This led to the hypothesis that the IG predator promotes the IG prey by immobilizing the potential prey for the smaller predator, thus making it easier to catch. Prey immobilization rate of the IG predator Favella ehrenbergii.—The rate of resource cells not eaten, but immobilized by the IG predator, was experimentally determined after 24 and 48 hours of incubation. For each time step four replicate bottles were incubated under conditions as described above. Bottles containing only the resource without the IG predator served as controls. Differentiation between mobile and immobile resource cells in fixed samples is not possible, thus, immobile cells were allowed to settle in the experimental bottles for 15 minutes after incubation. This timeframe was sufficient for a complete sedimentation of the immobile fraction of resource cells. To discriminate between mobile and immobile cells, a grid was Exp. III: Experiment on chemical stimulation and swimming behavior To test whether chemical compounds excreted by the IG predator influenced the grazing and growth of the IG prey, a well-fed, exponentially v www.esajournals.org 6 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO defined and ten sites of the bottom surface of each experimental bottle were filmed for 5 seconds under conditions as described above. The movements of the resource cells were also evaluated by filming as described for the ‘‘enhanced IG prey feeding’’ experiment. Cells that did not change their position during the film were counted as immobile. Samples for the determination of total cell concentrations were fixed immediately after filming. The concentration of immobile cells was calculated via the extrapolation of the immobile cells in the filmed area to the whole bottom surface and thereafter to bottle volume. We calculated the immobilization rate of the IG predator per day [cells immobilized predator1 day1] by dividing the mean immobile S. trochoidea concentration by the mean IG predator concentration during the time of incubation (Frost 1972, Heinbokel 1978). The percentage of immobilization of cells caught by the tintinnid was also calculated. Differences in the percentage of immobile cells between treatment and control replicates were tested for significance applying two-way ANOVAs with time and treatment as main factors at significance levels of 0.05 as described above (compare Exp. I). Growth and grazing response of the IG prey Gyrodinium dominans on immobilized prey.—To test if the IG prey really benefits from immobile resource cells we investigated its growth when fed with the artificially immobilized resource organism. Cells were immobilized by sonication in an ultrasound bath in six cycles lasting three minutes each. The ratio of immobile cells was determined via films before and after incubation for 24 hours as described above. We measured growth and grazing (calculated as described above) as well as selectivity for mobile or immobile resource of the IG prey after incubation of four replicate bottles under the same conditions as in the previous experiments for 24 hours with sonicated resource cells. Incubation bottles with the IG prey and untreated resource cultures served as controls. Samples for cell counts were fixed with acid Lugol’s solution immediately before and after incubation. The prey selectivity index ‘‘a’’ of the IG prey preying on a population of S. trochoidea containing both mobile and immobile cells was calculated for each prey type according to Chesson v www.esajournals.org (1978, 1983). We chose Chesson’s case 1 equation (prey population assumed to be constant; Eq. 6) (Chesson 1983) because our values of ingestion and percentage of prey in the environment were obtained by averaged prey concentrations and a strong depletion of food was not observed during our selectivity experiment. ri =ni ai ¼ X m rj =nj ð6Þ j¼1 where ri is the frequency of prey i (mobile or immobile resource) in the diet of the IG prey and n i is the frequency of prey in the environment, divided by the sum of the relationships between the frequency of mobile and immobile resource in the diet and in the environment. Values of a were then used to calculate the electivity index E* (Eq. 7) according to Vanderploeg and Scavia (1979a, b).Values of E* range from 1 to 1. E* values of 0 indicate nonselective feeding, values . 0 indicate preference, values , 0 indicate discrimination against a prey type. E ¼ ai 1n ai þ 1n ð7Þ where n is the total number of prey types. Differences in growth, grazing parameters and selectivity between treatment and control replicates were tested for significance applying t-tests as described above (compare Exp. II). RESULTS Exp. I: General interaction patterns within the IGP system The first experiment was designed to investigate general growth and grazing patterns of both predators in single predator treatments, the grazing impact of the IG predator on the IG prey and finally to investigate if there is any kind of measurable interaction between IG predator and IG prey that affects population dynamics in the IGP system. Thus, we followed population development of the IG predator, the IG prey and their common resource in treatments with one predator and the resource, IG predator and IG prey only and treatments with both predator species and the resource present. 