Manet 94 37 Edouard Manet, Death of Maximilian at Queretaro (The Execution of Maximilian), 1867; lithograph. National Gallery of Art, Rosenwald Collection, Washington (Inv. no. 1947.7.84). Image: Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington 36 Edouard Manet, The Execution of Maximilian (Die Erschießung Kaiser Maximilians von Mexiko), 1868/69; oil on canvas, 252 x 305 cm. Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim 36a The Execution of Maximilian (Fig.36), with CP-frontal overlay. Overlay © Malcolm Park 36b The Execution of Maximilian (Fig.36), with 1P-offset overlay. Overlay © Malcolm Park Manet 95 38 Edouard Manet, The Races at Longchamp, d.1866 (proposed 1868–70); oil on canvas, 43.9 x 84.5 cm. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Potter Palmer Collection (Acc. no. 1922.424). Photography © The Art Institute of Chicago (URL: [NOT REPRODUCED] 40 Edouard Manet, On the Beach at Boulogne, 1868; oil on canvas, 32 x 65 cm. Virginia Museum of Art, Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, Richmond, Virginia (Acc. no. 85.498) [for a reproduction, see: URL:] 39 Edouard Manet, The jetty of Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1868; oil on canvas, 59.5 x 73.3 cm. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (purchased with support from the Sponsor Bingo) (Inv. no. s507S/2002) 41 Edouard Manet, The Folkestone Boat, Boulogne (The Departure of the Folkestone Boat, Boulogne), 1869; oil on canvas, 60 x 73.5 cm. Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, The Mr. and Mrs. Carroll S. Tyson, Jr., Collection, 1963 (Acc. no.1963-116-10) 41a , The Folkestone Boat, Boulogne (Fig.41), with 1P-offset overlay. Overlay © Malcolm Park Manet 96 [NOT REPRODUCED] 42 Edouard Manet, Portrait of Émile Zola, 1868; oil on canvas, 146 x 114 cm. Musée d'Orsay, Paris (RF 2205) [for a reproduction, see: URL:] 44 Edouard Manet, The Luncheon, 1868; oil on canvas, 118.3 x 154 cm. Neue Pinakothek, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Munich. 1911 Tschudi Contribution (Inv. no. 8638) 43 Edouard Manet, Portrait of Théodore Duret, 1868; oil on canvas, 43 x 35 cm. Musée de la Ville de Paris, Musée du Petit Palais, Paris. Photo: Giraudon / The Bridgeman Art Library [NOT REPRODUCED] 45 Edouard Manet, Le balcon (The Balcony), 1868–69; oil on canvas, 170 x 125 cm. Musée d'Orsay, Paris (RF 2772) [for a reproduction, see: URL:] 44a The Luncheon (Fig.44), with 1P-frontal (offset?) overlay. Overlay © Malcolm Park Manet 46 Edouard Manet, Repose (Le repos), 1869–70; oil on canvas, 150.2 x 114 cm. Courtesy of the Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI (Inv. no. 59.027) (URL: 48 Edouard Manet, Music Lesson, 1870; oil on canvas, 141.0 x 173.1 cm. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Anonymous Centennial gift in memory of Charles Deering (Inv. no. 69.1123). Photograph © 2014 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 97 47 Edouard Manet, Eva Gonzales, 1870; oil on canvas, 191 x 133 cm. The National Gallery, London (Acc. no. NG3259). Image © The National Gallery, London 49 Edouard Manet, Oloron-Sainte-Marie, 1871; oil on canvas, 42.5 x 62.5 cm. Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection, Zurich 51 Edouard Manet, Study for 'Interior at Arcachon', 1871; watercolour, brown ink and graphite on off-white wove 'graph' paper, 18.5 x 23.7 cm (7 5/16 x 9 5/16 in.). Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Bequest of William G. Russell Allen (Acc. no. 1957.59). Imaging Department © President and Fellows of Harvard College (URL: 50 Edouard Manet, Interior at Arcachon, 1871; oil on canvas, 39.2 x 54 cm. Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA (1955.552). Image © Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts 52 Edouard Manet, The Barricade (La barricade), 1871; lithograph, (image) 46 x 33.2 cm. National Gallery of Art, Rosenwald Collection, Washington (Inv. no. 1946.21.133). Image: Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington Manet 53 Edouard Manet, The Railway, 1873; oil on canvas, 93.3 x 111.5 cm. National Gallery of Art, Gift of Mrs. Horace Havemeyer in memory of her mother-in-law, Louisine W. Havemeyer, Washington DC (Inv. no. 1956.10.1). Image: Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington 54 Edouard Manet, Masked Ball at the Opera, 1873–74; oil on canvas, 59.1 x 72.5 cm. National Gallery of Art, Gift of Mrs. Horace Havemeyer in memory of her mother-in-law, Louisine W. Havemeyer, Washington (Inv. no. 1982.75.1). Image: Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington 98 Manet 99 55 Edouard Manet, The Swallows, 1873; oil on canvas, 65 x 81 cm. Foundation E. G. Bührle Collection, Zurich. [NOT REPRODUCED] 57 Edouard Manet, Argenteuil, 1874; oil on canvas, 149 x 115 cm. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Tournai. Photo: The Bridgeman Art Library 56 Edouard Manet, La dame aux éventails (Lady with Fans), 1873–74; oil on canvas, 113 x 166 cm. Musée d'Orsay, Paris (RF 2850) [for a reproduction, see: URL:] 58 Edouard Manet, Banks of the Seine at Argenteuil, 1874; oil on canvas, 62.3 x 103 cm. The Courtauld Gallery, London (LP.1997.XX.14). © The Samuel Courtauld Trust, The Courtauld Gallery, London. Private Collection, on long-term loan to The Courtauld Gallery 59 Edouard Manet, Boating, 1874; oil on canvas, 97.2 x 130.2 cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. H.O Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H.O. Havemeyer, 1929 (Acc. no. 29.100.115). Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art 60 Edouard Manet, Monet Painting on His Studio Boat, 1874; oil on canvas, 82.7 x 105.0 cm. Neue Pinakothek, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Munich. 1913/14 Tschudi contribution (Inv. no. 8759) Manet 61 Edouard Manet, (Portrait of) Stéphane Mallarmé, 1876; oil on canvas, 27 x 36 cm. Musée d'Orsay, Paris (Inv. no. RF.2661). © RMN-Grand Palais (musée d'Orsay)/ Hervé Lewandowski 61a (Portrait of) Stéphane Mallarmé (Fig.61), with 1P-frontal overlay. Overlay © Malcolm Park 61b (Portrait of) Stéphane Mallarmé (Fig.61), with 1P-offset overlay. Overlay © Malcolm Park 100 Manet 62 Edouard Manet, Plum Brandy (La Prune), c.1877; oil on canvas, 73.6 x 50.2 cm. National Gallery of Art, Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, Washington (Inv. no. 1971.85.1). Image: Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington 62a La Prune (Fig.62), with CP-frontal overlay. Overlay © Malcolm Park 62b La Prune (Fig.62), with 1P-offset overlay. Overlay © Malcolm Park 101 Manet 102 63 Edouard Manet, The Rue Mosnier with Flags, 1878; oil on canvas, 65.4 x 80 cm. The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles (Acc. no. 89.PA.71). Digital Image courtesy of the Getty's Open Content Program. 