Introduction The Department of Paediatrics came into existence in June 2005. Presently it has 3 units with bed strength of 90. In addition we have 20 bedded NICU with 6 High dependency beds and 8 PICU with state of the art equipments and dedicated staff. Dr. Sara Dhanawade heads the department. Programmes Offered Starting MD Paediatrics - 1 seat per year(from May 2011) Increase in Seat 1+2=3 seat per year (from May 2013) Department infrastructure and facilities Well-equipped PICU with average admission of 400 per year. NICU at Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical College & Hospital, Sangli. NICU Incharge - Dr. Amit Vikas Tagare Qualification: MBBS 1999 - Shivaji University, Kolhapur MD (Pediatrics) 2006 - Mumbai University, DCH 2005 - CPS of Bombay, Mumbai DNB (Pediatrics) 2006- NBE, Delhi DNB (Neonatology) 2012 - NBE, Delhi Neonatology Trainee Jan 2010- Mar 2011- Liverpool Hospital, NSW, Australia 20 beds with 6 High dependency beds. This is a Tertiary Referral Unit providing all modern monitoring & intervention modalities. His unit has annual admission rate of more than 600. This unit is active in clinical research. We are planning start the Neonatal Fellowship programme in near future Well-equipped NICU (Level II) Both the ICUs have dedicated staff and state of the art equipments and we cater to a diverse mix of Medical and Surgical problems in Paediatrics and Neonatology. Demo room – 3 with Audio Video facilities Paediatrics Epilepsy and neurology clinic Every Wednesday Facility available : EEG, EMG/NCV, OAE, BERA, Genetic counseling, IEM counseling Unit Structure Unit I OPD Days Monday & Thursday Dr. Sara Dhanawade - Unit head Dr. Prakash A. Amanpure Dr. Amit Tagare Dr. Jeevan Mali Dr. Manoj Jadhav Dr. Vijay Patil Dr. Ketan Gadre Dr. Aditya Kurade Unit II OPD Days Tuesday & Friday Dr. C. S. Rajput - Unit head Dr. Sudha Bhave Dr. Suresh Waydande Dr. Swati Chougule Dr. Dhananjay Patil Dr. Siddharath Bhave Dr. Shilpa Dugar Dr. Faiyyaz Shikalgar Unit III OPD Days Wednesday & Saturday Dr. Suhas Kumbhar - Unit head Dr. Mrunalini Kulkarni Dr. Rahul Kawade Dr. Maheshkumar Sale Dr. Rahul Kadage Dr. Anup Moruskar Dr. Mahendara Roge Clinics Immunization Clinic Day & Time Daily 10am to 1pm Faculty Incharge Dr. C. S. Rajput/ Dr. Suhas Kumbhar High Risk Infant Clinic On Tuesday and Thursday 11am - 1pm Dr. Amit Tagare Infectious Disease Clinic (Paediatric TB & HIV) On Thursdays 3pm - 5pm Dr. Sara Dhanawade & Dr. Suhas Kumbhar Epilepsy clinic On Wednesdays 3pm - 5 pm Dr. Mahesh Sale Child Guidance clinic On Tuesday and Thursday 3pm - 5 pm Dr. Sudha Bhave The Department provides ART to paediatric HIV patients and carry out PPTCT programme through ART clinic under NACCO Provision of DOTS therapy for Paediatrics TB patients under the RNTCP Programme Outreach programmes Rural Health Camps School Health Check-up Observation of National Days and Weeks Faculty Profile No . 1 Name of Doctor Dr. Sara Dhanawade 2 Dr. C. S. Rajput 3 Dr. Prakash Amanapure Asso. Prof. Dr. Suhas Kumbhar 4 5 Dr. Mrunalini Kulkarni Post UG Prof. & Head MBBS (1982) CMC Ludhiana PG MD (1988) CMC Ludhiana Professor MBBS MD 1985 1972 Shivaji Shivaji University University Teaching Experience UG PG 24 Years 14 Year 01 Month (Rec. PG Teacher) 29 Years 10 Month 19 Year 02 Month (Rec. PG Teacher) MBBS MD 1986 1990 Shivaji Shivaji University University 16 Years 10 Month 9 Year 05 Month (Rec. PG Teacher) Asso. Prof. MBBS 1997 Shivaji University 13 Years 4 month 7 Year 10 Month (Rec. PG Techer) Assi. Prof. MBBS MD 1991 1995 Shivaji Shivaji University University 10 Years 11 Month 2 Year 6 Month (Rec. PG Teacher) MD 2002 Shivaji University Photo 6 Dr. Sudha Bhave Assi. Prof. MBBS 1981 Mumbai Univeristy MD 1985 Mumbai University 7 Dr. Amit Tagare Assi. Prof. MBBS 1999 Shivaji University MD 8 years 4 2006 Month DNB (Neonatology) 2012 Mumbai University 8 Dr. Swati Kognole Assi. Prof. MBBS 2004 MUHS Nashik DNB (PAED) 2009 4 Years 9 Month 9 Dr. Rahul Kawade Assi. Prof. MBBS 1995 Shivaji University MD 2000 Dr. V.M.M.C. Solapur 2 Years 11 Month 10 Dr. Suresh Nana Waydande Assi. Prof. MBBS 1982 Shivaji University 2006 MD GMC, Miraj 7 year 2 Month 10 years 11 Month 2 Year 6 Month (Rec. PG Techer) Papers Published by Faculty : DR. SARA DHANAWADE 1) Idiopathic Spontaeous Posterior Gastric Perforation in a Preschool Child – A Rarity. JPMI 2013:27 (1)P 108-110. 