NDV PLUS ProFLOK® NDV PLUS ELISA (Chicken) Newcastle disease virus antibody test kit Newcastle disease virus (NDV) can cause clinical signs ranging from mild respiratory distress to severe diarrhea and death. The severity of the disease is determined by the infecting strain of NDV. Highly pathogenic strains (velogenic NDV) can cause swelling of the tissues around the eyes, diarrhea and death within eight days after exposure.1,2 Moderately pathogenic strains (mesogenic NDV) produce acute respiratory tract infections and reductions in egg production.3 Milder strains (lentogenic NDV) produce an inapparent or mild respiratory infection. The ProFLOK® NDV PLUS ELISA kit is a rapid serologic test for the detection of NDV antibody in chicken serum samples. The kit aids in the detection of pre- and post-vaccination NDV antibody levels in chickens and helps in the development and evaluation of vaccination programs. Features and benefits •Correlates well (r2 = 0.65) with NDV hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test4 •Highly specific for the detection of antibodies to NDV in chicken sera •Excellent well-to-well and plate-to-plate coefficient of variation (CV) demonstrating consistent reproducibility among batches over time •USDA-licensed •Long shelf life of 24 months for easy inventory management Kit performance Correlation with NDV HI antibody titers4 The ProFLOK NDV PLUS ELISA kit correlates well with NDV HI antibody titers with an r2 = 0.65. The low NDV HI antibody titer of 16 was detected by the ProFLOK NDV PLUS ELISA kit. Table 1: Correlation of ProFLOK NDV PLUS ELISA antibody titers with NDV HI ELISA resultsA, B Serum ID NDV HI antibody Titer* Sample-to-positive (Sp) VALUE ProFLOK NDV PLUS ELISA ANTIBODY Titer 1 1,479 1.820 3,781 2 683 1.360 2,457 3 256 1.010 1,583 4 128 0.670 880 5 64 0.412 432 6 32 0.250 208 7 16 0.160 107 Values are the mean of 15 samples (three replicates/plate, five plates). ProFLOK NDV PLUS ELISA SP threshold range: ≤ 0.150 is considered negative and > 0.150 is considered positive. *Eight hemagglutinating (HA) units. A B Specifity4 The ProFLOK NDV PLUS ELISA kit is able to discriminate between nonspecific sera and true NDV antibody positive samples. The specificity of the kit was demonstrated using a battery of monospecific serum samples from the National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) and Zoetis.2 ProFLOK® NDV PLUS ELISA Reproducibility4 The reproducibility of the ProFLOK NDV PLUS ELISA kit was demonstrated by testing three plates from a production lot. NDV-positive serum was tested in 84 wells and normal control serum was tested in the remaining 12. The CV within a plate ranged from 4.62% to 6.52%, and the overall plate-to-plate variability was 5.45%. Table 2: Batch plate variability Plate Plate average optical density (OD)A OD rangeB Plate %CV 1 0.849 0.736 – 0.968 5.22 50 0.923 0.800 – 1.105 4.62 100 0.873 0.789 – 1.101 6.52 Values are the mean of 84 samples of NDV-positive serum within each plate. B Values are range of OD values of the NDV-positive serum within each plate. A Table 3: Batch plate variability summary Overall Plate ODA OD RangeB %CVC 0.888 0.736 – 1.105 5.45 Value is the mean of three ELISA plates. B Values are the minimum and maximum OD of values of the NDV-positive serum found on all three ELISA plates. C Value is the mean of the combined CV of three ELISA plates. A Interpreting results The ProFLOK NDV PLUS ELISA antibody titer values obtained represent a comparison of the NDV antibody level within each field chicken serum tested and the ProFLOK NDV PLUS ELISA kit positive and normal control sera. Therefore, it is important to first determine that the ProFLOK NDV PLUS ELISA positive and normal control sera values obtained are valid, as detailed in the Assay Control Values section of the direction insert, before the ProFLOK NDV PLUS ELISA kit results are interpreted. The SP value threshold clearly separates positive samples from negative samples. A negative sample is one that is not significantly different from the normal control serum. The SP threshold for the ProFLOK NDV PLUS ELISA kit is as follows: SP VALUE ProFLOK NDV PLUS ELISA ANTIBODY Titer Range 0.150 or less 0 0.151 or greater 345 and greater Kit code and contents U.S. code: Europe code: Contents: 96-6547 AUCNDV+450 450 tests (five 96-well plates) References: 1 Spalatin J, Hanson RP, Jones TD. Edema of the eyelid and face of chickens exposed to viscerotropic type Newcastle virus. Avian Dis 1973;17(3):623-628. 2 Utterback WW, Schwartz JH. Epizootiology and velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease in Southern California, 1971-73. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1973;163(9):1080-1088. 3 Alexander DJ, Senne DA. Newcastle disease, other avian paramyxoviruses, and pneumovirus infections. In: Saif YM, et al., eds. Diseases of Poultry. 12th ed. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State Press, Blackwell Publishing, 2008;75-93. 4 Data on file, Efficacy Study Report, August 25, 1987, Zoetis Inc. All trademarks are the property of Zoetis Inc., its affiliates and/or its licensors. Product and trademark registrations may vary by country. Contact your Zoetis representative for availability. ©2013 Zoetis Inc. All rights reserved. ZP130122
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