7 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO Fig. 2. General development of the IG prey Gyrodinium dominans and the IG predator Favella ehrenbergii as well as their joint prey resource Scrippsiella trochoidea [n mL1] in single predator (a, b, c) and combined predator treatments (d) during the time of incubation. Error bars correspond to one standard deviation, n ¼ 4. of 0.32 d1 during the three days of incubation and its growth rate continuously increased from 0.21 to 0.42 d1 (Fig. 3a). Its ingestion decreased from 0.91 to 0.45 cells predator1 d1 (mean 0.65 Single predator treatments.—In the single predator treatments both predators displayed positive growth rates throughout the experiment (Fig. 2a, b). The IG prey (Fig. 2a) grew at a mean rate v www.esajournals.org 8 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO Fig. 3. Growth rates [d1] (a: IG prey Gyrodinium dominans, statistics given in Tables 9 and 10; b: IG predator Favella ehrenbergii, statistics given in Tables 7 and 8) and (c) grazing rates [d1] of both predators preying on the resource Scrippsiella trochoidea in single predator and combined predator treatments after 24, 48 and 72 hours of incubation; calculated for 24 hour intervals (statistics given in Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6). Error bars correspond to one standard deviation, n ¼ 4. Significant differences between single predator treatments and combined predator treatment at each sampling point are marked by ‘‘*a,’’ differences between single predator treatments by ‘‘*b’’ (two-way ANOVAs and Tukey HSD post hoc tests). v www.esajournals.org 9 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO Table 1. Comparison of the growth rates of the IG predator and the IG prey in the single predator treatments. Results of the two-way ANOVA with time and treatment as main factors. Significant results given in boldface. Effect SS df MS F p Constant Treatment Time Treatment 3 Time Error 6.9396 1.2156 0.4144 0.0552 0.2101 1 1 2 2 18 6.9396 1.2156 0.2072 0.0276 0.0117 594.4657 104.1351 17.7479 2.3635 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.1226 Note: Abbreviations are: SS, sum of squares; df, degree of freedom; MS, mean squares; F, F value; p, p value. cells predator1 d1) during the experiment. With a mean grazing rate of 0.48 d1 (0.44–0.57 d1) the consumption rate of the IG prey roughly averaged the production rate of the resource (mean growth rate 0.45 d1) and the predator was not able to graze down its prey substantially during the experiment. At each sampling point the IG predator (Fig. 2b) had grown faster in the single predator treatments when compared to the IG prey (Fig. 3a, b, Tables 1 and 2). Mean growth rates of the tintinnid increased constantly from 0.54 to 0.98 d1 and were on average 0.77 d1. Ingestion rates dropped from 165 to 86 cells predator1 d1 and averaged 64 cells predator1 d1 during the course of the experiment. Within the first two days, similar to the IG prey, the grazing rates of IG predator hardly exceeded the growth rates of the resource (0.43 and 0.51 d1) and we found no difference between the grazing rates in both single predator treatments (Fig. 3c, Tables 3 and 4). During the last day of the experiment and as a result of the fast growth of the predator population, the grazing rate of IG predator increased to 2.55 d1 and led to a sharp decline in the prey population and a significantly higher grazing rate compared to the IG prey (Tables 3 and 4). Despite high initial ingestion rates the IG predator was not able to increase its growth rate in treatments with the IG prey as the sole prey for the IG predator as it had increased with the resource S. trochoidea (Fig. 2c). The IG predator displayed an average growth rate of 0.32 d1 which declined from 0.50 to 0.37 to 0.08 d1 during the experiment. The IG predator initially ingested 114 and 111 IG prey cells predator1 d1 on the second day but then ingestion dropped to 5 cells predator1 d1 (mean 69 cells predator1 d1). A mean grazing rate of 0.20 d1 of the IG predator on the IG prey was measured during the experiment. After a slight increase of the grazing rate after the second day (0.21 to 0.34 d1), it decreased to 0.04 d1 on the last day of the experiment although the IG prey was always available at high concentrations. Combined predator treatment.—While IG predator and IG prey in the single predator treatments initially consumed roughly only the daily production of the resource, a completely different picture was seen in the combined predator treatments (Figs. 2d, 3c): Although containing the same initial predator biomass, the resource biomass already decreased after 24 hours and was almost completely grazed down after 72 hours by the end of the experiment. Consequent- Table 2. Comparison of the growth rates of the IG predator and the IG prey in the single predator treatments. Results of the Tukey’s HSD (honestly significant difference) post hoc test (p-values). Significant results given in boldface. IG predator Treatment IG predator IG prey Time 24 48 72 24 48 72 h h h h h h IG prey 24 h 48 h 72 h 24 h 48 h 72 h ... 