Complete list of publications

Balamuralidhar P
Principal Scientist & Head, TCS Innovation Labs, Bangalore.
Conferences & Journals
1. Balamuralidar P, Prateep Misra and Arpan Pal, “Software Platforms for Internet of Things and
M2M”, Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Vol 93:3, Jul-Sep 2013 (
2. Arijit Chowdhury , Tapas Chakravarty, Balamuralidhar P, “Scoring mechanism and journey quality
detection based on statistical property of vehicle accelerometer data”, COMNET-IoT 2014
Workshop, in conjunction with ICDCN 2014, Jan 2014
3. Soma Bandyopadhyay, P.Balamuralidhar, Arpan pal, “Interoperation Among IoT Standards”,
Special Issue on GISFI Standardisation Activities, Journal of ICT Standardisation, River Publishers,
ISSN:2245-800X, Nov 2013
4. A Sivabalan, M.A.Rajan. Balamuralidhar P, “Towards a Light Weight Internet of Things Platform
Architecture”, Special Issue on GISFI Standardisation Activities, Journal of ICT Standardisation,
River Publishers, ISSN:2245-800X,Nov 2013
5. Balamuralidhar P, “An Approach Using Qualitative Probabilistic Networks for Knowledge Modeling
in Cognitive Wireless Networks”, Wireless Vitae – 2013, Atlantic City, USA
6. Balamuralidhar P, “Exploring Qualitative Probabilistic Networks for Knowledge Modeling in
Cognitive Wireless Networks”, IWCMC-2013
7. Adiga B.S, Rajan M.A, , Balamauralidhar P, Shivaraj V L,“Light Weight IBE Scheme for Wireless
Sensor Nodes”, ANTS-2013
8. Rahul Sinha, Balamuralidhar P ,Rajeev Moreshwar Bhujade, “An Upper Audio Band based Low Data
Rate Communication modem” - International conference on Signal processing and communication
systems ICSPCS, Australia, 2012
9. Krishnan Srinivasarengan, Syed Mohd Arif Bilal , Tapas Chakravarty, Balamuralidhar P, “A modelbased approach to monitor complex road-vehicle interactions through first principles”, - Int. Conf
on Mathematical & Physical Science (IC-MSQUARE), Budapest, April 2012
10. Rahul Sinha, Balamuralidhar P , Rajeev Moreshwar Bhujade , “Software defined radio based on the
upper audio band for low data rate communications over short distances”, Washington DC Dec
11. Krishnan Srinivasarengan, Syed Mohd Arif Bilal, Arpan Pal, Balamuralidhar P, “A Smart Transport
Application of Cyber-Physical Systems: Road Surface Monitoring with mobile devices” –IEEE Int.
Conf. on Sensing Technology - Kolkata, 2012
12. Ajay Mittal, Bhushan J, Srinivasan Jayaraman, Balamuralidhar P, “mKrishi Wireless sensor network
platform for Precision Agriculture “– ICST-2012,Kolkata
13. Hrishikesh Sharma, Balamuralidhar P, “A Transmission Scheme for Robust Delivery of
Urgent/Critical Data in Internet of Things”, , ACM/IEEE Fifth International Conference on
Communication Systems and Networks, Bangalore , 2012
14. Balamuralidhar P, Rajan M.A., Hemant Rath, “Robust and Efficient Sensing using SelfConfiguration, 14th International conference on distributed computing and Networking-SUMO,
Mumbai 2012
15. Barakuru Suryanarayana Adiga, Balamuralidhar P, Rajan M.A., Ravishankar Shastry, Shivraj V.L,
“An Identity based Encryption using Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Secure M2M Communication”,
, SECURIT2012. - Amritapuri, India
16. Balamuralidhar P, Rajan M.A, “Signed Graph based Approach for On-line Optimization in Cognitive
Networks”, Proceedings, COMSNETS-2011, Third International conference on Communication
Systems and Networks, 4-8 January 2011, Bangalore India
17. Balamuralidhar P, Ramjee Prasad, “Self-Configuration and Optimization for Cognitive Networked
Devices”, Springer Journal on Wireless Personal Communications, 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-0110240-8
18. Rajarajan S,Aravind KG, Girish Chandra, Balamuralidhar, "QoS-enabled Group Communication in
Integrated VANET-LTE Heterogeneous Wireless Networks", IEEE International Conference WiMob2011, China
19. Hemant Rath, Rajan MA, Balamuralidhar P ,"Monotonic Signed Graph Approach for Cross-layer
Congestion Control in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks", 6th IEEE International Workshop on
Heterogeneous, Multi-Hop, Wireless and Mobile Networks (IEEE GLOBECOM-2011 Workshop HeterWMN)
20. Balamuralidhar P, Ramjee Prasad, “A context driven architecture for cognitive radio nodes”,
International Journal of Wireless Personal Communications (Springer), Vol. 45 (3), May 2008, pp
21. Balamuralidhar P, Ramjee Prasad, “ A Radio Compliance Monitor Architecture for Enabling
Regulatory Certification for Cognitive Radios” , WPMC06 , San Diego, U.S.A. from September 17 to
20, 2006
22. Balamuralidhar P, Ramjee Prasad, “A Programming Paradigm for Cognitive Radios”, International
Conference on Wireless Personal Multimedia Systems (WPMC07), Jaipur, Dec 4-6, 2007.
