BIR BIR: Bio-Informatics and Robotics Team leader: Saliha Aouat Email: [email protected] Publications de l’équipe BIR après 2010 Revues Internationales Dahmani D, Larabi S. User-Independent System for Sign Language Finger Spelling Recognition. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Elsevier, Article in press (2014) Laiche N, Larabi S, Ladraa F, Khadraoui A. Curve Normalization for Shape Retrieval. Signal Processing: Image Communication, Elsevier, Volume 29, issue 4. Pages 556–571, April 2014. Baha N. Real-Time Obstacle Detection Approach using Stereoscopic Images. IJIEEB,International Journal on Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2014, 1, 42-48. MECS publisher 2014. Aouat S, Larabi S. Objects Retrieval using the Quad-tree Decomposition. Journal of Intelligent Systems (JISYS). Volume 23, Number1. Degruyter Publisher, 2014. Aouat S. Shape codification Indexing and Retrieval using the quad-tree structure. International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing Volume 3, Number 1 (IJCVIP). IGI Global Publisher, 2013. Aouat S, Larabi S. Contours Matching with a Text-based Method. International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS). MECS Publisher. 2013. Aouat S, Larabi S. Outline Shape Retrieval using Textual Descriptors and Geometric Features. International Journal of Information Retrieval Research (IJIRR). IGI Global Publisher, 2(4), 60-80, October-December 2012. Baha N, Larabi S. Accurate Real-Time Neural Disparity Map Estimation with FPGA. Pattern Recognition journal, Elsevier; 45 (2012) pp :1195–1204, 2012. Baha N. , Larabi S. Neural Disparity Map Estimation from Stereo Image, International Arab Journal on Information Technology, IAJIT in Volume 9, No. 3, May 2012. Baha N, Larabi S. FPGA Implementation of a Real-Time Disparity Map Estimation. International Journal for Computational Vision and Biomechanics (IJCVB),volume 4, No 1, pp: 21-33, 2011. Baha N, Larabi S. Accurate Real-Time Neural Disparity Map Computation Based on Variable Support window. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications (IJAIA), Vol.2, No.3, May 2011. Aouat S, Larabi S. Matching Descriptors of Noisy Outline Shapes. Int. Journal of Image and Graphics. World Scientific Publisher. Accepted on March 17, 2010. Volume 10 Issue 3, July 2010. Aouat S, Larabi S. Shape Matching using Coarse Descriptors. Int. Journal of Computer Vision and Robotics. Inderscience Publisher. Volume 1 Issue 2, August 2010. BIR Aouat S, Larabi S. Using the quad-tree structure to index objects silhouettes. Int. Review on Computers and Software. Praise Worthy Prize Publisher. March 29, 2010. Chapitres de livres Hamouchene I, Aouat S, Lacheheb H. Texture Segmentation and Matching Using LBP Operator and GLCM Matrix. Intelligent Systems for Science and Information, Studies in Computational Intelligence, volume 542, pp pp 389-407. Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014. Abada L, Aouat S. Shape from Shading with and without boundary conditions. Intelligent Systems for Science and Information, Studies in Computational Intelligence volume 542, pp 369387. Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014. Communications Internationales Ait-Aoudia A, Aouat S. Rotation-invariant Silhouettes Recognition in the presence of occlusion. IEEE Technically Co-Sponsored Science and Information Conference SAI 2014, London UK, August 27-29, 2014. Hamouchene I, Aouat S. A new texture analysis approach for iris recognition. 2014 AASRI Conference on Circuit and Signal Processing (CSP 2014), London UK, June 21-22, 2014. Laiche N, Larabi S. 2D Shape Matching based on B-splines curves and Dynamic Programming. 9th international Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (Visapp 2014). Lisbon, Portugal. 