0.0840 0.0004 0.0049 0.0598 0.5933 ... 0.0964 0.0002 0.0003 0.0031 ... 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 ... 0.8237 0.1289 ... 0.6910 ... v www.esajournals.org 10 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO Table 3. Comparison of the grazing rates of the IG predator and the IG prey in the single predator treatments. Results of the two-way ANOVA with time and treatment as main factors. Significant results given in boldface. Effect SS df MS F p Constant Treatment Time Treatment 3 Time Error 0.9956 0.3220 0.6269 0.8275 0.0670 1 1 2 2 18 0.9956 0.3220 0.3134 0.4138 0.0037 267.6181 86.5425 84.2492 111.2169 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Note: Abbreviations are: SS, sum of squares; df, degree of freedom; MS, mean squares; F, F value; p, p value. Table 4. Comparison of the grazing rates of the IG predator and the IG prey in the single predator treatments. Results of the Tukey’s HSD (honestly significant difference) post hoc test (p-values). Significant results given in boldface. IG predator Treatment Time IG predator 24 48 72 24 48 72 IG prey h h h h h h IG prey 24 h 48 h 72 h 24 h 48 h 72 h ... 0.5320 0.0002 0.9993 0.1013 1.0000 ... 0.0002 0.7367 0.8823 0.6457 ... 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 ... 0.1869 1.0000 ... 0.1428 ... ly, significant differences due to the consistently higher grazing rates in the combined predator treatments were found compared to those measured in the single predator treatments at the same time (Fig. 3c, Tables 5 and 6). No difference in the growth rates was observed for the IG predator between the single and combined predator treatments when looking at individual sampling days (Fig. 3b, Tables 7 and 8). This was also reflected in the mean growth rate of 0.77 d1 over 72 hours of incubation in both cases. A completely different picture was observed in case of the IG prey. It always showed significantly different daily growth rates (Fig. 3a) in the combined predator treatments when compared to the single predator treatments (Tables 9 and 10). Even if predation of the IG predator on the IG prey was shown in treatments containing only both predators (Fig. 2c), growth rates of the IG prey (mean 0.58 and 0.66 d1) were twice as high in the combined predator treatments compared to the single predator treatments during the first 48 hours. During the last 24 hours of the experiment growth of IG prey dropped to a mean value of 0.01 d1 along with the complete disappearance of the resource (Fig. 3a). The higher growth rates of the IG prey when incubated in the IGP system with a shared resource and an IG predator were a first sign for an interaction between both predators. Thus, the subsequent experiments focused on the mechanisms behind these observed patterns. Table 5. Comparison of the grazing rates of the IG predator and the IG prey in the single predator treatments and the combined predator treatment. Results of the two-way ANOVA with time and treatment as main factors. Significant results given in boldface. Effect SS df MS F p Constant Treatment Time Treatment 3 Time Error 0.0578 1.3922 1.3307 1.1789 0.0809 1 2 2 4 24 0.0578 0.6961 0.6653 0.2947 0.0034 17.1431 206.3950 197.2713 87.3888 0.0004 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Note: Abbreviations are: SS, sum of squares; df, degree of freedom; MS, mean squares; F, F value; p, p value. v www.esajournals.org 11 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO Table 6. Comparison of the grazing rates of the IG predator and the IG prey in the single predator treatments and the combined predator treatment. Results of the Tukey’s HSD (honestly significant difference) post hoc test (pvalues). Significant results given in boldface. IG predator Treatment Time IG predator 24 48 72 24 48 72 24 48 72 IG prey Both predators h h h h h h h h h IG prey Both predators 24 h 48 h 72 h 24 h 48 h 72 h 24 h 48 h 72 h ... 0.6726 0.0002 1.0000 0.1255 1.0000 0.0462 0.0002 0.0002 ... 0.0002 0.8662 0.9622 0.7873 0.7845 0.0002 0.0002 ... 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.2835 0.0008 ... 0.2426 1.0000 0.0988 0.0002 0.0002 ... 0.1821 0.9999 0.0002 0.0002 ... 0.0706 0.0002 0.0002 ... 0.0002 0.0002 ... 0.0002 ... Table 7. Comparison of the growth rates of the IG predator in the single predator treatment and the combined predator treatment. Results of the two-way ANOVA with time and treatment as main factors. Significant results given in boldface. Effect SS df MS F p Constant Treatment Time Treatment 3 Time Error 13.9752 0.0000 0.3793 0.0797 0.3728 1 1 2 2 18 13.9752 0.0000 0.1897 0.0399 0.0207 674.8546 0.0001 9.1582 1.9251 0.0000 0.9919 0.0018 0.1747 Note: Abbreviations are: SS, sum of squares; df, degree of freedom; MS, mean squares; F, F value; p, p value. Table 8. Comparison of the growth rates of the IG predator in the single predator treatment and the combined predator treatment. Results of the Tukey’s HSD (honestly significant difference) post hoc test (p-values). Significant results given in boldface. IG predator Treatment Time IG predator 24 48 72 24 48 72 Both predators h h h h h h Both predators 24 h 48 h 72 h 24 h 48 h 72 h ... 