23. Hrishikesh Sharma, Balamuralidhar P, “A Context Interpretation framework for Cognitive Network
devices”, International Conference on Software Defined Radios, SDRF, Denver, USA, Dec 2007
24. Hrishikesh Sharma, Balamuralidhar P, “A Context Interpretation Framework for Cognitive
Networks”, WWRF – 19 conference, 5-7 Nov 2007, Chennai, India
25. P.T.V.Bhuvaneswari, Balakumar, Vaidehi V. and P.Balamurali, “Solar Energy Harvesting for
Wireless Sensor Networks”, in proceeding of IEEE Computer Society “First International
Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication System and Networks”, Indore, India,
23-25 July, 2009.
26. R.Bharghavi and Dr.V.Vaidehi, P.T.V.Bhuvaneswari, Balamuralidhar and GrisihChandra, "Complex
Event Processing for Object Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks", in International workshop on
Optimization-based Data Mining and Web Intelligence (ODMWI) IEEE, WI-IAT 2010, Workshops
proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Press, Aug31-Sept3, 2010, Toronto, Canada.
27. R.Bhargavi, V.Vaidehi, P.T.V.Bhuvaneshwari, ,P. Balamuralidhar and M. Grish Chandra “Complex
Event Processing for Object Tracking and Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks”,
International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2010) organized by
Nanyang Technological University & CSS & IEEE in Singapore.
28. M.Poorani, V.Vaidehi, M.Rajesh, Bharghavi ,Balamuralidhar and Dr.Grish Chandra, “Semantic
Intruder Detection System in WSN” International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC),
MIT , Anna University, December 2010
29. P.S.Subramanian, Balamuralidhar P, “Intensional description of autonomic use cases”, ”, ICT ’06,
11-12 May 2006, Funchal, Portugal
30. Jaydip Sen, P. Balamuralidhar, M. Girish Chandra, Harihara S.G., and Harish Reddy, “Context Aware
End-to-End Connectivity Management”, In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
Embedded Systems, Mobile Communications and Computing (ICEMCC’07), August 3-5, 2007,
Bangalore, India, pp. 85- 95, ISSSN: 0973-208X
31. Dominique Noguet (CEA/LETI), Balamuralidhar P (TCS), Narasimhachar Sortur(TCS),, "An MCSS platform for short-range communications in the Personal Network context" EURASIP Journal on
Wireless Communications and Networking
32. Jaydip Sen, M. Girish Chandra, P. Balamuralidhar, Harihara S.G., and Harish Reddy, “A Scheme of
Certificate Authority for Ad Hoc Networks”. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Mobile
Information Systems (WMIS’07) held in conjunction with the 18th International Conference on
Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA’07) in Rosenberg Germany during September 57 2007 pp: 615-619.
33. Jaydip Sen, M. Girish Chandra, Harihara S.G., Harish Reddy, and P. Balamuralidhar, “A Mechanism
for Detection of Gray Hole Attack in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Proceedings of the 6th International
Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS ’07) held in Singapore
during 10-13th December 2007, Paper ID: 0458, Track: Th2.5- Network Security. Volume Editors:
Wen-De-Zhong and Guoan BI. IEEE Catalog Number: 07EX1685C, ISBN: 1-4244-0983-7, Library of
Congress: 2007920363.