64 Edouard Manet, Rue Mosnier Decorated with Flags, 1878; oil on canvas, 65 x 81 cm. Private Collection [NOT REPRODUCED] 65 Edouard Manet, Rue Mosnier with Pavers, 1878; oil on canvas, 64 x 80 cm. Private Collection. [for a reproduction, see : Juliet Wilson-Bareau, ed., Manet by himself, Little, Brown and Company, London, 1995, fig.178, p.228] Manet 103 66 Edouard Manet, Au Café, 1878; oil on canvas, 78 x 84 cm. Oskar Reinhart Collection, 'Am Römerholz', Winterthur (Inv. no. 1953-3) 67 Edouard Manet, Corner of a café-concert, 1878; oil on canvas, 98 x 79 cm. The National Gallery, London. (Acc. no. NG3858). Image © The National Gallery, London 68 Co-ordinated images of Au café (Fig.66) and part Corner of a café-concert (Fig.67), in positions canvases originally existed in Manet's Café-concert de Reichshoffen, 1877–78; with 1P-offset overlay. Overlay © Malcolm Park Manet 104 69 Edouard Manet, The Café-Concert, c.1879; oil on canvas, 47.3 x 39.1 cm. The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore (Acc. no. 37.893) [NOT REPRODUCED] [NOT REPRODUCED] 70 Edouard Manet, A Café on the Place du Théâtre Français, c.1876–78; pastel on canvas, 32.4 x 45.7 cm. Glasgow Art Galleries and Museums, Burrell Collection, Glasgow [for a reproduction, see : Juliet Wilson-Bareau, ed., Manet by himself, Little, Brown and Company, London, 1995, fig.190, p.240] 71 Edouard Manet, Singer in a Café-Concert, 1880?; oil on canvas, 93 x 74.5 cm. Private Collection, Paris [for a reproduction, see: John Richardson, Edouard Manet, annot. Kathleen Adler, Phaidon Press, London, 1982, no.37, p.105] Manet 72 Edouard Manet, In the Conservatory (Im Wintergarten) , 1878/1879; oil on canvas, 115 x 150 cm. Staatliche Museen zu BPK. Sammlung: Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin (Inv. no. A I 550). Fotograf/in: Jörg P. Anders 74 Edouard Manet, George Moore in the Artist's Garden (Portrait of George Moore), c.1879; oil on canvas, 54.6 x 45.1 cm. National Gallery of Art, Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, Washington (Inv. no. 2006.128.24). Image: Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington 105 73 Edouard Manet, Woman Reading , 1879; oil on canvas, 61.2 x 50.7 cm. The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Larned Coburn Memorial Collection (Acc. no. 1933.435). Photography © The Art Institute of Chicago (URL: 75 Edouard Manet, Chez le Père Lathuille (The Garden of Père Lathuille), 1879; oil on canvas, 92 x 112 cm. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Tournai. Photo: Giraudon / The Bridgeman Art Library 75a Chez le Père Lathuille (Fig.75), with 2P-offset overlay. Photo: Giraudon / The Bridgeman Art Library; Overlay © Malcolm Park Manet 76 Edouard Manet, Portrait of Clemenceau at the Tribune, c.1879–80; oil on canvas, 116 x 94 cm. Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth (Inv. no. AP 1981.01) 106 76a Portrait of Clemenceau at the Tribune (Fig.76), with oblique overlay. Overlay © Malcolm Park [NOT REPRODUCED] 78 Edouard Manet, The Bench , 1881; oil on canvas, 65.1 x 81.2 cm, Private Collection [for a reproduction, see : Juliet Wilson-Bareau, ed., Manet by himself, Little, Brown and Company, London, 1995, fig.217, p.279] 77 Edouard Manet, Portrait of M. Pertuiset, the Lion Hunter, 1880–81; oil on canvas, 150 x 170 cm. MASP, Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand, São Paulo, Brasil ( Photo by: João Musa 79 Edouard Manet, The Suicide, c.1877; oil on canvas, 38 x 46 cm. Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection, Zurich Manet 80 Edouard Manet, A Bar at the Folies-Bergère, 1882; oil on canvas, 96 x 130 cm. The Courtauld Gallery, London (P.1934.SC.234). © The Samuel Courtauld Trust, The Courtauld Gallery, London 107
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