0.2916 0.0048 0.6236 0.5583 0.0427 ... 0.3163 0.9890 0.9955 0.8857 ... 0.1154 0.1402 0.8919 ... 1.0000 0.5593 ... 0.6245 ... Table 9. Comparison of the growth rates of the IG prey in the single predator treatment and the combined predator treatment. Results of the two-way ANOVA with time and treatment as main factor. Significant results given in boldface. Effect SS df MS F p Constant Treatment Time Treatment 3 Time Error 3.2324 0.0708 0.3024 0.7874 0.2109 1 1 2 2 18 3.2324 0.0708 0.1512 0.3937 0.0117 275.9155 6.0463 12.9061 33.6077 0.0000 0.0243 0.0003 0.0000 Note: Abbreviations are: SS, sum of squares; df, degree of freedom; MS, mean squares; F, F value; p, p value. v www.esajournals.org 12 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO Table 10. Comparison of the growth rates of the IG prey in the single predator treatment and the combined predator treatment. Results of the Tukey’s HSD (honestly significant difference) post hoc test (p-values). Significant results given in boldface. IG prey Treatment IG prey Both predators Time 24 48 72 24 48 72 h h h h h h Both predators 24 h 48 h 72 h 24 h 48 h 72 h ... 0.8247 0.1300 0.0016 0.0003 0.1479 ... 0.6925 0.0198 0.0023 0.0137 ... 0.2944 0.0460 0.0007 ... 0.8970 0.0002 ... 0.0002 ... Fig. 4. (a) Percentage of the IG prey Gyrodinium dominans population containing food vacuoles in presence or absence (control) of the IG predator Favella ehrenbergii before and after incubation for 24 hours. (b) Percentage of the resource Scrippsiella trochoidea population being immobile in presence or absence (control) of the IG predator after incubation for 24 and 48 hours (statistics given in Tables 13 and 14). Error bars correspond to one standard deviation, n ¼ 4. Significant differences between treatments and the controls are marked by an asterisk (a: twotailed t-tests; b: two-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD post hoc test). v www.esajournals.org 13 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO Fig. 5. Swimming speed [lm s1] of the IG prey Gyrodinium dominans and the resource Scrippsiella trochoidea in the controls (both species present and IG predator absent) and in the treatments where the IG predator Favella ehrenbergii was present. Significant differences between the species are marked by an asterisk (two-tailed t-tests). significant effect on the ingestion by the IG prey as determined by the percentage of individuals containing food vacuoles after 24 hours of incubation (t ¼ 6.42, df ¼ 6, p , 0.001, two-tailed t-test; Fig. 4a). While the share of individuals containing food vacuoles increased only slightly from 12% 6 2% to 18% 6 1% in the absence of the IG predator, this proportion increased from 13% 6 2% to 46% 6 9% when the IG predator was present (ranges represent standard deviations). As we detected a mortality rate of approximately 0.22 d1 in the presence of the IG predator, indicating predation on the smaller IG prey, higher shares of food vacuole-containing cells could have resulted from selective predation of the IG predator on IG prey without vacuole contents. This would have artificially increased the share of vacuole-containing IG prey cells in the population. However, this hypothesis could be rejected as there were significantly higher total concentrations of vacuole-containing cells in treatments where the IG predator was present when compared to the controls (t ¼ 9.89, df ¼ 6, p , 0.0001, two-tailed t-test). Exp. II: ‘‘Enhanced IG prey feeding’’ experiment Our hypothesis was that the mechanism behind the previously observed higher growth of IG prey was an enhanced food uptake by the IG prey. Thus, we investigated if the presence of a different isolate of the IG predator also produced the observed positive effect in growth of IG prey and, consequently we also investigated food uptake. Due to the possibility of IGP (i.e., IG prey could also be prey items for IG predator), it was not possible to directly disentangle the individual predation impact of each predator species in our IGP model system. We therefore focused on the food vacuole content of the IG prey as a proxy for ingested prey by the predator (Fig. 4a). Furthermore, we accounted for swimming behavior and velocity of the resource and the IG prey when exposed directly to the IG predator. Our results showed no differences between the controls and treatments with the IG predator when looking at the swimming velocity of resource and IG prey (Fig. 5). There were also no detectable changes in swimming patterns. However, swimming velocity differed significantly between species (means of all treatments with and without IG predator: IG prey: 167 lm s1, resource: 361 lm s1, t ¼ 30.59, df ¼ 14, p , 0.0001, two-tailed t-test; Fig. 5). The presence of the IG predator had a strongly v www.esajournals.org Exp. III: Experiment on chemical stimulation and swimming behavior A possible mechanism behind the observed enhanced food uptake by the IG prey was stimulation by chemical compounds released by 14 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO Fig. 6. Growth rates [d1] and ingestion rates [prey cells predator1 d1] of the IG prey Gyrodinium dominans preying on Scrippsiella trochoidea after exposure for 24 hours to a filtrate of the IG predator Favella ehrenbergii (a) or to artificially immobilized prey (b). Error bars correspond to one standard deviation, n ¼ 4. Significant differences between treatments and the controls are marked by an asterisk (two-tailed t-tests). the IG predator. To test this, we exposed the IG prey for 24 hours to a filtrate of culture medium of exponentially growing IG predators in the presence of the resource. Furthermore, swimming velocity and behavior were monitored. The IG prey showed only a weak ingestion and no difference in ingestion rates when comparing the treatments that received filtrate (mean 0.06 prey cells predator1 d1) to the controls (mean 0.02 prey cells predator1 d1) (Fig. 6a) were found. Growth rates of IG prey in treatments with filtrate (mean: 0.04 d1) and in the controls (mean: 0.1 d1) were lower than those observed in the previous experiments without showing v www.esajournals.org any significant difference from each other (Fig. 6a). We found no visible differences in the swimming patterns of both species, when examining the paths of the cells after exposure to the filtrate for 24 hours. In addition, swimming velocity did not differ between treatments with and without filtrate of the IG predator. However, it differed again significantly between both species (means of all treatments with and without filtrate: IG prey: 177 lm s1, resource: 414 lm s1, t ¼ 30.58, df ¼ 14, p , 0.0001, two-tailed t-test). 15 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO Table 11. Comparison of the absolute amount of immobile resource cells in the treatment with the IG predator and the control without any predator. Results of the two-way ANOVA with time and treatment as main factor. Significant results given in boldface. Effect SS df MS F p Constant Treatment Time Treatment 3 Time Error 108455.2699 29905.5670 2256.2632 2843.2232 2670.7311 1 1 1 1 12 108455.2699 29905.5670 2256.2632 2843.2232 222.5609 487.3060 134.3703 10.1377 12.7750 0.0000 0.0000 0.0079 0.0038 Note: Abbreviations are: SS, sum of squares; df, degree of freedom; MS, mean squares; F, F value; p, p value. the total number of immobile cells and relative shares of the total number of cells when compared to the controls (Tables 11, 12, 13 and 14). We calculated a constant mean immobilization rate of 1.4 cells predator1 h1 for 24 as well as 48 hours. Overall 26% 6 3% of the cells caught by the tintinnid were rejected and immobilized during the experiment. Although using a different culture, mean ingestion rates of the IG predator were similar to the first experiment (after 24 hours: 102 cells predator1 d1; after 48 hours: 90 cells predator1 d1). Experiment on ingestion, growth and selective response of Gyrodinium dominans to artificially immobilized prey.—Here we tested the hypothesis that immobilized resource cells are easier to catch and preferred, thus leading to a higher ingestion of food by the IG prey (ranges in this paragraph represent standard deviations). The ultrasound treatment resulted in an immobilization of 57% 6 8% of the prey cells at the beginning of the experiment. After 24 hours, 22% 6 2% were still immobile. The shares of immobile prey in the controls were 7% 6 1% at the start and 3% 6 1% after 24 hours, respectively. We measured a mean ingestion rate of the IG prey of only 0.02 prey cells predator1 d1 in the controls and this differed significantly by a factor Exp. IV: Experiments on the precondition of the resource S. trochoidea We recorded that the swimming speed of the resource was more than twice as high as of the IG prey. Furthermore, our observation showed the immobilization of resource cells after catch, ‘‘manipulation’’ and rejection by the IG predator. These two observations led to the hypothesis that the IG predator promotes the IG prey by providing prey, which is easier to catch for the smaller predator. The experiments on the precondition of the resource focused on this hypothesis. Determination of prey immobilization by Favella ehrenbergii.