.. ' Mathematics Department King Saud University M254 ?S Time : 120 minutes Midterm Exam Second term 2004/2005 Answer the following questions ·/ 1. Give a brief description of the bisection met~od for approximating the roots of a . . ( gtven equatwn. I a. Using the bisection method find a 2nd approximate value of 1i 4_r · b. State the error formula and compute an estimated error bound of the value obtained in part(a). ..J ,r2. Show that if g (x) is continuous on some interval I = [a, b] and a s g(x) s b for all x E I , then g (x) has at least one fixed point in I. 3. Consider the equation In x - 2 = 0 on the interval [7 ,8]. a. U se Newton method to findx 1 , starting with x 0 = 7.5. ~· Show that the convergence is quadratic. I 4. Approximate Jx 2 e-.rdx using trapezium method with n =5 .. 0 /a. ·A. Compute an upper error bound Find n if the maximum error is not to exceeds 0.0001. 5. State the error formula in the process of approximating a functionf(x) by an interpolating polynomial Pn (x) . ~ Prove that in the linear case the error fo rmula is: !J(x) - 2 p 1(x)l s h M ,IJ"(x)!s M ~ 8 b. Show that the interpolating polynomial is unique. .J 1 i 6. Construct the divided difference table for the function f (x) = x + 3 using the nodes 0,2 ,5,6 . . a. Compute an approximate value of J(O. 7) __.b. Compute an error bound and compare with actual error. ~ 1 Good Luck Join your Cy berclass : omar.ourwebclass .com I ·~ "- \ )' ( . King Saud University: Math. Dept. 1st Se1nester 1425-26 H MidteriTl Exan1. Quest ion I: Math-254 Tin1e: 2 Hours (4+4+4) -- - (a) Find an approximation to .j3 correct to within method. 10- 3 -*+3 ·P . by using the bisection -:.. a, = (b) Show that g(x) 2-x has a unique fixed point in 1], Use the fixed point iteration method to approximate the fixed point accurate to within 10- 3 . Estimate the number of iterations to achieve this accuracy (verify) . (c) Let g(x) be continuous on [a,b] and be such that a< x < b => a ~ g(x) ~ b Prove that g ( x) has at least one fixed point in [a, b]. Question II: (4+4+4) _. ~ I (a) Write down a suitable iterative method that converges quadratically to the root a = 1 of the equation f(x) = (x- 1) 2 ln(x) . ~? rr--1 (b) Find the positive value of ll-; /j---~ Q that makes the coefficient of ~ L/-.....:........ · Lagrange polynomial P2(x) equals 1. X in quadratic I (c) Consider f(x) the error . L -L = ex 2 and x = 0,0 .25_,0.5\1: .)( Compute .E:(0 .75) and estimate L ::=. --z_:x ><- e_ (3+4+4) -;. Question III: (a ) Let f(x) = x 2 +ex and x 0 difference f[xo, x1, xo) . (b) Iff E C 2[xo, x1] and h 1 = 0, x 1 = 1. = x1 h Xl f(x) dx = -[f(xo) 2 xo Find the value of the second divided xo . Then show that + f(xl)]- h3 -f"(ry), 12 (c) Find the step size h so that the absolute value of the error for th e Simpson's 1 r rule is less than 10. 5 when it is used to approximate the integral [ vO 2 ex dx . ,# 7 .. C ~'/- ~- I t:~ t. ~o / \ Math. Dept~· - Math-254 King Saud University: 1427 H Midterm Exam. Summer Semester Time: 120 mins. Maximum Marks = 40 (5 marks) Problem 1: Let g(x) be a continuous function on [a, b], and suppose that g satisfies the property implies that Show that the equation x vJ a ::; g(x) ::; b ~c~l \!2:_ -~ " ~A 2 -~ .c:. J <3:-J .:J<--""'1 --::. 9cc..