DIRECTIONS FOR APPLICATION TO THE CLINICAL COMPONENT IN NURSING FALL 2014 to start in Fall2015 fill out the yel application (If sutrmitting a copy printed from the internet it must be on paper.) The following must be attached: Completely yell . . o * CopY of 'oTest Summary Page" for SAT or ACT scores posted on WebAdvisor. If your scores are not posted on WebAdvisor you must request official scores be sent to Admissions from FlwY.cql3gssttqg{d.cqqn or lg:y}q.ael.eqlx (scores will not be retrieved from a hish school transcript.) Copy of your most recent Evaluation of Program of Study from WebAdvisor (not a owhat if'). You must be enrolled in the Spring to be accepted. If your major is not currently 2035, the letter you received from Admissions advising why your major was not changed or what you will need to do to be a nursing major. Applications will be accepted, by appointment only, beginning October 15, 2014. The deadline for accepting applications is December 15, 2014. r o o o You must make an appointment to review and sign your application. o NOTE: The application will not be considered unless signed try an AD Nursing Faculty member, the AD Director, or the Academic Dean, Dr. Rice. During the College-wide open advising period, appointment times will be posted on Nursing Faculty doors for sign-up. For your convenience, Faculty names, office, and telephone numbers are attached. The Faculty member will sign your application and submit the application to the Director, Associate Degree Nursing at the completion of the appointment. AII applications will be reviewed after the deadline date and final grades have been posted. Notifications of Conditional Acceptance or Denial are generally maited by February 14. Acceptance status is not trased on how soon you submit your application. Applications are reviewed for and ranked by: 1. Enrolled in the College for the Spring semester 2015. 2. Meets high school requirements. 3. Curriculum Code of 2035 (Nursing). 4. Have a grade of C or better in ALL courses taken before applying for admission 5. 6. into the Clinical Component of Nursing that are in the Nursing Program of Study,. A grade of less than a C, taken prior to entry into the Clinical Component of the Nursing Program MIJST\e repeated and completed before you can be_essepted into the Clinical Component. Have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 at BCCC. lf additional seats are available, a sliding scale will be used to accept students with a GPA of minimally 2.0 (This has not been possible for the last 5 years. SAT of 900 or above on Critical Reading and Math, OR ACT of 20 or above OR, NLN-RN Preentrance Exam Raw Score of 100/50th percentile (l\2/55rh percentile preferred) or above. NLN Examination must be completed bv the December 6th testins deadline. AII applicants must have in order to he deemed offici Students who are Bucks County residents and have completed the highest number of credits in the Nursing Program of Study from BCCC with a final grade of C or better witt be considered first, after meeting all of the above criteria. There has not been space for an out-ofcounty resident in the past 7 years. Bucks County Community College Department of Health, Physical Educatioh, & Nursing Advising lnformation Fall 2OL4 Beginning MondaA October 7, 2ot4r Please call and/or sign up on the office door of one of the following fbr an appointment between October r5-December aS 2ol.4, to hand in the Application for the Clinical Component of tlle Associate Degree Nursing Program for zol.4z Mrs. Keane Dr. P. Rice Mrs. Robbins claire.keane @bucks. edu Penn HalI Pris cilla. Rice @bucks. edu Linksz Pavilion zo8 2t5-968-8+so judy.robbins @bucks. edu Penn Hall 484 215-968-8329 Alrylicafions rncrA also be turnedintofaculU during the open aduising period (October 75 through Decernber' S). For an appointment to submit the Applications for tle Clinical Component of the Associate Degree Nursing Program ineluding advising for the Spring 2o1S semester, please contact and/or sign up on the Instructor's office door: Mrs. Mrs. Barris Cynthia. Barris @bucks. edu zt1-968-8zSB Penn HalI [email protected] 215-5o+-8S82 Penn HaIl 1 Mrs. Linda. Garcia @bucks. edu 21.5-968-8325 Penn Hall Mrs. [email protected] 215-968-8ggr Penn Hall 1 Mrs. [email protected] 2t5-968-8323 Penn Hall Mrs. linda.lynchLynchMcKenna [email protected] Strecker Ann. strecker @bucks. edu 2t5-968-8322 Penn Hall 2t5-968-8g18 Penn Hall 443 Mrs. BUCKS COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Health, Physical Education, & Nursing Clinical Application2014 for NURSl0lA{ursing I Fall 2015 Last Name First M.I Address City State Home Cell Telephone Numbers Curriculum Code 2035 (Maiden Yes Final Official high school transcript Student Number Zip Code Work No Yes High School Graduate Name) _ No Yes _ (GED in admissions) No submitted to Office of Admissions? MW Placement Test Scores Official Scores: in order to be deemed offici"al, documents must be sent directlv from the issuins institution: The CollegeBoardfor SATs. or the ACT testins service for ACTs are to be sent directlv to Admissions and thev must be received bv the collegebvDecember 15.2014. The National Leasue for Nursins sends the NLN Pre-RN results ends. to the AD Nursins Prosram Office. You must take the N Test Score Date ACT/or SAT/or NLN-pre RN the Current Enrollment YES NO Current GPA Total BCCC credits completed inNursins Prosram of Studv: Completed Fall2014In Prosress Total credits transferred into BCCC Nursing Program of Study from another institution (these credits are not counted towards admis sion into c linir al) z Have you ever attended another nursing school (PN or Professional) and are you eligible for readmission to that Please attach a statement circumstance of your leaving? (Attach a statement) school?_ I have read and understand the criteria that are used for admission to the Clinical Component of the Nursing Program on the web at http:/hvwrv.bucks.edulcatalaglmaj*rslhealth/nUlsingl I understand that meeting the criteria for admission does not guarantee a place in NURSl0l/I\ursing I. I have read the Nursing Student Handbook httgr:i/'tg/pdfs/$SUDENT%?QI{A]{DBOQKTc2*l214.add*ndury" pdl" Nursing Faculty Advisor's Signature Date Date Student's Signature RESULTS OF THE CHILD ABUSE CHECK, CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK, AND DRUG AND ALCOHOL SCREEN WILL DETERMINE FULL ADMISSION TO THE CLINICAL COMPONENT OF THE NURSING PROGRAM AT BUCKS COT]NTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE.
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