—Here, we directly investigated the prey immobilization process by the IG predator and determined the number of cells immobilized by the IG predator (ranges in this paragraph represent standard deviations). During the time of incubation the amount of immobile cells in the control treatments was 3% 6 1% after 24 hours and 8% 6 2% after 48 hours, i.e., always below 10% of the population. However, in the presence of the IG predator this proportion was 24% 6 1% and 26% 6 2%, respectively (Fig. 4b). The amount of immobile prey cells in the presence of the tintinnid was always significantly higher both with regard to Table 12. Comparison of the absolute amount of immobile resource cells in the treatment with the IG predator and the control without any predator. Results of the Tukey’s HSD (honestly significant difference) post hoc test (p-values). Significant results given in boldface. þ IG predator Control Treatment Control þ IG predator Time 24 48 24 48 h h h h v www.esajournals.org 24 h 48 h 24 h 48 h ... 0.0023 0.0002 0.0002 ... 0.0005 0.0007 ... 0.9923 ... 16 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO Table 13. Comparison of the relative amount of immobile resource cells in the treatment with the IG predator and the control without any predator. Results of the two-way ANOVA with time and treatment as main factor. Significant results given in boldface. Effect SS df MS F p Constant Treatment Time Treatment 3 Time Error 3578.8336 1511.4716 52.8575 12.8038 35.1692 1 1 1 1 12 3578.8336 1511.4716 52.8575 12.8038 2.9308 1221.1264 515.7261 18.0354 4.3688 0.0000 0.0000 0.0011 0.0586 Note: Abbreviations are: SS, sum of squares; df, degree of freedom; MS, mean squares; F, F value; p, p value. of 20 from the immobilized prey treatment (t ¼ 5.85, df ¼ 6, p , 0.01, two-tailed t-tests), where we found an ingestion rate of 0.40 prey cells predator1 d1 (Fig. 6b). This was also reflected in the comparison of the percentage of IG prey containing food vacuoles (t ¼ 19.80, df ¼ 6, p , 0.0001, two-tailed t-test). Whereas only 15% 6 2% of the predator population contained visible food vacuoles in the controls, 42% 6 2% of the predator cells contained vacuoles when offered artificially immobilized prey. The growth rates of IG prey reflected the same pattern. While we measured low growth rates in the control treatments (mean: 0.10 d1), we detected significantly higher growth rates of the IG prey preying on immobilized prey after 24 hours (mean: 0.26 d1, t ¼ 4.17, df ¼ 6, p , 0.01, twotailed t-test) (Fig. 6b). Overall the findings were similar to the results found in the previous experiments when the IG predator was directly present. The finding of higher ingestion and increased growth of the IG prey when fed on immobile prey was supported by prey selectivity. Selectivity patterns for mobile and immobile prey were significantly different (t ¼ 6.33, df ¼ 6, p , 0.001, two-tailed t-test). IG prey selected for immobile resource cells (E*: 0.20 6 0.06) and strongly avoided mobile prey cells (E*: 0.34 6 0.16). DISCUSSION Interactions between IG predator and IG prey We investigated the interactions between two naturally competing MZP predator species in a natural three species microbial IGP system. We were able to show that (1) the presence of the IG predator enhanced ingestion and consequently population growth in the smaller IG prey, (2) conversely, there was no effect of the IG prey on the IG predator, (3) neither chemical nor mechanical signaling by the IG predator had an effect on the IG prey, (4) the enhancement of growth was caused by pre-conditioning of the food for the IG prey via immobilization by the IG predator. We conclude that this interaction may contribute to the likelihood of coexistence of these three species. Admittedly, our experiments contained only one shared prey resource, whereas in the field there may be more prey organisms available which would enable the switching to alternative prey, weaken the competition and thus further strengthen the possibility of coexistence of both predators (Holt and Huxel 2007). Furthermore, the duration of the experiments was relatively short and the experiments were conducted as small volume batch experiments. Under these conditions it is not possible to investigate longer-term coexistence behavior of Table 14. Comparison of the relative amount of immobile resource cells in the treatment with the IG predator and the control without any predator. Results of the Tukey’s HSD (honestly significant difference) post hoc test (pvalues). Significant results given in boldface. þ IG predator Control Treatment Control þ IG predator Time 24 48 24 48 h h h h v www.esajournals.org 24 h 48 h 24 h 48 h ... 0.0037 0.0002 0.0002 ... 0.0002 0.0002 ... 0.4538 ... 