\,-o) = g(x ) has at least On(:l solution a in [a, b). v_/_? Problem 2: Show that the Newton method for finding reciprocals by solving .!_ - c X n >0 = 0 results in ><""~ 1 :: '1<.71 wi ll converge to t he solution a (2) :::. 1-\--o,. \';:L- L0 \ I --=:l_ = 0 . 5(x~ - 3) , = 3 of the non linear equation x 2 + ~ -t _::_ - for all 2x - 3 = c114 r,~..:f_ Cov-- V<:....-f£_.L Xn+l n 2: 0 = 0, but the other one will not. = cx;:; 3 , and this sequence fail in finding the fourth root of the positive numb er c. )'(_tt ~ <-- - r ----=<.. - ~ \1\A ............. -r c. 4-- \?(0-=- Problem 5: ·. Solve the following nonlinear system 0.1x 2 + 0.1:./ 0. 1x + O.lx!; u~i .1g Newton's method , starting with (x 0 ,y0 )T = - 0.8 = - 0.8 = (0.5,0.5)T, ~-s (6 marks) find (x 1 ,yi)T. Problem 6: (5 marks) Use Ga uss elimination method with partial pivoting to find a uE!_que solut}Q!l to the followin g system Problem 7 : Find the LU decomposition (with u;i x + 2y + 3z 6 2x + 2:y + 3z · 3x + 3y + 3z 7 = 1) of the matrix A ~ :: ·x ""' ( 'L -=-~r c_x-'"' can be written as __ C? \..- (6 marks) ~ Problem 4: Show that the equation x ~ ~' '>( ~ ~I) /(""--+'-----.-<."X.'-' t-- <=- )(. ;;. Xn+I ~~) j>< 't.-<.. ~ ::.:~- ---· - '; ~ = v'2xn + 3, t-t 'X ~<..x) ->( Prnblem 3: Sh ow th at one of the following iterative schemes Xn+l X - (~ the iteration • .... ~ t:._-;:_ t...,J Also show that this iteration converges quadratically. -==----· (1) (6 marks) -&-· 9 , (6 marks) of the linear system in the Proble m 6. ---,-----------~'------------------~ · . ,. . ------ King Saud University: Math. Dept. Math-254 First Semester 1426 H First Midterm Exam. Maximum Marks = 20 Time: 90 mins. Ql: (~Find the second approximation to the (5) 113 using the bisection method . (b'YShow that the Newton method for fmding reciprocals by solving ~ - c = 0 X results in the iteration Xn+ l = Xn(2- ex~), n ~ O Also show that this iteration converges quadratically. (c) Show that the equation X = c115 can be written as n >O and this sequence fail in finding the fifth root of the positive number c. q:z; (a) Let g(x) be a continuous function on [a, b], and suppose that g satisfi es the property a<x <b implies that a ~ g(x) ~ b Then the equation x (~hich (a) = g(x) has at least one solution a in [a, b). of the following rearrangements Xn+l = eXn 2 1 , (b) Xn+l = exn - Xn- 1, (c) Xn+l = ln( 2X + 1) 11 of the equation e:i: - 2x - 1 = 0 has a unique fixed-point in [1 , 2) ? ll?e the S\}it~e sequence to find th~ second am:;:;imation us:g fixed-point method, taki_::g xo = 1.5 (c)/ Compute the number of iterations needed to get the accuracy within 10- 6 , using part (b). Q3: (a) The equation e 2 x = 2x + 1 has a rogt a = 0. Using x 0 = 0.2 , compute first approximation to the zero by using a suitable iterative method . (6) If x = a is a root of multiplicity m of f( x) = 0, then find the rate of convergence of the Newton's method. f~ . ( eyUse the quadratic Lagrange interpolation formula to find the required unknown coefficients from A, B, C arrd D using . . . p(0.5) = Aj(0.2) + Bf(0.8) + Cj(1) + Df(2.5) I l _I -- '1\ \- - 'i L..