5-8 January, 2014. Aouat S, Lahsinat Y, Slimani K . Utilisation du Quad-tree à deux niveaux de découpage pour l‟Indexation et la Recherche d‟images. The 5th International Conference on Electronics Engineering ICEE 2013 Oran, Algeria. November 20-21, 2013. Ait Aoudia A, Aouat S. Quad-tree technique to retrieve occulted objects. International Conference on Signal, Image, Vision and their Applications SIVA‟13, Guelma Algeria. November 18-20, 2013. Lacheheb H, Aouat S, Hamouchene I. Content Based Image Retrieval: An Overview. International Conference on Signal, Image, Vision and their Applications SIVA‟13,Guelma Algeria. November 18-20, 2013. Abada L, Aouat S. Rotation A Machine learning approach for Shape from Shading. International Conference on Signal, Image, Vision and their Applications SIVA‟13, Guelma Algeria. November 18-20, 2013. Hamouchene I. Aouat S, Lacheheb H. Rotation-invariant Texture Analysis Using Local Binary Pattern and Radon Transform. International Conference on Signal, Image, Vision and their Applications SIVA‟13, Guelma Algeria. November 18-20, 2013. Abada L, Aouat S. Solving the perspective Shape From Shading problem Using a new integration method. IEEE Technically Co-Sponsored Science and Information Conference SAI 2013, London UK, October 7-9, 2013. Hamouchene I. Aouat S, Lacheheb H. A new segmentation architecture for texture matching using the LBP method. IEEE Technically Co-Sponsored Science and Information Conference SAI 2013, London UK, October 7-9, 2013. Lacheheb H, A, Aouat S, Hamouchene I. MCM-CBIR: Multi Clustering Method for Content Based Image Retrieval. The 21st WSCG International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision WSCG 2013. Plzen, Czech Republic June 24 - 27, 2013 BIR Ait Aoudia A, Aouat S. Recognition of partially occulted objects. The 10th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications – AICCSA‟2013, May 27 – 30, Fes, Morocco. 2013. Aouat S. A new Indexing approach using outlines primitives. The 10th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications – AICCSA‟2013, May 27 – 30, Fes, Morocco. 2013. Baha N, Touzene H, Larabi S. FPGA Implementation for Stereo Matching Algorithm. IEEE Technically Co-Sponsored Science and Information Conference SAI 2013, London UK, October 79, 2013. Aouat S, Larabi S. Silhouettes Retrieval based on the Quad-tree Structure following an XML Description. International Arab Conference on Information Technology, ACIT‟12, Jordan, December 2012. Aouat S, Larabi S. Matching Noisy Outline Contours Using a Descriptor Reduction Approach. International Conference on Vision Image and Signal Processing, (ICISP 2012), Agadir, Maroc, 2830 Juin 2012. Aouat S, Larabi S. Accurate Similarity measures for Silhouettes Recognition. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Application. VISAPP 2012, Rome, 24-26 February, 2012. Dahmani D, Benchikh S , Larabi S. user independent system of hand postures recognition used in sign language. In ICPRAM 2012 international conference on pattern recognition Applications and Methods. Algarve Portugal 6-8 Février (2012). Laiche N, Larabi S. Shape matching using the least squares approximation. Internatioanl Conference on Pattern Recognition. Application and Methods: ICPRAM 2012, Février, AlgarvePortugal. 2012. Baha N, Larabi S. Real-Time Disparity Map Computation Based on Disparity Space Image, International Arab Conference on Information Technology, ACIT „12, Jordan, December 2012. Aouat S, Larabi S. Shapes Matching and Indexing using Textual Descriptors. International Arab Conference on Information Technology Acit 2011. Ryadh, Saudi Arabia, 11-14 December, 2011. Aouat S, Larabi S. Mise en Correspondance des contours d‟objets bruités. International Conference on Signal, Image, Vision and their Applications SIVA‟11, Guelma Algeria. November 21-24, 2011. Baha N, Larabi S. Accurate Real-Time Neural Disparity Map Computation Based on Adaptive Support window. IEEE ICSIPA'2011, International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Apllications, 16-18 November, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2011. Dahmani D, Larabi S. User Independent System of Hand Postures Recognition Using Part-Based Shape Representation. pp 366-373, SITIS 2011. Dijon, France 2011. Laiche N, Larabi S. Retrieval of 2D Objects and Shape Matching Using the B-Splines Representation. ICSIPA 2011, The IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing Applications, 16-18 November, pp. 489-494, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2011. Aouat S, Larabi S. Indexing binary images using quad-tree Decomposition. International Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetics. Istanbul, Turkey, 10-13 Octber, 2010. Baha N, Larabi S. Neural Disparity Map Estimation from Stereo Vision . International Symposium on Modelling and Implementation of Complex Systems. pp 255-265, MISC‟2010. Constantine. 