2) Salmonella Enterica Serotype Choleraesuis, A Rare Pathogen – Report of Two Case. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences/2013: 2 (2) P105 – 108. 3) Ruptured intracranial mycotic aneurysm complicating infective endocarditis. Letter to editor viewer’s choice 2013:10(2). 4) Spontaneus pneumopericardium in a term neonate: Case report. Indian J Pediatrics. 2011 Nov. 78(11):1410-1. 5) Airway Foreign Bodies & Diseases Causing Stridor : Chapter 10, in Parth’s Fundamentals of Paediatrics 2nd Edition. 6) Esophageal Atresia with TE Fistula – Accidential Transtracheal Gastric Intubation J – Ind. Asso. Of Ped. Surgeons: 2009:14(4);P224 – 225. 7) Papillion-lefevre syndrome and liver Abscess - ‘Indian Pediatrics’ 2009:Vol. 46; P. 723 – 725 • DR. AMIT TAGARE 1) Use of parenteral nutrition in newborn. Amit Tagare, Umesh Vaidya. NNF clinical practice guidelines. Pg 49-62. 2) Parenteral Nutrition: Current guidelines. Amit Tagare, Umesh Vaidya. J Neonatol 2007;21(3):186-188. 3) Neonatal sepsis and Long term Outcome. Preeti Suresh, Tagare Amit, Kadam Sandeep, Pandit Anand. J Neonatol 2009;23(1):64-67. 4) Reasearch issues in parenteral nutrition. Amit Tagare, Umesh Vaidya. J Neonatol 2009;23(4):294-298. 5) Letter to editor: Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome in neonate.I Kadam Sandeep, Tagare Amit,Deodhar Jayant, Tawade Yashwant, Pandit Anand. Indian J Pediatr. 2009;76(10):1074. 6) Multi drug resistant Klebsiella in NICU - What Next? Trend of antibiotic resistance. Tagare Amit, Kadam Sandeep,Vaidya Umesh, Pandit Anand. Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases 2010 Apr;5(2). 7) *Routine antibiotic use in preterm neonates: A randomized controlled trial. Tagare Amit, Kadam Sandeep,Vaidya Umesh, Pandit Anand. J Hosp Infect. 2010 Apr;74(4):332-6. 8) A pilot study of comparison of BCPAP vs VCPAP in preterm infants with early onset respiratory distress. Tagare A, Kadam S, Vaidya U, Pandit A, Patole S. J Trop Pediatr 2010 Jun;56(3):191-4. 9) Spontaneous pneumopericardium in a healthy full term neonate. Preeti Suresh, Tagare Amit, Kadam Sandeep, Vaidya U, Pandit Anand. Indian J Pediatr. 2011;78(11):141011. * This paper is selected & published in Year Book of Neonatal & Perinatal Medicine 2010 (page 228-229) • Dr. Swati Kognole 1) Hyperglycemia in critically ill children. Vinayak Patki Swati chougule, Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine, 2014;18(1) :8-13 Papers presented by Faculty : - Doctor's Name Dr. Sara Dhanawade Title Role of Platelet transfusion in DHF. A case of neonatal Bartter Syndrome with CRF who underwent successful renal transplantation. Study of Morbidity & Mortality in Non Breastfed Infants of HIV Positive Mothers under PPTCT Program Outcome of Mechanically Ventilated Children with Relation to initial Chest Radiograph Surfactant Replacement Therapy for Meconium aspiration Syndrome A case of Juvenile CML Microbiological profile of neonatal sepsis Conflicts Threaten The Health Of Women & Children Scorpion Sting Simple Urinalysis Talks a Lot Dr. C. S. Rajput & Dr. Suhas Kumbhar Dr. Amit Tagare Conference National Conference of the NCPID Mumbai National conference of Indian Pediatric nephrology group at Mumbai Year 2005 2006 National conference of NNF, Pune 2007 National Conference of IAP, Bangalore 2009 National Conference of IAP, Bangalore. Maharashtra State NNF Conf. Mahabaeleshwar. Maharashtra State NNF Conf. Mahabaeleshwar. BLD’e Bijapur NCPCC 2013 Mahabaeleshwar. Awosome 2013 Kolhapur Clinical Profile & Role of antiretroviral therapy in Pediatric HIV / AIDS National Conference of IAP Bangalore. Survival and morbidity of ELBW babies One year developmental follow up of ELBW babies (Pune ELBW cohort) Intubate Surfactant and Rapidly Extubate (InSuRE) :an Indian XXXI Annual Convention of NNF, India XXXI Annual Convention of NNF, India XXXI Annual Convention of NNF, India 2009 2011 2011 2013 2013 2013 2009 2011 2011 2011 experience' A Randomized controlled trial of aggressive parenteral nutrition in sick VLBW infants Dr. Sara Dhanawade, Dr. Ketan Gadre Ensuring optimal nutrition in a stable, LBW baby in NICU Hypoglycemia Clinicolaboratory Profile of Pediatric Septic Shock Pericarditis as a Presenting Feature of Infective Endocarditis - An Unusual Case XXXI Annual Convention of NNF, India 2011 Mahaneocon 2013 Nanded 2013 Mahaneocon 2013 Nanded NCPCC 2013 Mahabaeleshwar. NCPCC 2013 Mahabaeleshwar. 