\ King Saud University: Math. Dept. Math-254 first Semester 1427-28 H First Midterm Exam. Maximum Marks = 20 Time: 90 mins. Ql: (a) Use Bisecti on met hod to com pute the first two approx imate values for -1'25 . How many bisections n (or ittv ... ~ ions) are needed to ob tain accuracy to ~ within 10- 4 ? -- (b) If g E C 2 [o., b] and a~ x ~ b implies that a~ g( :r) < b, then prove that g has at least one fixed point a E [a, b]. Q2: (a) The cubic eq uation x 3 = 2 can b e written in the form :r: = g( :1:) in two ways, namely :1;n+l = 91 (xn) =X~+ Xn- 2, ~ Xr·+l = 92(xn) = 2 + 5x - x ; I JIU~t> j i<J;;.-' 3 ~ \' ~ n. n 2: 0 W hi ch sequence converges to 2 113 and why ? Use the convergent sequence to find firs t approximation by using x 0 = 1.2. . - .. - - ·.. -- CD (b) Show that the iterative scheme _ (3A - x~ ~ A , 2 Xn+I - co nverges to JA j ll-1_) : A > 0, n 2: 0 K -:::: z.. 5 ( '. 'L ) + ) ~ <P- and its rate of convergence is quadratic. ' ~ ----·--------·------·---- - - - - -- - - - - - - Q3: (a) The nonlinear equation has a root. a = 1 in [0.5, 1.5]. Use the quadratic iterative method to fin d the fir s t. approximation of it using xo = 0.5. (b) Find the first approximation for the nonlinear sys tem x2 + y2 = ex+ y = 4 1 ....-----.....using)~ ewton's methili:l} starting w·,t, initia l approximation (:1:o, Yo)T = (1 , - 1.5f. CA) = o "' f .._A) C \\ Kins Saud University: Math. Dept. Math-254 S ec ~ 1d Semester 1427-28 H First .v1idterm Exam.J .M< :imum Marks = 20 Time: 90 mins. / Question 1:· · . (4 6 ~)f)::_~ _\.0 (a) The x 6 - + 3) . &"C:..IC )-- ..t..../ X...,= '¥..._- --...-- y 10 ~ O'has a root in [1.4, 1.5]. Show that Newton 's formula for this fun ction is Use it to find first approximate, taking x 0 of the given sequence is quadratic. = 1.5. Also show that the order of convergence ~~- (b) Develop an iterative procedure for evaluating the reciprocal of a number N by using the secant method . Then use it to find firs t apj1roximation of the reciprocal of fi . taking the initial approximations of say x 0 = 0 and :rr -= 0.1. • Question 2: (3 + 3) (a) If x = a be root of f( x) = 0, and f'(a) = J"( o:) = f 111 (o:) rate of convergence of Newton's method. = 0 but j (4)(o:) =f. 0. Find the (b) The nonlinear equation 2x = e2x-1 has a root~ = 0.5 in [0, 1] . Use the quadratic iterative method to find the first approximation of it using xo = 0.1. --------- -------------- Que :tion 3: (4 + 3) I (c._ Find the first approximation for the nonlinear system \ I using Newton 's method , taking (xo ,Yo)T = (1, 1)r . \ I I I I I (b) Use Gaussian elimination to find the relation between a 1 and a 2 so that the following linear system A x = b is consistent: (-: King Sau d University: Math. Dept. M-254 Semester I Final Exam. Time : 90 min . Max. Marks: 20 Q~:~--.~-:~ -~=----- ~7 I v '(a) Show th <-1t the equati on 1 - 2x + cosx 1428-1429 H )p>-~(~~-;) e·-rid = 0 has a root in [0, 1]. How manv itera- tious of the bisectioil method are required to estimate this root to an accuracy of~ x 10- 3 ? C'[a, b] with a :S g(:t:) :S b for all :r E [a, b]. If g is cont inuously clifferentiHble on [a, b] with max lg'(:r)l = k < 1. Show that g has a unique fixed point. o· E [a, b]. v · (b) Let g E :rE[Ct,bj Question 2: (a) Show that (4 + 3) Cl' = 1 is the root for the equation , . 2 :r. ln x = (2x - 1) 1nx !1\)\. . ~ ~--- Use quadrG1;!ic convergent iterati-ve method to find the first approximation of o- starting witl/~()_-5) · _ :.) l ~~ ~ ~ ,·f.!:> .• . 