17 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO the IGP model system. Theoretical considerations linked to our experiments (Shchekinova et al. 2014a, b) indicated that the region of coexistence is increased as a result of the observed IGP interactions, something that should be tested in long-term chemostat experiments (Hiltunen et al. 2013). show between-species exchange of digestive enzymes e.g., via feeding on fecal pellets of competitors (Brendelberger 1997, Aberle et al. 2005), such benefits from ‘‘pre-conditioned prey’’ have been reported for dinoflagellates before (Poulsen and Iversen 2008). The IG prey selected strongly for immobilized dinoflagellates in our experiments even if mobile prey was available in the same concentration (Fig. 7). This is most probably related to the feeding habit of the IG prey, G. dominans. This species always shows a distinct pre-capture swimming behavior surrounding the prey before capture and ingestion (Hansen 1992). Keeping in mind that the prey organism S. trochoidea is more than twice as fast as the IG prey G. dominans such a behavior makes it clear that immobile prey cells are more easily captured by the IG prey despite the lower encounter rates compared to swimming prey (Gerritsen and Strickler 1977). This was also confirmed by our observations where G. dominans IG prey cultures grew best on old S. trochoidea resource batch cultures that started to form immobile cysts. The mechanism that drives the interaction There are different possible explanations for the observed immobilization of the resource S. trochoidea by the tintinnid IG predator during feeding. One explanation could be a continued capturing of prey by the IG predator after food satiation leading to a release of the captured and immobilized prey. However, Stoecker et al. (1995) reported that Favella ehrenbergii stops feeding until ingested material is digested and/ or egested. A very likely explanation of the rejection is related to the size of the prey. Tintinnids are able to ingest particles up to 41– 45% of the oral diameter of their lorica (Spittler 1973, Heinbokel 1978). It is thus possible that the rejected cells were generally too large to be ingested and were rendered immobile after damage of their flagellar apparatus. However, a direct link between the relatively high immobilization rates by the tintinnid and extraordinarily large cells of S. trochoidea is unlikely as such cells occurred only sporadically in our experiments. However, S. trochoidea has an ovoid shape which implies that cells have a ‘‘long’’ side (longitudinal axis) and a ‘‘short’’ side (transversal axis). The longitudinal length of S. trochoidea was close to the oral size restriction (Spittler 1973, Heinbokel 1978) of F. ehrenbergii in our experiments. If the predator encountered its prey in longitudinal orientation ingestion was not possible simply because the cells were too big. And if the predator was not able to turn the cell around using its oral cilia the consequence had to be rejection. The manipulation with the oral cilia certainly also leads to the damage of the flagella of the prey dinoflagellate. Our video observation suggests such a behavior by the IG predator F. ehrenbergii resulting in the immobilization of prey after catch and release (compare video in the Appendix). Categorization of the interaction: IGP relationship with a commensalistic element Our findings add another element to other studies which found no differences in growth rates for a dinoflagellate and its potential ciliate predator competing for the same prey when combined and single predator treatments were compared (Jakobsen and Hansen 1997) or where IGP between IG predator and IG prey favored their common resource (Stoecker and Evans 1985). In our experiments both predators also competed for the same prey organism but the IG prey was directly supported by the prey-immobilizing ‘feeding’ behavior of the IG predator. Commensal interactions are characterized by an immediate gain for one partner in the commensalistic relationship whereas the other partner is neither harmed nor benefited (Begon et al. 2006). We showed that the immobilization of autotrophic prey by the tintinnid IG predator facilitates ingestion of the dinoflagellate IG prey (Fig. 7). This happened without apparent positive or negative effects for the IG predator. Their interaction is thus unidirectional facilitative and can therefore be categorized as a competitive predator relationship with a commensalistic ‘‘Immobile benefits’’ for the IG prey Similar to benthic grazers which are known to v www.esajournals.org 18 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO Fig. 7. Conceptual scheme according to the results of this study showing the commensalistic IGP relationship of the species Favella ehrenbergii (IG predator) and Gyrodinium dominans (IG prey) preying on Scrippsiella trochoidea (resource). Black arrows indicate the direction of predation, the thickness of the arrows indicates a preference for a prey type (IG prey). The red arrow represents the immobilization process of Scrippsiella trochoidea by Favella ehrenbergii as basis for the commensalistic relationship of IG predator and IG prey. element. commensalism. This could result in a faster growth of MZP predator biomass and thus an increased grazing impact with potential consequences for phytoplankton standing stock. Thus, increased predator biomass could strengthen the microbial loop. A stronger microbial loop could on the one hand reduce the efficiency of channeling carbon to the classical food chain (Pomeroy et al. 2007), however, on the other hand it makes carbon available to higher trophic levels that might have been lost otherwise (Franze and Modigh 2013). It is important