34. Harish Reddy, M. Girish Chandra, Harihara S.G, Balamuralidhar. P,Jaydip Sen, Deepika Arora,
“WLAN- Based Local Positioning using Distorted Template”, In Proceedings of the 7th International
Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT ’07), Sydney, Australia,
October 16-19, 2007, pp. 1043-1048.ISBN:978–1–4244–0977–8.
35. Harihara S.G, M.Girish Chandra, Venkataratnam.N, D.N.Pramod, Balamuralidhar. P, B.S. Adiga
,Ravindra.P, “A Novel Architecture for the LDPC Decoder for WiMAX”, WPMC’07,DEC’07.
36. Balaji Janakiram, M.Girish Chandra, Harihara S.G, B.S. Adiga and Balamuralidhar P, “On the Usage
of Projective Geometry Based LDPC Codes for Wireless Applications”, ICICS 2009, Singapore
37. K. P. Chetan, T. Chakravarty, J. Prabha, M. G. Chandra, P. Balamuralidhar, “Polarization diversity
improves RSSI based estimation for wireless sensor networks”, Int. Conf. IEEE-AEMC, 2009
38. D. Shankar, T. Chakravarty, P. Balamuralidhar, “A parametric study of gap-coupled semi-circular
microstrip patches for increasing bandwidth”, Int. Conf. ISMOT, Dec 2009
39. Aravind K. G., T. Chakravarty, M. G. Chandra, P. Balamuralidhar, “On the architecture of vehicle
tracking system using wireless sensor devices” Int. Conf. ICUMT, 2009
40. Balaji Janakiram, M. Girish Chandra, B.S. Adiga, Harihara S.G. and Balamuralidar , "A Generic
Conflict-Free Architecture for Decoding LDPC codes using Perfect Difference Networks.“,
Australian Communication Theory Workshop - 2010.(AusCTW 2010)
41. Harihara S.G., Balaji Janakiram, M. Girish Chandra, Arvind K.G, Swanand Kadhe, Balamuralidar P
"SpreadStore: A LDPC Erasure Coding Scheme for Distributed Storage Systems." , and B.S. Adiga ,
International Conference on Distributed Storage and Data Engineering 2010. (DSDE 2010)
42. Harihara S.G, M.Girish Chandra, B.S. Adiga, D.N.Pramod, Balamuralidhar. P, “A Proposal for the
LDPC Decoder Architecture for DVBS-2”, NCC2006, New Delhi, Jan 2006
43. Harish Reddy, M. Girish Chandra, Balamuralidhar. P, Harihara S.G, Kaushik Bhattacharya, “An
Improved Time of Arrival Estimation for WLAN Based Local Positioning”, COMMSWARE 2006,
Bangalore, Aug 2006
44. Ravindra.P, Harihara S.G, M. Girish Chandra, Balamuralidhar. P “Some results on the performance
of compensated Min-Sum algorithm for short length Irregular LDPC codes”, , IEEE ICSIP 2006,
Hubli, Dec. 2006
45. A. Saxena and Balamuralidhar P, “A Unified Link Layer Architecture: Security Considerations”, IST
summit 2006, Mycanos, Greece
46. “A Distributed Protocol for Detection of Packet Dropping Attack in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”,
Jaydip Sen, M. Girish Chandra, P. Balamuralidhar, Harihara S.G., and Harish Reddy, IEEE
International Conference on Telecommunications and Malaysian International Conference on
Communications (ICT-MICC’07), May 14-17, Penang, Malaysia, 2007
47. Jaydip Sen, M. Girish Chandra, Harish Reddy, Harihara S.G., P. Balamuralidhar, “A Secure Routing
Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Conference on Sensors and Related
Networks (SENNET ’07) , Vellore, India, 12-14 December 2007.