1\ f'\ /-#b) \Vrit e down New tou.:s formula tha t can be used to approximate th e_5:~~e root of a posJt. Jve numb er A, and find Its order of convergence /57 (4 + :3) Question 3: (a) Find the first approximation for the nonlinear system 3:r2 3xy 2 - :r 3 y2 1 ~/ using Newton 's method, starting with initial approximation (x 0 ,y0 )T = (1, 1f. ,.- 7,{b) :- i11d all Ya.lues of 0: so that the foiiO\ving 1;near system ,::. ;;:. 2:r- y + 3.:: 5 + 29 + 2.:: -2x + Ct.y + 3..:: 4:r 6 1 has an infinite number of solutions using simple Gauss elimination method. King Saud University: Math. Dept . Su1nmer Se1nester Midterm Exan'l . M-254 1427-1428 H Qu est ions : (7 +6+5+ 7 +6+ 2+ 2) (1.) Which of the following iterations (x~ +ex" - 2) (ii) Xn+l = )3xn- ex,.+ 2, n = 0, 1, ... , 3 is most suitable to approximate the root of the equation x 2 - 3x + ex - 2 = 0 in t.he interval [- 1, 0] ? Starting with xo = 0, find the first approximation x 1 of the root. Also, compu te the error bound for the approximation. i) ( Xn+ l = N~ o (2.) Show that the equation x - - has a root X JN. Use the Newton's method for th is equation to find second approximation using N = 9 and :ro = 2.5 )3.) Show that the iterative scheme (3a- x~ ) xn , a > 0, n ;:::: 0 2a and its rate of convergence is quadratic. Xn+ l converges to fo = ( 4.) Find th e first approximation for the nonlinear system / +y 4x 3 ') x-y = 6 = 1 using Newt on's method, st arti ng with initial approximation (xo, Yo)T = (1 , 1)r. ~5 - ) · Use Gauss-elimination method to find the solution of the linear syst em Ax = b , where A = [ ~~! ] , b = [ ~ ]' 4 9 16 }~-) 11 ~on~tru~ the LU decomposition of the matrix usmg Iii - 1 . .. ,. . ; ~ • • ·· • • ~;-. • r t A given in par t (5) by .' • - · ..:....:.· ~ ·:•M'"•:•·-_,-:_ - . - _f ' . .: . - "---;-;·!i~"O-;.C »~' ...:---•- < ~> ) i JX7I)i LEii~Cl ·the -~le terminant of~the. matr~~ -il 'gkveb. ;i)~: p-arC[,5)fi)y,Fsii1g; ; LU_ d ecompos i ~ion by lii ·~· ~·.'· = 1. i ~- ;;~·u,nq H)~if,f,_-, 11 'i)y 1\ = i · ~3 King Saud University: First Semester 1429-30 H Maximum Marks = 20 Math. Dept. Math-254 II Midterm Exam. Time: - 90 mins . .. ,/·,.··· I Question 1: (4 + 4 + 2) -~-.:. Cc psider the linear system Ax = b , where ( 4 2 1) A= - -~ : (a) {lve the given system by using t;omy/sition of A using I;; I I ~ ~ ·------·· , ~imple ~ Gauss-Elimination method. ~ 1. Also,~ / (dUs~Jacobi method to find second approximate solution x(Jt of the linear system / / ~~using the initial approximation x(o) = [1, 1, 1]T. Also, compute the error bound . ' j (!J If condition number of the matrix A A/ the matrix A. is 19/5, then find [=- norm of the inverse of · · Question 2: (2 (a) Let ::4 be a nonsingular matrix and stem Ax .'= h. Prove "that wh~re x be + 4 + 4) an approximat e solution to the linear r is the residual vector for the system with respect to x. Find the value of a if the constant t erm in p 2 (x) is 5. Also, find approximation of f(2 .5). . - . . - · ~- f (x) = xe(x+l), with points x 0 = 0, x 1 = 0.5, x 2 = 1.5, x 3 = 2, x 4 __: 3, and x 5 = 3.5. Compute the error bound for tile.. approxim-a tion ore2 - using -Lagrange method of degree 5. . . · (c) Let King Saud University: Math. Dept. Math-254 2nd Semester 1427-28 H Second Midterm Exam. Max. Marks = 20 Time: 90 Mins. Question 1: (3 + 3) (4 + 3) (a) Consider the matrix (i) Use LU-decomposition (lii = l) to factorize A into LU. (ii) Use part {i) to solve the system Ax= [1, 1, -4jT. {b) Let