to keep in mind, however, that in the field there are many more prey organisms available which would enable the switching to alternative prey and thus potentially weaken the effects of a commensalistic IGP relationship. Hence, the importance of commensalistic patterns between MZP predators in the field and especially during the wax and wane of blooms Potential implications of the findings MZP is known to play an important ecological role regarding the decline and disappearance of phytoplankton blooms (Nakamura et al. 1995a, b) and the subsequent transport of energy to higher trophic levels (Tang and Taal 2005, Gentsch et al. 2009, Montagnes et al. 2010). The MZP predators we investigated co-occur in the field, especially when autotrophic dinoflagellate prey is abundant (Buskey and Stoecker 1989, Nakamura et al. 1995b). This has also been observed at Helgoland Roads during a late summer bloom of the resource S. trochoidea M. G. J. Lo¨der, personal observation). When extrapolating our results to the field, the observed facilitative pattern of immobilization of prey could support higher ingestion rates in the IG prey and could also potentially benefit other MZP predators via v www.esajournals.org 19 October 2014 v Volume 5(10) v Article 128 ¨ DER ET AL. LO needs to be investigated further as it adds a new aspect to the intricate interactions between phytoplankton and its predators. the presence of the IG predator opened up an opportunity for the IG prey despite IGP. The promotion of the IG prey due to pre-conditioned prey was of such magnitude that its apparent growth rate was double the growth rate of the IG prey in the experiments without the IG predator. Thus, the presence of the IG predator allowed the IG prey to do better, which would improve the chances of coexistence of both predators in this system. In fact, Shchekinova et al. (2014a, b) modelled the interactions described above and clearly showed the stabilizing effect of prey immobilization for an IGP system. Permanent coexistence in the IGP system becomes more likely as a result of this commensalistic relationship (Shchekinova et al. 2014a, b). Clearly, the next step investigating the stability in this IGP system experimentally would be long-term chemostat experiments (Hiltunen et al. 2013), to investigate whether long-term coexistence is indeed possible. Potential coexistence of IG predator and IG prey Although previous research focused on the destabilizing effects of IGP there is growing evidence for mutualistic interactions in various IGP systems, which help to explain seemingly paradoxical coexistence patterns under strong competitive conditions (Crowley and Cox 2011, Assaneo et al. 2013). Thus, the question arises whether these interactions affect the probabilities of coexistence between competing MZP predator species. Several assumptions need to be considered when discussing the coexistence of IG predator and IG prey (Diehl and Feissel 2000) with their communal prey in a three species system. According to Diehl and Feissel (2001) the most crucial one is that the IG prey must be the superior competitor for the resource. This means it should be able to persist at lower levels of resource than the IG predator when grown alone, because with increasing resource availability in an IGP system the IG prey will be driven to extinction by the boosted IG predator population. This requirement can be elucidated by the comparison of a three species linear food chain with a three species IGP system: while with increasing resource availability in the linear food chain relationship the top predator biomass increases and the intermediate predator biomass stays constant—in the IGP system, where IG prey and IG predator compete, an increasing resource availability boosts the omnivorous IG predator and therefore also its predation pressure on the IG prey. Thus, the predation pressure on the intermediate predator is always higher in an IGP system (Diehl and Feissel 2001; for more details please refer to this study). We have shown that it is unlikely that the IG prey G. dominans is the superior competitor for the resource when compared to the IG predator F. ehrenbergii, especially in terms of its low growth rates. The fact that the IG predator could drive the resource to extinction, whereas the IG prey could not (compare Fig. 2a, b) illustrates this. We, thus, would not expect a long-term stable coexistence to be possible from what we observed in the single predator treatments. Considering the combined predator treatments, v www.esajournals.org Conclusion and outlook Our experiments showed that the IG predator F. ehrenbergii can have a facilitative relationship with its IG prey G. dominans which leads to enhanced ingestion and growth in the IG prey. The promotion of the IG prey was caused by immobilization of prey by the IG predator and the interaction between the IG predator and IG prey can thus be categorized as a competitive predator relationship with a commensalistic element. 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