NBB Spring 2015 – TENTATIVE COURSE OFFERINGS (As of 10/23/2014) CORE COURSES-NBB Class Nbr Sec. Nbr NBB 201 000 (ANT 200) NBB 301 000 (BIO 360-000) NBB 302 000 (PSYC 353-000) ELECTIVES - NBB Class Nbr Sec. Nbr NBB 300 000 NBB 321 (PSYC 321) NBB 361W (prereq. NBB 301) 000 000 000 001 001 Description Instructor Days Time Classroom Foundations of Behavior Konner, Melvin TTh 11:30-12:45pm Anthropology Building 303 Introduction to Neurobiology Frenzel, Kristen MW 1:00 - 2:15pm 1462 Clifton Rd 126 Behavioral Neuroscience Manns, Joseph TTh 2:30- 3:45pm White Hall 208 Description Instructor Days Time Classroom Musical Brain Lennard, Paul Wyttenbach, Robert Wallen, Kim W 1:00-4:00pm 1462 Clifton Rd 308 TuTh 2:30- 3:45pm Psych Building 230 Wyttenbach, Robert T Th Tu T Th W 11:00-11:50am 2:00-5:00pm 11:00-11:50am 2:00-5:00pm 1462 Clifton Rd 231 1462 Clifton Rd 226 1462 Clifton Rd 231 1462 Clifton Rd 226 Behavioral Neuroendocrinology: Sex Neurophysiology Laboratory NBB370 (PSYC302) NBB370 (PSYC385-000) NBB370 000 Human Learning & Memory Hamann, Stephan T Th 1:00- 2:15pm White Hall 102 001 Neill, Darryl MWF 1:00 - 1:50pm White Hall 102 002 Neuroscience, Religion, & Human Condition Explore NBB Research Roesch, Leah MW 11:30- 12:45pm 1462 Clifton Rd 100C NBB 424 000 Medical Neuropathology Easterling, Keith MW 4:00-5:15 pm 1462 Clifton Rd 308 NBB 470 000 Neurobiochemistry Roesch, Leah MW 1:00-2:15 pm 1462 Clifton Rd 100C NBB 470 001 Frenzel, Kristen MW 10:00- 11:15am 1462 Clifton Rd 231 NBB470 (HLTH485-000) NBB 490 002 Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegenerative Disease Madness, the Brain and Culture Kushner, Howard TTh 1:00 - 2:15pm Callaway Center TBA 00P Clinical Neurology Study F 2:00-5:00pm 1462 Clifton Rd 123 NBB 495BW 00P 01P 00P 01P Honors Research Lennard, Paul Khan, Jaffar Crutcher, Michael Undergraduate Research Crutcher, Michael M T M T 3:00 - 4:15pm 11:30 - 12:45pm 3:00-4:15pm 11:30-12:45pm 1462 Clifton Rd 100C 1462 Clifton Rd 109 1462 Clifton Rd 100C 1462 Clifton Rd 109 Instructor Days Time Classroom Marsteller, Patricia TTh 1:00pm - 2:15pm Woodruff Library 214 Crutcher, Michael MW 1:00 pm -2:15pm 1462 Clifton Rd 231 Crutcher, Michael TTh 10:00-11:15am 1462 Clifton Rd 101 Easterling, Keith TTh 2:30pm - 3:45pm 1462 Clifton Rd 231 Easterling, Keith F 12:00-1:15pm 1462 Clifton Rd 109 NBB 499R NBB COURSES-COLLEGE CREDIT ONLY Class Nbr Sec. Description Nbr NBB190 000 Evolution: Concepts & (BIOL190-001) Misconcepts NBB 190 001 Brain Enhancement NBB 190 002 NBB 190 003 NBB482R 000 Curiosities of Neurology and Neuroscience Awareness, Analgesia, and Anesthesia Frontiers in Neuroscience NBB 497W 00P Supervised Writing Lennard, Paul TBA NBB 498R 00P Supervised Reading Lennard, Paul TBA NBB 499R (1 semester = college credit) 00P 01P Undergraduate Research Crutcher, Michael Last modified: LS 10/23/14 M T 3:00-4:15pm 1462 Clifton Rd 100C 1462 Clifton Rd 109 ELECTIVES- ANTHROPOLOGY Class