J(x) = x 3 and a=/= 1 is a real number. Find the value of o so that f[o , l , 1) = l. Question 2: (a) Consider the linear system 4xl X1 (i) Starting with x<o) = [0, 0, (ii) Find a bound for the error + + + X2 4x2 X2 - XJ + 4x 3 = 1 = .: 2 3 ) Of, use Gauss-Seidel iterative method to find x(l). llx - x< 5 ) II when x< 5 ) is the fifth approximation by Gauss~Seidel method. (b) Find the linear splines which interpolate the following data: (0.2, 0.18), (0.3, 0.26), (0.5, 0.41) What is its value at x = 0.39? (3 Question 3: (a) Let f(x) = xlnx be given at x 0 = 2, x 1 = 2.5,x2 = 3, and XJ + 4) = 4. (i) Construct the-divided difference table for f(x) with respect to these points. (ii) Use Newton's interpolation formula to find the best approximation of f(3 .5) by a quadratic polynomial, and find the error bound for this approximation. (b) Suppose :X= [0.1, 2)T is an approximate solution for the linear system Ax = b, where A= ( ~ , ~-01 Fmd a bound for the relat1ve error llx - xll llxll . . . ) ' ., Math . Dept. Math-254 King Saud University : Semester I 1426-1427 H II MidTerm Examination Max. Marks 20 Time: 90 min. (3 + 4) Question 1: (a) Use th e New ton p olynomial of degree 2 that approximate the fun ction ln( 6_2) by taking the fun ction f (x ) = ln(x + 2) and points from x = 7, 4, 3, 8 and 5. (b) Determine t he value of step size h and subintervals n to approxim ate t he in tegral 2 1 { - dx to within 10- s, then compute d e approximation, using the Sim pson 's rule. lo -r + 4 . -----------------------(3 + 4) ~u e stion 2: (a) Let x 0 = a, x 1 = b and h = b - a, then show that 1 b b - a [ f(a) f( x) dx :::::::- 2 a + f(a + h) ] (b) Let f (x) = x 2 ln x. Then (i) Compute the approximate value of !"(2) , taking h = 0.1 using the nu merical differentiation formul a . bound for your apj..: 0: 1 Compute t he error 'C imation. Question 3: (3 + 3) (a) Use a suitabl e interpolati_ng polynomial and its error term to deri ve t he d iff~at i o n formula .. - · ! '( 1 ) = x 2 f( x l + h) - f( x l - h) _ h fm( ) 2h 6 rJ ' rJ E (x1 - h, x 1 + h) (b) Show t ha t the foll owing matrix is nonsingular using the Gauss eliminat ion metho d: (~ ~ -:- 1 ' 1 3 1 ~ r ~) -5 3 7 - 2 Also, solve t he lin ear system A x = [10 , 31, - 2, 18jT . ---------....----· King Saud University: Math. Dept. Math-254 1st Semester 1427-28 H Second Midterm Exam. Time: 90 Mins. _, Max: Marks 20 --~ \ ()_\..-v -\>\---Question 1: Cons ider a lin~ar s_vs t rm Ax = b , wh Prc A= ~ 1 - ] 1 ( () ()) 5 3 -3 - 3 -2 ;.) 0 0 ' (a) Usc G auss clirninat.iml m eth o d to solvr thi s r --~.~co~ "";L ' \ L_;, s~r s t. c m . A ;'t~~:!~oJ L J C'' @ b ) Factorize A into LC hy Doolittk 's met hod (/;; = 1) . Sh ow t hat tht· mat rix A is noosni~ular. c-_,.-'ii-\b II\ I +o A ~ rta=~ L~ ~e\u ~ -- ~ ~ ~ J Supp(_ls<' v:~· want to solv~, tl lf' foll ow in~ sv s t c m will pvr hc tt.<'r solut 10 11 and wh y 1 0 , ~ :;' \ e ' o\ U ::.c,, I~ e<~, c 1 L e~, sys tems b~· Gauss elimin a ti o n met ho d . whi c (D o no t. solv(' th e sys te m s) . A , L- u r o- o od \ - l_oJ\ 1.{-t~ u,._ u,\ u u o u o 1. 'L tJ 0 1 0 0 u (ii ) OA 003x 1 - L 502:r2 0. 0003x 1 + L203:c2 'ti 2_;)01 1.206 Question 2: C ons id e r th e lin ear sys t e m Ax = b , \·vh er c -5 1 A = ( :) ~ 0) -~ , (a) Find tlw Jacobi it.