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For new advisors: A 5 Minute Guide to SRI
RIA Conference May 2014
Kim Buitenhuis, SVP Product & Marketing, NEI Investments
Advisor Infographic
Great products!
Balanced Funds
NEI Ethical Balanced Fund
Equity Funds
NEI Ethical Canadian Equity Fund
NEI Ethical Special Equity Fund
NEI Ethical American Multi‐Strategy Fund
NEI Ethical Global Dividend Fund
NEI Ethical Global Equity Fund
NEI Ethical International Equity Fund
Select Portfolios
NEI Ethical Select Income Portfolio
NEI Ethical Select Conservative Portfolio
NEI Ethical Select Balanced Portfolio
NEI Ethical Select Growth Portfolio
Outperformance over the long-term
*Data source: Morningstar as at April 30, 2014
Inception date for the NEI Ethical Global Dividend Fund, October 2007. Inception date for the NEI Ethical Special Equity Fund, January 1995. Since inception
performance for the NEI Ethical Special Equity Fund and Index as at February 1, 1995. Inception date for the NEI Canadian Equity Fund, February 10, 2002. Morningstar
quartile rankings show how well a fund has performed compared to all other funds in its peer group. Each fund within a peer group is ranked based on its
performance, and these rankings are broken into quarters or quartiles. Within a group, the top 25% (or quarter) of the funds are in the first quartile, the next 25% are in
the second quartile, the next group in the third quartile, and the bottom 25% of funds with the poorest relative performance are in the fourth quartile. The point in which
half the funds had better performance and half had worse performance is the median. If 100 funds are being compared, there would be four quartiles of twenty-five
funds each. The median would be the fiftieth fund. For more details on the calculation of Morningstar star ratings or quartile rankings
please, © Morningstar Inc. All Rights Reserved. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or
its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers
are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Education and sales support
30 sales professionals
Presentations, training, lunch learns for advisors
• SRI basics
• Incorporating SRI into your practice
ESG team support for foundation and institutional sales
Ongoing communication
Ethical Funds Website
Investor facing site
• Basics about SRI
• Glossary of terms
• Introductory video
• Engagement stories
• Ethical Funds!
Ongoing communication
Quarterly Electronic Email
Clients want to know how SRI
makes a difference
Can be forwarded to
prospects and clients
Ongoing communication
Company Dialogue Updates
Ongoing communication
Social Media
Opportunity for
investors to connect
directly for updates
and information
A great way to initiate a discussion!
Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may
be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the
prospectus, which contains detailed investment information, before
investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed or insured, their values change
frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Northwest
Funds, Ethical Funds and NEI Investments are registered trademarks of
Northwest & Ethical Investments L.P.