Cayucos Citizens Advisory Council Minutes November 5, 2014

Cayucos Citizens Advisory Council November 5, 2014
Meeting called to order by President John Carsel - 7:00 pm
[approx. 10 in public attendance]
Present: John Carsel, Carol Baptiste, Arley Robinson, Paul Choucalas, Marie Jaqua, Dave Dabritz,
Franci Farinet, Roland Hutchinson, DeAnne Harland, Greg Bettencourt and Larry Fishman.
Bill Shea, Steve Beightler, Carol Chubb and Gil Igleheart were absent and excused.
Minutes :
Greg Bettencourt moves to approve the minutes of October 1, 2014. Larry Fishman seconds the motion.
The minutes are unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
beginning balance $785.50.
Roland Hutchinson: The beginning balance was $785.50. A check was paid to John Carsel for rent for the
CCAC P.O. Box in the amount of $68. A check was paid to Carol Baptiste in the amount of $10.69 for
copies. The ending balance is $706.81.
John Carsel: The SLO County Bicycle Advisory Committee is updating bikeways plans for 2015. They are
soliciting input regarding bike facilities in unincorporated areas and to identify and prioritize bikeways.
Email input to [email protected].
The CCAC applications for membership on the council are here. They are available at our meetings and
at the website if anyone wants to run to be a member of the council.
Ann Hubbard, Cayucos’ School Superintendent, was ill tonight and could not make it. John read her
message of current happenings with our schools.
Public Comments; use the microphone, state name and residence, 3 minute limit.
Council Member Comments:.
Larry Fishman: I would like to thank Cherie and Supervisor Gibson for facilitating the grading on Cottontail
Creek Rd.
Public Agencies
County Sheriff- Commander Aaron Nix
Commander Nix: We had 3 crimes against persons, 1 theft, 8 crimes against property, 3 vandalism, 14
miscellaneous, 28 check the welfare, 19 suspicious circumstances and 4 alarm calls. There were no
“drunk in public” arrests during the month of October.
Greg Bettencourt: I would like to initiate a conversation with the Sheriff’s Department about the 4th of July.
I have had some conversations that, at some point, it would be useful to talk about what might be done to
create some avenues of access that are not available now.
Commander Nix: For the Fire Department and for law enforcement?
Greg Bettencourt: Yes. For example, on St. Mary’s St. and several other streets, there was no way
emergency vehicles could get through.
Commander Nix: Ask the Fire Department to identify those areas to me.
CHP Sergeant Dzida: We had 9 collisions, 2 fatalities, and 2 DUI arrests. The individual who caused one
accident who was under the influence of “spice” was passing through the area. Spice is a hallucinogen. I
would like for it to be a controlled substance. Educate your youth. They seem to be the primary target for
this stuff.
Cayucos Citizens Advisory Council November 5, 2014
Paul Choucalas: If you have a party and someone gets drunk, the host can be held responsible. What
about the store that sold the spice?
Sergeant Dzida: Because the substance is legal and the purchaser is an adult, it is out of our range for
Parks - Curtis Black
No report.
Co. Planning - Terry Wahler
Terry Wahler: The Cal Poly graduate students produced a document regarding their planning for
Cayucos. Did anyone get a copy?
John Carsel: I received a draft some months ago that was up here for information.
Terry Wahler: We are asking for some copies.
John Carsel: Is that the final?
Terry Wahler: This looks like a final copy. We will be following up.
Greg Bettencourt: Can we get a few copies?
Terry Wahler: We are moving toward CD’s. I just learned today of the anticipated action on the Negranti
mine. They did not get the information they needed and they are going to request a February date. The
hearing body had to agree to the continuance. Call Murray Wilson or myself for further information.
Regarding Loperena, we have not received new plans. We expect a further continuance to December.
John Carsel: Have you heard anything about a review of the geological study of South Cayucos that was
presented to the Board of Supervisors?
Terry Wahler: There was a preliminary meeting. They have not finalized their recommended action.
Co. Public Works - Jeremy Ghent
No report.
Chamber of Commerce - Bill Shea
No report.
Cayucos Schools - Ann Hubbard, Superintendent of Schools
No report.
Cayucos Sanitary District - Dan Lloyd
Dan Lloyd: We are in the process of evaluating the sewage disposal location and treatment. The Joint
Powers Authority will be meeting on November 13th in Morro Bay. Morro Bay’s preferred location is out
Hwy 41. What we are pushing for in Cayucos is a facility at the CMC. It has cost advantages. We are a
little concerned that Morro Bay is proceeding to chose a site. We are probably going to have an
interesting meeting. Does this plan really meet the needs? The Regional Water Control Board would
rather that proliferation of water treatment facilities use one plant and use it well. We have evaluated
creating our own treatment facility. Our primary goal is to evaluate costs. We also look at the treated
water as a commodity.
Larry Fishman: What share is Cayucos in the JPA and what share is Morro Bay?
Dan Lloyd: We pay about 28%. Of the JPA, we own 40%.
Franci Farinet: Is that meeting open to the public?
Dan Lloyd: Yes.
Marie Jaqua: Is it possible that Morro Bay would do one thing and we would do another?
Dan Lloyd: Yes.