(•rati o n matrix T, 1 an d s bow th at - \ J ::: \::)\. (L+U) IIT1 11 < 1. = (b) Use .Jacobi m e thod to find firs t app rox imat.(' solution x(l ) o f th e linear sv st.('rn by usin g x( 0l = [0. 0, OJT _ Also. co mpute th e e rro r b o und !lx - x (Io)jj . :::: un\"" \~ -"-.,) l'lr ~ \ - \\\~ ~ Cornput<' t.h(' Question IJliiiJhN of st('ps JW(·ded t o g <•t. t.lw a ccmacv within 1W 5 _ 1pposp :r 0 • .T 1 ar<' t wo di s tin c t. numbers in t. h P. inte r va l [a, h] wi t h .. ) E C 2 [u. , b]- Find a b o und for th e e rror in lin e<tr interpo la ti o n . \ ~ (b) Given f(O) = 1, f(2) = 3, f(3) interpolatiou formula t.o approximate / = 4 <t nd f( S) f (4 _;) ) _ -···· - (c) Considn th e points :r + 2 1n(:r + formula) _ 6- Use th e quadrati c Lagran ge ------------ a nd t IH' fun ction .f (-:) = 2), <·D rnpuU• an ('rror >0111H fo r t.h C' a pprox1ma t.i o u o f j( 2) (hy Lagr a uge :r. 0 = \~\ \\I s:c ~\e-('1.)\ 1 ~~ ~ [ (i ) L2-: 'ioos -'.soL~ 0_0003:rl + L203.r:.! L20G () _.1003:rl - L S02T 2 = 2.501 1 t '1 1.1 . '1-J \ ., K . ng Saud University: Math. Dept. Math-254 1st Semester 1426-27 H Final Exain. Time: 3 Hours (5 Question 1: + 6. + 6) J.a) Show that the equation xP- N = 0 can be written as x = Nx 1 - P, and that the associated iterative process Xn+l = N x~-p, n ~ 0 will not be successful in finding the pth root of the positive number N, where p = [2, 3, .. .]. lf/J{b) What is the multiplicity of the (l'_ method that converges qu adratically \when xo = 0.5. root a == 0 of the equ a tion x 2 = 2 - 2 cos x. Use a numerical to compute the first approxim ation round to four decim al places · (c) Let f(x) = (x+2)ln(x+2) and points: x 0 = O,x 1 = l,x 2 = 2 and x 3 = 3. Use the quadratic . _ Lagrange_interpolation.formula based on the points. to. approxima te-j(2.8).-- Also, compute the~ ernr and an error bound for your approximation .· ---- Question 2: ~b) (5 Use qu adratic interpolation which interpolates f( x) merical integration rule for approximating the integral .·;:t';· :.·,~::- :t 1 + 5 + 6) points xo, x 1 an d x 2 , derive a suitable nu- f (x) dx . ;_. :, (b) Let;.f{x) = .x + ln(x +2}.;.Use a three point formula to approximate·j'(2) :using:<j(2.1) and 1(1.9). Find actual error and error bound for your approximation . (c) Use Taylor's method of order two on the initial value problem to approximate y(l.O l) . Ques.tion 3:(5 + 6 + 6) Consider the following matrices A= c: 2 10 1 i). -4 - 0.22 0.03 A-' = ( - 0.06 - 0.05 -0.11 - 0.04 -0. 07 ) -0. 04 , - 0.28 II (a) Find the LU-decomposition of A . t--{ ;: ,Ji' . F; h=(,. , ~n P-;r :. fVJ - A 'I (b) Show that Jacobi method conve~ges for the~iven linear system. If the first approxim ate solution of the given linear system by the Jacobi method is x(l) = [0 .6, - 2.7, - If, by using iJ?1tial approximation x(o) = [0, 0, O]T, then compute number of. steps needed to get accuracy within 10-\'' . (c) Compute an upper bound for the relative error in solving the given linear system . ... K:ng Saud University: Math. :rlept. Final Exam. M-254 F ~st Semester 1427-28 H Ma:r Marks = 50 Time: 3 Hours ~uestion 1: (4 + 5 + 4 + 4) (a) Let g E C[a , b] with g(x) E [a, b] for all x E [a, b] and g'( x) is continuous fun ction on (a , b) such that Jg'(x) J ~ k < 1 for all x E (a, b). Show that Jo. - :.r nl ~ k" 1 n >1 _ k Jx1 - :coJ , (b) Use ~ewto n 's method to find t he second approxim at ion to th e root of x 4 - 3x 2 + -Lr - 1 = 0. using xo = 0. 