48. Balamuralidhar.P, Hokyu Choi, Mirko Presser, Klaus Strohmenger, “MC-CDMA in Personal Area
Networks – A Combined PHY and MAC Approach”, Karsten Schoo, , MAGNET Workshop,
Shanghai, China, 2004
49. Balamuralidhar, T. E. Dodgson, D. Noguet, H. Reddy “Scalable to adaptable transceivers for
Personal Area Networks”, MAGNET Workshop Shangai Nov. 2004
50. Balamuralidhar P, Noguet Dominique, Fanny Platbrood, John F M Gerrits, "Architetcural
Considerations for Integrated PAN Platform for Implementing PN in MAGNET", WPMC 2005,
Aalborg, Denmark, September, 2005, Conference proceedings
51. Balamuralidhar P, Nikhil mathur, Gurpreet Singh, "Integration of WPAN with WLAN for Multimode
Reconfigurable Devices", WPMC 2005, Aalborg, Denmark, September, 2005, Conference
52. Karsten Schoo, Hokyu Choi, Mohammad Sadegh Fazel , DirkDahlhaus, Carlo Mutti, Mauro de
Sanctis, P. Balamuralidhar", MC-SS for Personal Area Networks, A combined PHY and MAC
approach", IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit 2005, Dresden
53. Anshuman Saxena, Balamuralidhar P, “A unified Link Layer Architecture: security considerations”,
IST Summit 2006, Mycanos, Greece
Some of the Publications Co-authored before Year 2000
54. Signal Processing System for Indian MST Radar, Fourth Workshop on technical and scientific
aspects of MST Radar, Kyoto, Japan, Nov.'89
55. Computer Simulation of coherent pulse compression Radar for atmospheric studies, 3rd Asia Pacific
Microwave Conference, Tokyo, Japan, Sept '90.
56. Effect of Signal path distortions on the decoding performance in a pulse compression Radar
system, Radio Science, Vol.25, No.5, pp 1095-1100, UK, Sept-Oct '90
57. Software System Design for Real-time data processing system as applied atmospheric doppler
Radars, International Symposium on Optical Remote sensing of atmospheric environment, NPL,
NewDelhi, Oct '90.
58. Preprocessor system for Indian MST Radar, Proceedings of 5th workshop in technical and scientific
aspects of MST Radar, Aberystwyth, UK, Aug '91.
59. On-line simulation scheme in Indian MST Radar, Proceedings of 5th workshop in technical and
scientific aspects of MST Radar, Aberystwyth, UK, Aug '91.
60. Signal Processing and control system for Indian MST Radar, Proceedings of 5th workshop in
technical and scientific aspects of MST Radar, Aberystwyth, UK, Aug '91.
61. Preliminary observation using ST mode of Indian MST Radar, Detection Signature of Tropopause,
Middle atmospheric symposium, radio&Atmospheric science Centre, Kyoto university, Japan,
March 21-23, '92.
62. Preliminary observation using ST mode of Indian MST Radar:Detection Signature of Tropopause
,National Space Science Symposium, PRL, Mar 11-14, '92
63. Preliminary results using Indian MST Radar: Measurement of Vertical velocity, Indian Journal of
Radio & Space Physics, Vol.22, April '93, pp 97-102.
64. Extraction of High quality eind profiles from noisy spectral data of wind profilers, 2nd COST-74
Wind Profiler Workshop, 3-7 May '93, Wiesbaden, Germany.
65. Study of the effects of EMI/EMC on MST Radar Spectral data, 2nd COST-74 Wind Profiler
Workshop, 3-7 May '93, Wiesbaden, Germany.
66. Study of aspect sensitivity of ST Radar, 2nd COST-74 Wind Profiler Workshop, 3-7 May '93,
Wiesbaden, Germany.
67. Measurement of Horizontal winds using ST mode of Indian MST Radar: Intercomparison with
balloon measurements, Middle Atmospheric Workshop, Taiwan, June '93.
68. High-resolution measurements of horizontal winds using ST mode of the Indian MST Radar: A
comparison with balloon measurements, Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics, Vol.23, Feb '94,
pp 41-51.
69. Preliminary observations using ST mode of Indian MST Radar: detection of the signature of the
tropopause, Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol.56, No.9, pp 1157-1162, '94.
70. Signal processing scheme for a subsurface radar to detect water logging in coal mines, APSYMCUSAT, Cochin University, '94.
71. Sensitivity of subsurface radar range to material conductivity, APSYM-CUSAT, Cochin University,
Book Chapters
1. Balamuralidhar P, PrateepMisra“Internet of Things”, Chapter for the Book on “ Future Trends and
Challenges for ICT Standardisation”, GISFI, Published by River Publications, Feb 2010
2. Tapas Chakravarty, Balamuralidhar P, “UHF RFID Reader Antenna”, Book chapter in “Chipless and
Conventional Radio Frequency Identification: System for Ubiquitous Tagging”, IGI-Global, (Ed. N.C.