Nbr Sec. Description Nbr ANT 305 000 The Human Brain ANT 316 000 Evolution: Human Brain & Mind ANT 317 000 Human Social Neuroscience ELECTIVES – BIOLOGY Class Nbr Sec. Description Nbr 000 001 DA1 DA10 DA2 BIO 241 DA3 Evolutionary Biology DA4 DA5 DA7 DA8 DA9 BIO 325 Primate Social Psychology BIO 450 000 000 001 002 000 BIO 475 000 Biology of the Eye BIO 336 Human Physiology Computational Neuroscience ELECTIVES - PSYCHOLOGY Class Nbr Sec. Description Nbr PSYC 103 000 Brain and Behavior Instructor Days Time Classroom Coppeto, Daniel Rilling, James MWF MW 12:00-12:50pm 10:00-11:15pm Anthropology Building 105 Tarbutton Hall 218 Mascaro, Jennifer MW 2:30-3:45pm Anthropology Building 105 Instructor Days Time Classroom Gerardo, Nicole Morran, Levi Gerardo, Nicole Morran, Levi Gerardo, Nicole Gerardo, Nicole Gerardo, Nicole Gerardo, Nicole Morran, Levi Morran, Levi Morran, Levi TTh MW M M M M M M M M M 1:00- 2:15pm 2:30-3:45pm 10:00-10:50am 1:00- 1:50pm 11:00-11:50am 3:00- 3:50pm 3:00-3:50pm 4:00-4:50pm 10:00-10:50am 11:00-11:50am 12:00-12:50pm 1462 Clifton Rd 230 1462 Clifton Rd 230 1462 Clifton Rd 113 1462 Clifton Rd 109 1462 Clifton Rd 113 1462 Clifton Rd 109 1462 Clifton Rd 113 1462 Clifton Rd 113 1462 Clifton Rd 109 1462 Clifton Rd 109 1462 Clifton Rd 109 De Waal, Frans O’Toole, Kate O’Toole, Kate Shepherd, Iain Jaeger, Dieter TTh TTh TTh MWF TTh 11:30-12:45pm 2:30-3:45pm 4:00-5:15pm 10:00-10:50am 4:00-5:15pm Psych Building 290 1462 Clifton Rd 230 1462 Clifton Rd 230 1462 Clifton Rd 308 1462 Clifton Rd 109 Iuvone, P. Mike Nickerson, John MWF 9:00-9:50pm Calhoun Auditorium in Clinic B Instructor Days Time Classroom Edwards, David MWF 10:00-10:50am Psych Building 290 PSYC 215 000 Cognition Barsalou, Lawrence TTh 2:30-3:45pm White Hall 205 PSYC 302 NBB 321 (PSYC 321) PSYC 323 PSYC 325 PSYC 350 PSYC 385 (NBB 370-001) 000 000 Hamann, Stephan Wallen, Kim TTh TuTh 1:00-2:15pm 2:30- 3:45pm White Hall 102 Psych Building 230 Neill, Darryl De Waal, Frans McDowell, Jack Neill, Darryl MWF TTh MWF MWF 11:00-11:50pm 11:30-12:45pm 11:00-11:50 am 1:00-1:50 pm Psych Building 290 Psych Building 290 Psych Building 230 White Hall 102 PSYC 385 001 Human Learning and Memory Behavioral Neuroendocrinology: Sex Drugs and Behavior Primate Social Psychology Behavior Modification Special Topics in Psychology, Neuroscience, Religion, and Human Condition Advanced fMRI Practicum Berns, Gregory Th 5:00-8:00 pm Psych Building 493 000 000 000 000 ELECTIVES – OTHERS Class Nbr Sec. Description Nbr ECS 490RW 000 Order, FlowKey/Roads/Braincer ECS 490RW 001 Seeing Differently PHIL 116 000 Intro to Bioethics Refer to Website for latest classroom information Last modified: LS 10/23/14 Instructor Days Time Classroom Lynn, David Taylor, Leslie Lynn, David Taylor, Leslie Risjord, Mark TuTh 1:00-2:15 pm Emerson Hall E401 TuTh 2:30-3:45 pm Emerson Hall E401 MW 11:30-12:45 Math & Science N304
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