A novel class of Non Evaporable Getter (NEG) alloys with lower hydrogen equilibrium pressure and reduced outgassing properties P. Manini, Fabrizio Siviero, A. Gallitognotta, L. Caruso, T. Porcelli,G. Bongiorno, E. Maccallini, SAES Getters, Lainate – Italy making innovation happen, together Outline General features of NEGs Review of some outgassing properties of St 172 alloy Outgassing of NEG pumps activated in isolated conditions A novel family of alloy (ZAO®) for improved NEG pumps Preliminary ZAO® outgassing measurements Perspectives and conclusions P. Manini OLAV IV, Hsinchu, 2014 2 making innovation happen, together General features of NEGs NEG pumps are used in UHV applications including particle accelerators and high energy physics machines. NEG pumps provide : very large pumping speed in a compact and light package, Great trapping efficiency for H2 , powerless operation, vibration and maintenance free operation negligible magnetic interference (µ <1.005 for St 172 ). P. Manini OLAV IV, Hsinchu, 2014 3 making innovation happen, together General features of NEGs NEG pumps are used in UHV applications including particle accelerators and high energy physics machines. NEG pumps provide : very large pumping speed in a compact and light package, Great trapping efficiency for H2 , powerless operation, vibration and maintenance free operation negligible magnetic interference (µ <1.005 for St 172 ). Main NEG limitations : 1. The large gas load emitted during the activation 2. The inability to pump noble gases 3. The possibility to release particles, a sensitive issue in specific areas In this presentation we report on the activity carried out at SAES to investigate and mitigate gas emission during NEG activation. P. Manini OLAV IV, Hsinchu, 2014 4 making innovation happen, together Gas release during the activation During the activation, the following mechanisms take place : Desorption of the physisorbed species (water, CO, CO2…) Decomposition of the surface compounds (mainly carbides and oxides) which diffuse into the getter volume. However, Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen can also recombine on the surface and desorb. Diffusion of the atomic hydrogen from the bulk of the getter to the surface with surface recombination and desorption. Catalytic reactions, leading to the generation and desorption of methane and longer chain hydrocarbons. In some situations the pressure increase is not acceptable or may require time to be recovered, making the use of NEG less advantageous. P. Manini OLAV IV, Hsinchu, 2014 5 making innovation happen, together Outgassing test set up Test was carried out on a UHV bench equipped with a QMS EXT QMS Main Volume CapaciTorr D100 V1 TMP DIAPHRAGM VACUUM PUMP making innovation happen, together 1° test : outgassing from NEG pump during activation Outgassing tests have been carried out on a Capacitorr ® D 100 pump (100l/sH2). The getter material is St 172 (St 707® + Zr) in the shape of highly porous sintered disks. The high porosity ensures large pumping speed and perfomance reducing the amount of getter material. Capacitorr D 200 Capacitorr D 100 Capacitorr D 50 P. Manini OLAV IV, Hsinchu, 2014 7 making innovation happen, together 1° test : outgassing from NEG pump during activation confronto P. Manini OLAV IV, Hsinchu, 2014 8 making innovation happen, together 1° test : outgassing from NEG pump during activation H2 CO CH4 H2O O2 CO2 CnHm Heavier HC Ptot 1,E-05 1,E-06 Pressure (Torr) 1,E-07 1,E-08 H2O CO2 CO 1,E-09 CH4 HC 1,E-10 550°C 1,E-11 350°C 1,E-12 15 P. Manini OLAV IV, Hsinchu, 2014 20 25 9 30 35 40 Time (min) making innovation happen, together Conclusions from the 1° test Two main emission peaks were identified at 350°C and 550°C. 350°C : the outgassing rate is relatively high but very short ( a few minutes) and quickly decreasing. This seems to be associated to the released of physisorbed molecules. 550°C : H2 is the main contribution (out diffusion from the getter volume). All the other gases being much lower At the beginning of the 550°C step, hydrocarbons are generated. This is likely due to catalytic reaction between residual C and H being released. These HC are burned away as the getter stays hot. It is advisable a pre-conditioning step at 200-350°C before the full activation to remove physisorbed species and reduce the amount of released gases. P. Manini OLAV IV, Hsinchu, 2014 10 making innovation happen, together 2° test : outgassing of NEG activated w/o auxiliary pumps Auxiliary pumping is generally required during getter activation (450 – 550 °C): • Remove H2 desorbed according to the equilibrium pressure law • Remove physisorbed species leaving the getter surface However, in some applications, auxiliary pumping is available only during the initial system pumpdown. This means that, in case of need to reactivate the getter, the process should be carried out in closed-off conditions. Experiments were carried out to study: Efficiency of NEG reactivation without auxiliary pumping Pressure evolution and composition during activation A NEXTorr® D 100-5 was used in this experiment P. Manini OLAV IV, Hsinchu, 2014 11 making innovation happen, together Experimental set up and procedures Experimental setup: • UHV system with QMS • NEXTorr ®D100-5 mounted on a nipple with an elbow (≈ 50% drop of S) Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bakeout of the system at 180°C for 10 hours 1st NEG activation under TMP pumping H2 pumping speed measurement 2nd activation in closed-off condition H2 pumping speed measurement P. Manini OLAV IV, Hsinchu, 2014 12 making innovation happen, together Activation under pumping & reactivation in isolated conditions H2 1st Act 2nd Act H2 H2O H2O CO CO2 CH4 CO CO2 CH4 Notwithstanding closed-off conditions we have limited outgassing, much lower than the 1st activation. The surface is “clean”: absence of the initial peak due to desorption of physisorbed species and carbon contamination NEG reactivation w/o external pumping is possible and provides good UHV conditions P. Manini OLAV IV, Hsinchu, 2014 13 making innovation happen, together Further improvements : ZAO® A novel family of alloy ( Zr-V-Ti-Al) called ZAO has been developed which has several specific advantages compared to St 172 (currently used in the Capacitorr and NEXTorr product line) Lower equilibrium isotherm ( even at 200°C the equilibrium pressure of hydrogen is @1x10-10 mbar or lower) Larger capacity for all active gases Ability to withstand more reactivation cycles without loosing significant performances Better mechanical properties : disks are intrinsically more robust, less prone to generate particles, higher embrittlement limit. This getter alloy will replace St 172 in Capacitorr® /NEXTorr ®in those applications where lower outgassing, less particle emission and higher capacity are required. 14 making innovation happen, together Hydrogen equilibrium isotherm HYDROGEN EQUILIBRIUM ISOTHERMS 1,E+01 St172 ZAO1 Hydrogen equilibrium pressure (Torr) 1,E+00 600° 1,E-01 500° 1,E-02 400° 1,E-03 200° 1,E-04 300° 1,E-05 0,1 1 10 Hydrogen concentration (Torr.l/g) 100 1000 Lower equilibrium pressure and larger H2 storage capacity for each given temperature. Higher embrittlement limit. P. Manini OLAV IV, Hsinchu, 2014 15 making innovation happen, together 3° test : outgassing from ZAO® NEG pump confronto P. Manini OLAV IV, Hsinchu, 2014 16 making innovation happen, together Comparison between St 172 and ZAO® tests P H2 (Torr) 1,E-06 1,E-06 1,E-06 8,E-07 172 6,E-07 ZAO 4,E-07 2,E-07 1,E-10 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (min) The H2 evolution during activation is about 5 times higher for Capacitorr ®D 100 (St 172) The total amount of hydrogen released is also a factor 2 larger P. Manini OLAV IV, Hsinchu, 2014 17 making innovation happen, together What about pumping performances? Capacitorr CT D100 based on ZAO sorption test (according to ASTM F798-97) Pumping Speed [l/s] 100 10 20 reactivation cycles Activation: 550°C x 240' @ 9,9 V (55 W) Sorption @ 1 E-5 Torr CO Sorption temperature: 200 °C 1 0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10 100 Sorbed Quantity [Torr*l] The sorbed quantity in each cycle corresponds to 1 year operation @ 3x10-8 mbar CO. After 20 cycles of reactivations, CO speed decreases marginally vs the initial value. This material can be used not only in XHV-UHV but also in HV applications ( 10-8 and higher). This may be of interest in machines with tight space issues and high gas loads. 18 making innovation happen, together Perspectives The ZAO® alloy is promising in many aspects, as it opens the opportunity to improve getter pumps in term of degassing, larger gas capacity, particle emission and mechanical properties. A new pump design which incorporates these improved features is being developed (STELLAtorrTM) which can work either @ RT (UHV-XHV) or at 150-200°C @ 10-8 -10-7 Torr. This significantly extend the operational pressure range for NEGs from UHV-XHV to HV P. Manini OLAV IV, Hsinchu, 2014 19 making innovation happen, together Example : Capacitorr D 3500 design Nominal Speed (nude configuration) is 3500 l/S H2 which is reduced to 2200 l/s once a connecting nipple is used 20 making innovation happen, together Capacitorr vs STELLAtorr design Similar performances in a more compact and user friendly design CF 200 S ≈ 2200 l/S(H2) CF 150 S ≈ 2200 l/S(H2) 21 making innovation happen, together Conclusions The outgassing from the getter surface during the activation is a complex phenomenon involving several mechanisms. To minimize the gas load it is advisable to condition the NEG at temperature in the 200-350°C range before activating it. The subsequent activation step is mainly responsible for the emission of H2 from the getter bulk (be careful, the more massive is the getter the larger the emitted H2 amount !). NEG pump reactivation in closed off condition is doable and well UHV compatible A novel class of alloys (ZAO®) has been developed with lower equilibrium pressure for hydrogen and better outgassing properties. Data are preliminary but promising. ZAO® has a significantly larger total capacity than St 172 and can be used at 150200°C in high vacuum application ( < 1x10-7 mbar) where tight space requirements are coupled to high gas loads. The pumps will come in a very compact design (STELLAtorrTM). P. Manini OLAV IV, Hsinchu, 2014 22 making innovation happen, together Thank you for your attention w w w. s a e s g r o u p . c o m
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