Karmakar, Monash University, Australia), DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1616-5
3. Dominique Noguet, Balamuralidhar P,, “Link Level Prototypes”, Book Chapter for “My
personal adaptive Global NET (MAGNET)
Invited Talks
1. “Computing Machines That Can Fly”, ICDCN 2014, Amrita Vishwavidyapeetham Campus,
Coimbatore, Jan 2014
2. Panelist in “Technologies for Smart Home”- IEEE ISGT-2013, Nov 2013
3. Moderated a Panel Discussion on “Is Internet of Things heading towards downhill on its Hype
Cycle?”, ComNet-IoT 2014 Workshop (in conjunction with ICDCN-2014), Amrita
Vishwavidyapeetham Campus, Coimbatore, Jan 2014
4. Moderated a Panel Discussion on “Hide your Smart Phone, Big Brothers are Watching”, MobiHoc2013
5. “Intelligent Systems of Things”, ACM National Conference on Intelligent Computing”, PSG College
of Technology, Coimbatore, April , 2013
6. Intelligent Sensing, Symposium on Cyber Physical Systems, IEEE Control Systems Society, IISc
Bangalore, 3rd Nov 2012
7. “CPS for Intelligent Infrastructure”, Bosch Center for Cyber Physical Systems, IISc Bangalore, 8th
Nov, 2012
“Making Sense of Intelligent Infrastructure”, International Conference on Intelligent Infrastructure,
CSI-2012, Kolkata, 1st Dec 2012
“M2M opportunity for Carrier Cloud Services”, ANTS-2012, 18th Dec 2012, Bangalore
10. “Innovation in Emerging Countries”, CISCO-iExpo 2012, 12th Sep 2012, Bangalore
11. “Innovations India”, Panel Discussion, Emtech 2012, Bangalore, March 2012
12. “ Ubiquitous Sensing”, International Congress u-World , Invited talk Oct 23-25th, Dalian, China.
13. 'Network Virtualization, 'ANTS-2011, International Conference, Bangalore, Panel Discussion
14. ICoAC-2011, International Conference on Advanced Computing, Chennai, Inaugural address and
keynote on "Ubiquitous Sensing"
15. "Connecting Physical World to Internet", Key note , ICRTIT-2011, Chennai
16. “Self Configuration in Cognitive Networks and Systems”, CTIF Annual workshop on Cognitive
Networks”, Aalborg University, Denmark, May 2010
17. “Connecting Real world to Internet”, MidSense 2010, Bangalore
18. Wireless Sensor Networks for Networked warfare”, CEP Workshop on Technologies for Network
Centric Operations, CAIR, Bangalore
19. “Advanced Research Topics in Wireless Communications”, Sethu Institute of Technology, Madurai,
April 2009
20. Devices and Systems for Personal Health Monitoring-Some experiences, Workshop on mHealth at
IISc, Bangalore, 28th April 2009
21. Keynote Address, International Workshop on Content Based Image Retrieval and Fusion (CBIRF),
Chennai, 2009
22. “Internet of Things”, GISFI Inaugural Workshop, Singhad Institute, Pune, 30th May,2009
23. “Driving Connected”, Conference on Automotive R&D trends 2015, 23rd Oct 09, Chennai
24. “Context Driven methodologies for Cognitive Radios and Networks”, CTIF Annual Workshop on
Cognitive Radios, Aalborg University, Denmark, May 2007
25. “Intelligent Transport Systems”, Workshop on " Indian Technologies in Automotive Sector :
Successes and New Opportunities" in co-ordination with INAE( Indian National Academy of
Engineers), New Delhi, 21st-22nd August, 2008.
26. “ Virtual Instrumentation and emerging technologies”, Inaugurated one-day workshop on “Virtual
Instrumentation” by NI and MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore, 18th Nov. 2008
27. Experiences with European FP6 Consortium Projects”, Euro India Workshop, IIT Delhi, Sep 2007
28. “Cross Layer Issues for Personal Networks”, Euro-India Workshop on Next generation Wireless
Communications, Nov 6&7 2006, Kolkata, India
29. “Reconfiguration Management and Control Architecture-Reconfiguration Management Plane”,
Euro-India Workshop on Next generation Wireless Communications, Nov 6,7 2006, Kolkata, India
30. “Autonomic Capabilities for Next Generation Wireless Networks”, 5th Jan 2007, AMOC 2007,
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
31. “Experiences from European FP6 consortium projects – MAGNET and E2R”, EuroIndia ICT Research
Collaboration Workshop - University of Hyderabad, 24 Jan, 2007