5. (c) If the iteratiw scheme = a:1·~ x·n+I b +-- 5, ~-" n 2 0 converges too. = l. th en find 5 the Yalu Ps of o e1ncl b so that th e conwrgence is quadratic:. ")(,~ ~ -\- 'o(d) Find thr .L1cohi<lll matrix and it s inn' rse from th e follo\\'ing nonlinear syst em \\'ith x 0 = 1 and Yo = - 1: T 2 + 4y-') = 9 2 \ 8y - 14x = - -.15 and ------·------------------·--- -- ·---- Question 2: (a) Lrt f(:t) = 3r -3_, cm d "'~ (-:1 T +3+ -1 + 5) = 0. l. 2. .3, and -1. Construct the cliYickd cliffC'n'll et' tabl e and then use it to int erpolate f( 3.5) usin g th e :\ewton diYid ed difference quadrati c: formu la. {b) If f( x) = 1: + ln :r , th en find the Yalue of the second di,·ided difference f[ 2, 3, 3). (c) Consider a linear system Ax = b , wh ere A = (3 2) 2 50 b = ' (1) 1 . l'sin g J acobi nwt lwei and Gnuss-Seidelme:h :..lCI. \\'hic:h OIH' \Yill conYerge fc1ster aud '"h~-" (d' If approximate solution of the system i' ·)art (c) is [0.1 , 0.4f, th en find upper bound fo · t.he relatiw error in solving the given li11 r sys tem in part (c)_ Question 3: (4 + 5 + 4 + -'1) (a) Find step-size h. so that the absolut e Yalu e of th e error for composite Trap ezoid al ·l d:r rule is less than 5 x 10- .J when it is used to approxim ate - _ j 2 1' (b) L'se a suitable int erpola t.in g polynomial and its error term to deri n' the differentiation formula 2 - !( x i - h) _ h ! '( XI. ) = f(xi + h) 2h 6 (c) Given th e function j(1') = 'r/ ' + 1 a t th e distinct points / 2.2 2.5 and 2.8. l ·se a 1 1 su itable numerical form ula to compute th e approxim ation of ~ a t :t~ . -. 1pute '(__. S the actual error and an error bound for ,von approxim at ion. ( (. 1 Use Tay lor's second-order method to . roximate th e n1lue of y(l.O- : ___ 2.x y' 1: In J ' f "'( ) + y = 2x 2 , y( 1) = 0.25 , n =2 Math 254 Final exam, 1st semester 1425 H Department of Mathematics King Saud University Time: 3 -Hours . ~ 1. Use the fixed point iteration method to find a root of the equatiOn e 1.982 =X near x 0 = 1.300 (make only 4-iterations). 2. Use quadratic ¥lynomial interpolation to approximate f(1.5) given that X, 'j.._ X: -3 1 3 f(x): 2 1.5 3.5 5 ~then estimate the error if lf(3)Cx)I~M, for all xE[-3,3]. Prove that there is only one polynomial of degree < 2 that satisfies P2 (xJ = YP i = 0, 1, 2. 4. Use an efficient method to numerically approximate the integral x+1 2 15 0 . 5 sxs 1 --, . Jf(x)dx where f( x ) = 1 0.5 - \ , given that h . , 1S X = 0.25. S 1.5 X 5. Given the two systems 5x1 + 7x2 = 0.7 5£1 + 7£2 = 0.69 7x1 + 10x2 =1.0 7£, +10£2 =1.01, bound the relative error in x . Is the system ill-conditioned? Why? 6. Use Euler's method with h = 0.2 to find y(0.4), given that dy dx ~ 2 =X -y, and y(O)=l. Find Newton iteration formula us.ed to approximate the-value of ±' b > 0. Then show that the proper value of the initial guess x 0 that makes Rei(xn+l) =a- xn+l a n ~~ 0 must satisfy 0 < x 0 < 2 b . 8. Use the LU-Decomposition method (fii = 1) to solve the system Ax= b, where A = _/l· l~ ~ =~l ;~ J~]· lo b 1#=-f lo 2 -2 " . Find the Jacobi iteration matrix M for the matrix A in question number 8. For any system Ax= b, do the iterations will converge to the exact solution or not? Why?. With our best regards,
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