3031 May 2010. Baha N, Larabi S. VISAPP‟2010, Towards Real-Time Neuronal Disparity Map Estimation. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications,16-22 May, pp355- 360. France. 2010. Baha N, Larabi S. Disparity Map Estimation with Neural Network. IEEE ICMW‟2010, International Conference on Machine and Web Intelligence . 3 - 5 October 2010, pp 282-285. Alger 2010. Dahmani D. Hand Postures Recognition Using Quadratic Curves and Shape Textual Descriptor. IADIS2010. International Conferences computer graphics ,Visualization Computer Vision and Image Processing,pp.391-395, 27-29, Germany July,2010. BIR Laiche N. Geometric Description of Outline Shapes and Recognition. IADIS 2010, The International Conference Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing (CGVCVIP 2010), 27-29 July, pp. 526-528, Freiburg, Germany. 2010. Publications des membres de l’équipe avant 2010 (avant la création de BIR et appartenant à VA) Revues Internationales Aouat S, Larabi S. Comparison of Detailed Descriptors of Noisy Silhouettes. Machine, Graphics & Vision. Volume 18 Number 1, 83-104, 2009. Aouat S, Larabi S. Coarse Comparison of Silhouettes using XLWDOS Language. Int. journal for Computational Vision and Biomechanics. Volume 2 Number 1, 111-120, 2009. Aouat S, Laiche N, Souami F, Larabi S. 3D object indexing and recognition. Applied Mathematics and Computaion. (© 2007 Elsevier Inc.) 196: 318-332, 2008. Aouat S, Larabi S. Comparison of silhouettes descriptions. Int. Journal on Graphics, Vision and Image Processing. A special Issue on “Medical Image Processing”, 61-66, 2006. Larabi S, Aouat S. Matching XML descriptors of silhouettes. Int. Journal on Graphics, Vision and Image Processing. A special Issue on “Applicable Image Processing”, 63-68, 2006. Communications Internationales Baha N, Larabi S. Obstacle Detection With Stereo Vision. 5ème Symposium International Images Multimedia Graphiques et Environnements, pp 352-358, 3-5 Biskra Novembre 2009. Aouat S, Larabi S. La reconnaissance des silhouettes d‟objets en utilisant une description textuelle. IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 4-7 May 2008. Baha N, Larabi S. Obstacle Detection from Uncalibrated Cameras . In 12th Pan Hellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI2008, IEEE, pp 152- 156, 28-30 Greece August 2008. Baha N, Larabi S. Obstacle Detection based on Dense Disparity Map . 2ème Conference sur la Vision Artificielle. Université Mouloud Mammeri. Tizi Ouzou, 18-20 Novembre 2007. Aouat S, Larabi S. Correction of Detailed descriptions to compare noisy silhouettes. 2ème Conference sur la Vision Artificielle. Université Mouloud Mammeri. Tizi Ouzou, 18-20 Novembre 2007 Aouat S, Larabi S. Coarse Comparison of outlines shapes descriptors. Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing VipIMAGE conference, Porto, Portugal, 17-19 October 2007. (Edited by Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp 261-267, UK © 2008). Aouat S, Larabi S. Transformation de descripteurs de silhouettes pour la comparaison d‟images. 5ème Séminaire National en Informatique. 2-4 Mai 2006. Aouat S, Larabi S. Comparison of silhouettes descriptions. ICGST Int. Conf. On Graphics, Vision and Image Processing. Cairo, Egypt. 19-21 December 2005. Larabi S, Aouat S. Matching XML descriptors of silhouettes. ICGST Int. Conf. On Graphics, Vision and Image Processing. Cairo, Egypt. 19-21 December 2005 Aouat S. Noisy Silhouettes correction based on LWDOS. Int. wokshop on Text, image and speech recognition. Annaba 12-13 December 2005 Achour K, Aouat S, Benkhelif M. 3D Reconstruction using Four Reference Points without Camera Calibration for Mobile Robot. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on intelligent Robots and Systems. Canada 1998
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