Drill Cutting Remediation

MB Bioremediation
Patented dry product delivering billions of live non-genetically
modified microorganisms for bioremediation of oil, gasoline,
diesel, grease or any other hydrocarbon based contamination
DryLet® MB Bioremedia0on is on the U.S. EPA NCP Product Schedule as a bioremedia0on agent. This lis0ng does not mean the EPA approves, recommends, licenses, cer0fies or authorizes the use of DryLet® MB Bioremedia0on on an oil discharge. This lis0ng only means that data has been submiHed to EPA as required by subpart J of the NCP, 40 CFR Sec0on 300.915. Application Examples
•  Drill Cutting Remediation
•  Emergency Public Area Clean-up
& Treatment
•  Industrial Remediation
•  Oil Production Pit Remediation
•  Storage Tank Farm Remediation
•  Production Water Remediation
MB Bioremediation Advantages over Liquid Treatments
EPA National Contingency Plan (NCP) Listed
Eliminates Drill Cuttings Pits
Dry LIVE bioreactor structure
>100x higher microbial counts over liquid bioremediation
Requires no premixing
Adheres to oil and solids in water
Treated materials are in remediation Immediately
Will not leach from soil
Up to 99% reduction of crude oil hydrocarbons within 30 days
Ease of transportation in dry form
MB Bioremediation Bench Test
Day 1 Day 60 250 mg/Kg (ppm) 200 210 210 210 180 150 100 57 50 3.7 0 Control Leading Liquid Bioremedia0on Product DryLet® MB Bioremedia0on 60 Day TPH Reduc0on in Water 14.3% TPH Reduction
72.8% TPH Reduction
98.2% TPH Reduction
All laboratory tests conducted by Aus6n Analy6cal, Inc. of Aus6n, Texas TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Drill Cuttings Remediation
250,000 202,000 45% TPH Reduc0on in 28 Days 95% TPH Reduc0on in 180 Days mg/Kg (ppm) 200,000 150,000 112,000 TPH 100,000 50,000 11,000 0 Day 1 Day 28 Day 180 All laboratory tests conducted by Aus6n Analy6cal, Inc. of Aus6n, Texas TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Emergency Public Area Clean-up
(Hydraulic Fluid Spill)
45,000 40,000 35,000 41,113 99.9% TPH Reduc0on in 30 Days mg/Kg (ppm) 30,000 25,000 TPH 20,000 15,000 10,000 40 5,000 0 Day 1 Day 30 30 Day Reduc0on in Park Soil All laboratory tests conducted by Aus6n Analy6cal, Inc. of Aus6n, Texas TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Oil Production Pit Remediation
60000 58500 50000 83% TPH Reduc0on in 28 Days 99% TPH Reduc0on in 180 Days mg/Kg (ppm) 40000 TPH 30000 20000 10000 9866 354 0 Day 1 Day 28 Day 180 All laboratory tests conducted by Aus6n Analy6cal, Inc. of Aus6n, Texas TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Oil/Gas Tank Farm Excavation Remediation
30000 30000 25000 89% TPH Reduc0on in 30 Days 98% Reduc0on in 180 Days mg/Kg 20000 15000 TPH 10000 5000 3367 615 0 Day 1 Day 30 Day 180 30 Day Reduc0on All laboratory tests conducted by Aus6n Analy6cal, Inc. of Aus6n, Texas TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Lagoon Remedia0on 70 60 98% TPH Reduc0on in 30 Days mg/Kg (ppm) 50 61 40 TPH 30 20 1 10 0 Day 1 Day 30 30 Day TPH Reduc0on in Water All laboratory tests conducted by Aus6n Analy6cal, Inc. of Aus6n, Texas TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon MB Bioremediation Summary
•  EPA Na0onal Con0ngency Plan (NCP) Listed •  Eliminates drill cuFngs pits •  Dry LIVE bioreactor structure •  >100x higher microbial counts over liquid bioremedia6on products •  Requires no premixing •  Adheres to oil and solids in water •  Treated materials are in remedia6on Immediately •  Will not leach from soil •  Up to 99% reduc0on of crude oil hydrocarbons within 30 days •  Ease of transporta0on in dry form For more informa0on on how MB Bioremedia0on can address your specific needs, please contact: Steve Ellis DryLet PO Box 730 601 North Coleman Prosper, Texas 75078 972-­‐521-­‐3470 (O) 972-­‐569-­‐7964 (M) [email protected] www.MBBioremedia0on.com