Paul Choucalas: We had a discussion about tertiary treatment.
Cayucos Citizens Advisory Council November 5, 2014
Dan Lloyd: The quality of our waste water does not create a problem. Morro Bays waste water does. As
the technology continues to improve, we might be able to do our own because our waste water is higher
Marie Jaqua: Is CMC secondary or tertiary?
Dan Lloyd: It is tertiary. CMC treats the water for Cuesta College and for the National Guard.
County Supervisor - Bruce Gibson
Cherie McKee: Supervisor Gibson is in Walnut Creek this evening with a peer group regarding Diablo
Canyon and the pier repairs.
John Carsel: Will the pier repairs continue to block this area?
Cherie McKee: They are starting at this end of the pier.
Greg Bettencourt: I doubt they will continue to keep this area blocked.
Committee Reports
Land Use - Larry Fishman
Larry Fishman: We had a full meeting. Regarding the Lewis project on Lucerne Rd., Matt Jensen of the
Planning Department, who is overseeing code enforcement, attended our meeting. There were four
“minor” changes to the Lewis MUP over the last nine months. The permit that was previously issued was
changed under a “minor change” process. Two of the changes were actually minor changes. A window
seat out from the dining room (no additional sq. ft.) was one of them. Not so minor was an additional 42
sq. ft., 3‘X14’ added to the great room toward the neighbor’s property. It is debatable whether it is “in” or
“out” of the setback. The coordination between the Planning Department and the Building Department
broke down. There was not a public hearing nor was there notification. The buildings are already up.
There are clearly some glitches in the process. Folks have made the Planning Department and the
Building Department aware of these things all along. The system in this case failed.
Marie Jaqua: What is the recourse?
John Carsel: There is a hearing. What is the authority? It goes to a hearing officer. What has to be done
to get it to a Planning Commission hearing?
Cherie McKee: We, The County, messed up. I brought this property to Matt Jensen’s attention. We were
surprised to, next, hear from Matt Jensen that this mistake happened. This is unfortunate. We need to
make sure that this does not happen again.
John Carsel: This hearing is before an officer?
Terry Wahler: Yes.
John Carsel: Is a record of the hearing taken?
Terry Wahler: There is a secretary and it is on tape. It is on December 19th at 9:00AM.
Larry Fishman: We have made it clear that the LUC committee and Supervisor Gibson need to be notified
of any changes on this property. This is like death by 1,000 cuts.
John Carsel: There is going to be a team approach now and Cherie and Supervisor Gibson are going to
be involved?
Cherie McKee: Yes.
Arley Robinson: We have been working on this for five years. Why hasn’t the County been working with
Dave Dabritz: Cherie, can we get somebody here from the Planning Department to explain why these
things are happening?
Cherie McKee: Matt Jensen attended the LUC meeting.
Larry Fishman: There were other projects discussed. A small house, the applicant wants to add a loft and
a parking space on his property. They already had the maximum sq. ft. The loft is a way that people are
able to add additional sq. ft. It had to meet qualifications. We approved this project. If anyone feels this is
a problem, that is why I’m bringing it up.
Dave Dabritz: You said the loft puts them over the maximum sq. ft.?
Cayucos Citizens Advisory Council November 5, 2014
Larry Fishman: A loft provides for greater living space by creating a vertical layer, but it doesn’t count as
increasing the square footage for allowable building size. I just want everyone to be aware of this. We had
another project at 260 Pacific Ave., Mr. and Mrs. Boyett. We have two or three projects coming up. One at
3rd St. and Ocean Avenue. On a tiny lot, they would like to put a three unit boutique hotel. The problem is
parking! At Hwy 1 and 13th St., there is a proposal for a large house.
Carol Baptiste: Bill Shea would have something to say about parking waivers at 3rd St. and Ocean
Larry Fishman: Yes he would.
Carol Baptiste: And Bill would have something to say about the 30% slope on the lot at 13th St. and Hwy
Public Safety - DeAnne Harland
DeAnne Harland: I don’t have anything new.
Recreational planning - Greg Bettencourt
Greg Bettencourt: Curtis Black is going to be retiring. Pastor Dale from the Cayucos church and I met at
3rd St. park and talked about a basketball court. It would be expensive and there would be neighborhood
issues. Proximity to the street, balls, fences. It did not seem like a reasonable thing to pursue.
Greg Bettencourt: We had a chairs for July 4th meeting. Essentially we will use the same process we
used before to control illegal fireworks. Regarding the pier, they have been a little slow starting. More of
the pier will be new and replaced than was expected. 254 new pilings.
John Carsel: Will some pilings be saved for the museum?
Greg Bettencourt: Yes.
Utilities: Dave Dabritz
Dave Dabritz: Nothing new.
Community Design - Marie Jaqua
No report.
CSA 10-A - Arley Robinson
No report.
Old Business:
New Business:
Good of the Order:
Next meeting of the CCAC will be December 3, 2014
Set up and refreshments will be precincts 5 & 6.
The next Land Use Committee meeting will be December 1, 2014. The date is being shifted to December
1 instead of being held the day before ThanksGiving.
John Carsel: Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted: Carol Baptiste
November 22, 2014
Cayucos Citizens Advisory Council November 5, 2014