2013 2013 Staff as Resource Persons & Faculty at Conference. 1. Dr. Sara Dhanawade - IAP NRP FGM District ToT A. B. C. D. E. F. Participated as faculty for IPNG conference 2006 Participated as faculty for AWSOME 2006 at Kolhapur. Participated as faculty for Mahanecon 2008, 2011. Participated as faculty for Mahapedicon 2008, Kolahpur. Participated as faculty for Mahapedicon 2010 (pre, conf, CME) Participated as faculty for NCPCC 2013 (pre, conf, CME) 2. Dr. Amit Tagare - Faculty for NRP & IAP NRP FGM District ToT A. 'Routine antibiotics in preterms: a randomised controlled trial'. Presentation at 1st International Biomedicine Forum, Shanghai, China on 11th September 2010. B. 'Surfactant: Newer aspects'. Presentation at Maha Neocon 2011, Mahabaleshwar. (Convention of NNF, Maharashtra Chapter - National Conference of Neonatology) C. 'Management of persistent hypoglycemia'. Presentation at Maha Neocon 2011, Mahabaleshwar. (Convention of NNF, Maharashtra Chapter - National Conference of Neonatology) D. Faculty for Panel discussion on SGA babies at Maha Neocon 2011, Mahabaleshwar. (Convention of NNF, Maharashtra Chapter - National Conference of Neonatology) E. 'Who needs TPN?' Presentation at 2nd National Neonatal Parenteral Nutrition Workshop on 5th & 6th May 2012 at KEM Hospital, Pune 3. Dr. Jeevan Mali - IAP NRP FGM District ToT Recent Academic Events Organized by the Department : NNF (National Neonatology Forum of India) PG quiz divisional round was conducted on 16th July 2011 Neonatology Update (CME) 2011 7th August 2011 NRP (Neonatal Resuscitation Programme) workshop on 4th February 2012 Perinatology CME 2012 5th February 2012 Problem Solving Peadiatric Infectious Diseases- Training module of Central IAP conducted on 16th September 2012. Autism Awareness Week - 1st April 2013 To 7th April 2013 World Polio Awareness Week - 5th April 2013 to 11th April 2013 NRP (Neonatal Resuscitation Programme) - 15th September 2013 Regional Paediatrics Infectious Diseases CME 2013 - 29th September 2013 Celebration Children Day - 14th November 2013 Upcoming event Mahaneocon 2014 Date : 10th, 11th 12th October 2014 Venue – B. V. D. U. Medical College & Hospital, Sangli. Sr. No. Project Project Incharge Dr. Suhas Kumbhar IEC No. Status BVDUMC&H/SAN GLI/IEC/13/10 Completed 1 A Prospective study of BCG Scar Formation & Tuberculin reactivity following BCG Vaccination in infants. 2 A study of Recurrent Abdominal Pain in children, at Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical College & Hospital Sangli. Dr. C. S. Rajput Dr. Sara Dhanawade 3 Efficiency and safety of Hydroxychloroquine and Methotrexate combination in Treatment of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis : A Double Blind, Randomized Comparison wirth Methotrexate alone. Dr. Sara Dhanawade/ Dr. Amit Tagare On going 4 Comparison of Initial Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) in Preterm Babies with Respiratory Distress at Bharati Hospital, Sangli (A Prospective Comparative Study) Dr. C. S. Rajput On going 5 Clinical Profile and Outcome of Dengue Fever and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in Paediatric Age Group with Special Refrence to WHO Guidelines (2010) on Fluid Management of Dengue Fever Dr. Sara Dhanwade On going 6. Induced Sputum in the Etiological Diagnosis of Community Acquired Pneumonia in Children aged 1- 59 Months. Dr. C. S. Rajput On going 7. Study of Clinico-etiological Co-relation of Seizure Disorders in Childhood Diseases at Bharati Hospital, Sangli. Iron Deficiency Status in Febrile Seizures. Dr. S. Kumbhar On going 8. Research Projects On going BVDUMC&H/SAN GLI/IEC/19/11 On going Other Contribution by Staff 1) Indian Academy of Paediatrics Certificate of appreciation to Dr. C. S. Rajput for his contribution as one of the authors in the publication of 4th Edition of IAP Text book Paediatrics dated 22nd January 2009. 2) Dr. Sara Dhanawade : - Contribution of Clinical Photographic Material in the London Dysmorphology & Neurogenetics Database Series, Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust, London.
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